Version 3.0* Updated on Thursday Sept 10th 2020

*Major changes are shown in GREEN.

A word from the organizing comittee

Welcome to the 36th edition of the Esprit Triathlon. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you on September 12th and 13th for a weekend filled with activities and personal achievements for you all to enjoy.

Over the past few months, our team has worked very hard to offer you with a high-quality event that meets all of the health standards set by the government. Please know that the safety of our participants is our top priority and that we will do everything possible to ensure compliance with health standards and the safety of our participants and volunteers.

UnfortuInatly, in light of some some last minute changes imposed by the public health authorities, the organizing committee has been forced to cancel the following distances: Esprit Long Distance, Esprit Half, Olympic Triathlon, Olympic Duathlon and all Team events. All of these races have been converted to a Sprint Triathlon. All participants impacted by such a decision have been contacted by email and will have the choice to transfer their event to a sprint triathlon, be reimbursed 100% of the race registration fee or postpone their registration to 2021.

Obviously, the 2020 edition will be very different from previous years. So, whether you have participated in the Esprit Triathlon in the past or if you are beginner, we ask you to read this Athlete's Guide very carefully in order to be aware of the measures put in place to ensure your safety.

The safety of the participants is a shared responsibility and we are counting on your cooperation to ensure that the event runs smoothly!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]

Thank you and have a good race!

The organizing committee

Table of Contents




RACE KIT DISTRIBUTION ...... 6 The week before the event : ...... 6 During the event : ...... 6





To avoid unnecessary gatherings, there will be no open water swimming practice prior to the event. In addition, it will be impossible to warm up for swimming before your start...... 9

TIMING ...... 9


SPECTAT0RS ...... 9



TIMING CHIP AND BODY MARKING ...... 11 Body Marking ...... 11 TIMING CHIP ...... 12

TRANSITION ZONE ...... 12 Toilets: ...... 13 Changing Tents: ...... 13




SWIMMING ...... 14

BIKE ...... 16

RUN COURSE ...... 17


FOOD ...... 18

Medical ...... 18




*The Esprit Triathlon reserves the right to change the schedule at any time.


In order to hold this event in a safe and secure manner following public health recommendations, it will be essential to follow these mandatory health rules :

1. Before leaving your house for the event or before coming to pick up your participant kit: complete the COVID Symptoms Questionnaire available here: If you answered yes to any of the questions on the questionnaire, do not show up to the event.

2. The face mask is mandatory at all times (indoor and outdoor) and for everyone (participants, volunteers, etc.) while on the site of the Triathlon Esprit (zone 1 and 2-see information below). Please put on your mask as soon as you get out of your car and keep it on until you leave. The only time a mask is not mandatory is when you are competing. You will therefore be allowed to remove your mask in the swim start area approximately 45 seconds before taking the start. At this time, you will have the option of removing your mask and throwing it in the trash or keeping it with you in your wetsuit. You will be given a mask upon your arrival at the finish line and it will be mandatory to wear it.

3. In order to respect the public health rule which bans public gatherings of more than 250 people at the same venue, spectators are not allowed at the Event venue or on the Notre- Dame island during the event.

4. Respect the 2m distance at all times.

5. Follow the signs and the directions for participant’s kit pick up, the transition and the start.

6. Disinfect your hands at the disinfection stations.

7. Respect the arrival procedure (see “Arrival Procedure” Section below). Do not arrive more than 1h00 before your start. If you arrive by car more than 1h00 before the start, you must stay in the car.

8. All athletes MUST leave the event venue AS SOON as your competition is over. The cut- off to complete the Sprint Triathlon or Duathlon is 2h15PM. All athletes must leave the race venue at the latest 3h00 after the start of the race. For example, if your start is at

7h00AM, you must have left the venue by 10h00 AM. This will allow us to bring in another group of 250 participants for the start.

*The Esprit Triathlon reserves the right to impose sanctions on participants that do not respect these mandatory health rules. Sanction may include expulsion from the Venue and disqualification.


