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A Readers Notebook by Kapherus

Playing Card Meanings for :

The suit of

Spades symbolize problems, challenges, delays, frustrations, loneliness, anger, secrets, mysteries, sickness, negative emotions, force, movement, karma, and the mind.

The Suit of

Hearts symbolize Love, romance, happiness, peace, contentment, the emotions, family, friends, honesty, trust and goodwill.

The suit of

Clubs symbolize business, work, social activity, practical matters, teaching, learning, and progress through effort.

The suit of

Diamonds symbolize money, financial matters, rewards, recognition, success, improved circumstances, energy, vitality, nerves, electricity, financial institutions and government. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Numerology Influence:

Aces: The Number 1: New beginning, first, starting out, initiative, individuality, solitude, leader, the conscious mind and conscious control.

Twos: The Number 2 represents duality, balance, opposition, exchanges, and interactions.

Threes: The Number Three represents expansion, combinations, communications, creativity and growth.

Fours: The Number 4: Foundation, stability, balance, persistence, and endurance. Many of the meanings for the 4 of Clubs are derived from the numerological significance of the number 4 - a strong foundation in business and friendship, stability in business matters, and increased social contacts. Solidity, concrete, tangible, buildings, architecture, 4 walls, 4 tires, squaring off, being squared away, fair and square, square deal, etc.

Fives: The Number Five symbolizes active energy, changes, restlessness, communication, the body, and the hands.

Sixes: The Number 6 symbolizes psychology, harmony, balance, communion, connection, love, trust, sincerity and truth.

Sevens: The Number 7 is often considered a lucky or magical number. It represents spiritual attainment, positive changes, perfection, rest, surprises, chances, destiny, turning points, and healing. When negatively aspected, the Number 7 can denote mystery, illusions, delusions, deception and trouble.

Eights: The Number Eight represents power, prestige, harmony, balance, reciprocation, health, thoughts and time. © Kapherus, all rights reserved 2

Nines: The Number Nine represents philosophy, metaphysics, travel, fortune, dreams, ambitions, attainment, fulfillment, accomplishment, and achievement.

Tens: The number 10 symbolizes completion of the current cycle, endings and new beginnings, reaching the pinnacle, and excesses.

Jacks: The : A young person of either sex. A man of any age who is young at heart. A child. Although Jacks can represent young people of either sex, the Jack of Clubs is most often read as a young male.

Queens and Kings: See the suit Courts for these cards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ace of Clubs

The Suit of Clubs symbolizes business, work, social activity, practical matters, teaching, learning, and progress through effort.

All of the represent new beginnings. Traditionally, the of Clubs indicates the beginning of a new enterprise or business venture.

In general, the Ace of Clubs denote focus, direction and singleness of purpose. Like the Ace of Wands, this card denotes creative power and the exercise of will. More specifically, the Ace of Clubs represents important to be signed such as legal documents, contracts, mortgages, a legal will, etc.

The Ace of Clubs can also represent a building or any institution - government, corporate, public, private, financial, educational, penal, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2 of Clubs

The Suit of Clubs represents business, work, social activities, and practical matters. The Number 2 represents interactions and exchanges between two people or two things. Therefore the 2 of Clubs can indicate a social or business invitation, business or social correspondence, or any kind of benefits being given, received or exchanged. This would include helping each other out with problems or challenges, exchanging gifts, or even giving or receiving advice.

My grandmother called the 2 of clubs "The Gift." It might represent a birthday or anniversary present, or something special being given or received for any special occasion. But the idea of "the gift" is not limited to material things. The gift could be someone else's time or energy given freely, some helpful advice, or even a piece of expected good news!

Card Combinations & Multiples: Twos in multiples can mean double the fun or double the trouble. They can represent things coming in twos--couples, twins, socks, shoes, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Three of Clubs

Traditionally the 3 of Clubs represents expanding opportunities, growth, and development. It indicates taking the first steps on the ladder to success. The 3 of Clubs can denote the start of a business © Kapherus, all rights reserved 3 enterprise, or a three-way deal or partnership. This card can represent business collaborations of three or more people.

