SWEDISH ASPECTS OF THE RAOUL WALLENBERG CASE Susanne Berger Susanne Berger 4793 Williamsburg Blvd Arlington, VA 22207 Tel/Fax: 703 237 0946
[email protected] Preface Acknowledgments A. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. Project Description B. BEYOND THE GROMYKO MEMORANDUM 1. Introduction 2. Russian Archive Documentation 3. Witness Testimonies after 1947 a. Moscow Prisons b. Transit Points c. Special Camps d. Isolator Prisons e. Psychiatric Hospitals f. Other 4. Informal Contacts and Possible Offers of Exchange a. Barck-Holst/Soederblom b. Kindermann c. Erzine-Frey-Vladimirov d. Svartz/Myasnikov e. Svingel C. THE HUMANITARIAN MISSION TO BUDAPEST, 1944 - 1945 1. Introduction 2. Preparation of the Mission a. Business Contacts b. Intelligence Contacts 3. Raoul Wallenberg’s Activities and Contacts in Budapest a. The Hungarian Resistance/Allied Intelligence b. German Contacts D. RESPONSES TO RAOUL WALLENBERG’S DISAPPEARANCE 1. Introduction 2. Staffan Soederblom 3. The Swedish Foreign Office/Swedish Intelligence 4. The Soviet Union 5. The United States 6. The Wallenberg Family E. CONCLUSIONS 1. Summary and Conclusions Preface This is an abridged version of the original research report “Swedish Aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg Case.” The Appendix, the Archive List, all Endnotes, as well as sections under each sub-heading which include suggestions for future research, have been omitted. In addition, some sections have been edited in order to provide the most comprehensive information.. The full research report is on file at the archives of the Swedish Security Police and the Swedish Foreign Office. Acknowledgements Anyone who has ever been involved in the Raoul Wallenberg question knows how much energy it takes to move the issue forward.