AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

Peopling of the Pacific: A Holistic Anthropological Perspective

Patrick V. Kirch

Departments of Anthropology and Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010. 39:131–48 Key Words First published online as a Review in Advance on Near Oceania, Remote Oceania, cultural phylogeny, historical June 14, 2010 anthropology, voyaging The Annual Review of Anthropology is online at Abstract This article’s doi: The human colonization of the Pacific is an enduring problem in histori- 10.1146/annurev.anthro.012809.104936 cal anthropology. Recent advances in archaeology, historical linguistics, Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Copyright c 2010 by Annual Reviews. and bioanthropology have coalesced to form a set of models for popula- All rights reserved Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from tion movements and interactions in Oceania, which have been tested on 0084-6570/10/1021-0131$20.00 independent data sets. Earliest human movements into Near Oceania began about 40,000 years ago, resulting in great cultural, linguistic, and genetic diversity in this region. About 4000 years ago, the expansion of Austronesian speakers out of Southeast Asia led to the emergence of the Lapita cultural complex in Near Oceania. The Lapita expansion into Remote Oceania, commencing about 1200 BC, led ultimately to the settlement of the vast eastern Pacific, ending with the colonization of about AD 1250. Polynesians probably reached the coast of South America, returning with the sweet potato and possibly the bot- tle gourd. Polynesian influences on New World cultures remain a topic of debate.

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In these Proes or Pahee’s as the[y] call them... 1980s. At the same time, a small but ener- these people sail in those seas from Island to Island getic group of linguists tackled the historical for several hundred Leagues, the Sun serving them relationships among the 2000 or more lan- for a compass by day and the Moon and Stars by guages spoken throughout the Pacific. This night. When this comes to be prov’d we Shall be launched a productive and continuing engage- no longer at a loss to know how the Islands lying in ment between linguists and prehistorians, who those Seas came to be people’d, for... it cannot be recognized the potential of testing each other’s doubted but that the inhabitants of those western models against independent data (Green 1999). Islands may have been at others as far to westward And, as the old physical anthropology was of them and so we may trace them from Island to transformed into a modern bioanthropology, Island quite to the East Indias. the unparalleled human biological diversity of James Cook, 1769 (In Beaglehole 1955, p. 154) the Pacific proved fertile ground for testing new methods of population genetics (Hill & In the late eighteenth century, James Cook and Serjeantson 1989, Friedlaender 2007). other European voyagers of the Enlightenment The past 30 years, especially, have seen puzzled at how even the most remote of Pacific an explosion of new archaeological, linguistic, islands had been discovered and peopled by in- and bioanthropological data and interpretation digenous populations, spawning varied theories bearing on the long-standing questions of when and a sizeable literature (Howard 1967). A cen- and how people entered the Pacific and man- tury later, scholars such as Fornander (1878) aged to discover and colonize virtually every synthesized Polynesian oral traditions into one of its thousands of islands. The founders of historical accounts of dubious veracity, tracing four-field anthropology, such as Sapir (1916), Polynesians back to mythical homelands in envisioned the power that a holistic approach South Asia. The advent of modern anthro- could bring to historical questions, but they pology in the early twentieth century led to a lacked the tools to fully implement it. In the re-engagement with the “problem of Polyne- Pacific, this potential has now been realized sian origins” (Kirch 2000, pp. 20–27). However, through the interdisciplinary collaboration of with the methods of archaeology and physical archaeology, historical linguistics, and bioan- anthropology still underdeveloped, compara- thropology. To be sure, not all of the questions tive ethnology dominated. The results ranged have been answered, but immense forward mo- from Handy’s (1930) Kulturkriese diffusionism mentum has been gained, as this essay seeks to to Rivers’s (1914) division of Oceanic peoples demonstrate. into the “Kava” and the “Betel people.” Buck’s (1938) sweeping synthesis, forged in a mid- Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. twentieth century cauldron of racial prejudice, MULTIDISCIPLINARY

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from invoked flawed essentialist notions of human ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE biological types to trace “Caucasoid” Polyne- Archaeology sian migrations around the fringe of “Negroid” Melanesia (see Kirch 2000, pp. 24–27). By 1980, three major conclusions could be ad- As stratigraphic archaeology commenced in vanced based on accumulating evidence from the Pacific following World War II, the eth- archaeological excavations, accompanied by an nologists lost interest in historical questions, increasingly robust radiocarbon chronology: and the search to trace the origins of Oceanic (a) was the last part of the Pacific to peoples shifted increasingly to anthropology’s have been settled, and the immediate home- other subdisciplines. Archaeological fieldwork land of the Polynesians was in the - began in earnest in Polynesia in the 1950s Samoa region; (b) a distinctive ceramic series and 1960s, and began to make major strides named Lapita linked the earliest sites in Tonga in Melanesia and in the 1970s and and Samoa with sites scattered throughout

