Dynasty season 7 episode guide


Season 9 Season 8 Season 7 Season 6 Season 5 Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Special Season 1 1981 The first three episodes of the dynasty were originally broadcast as a three-hour movie on ABC. To re-run this was edited into three separate episodes. 1. Oil (1) Broadcast: b: January 12-1981 Big, wealthy oil tycoon and his former secretary, Krystle Grant Jennings marry. Krystle's ex-boyfriend, Matthew Blaisdel, who has been working as a geologist for a year and a half at one of Blake's oil rigs in the Middle East, is thrown out and returned to . He accidentally meets Krystle, and they both start to think that there may be a spark to the left of their previous relationship, and Krystle starts getting a second thought about the wedding. She's a little bit of a arguing about it with Blake. Blake's children, Steven Daniel Carrington and Fallon Carrington, are also returning to Denver after being away. Blake doesn't get well along with Stephen because Stephen is gay and Blake won't accept it. 2. Oil Matthew gets a small visit from an old friend, Walter Lankershim. Walter asks for money because he's in trouble. He lent money to Blake for oil drilling, but he didn't strike. Matthew refuses to give him money. Matthew goes to visit his current wife Claudia, who is in a psychiatric hospital for 18 months, but he learns that she is much better, and she was released. Matthew, Claudia and their daughter Lindsay decide to start all over again as a family. Blake and Krystle begin to talk about their differences and begin to plan a big wedding. There was an accident on Walter's oil rig, and he finds out that someone sabotaged. He's convinced that Carrington has something in common. 3. Oil (3) Blake and Krystle finally get married. Blake talks a little bit with his son about homosexuality. There's a big wedding in the mansion, and among the guests are Cecil Colby and his nephew Jeffrey Broderick . Cecil is a big oilman like Blake, but he's much bigger, and Blake's company, Denver-Carrington, is just a newsagent compared to Cecil's ColbyCo oil. Walter erodes in a big wedding, furious at sabotage at his rig. He and Blake fight about it, and Matthew takes Walter's side in battle, leading to Blake shooting Matthew. 4. Honeymoon Broadcasting - 19-January-1981 Blake and Krystle have to break their honeymoon because Blake is in a bit of a meltdown at work and he has to go home to do business. Walter gets into trouble with the workers on his rig, but he gets it all straightened up, and Matthew and Stephen get the job done there. Blake doesn't like it. Krystle has trouble getting along like a rich woman, with all the servants and money. Matthew and Claudia fight a lot, they both think it's hard to start this new life. Cecil and to negotiate their own. Cecil will help Blake get out of his troubles if Fallon marries Jeff. 5. Dinner Party Broadcasting - January 26, 1981 Blake apologizes to Walter and Matthew about their struggle at the wedding and asks Matthew to return to his old job. He also invites them to a dinner party at the mansion. During dinner, a lot happens; Stephen and Claudia meet and get along very well, Matthew talks to Krystle for a long time and tells her that he is still in love with her, and Cecil and Fallon begin to implement their plans. Cecil offers to help Blake and Fallon, who begin to beat Jeff. 6. Fallon Cecil's wedding helps Blake with his money problems. Jeff and Fallon got married. Blake's driver, Michael Calhan, who slept with Fallon, is a little jealous because she won't accept him anymore. Blake hires him to work undercover in Denver-Carrington, and he begins to flirt with Cecil's secretary. Blake warns him of disloyal. Stephen gets a visit from his gay friend, Ted Dinar, from New York. Broadcast: 02-February-1981 7. The chauffeur tells the secret Michael is still trying to bring back Fallon and tells Blake about Cecil and Fallon's agreement. Blake and Fallon argue about it. Stephen is teased at work for being gay. Lindsay has a boy to learn, he tries to put moves on her, and she gets upset and runs away. Blake wants to have a baby with Krystle. Matthew invites Stephen to a dinner party at his house. Eventually, Stephen and Claudia secretly begin to kiss. Broadcast: February 16-1981 8. Bordello Walter takes Stephen to Bordello to try to straighten him out. Something goes wrong on the platform of Matthew and Walter, Stephen is accused of sabotage, and although he is innocent, he loses his job. Blake's plan now is to take the installation of Walter and Matthew when they are in trouble. Krystle doesn't like Blake's methods in his work. She lays down an emerald necklace and explains to Matthew the money to help him. She makes a false copy so Blake doesn't realize she's gone. Eventually, Matthew and Krystle kiss, but Krystle rips it apart and leaves. Broadcast: 23-February-1981 9. Lies Krystle Matthew finds a guy who really sabotaged the rig. Stephen is offered to return to work, but he does not marry him. Claudia learns about Matthew's relationship with Krystle. Lindsay is upset, thinking that her parents should have married only because of her when she was born. Stephen's boyfriend Ted tries to contact him, but Fallon does his best to stop it and keep them apart. Blake learns that Krystle is taking birth control pills, and assumes that she is not interested in the birth of a child. He gets angry and gets drunk and forces Krystle to have a rough sexual intercourse. Broadcast: 02-March- 1981 Originally aired as a two-hour episode with Episode 10: The Necklace. 