Happy Valentine’s Day $100 on Sunday, February 14!

See some Valentine’s Messages - Focus Page 4

Supportive living facility celebrates its grand opening in Serving region’s seniors needing care Details on Page 1 of Focus Volume 17, Issue 6 Thursday, February 11, 2016

Figure skating Desmarais RCMP averaged arrest of an impaired driver displays every three days last year Constable Charles Bond of Desmarais RCMP says in a encourages report on impaired driving statistics for 2015, “It is very alarming and disappointing to see this many motorists still imitators! putting themselves and others at risk by driving while im- paired.” From January 1 to December 31, 2015, Desmarais Mounties laid impaired driving charges against 120 people. The trend seems to be continuing into this year as in the past week, three persons were charged with the same of- fence within four days. (See separate ar- ticle on Fever Page 5.) Desmarais RCMP are also thanking citizens who have been reporting sus- pected impaired drivers. Constable Bond notes how calling 911 about pos- sible impaired drivers could “save lives”. Photos by Denis Carnochan The detachment also warns that dur- During a St. Theresa School Grade 5 outing at Wabasca ing 2016, its officers will be more arena last Friday, Helena Cardinal displayed her figure proactive in regads to impaired driving skating moves. Her display prompted Dru Gladue and with more patrols, traffic stops and other students to comically try to imitate her. checkstops in Wabasca-Desmarais.

Wabasca Pee Wees domi- nated Thorhild in hockey action on home ice last Satuday. Justin Auger, Layne Cardinal and Linden Rathbone control the puck in front of the Thorhild net. Wabasca easily came out on top, 9-3.

Snowmobile Rally on Saturday may also have Quad Trail due to lack of snow

Photo by Denis Carnochan See Focus Page 4

Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity PAGE 2 – Thursday, February 11, 2016 Letter to the Editor: The January 26th ruling by the Human Rights Commission con- that even the most dysfunctional home has less long-term traumatic ef- firmed that children have been denied equality of service fects on a child, as compared to a child who has been removed alto- and programs provided to the rest of 's children. gether.) Ultimately it means the loss of language, culture and traditions and Ottawa This consistent underfunding by up to 38% per year has con- leading to the loss of one’s identity as a person. tributed to increasing issues that have not been addressed. Issues that As Chief of the Bigstone Nation I first applaud the Human play catch-up could decrease the numbers of First Nations children in care; a number Rights Commission for its willingness to take a stand on the issue and that stands at a rate three times higher than the non-Aboriginal popu- its encouragement to both federal and provincial governments to un- with needs of local lation. derstand the needs of First Nations children and make a real commit- Mental health, addictions and family violence issues are not being ment to real change in the way the business of caring for all our youth First Nations children addressed. Funding and resources are not taking into account the issues is managed. leading to the apprehension of the children in care. (It has been proven believes that we need to bring our children who are in care home. We need to provide a safe environment conducive to promoting wellbeing and healthy families. We need to shift the focus of our pro- NOTICE OF NOMINATION DAY gramming so that expected outcomes are achievable. We need to improve our infrastructure and housing to reduce the LOCAL AUTHORITIES ELECTION ACT overcrowding and poor living conditions. (Section 26) With adequate resources and funding to match, we are better able to meet the needs of our children in care. More importantly we are bet- NORTHLAND SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 61 ter able to meet the needs of the mothers whose children are at risk of PROVINCE OF ALBERTA going into care. Our children deserve to have the same promise of a future that the Notice is hereby given that NOMINATION DAY is February 24, rest of Canada enjoys. I have already heard the promises of change 2016, and that nominations for the election of candidates for the from both the Federal and Provincial governments. I already have seen following offices will be received at the location of the local my share of Government officials come through our community. jurisdiction offices set out below between the hours of 10:00 am What I have not yet seen are any actions taken on behalf of either and 12:00 noon on nomination day. Government for improved service delivery. I have not yet seen any funding or resources committed to any of the solutions we have pro- Sub Division Local School Number of Members Location of Local posed in the past 10 years. Number Board Committee to be Elected Jurisdiction Office The fact that the Human Rights Commission recognized the dis- Calling Lake School 14Calling Lake 1 Calling Lake, Alberta crimination by the federal government against our children does noth- ing for their situation today, and unless we see commitment from our Northland School Division No.61 government I guarantee it will do nothing for their situation tomorrow. Bag 1400, Peace River, Alberta T8S 1V2 We cannot stand by while the federal and provincial governments find more ways to study the problem. We understand the problems; we Dated at the Town of Peace River in the Province of Alberta, have our own ideas as to how to resolve the issues. this 4th day of February, A.D. 2016. We need real commitment to equitable funding and resources to Trudy Rasmuson, Returning Officer implement our own solutions derived from our own needs in our com- munity. NOMINATION PAPERS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE SUB-DIVISION LOCATIONS LISTED ABOVE. Chief Gordon T. Auger, Bigstone Cree Nation TheFever invites letters to the editor:       Monday @ 7:30 - Jam session e-mail: [email protected] Tuesday @ 7:30 - Bible Study with Teacher, Eric Alook Wednesday @ 7:30 - Ladies Prayer Group Thursday @ 7:30 - Praise & Worship Team (or ladies activity) Located in the strip mall Friday - To Be Announced next to Fritou Saturday - To Be Announced Sunday - Morning Service @ 11:00 a.m.


    Only 00 CUTS for Children/Seniors $20 Special! 780-773-7730      JHOURS: Mon. to Fri. 10 am to 7 • Sat. 10 am to 4 • Sun. Closed

The Fever reserves the right to decline to publish and to edit items as necessary Any item submitted to The The February 16, 10:00 a.m. Fever should include the FEVER Next Deadline: name and phone number Deadline for Fever Greetings Sunday, 6:00 p.m. of the person providing it. PM40013487 Photos submitted digitally Publisher/Editor: Bruce Thomas Production Office: must be sent as stand- Accounts: Patricia Thomas (780) 891-2108 1-800-315-7826 alone JPEG’s. Information Box 519, Wabasca, Alberta T0G 2K0 for articles should be sent Contributor: Denis Carnochan fax: 1-888-318-5555 e-mail: [email protected] as e-mail text, or Word Production Chief: Joanne Rutar Slave Lake: 780-849-4350 Office: 12015 - 76 Street document file. Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 3