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island Melanesia, thus bridging the classic innovation, and integration (Green 1991, Kirch ethnographic divide between Melanesia and 1997). Polynesia; and (c)thelargeislandofNew A fundamental conceptual revision to come Guinea had the greatest time depth, with out of the LHP and subsequent research is the demonstrated Pleistocene settlement (Golson abandonment of the nineteenth century, racist 1972). However, significant debate ensued division of Oceania into Melanesia, Micronesia, about whether Lapita represented a population and Polynesia (proposed by the French explorer intrusion into Melanesia from Southeast Asia, Dumont D’Urville in 1832) and its replacement or whether it was an indigenous development with the categories of Near Oceania and Remote in the -Bismarck Archipelago re- Oceania (Green 1991). Near Oceania incorpo- gion (Allen 1984). This debate has at times rates New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, been caricatured as competing “fast train and the Solomon Islands as far as San Cristobal to Polynesia” versus “tangled bank” models and Santa Anna, whereas Remote Oceania (Terrell 1986, Diamond 1988, Oppenheimer includes the rest of the Pacific proper. These 2004). In part, the debate revolves around the new divisions are based on the archaeological question of whether phylogenetic signals of hu- demonstration that Near Oceania has a signifi- man history (i.e., homologous changes) are de- cantly greater time depth of human settlement, tectable in linguistic and genetic patterns of extending back into the Pleistocene, whereas variation in the Pacific, or whether intergroup human incursions into Remote Oceania did contact and reticulation has been so pervasive not begin until around 4000 BP (in western as to have erased such phylogenetic history Micronesia) and were not completed until (Bellwood 1996, Terrell et al. 1997, Kirch & as recently as 1000 BP. The old tripartite Green 2001, Greenhill & Gray 2005). categories still find use as geographical short- The multi-institutional Lapita Homeland hand terms, and Polynesia has proven to be a Project (LHP), launched in 1984, sought to meaningful culture-historical category, as all address this debate within the ambit of the Polynesian populations and languages prove to Bismarck Archipelago. The project’s several be descendants of a common clade (Kirch & field teams acquired invaluable new data on Green 2001). But Melanesia has no explanatory Lapita sites (Gosden et al. 1989), but also value other than as a geographic space; to speak demonstrated that human populations had of Melanesian peoples implies nothing about moved into the large islands of and common origins or relationships in any genetic New Ireland in the Pleistocene, by about 36,000 sense. BP (Wickler & Spriggs 1988, Allen & Gosden 1991, Smith & Sharp 1993). Building on the im- Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. petus of the LHP, archaeological excavations in Historical Linguistics

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from both pre-Lapita and Lapita sites throughout is- The integrity of a widespread Austronesian land Melanesia have continued unabated over language family (sometimes referred to in older the past three decades (Kirch 1997, Galipaud literature as Malayo-Polynesian), including & Lilley 1999, Clark et al. 2001, Summerhayes approximately 1200 modern languages spread 2007, Sheppard et al. 2009). One outcome from Madagascar to , was well has been a resolution of the fast train/tangled established by the mid-twentieth century bank debate in favor of the interpretation of (Blust 1996). Significant advances came from Lapita as the outcome of a population intrusion the 1970s onwards with delineation of the (specifically, of Austronesian language speak- place of the Oceanic subgroup of Austronesian, ers) into the New Guinea–Bismarck region. At and of the internal branching structure and the same time, Lapita is seen as something more relationships of the Oceanic languages, which complex than demic expansion alone, summed include most of the languages spoken in island up in Green’s Triple-I model of intrusion, Melanesia (outside of New Guinea) and • Peopling of the Pacific 133 AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