10. Blake Necklace apologizes to Krystle about behavior, and she forgives him. Michael found out about Krystle Krystle and he says that to Fallon. Matthew and Walter finally hit the oil. Claudia is dating a guy she meets, and she's almost having an affair with him. She manages to get out, but later she has an affair with Stephen. Lindsay's starting to find out. Broadcast: 02-March-1981 Originally aired as a two-hour episode with Episode 9: Kristle's Lies. 11. Beating Jeff returns home after being in the Middle East, but he and Fallon have many arguments. Steven decides to get more education and start working for Blake, and he moves into his apartment. Blake learns about Michael's relationship with Fallon and hires people to beat him. Lindsay learns all about her mother's affair, which is still going on. Broadcast: 09-March-1981 12. Blake's birthday will know about the pawn Krystle. He doesn't tell her, but he starts scaring her with tips. Jeff now knows that his marriage to Fallon is only part of the deal, and he does everything to embarrass his wife. Especially during his birthday, Blake throws for Cecil when he shouts to everyone what he thinks of them. Ted is still trying to re-enter Steven's life. Matthew manages to return The Crystal's money and she wants to buy her necklace back, but the pawnshop has already sold it. Broadcast: March 16-1981 13. Seperation Butler, Joseph Arlington Anders, shows Krystle that he doesn't love her and it means she doesn't belong to the . Krystle realizes that Blake is the one who bought the necklace to show her what he learned. They have a small argument about this, and Krystle decides that life with Blake is impossible and leaves him. Stephen tells Claudia that he spent the night with Ted, but now he wants to end his relationship with both of them. Steven and Ted just say goodbye and hug each other when Blake discovers it. He's furious because a gay man now stands in his house with his hands on his son. He attacks Ted, and there's a fight going on. Ted travels, hits his head, and dies. Broadcast: March 23-1981 14. Blake goes to jail Blake arrested for the murder of Ted, and the big trial comes up. Prosecutor Jake Dunham, an old friend of Claudia and Matthew, who does not like Blake. Krystle hears about the trial and decides to return to Blake to be with him and then solve their problems later. Fallon is afraid and helps her father, and she lies in court. Stephen is telling the truth about what really happened, however. Broadcast: 13-April-1981 15. Blake's trial continues. Both Joseph, Claudia, and Krystle must testify. When Claudia testifies, she has to say that she had an affair with Stephen, and then Matthew finds out about it. He riotes in the courtroom, attacks Blake and must go to jail. Claudia packs things, runs away and takes Lindsay from 1900. In the final scene, Jake Dunham calls a new witness, and a mysterious woman walks in. Turns out Alexis Morrell Carrington is Blake's first wife. Broadcast: 20-April-1981 Info: Beau Hopkins (Matthew Blaisdel), Katie Kurtzman (Lindsay Blaisdel) and Dale Robertson (Walter Lankershim) leave the cast. Initially, Blake's ex-wife's name was Madeleine (not Alexis). In this episode, model Maggie Wickman stands for the role (with a veil covering her face) that is rumored to go to actress Sophia Loren. Wayne Northrop (Michael) is also leaving the cast, but will return for a seventh season. Edited comments by Share As the seventh season begins in September 1986, Blake stops short of killing Alexis, whom he choked on in the previous season of cliffhanger after learning that she had bought his mansion and evicted him and Krystle. Claudia died in the fire she set, and Amanda (currently played by Karen Cellini after shooting Oxenberg from the series) is saved by the return of Michael Calhan, Blake's chauffeur from the earliest seasons. Blake turns the tables on Ben and Alexis and restores his wealth, but loses his memory after the explosion of the oil rig. Alexis finds Blake and, believing that he is dead, perpetuates the belief that they are still married. Living with a clean slate, Alexis finds himself softening Blake, but eventually tells him the truth as he reunites with Krystle. Christina receives a heart transplant, but is later temporarily kidnapped by Sarah Curtis (Cassie Yates), the mother of a dead girl, from whom Christina got her new heart; Sammy Joe's marriage to Clay Falmont