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Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity PAGE 4 – Thursday, February 11, 2016 Happy 18th Happy 17th Lac La Biche FEVER GREETINGS on February 16 on February 17 offers sno pitch Emmit Gullion Sidney "D" Bradley Happy 42nd Happy Birthday godmother chantal, Shay-la & c.J. and rubber boots on February 11 on February 10 Anderson Lac La Biche Firefight- Darcy Masuda love, Mom Mandy, Dad nigel ers Society is hosting a Rub- Nadine G. Young Happy Birthday Bros ricky, Bubba, Blade, love your babies, Dustin, Sirae, love, cousin Muffin on February 16 Sisters nizel & BB n'zaia ber Boot Sno Pitch Tour- Savannah, Mariel and Demaris Clara Moberly Next Greetings must be for dates nament March 12 and 13. & grandbabies eliana Janae, Happy Birthday Bigstone finance Staff February 18 or later There is prize money in cohen Bentley on February 12 two divisions, a costume Robert J. Cardinal prize and a cabaret. Happy Birthday With love, connie & kids Teams can get more de- on February 11 GILBERT tails at 780-623-3247 or e- Anthony Johnny Auger Happy Birthday mail: natashadownes1@ love, Billy, angela on February 13 ADAM gmail.com and the Boys, Sam Janice Duck love, Melba & fred AUGER MD of Opportunity No. 17 Happy Birthday Box 60 on February 14 2077 Mistassiniy Road North Reveah Yellowknee Wabasca, Alberta TOG 2K0 love, cousin Muffin Ph: 780-891-3778 Fax: 780-891-4283 Febraarrr 15, 1962 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Happy Birthday WWee can no longer celebtor Naoovteve mtobgeer t4h, e20r1 5 on February 14 another added yearr,, 2016 Municipal Census Travis Stuart but this does not mean we forrgget April 1 - June 30, 2016 love, Stuart family and that we no longer care. Dear Gilbert - we remember every day Happy Birthday The MD #17 invites bids for the 2016 Municipal on February 15 the time we had togetherr,, Census - local organizations, agencies or groups Emma Thunder and the time you went away. are invited to submit proposals to co-ordinate, love, aunt Melba, uncle fred Happy Birthday in Heaven... supervise and manage the 2016 Municipal Cen- Deadline for submitting sus for the communities of Wabasca, Red Earth Creek, Sandy Lake, Calling Lake, Trout Lake, Fever Greetings is Sunday [email protected] Peerless Lake and Lake. Love youurr ffaaammillyy & iends Proposals must include: a) Proposed Methodology We, the family of b) Proposed Data Collection Activities c) Proposed Plan for Quality Assurance MELVIN JAMES “Scratch” AUGER d) Outline of Proposed Summary to be Provided January 17, 2016 All proposal inquires and bids can be directed to: would like to thank and acknowledge the following people for their support and Tourism and Economic Development Officer donations for both the wake/funeral services and the Pocar Rally. Also, thank you Votham Anastasiadis everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Sorry if we missed anyone. [email protected]. Sharon & Tony Badger Donna & Jack Rosetta Cardinal Yvonne & Moonie Alook Jamie McClennon Dorothy Beaver Peter & Rosalyn Gladue Corrina Beaver CLOSING DATE for submissions is Elsie Gladue Georgette & Luke Taron Home Hardware Janice Yellowknee Karen Auger & Ron Taron Jeannie Knowles Terah Yellowknee Joyce Cardinal February 22, 2016 at 8:00 am. Sharon Auger Wanda Auger St. Theresa School Darrell Mcleod Leanne Gladue Crystal Gambler Ida Yellowknee Bobby Beaver Conducting a municipal census allows the MD of Opportunity to plan Dave & Wanda Turk Karen Alook Rod Osmond Gary & Jody Cardinal services and meet the specific needs of its communities. The MD qualifies Dwayne Calliou MD #17 Bigstone Youth Department Roxanne McLeod Angela Auger Marina Auger Cathi Cardinal for funding through provincial grants based on population counts. Please Donna Auger Mary Louise Cardinal BOSS Cecil Young participate in this years municipal and federal census! Dezaray Giroux Brian & Lisa Thunder Alvina Auger Bigstone Membership Judy Stewart OPK Charlotte Cardinal Pauline Auger Carl & Ruby Gladue Clayton Auger Gloria Yellowknee Nancy & Deb August Cardinal Tracy & Gerald Rathbone Katie Yellowknee Elsie Gambler & ## #%%(& Charlene Gullion Northern Lynda Grey Florence Gladue Fred & Melba Auger Kim Cardinal Allison Gullion Henry Cardinal " &&(#%*#( Fuzzy Gullion Maria Gladue Stevie Yellowknee Denise Cardinal Clara Moberly Metis Local #90 Sherman Atkinson Mary-Rose Cardinal     Adelard Gullion & Sandra Gladue • Darren Yellowknee & Freida Gladue     Singers - Donald & Bertha Alook, Shavina Schaffer, Mathew Cardinal, Daryl Auger; Rev. Waye for Ever the use of the church; Father Ephrem for the service; Athabasca Chapels; A huge Thank You to )%*(%&* '$! yone Mary Louise Cardinal, Dorothy, Lynda, Alice & Sharon for the wonderful luncheon. Welcome! #%%##!'&#&$ ' To our Cousins: Wanda Turk, Karen Auger, Deborah Cardinal & Pete Cardinal. Without you, we  #'#% "#%!' #" would have been lost during this difficult time. Thank You for all you have done. We Love You. Ad provided by:       Thank you. God Bless. From the Auger Family Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 5 Assault, three impaired drivers and icy road conditions get RCMP attention A 31-year-old woman alleged assault which oc- February 3. The man provided breath 20-year-old Wabasca wo- suffered minor injuries in an curred about 11:30 p.m., Desmarais RCMP ar- samples well over the legal man being charged with im- rested a 37-year-old man , .08 blood alcohol level with paired driving and her MUNICIPAL DISTRICT described as an ex- readings of .270 and .260. breathalyzer readings were OF OPPORTUNITY NO.17 boyfriend, after the com- On February 6, about both .200. plaint was received from 11:30 p.m., an anonymous Weather problems EMPLOYMENT Bigstone Cree Nation Re- complaint from the public High winds last week- OPPORTUNITY serve D. about a speeding motorist end not only flipped over ice The suspect was denied on Secondary Highway 754 fishing shacks on northern Permanent Full Time bail. led to an officer stopping a Alberta lakes, in Wabasca- Custodian Position Impaired drivers vehicle and starting an im- Desmarais many building About 9 p.m., February paired driving investigation. security alarms were set off. The Municipal District of Opportunity No.17 is 4, a patrolling RCMP officer A 22-year-old Wabasca Then Monday night / seeking to fill a Full Time Custodian position for the Wabasca Daycare Centre. This position will noticed a vehicle turning male was charged with im- Tuesday morning saw freez- be responsible for the overall cleanliness and onto a roadway without any paired driving and had re- ing rains make roads in the maintenance of the facility. Reporting to the Childcare headlights. ported breath samples of region extremely dangerous, Coordinator, this position requires an individual who A traffic stop revealed .150 and .140. but as of late Tuesday morn- is energetic and reliable. signs of impairment and a Female charged. ing, no serious traffic 62-year-old man from Call- Early the next day, about crashes had been reported to  ing Lake was arrested. 4 a.m., a traffic stop led to a the RCMP.  Daily cleaning and maintenance Ensure the Childcare facility complies with Childcare licensing requirements and MPLOYMENT PPORTUNITY  Accreditation Standards E O This position requires lifting and other manual TITLE  tasks : REGISTERED NURSE Inventory of cleaning supplies and tools  Category: Community Health Organize the storage shed  Posting Date: 2016-01-27 Shovel snow, sweep the walkways and the Location: Loon River Health Centre Childcare Centre outdoor play area  Employee Class: Permanent 1 FTE Close and secure Childcare facility daily  Date Available: Will discuss First Aid certificate and other safety tickets would Rate of Pay: Negotiable based on qualifications and experience  be an asset Must have valid Class 5 Drivers License and Transportation: Vehicle Provided for Business Use Job Summary: As a member of the Health Team, The Community Health Registered  reliable transportation. Must provide a Criminal Record Check and Nurse is responsible and accountable for the safe quality care of the client, family and Intervention Record Check community. The CHN coordinates and participates in disease prevention, public health, maternal child health and child health to meet the needs of the community in accordance Salary will commensurate with experience and with CARNA Nursing Practice Standards. The CHN provides leadership, direction and qualifications. Send Resumes, along with 3 work encouragement to staff. related references to: Qualifications: Human Resources Department Municipal District of Opportunity •Graduation from an accredited school of nursing, B.SC.N Preferred Box 60 - Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0 •Current registration with the College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta Phone: (780) 891-3778 Fax: (780) 891-4283 (C.A.R.N.A) Email: [email protected] •A minimum of three years of experience in Public Health/Community Health Nursing is preferred This advertisement will remain open •Immunization Certificate until February 18, 2016 •Trained or willing to train in RAI assessments to support the Home Care The personal information submitted pursuant to this advertisement will be utilized for this Employment Opportunity only and is subject to compliance Program would be an asset with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Applicants •Current Level C Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Standard First Aid are thanked in advance for their interest, however, only those selected for HCP Certificate an interview will be contacted. •Strong client service orientation knowledge and skills •Efficient Nurse Leadership and Team Leadership skills •Knowledge and understanding of Cree culture and community would be an asset •Computer Skills Super Value • Valid Driver’s License Additional Requirements: A Driver’s Abstract, RCMP Information Check for security Clearance Sale clearance, and a Child Intervention Records Check are required at point of application. Great This position is located in Northern Alberta, 170 kilometers north of Slave Lake, AB Deals! On Now! Please submit your cover letter, resume, CARNA Registration, RCMP Information Check 956 Noel Drive • Next to Wabasca Liquor Shack Phone Linda at 780-710-6409 and a Child Intervention Check to [email protected] Benefits & Pension offered through Great West Life. Subsidized accommodation is available Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity PAGE 6 – Thursday, February 11, 2016 Weather playing havoc as it keeps changing Almost hurricane-force mobile rally in Wabasca into tures on various lakes, the winds pounded Slave Lake a quad rally. weather and lack of snow- last weekend and mild tem- Besides causing some fall remaining on the ground peratures are threatening to damages including knock- have raised concerns about turn the February 13 snow- ing over ice-fishing struc- the levels of water in lakes and streams as well as ground moisture. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT Mild and dry weather is OF OPPORTUNITY #17 expected by many forecast-    ers to continue the rest of     the winter and into spring. (Red Earth Creek) MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF OPPORTUNITY #17 The Municipal District of Opportunity No.17 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY is seeking to fill a Permanent Full Time Child Wabasca - Permanent Full Time Care Supervisor position for the Child Care Program in Red Earth Creek, AB. Lands Administrator Job Summary: The Municipal District of Opportunity No.17 is accepting resumes for the position Reporting to the Child Care Coordinator, this position of Lands Administrator in Wabasca. Reporting directly to the Manager of requires an individual who is outgoing, energetic with demonstrated child care, leadership and public rela- Lands, Planning and Development, the primary role of the Lands Administrator tions skills. This position includes both administrative is administering and organization of mineral surface leases, tower leases, functions and direct service in the daycare. commercial leases and grazing leases, financial responsibilities, organization, circulating correspondence, preparing advertisements, performing research, Position Outline: preparing time summaries budget and other duties delegated by the Manager of •Planning and implementation of a high quality Lands, Planning and Development: early learning and child care services program that meets MD policy and Accreditation Standards for Qualifications children C Grade 12 Diploma or GED; Post Secondary Education in Office or Business •Budget preparation and monitoring; Staff, Administration is preferred; compliance and grant administration; Office C Applied Land Use Planning Certification or equivalent knowledge through duties at child care center experience is an asset; Requirements: CMunicipal planning experience and GIS Training is an asset; •Child Development Supervisor certificate CKnowledge of provincial planning legislation and municipal regulations; or equivalent * (formerly Level 3) CStrong interpersonal and communication skills (both verbal and in writing); •Valid Class 5 Drivers License; reliable CA of initiative, excellent research & analytical skills; transportation, a current Criminal Record CA valid driver’s license; Check, Child Welfare Check CComputer skills in a Windows & Microsoft environment; *Child Development Supervisor equivalent level CAbility to work as a team player in a fast paced and diverse environment of training: Alberta Permanent Teaching Certificate; The ideal candidate will have an excellent ability to exercise independent Education Degree; Child and Youth Care Diploma or Degree; Early Learning and Child Care Diploma; see judgment and show initiative to perform duties with minimal supervision and www.child.alberta.ca for complete list and information possess multi-tasking skills. Salary will commensurate with experience and Salary placement on the grid will be based on qualifications and experience for qualifications. Send Resumes, Criminal Record this position and includes an attractive benefits package. Interested candidates Check and a Child Intervention Welfare Check, are asked to please submit resumes along with three (3) work related references along with 3 work related references to: and a current criminal record check to:

Human Resources Department Human Resources Department Municipal District of Opportunity Municipal District of Opportunity Box 60 - Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0 Box 60 - Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0 Phone: (780) 891-3778 Fax: (780) 891-4283 Phone: (780) 891-3778 Fax: (780) 891-4283 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] This position will remain open until This position will remain open until FEBRUARY 12, 2016. a suitable candidate is found. The personal information submitted pursuant to this advertisement Further inquiries can be directed to Chad Tullis ~ Manager of Lands, Planning & Development. will be utilized for this Employment Opportunity only and is subject The personal information submitted pursuant to this advertisement will be utilized for this Employment to compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Opportunity only and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Privacy Act. Applicants are thanked in advance for their interest, Act. Applicants are thanked in advance for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. will be contacted. erving the unicipal iStrict of pportunity S M D o – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 7

³TXDOLW\RIOLIHXQLW\DQGHTXDOLW\IRURXUFRPPXQLWLHV´ Council FebruaryMarch 2015 2016 JanuaryJan 13 Regular 14 Regular Meeting Meeting 1, 2 Communicator Highlighter 1 January 28 Delegation Meeting 2 Notes from the January 13 Regular Meeting-Wabasca Jan 27 Delegation Meeting 2

Jobs and Endbit 2 The meeting was held at Wabasca Council Chambers at 10 am. Monthly reports from Jobs 2 MD 17 Office Contacts 2 the CAO and various departments including Finance, Lands and Planning, Transporta- MD 17 Office Contacts 2 tion, and Public Services were presented during the meeting and accepted by Council. x'HOHJDWHVIURPWKH&KLOGUHQ¶V3ODFH3OD\VFKRRODWWHQGHGWRGLVFXVVWKHLU use of the former daycare facility in Wabasca, including renovations needed

Highlighter: The MD and maintenance and operating costs.

