Arxiv:2005.14160V1 [Astro-Ph.IM] 28 May 2020 Agation with Reasonable Level of Accuracy, One Must Include the In- to the 1980S with the Garstang Model (Garstang 1986)
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MNRAS 000,1–18 (2020) Preprint 29 May 2020 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 Restoring the night sky darkness at Observatorio del Teide: First application of the model Illumina version 2 Martin Aubé,1;2;3 ? Alexandre Simoneau,3 Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón4;5 Javier Díaz-Castro4;5 and Miquel Serra-Ricart4;5 1Département de physique, Cégep de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, 475 rue du Cégep, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1E 4K1, Canada 2Physics department, Bishops University, 2600 College St, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1M 1Z7, Canada 3Département de géomatique appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 Boulevard de l’UniversitÃľ, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1K 2R1, Canada 4Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Calle VÃŋa LÃąctea, s/n, 38205 San CristÃşbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38205, Spain 5Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ ABSTRACT The propagation of artificial light into real environments is complex. To perform its numerical modelling with accuracy one must consider hyperspectral properties of the lighting devices and their geographic positions, the hyperspectral properties of the ground reflectance, the size and distribution of small-scale obstacles, the blocking effect of topography, the lamps angular photometry and the atmospheric transfer function (aerosols and molecules). A detailed radiative transfer model can be used to evaluate how a particular change in the lighting infrastructure may affect the sky radiance. In this paper, we use the new version (v2) of the Illumina model to evaluate a night sky restoration plan for the Teide Observatory located on the island of Tenerife, Spain. In the past decades, the sky darkness was severely degraded by growing light pollution on the Tenerife Island. In this work, we use the contribution maps giving the effect of each pixel of the territory to the artificial sky radiance. We exploit the hyperspectral capabilities of Illumina v2 and show how the contribution maps can be integrated over regions or municipalities according to the Johnson-Cousins photometric bands spectral sensitivities. The sky brightness reductions per municipality after a complete shutdown and a conversion to Light-Emitting Diodes are calculated in the Johnson-Cousins B, V, R bands. We found that the conversion of the lighting infrastructure of Tenerife with LED (1800K and 2700K), according to the conversion strategy in force, would result in a zenith V band sky brightness reduction of ≈ 0.3 mag arcsec-2. Key words: Light pollution – Astronomical sites – Radiative transfer model – Night sky radiance - Lighting inventory 1 INTRODUCTION Kyba et al. 2015; Sánchez de Miguel 2015; Sánchez de Miguel et al. 2017). The propagation of light in the nocturnal environment involves mul- tiple physical interactions (Aubé 2015). In order to model that prop- The use of numerical models to study light pollution dates back arXiv:2005.14160v1 [astro-ph.IM] 28 May 2020 agation with reasonable level of accuracy, one must include the in- to the 1980s with the Garstang model (Garstang 1986). Numerical formation about the optical properties of the artificial light sources models allows a full control of the environmental parameters and (spectral power distribution, angular emission) and their positions provide the possibility to identify the origin of the light detected at a (latitude, longitude, elevation and height above ground). Other pa- particular location in any viewing angle. The Garstang model con- rameters such as the presence of blocking obstacles like trees and tained many simplifying assumptions, mainly motivated by the low buildings, the spectral ground reflectance and the optical transfer power of computers available at that time. Since then, many models function of the atmosphere (including aerosols) significantly influ- have been developed with increased complexity to better describe ence light propagation (Aubé 2007; Patat 2008; Falchi 2011; Pun & the light pollution propagation in the nocturnal environment (Aubé So 2012; Pun et al. 2014; Puschnig et al. 2014; Aubé et al. 2014; et al. 2005; Aubé 2007; Kocifaj 2007; Luginbuhl et al. 2009; Cin- zano & Falchi 2013; Baddiley 2007; Luginbuhl et al. 2009; Aubé 2015; Falchi et al. 2016; Aubé & Simoneau 2018). The Teide Observatory or Observatorio del Teide (OT) was ? E-mail: [email protected] (MA) founded in 1964. It is located in the Canary island of Tenerife at © 2020 The Authors 2 M. Aubé et al. 2390 m of altitude. It is operated by the Instituto de AstrofÃŋsica 2 METHODOLOGY de Canarias (IAC). It hosts many international telescopes and is the A simulation of the OT and ORM skies have been done by Aubé & reference in solar astronomy. It benefits of good seeing conditions Kocifaj(2012) using version 0 of Illumina (v0). It was a compari- and good image quality (Vernin & Muñoz-Tuñón 1992; Vernin & son experiment with the MSNsRAu model (Kocifaj 2007). Among Munoz-Tunon 1994; Munoz-Tunón et al. 1997; Munoz-Tunón 2002; many differences with the version 2 (v2) used in the present pa- Vernin et al. 2011; Pérez-Jordán et al. 2015). Its artificial skyglow per, Illumina v0 was monochromatic and was using the Defense increased with the development of the touristic industry and with Meteorological Satellite Program - Operational Linescan System the general population increase. Its research capacities in the visible (DMSP-OLS, Imhoff et al.