SUNDAY-MAY 16, 2021 Miscellaneous 07 What Biden should do about the Balkans Jerusalem, the unfolding tragedy As United States President and that tensions in the ethnically Joe Biden passed his first 100 mixed regions of the north can es- days in office, it appeared that his calate. By pushing for Kosovo’s administration was putting for- NATO integration, the Biden ad- eign policy lower on its agenda of ministration would be sending a priorities to focus on domestic clear signal to Belgrade that Kos- issues. But perhaps the expected ovo will move forward irrespec- receding of the pandemic in the tive of the pace of full normalisa- coming months due to the success tion. It could also help pressure of his vaccination drive could pro- Serbia to fully recognise its neigh- vide space for the president to pay bour and normalise relations. more attention to foreign policy Second, the US should push as well. the EU to provide a clear mem- While Biden seems to have bership prospect for Bosnia and focused on reaching a new deal Kosovo. Bosnia is further ahead with Iran and ending the US’s “for- in the process of joining the EU ever war” in Afghanistan, one re- and awarding it a candidate status gion where he can strike an easy for membership would be crucial foreign policy win is the Balkans. by successive US administrations. eration with the Alliance, includ- to get the country out of its cur- Unlike in Afghanistan and Iraq, Biden’s predecessor Donald ing participation in the US-led rent dysfunction. This would pro- this part of Europe is where Amer- Trump pursued an incoherent for- Defender Europe 2021 exercise. vide Bosnia with valuable momen- ican military intervention in the eign policy that produced no tan- In fact, Bosnia’s decision to tum to undertake political and 1990s is considered a success. gible result. A summit in the White commit to NATO membership is economic reforms that Bosnian Three decades ago, the Bal- House last September with Serbi- part official policy with the sup- politicians would not do and, more kans captured then Senator an and Kosovar leaders failed to port of Bosnian Serb leaders. The importantly, it would gain access Biden’s attention. He was firmly tackle the most pressing issue for country’s recent Foreign Policy to more EU funds to invest in critical of Yugoslav President Slo- the two countries: the recognition Strategy for 2018-2023 reaffirmed much-needed educational, health is a colonial war machine ty, postponing the elections he plucked from another era; not bodan Milosevic’s wars of con- of Kosovo’s independence. that “a continuation of policies and infrastructural projects. that never sleeps. Its mounting feared he would lose. Even more since the end of the Middle Ages quest and actively supported US Biden can correct the conse- related to NATO remains a prior- Progress on EU accession is provocations in Jerusalem in re- ironic is that the Palestinians are had the civilised world witnessed military action in both Bosnia and quences of the neglect and inade- ity for institutions of Bosnia.” also very important for Kosovo. cent weeks have predictably driv- rebelling the most in areas where the wholesale appropriation of the Kosovo. For this reason, Biden’s quate policies of his predecessors The Biden administration Serbia is far ahead of its neigh- en Palestinians to the streets in Abbas commands no security con- sacred sites of a defeated religious election last November was wide- by taking decisive action on Kos- should push for fast-tracking Bos- bour in the negotiations process protest. trol or coordination with Israel. community by members of the ly celebrated in both countries and ovo and Bosnia, where the US nia and Kosovo’s accession to and if it joins soon, it could block Hence, the short answer to the Meanwhile, Netanyahu has victorious one. It’s true that plac- brought high expectations for re- largely enjoys positive percep- NATO. This would give both Kosovo’s membership bid. The question, “why?”, is simply, jumped on the threats by the Is- es of worship in many countries newed positive US involvement tion. countries a sense of a brighter fu- American push to step up EU in- “why not?”, considering that ev- lamist movement Hamas to retal- have been vandalised – even re- in the region. There are two policy avenues ture and help anchor them firmly centives for Kosovo in the form ery new Israeli day brings along iate against Israel, if it continued cently – from the bombing of While other states of former that he should pursue. First, Biden within the Atlantic Alliance. The of a candidate status would help more Palestinian dismay. its siege on Al-Aqsa compound, mosques in Sarajevo in the 1990s Yugoslavia have moved forward can push for finalising the pro- American political, military and even out the current situation and The Israeli occupation, re- to further escalate the tension lead- and the blowing up of churches with European Union and NATO cess of NATO enlargement in economic investment in Bosnia guarantee