Micronesia, and all of those in Polynesia expansion of Lapita and post-Lapita popula- (Pawley 1972; Ross 1988, 1989). The Oceanic tions into Remote Oceania (corresponding to subgroup and the historical relationships the spread of Oceanic languages). among its languages are now well understood, even to the point of detailed reconstructions of Proto Oceanic vocabulary and culture (Pawley Bioanthropology & Ross 1993). Moreover, it is widely accepted Physical anthropologists in the early decades that Proto Oceanic was the language of the of the twentieth century attempted to describe earliest Lapita populations in Near Oceania and classify Pacific peoples based on such (Pawley & Green 1984; Kirch 1997, pp. 88–96). categories as skin color, hair type, and through Recently, work on the genetic relationships of large series of metric indices. Beginning in Oceanic and other Austronesian languages has the 1970s, some of these older data were benefited not only from traditional comparative reanalyzed using new multivariate statistical linguistic methods but also from the application methods (Howells 1970, Pietrusewsky 1970, of cladistic procedures derived from biology Houghton 1996) yielding new insights into (Gray & Jordan 2000, Hurles et al. 2003, the relationships among Pacific populations. Greenhill & Gray 2005, Gray et al. 2009). These methods, however, had their limitations, A large group of languages centered in New and Howells, for example, was still led to write Guinea with a few isolates in the Bismarcks and that the Melanesians “were so protean and Solomons (numbering perhaps 950 languages) varied as to resist satisfactory analysis” (1970, proved more refractory to historical linguistic p. 192). The major breakthrough came with analysis due to their immense variation. Ini- a modern bioanthropology that adopted the tially lumped as non-Austronesian, this nega- methods of population genetics and molecular tively defined category has been replaced with biology, especially through sequencing of the term Papuan, while recognizing that this mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nonrecom- is not a single language family (Foley 1986, bining Y-chromosome (NRY) DNA (Hill & Pawley 2007). Rather, Papuan incorporates at Serjeantson 1989, Martinson et al. 1993, Boyce least 23 distinct families that appear to be unre- et al. 1995, Martinson 1996, Melton et al. lated to each other (at least such relationships 1998, Friedlaender 2007, Friedlaender et al. are not detectable on present evidence), and an- 2008). One of the first major discoveries was other 10 isolates (Ross 2005). The largest single that Polynesians and island Southeast Asians family grouping within Papuan is the Trans- shared a particular nine-base-pair deletion New Guinea Phylum, which includes between in mtDNA, sometimes called the Polynesian 350 and 450 languages dispersed across the is- motif (Hertzberg et al. 1989, Lum et al. Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. land of New Guinea (Pawley 2007). 1998, Lum & Cann 1998, Merriwether et al.

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from The emerging picture of Pacific historical 1999). This evidence appeared to strengthen linguistics is thus one of extraordinary diver- the archaeolinguistic argument in favor of sity confined within Near Oceania (the Papuan a fast-train dispersal out of Southeast Asia. languages), along with the Oceanic subgroup Subsequent work on NRY variations, however, of Austronesian that displays clear internal re- showed that the dominant Y haplotype in lationships due to relatively shallow time depth, Polynesians is likely to be of Melanesian (Near but is dispersed from Near Oceania all the way Oceanic) origin (Kayser et al. 2000, Su et al. to the geographic extremes of Remote Oceania. 2000, Hurles et al. 2002). This apparent con- At the broadest level, there is remarkable con- tradiction in the mtDNA and NRY evidence gruence between the archaeological and lin- can be resolved through a model of matrilocal guistic evidence for deep-time, Pleistocene set- residence in the early Oceanic-speaking (i.e., tlement of Near Oceania (giving rise to the Lapita) populations, whereby Melanesian men protean Papuan languages), and late Holocene were recruited into Lapita communities (Hage

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& Marck 2003; Kayser et al. 2006, 2008; Jordan 23,000–32,000 years, which is confined to Near et al. 2009). These data also provide support Oceania; and (b) hpMaori, which is believed to for a slow-boat model of Polynesian origins, have accompanied Austronesian expansion out whereby “... Polynesian ancestors originated of at about 5,000 years ago (Moodley from East Asia but genetically mixed with et al. 2009). Melanesians before colonizing the Pacific” (Kayser et al. 2008, p. 1362; Vilar et al. 2008). A period of sustained gene flow between ancestral NEAR OCEANIA Polynesian and Melanesian populations is also Pleistocene Arrivals evidenced by the presence of an α-thalassemia deletion, which confers resistance to malaria, The first arrival of people in Near Oceania must and must have been transferred to the ancestral be understood within the context of Pleistocene Polynesian populations in Near Oceania biogeography and dynamic sea levels. For much before their dispersal to Remote Oceania, of the later Pleistocene, lowered sea levels re- where malaria is generally absent (Hill et al. sulted in New Guinea being joined to Australia 1985, Martinson 1996). (and the latter to Tasmania), making up the su- In addition to testing models of Austrone- percontinent of Sahul. To the east, the Malay sian expansion into the Pacific, recent molecu- Peninsula was similarly joined to the Indone- lar studies have made significant contributions sian island arc as far east as Bali, along with to understanding genetic diversity within Near Kalimantan, a vast area known as Sunda. Be- Oceania. The various studies of mtDNA and tween Sunda and Sahul lies the island world NRY variation in northern Melanesia summa- of Wallacea in which water gaps were continu- rized above support an interpretation of great ously present, making Wallacea a major barrier time depth in this region; microsatellite diver- to and animal dispersal. The human colo- sity gives estimated divergence ages of between nization of Sahul, including Near Oceania, thus 32,000 and 50,000 years for haplotypes that de- required some form of water-crossing ability, veloped in Near Oceania (Friedlaender 2007, and it is increasingly evident that some kinds of p. 92). Moreover, Papuan-speaking language simple watercraft—such as bamboo rafts, bark groups (typically inland populations) are genet- boats, or dugout canoes—must have been in- ically the “most distinctive” in island Melanesia volved (Irwin 1993). This was true not only (Friedlaender 2007, p. 232). These findings cor- for crossing Wallacea, but for moving from relate well with the archaeolinguistic model of New Guinea into the Bismarck Archipelago and Pleistocene settlement of Near Oceania by an- the Solomons, where the islands were also al- cestors of Papuan-speaking groups. ways separated from each other by water gaps Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Finally, the new molecular methods have (Figure 1).