Traffic Safety xCouncil gave first, second and (by unanimous consent) third reading to the Committee 2016 Borrowing Bylaw as presented by Finance. Four times a year the MD hosts a xCouncil approved amendments to the 2016 Capital Budget as presented in Traffic Safety Committee meeting an updated Five-Year Capital Plan: total budget is now $22,230,735. in Wabasca to coordinate efforts x An five-year lease extension requested by Rogers Communication was between the many people who work approved for their tower in Wabasca at a rate of $5,486.58 per year. to improve road safety for us all.

The Committee is made up of area xA request to purchase a lot within the Red Earth Creek Airport Expansion operational staff from Alberta was approved in the amount of $8,335 with all servicing and access costs to Transportation, the Wabasca Fire EHWKHSXUFKDVHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\ Department, the RCMP, the mu- x Administration was directed to complete a 2016 Municipal Census. nicipal Transportation Department, Bigstone Health Commission, Al- xCouncil authorized the awarding of the contract to construct the Trout Lake berta Health, and Commercial Ve- )LUHJXDUG3KDVHSURMHFWWR6RQ¶V&DW6HUYLFHLQDQDPRXQWQRWWRH[FHHG hicle Safety. They bring current $10,000 per hectare. concerns, emerging issues, and xCouncil also authorized the awarding of the contract to construct the Peer- safety initiatives to the table at OHVV/DNH)LUHJXDUG3KDVHSURMHFWWR+RXOH¶V*UDGHU6HUYLFHLQDQDPRXQW meetings chaired by a Regional not to exceed $8,650 per hectare. Traffic Safety Consultant. The con- sultant is hired by the Alberta Gov- xFor a third FireSmart project, Council authorized a contract with Willie & ernment to promote the provincial Sons for the Red Earth Block 13 Vegetation Management Project at a rate Traffic Safety Plan. not to exceed $4,200 per hectare.

You may have seen the Candy-Cane xChanges to the Council pay schedule and expense claim processing were Check-Stops or the PARTY Pro- approved as outlined by Administration. gram in action, but the group also deals with highway maintenance, xA lease agreement with the Wabasca No Limits Boxing Club was approved car-seat installation, and promoting for their current location in the Community Hall building, pending final amend- a monthly safety priority. Working ments. FRQW¶G« together is definitely more effective! Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity PAGE 8 – Thursday, February 11, 2016 January 13 Regular Meeting-FRQW·G Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

xA Public Hearing was held on Bylaw 2015-25 to reclassify a Calling Lake lot located on Range Road 214B from Urban For complete information on any posting please contact Human Reserve to Highway Commercial. Following the meeting, Resources at the Wabasca Main Office, 780-891-3778. Jobs the Bylaw was given second and third readings. open to the public as of February 7, 2016: xThe Eagle Point Golf Course Restaurant Operator contract xBylaw Enforcement Officer-WA was awarded to Sandra-Youngsook Kim for a one year term. xLands Administrator-WA xRecreation Attendant-WA Notes from the January 27 Delegation xFitness Attendant-WA Meeting in Red Earth Creek xFireSmart Workers-CL xAn application received from Penn West for a 10-year lease xGym Attendant-CL for ground water testing in the Red Earth Creek area was xArena Attendant-CL approved; the lease area is +-97 acres and the annual fee to the MD is $8,250. xChildcare Supervisor-RE xAdministration was authorized to renovate the former day- xHeavy Duty Journeyman Technician-RE FDUHEXLOGLQJLQ:DEDVFDDVQHHGHGE\WKH&KLOGUHQ¶V3ODFH Please watch the MD website for new job postings coming Playschool; the group is to pay for operating costs when in. up throughout each month! xThe Calling Lake Lagoon Project moved forward with Council www.mdopportunity.ab.ca authorizing Administration to obtain competitive quotes for RE=Red Earth Creek, WA=Wabasca, SL=Sandy Lake, CL=Calling Lake, PL=Peerless Lake, TL=Trout Lake CH=Chipewyan Lake. the land clearing and grubbing stage of the project. xCouncil authorized Administration to contract with Wabasca/ And remember, MD Fire Departments WANT YOU! Women, Desmarais Métis Local #90 for FireSmart vegetation man- men, and youth are needed to train and respond to fire emergen- cies in every community. Call for info...or better yet, come out for agement in Blocks 9, 14 and 15 in Wabasca at a price not to a practice night to find out more: exceed $5,490 per hectare. Department Practice Night Contact Name & Phone

xCouncil also authorized a contract award to Tar Contracting Calling Lake Wed 7 pm Barry 780-891-8185

for FireSmart vegetation management in Block 3-2 in Sandy Red Earth Creek Tues 7 pm Shawn 780-891-8026

Lake at a price not to exceed $6,350 per hectare. Wabasca Tues 7:30 pm Terry 780-891-8007

xCouncillor (and Deputy Reeve) Dollie Anderson was ap- Sandy Lake Wed 7:30 pm Richard 780-891-8283 pointed by Council as a delegate to the Mighty Peace Water- shed Alliance; Councillor Leo Alook is the alternate. xCouncillors Louie Okemow, Leo Alook, Roy Yellowknee, Endbit: Free Firewood 4 U!

Marcel Auger, and Gerald Johnson will attend the Driving FireSmart Projects Innovation in Northern Alberta Seminar in Athabasca on Feb- have commenced ruary 3, 2016. in Trout Lake, xCouncillors Dwayne Calliou, Everett Gottfried and Marcel Peerless Lake, Auger were authorized to schedule a meeting with the Minis- Wabasca, and WHURI+HDOWK6DUDK+RIIPDQWRGLVFXVVWKH0'¶VVHQLRUORQJ Sandy Lake. The term care project and also the Red Earth Creek Medical work results in a Clinic project. lot of stacked fire- wood free for the MD #17 Office Locations and Contacts taking.

Please enter the project areas ONLY Main Office: Area Office: Area Office: after shutdown for the day and be 2077 Mistassiniy Road N. 2 49 Red Earth Drive 2824 Central Drive very careful of uneven ground and Box 60 Box 50 Box 22 changed roads and trails. Wabasca, AB Red Earth Creek, AB Calling Lake, AB T0G 2K0 T0G 1X0 T0G 0K0 For information on locations, call Deb Phone: 780-891-3778 Phone: 780-649-3427 Phone: 780-331-3860 Juch @ 780-891-3778. Fax: 780-891-4283 Fax: 780-649-3440 Fax: 780-331-3950 erving the unicipal iStrict of pportunity S M D o – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 9

OPKOski Pasikoniwew students Kamik to escape have fun during winter the the indoor with beach a with lot a of Hawaiian beach fun! students did not have to middle of winter. gift of a lei. purchase airfare to Hawaii Principal Christine Gul- During the celebration to enjoy a visit to a tropical lion said the Junior Chief all the students were beach. and Council planned the treated to a smoothie The Bigstone Cree Na- day with a variety of ac- which were prepared by tion school in Desmarais tivies. older students. held its annual Hawaiian All students, many Fun activities included Day last week, an opportu- wearing summer shorts a hula hoop endurance nity for students and staff and shirts, were greeted at match, a how-low-can- you-go limbo contest and a relay race wearing swim- ming flippers.