From an older cartomancy meaning of a clover leaf, The 3♣ indicates good luck, and fortunate circumstances.

The 3♣ can represent a growth opportunity. It can indicate a business that starts small, but has the seeds for future growth. This card can denote any situation that starts out small, but continues to grow and expand. The 3♣ can also indicate expanding one's knowledge base by learning something new. It can represent both formal training and self-edification. The 3♣ can represent anything growing such as plants, hair, nails, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Four of Clubs

The 4♣ represents practical foundations and stable conditions. It can symbolize the four walls of a building, the four walls of a room, the four walls of an office, the four legs of a desk, the four legs of a table, or the four wheels of a car.

The 4♣ can indicate laying the foundation for future progress, and denotes a stable business environment and a good business sense.

The 4♣ also represents a 4-wheeled vehicle - a coach, a car, a truck, a cart, a baby carriage, etc. Hence, it can indicate a trip by car.

A more modern meaning for the 4♣ is news or a message sent electronically. This would include a telephone call, text message, and email.

My grandmother called the 4♣ the "mind your own business" card, and business didn't necessarily apply only to commerce. She often read this card to mean "using common sense" when dealing with you own personal business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Five of Clubs

The restlessness of the Number Five, and the energy of the Suit of Clubs combine to make the 5 of Clubs a card of action and change. The 5 of Clubs can herald changes in a work situation, or in social circumstances. The change may be positive or negative depending on the surrounding cards. From the “5″ symbolism of the body and hands, the 5 of Clubs can also represent exercise, physical labor, and providing some extra “elbow grease” to get the job done!

I read the 5♣ as an “action card.” For me it represents “physical activity,” and always tells me that somebody is taking action to get something done. When the 5 clubs falls in a reading, I know that the thinking, planning and talking stages are over. Now is the time to take action and go after whatever is desired. It might be interviewing for a new job, pursuing a new relationship, starting a new project, or just cleaning up an old mess. In a health situation, the 5♣ can indicate the need for more physical exercise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Six of Clubs

The 6 of Clubs is traditionally a card of news, communication, progress and completion. The 6 of Clubs is a card of energy and motion. It indicates not being afraid to get one's hands dirty to get the job done.

From an older cartomancy meaning of a , the 6♣ denotes all kinds of communications including talk, the media, and the written word. This card can represent good counsel, and trusted advice. The 6♣ also represents listening and paying attention, and denotes knowledge, reading, study and learning.

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The 6♣ indicates taking responsibility for a situation, and doing whatever is necessary to ensure success.

The 6♣ can denote "working with one's hands," and surrounded by small Hearts it could indicate artistic ability, or literary talent with small Diamonds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Seven of Clubs

The 7 of Clubs denotes a change for the better in business or social situations. It can also indicate lots of activity, and heralds a particularly busy time in the seeker’s life when everything seems to be happening at once.

This card can also warn of a work overload, and the need for rest and relaxation. When surrounded by Spades, the 7 of clubs can take on some of the older, more unfavorable meanings such as a disagreement, an argument, or feelings of restlessness and discomfort. The 7 of Clubs can denote making the best of a difficult situation.

My grandmother called this card “Success assured - don’t relax.” When it fell in a reading it denoted success, but only through effort and hard work. This card foretold that you could have whatever you wanted, but it wasn’t going to be dropped in your lap. You were going to have to roll up your sleeves and apply a good amount of elbow grease to make it happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eight of Clubs

The 8 of Clubs represents the seeker's daily activity or routine. It indicates how the seeker makes practical use of time. When surrounded by Spades, the 8 of Clubs can represent boredom, or being "stuck in a rut."

The 8♣ can represent a job, or what the seeker does for a living. The 8♣ can represent an employment opportunity, or a change of jobs or profession.

The 8♣ is also the card of business or social interactions. It can represent conversations, and can indicate talking things out, or talking it over. This card can also denote a discussion, conference, seminar, symposium, forum, meeting, round-table, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nine of Clubs

The 9 of Clubs is traditionally a card of travel and achievement. The 9 of Clubs denotes success in business. It can represent successfully closing a business deal.