(1997); Elvidge et al.(1999)) satellite have been considerably reduced accordingly. For that reason, subse- data with much lower resolution and bad radiometric accuracy com- quent major optical telescopes were built at Roque de los Muchachos pared to Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Day Night Band Observatory (ORM) on the nearby island of La Palma. In order to (VIIRS-DNB, Elvidge et al.(2017)) used in v2. It also had a crude protect ORM sky from being altered too by light pollution, la “ley correction for subgrid obstacles. del cielo” (Juan Carlos I 1988; Gómez 1992; de Santamaría Antón There are not many methods to evaluate to what extent the 2017), a national light pollution abatement, was voted by the Span- sky quality of OT can be improved on the basis of its artificial sky ish government. This law comprises strict regulations to the lighting radiance reduction. One of them can be that proposed by Bara & practices on the Island of La Palma but also some important restric- Lima(2018) where they compute the relative contribution of an area tions for the Island of Tenerife. In 1997, the Spanish Government to the sky brightness of another. The present method is similar in has subsidized the cost of a programme of street lighting replace- the sense that we also integrate the contribution over municipalities, ment on La Palma island to minimize light pollution (Díaz-Castro but since we are only concerned about a precise observing location 1998). The areas of Tenerife island facing ORM, hereafter called we can model exactly the contributions to the sky radiance of the the protected area, experience more restrictive lighting rules than location using a complete radiative transfer model such as Illumina the rest of the island (hereafter called unprotected area). Thanks instead of relying on the use of uniform point-spread functions. to that law, in the protected area, any lighting replacement has to In this paper we are using the new version (v2) of the radiative be done using Phosphor Converted Amber light (PCamber) Light- transfer model Illumina to simulate the sky radiance in several Emitting Diodes (LED) with a reduction of output flux of 20% (i.e., wavelengths (spectral bins). Prior to the numerical calculations, output flux is 0.8 of initial value). In the unprotected area, lighting it is important to define, as accurately as possible, the light fixture replacement has to be done using 2700 Kelvin LEDs (LED2700K) inventory, a list of the properties of the light sources (spectral power with an output flux reduction of 70% (i.e., output flux is 0.3 of its distribution and angular emission functions) and obstacles of the initial value). The smaller flux reduction for the protected area is domain. This is probably the most difficult part of the work. As a explained by the fact that for this area, in the past, the allowed output result of the numerical calculations, we can exploit the modelled flux was more restrictive than in the unprotected area. Basically, the sky radiance in every spectral bin and combine them to create the protected area luminous flux was already reduced. At the end, when artificial sky spectrum. We can also exploit the contribution maps. all light fixtures of the island will be converted to LEDs, both areas Such maps give the geographical distribution of the origin of the will have similar lighting levels. For the whole island of Tenerife, modelled sky radiance. There is one contribution map per spectral there is an additional flux reduction after midnight (output flux after bin, per viewing angle and per lighting scenario. We integrated the midnight is 0.65 of the output flux before midnight). contribution maps using the three JC bands (B, V, R) in order to compare them to the observed SB. The natural radiance in each JC band needs to be determined in order to calculate the total SB and radiance (natural + artificial). Contribution maps are also integrated over geographical limits of Tenerife municipalities and The aim of this paper is to show up to what extent darkness over the protected / unprotected area of the Tenerife Island. Such of the sky around zenith at OT can be improved on the basis of method is also applied to lighting conversion plans which allow its artificial sky radiance reduction. To achieve that, we first model the evaluation of the expected radiance reductions and SB decrease the multispectral artificial sky radiance toward zenith and at 30 de- associated with the conversion or shutdown of each municipality or grees from zenith for the present situation.