Wearing straw hats, these students had a race in flippers along the OPK beach.

photos provided by opK

Young students had a chance to pretend they were dressed in Hawaiian beach wear and performing the traditional dance with hand greetings to the tourists. Admiring the Hawaiian fruit drinks they made! GET MORE INVOLLVVED IN YOUR CHILD’S EDUCAATTION! FFiiilllll out tthhe Allbbeerrttaa EEddduuccaattiiioon SSuuurrvveeeyy beffoorree FFeebbrrruuuaarryy 2266tthh These surveys help sh p your child's education and give u the opportunity to h e mor nput. Yo r n w r h r vi nt with th t ti n l x ri n i .

TThhank you studenttsss,, parenttss and communittyy memberrss ffoor supportiinng education at Northland School Divviiission. FOR MORE INFORMAATTION contact your local school or visit www.nsd61.ca Serving the Municipal DiStrict of opportunity PAGE 10 – Thursday, February 11, 2016

Distracted “Drive your car but drivingpark people getting charged with dis-extra As attention of January 1, 2016, a your phone” is one of the tracted driving. person guilty of distracted messages Alberta Trans- Alberta Transportation driving can be fined $287 portation and police are con- also reveals that male driv- and will receive three de- veying as they announce ers are the worst offenders, merits on his or her driving that there will be more en- accounting for two-thirds of licence. forcement of distracted driv- distracted-driving lawbreak- Distracted driving is ing laws. ers and male drivers ages 22 blamed as being a factor in Hand-held electronic de- to 34, have the most convic- 20 to 30 per cent of all col- vices - mostly cellphones - tions. lisions. are the main reason why from September 2011 through March 2015, there HOUSE FOR SALE were 87,633 convictions of 981 FOX DRIVE – SANDY LAKE – 1.8 ACRE Environment Canada 4 Bedroom Bungalow Open Concept Kitchen/Dining/Livingroom FORECAST With New Woodstove, Alarm Red Earth Creek 2 Bathrooms – Master Ensuite Thursday: 60% flurries, High -5. New 32 X 12 Deck Night: Cloudy, Low -12. Outside Fire Spot, Garden, Sheds Newly Graveled Driveway Friday: 30% flurries, High -3. Partially Fenced, Landscaped Mistassiniy School's Acting Principal Terri-Lynn McLeod Night: Clear, Low -8. reminds parents that final report cards for the first term Stove & Fridge, Washer & Dryer Included Saturday: Sunny, High +1. Furniture Can Be Negotiated were given to students to take home Friday. February 5. GGRRREEEAAT STTAARTTEEERR HHOOOMMMEE FFOOORR A GGRRROOWWIIINNNGG FFAAMMIIILLY Photo by Denis Carnochan Night: Clear, Low -8. Sunday: Sunny, High 0. $239,900.00 Obo - Call 780-273-0195 MERCHANDISE BINGO Night: Cloudy, Low -9. & SILENT AUCTION Monday: Mix sun/cloud, High -2. Normal Temperatures: February 20, 2016 Low -20, High -8 School in support of Catherine Auger Coldest so far in February up to a Bigstone Cree Nation member who lost her home in 9th: Minus 20.5 on 1st; warmest Little Buffalo to a fire. Because of the lack of emergency plus 7.2 on 5th; mean minus 8.0. services in her community, Catherine did not qualify for and was not covered by home insurance. Doors Open: 11:00 a.m. 50/50 s Draw Bingo Games: 12:15 - 1:00 - 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Silent Auction Ends: 5:00 p.m.

Any donations or volunteers would be greatly appreciated. TToo doPnaetne noyr ffoLoar bmoourec ainnfnffoo -r m7a8t0io-n6,1 p8le-a7s4e3 c2ontact Shianne McDermott - 780-721-2521                   Thursday, February 11, 2016 To place your ad in Focus, in Slave Lake Phone 1-800-315-7826 or contact TheFever: 780-891-2108 ~ Fax to: 1-888-318-5555 ~ E-mail to: [email protected]