collapses, and she falls into bed with Stephen; Amanda leaves town, and Ben's daughter Leslie Carrington (played by Terry Garber) arrives. Adam's seasonal romance with Blake's secretary, Leann Hunley, concludes with a wedding punctuated in the season finale on May 6, 1987 by Alexis' car, plunging from a bridge into a river and the violent return of the vengeful Matthew Blaisdel. While the first episode of the seventh season premiered with a highly rated Neilsen 20.1, competition from Magnum, P.I., is now in the same time slot, and constant storyline changes lead to a dynasty falling out of Nielsen's top 20 to #25. An episode guide written by Paul Siciliano (long resume) and Stian Presthus (short summary). Episodes (edited by editing source) 149. Blake's victory almost kills Alexis, but Krystle stops him. Now they're moving with Christina to a hotel called Carlton. Claudia and several other people died in the fire in La Mirage. Claudia's death hurts Adam a lot. A man named Thorpe, who lost his wife in the fire, accuses Blake of murder because he owns La Mirage. Stranger saves Amanda's life, and it turns out Michael Kalhan (Blake's old driver). Blake isn't happy to see him again, but he thanks him. Ben mysterious call from Australia and it seems to be an unknown woman from her past. It makes Ben nervous. Alexis buys a newspaper called The Mirror to make bad publicity for Blake More... 150. Sideswiped While Alexis has the advantage, Blake refuses to give up. Sammy Joe and Clay became a lovely loving couple. Adam leaves Blake's side to join Alexis. Alexis takes on Denver-Carrington. Blake returns Michael his old job as a driver. Thorpe still blames Blake for the Fire at La Mirage and, to take revenge, he sees that Blake's limo (containing Blake, Krystle and Michael) is cramped off the road. See more... 151. Crystal's focus is taken to the hospital and is back on the way. While Alexis denies this, she still seems to have feelings for Dex. Ben's trying to get Dex to stay away from Alexis. Blake now wants to start over with a new company called Carrington Ventures. Dominic invests $500,000 in it, so Blake can pay off his debts to Alexis. The dramatic scene takes place in Carlton, when Thorpe threatens and tries to kill Krystle with a gun. After his arrest, Blake is brought in for questioning because it turns out that the fire in La Mirage was arson. See more... 152. Reward Blake wants to start a business with gas, not oil. One of his partners in this project, Nick Kimball, accidentally meets Dominic and sparks fly. Adam doesn't like working with Ben. Denver-Carrington's secretary, Dana Bethany Waring, seems interested in Adam. Blake is arrested and charged with arson in La Mirage. See more... 153. Blake's accusation still refuses to give up. Jackie's stories from the fire become important when they prove that the fire started in Claudia's room. The charge against Blake has since been dropped. Adam's relationship with Dana is getting closer. Blake receives a letter Lass from Caracas and decides to get her out of prison. Dex sleeps with Alexis. See more... 154. Romance Dex asks Alexis to marry him, but she turns him down. Blake tries to get Karesy from prison, but can not get caught because of Ben's bribes. Alexis wants Ben to leave ColbyCo and the mansion, but he threatens to tell the police about their false testimony. Blake fires Michael after he kissed Amanda. Blake realizes that there is only one person who can help him get Caress out: Dex. See more... 155. Mission Blake has trouble getting his gas project started and he needs $50,000,000. As part of his revenge, Michael decides to secretly help Blake and contacts zack Powers, who owes him. Sammy Joe finds out she's pregnant. Dex and Clay go with a rescue team to Caracas and get Lassa out of prison. Now Blake has another chance at getting Ben and Alexis to see more... 156. The choice of zack credits Blake with the money he needs. doesn't know that all this is set by Michael, who also twisted Amanda around his little finger. Alexis becomes curiously curious The deal between Blake and zack. Sammy Jo tells Clay that she's pregnant, but he doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic about it. Laska blackmails Emily Falmont, threatening to tell everyone about the affair with Ben. Ben tries to solve this problem by sending killers to kill Lass. See more... 157. Secret Amanda moves in with Michael. Alexis reveals his schemes, but he still manages to convince Amanda that he loves her. The fact that Sammy Joe is pregnant almost leads to Clay leaving her, but after an argument with his father, he decides that he wants to marry her. Blake tries to stop Lass before she leads Emily to a tipping point. Meanwhile, Emily tells Baku about her affair with Ben. Buck gets upset and convinced that Clay - the son of Ben. After a huge fight Emily decides to leave Denver, but gets under the car and remains unconscious. See more... 158. Emily's letter dies in the hospital, creating more of a