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from also been applied to other organisms as prox- Upwards of 150 archaeological sites dating ies for human movement. The Pacific rat (Rat- to the Pleistocene have been recorded in Sahul tus exulans) was carried by voyagers from Near (Smith & Sharp 1993). Once humans had en- Oceania into Remote Oceania, either as a food tered the continent, they spread rapidly over all item or as an inadvertent stowaway. mtDNA of its varied ecosystems from the tropical north phylogenies of R. exulans show the presence of to the temperate south, displaying a remarkable three major haplogroups, the distributions of adaptability. Within Near Oceania proper, the which are consistent with the Triple-I model earliest archaeological evidence remains that at of Lapita origins in Near Oceania (Matisoo- Huon on the northern coast of New Guinea, Smith & Robins 2004). Recent genetic analysis where split-cobble waisted blades have been of a human bacterial parasite, Helicobacter pylori, bracketed between 60,000 and 40,000 years BP showed two distinct populations: (a) an hpSahul (Groube et al. 1986). The large islands of New population with an estimated divergence age of Britain and New Ireland both have evidence • Peopling of the Pacific 135 AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

Figure 1 Map of Near Oceania, showing the location of key archaeological sites.

for occupation by around 35,000 BP (Allen & Southeast Asia moved beginning around 4000– Gosden 1991, Pavlides & Gosden 1994, Allen 3500 years BP, an eastwards advancing prong 1996), Buka in the northern Solomons was set- of the larger Austronesian expansion (Bellwood tled by around 28,000 BP (Wickler & Spriggs 2005, Donohue & Denham 2010). Aside from 1988), and Manus sometime before 13,000 BP being marked by their obvious linguistic iden- (Fredericksen et al. 1993). tity, these immediately pre-Oceanic speakers Space limitations preclude a review here possessed at least two critical technological of cultural developments within Near Oceania complexes: (a) ceramics and (b) the sailing out- during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene rigger canoe. Although there have been claims (but see Kirch 2000, pp. 70–84; Spriggs 1997). for pre-Lapita ceramics on New Guinea, there Suffice it to say that this period of thirty mil- is no evidence thus far throughout the Bis-

Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. lennia provided the time depth necessary both marcks or Solomons for pottery making prior

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from for the emergence of a high degree of linguis- to Lapita. The Austronesian origins of the out- tic diversity (the Papuan languages), and for rigger sailing canoe, or ∗waηka to use the Proto the evolution of human biological diversity in- Austronesian word, are especially well attested cluding the various indigenous Near Oceanic on linguistic evidence (Pawley & Pawley 1994). mtDNA and NRY haplogroups referred to ear- Although these pre-Oceanic speaking voyagers lier (Friedlaender 2007). also possessed a horticultural economy, this was not new to Near Oceania, where vari- ous tuber, fruit, and nut-bearing had Austronesian Incursion already been domesticated. Nor was sophisti- and Lapita Origins cated shell working necessarily an Austronesian It was into this landscape of cultural, linguis- innovation, as there is evidence for shell tool tic, and biological diversity that a new popu- manufacture in the Bismarcks at a quite early lation (or populations) with origins in island date.