its membership. A can- pression, disruption, discrimina- ing to attacks, counterattacks and, by the Bolsheviks following the integration, Bosnia and Kosovo southeast Europe. Kosovo is ea- and Kosovo over the past two didate status for Kosovo would tion, property confiscation or sadly, scores of mostly Palestin- October Revolution, down to the are lagging behind. Croatia is a ger to join the Alliance while Bos- decades would be secured. similarly provide both EU funds home demolition are a decades- ian casualties, and steering the at- plundering of churches and mon- member of both. North Mace- nia has made some progress, de- Amid the dysfunctional re- for reforms and infrastructure but long daily affair. Likewise, racist tention away from the popular asteries during the French Revo- donia recently joined NATO while spite domestic political road- sponse of Bosnian institutions to also serve to pressure politicians and violent provocations by Is- upheaval in Jerusalem. lution. But to find accurate paral- accession talks with the EU are blocks. The majority in one of its the pandemic, firmly entrenched to undertake more serious steps raeli fanatics are common practice I have no doubt that Netan- lels for the reconsecration of places expected to begin soon. Montene- entities, the Federation of Bosnia ethnic leaders have turned to war- in fighting corruption and eco- in the occupied Palestinian terri- yahu will use the new escalation of worship by a conqueror, one gro also has become a NATO and Herzegovina, is in favour of mongering which serves to draw nomic underdevelopment. tories. to stay in power, whether by de- must go back to Spain or the Byz- member and it is currently in ac- joining NATO, while most polit- public attention away from ram- In sum, the Biden administra- Not surprisingly, Prime Min- nying the opposition the chance antine Empire in the middle of the cession talks with the EU. Serbia ical leaders of the other entity – pant corruption and gross incom- tion is in a unique position to an- ister justi- to form a coalition or by insisting late 15th century.” is adamant that it would stay out Republika Srpska – are actively petence and which dangerously chor the Balkans firmly within the fies the Israeli repression of peace- on another national emergency Another such example of rare of NATO, but it is moving for- opposed. incites violence. The hope that Atlantic Alliance and secure peace ful protest and religious worship government. candour came from none other ward with membership negotia- But that was not always the existed over a decade ago that EU in this volatile part of Europe. by portraying it as “a struggle But while he has had a major than Teddy Kollek, who was West tions with the EU. case. Just over a decade ago, then and NATO membership could Both states have small popula- between tolerance and intolerance; role in the ongoing escalation, he Jerusalem’s mayor for almost two This dynamic effectively Serb member of the Bosnian pres- ameliorate some of the tensions tions and their integration within law and order and law breaking is by no means the first, nor it decades, notably after the 1967 leaves Bosnia with no clear path idency Nebojša Radmanovic sent built up in the Dayton Peace Ac- NATO would be cost-effective. and violence”. seems, the last to provoke vio- occupation of the eastern part of to the EU or NATO in the near a letter to NATO expressing Bos- cords has given way to a general Biden also can help speed up their Netanyahu’s carefully articu- lence and war. the city. He revealed Israeli chau- future. Kosovo’s prospect of join- nia’s commitment to becoming a sense of hopelessness. Fast-track- integration into the EU which lated, self-righteous trademark Netanyahu, like his right- and vinism in a telling interview with ing either is currently even more full member of the Alliance. What ing Bosnia’s NATO accession would help with the political and “hasbara” has grown tired, blatant left-wing predecessors, has been Ma’ariv newspaper soon after the remote. Left in limbo, there is a has changed since 2009 is that now could prevent the country economic development of these and ineffective, alienating instead guided by his ideological guru, Al-Aqsa massacre in October concern that Bosnia could descend Bosnian Serb leaders – in the void from becoming another European countries. The opportunity for a of deceiving the allies, and infuri- Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who published 1990: into a dysfunctional state marred left by American diplomatic draw- frozen conflict. Making progress policy push in this direction will ating Palestinians, Arabs and almost a century ago his revision- “Kollek: We said things with- by ethnic tensions and that Kos- down – have taken an officially on Kosovo’s NATO bid would present itself on June 14 at the Muslims the world over. But it ist treatise, “The Iron Wall”, ad- out meaning them, and we didn’t ovo’s development will stagnate more anti-NATO and pro-Russian likely jump-start