LOCATION: CAFETERIA of the Athletes' Quarter - P2 Parking Lot Address: 140, chemin du Chenal Lemoyne- , H3C 4G8

* Make sure you have your mask, confirmation email and race number before entering. The participant's kit includes: - a bathing cap; - a race bib; - stickers with numbers for your bike and helmet; - course map; -A colored race bracelet that you must wear the day of your event to access the venue. Please ignore the number on the bracelet as the bracelets are remainders of a previous edition. The volunteers will verify only the color of your bracelet to give you access to the venue.

To prevent large group gatherings and waiting time on the day of the event, we strongly encourage you to pick up your race kit during the week leading up to the event. We have added time slots for the distribution of participant’s kit. The race kits will be given every day of the week before the event between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. according to the following schedule:

The week before the event : Monday, September 7th 4 h - 7 h pm Tuesday, September 8th 4 h - 7 h pm Wednesday, September 9th 4 h - 7 h pm Thursday, September 10th 4 h - 7 h pm Friday, September 11th 4 h - 7 h pm

During the event : Saturday September 12th 06 h 00 - 15 h00 * Sunday participants cannot pick up their race kit on Saturday. Sunday September 13th 06 h 00 - 15 h 00

Participants who cannot pick up their race kit during the week before the event can do so at the earliest, 1 hour 00 minutes before their start time. For example, if your departure is at 11:00 am, you cannot pick up your bib before 10:00 am. Anyone who arrives at the race kit distribution more than 1h30 in advance will not receive their participant’s kit until 1h30 before their departure.


Unfortunatly, we are no longer accepting late/ on-site registration for the Event


Due to the pandemic, the pre-race meeting will be streamed online through our Facebook page. After each pre-race meeting there will be a live question and answer session. The pre-race meeting will be recorded and posted on our Facebook page and website.

Schedule of pre-race meetings: Thursday September 10th 2020, 6:00 p.m.-FRENCH Thursday, September 10th 2020, 8:00 p.m.-ENGLISH

An announcer will also give last-minute instructions in the waiting area for the swim start. Please make sure you to arrive in the waiting area 15 minutes before your scheduled swim departure time.


The Esprit Triathlon will take place at the Olympic Basin of Parc Jean-Drapeau The official address is 140, chemin du Chenal Lemoyne, Quebec H3C 4G8

Getting to the Olympic Basin:

Metro: The Jean-Drapeau metro station is located on the yellow line. It is possible to transport your bike in the metro to get to the competition site. Once outside of the metro station, follow the signs to the Olympic Basin. It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk from the metro.

To consult the metro schedule, go to the following link: For quick and easy access to the park, the metro remains the best solution!

Cycling / Walking: From Montreal: via the Jacques Cartier Bridge or the Concorde Bridge; From the : via the Victoria Bridge or the Jacques-Cartier Bridge;

By Car: From Montreal: via the Jacques Cartier Bridge or the Concorde Bridge; From the South Shore: Via the Victoria or Champlain Bridge via Pont de la Concorde or the Jacques-Cartier Bridge; if you arrive by car more than 1h00 before the start, you MUST stay in your car until 1h00 before the start.

Cars parked at Parc Jean-Drapeau must pay the parking fees. You can purchase a parking pass for $ 25 when picking up participant’s kit the week before the event. We sell parking passes for the sole purpose of speeding up access to Parc Jean-Drapeau. It is also possible to pay for parking on site at the same price.

Please note that the purchase of a parking pass does not guarantee you a parking space near the start and the transition zone. Parking spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis. When the parking next to the transition zone will be full, cars will be redirected towards other parking lots on Notre-Dame island like P1 next to the hairpin. You will need to plan approximately 10 minutes of walking time to reach the transition zone. Make sure you follow the signs that lead to the transition zone and Athlete’s Quarter. Lost or forgotten parking passes cannot be replaced.


To avoid unnecessary gatherings, there will be no open water swimming practice prior to the event. In addition, it will be impossible to warm up for swimming before your start.



Your friends and family will be able to follow your race live. Just visit or download the iPhone / Android app. To avoid any gathering, the results of the event will not be displayed on site.


Due to the sanitary measures imposed by public health authorities, which limit the number of spectators to 250 people, SPECTATORS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT THE VENUE. ATHLETES REGISTERED IN THE ESPRIT LONG DISTANCE AND WHO TRANSFERRED IN THE SPRINT TRIATHLON CAN NO LONGER HAVE TWO SPECTATORS ON SITE.