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The aceramic to ceramic transition in Near REMOTE OCEANIA Oceania is still a phenomenon of active research and debate, in part exacerbated by violent erup- The Lapita Expansion tive events on New Britain that blanketed parts Throughout the late Pleistocene and most of of that island with thick tephra (the W-K2 the Holocene, humans were confined to the ge- event) around 3600 BP, probably causing ma- ographically restricted region of Near Oceania, jor population disruptions (Specht 2009). How- not venturing farther than the eastern end of ever, sites containing the distinctive dentate- the Solomons (San Cristobal and Santa Anna stamped Lapita ceramics appear quite rapidly islands). Even the main Solomons may have in the Bismarck Archipelago, possibly as early been quite sparsely populated until the advent as 3500 BP in Mussau (Kirch 2001), but cer- of Lapita, in part due to the rapid decline in tainly by 3300–3000 BP at a number of localities terrestrial biodiversity as one moves from New (Specht & Gosden 1997, Summerhayes 2001). Guinea and Bismarcks eastwards, limiting the The immediate homeland of these pottery- potential resources for hunters and gatherers. making groups is likely to be the - Nonetheless, the Bismarcks to the Solomons Halmahera region, where similar pottery (but comprise a chain of almost continuously inter- lacking the distinctive dentate stamped deco- visible island masses, which would have facili- ration) has been recovered (Kirch 1995). This tated discovery of new islands and subsequent is also consistent with linguistic evidence, since voyaging between them. Beyond Santa Anna, the closest external subgroup to the Oceanic however, one encounters the first significant languages are those of the South Halmahera- gap of 380 km of open ocean before landfall West New Guinea subgroup; both of these is reached in the Santa Cruz group. Beyond are branches of the Eastern Malayo-Polynesian this, distances become even more formidable— languages (Kirch & Green 2001, figure 2.1). some 800 km from northern to , As noted earlier, the emergence of Lapita for example. Making such long ocean cross- in the Bismarcks has been debated in terms ings required seaworthy sailing craft, which the such as “fast train,” “tangled bank,” and “slow Lapita people had evidently perfected with a boat.” While there is little doubt that a demic variant of the ∗waηka outrigger canoe. More- intrusion of pre-Oceanic speakers from island over, the colonization of Remote Oceania— Southeast Asia was a key part of the process, a which is far more biotically depauperate than strictly fast train model can be rejected in favor is Near Oceania—also necessitated the ability a slow boat in which the intrusive populations to transport both crop plants and domestic ani- not only interacted with pre-existing Papuan- mals to newfound islands. Although island col- speaking communities in the Bismarcks, onizers may have relied heavily for the first few Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. but intermarried with them as well. The com- months on abundant wild birds and seafood, in

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from plex patterns of genetic and linguistic diver- the long run the success of new colonies de- sity found today in Near Oceania (Friedlaender pended on the establishment of horticultural 2007, Friedlaender et al. 2008) can only be production systems. explained as the outcome of such complex cul- The timing of the Lapita expansion out of tural, linguistic, and genetic exchanges. (The Near Oceania into the southwestern archipela- tangled bank model is also rejected, as it im- goes of Remote Oceania (Figure 2) has been plies that no phylogenetic signals of the homol- narrowed down by extensive radiocarbon dat- ogous relationships among these populations ing to the three centuries between 3200 and can be detected.) The best overall model for 2900 BP, a time span equivalent to roughly Lapita origins remains Green’s (1991) Triple-I 15 human generations. The earliest Lapita set- hypothesis, which posits that Lapita emerged tlement in the Reef-Santa Cruz group, the out of a combination of intrusion, innovation, Nanggu site (SE-SZ-8), was occupied around and integration processes. • Peopling of the Pacific 137 AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

Figure 2 Map of the southwestern Pacific, showing the division between Near Oceania and Remote Oceania, and the extent of the Lapita Cultural Complex.

3200 BP (Green et al. 2008). From there colo- Micronesia nization seems to have proceeded rapidly down Micronesia, one of D’Urville’s three origi- through Vanuatu, across to the Loyalty Islands, nal divisions of Oceania, lies mostly north of and to La Grande Terre of New Caledonia. the equator, stretching from Palau and the Sand (1997) puts the initial settlement of La Marianas in the west, through the Caroline Grande Terre at between 3000 and 2900 BP Islands, to the Marshall and Kiribati archipela- The wide ocean gap between Vanuatu and Fiji goes in the east, a distance of nearly 5000 km. was crossed by between 3050 and 2950 BP Many of its islands are coral atolls, punctuated (Anderson & Clark 1999, Clark & Anderson by such high volcanic islands as Chuuk, Pohn- Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. 2009), and Lapita colonization continued pei, and Kosrae. Biologically, Micronesian pop- rapidly into the Lau and Tongan archipelagoes.