Slave Persons in north Lake central Points supportive West Living. care residence celebrates Alberta needing continuing The private company care, particularly the elderly, has similar residences in now have a new place they seven other Alberta commu- may be able to call home. nities, including Peace Last Friday, February 5, River and representatives of the Al- and will be opening facili- berta Government, Alberta ties later this year in Red Health Services (AHS) and Deer and in 2017 in Town of Slave Lake, along Cochrane. with many local and re- “Points West Living is gional residents celebrated the first residence in Slave the opening of a Points West Lake to offer several levels under one roof,” says Cindy Living supportive living res- of supportive living care Harmata, an AHS Senior Scope Fever Facebook’s postings about the grand opening idence in Slave Lake. Operating Director for Rural of Points West Living Slave Lake attracted some comments: The facility located next Health. “This is so good for families going through the ripple ef- to Vanderwell Heritage An example of a resident fects of dementia in a loved one!” Donna Sinclair-Gullion. Place in northeast Slave in the facility could be “Awesome.” Elizabeth Atkinson. Lake contains 45 supportive someone suffering from de- “My Grandma loves it there!” Sheryl Twin Cardinal. living spaces contracted to mentia who may gradually “This is great news ... for Slave Lake. This is something AHS and seven seniors res- need more attention. that is needed in Wabasca so our seniors can stay in their idences for couples who do “Now, as needs change, home community instead of getting farmed out. It’s time for not need daily medical or seniors will not have to Wabasca to have its own.” Ralph Cardinal, former chief of Bigstone Cree Nation. personal services. move to a different resi- And Points West residence manager Julie Bradstreet ex- The Alberta Govern- dence,” noted Harmata. ment’s Affordable Support- tended an invitation to Facebook readers: “If you would like Julie Bradstreet, a resident MLA/Minister speaks ive Living Initiative to know more about our wonderful place, please stop by for a of Slave Lake since 2006, is One of the main speak- coffee and tour.” pumped $4.3 million into the General Manager of the ers at the celebration of the the construction of the facil- Points West Living resi- facility was Alberta Minister build.” According to Alberta ity which is owned by dence. Points West photo of Municipal Affairs, Tyler Warman, Mayor of Health Services, “Support Danille Larivee who is also Slave Lake, welcomed the ive living provides a home- Lesser Slave Lake MLA and fact that people in the town like setting for adults and Alberta GAS Prices a Slave Lake residence. and region will be able to seniors in a private yet con- Monday evening, February 8 Larivee also spoke for obtain supportive care lo- gregate living setting. GasBuddy: www.albertagasprices.com Minister of Health, Sarah cally. “It is a non-institutional Based on Regular Unleaded Gas per litre prices Hoffman with a statement at “This project is an ex- alternative for those who are reported by motorists on the internet - Price trend: Falling the grand opening celebra- ample of how, together, we no longer able to live in Canadian Average 85.5 Alberta Average 68.4 tion: are working to ensure that their own homes, which fo- Year Ago Averages Canadian 98.0 Alberta 88.8 “I greatly value and re- residents are able to access cuses on health promotion, Samples of Lowest Prices in cents at various locations: spect our seniors and the the continuing care services well-being, independence • 56.4 Costcos Edmonton, St. Albert, contributions they’ve made • 62.9 Average Edmonton; 72.9 Average and accommodations they and maintaining functional • 63.4 Husky in Westlock, others 67.9 and continue to make to Al- need to remain safe and abilities.” • 69.9 Four outlets in Athabasca berta. healthy as they age, close to Points West Chief Exec- • 69.9 Three outlets in Slave Lake, Others 75.9/76.9 “I’m happy this new fa- home,” said Warman. utive Officer Doug Miller • 78.9 Mohawk, Esso in High Prairie, Shell 80.9 cility will allow more sen- Points West Living be- noted that the Slave Lake Samples of Highest Prices at various locations: iors in Slave Lake to access gan construction of the fa- residence will provide “sup- • 92.9 Tempo in Villeneuve the quality care options they cility in the spring of 2014 portive living for memory • 89.9 Esso in Anzac deserve, while staying in the and began accepting its first care, frail, elderly and inde- • 86.9/85.9 Outlets in High Level and Fort McMurray community they helped residents last fall. pendent residents.” PAGE 2 Focus – Thursday, February 11, 2016 Commentary: Oil is still a blessing for Alberta - not a curse Even in bad times, Alberta benefits from its natural resources By Steve Lafleur than the national average. $2 billion. Keystone XL was sup- $88/bbl by 2025. and Kenneth P. Green Even in bad times, Al- Most provinces would posed to alleviate that chal- Rather than glibly noting The Fraser Institute berta benefits significantly be thrilled to receive an an- lenge, but was arguably that Alberta is doing less Vancouver/ Troy Media/ from its natural resources. nual cheque of that size. scuttled for political rea- well due to low oil prices, - Ever since oil prices began The real "resource Fiscal mismanagement sons. the focus should be on how declining from historic curse" is the way govern- The fact that the Energy East could also to get more value for our highs, it's become fashion- ments' squandered revenues province can't balance the improve market access to natural resources, both now able to claim that Alberta - from resource development. budget even with significant American refineries, yet and in the future. and Canada - bet it all on oil Indeed, the Government resource royalties every faces a political and regula- Even at low prices, oil and lost. of Alberta increased pro- year highlights the extent of tory gauntlet. remains a great benefit to It's an "I told you so" gram spending by roughly Alberta's fiscal mismanage- Another option is ex- Alberta and the national narrative for those who 100 per cent between ment. panding the Trans Mountain economy. view natural resources as a 2005/06 and 2014/15. Failure of the provincial Pipeline to help move crude Particularly in a tough curse, rather than a blessing. Remember, extracting government to spend within to China, diversifying away economic environment, pol- But while the large drop oil is almost like mining its means isn't a failure of from our reliance on the icymakers can't afford to ig- in resource prices is a blow cash - albeit, the denomina- the oil industry. U.S. nore the crucial role played to Alberta's economy, oil tions are now smaller. Albertans aren't the only Unfortunately, the Gov- by the oil and gas industry and other natural resources Claiming that pulling oil ones who benefit from the ernment of British Colum- in Alberta. still underpin thousands of from the ground is a poor oil sands. bia is pushing back against Canada's provincial and jobs and contribute billions strategy isn't much different Natural Resources Can- the project. federal governments should to the public treasury. than claiming that picking ada noted in 2010 that oil & The last option, the embrace the need for a com- While Alberta's econ- up a $20 bill on the sidewalk gas companies made up 20 Northern Gateway Pipeline, petitive oil and gas industry omy has taken a hit and is foolish because one can't to 30 per cent of the TSX, has been nixed by the fed- - today, and when world many people have been laid count on reliably finding and accounted for five per eral government's tanker commodity markets return off, Alberta's economy is twenties on a regular basis. cent of Canada's GDP. ban, meaning that options to to higher prices. still relatively strong com- Indeed, the Alberta gov- A recent report by Philip reduce the WCS discount pared to most other ernment collected more than Cross, former chief statisti- are running low. Steve Lafleur is a senior policy provinces. $100 billion in resource rev- cian for , But oil is a long-term analyst and Kenneth P. Green is senior director of the Centre As University of Cal- enue between 2005/06 and found that "every dollar of game: the World Bank still for Natural Resource Studies gary economist Trevor 2013/14. resource output generates expects oil prices to reach at the Fraser Institute. Tombe recently noted, aver- Even in 2015-16 with re- $2.32 of economy-wide age weekly wages in Al- source prices way down, GDP." The Pee Kis Kwe Tan Board berta are still $200 higher royalties are projected to hit And yet, the notion that Need but short we need to move past oil is would like to thank a WATER WELL of cash?? part of the reason policy-     Check status of 3 government grants/assistance worth up to $5000 or makers haven't been able to more EACH and CHECK BIG IRON’S $5000 WINTER DISCOUNT PACKAGE build a political consensus for the donation of the total cost of Tell them Danny Hooper sent you Time12345 Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment around building the pipe- the 2015 Board and Staff Christmas Supper. lines required to safely max- RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Iron Filters • Softeners • Reverse Osmosis • “Kontinuous ShoK” Chlorinator imize the value of our oil Your generosity is much appreciated! 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) resources. Pipeline issues View our 29 patented and patent   pending inventions online at Canadians sell Western www.1800bigiron.com Canadian Select oil at a *Big Iron drills all winter long*  P.S. We also drill for people who aren’t short of cash *check rig availability in your area deep discount to the United States because of the cost and difficulty of getting our   product to market. Rubber Stamps Between issues ... February 18, 2016 Follow The 5:00 p.m. & accessories Fever at the on at Self-Inking or Facebook Pee Kis Kwe Tan office

Regular w/ Ink Pad Scope Fever Order @ The Fever:     Late Breaking News [email protected] Wanted & Missing People “Let’s Talk” Society 1-800-315-7826 Fax 1-888-318-5555 Weather/Road Reports V