Unfortunately, due to the sanitary rules put in place by Parc Jean-Drapeau, the toilets, changing rooms and showers in the Athletes' Quarter will not be accessible to the public and participants. As a result of this policy, the Organization Committee is unable to provide a bag drop service as was the case in the past years. Participants will therefore have to leave all their equipment in the transition zone in the 2m space provided for each athlete. It is strongly recommended that no valuables be left in the bags in the transition area.

Unfortunatly, we had to remove the changing tents in the transition. Participants may use the portable toilets for changing.

Portable toilets will be installed throughout the site. Hand sanitization stations will also be available for participants near the toilets.

Open air showers will also be available for participants located in front of the boat hangers. It will not be possible to use soap to wash the body to prevent the soapy water from running down into the basin which will enhance the development of algae.

EXPO AREA Unfortunately, due to the sanitary rules in place, there will be no expo area at the Triathlon Esprit this year. Only our sponsors Natation Plus sponsor (HUUB) and Martin Swiss will be present to assist you with rental / purchase of wetsuit and mechanical problems on the bikes;

For wetsuit rental (please reserve your wetsuit before race weekend because quantities are limited). click here: For Martin Swiss website, click here:

CLUB ZONE Unfortunately, due to the sanitary rules in place, there will be no club zone at Triathlon Esprit this year. In addition, in order to prevent any gathering, clubs will be prohibited from setting up their tents on the competition site.

FOOD Unfortunately, there will be no food tent at the event site. A post-race snack will be given to each participant after crossing the finish line. There will be no food kiosk or food offering at the competition site for authorized spectators.

OVERNIGHT PARKING PROHIBITED Overnight parking (cars, RVs, etc.) is prohibited at all times on the Parc Jean-Drapeau site.

MEDALS AND T-SHIRT Unfortunately, the health standards imposed by Triathlon Québec do not allow the awarding of participant medals and t-shirts. AWARD CEREMONY Unfortunatly, there will be no award ceremony at the Esprit Triathlon. The Esprit Triathlon will contact the winners of each category and provide them with a small gift after the Event.



If you have not had the chance to pick up your race kit during the week before the Event, we ask you to arrive at the earliest 1h00 before your departure in order to collect your participant's kit. For example, if your departure is at 11:00 am, you must arrive at 10:00 am. The race kits will be distributed in the cafeteria of the Athletes' Quarter.


In order to avoid too many people in the transition zone, we ask you to arrive at the earliest 1 hour before your departure. Volunteers at the entrance of the transition will not let you enter the transition area if you arrive more than an hour before departure.

Once in the transition zone, the volunteers will make sure to direct to a bike rack for your start. Please note that contrary that what was communicated in the previous version of the athlete guide, there will is no more pre-assigned bike positions. The volunteers will assign a position on the spot.


Body Marking

In order to avoid any physical contact with our volunteers, we ask you to make your own marking the day before or the morning of the event. The procedure is as follows:

Using a large black marker, mark your race number in large numbers on the sides of both your arms and both legs. On your right calf write the diminutive of your event and your age on December 31st 2020 underneeth.

Diminutive: Sprint: S Duathlon Sprint: DS

For example: if you are in the sprint event and you will be 42 years old on December 31, 2020, write on your right calf. S42 *Body marking allows you to identify other participants in the same event and allows volunteers and officials to know who you are.


Contrary to what has been communicated in previous versions of the athlete guide, the timing chips will be distributed at the exit of the transition before you leave to go towards the swim start. The chips for the 5km will also be in the transition zone.

At the end of your event, we will exchange the chip for a mask and a snack bag. There will be a charge of $ 75 if you do not return the chip after the race.


Before entering the transition zone, make sure you have your numbered stickers on your helmet and on your bike. It is also important to have your helmet on before entering the area so that volunteers can check that it is worn properly.

A volunteer will then direct you towards a bike rack. Please note that contrary that what was communicated in the previous version of the athlete guide, there will is no more pre-assigned bike positions. The volunteers will assign a position on the spot.

A space of 2m has been provided between each position. Your timing chip will also be next to your number. Make sure you put the chip on your ankle before you go. If you don't have your chip, you won't have an official time.