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from ulations tend to share many traits with Polyne- Extensive dates from Lapita sites in the Ha’apai sians based on either traditional morphometric group of Tonga indicate initial settlements in analyses (Pietrusewsky 1970), or on more recent place by 2850 BP (Burley et al. 1999). Samoa, mtDNA analyses (Lum & Cann 1998, 2000). along with Futuna and ‘Uvea, were also set- The historical linguistic picture for Mi- tled at approximately this same time. Thus the cronesia, which has been greatly clarified in Lapita expansion brought human settlement as recent years ( Jackson 1986, Rehg 1995), is far east as the Tonga-Samoa region, what is critical for understanding the settlement his- commonly known as Western Polynesia. At this tory of this vast region. Although all extant point, further long-distance exploration to the Micronesian languages are Austronesian, they east apparently halted, and would not be re- do not all fall within the Oceanic subgroup, sumed until the later Polynesian diaspora in the an exception within Remote Oceania. Specif- first millennium AD. ically, the Chamorro (Marianas) and Palauan

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languages spoken in the westernmost archipela- documented settlements appear on the vol- goes belong to the Western Malayo-Polynesian canic islands of Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae, subgroup of Austronesian, and are thus more all marked by calcareous sand-tempered ce- closely related to many of the languages spoken ramics associated with Tridacna-shell adzes and in the and . In contrast, Conus-shell ornaments, all similar to late Lapita all of the languages spoken in the Carolines, forms (Kirch 2000, pp. 173–175). Radiocarbon Marshalls, and Kiribati constitute a distinct dates indicate settlement of these high islands subgroup of Oceanic languages, referred to as in the last century or two of the first millen- Nuclear Micronesian (Bender & Wang 1985), nium BC. Similar-aged deposits have been ex- which is inferred to have derived from the ini- cavated in the Marshall Islands (Weisler 2001), tial breakup of Proto Oceanic. Finally, the lan- although these lack pottery. However, many guage of Yap, which lies between Palau and the atolls throughout central and western Microne- Carolines, has been shown to be an Oceanic sia may not have begun to form stable motu language that has been modified through sev- islets until well into the first millennium AD, eral phases of external contacts and borrowings following a late Holocene drop of about 1 m in (Ross 1996). sea level. Thus the atoll adaptations so charac- The historical linguistic evidence thus of- teristic of Micronesia are likely to be relatively fers a three-part sequence for the peopling of recent developments. The archaeological pic- Micronesia. An initial group (or groups) of ture for Yap is still enigmatic, as no primary Western Malayo-Polynesian speakers moved settlement sites have as yet been identified or into Palau and the Marianas directly from is- excavated. land Southeast Asia. A second population (or closely related populations) would likely have originated in the Solomons-Vanuatu region, as The Polynesian Diaspora a northern extension of the Lapita phenomenon Of the three regions defined by D’Urville at the time that the Proto Oceanic speech com- in 1832, only Polynesia has stood the test of munity was breaking up. This Proto Nuclear- time as a meaningful unit of cultural history. Micronesian speech community may have been As Kirch & Green (2001, pp. 53–91) argue, emplaced on more than a single island, pos- Polynesia constitutes a phylogenetic unit, a sibly constituting a dialect chain spanning at distinct clade. Biologically, Polynesian popu- least the high islands (and probably some atolls) lations have long been noted for their relative of the central-eastern Micronesian region. Fi- homogeneity (Houghton 1996). Molecular nally, Yap is likely to have been settled directly analysis suggests that the founding population from the Bismarck Archipelago, but was then entering the Western Polynesian region passed Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. in later contact with islands both west and east. through a constricted demographic bottleneck

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from Archaeological evidence increasingly sup- (Flint et al. 1989, Martinson et al. 1993, ports the model offered by historical linguis- Harding & Clegg 1996). Linguistically, it is tics. The western island chains were the first well established that all of the extant Polynesian to have been colonized, and early ceramics in languages form a single, well-defined subgroup the Marianas, such as those from the Achugao of the Oceanic branch of Austronesian (Marck Point site radiocarbon dated to 1930–1630 BC 1996). The Proto Polynesian interstage, which (Butler 1994), display stylistic similarities with developed in the Tonga-Samoa region during pottery from the Philippines and Sulawesi. In the first millennium BC, is marked by roughly Palau, sediment cores with evidence for an- 1300 lexical innovations (Marck 2000). The thropogenic disturbance have been dated to as initial breakup of Proto Polynesian (which early as 2350 BC (Athens & Ward 2001), and probably constituted a dialect chain linking the pottery-bearing sites are known by 1250 BC islands from Tongatapu in the south up through (Liston 2009). In the Carolines, the earliest Vava’u and Niuatoputapu to Samoa) led to two • Peopling of the Pacific 139 AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