The 9♣ specifically represents a journey. It can indicate a trip or excursion. The 9♣ can also represent a spiritual, emotional or psychological journey; or quest for self.

The 9♣ is also a card of time and space. The 9♣ can represent distance, or someone or something far away.

The 9♣ can also indicate a long duration. It can denote something "long-lasting" such as a job or relationship. Surrounded by Spades this card can denote postponements and long delays. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

10 of Clubs

Traditionally the 10 of Clubs is a card of ambition. achievement, and success in business and material affairs.

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The 10 of Clubs is the card of business and career. It can represent a specific business, or it can denote the idea of "business" or "commerce" in a general sense.

The 10♣ is also a card of movement. It can refer to a journey, or more specifically a business trip. This card can also indicate a business move, such as a major transaction, a business gamble, or an actual change of business ownership or location.

An older cartomancy meaning for this card was "a body of water." When the 10♣ denotes a trip, it is usually over or by the water. The 10♣ can represent a reservoir of water in any and all forms such as a water pipe, a swimming pool, a washing machine, or even the kitchen sink.

Another old symbolic meaning for the 10♣ is "a wheel," perhaps from its association with Tarot X - The Wheel of Fortune. This card can represent a tire or a steering wheel. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the 10♣ can indicate "spinning one's wheels," or "going around in circles." Card Combinations with the 10 of Clubs: 10♣+ : Represents a person who is "business minded," and probably runs their own business, or a business executive with upward mobility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jack of Clubs

Traditionally the Jack of Clubs is “the trusted friend and adviser.” He is a hard-working, honest, sincere young person. When read for coloring, the Jack of Clubs is of medium complexion, and has brown hair and brown eyes.

The Jack of Clubs is a busy, active young person. He is clever and enterprising. He enjoys sports, and may participate in school or community baseball, football, etc. This is also the card of “the student,” and can represent a school boy, or a young man in high school or college.

My grandmother called the Jack of Clubs Domestico which means “man servant” in Italian. This card did not necessarily refer to a servant or butler (although it could), but to a young man who is of service to—or in the service of the person being read.

He can be an employee, and often represents a young acquaintance from work. Or he could be a close friend or business associate who is going to be useful to the inquirer in some way.

Card Combinations & Multiples: • Jack + : Someone from the past is returning. • Two Jacks: Legal action, contracts, or a court case pending. • Three Jacks: Peer pressure. Boy’s night out. • Four Jacks: Fraternity, military service, boy’s club, any organized group made up of mostly men. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Queen of Clubs

Traditionally, the of Clubs represents a female of medium coloring with brown hair and brown, blue or hazel eyes. She is a reliable friend and trusted adviser.

The Suit of Clubs represents business, work and social activities. Therefore the Queen of Clubs can be a business woman, a female co-worker, a good adviser, a trusted female friend, or a social butterfly. She can represent a socially active woman who enjoys clubs, societies, and other social functions. She runs her home efficiently, and she likes to keep busy. She is a hard worker, and prefers to be an active participant in life.

My Grandmother called the Queen of Clubs “The Successful Woman of Business.” When I first learned to read, I had a difficult time with the Face Cards. I found it hard to try to place the people into the seeker’s life. I would stumble over trying to describe the person’s complexion and coloring. It helped me to think of the Face Cards as stereotypes or cardboard cutout figures, and then to allow the surrounding cards to flesh out the description. Now I almost never read the Face Cards as coloring unless I’m using a significator, or the seeker specifically asks for a physical description. © Kapherus, all rights reserved 6

I usually read the Queen of Clubs as a female work associate. If she represents a love interest about to enter a male seeker’s life, she is someone he will meet at work or in a work environment. When I read for a female, the Queen of Clubs most often represents the seeker’s best friend. Of course the Queen of Clubs can represent the female seeker herself. In that case, I know I’m reading for an active, industrious, reliable woman who is well-liked and has great business sense. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

King of Clubs

Traditionally, the King of Clubs represents a male of medium coloring with medium to dark brown hair and brown, blue or hazel eyes. He is a reliable friend and trusted adviser. The King of Clubs is generally a married man.