You can leave your personal belongings in the transition zone as long as you do not exceed your personal space of 2m provided for this purpose. Make sure you don't leave valuables in your bags.

Toilets: There will be a sufficient number of portable toilets in the transition area.

Changing Tents: Unfortunatly, the two timing tents have been removed.


We invite you to arrive in the start area at the earliest 15 minutes before official start time. In the start area, you will have the option of positioning yourself according to your swimming speed. For example only, for the Sprint Triathlon, there will be different zones (10 minutes and less, 11- 12 minutes, 12-14 minutes, 14-16 minutes, etc.). Placement on the start line will be on a first come first serve basis. Volunteers will be responsible for placing you according to your level. Make sure you know your approximate swimming speed ahead of time. In the starting area, it will be essential to respect a distance of 2m between each person. Stickers will be placed on the asphalt to ensure 2m distance between the athletes. The athletes will have to keep their masks until about 45 seconds before the start of the swim segment. Athletes will start 4 people at a time every 15 seconds until all participants of the wave in question have started. A starting mat will be installed in the sand and your official time will not start until you have crossed this mat. Volunteers will give you instructions before each start. A clock with the official time will also be placed at the start and will count down between each 15 second start. Swim start officials may, from time to time and for operational reasons, skip a start if all four participants are not ready. If this happens, do not panic, your official time will start only when you have crossed the starting mat. DUATHLON START PROCEDURE

The start of the Duathlon Events will take place next to the stage near the swim start. The Duathlon will be an individual time-trial start with participants starting every 15 seconds. Athletes will be able to choose their position on the starting line. The faster athletes are encouraged to choose a start position at the front of the line and slower runners may choose to go in the back of the line. Your starting position will not impact your overall time as this time will start only once you start the Sportstats timing mat. Please get to the start line at the earliest 15 minutes before your start. Placement at the start will be on a first come, first serve basis. Athletes will line up in the start area. You must wear your mask until the volunteers tell you it is ok to remove it. You may keep you mask or throw it away at the start. We will give you a new mask once you cross the finish line. STARTING AREA SET UP AND PROCEDURE


The Esprit Triathlon has a fantastic team of lifeguards. Our primary goal is to keep you safe in the water. Here are some recommendations for the swim segment:

Silver bathing caps will be given to athletes who feel they need extra help for the swimming portion. These swim caps allow lifeguards to identify athletes who may need extra attention. The swim caps will be given at registration and at the swim start. Do not hesitate to ask a volunteer for a grey swim cap in in the start area.

Once in the water, if you are having difficulty swimming, call a lifeguard on a boat to help you. You are allowed to rest by holding onto the boat, but the lifeguard cannot transport you through the water. If you are unable to complete the swim segment, a lifeguard will bring you back to the swim exit and you can complete the bike and run if the lifeguard determines that it is safe for you to do so. If this happens you will be officially disqualified from the race for not having completed the swim course, but we will let you complete your triathlon!

Sprint: 1 lap of 750m-WHITE buoy *Time limit: there is no time limit for swimming but there is a 2h15 limit to complete the entire sprint Triathlon and Duathlon.

Wetsuit : Wearing a wetsuit is subject to Triathlon Québec rules governing wetsuits. For more information, please see the following link: combinaison- isothermique/?fbclid=IwAR1QA7rCzK8cn4HJYiKF9QZGv0J9rx27HEHbQvUssndk4d2XUXSr9Eea5m U

Thre are three possible scenarios: (1) Wetsuit is PERMITTED; if water is between 16C and 22C (24.5 for the demi-Esprit and Esprit) (2) the Wetsuit is FORBIDDEN; if water is over 22C for the Sprint and Olympic and over 24.5C for the demi-Esprit and Esprit Full (3) the Wetsuit is MANDATORY if the water temperature is below 16C

We remind you that the official decision to wear the wetsuit is taken by Triathlon Québec officials 1 hour before the first start of the day. PLEASE DO NOT to ask us in advance if the wetsuit will be allowed. The final determination will be communicated to you by the announcers and officials on the morning of the event. If wetsuits are mandatory, people who do not have a wetsuit will be offered the opportunity to complete a Sprint Duathlon (5km run/20km bike/ 5km run)

Opportunity to RENT or buy a wetsuit : You may wish to rent a wetsuit for the Triathlon. Our sponsor Natation Plus and HUUB will be onsite and will be able to service you if you reserve your wetsuit in advance. For more information:


Course: The Triathlon Esprit bike course is on the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve and is almost entirely flat and very fast! Each lap measures 4.3km.