distinct branches: Tongic and Proto Nuclear 2002), as have excavations in the Anakena beach Polynesian. The Eastern Polynesian languages site on Easter Island (Steadman et al. 1994, derive from the Nuclear Polynesian subgroup, Hunt & Lipo 2006). The emerging picture is as do the Outlier Polynesian languages. one of a fairly rapid Polynesian colonization of Whereas Western Polynesia is well estab- the chain of islands stretching from the Australs lished as the homeland region within which An- to Mangareva, Pitcairn-Henderson, and finally cestral Polynesian culture and Proto Polynesian to Easter Island that occurred between roughly language developed (Green 1981), debate has AD 800 and 1000. Hawai’i also seems to have centered on the question of when Polynesians been settled no earlier than AD 800 based on began to expand beyond the core homeland evidence from sediment cores and AMS dat- to settle Eastern Polynesia (Kirch 1986, Irwin ing of Pacific rat bones (Athens 1997, Athens 1992, Spriggs & Anderson 1993, Anderson et al. 2002). New Zealand was clearly the last of 2001a). A long pause of at least 1000 years’ the major Polynesian islands to be discovered duration lapsed between the initial Lapita set- and settled, between about AD 1250 and 1300 tlement of Tonga-Samoa, and the subsequent (Hogg et al. 2003). However, the large and cen- expansion of Polynesian populations to the east. trally situated Society Islands archipelago re- However, questions of just when long-distance mains a gap in our knowledge of early sites, voyages of colonization to the east commenced, with the oldest evidence consisting of anaer- how rapid was expansion into Eastern Polyne- obically preserved domesticated coconuts in a sia, and how much time elapsed before Eastern coastal swamp on Mo’orea Island (Lepofsky Polynesia had been completely settled have et al. 1992); clearly, more investigation in the been the focus of much recent research. Archae- Society Islands is warranted. ological work in the 1950s and 1960s, in the In contrast with earlier views that the set- Marquesas, Easter Island, and Hawai’i, led to tlement of Eastern Polynesia was accomplished interpretations of Eastern Polynesian coloniza- by random drift (Sharp 1956), it is now cer- tion as early as AD 300, but the validity of many tain that these widely dispersed islands were of the earlier radiocarbon dates has been called discovered as the result of purposive voyages into question (Spriggs & Anderson 1993). of exploration enabled by a sophisticated canoe A considerably later chronology for ini- technology and navigational abilities (Finney tial Eastern Polynesian settlement has now 1996, 1997; Anderson 2001a,b). Here prehisto- emerged from the redating of key sites and rians have been aided by the knowledge gained assemblages, using improved methods such from the experimental voyages of the Hokule’a as accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C. and other replicated Polynesian double-hulled Among these are Ha’atuatua and Hane in the voyaging canoes (Finney 1994). Although there Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Marquesas (Anderson et al. 1994, Rolett & is some disagreement on this point, it is likely

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from Conte 1995, Rolett 1998, Conte & Anderson that the large ocean-going double-hulled sail- 2003), the Bellows Dune and Halawa Dune ing canoe (as opposed to the simpler sailing ca- sites in Hawai’i (Tuggle & Spriggs 2000, Kirch noe with outrigger) was invented and perfected & McCoy 2007), the Maupiti and Vaito’otia in the Western Polynesian homeland during sites in the Society Islands (Anderson & Sinoto the so-called “long pause” (Finney 2006). It 2002), along with several Archaic sites in New was certainly the existence of this canoe type, Zealand (Anderson & Wallace 1993, Anderson with its vastly expanded range and cargo capac- et al. 1996, Higham et al. 1999, Hogg et al. ity that enabled the peopling of Eastern Poly- 2003). Newly discovered early sites in the nesia. Moreover, it is increasingly evident that Cooks, Mangareva, and Henderson-Pitcairn long-distance voyaging continued to link many groups have added significantly to the corpus of of the Eastern Polynesian islands well after ini- chronological data (Kirch et al. 1995, Weisler tial settlement, and the geochemical sourcing of 1995, Conte & Kirch 2004, Green & Weisler basalt adzes in particular has demonstrated the