The King of Clubs is a generous, enthusiastic, socially active man of authority. He has excellent business sense, and may own his own business. He might be a successful entrepreneur, a business executive, a college professor, or a professional athlete. He could be a male colleague or business associate. He could be the seeker's boss or best friend.

My Grandmother called the King of Clubs “The Married Businessman," and "business" didn't always refer only to commerce. It could also represent "hanky-panky." When a female seeker is involved with a married man, he is often represented by the King of Clubs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Suit Influence:

Diamonds: Money, financial matters, rewards, recognition, success, improved circumstances, energy, vitality, nerves, electricity, financial institutions and government.

Ace of Diamonds

The Ace of Diamonds is traditionally a positive card. Specifically, it signifies a letter, a ring or money.

The A♦ represents news, a message, an invitation, or written communication. The surrounding cards will indicate if the news is good or bad.

The A♦ also denotes new beginnings. It signifies making a fresh start, and beginning again from scratch. It can indicate the start of a new financial venture, or the beginning of a new phase in life.

From the older meaning of “a ring,” the A♦ can denote a wedding engagement taking place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two of Diamonds

Traditionally the 2 of Diamonds represents a financial partnership. The 2 of Diamonds is a small money card. It can represent a small financial loan, or a small payment. This card can also denote financial news such as a bank statement, insurance papers, or any kind of financial report.

All 2's indicate exchanging ideas or "news," and the 2d specifically represents the written word. The 2♦ can reveal a creative mind and a fertile imagination, and is the card of the journalist or novelist.

Like the 2♣, the 2d can represent exchanging gifts. Specifically this card would denote a gift of money or financial assistance in the way of a loan or financial advice.

Older cartomancy systems present the 2 's as time cards. For example, the 2♦ would indicate that the event revealed by the surrounding cards will happen in two days, two weeks, or two years.

Card Combinations with the 2 of Diamonds: Twos in multiples can mean double the fun or double the trouble. They can represent things coming in twos--couples, twins, socks, shoes, etc. © Kapherus, all rights reserved 7


Three of Diamonds

Traditionally the 3 of Diamonds represents a small increase in money, financial growth, and taking the first steps on the ladder to success. The 3♦ is a “small money” card. It can indicate extra money coming in from an outside source such as a side job, moonlighting, or overtime hours on a regular job.

The 3♦ can represent a small payment such as someone paying you back a small loan, or paying back a small debt. It can indicate making a small bank deposit or withdrawal. It can even indicate making a payment on a “lay away” plan.

The 3♦ also represents building toward financial security. It can indicate expanding your business or clientele, and an increase in profits.

I read the 3♦ as “a financial opportunity” which covers anything from a new job offer to a chance to get in on the ground floor of the next big “get rich quick’ pyramid scheme. It can indicate a lucrative side job, a small promotion on your current job, or even just a small raise in pay.

I’ve found that the 3♦ can also indicate “financial expansion.” This might include expanding a business base, or actually breaking down walls and expanding the business space. When surrounded by negative cards, the 3 of Diamonds can denote “scattering your energies,” and a lack of focus. In relationship readings, this card can indicate “fickleness” or changeability in a lover who runs hot and cold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Four of Diamonds

Here we find the Suit of Diamonds coupled with the stability and “squareness” of the number 4. From this union we can derive some very interesting interpretations such as a register, cash drawer, desk, , check, bank account, check book, safety deposit , lottery ticket, license, certificate, jewelry box, etc. In a more abstract sense, the 4 of Diamonds might indicate a solid financial deal, or just working toward financial stability.

Also from the coupling of financial stability and 4 walls, the 4♦ can represent “rent” or a rented piece of property such as an apartment or condo . I read the 4♦ as a stable financial situation. For example, if it falls with the 3 of Clubs I know the business opportunity will be financially stable. Specifically, the 4 of Diamonds can indicate financial “papers.” This can be anything from a dollar bill to a real estate license. Often the 4♦ will indicate a bank account or checking account, and will fall with spades when the seeker is about to make a large purchase (spades indicate “loss” or “spent” money). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Five of Diamonds

The 5 of Diamonds is the card of Karma, and represents the laws of Cause & Effect, and Attraction in motion. Specifically the 5 of Diamonds can represent a legal matter or pending court case. This card can represent the accumulation of good Karma, or bad Karma when surrounded by Spades.