fight between Clay and Buck. Emily leaves a letter to Blake proving that she was with Ben on the night of Ellen Carrington's death, and pleading with Blake to use the letter to return what was stolen from him. Sammy Joe and Clay are getting married. Alexis learns that Michael is a silent partner in Blake's new business, and tries to buy it from him. Michael turns her sentence down and instead tells Blake about it. He offers to become a real partner of Blake and forget about the past, but Blake responds from him. Hating the idea that Michael owns part of his new venture, Blake decides to close it if he needs to, and go ahead and use Emily's letter to get back to Ben and Alexis. See more... 159. Sammy Joe's ball finds out she's not pregnant after all, but Clay doesn't tell her. Adam's sleeping with Dana. Alexis throws a big party in the mansion. In the middle of this, Blake threatens the public by proving that he is that Ben and Alexis lied to the witness. Alexis has to agree. See more... 160. Fear Blake gets Denver-Carrington and mansion back and starts planning a trip to China to get the oil lease back. Sammy Joe does not dare to tell Clay that she is not pregnant, but he becomes suspicious. Danny's teacher finds out that Stephen is gay. Alexis writes upsetting things about Dominic in her work, and this leads to an old-fashioned catfight. Alexis is afraid of Ben and to get rid of him, she sends Adam to Australia to learn more about the mysterious calls Ben received earlier. See more... 161. Rig Ben shows Blake that he has a wife and a daughter whom he has not seen in 15 years. Adam accidentally meets his daughter in Australia, as well as a woman named Vera Nesbitt, who has unfinished business with Ben. Alexis tells Ben about it and scares him. Blake, Ben and Alexis go to China and Blake gets the lease back. They fly to a drilling rig in the China Sea, officially unify it, but there's a blast, and Blake is trapped. See more... 162. Love Love (1) Ben saves Blake, but then they are separated. Blake wakes up in a hospital in Singapore with amnesia. He thinks he lived 20 years ago. Alexis uses it and makes Blake believe they're still married. Adam is the only one who finds out where they are. However, Dex and Krystle travel to China to look for Blake and Alexis. Clay learns about Sammy Joe's false pregnancy. Alexis takes Blake to a house in China to relax after the accident. Her plan is to lure him in and get the oil lease back, but she changes her mind and pitches to paper. See more... 163. Love remembered (2) After many controversies, Sammy Joe decides that she wants marriage to Clay annulled. Krystle searches for a long time and finally finds Blake and Alexis. Blake does not remember Krystle at first, but Alexis feels bad and realizes that she has to tell Blake the truth. He gets his memory back and has a happy reunion with him and Krystle. See more... 164. Portrait of Ben's daughter, Leslie Carrington, arrives in Denver to face her father again after 15 years. It's an unfortunate encounter with many arguments, and Ben learns that his ex-wife, Melissa, who is also Leslie's mother, is dead. Clay is desperate to get Sammy Joe to change his mind about the cancellation. Krystle worries that Blake and Alexis slept together in China, but Blake can confirm that they haven't seen any more... 165. Blake's birthday is trying to help Leslie and Ben's relationship. Dex is convinced that Alexis is still in love with Blake, and they are struggling about it. Sammy Joe and Clay annulled their marriage. Dex and Dominic suddenly become close friends and seek solace in each other. Alexis catches them cuddling and is sure there is something else on the friendship. Adam proposes to Dana, and she agrees. Christina was taken to the hospital after several days of coughing and breathing problems. She is being held for observation, but in the middle of the night she loses time and stops breathing. See more... 166. The doctors managed to save Christina, but her condition is still critical. Steven decides to move in with Sammy Joe. Ben and Leslie make up. Alexis goes to California to visit Jeff, Fallon and their new baby. After many tests, it turns out that Christina will need a new heart to get back quickly. See more... 167. Blake and Krystle's mothers have huge problems finding a heart donor for Christina. Dirk E. Maurier, an old partner of Peter de Vilbis and now one of Alexis' new business partners, makes it clear that he loves her very much. Neil McVeigh was released from prison again and went straight to Adam. He says he can prove that the real was killed the day after the kidnapping, and that Adam is false. He's using it to blackmail Adam. Dex leads Dominic to his father's ranch in Wyoming. At the party he has a reunion with some of his old among them Sarah and Boyd Boyd A short time later, there was a car accident, and Boyd died. Sarah is fine, but their daughter, Katie, is badly hurt, and doctors declare her brain. Blake convinces Sarah to donate the heart