Collectanea Botanica 40: e001 enero-diciembre 2021 ISSN-L: 0010-0730 Distribución espacial de Vanilla bahiana (Orchidaceae) en dos fitofisonomías de restinga. ¿El patrón espacial varía? FELIPE FAJARDO VILLELA ANTOLIN BARBERENA1,2, ESTÍBALIZ LÓPEZ HERMOSO3,4 & MARIA APARECIDA JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA4 1 Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, campus Capitão Poço, Herbário HCP, Estrada do Pau Amarelo s.n., Vila Nova, BR-68650-000 Capitão Poço, Pará, Brasil 2 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Botânica, av. Perimetral 1901, Terra Firme, BR-66077-830 Belém, Pará, Brasil 3 Universidad de Alcalá, Plaza de San Diego, s/n, ES-28801 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España 4 Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Biologia, Barão de Geremoabo 147, Ondina, BR-40170-290 Salvador, Bahia, Brasil ORCID iD. F. F. V. A. Barberena:, E. López Hermoso:, M. A. J. de Oliveira: Autor para correspondencia: F. F. V. A. Barberena (
[email protected]) Editores: J. López-Pujol & N. Nualart Recibido 31 agosto 2020; aceptado 5 diciembre 2020; publicado on line 30 abril 2021 Abstract SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF VANILLA BAHIANA (ORCHIDACEAE) IN TWO RESTINGA PHYTOPHYSIOGNOMIES. DOES THE SPATIAL PATTERN VARY?— Vanilla bahiana is an orchid restricted to Brazil, extremely ornamental, threatened with extinction and with economic potential. We evaluated the spatial distribution pattern of V. bahiana in shrub and restinga forest formations in a conservation unit in Northeast Brazil. The Morisita’s index of dispersion, the Morisita’s standardized index of dispersion and the TTLQV method were used, and 1920 m2 were sampled, through the demarcation of six transects of 40 × 4 m per phytophysionomy.