The 5♦ is a card of attraction. It represents the thoughts that create one's life experiences. The surrounding cards will determine whether these thoughts are positive or negative, and what influences the seeker is attracting in his or her experience.

From an old cartomancy meaning, the 5♦ can represent “landholdings,” which was how a person’s worth was measured in medieval times. The more modern meaning for this card is a person's general environment or” personal space.” © Kapherus, all rights reserved 8


Six of Diamonds

The 6 of Diamonds is a card of small gains. It can represent a small raise in pay, or a small bonus check. The 6 of Diamonds can denote having just enough money to meet expenses, but having nothing left over. The 6♦ also represents information in all forms: verbal, written, electronic, scientific, etc. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the 6♦ can denote a lack of information, or withheld knowledge. The can also denote counseling in all forms: psychic, psychological, marriage, financial, etc.

The 6♦ is also a card of energy, vitality, and power. It can denote forward momentum, horsepower, electricity, microwaves, atomic energy, kinetic energy, calories, hyperactivity, nervous energy, adrenaline rush, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7 of Diamonds

The 7 of Diamonds is traditionally a card of financial achievement, rewards and recognition. Based on the more unfavorable symbolic meanings of the number 7, this card can also indicate financial challenges and feelings of stress over money.

The 7♦ is the card of success and achievement, and denotes being rewarded or recognized for your efforts. This is also a money card, and can indicate improved financial prospects, and an increase in income such as a raise in pay on your regular job, or a significant sum of unearned cash. The 7♦ can also denote “lucky money,” and can represent gambling wins, or losses (if surrounded by spades).

My grandmother called the 7♦ “wise investments.” For her, this card represented the seeker’s liquid assets, and the surrounding cards would denote the current financial state, and any action to be taken with the money in the way of investments, or large purchases such as a car or home. Once the money was invested, it would be represented by the 10♦. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eight of Diamonds

Traditionally, the 8 of Diamonds denotes balance or the struggle to find balance in financial matters. The 8 of Diamonds represents the ups and downs of money management. It may indicate extra money coming from an unexpected source. It can highlight a new source of income, or warn that over-spending is depleting current resources. It can denote “balancing the ,” budgeting finances, and saving for the future. Specifically the 8 of Diamonds represents anything having to do with the movement and cycling of money including financial planning, stock market activity, e-trading, investment portfolios, tax planning and estate planning.

My grandmother called the 8♦ “Money coming and going.” For her, the card indicated where money would be spent, and where additional money could be earned or acquired. With a spade it could indicate money spent on bills or on other financial responsibilities– with a club it might indicate saving, gifting or investing money– with hearts the 8♦ indicates money spent on family and loved ones, and the good things in life that money can buy–with other diamonds it indicates winnings or earnings.

From an older meaning of “spectacles” the 8♦ can denote “being insightful” or “looking into the future.” In matters of health, this card can symbolize “the eyes.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Nine of Diamonds

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The 9 of Diamonds represents extra money, usually in the form of a check. It can indicate a refund check, a rebate check, unemployment check, bonus check, or any extra money that is not part of the normal salary.

Symbolically the 9♦ represents electrical energy, electro-magnetic energy, and mental energy. It can represent thoughts, mental images, the imagination, psychic ability, or mental attitude. The 9♦ is also a card of mental attraction, and can represent someone who is attracted to, or desires something from, the seeker. The 9♦ also represent government, and can indicate local, state or federal government. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

10 of Diamonds

The 10 of Diamonds represents financial success and security. It can denote a large sum of money, wealth, a large investment, or freedom from financial worries. The 10 of Diamonds indicates financial rewards, success with money, and an expanding career. The 10 of Diamonds can denote a job promotion.