Focus – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 3 Advertising Business Opportunities CareersCareers // ClassifiedsClassifieds NEED TO ADVERTISE? Pro- CONTROL YOUR FINAN- Supplement of Wabasca Fever Newspaper 1-800-315-7826 vince wide classifieds. Reach CIAL future selling Watkins over 1 million readers weekly products. Watkins has pro- Fax 1-888-318-5555 • [email protected] through community newspa- vided stability & high income pers including the Wabasca for its associates for over 145 Employment Opportunities Feed and Seed Fever Newspapers Only $269. years. Join for less than $50. Business Opportunities + GST (based on 25 words or 1-800-279-6104. Email: less). Call TheFever or Scope, [email protected]. RESTAURANT REQUEST for , lo- HEATED CANOLA buying 1-800-315-7826. Proposal. The Town of St. cated 170 kilometres north of Green, Heated or Springth- Paul is accepting bids regard- Slave Lake, Alberta, requires rashed Canola. Buying: oats, HIP OR KNEE Replacement? ing the operation of a fully full-time, permanent Commu- barley, wheat & peas for feed. Auctions Restrictions in walking/dress- equipped restaurant at its golf nity Health Registered Nurse. Buying damaged or offgrade ing? $2,500 yearly tax credit. course for the fiscal year Graduation from accredited grain. "On Farm Pickup" $20,000 lump sum cheque. starting April 1/16. Deadline nursing school, current Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877- COLLECTOR CAR AUC- Disability Tax Credit. Expert for applications 4 p.m., Febru- CARNA registration, immun- 250-5252. TION. 10th Annual Red Deer Help: 1-844-453-5372. ary 16/16. For more informa- zation certificate, three years Collector Car Auction & Speed tion contact: Gary Ward, experience in public or com- Show. March 11 - 13, West- [email protected]. munity health nursing pre- WANTED. Hannas Seeds LOOKING FOR 4 working erner Park. Special Guests: Phone 780-645-5313. Fax ferred. RAI assessment seeking distributors for forage, Dan & Laura Dotson - Stor- partners who want to achieve 780-645-5308. training considered asset. turf, native and reclamation age Wars; "Horny" Mike - financial success. Please Benefits, pension, business seed. Good commissions. Counting Cars; Chris Jacobs - contact by phone or email vehicle, subsidized accommo- Contact Esther at 1-800-661- Overhaulin'. Consign 1-888- today: 780-970-3861; david- Career Training dation available. Send cover 1529 or esther.stigter@han- 296-0528 ext. 103; website: [email protected]. letter, resume, CARNA regis- nasseeds.com. egauctions.com. tration, RCMP Information MEDICAL TRAINEES needed Check and Child Intervention GET FREE vending ma- Next Ad Deadline now! Hospitals & doctor's of- Check to [email protected] UNRESERVED COIN & Cur- chines. Can earn $100,000 + fices need certified medical for Fever or Focus rency Auction. $1000 bills, per year - all cash. Protected office & administrative staff! Canadian, US, foreign. No territories - locations provided. No experience needed! We INTERESTED in Community 10 a.m., February 15 buyer's fee! 6:15 p.m., Friday, Full details. Call now 1-866- can get you trained! Local job Newspaper business? Al- February 12, Legion Hall, 668-6629 or visit our website placement assistance avail- berta's weekly newspapers For Sale Wainwright, Alberta. Scribner WWW.TCVEND.COM. able when training is com- looking for people. Post your Auction 780-842-5666; www. pleted. Call for program resume online. awna.com/for- POLE BARNS, Shops, steel scribnernet.com! details! 1-888-627-0297. job-seekers. SEEKING A business partner buildings metal clad or fabric for future greenhouse opera- clad. Complete supply and in- HUGE UNRESERVED An- tion north of Calgary. Knowl- MASSAGE CAREER - At Al- INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIP- stallation. Call John 403-998- tique Collector Auction for the edge, participation & partial berta Institute of Massage we MENT SCHOOL. Hands-On 7907; jcameron@advance- Late Harvey Antoniuk Collec- investment required. Reply to: deliver exceptional training, in- Tasks. Start Weekly. GPS buildings.com. tion: All categories! 9 a.m., [email protected]. spire learning, and ignite pas- Training! Funding & Housing sion for knowledge! "AIM for Available! Job Aid! Already a Saturday, February 13, Legion METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Success!" 403-346-1018. Now HEO? Get certification proof. Hall, Wainwright, Alberta. 32+ colours available at over GREAT CANADIAN Dollar enrolling for March distance Call 1-866-399-3853 or go to: 780-842-5666; www.scribner- 55 Distributors. 40 year war- Store franchise opportunities learning programs. iheschool.com. net.com for listing! are available in your area. Ex- ranty. 48 hour Express Service plore your future with a dollar available at select supporting Distributors. 1-888-263-8254. UNRESERVED AUCTION. store leader. Call today 1-877- REFLEXOLOGY PROGRAM, MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! Rockwood Fired Pizza 388-0123 ext. 229; www.dol- fun and relaxed learning. Reg- In-demand career! Employers larstores.com. ister now limited space. Start- have work-at-home positions Restaurant, 13580 - 137 Ave., SAWMILLS from only $4,397. ing March. Certificate upon available. Get online training Edmonton, Alberta. $150,000 Make money & save money completion. 403-340-1330. you need from an employer- - $250,000 worth of decor & with your own bandmill. Cut GOLF COURSE PRO Shop trusted program. Visit: Ca- equipment to be auctioned on lumber any dimension. In Request for Proposal. Town of reerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768- Valentine's Day, Feb. 14/16, stock ready to ship. Free info St. Paul is accepting bids re- HEALTHCARE DOCUMEN- 3362 to start training for your 11 a.m. 780-718-2274. Email: & dvd: www.NorwoodSaw- garding peration of the Pro TATION Specialists are in work-at-home career today! [email protected]. Shop at its golf course for the huge demand. Employers mills.com/400OT. 1-800-566- fiscal year starting April 1/16. want CanScribe graduates. A 6899 ext. 400OT. Deadline for applications 4 great work-from-home career! COMMERCIAL FOOD Equip- Equipment For Sale p.m., February 16/16. For in- Train with Canada's best- ment. Sat., Feb. 20, 12 Noon, formation: Gary Ward, gward rated program. Enroll today; STEEL BUILDING SALE "Re- MAS Sales Centre, Black- @town.stpaul.ab.ca. 780-645- canscribe.com. 1-800-466- A-STEEL SHIPPING CON- ally Big Sale - Extra winter dis- falds, Alberta. Selling coolers, count on now!" 21X22 $5, 5313. Fax 780-645-5308. 1535; [email protected]. TAINERS. 20', 40' & 53'. 40' freezers, ranges, ovens, dis- insulated reefers/freezers. 190. 25X24 $5,988. 27X28 play cases, SS sinks, appli- ARCTIC CO-OPS IS HIRING! Modifications possible win- $7,498. 30X32 $8,646. 35X34 ances, dishwashers, mixers, dows, doors, walls, as office, $11,844. 42X54 $16,386. slicers, prep table & small www.arctic.coop living work-shop, etc., 40' fla- One End wall included. Pio- wares; www.montgomeryauc- LOCATED IN NUNAVUT OR LOCATED IN WINNIPEG, MB: track/bridge. 1-866-528-7108; neer Steel 1-800-668-5422 tions.com. 1-800-371-6963. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Manager, Risk and Audit www.rtccontainer.com. www.pioneersteel.ca Retail Store Managers Financial Analysts The Cooks/Cook Managers Financial Support Officers TEXTILE SCREEN Printing Follow Fever WORRIED ABOUT your chil- dren? Download E-book How Equipment for Indy Graphics. LOCATED IN YELLOWKNIFE, NT: LOCATED IN SANIKILUAQ, NU: To Raise A Financially Smart Sat., Feb. 20, 10 a.m., MAS Bulk Fuel/Petroleum Driver Produce Manager on Facebook: Sales Centre, Blackfalds, Al- Child to any electronic device. $4.99 at Friesenpress.com. A berta. Complete business dis- Please send your resume to: persal of screen printing Bruce Thomas life changer! [email protected] equipment; www.montgo- Scope Fever meryauctions.com. 1-800- Or fax to: 1-204-632-8575 News Updates Continued on Page 5 371-6963.