of Katie Christina. See more... 168. Sarah's surgery changes her mind about Katie's heart donation, but Dex convinces her to go ahead with it. The operation was a success. Sammy Joe and Steven's new parenting relationship works great. McVeigh continues to blackmail Adam, who is nervous. See more... 169. Sarah from the garage is deeply depressed after the death of her husband and daughter and tries to commit suicide. Krystle saves her and invites her to stay with her and Blake. Alexis learns about McVeigh's release. Adam's talking to an old friend, doctor. Edwards is from Montana, which means that McVeigh is right and that Adam has to tell Blake and Alexis that he is not their son. Sammy Joe and Steven kiss, but they both realize it's wrong and slows him down. 170. Sarah's shower gets better, but both Blake and Dex are still suspicious and a little worried. Alexis dumped Michael, who desperately wants to crash into a business deal between her and Maurier. Leslie and Clay start kissing. Adam's nervousness worsens as McVeigh still threatens him. He started drinking heavily, and after a fight with Dana, he cancels their wedding. See more... 171. Dana's dress hurts after Adam turned his back on her and everyone realizes something is wrong and is worried about it. Blake worries and thinks that Sarah is too attached to Christina, but Krystle convinces him to let her continue living in the mansion. Stephen sleeps with Sammy Joe Read more... 172. Valex Dex tries to warn Alexis about doing business with Maurier, but she refuses to listen. Although many people try to help, Adam's condition does not improve. Steven realizes that sleeping with Sammy Joe was wrong and means he's just causing problems living like this. Sarah's condition seems to be normal, but Krystle and Blake desperately realize how wrong they were when Sarah suddenly picks up Christina and leaves. See more... 173. Subarendu Nick goal Dominic. Adam's condition is close to a nervous breakdown. McVeigh pushes him to betray Alexis by disclosing confidential information about ColbyCo. He again finds himself drunk in prison, and Alexis must help him out. Sarah keeps Christina in a rented apartment, but she refuses to take Hart's medication, and her condition worsens. Krystle eventually finds an apartment and manages to get Sarah to return Christina. See more... 174. Jackie's confession returns home after being in New York with Garrett. Adam finally told Blake and Alexis that he wasn't their son. He's going to wash up with and decides to leave with her. Blake and Alexis manage to get him to change his mind because even if they don't know for sure if he's their son, they feel that in their Hart, he always will. Sarah is in a bad state after the kidnapping and refuses to face the fact that Katie is dead. Stephen and Sammy Joe have a disagreement, given their relationship and what's best for Danny. Clay wants Leslie to move in with him. Dirk's nephew Gavin Maurier comes to Denver and immediately shows interest in Alexis. See more... 175. Alexis' case begins to plan the wedding of Adam and Dana. Buck reveals the fact that Ben may be Clay's father after his affair with Emily, which would have made Leslie and Clay brother and sister. This will put an end to their romance. Alexis and Gavin are kissing. A mysterious man appears in the conservatory, claiming that he is from the wedding working team. Krystle tries to check it out, but he manages to escape through the window. See more... 176. Shadow Play A blood test proves that both Buck and Ben can be Clay's father, so Clay slows Leslie down and leaves Denver. Alexis and Blake adopt Adam so he can be their son as truly as possible. Stephen and Sammy Joe have more arguments. Dominic accepts Nick's offer. Ben leaves Denver. Adam and Dana get married and go on their honeymoon. At the end of the wedding, Dex and Alexis have a big fight and Alexis is leaving upset. Passing on the bridge, her car falls and falls into the water under it. At the same time, the mansion is attacked by gangs of armed Latin Americans. Dex is shot down, while Blake, Krystle, Stephen, Sammy Joe, Leslie, children and servants are captured and held at the conservatory. She is more shocking than ever when Matthew Blaisdel suddenly enters and reveals that he is back to take Krystle from Blake. See more... Starring 'Editing Source' Main Star Cast Special Guest Ricardo Montalban as zakari 'zack' Powers (1 episode) Recurring Guest Star Alan Fudge, as Phil Thorpe (3 episodes) Lorry Goldman as Assistant District Attorney Ferguson (3 episodes) Kimberly Beck as Claire Prentice (3 episodes) 4 episodes) Carol Cook as Cora Van Hoyzen (1 episode) William Traylor as Dan Franklin (1 episode) Jim Isis as Lina (1 episode) Ed Nelson as Sam Dexter (episode 1) Beau Hopkins as Matthew Blaisdel (1 episode) Gallery edit source editing Add photo to this gallery Community content available according to CC-BY-SA, unless otherwise stated. Noted.

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