Appendix B – Task 2: Existing and Future Conditions
Appendix B Task 2: Existing and Future Conditions Project Memo 2: Existing and Future Conditions – January 9, 2012 • Technical Memo: Existing and Future Transportation Conditions – September 19, 2012 • Technical Memo: South Albany Public Facilities – October 6, 2011 • Revised Technical Memo: Assessment of Environmental Conditions – January 10, 2012 (original draft dated September 16, 2011) • Technical Memo: South Albany Area Plan Archeological Research – September 20, 2011 Revised Project Memo 3: Market Analysis – January 20, 2012 (original draft dated September 22, 2011) South Albany Area Plan Appendix | Final | February 13, 2013 B South Albany Area Plan Appendix | Final | February 13, 2013 Memorandum To: Heather Hansen and Greg Bryne From: Joe Dills, AICP Copies: David Helton, SAAP Project Team Date: January 9, 2012 Subject: South Albany Area Plan - Existing and Planned Conditions Project No.: 16056 Introduction The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize existing and planned conditions in the South Albany Area Plan project study area. It fulfills Task 2.1 of the project scope of work. This memorandum addresses land use, transportation, public facilities, environmental conditions, parks and open space, archeological resources, and planned growth. Buildable lands are addressed in a separate memorandum. Four of the topics (transportation, public facilities, environmental conditions, archeological resources) have more extensive technical memoranda, listed in Appendix A and published separately. A market analysis has also been prepared (see Appendix A). Land Use The study area is 1,957 acres and contains Albany’s largest supply of undeveloped land, as shown on the aerial photo on page 2. This area is approximately 48 percent (943 acres) inside the City Limits and 52 percent (1,014 acres) outside the City Limits.
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