PAGE 4 Focus – Thursday, February 11, 2016 Craig L. Alook Nigel “Brat” Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, wife Reanna Beauregard Love, Wifey Mandy Happy 19th Linda Anderson Niece Gabby Randy J. Auger Anniversary Love, Mandy Love, Aunt Reanna, and to my kiddos Niece Danielle, on February 14 to my Uncle Craig Beverly, Crimson Nephews Ethan sweetheart Martha My little ones, Darren H. & Jeremiah & Alihky Love, Bill Shaw Halle, Camryn Love always, Marsha Love, Auntie Michelle & Drew Yellowknee My Sweethearts Love, mommy Reanna Love always, Freida Avery and Elias Gladue Love, Mommy Chris Beauregard Love, wife Taralyn Ricky, “D”, Bubba My Love, Blade, Nizel & BB Pearl Beauregard Breyton Gladue N’Zaia Love, Warren Love, Kokum Freida Love, Mommy Mandy


Follow TheFever on Facebook Go to Bruce Thomas Scope Fever Pizza Hut 223 Highway 88, Red Earth Creek, AB T0G 1X0 Email: [email protected] • Fax: 780-649-3762 –EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – Food Service Supervisors 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE 4 Main Cash.00 Prizes Experience an asset Each! Secondary (high) school graduate Ability to supervise 5 to 10 people $2500 Safe Food Handling Certificate required Team player, client focused, effective interpersonal skills, flexibility, excellent oral communication Ability to work in fast paced environment, physically demanding with tight deadlines Hiring, training, supervising and scheduling staff Ordering supplies and budget preparation Ensure food service and quality control PERMANENT • FULL TIME (30 - 44 HOURS WEEKLY) $14.00 per hour Position Available Immediately Due to Trail Conditions, a Quad Trail May Also Be Available Apply by email, fax, mail or in person between 2:00 & 8:00 pm Watch Facebook or Phone for Updates Focus – Thursday, February 11, 2016 PAGE 5 For Sale Real Estate Travel 20 Years Experience! COMPLETELY MOBILE UNIT! REFORESTATION NURS- 17 QUARTERS OF FARM- SEE POLAR BEARS, Walrus For information or quotes NEW LOOKLTD ERY SEEDLINGS of hardy LAND near Brant, Alberta. and Whales on our Arctic Ex- Call George trees, shrubs, & berries for Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Un- plorer Voyage next summer. 780.891.8454 shelterbelts or landscaping. reserved Auction, March 24 in Save 15% with our winter sale or 780.891.7224 Fax: 780-891-2123 Spruce & Pine from $0.99/ . Quality land, good for a limited time. Call Toll free Bead Glass Blasting tree. Free shipping. Replace- perimeter fences, lots of water 1-800-363-7566; www.adven- JOINT VENTURE with ment guarantee. 1-866-873- & surface lease revenue. Jerry turecanada.com (TICO#04001400) ENVIRO-GRIT ABRASIVES are your safe choice! 3846 or www.treetime.ca. Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauc- Superior cutting power tion.com/realestate. Over 60 different products Next Ad Deadline SAVE MONEY ON DISPOSAL! Health 10 a.m., February 15 PASTURE & HAY LAND. 400 Meets WCB standards • Not a WHMIS controlled product - 8000 acres of year round CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - water supply. Full operational Do you or someone you know with management available. suffer from a disability? Get Central Saskatchewan. Cross- BIGSTONE HEALTH COMMISSION up to $40,000 from the Cana- fenced & complete infrastruc- dian Government. Toll free 1- ture. Natural springs excellent 888-511-2250; www.canada- water. Shortly ready to locate Permanent Full Time - Employment Opportunity benefit.ca/free-assessment. cattle. Other small & large Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) grain & pasture quarters. $150k - $2.6m. Call Doug COMMUNITY HEALTH & HOMECARE Manufactured Homes Rue 306-716-2671; sask- [email protected]. The Bigstone Health Commission in Wabasca, AB is seeking an experienced Licensed CROSS COUNTRY HOMES. Practical Nurse (LPN) to join our talented Health Team. This is a rewarding opportunity Winter clearance, save over Services if you have an appreciation for First Nation culture, a desire for continuing professional $12,000 on select show development and enjoy the support and collaboration from our multidisciplinary team homes! Or custom build for and various other professionals and agencies. Spring. Visit us in Acheson. CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: 780-470-8000; www.cross- Canadian pardon. U.S. travel You will be working with our Community Health & Homecare programs that provide countryhomes.com. waiver. Divorce? Simple. health care services in Wabasca/Desmarais, Calling Lake and the community of Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recov- Chipewyan Lake. You will possess excellent interpersonal, communication and organi- ery? Alberta collection to NO MATTER WHO you are, zational skills, proficiency with computers, effective teaching skills and be medically fit. $25,000. Calgary 403-228- we have a home that fits your Responsibilities: 1300/1-800-347-2540. lifestyle at United Homes Canada. Over 40 years of ex- • Provide community-based nursing care as legislated under the LPN Act perience in providing the best GET BACK on track! Bad •Safely administer and monitor client medications within the LPN Scope of Practice value in quality modular and credit? Bills? Unemployed? • Knowledge and ability to plan direct or provide client personal care manufactured housing. Call 1- Need money? We lend! If you •Assess and maintains client safety in the home setting 800-461-7632 or visit www. own your own home - you •Provides support to the client and family unit unitedhomescanada.com to qualify. Pioneer Acceptance •Makes client/family referrals to other agencies and professionals as needed discover how we can help you Corp. Member BBB. 1-877- • Ability to manage and coordinate a reasonable case load under the direction find your new home. 987-1420; pioneerwest.com. of the Public Health Manager •Maintain accurate records, documents and reports Real Estate BANK SAID NO? Bank on us! •Participate in program planning and intervention according to the identified needs Equity Mortgages for pur- of the community chases, debt consolidation, SHOP & OFFICE COMPLEX - •Provide client assessments foreclosures, renovations. Millet, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. •Provide immunizations within the LPN scope of practice Bruised credit, self-employed, Auctioneers Unreserved Auc- unemployed ok. Dave Fitz- •Provide comprehensive health programs/school health programs/health education tion, April 27 in Edmonton. patrick: albertalending.ca. classes/prenatal programs & etc. 27,730+/- sq. ft. industrial 587-437-8437, Belmor Mort- • Other duties as requested by the Managers shop & office complex - 40 +/- gage. Quali"cations: title acres. Jerry Hodge: 780- 706-6652; rbauction.com/ •Current Licensed Practical Nurse registration with the College of Licensed Practical realestate. EASY ALBERTA DIVORCE. Nurses of Alberta Call 1-800-222-8477 Free Consultation 1-800-320- •At least one year nursing practice experience in community health, acute care, 2477; www.canadianlegal.org. CCA Award #1 Paralegal. A+ long-term care or home care is preferred BBB Reputation. 26 Years Ex- •Possess a valid drivers’ license perience. Open Mon. - Sat. Salary will commensurate with experience and qualifications. Send Resume along with 3 work related references to: WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR? Bigstone Health Commission ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Box 1020 Wabasca, Alberta T0G 2K0 Fax: 780-891-2623 12345 Email to: [email protected] Closing date for this employment opportunity will be February 16, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Applicants are thanked in advance for their interest however, Customizable and secure. From storage to workspace. only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Steel containers from 8' - 53'. 20' & 40' skids with optional 4' landings Vision: To revive, strengthen and protect members’ treaty rights to health and to enhance available. Mount with twist locks. 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM the quality of life of members and others living on Bigstone Traditional lands.


PAGE 6 Focus – Thursday, February 11, 2016