Psalm 74-77 73-83 of Asaph or family members – LT Psalm 71-73 – 71 Psalm of Trust; 72 First Psalm of Solomon; 73 A Psalm of God’s Goodness (1st of the BOOK THREE and 2nd of Asaph (13 total)) Asaph was a Levite Worship Leader mentioned in 2 Kings 18 and 1 & 2 Chronicles

Psalm 74 (A Plea for God’s Judgment) –A Contemplation or Maschil (used 13X) of Asaph, or, "A Psalm of Asaph, to give instruction." A time of great national oppression, after Shishak attacks Judah (1 King 14:25) 926 BC or after captivity by Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24) 587 BC  God is faithful - Looks at the present condition, refers back to the past (and God’s faithfulness) and looks out to the future of God’s remedy. Similar to Habakkuk 3 Prayers Vv1-3 – “sheep” Prayer 1 - Supplication 1. “Why” have you allowed this – “cast us off forever” not possible 2. “Remember” - “congregation”/“tribe of Your inheritance” “purchased”/“redeemed” – As if God can “forget” 3. “Lift up Your feet” – a plea for God to “return” 4. “Just because you can't see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen it does not mean there can't be one.” – Tim Keller – God is always in control 5. Current times Vv4-9 “Your enemies” and “They” (6X) 1. Destruction, defilement, disaster, desolation 2. The enemies of God will always try to attack the people of God by natural means a. But we fight a “supernatural” battle – Eph. 6:12-13 Vv10-11 – 3 Questions “How long” and “Why” don’t you used your “Right hand”Prayer 2 – Supplication/Entreaty Vv12-17 – Remembering the past of God’s faithfulness – God then “You” 7X 1. Creator, Savior, King Vv18-23 – “turtledove” term of endearment – “wild beast” Prayer 3 - Rescue 1. “Remember” and “Do not forget” - Remembering the promises of the future 2. V20 – “covenant” 3. Vv22-24 – “Arise, “Remember” and “Do not forget” Application – Seek the Lord in prayer, hold on to His faithfulness in times of stress, remember that He has overcome and by relationship (grace by faith) we are overcomers. John 16:33

Psalm 75 (Thanksgiving for God’s Judgment) – To the Chief Musician. Set to “Do Not Destroy.” A Psalm of Asaph. A Song. Possibly a continuation of 74 - A time of national distress; Possibly the threat of Sennacherib's army in the times of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18; 2 Chron. 32) 701 BC  The Lord has a time, He judges righteously o Even when the entire world seems to have gone insane o The wicked are not getting away with anything. History of the Lord V1 - Thanks twice, works declare God is near V2 – God speaks - God’s time is divine – judgment V3 – God will decide the time and day – “Think about that” Vv4-7 – God is the one with the power to judge  not “boastful”, “wicked” or “powerful”  Sometimes God sets up things and people for His purpose – even when we don’t like it V8 – The “cup” of the Lord  Wine – “red” and “fully mixed” and “He pours it out”  “Dregs” - It is His wrath and the wicked will drink from it  Jesus drank from two cups o Last supper – Cup of fellowship - communion o Cup of Gethsemane (Wrath) – Jesus – let this cup pass (sweat drops of blood) – Rev. “cup” o Jesus exchanged cups for us o Agonizing in the garden was because of the “wrath” of God – sweat drops of blood o “My God, my God” only time Jesus refers to the Father as God (Matthew 27 and Mark 15)  Asaph looks forward to this exchange – “I will” and “shall be” V9-10 – Sing praises (2nd time) and acknowledges God’s sovereignty Application – In all things, at all times Praise the Lord, because He has saved us. Romans 5:6-11 “The Gospel!”

Psalm 76 (The Majesty of God’s Judgment) - To the Chief Musician. On stringed instruments. A Psalm of Asaph. A Song. A time of great national victory, possibly God's destruction of Sennacherib's army in the times of Hezekiah (2 Kings 19) 701 BC  The mighty are overthrown Vv1-3 - In Judah, in Israel, in Salem (Jerusalem) His tabernacle, dwelling place in Zion, God defeated the enemy (Assyrian) – Selah “Think about that!”  All the destruction and devastation of the N. Kingdom is seen  God drew the line Vv4-6 – God has done these works Vv7-9- What should be the response and understanding – Proverbs 14:34  Our biggest threat is our absence of the “fear of the Lord” – Proverbs 1:7  Mercy mixed with wrath  Selah – “Think about that!” Vv10-12 – pity the lost  Looking forward in time again that all will someday be held accountable (to princes and kings) Application – Remember that God’s victory is complete. Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11

Psalm 77 (The Memory of God’s Judgment) - To the Chief Musician. To Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph. Jeduthun mentioned 3X in Psalms – (39 and 62) A Levite in Jerusalem and sons of were Gatekeepers Possibly a personal lament brought on by the captivity of Judah by Babylon after 587 BC  Never trade what you do know for what you don’t know – Chuck Smith Vv1-9 - Sigh Vv1-3 – I cried out and God heard me, remembered and complained Vv4-6 - Can’t sleep, troubled without words, remembered the “old” days, anxious, worried Vv7-9 – 6 rhetorical questions – we know the truth and the answers  Has one moment of worry ever resolved anything?  Selah – “Think about that!” Vv10-20 - Song V10 – my anguish and the answer is: Vv11-15  Remember and meditate on God and His works  Declare it! – Book Good To Great – Jim Collins – First “Who”, then “What”  Selah – “Think about that!” Vv16-20 – Remember the past and God’s faithfulness, majesty and power to save! Application – Trust in the Lord! Proverbs 3:5-6 Deuteronomy 4:31Amplified (AMP) - For the Lord your God is a merciful and compassionate God; He will not fail you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them.

Conclusion: God is in control. He is sovereign, He is holy, He is almighty, He is righteous, He is always on time. When we belong to the Lord, we can trust that He knows what’s happening, He sees what the wicked are doing, He judges in His time, His way and who He wants to.