The 10♦ is the "bank" card. It can represent a growing bank account, a nest egg, pension, retirement fund, or just socking money away for a rainy day. In general, the 10♦ represents success and satisfaction. Specifically the 10♦ indicates the seeker's financial worth, and the surrounding cards will denote whether the financial situation continues to improve, or if financial problems loom on the horizon.

The 10♦ represents springtime and the direction west. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jack of Diamonds

Traditionally, the Jack of Diamonds represents a young person of either sex with very light coloring -- fair-haired with blue, green or gray eyes. The Jack of Diamonds is intelligent, energetic, cultured and financially secure.

The Jack of Diamonds is usually an intelligent, dynamic young person. There could be money around this person. He or she might be a wealthy young jet-setter, a high school football star, a bank teller, or a petty government official.

My grandmother read the Jack of Diamonds as a young relative by marriage. He or she might be a step child, step-brother or sister, a brother-in-law or sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law, or any family bond by marriage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Queen of Diamonds

Traditionally, the Queen of Diamonds represents a woman with very light coloring -- red or light blond hair with blue, green or gray eyes. She might also have gray or white hair. The Queen of Diamonds is intelligent, energetic, cultured and financially secure.

The Queen of Diamonds is usually an intelligent, dynamic woman of authority, and there could be money around her. She might be a wealthy jet-setter, an account executive, a CPA, a bank manager, or a government official.

My grandmother read the Queen of Diamonds as a female relative by marriage. She might be a step child, step-sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, or any family bond by marriage.

Card Combinations and Multiples:

• Queen + Jack: a female friend from the past is returning to the seeker’s life. With the J♥ it could be an old love interest. • 2 Queens: sharing confidences, gossip, can be catty talk, or rivalry with . © Kapherus, all rights reserved 10

• 3 Queens: a group of female friends, a night out with the girls. • 4 Queens: Girl’s school, sorority, any organization consisting of mostly women. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

King of Diamonds

Traditionally, the King of Diamonds represents a man with very light coloring -- red or light blond hair with blue, green or gray eyes. He might also have gray or white hair. The King of Diamonds is intelligent, energetic, cultured and financially secure. The King of Diamonds is usually an intelligent, dynamic man of authority, and there could be money around him. He might be a wealthy politician, an account executive, real estate broker, a CPA, an investment banker, or government official.

My grandmother read the King of Diamonds as a male relative by marriage. He might be a step child, step-brother, father-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, or any family bond by marriage.

Card Combinations and Multiples: • King + Jack: a male friend from the past is returning to the seeker’s life. With the J♥ it could be an old love interest. • 2 King: a man in uniform - policeman, fireman, etc. Shaking hands on a business deal. • 3 Kings: success, making a name for yourself. • 4 Kings: public recognition, and organization consisting of mostly men such as a men's club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Suit Influence:

Hearts: Love, romance, happiness, peace, contentment, the emotions, family, friends, honesty, trust and goodwill.

Ace of Hearts

Traditionally the is a card of love. Happiness and celebrations. As an Ace and a Heart, this card can indicate a new love, or the beginning of an emotional period in the seeker's life. Specifically this card denotes the source of seeker's emotional support which in most cases is the home and the family. The Ace of Hearts can refer to the actual building in which the seeker resides, or it can denote the idea of feeling comfortable and "at home."

The A♥ can represent a change of residence, or a return home after being away for a period of time. The A♥ can also refer to real estate and the sale or purchase of a home. The A♥ can also represent a specific family member, or the seeker's family in general.

My grandmother called the A♥ "Casa" which means "house" or "home" in Italian. For her this card would denote wherever the seeker held residence. It could be a house, an apartment, a hotel, or even a car if that was where the seeker called "home." The surrounding card will reveal the current situation in the home, and any problems or changes in that area of the seeker's life.

Card Combinations with the Ace of Hearts:

A♥ + Face Card- Can indicate someone coming to the home, or someone who is home and family oriented. The A♥ with the KC it would denote a builder or contractor. With a group of Face cards, the A♥ would represent a family reunion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two of Hearts