Number of laps: Sprint: 4 laps (20km)

Giant Screen

Unfortunatly, we had to remove the lap counting board. Participants must be able to count their 4 laps by their own.

N.B: For those who have already competed in the ESPRIT triathlon, the ENTRY and EXIT of the bike course will be different this year due to some work being done on the Circuit. Please make sure you SLOW DOWN when approaching the ENTRY and EXIT of the bike course.

Bike mechanic services: There will be bike mechanic service next to the transition zone. Martin Swiss is the Esprit official bike mechanic: To contact Martin Swiss website, click here:

Toilets: There no portable toilets on the bike course.

Aid stations and special needs bags: There will be no aid station on the bike course.

Rules : - Overtaking another participant on the bike course: On the day of the event, participants must ride on the left and pass on the right (opposite of what you would normally do if you were driving a car on the highway). A participant who does not respect this rule could receive a penalty for blocking. - The helmet must be attached at all times (as soon as the bike is taken off of the transition bike rack; - Headphones and cellphones are prohibited; - It is forbidden to warm up on the bike course on the day of the race; - Drafting is prohibited. Athletes must keep a distance of more than 10m between each bike except for overtaking. Athletes who wish to overtake another athlete have 20 seconds to pass the cyclist in front of them. The athlete who is passed has 20 seconds to fall back 10m before attempting to pass again. -The penalty for drafting is 1 min for the sprint. For more information on drafting, see the Triathlon Québec regulations here: video-sillonnage/

Keep in mind that there are many athletes on the Circuit; it is therefore important not to cluster the bike course and to be careful when passing another participant. We recommend that you warn the person you are passing (ex: “be careful, I’m passing to your right). Remember to always stay polite with your fellow athletes!


Course : The run course follows the Olympic Basin and is almost entirely flat making it very fast..

Number of laps : Sprint: 1 lap (5 km) - athletes must complete a small additional loop at the end of the Olympic Basin (see route map).

Aid stations: The run course has 3 aid stations. Participants will find water, PRO CIRCUIT energy drink. The third run aid station will also have portable toilets for participants. Please note that volunteers will not be able to hand you the glasses of water or Pro Circuit. Participants will have to take the glasses from the tables in the aid stations.

Rules : - Overtaking another athlete: run on the right, pass on the left - Participants must respect a distance of 2m between each runner (including when passing). - When passing, the athlete who is overtaking must move left as far as possible. - Headphones and cell phones are prohibited on the run course; - It is forbidden to warm up on the running course on the day of the Event. - It is forbidden to throw waste on the ground anywhere except near the aid stations.

Keep in mind that there are many athletes on the run course. It is therefore important not to clutter the run course and to be careful when you pass a participant. We recommend that you warn the person you are passing (ex: “be careful to the left”) and remember to always be polite!


Unfortunatly, because of the health measures put in place by the health authorities, the event venue has a capacity of 250 athletes at once. In order to empty the venue before the next participants start the race, we are under the obligation to impose a 2h15 cut-off time limit to complete the Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon.

All athletes must IMMEDIATELY leave the race venue after the end of their event. All athletes must have left île Notre-Dame at the latest 3h00 after the start of the event. For example, if your start is at 7h00 AM, must have left the island by 10h00 AM.


You will receive a post-race snack as soon as you cross the finish line. All food products will be sealed-packed and in single portions per person. Thanks to Fontaine Santé for this MINI HUM GO!


Athletes’ Quarters Our main medical space is located in the Athletes' Quarters, near the finish line.

Members of our medical staff will watch over the participants throughout the race. Medical personnel have the right to stop any participant during the race or to disqualify an athlete for their own safety. Please note, however, that if a medical attendant intercepts you or provides treatment to you during the race, this does not necessarily result in disqualification.

Please note that many "first responders" will circulate on the course to help you in case of injury or discomfort.

Please note that we will take all the necessary precautions to respect the sanitary rules.