reform and de- NATO Summit in Brussels. Such works at home. vising the Zionist leaders to do all carry them out, we said over and without a clear roadmap to EU stance. Despite the public oppo- velopment in Europe’s newest a foreign policy success for the In fact, the short answer to to snuff out any glimmer of Pal- over that we would equalize the and NATO membership. sition to Bosnia’s NATO mem- state, which has long struggled 46th US president is within easy the other frequently asked ques- estinian hope that they might be rights of the Arabs to the rights of Much of this has to do with bership, Bosnian Serb nationalist with socioeconomic stagnation. It reach, achievable in his first term tion, “why now?” is well, Netan- able to prevent the transformation the Jews in the city – empty talk the fact that for over a decade the Milorad Dodik green-light- would also alleviate fears that con- in office, and would constitute a yahu, of course. Duh! of “Palestine” into the “Land of … Both Levi Eshkol and Men- region has been largely neglected ed the country’s increasing coop- flict with Serbia can be rekindled lasting legacy. The man widely believed to Israel”. achem Begin also promised them be a serial liar and a skilled manip- Jabotinsky argued that the equal rights – both violated their ulator is on trial in Israel on vari- Palestinians are no fools to be de- promise … Never have we given ous corruption charges, including ceived or bribed into giving up them a feeling of being equal be- US forces leave Kandahar Airfield... fraud, breach of trust and accept- their homelands to the Jewish fore the law. They were and re- ing bribes. If he loses his premier- newcomers, and no reward would main second- and third-class citi- From P1 ship, there is little doubt he, like ever be enough to compensate zens. his predecessor Ehud Olmert, will them for the loss of their home- Ma’ariv: And this is said by a According to Stripes, one of- wouldn’t occur until sometime with Afghan forces. Stripes. go to jail. land, and therefore, they must be mayor of Jerusalem who did so ficial said coalition personnel may after Eid-ul-Fitr. He said the move left Afghan “They left in the night” and Netanyahu has resorted to all driven into total despair by coer- much for the city’s Arabs, who remain in Kandahar for “a day or Stripes also reported the U.S. officials uncertain whether the there are no more U.S. forces in possible means to maintain pow- cion or force. built and paved roads and devel- two” to address security concerns. did not hold a handover ceremo- U.S. left Tuesday night or Kandahar, “not at this moment,” er, including grooming, empower- This may be shockingly bru- oped their quarters? He did not however say exactly ny at the base, which housed an Wednesday morning. said General Faqir Qowahi, com- ing and allying with the most fa- tal, but unlike Netanyahu’s spin, Kollek: Nonsense! Fairy when the base was handed over. estimated 30,000 troops and con- “The Americans have vacated mander of the military side of natic elements of the Israeli soci- it is at least candid, especially in tales! The mayor nurtured noth- Stripes reported that the tractors at the height of the war. their bases and they have left,” Kandahar Airport. ety – even more extreme than his Jerusalem, the focal point of the ing and built nothing. For Jewish NATO Resolute Support press According to Stripes, a Alvi said. Massoud Pashtoon, the facil- extremist party. Zionist conquest. Jerusalem I did something in the office declined to comment on the spokesman for Afghanistan’s An Afghan security official at ity’s director of civil aviation, also These are the same ultra-reli- Israel has systematically Ju- past 25 years. For East Jerusa- airfield’s status Thursday while 205th Atal Military Corps Kh- the Kandahar airport confirmed told Stars and Stripes that U.S. gious “neo-fascists” who, accord- daised Jerusalem at the expense lem? Nothing! What did I do? the Afghan Defense Ministry said waja Yahya Alvi, US forces left that U.S. troops left this week troops had left. ing to one Israeli journalist, in mid- of its Palestinian inhabitants, Nothing. Sidewalks? Nothing. earlier this week that the handover the base without coordinating without a ceremony, reported The Kabul Times April descended on the Palestin- whether current or refugees pre- Cultural institutions? Not one. ian areas of the city, intimidating, vented from returning. And today, Yes, we installed a sewerage sys- beating, looting, and destroying the Palestinians are worried that tem for them and improved the Palestinian property. Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holi- water supply. Do you know Netanyahu helped these rac- est site in Islam, could be next, why? Do you think it was for their From P3 Protecting Afghan women's rights after US... ist fanatics organise and unite into considering Israel’s colonial good, for their welfare? Forget it! The State Department's recent announcement of an additional $300m in assistance will help support women's empowerment and sustain the , to record. There were some cases of cholera positive American involvement in the country through diplomacy and development rather than military force. The Biden administration also made ensure they pass the minimum Jerusalem is in fact a micro- there, and the Jews were afraid it clear that its commitment to providing aid would be conditioned on preserving human rights. threshold to enter the and cosm of occupied Palestine, where that they would catch it, so we While these are good strategies to continue supporting Afghan women, it is essential for the US to determine the acceptable level of human join his planned coalition. for decades, Israel has confiscat- installed sewerage and a water rights protections needed to sustain or cut off the condition-based aid. But while he has thus far ed or demolished Palestinian system against cholera.” A compromise with the Taliban may lead to a greater role for Islamic courts in settling certain matters, such as inheritance or particular types failed to form another coalition lands, homes, and businesses in This goes to show how Isra- of disputes. It may conservatize society in some ways. But significantly restricting women's economic, political, and educational participation government, they have succeeded favour of its Jewish immigrants, el’s bigotry in Jerusalem is noth- justified by any religious and cultural norms should not be acceptable. For example, requiring women to have a "Mahram," or a male family member beyond expectations, winning six and deconsecrated or reconsecrat- ing new; in fact, it has been going companion, while travelling is a common use of religious means to restrict women's freedom of movement that should be deemed unacceptable. decisive seats in the new parlia- ed many of Palestine’s holy sites on for decades, and it has gotten With the Taliban, a steadfast opponent to Western values and civil liberties, likely coming to the position of power, the US needs to be aware ment and unleashing a tirade of in further the process of Judaisa- worse as more extremist mayors that new challenges arise for protecting human rights, women's rights, and gender equality under their rule. For example, if a shared-power violent provocations, starting with tion. have taken the rein, contributing government inclusive of the Taliban emerges in Afghanistan, the US may no longer interact with a government that is committed to democratic Jerusalem. Former deputy mayor of West that much more to the pent-up principles — even if the current system often falls short of those ideals. Instead, it will interact with a government that will try to redefine women's Meanwhile, late last month, Jerusalem, Meron Benvenisti, tension in the city. Meanwhile, the rights and their role in society based on a strict Islamic code. Thus, when it comes to protecting women's rights, the US needs to be adamant with the relentless Netanyahu vetoed who also served as the head of Israeli authorities have continued its acceptable level of women's rights protection and that these rights be respected in this new government partly controlled by the Taliban, if it occupied East Jerusalem’s Pales- Jerusalem planning department their sermons about tolerance and desires continued US assistance through aid. The US should secure a clear and firm policy to ensure women's rights remain intact within the new tinians from voting in their up- from 1971 to 1978, argued in his peace. Today, the self-proclaimed Taliban and Afghan government. This will require US diplomats and development officials to continue to play an active role in Afghanistan. It will coming national election, as they book, Sacred Landscape: The “only democracy in the Middle also require Congress to continue to fund these efforts. had done before, further infuriat- Buried History of the Holy Land East” with the self-proclaimed The US should not hesitate to apply diplomatic pressure, provide development aid conditioned on respect and the preservation of women's ing the Palestinians and hamper- Since 1948, that: “eternal, united capital”, stands rights, and maintain and expand financial assistance for the programs that promote women's rights and assist Afghan women in expanding on their ing their internal democratic pro- “There was nothing novel once again exposed for its hypoc- gains. It should press the new government, which will require aid for its own development, to pledge its commitment to respect women's rights and cess. about the victorious Jews’ take- risy and double standard, having freedom. Ironically, the Palestinian Au- over of sites sacred to the Mus- once again fuelled the cycle of hate Nazili Jamshidi is a gender equality and human rights specialist involved in Afghanistan's development and democracy processes. She has thority’s President Mahmoud lims, save for the fact that it was and violence in Jerusalem and be- worked with the UN, USAID, and IFRC. Abbas jumped on the opportuni- something that might have been yond. aljazeera