140 Kirch AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

existence of widespread interaction networks research on sweet potato distribution and varia- (Weisler 1998, Collerson & Weisler 2007). tion led him to propose a “tripartite hypothesis” The sequencing of mtDNA from extant of the plant’s distribution, in which sweet potato populations and archaeological remains of the arrived in Eastern Polynesia in pre-European Pacific rat has also contributed to the emerg- times, with the Polynesians themselves as ing picture of Eastern Polynesian dispersals the most likely transferors. The discovery (Matisoo-Smith 1994, Matisoo-Smith et al. and dating of carbonized sweet potato tubers 1999, Matisoo-Smith & Robins 2004). These (parenchyma) in the Tangatatau Rockshelter results indicate two separate introductions of on Mangaia in the Southern Cooks (Hather R. exulans into the Hawaiian archipelago, lend- & Kirch 1991) provided direct evidence that ing independent support to archaeological and sweet potato had been transferred into central linguistic claims that Hawai’i had multiple voy- Polynesia by around AD 1000. Subsequently, ages from central Eastern Polynesia. Hinkle many archaeobotanical samples of sweet potato (2004) analyzed molecular diversity in the Poly- have been radiocarbon dated to precontact nesian transported ti plant ( fruticosa), contexts in New Zealand and Hawai’i. Given showing distinct Western and Eastern Poly- the evidence for rapid Polynesian expansion nesian clades; low levels of difference between throughout southeastern Polynesia between the sterile Eastern Polynesian ti populations are about AD 800 and 1000, it is entirely plausible consistent with a shallow time depth. that at least one voyaging canoe reached South America to establish contact and return with sweet potato tubers, which then entered the CONTACTS WITH Polynesian horticultural complex. Indeed, the THE AMERICAS adoption of sweet potato (as opposed to other The theory that Eastern Polynesia, if not American crops such as maize or beans) is the Pacific islands more broadly, might have culturally plausible, given that the plant is both been peopled from the Americas has been morphologically and ecologically similar to the proposed many times over the past two cen- Dioscorea yams with which the Polynesians were turies (Howard 1967). It was most famously already familiar. The Proto Eastern Polynesian championed by Thor Heyerdahl (1952) who name for sweet potato, ∗kuumara, is almost popularized the theory with his Kon-Tiki certainly a borrowing from a South American raft voyage. Most archaeologists never took dialect where the term for the crop is kumar Heyerdahl’s ideas seriously, and none of or similar variants (Yen 1974, appendix; Green the archaeological, linguistic, or biological 2005). evidence reviewed above lends any support to A second possible botanical transfer into Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. the intrusion of indigenous Native American Polynesia is the bottle gourd (Lagenaria sicer-

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from populations into the Pacific in pre-Columbian aria), a useful plant known to have been present times. However, the reverse proposition—that in the Americas by at least 9900 BP. Archaeo- Polynesians sailed to the coasts of South botanical remains of bottle gourd (gourd frag- and/or North America, making contact with ments and seeds) have been recovered in pre- populations there—seems increasingly likely, contact contexts in Hawai’i and elsewhere in and has provoked recent debates. Eastern Polynesia. A recent effort to test the hy- The strongest evidence for Polynesian pothesis of a pre-Columbian American origin contact with South America is the sweet for the Polynesian bottle gourd using molecular potato (Ipomoea batatas), a plant of undoubted evidence (Clarke et al. 2006) proved inconclu- American origins that was widely cultivated in sive, owing to the likelihood of postcontact hy- Eastern Polynesia (especially in New Zealand, bridization with Asian . Nonetheless, Hawai’i, and Easter Island) at the time of Lagenaria remains a likely candidate for Poly- European contact. Yen’s (1974) extensive nesian transfer from South America. • Peopling of the Pacific 141 AN39CH09-Kirch ARI 12 August 2010 16:55

If Polynesians made contact with coastal In short, some contact between Eastern peoples in the Americas, the question arises Polynesians and indigenous American pop- whether this resulted in the flow of ideas, organ- ulations seems incontrovertible based on the isms, or even genes into the New World. One evidence of the sweet potato. But much more recent claim for such a Polynesia-to-America research will be necessary to refine our un- transfer concerns the jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), derstanding of such contact, and whether the a species carried from Southeast Asia through- Polynesians made any significant contributions out the Pacific during the Austronesian expan- to New World culture history. sion. Whether chickens were present in South America in pre-Columbian times has been de- bated, but Storey et al. (2007) report an AMS- CONCLUSION dated chicken bone from the El Arenal site in The founders of an integrated, holistic ap- south-central Chile, which, they argue, is evi- proach to anthropology, including Sapir (1916), dence for Polynesian contact and introduction were confident that deep time problems of of G. gallus. The reported date, calibrated to AD human history would be amenable to coordi- 1321–1407, would fall toward the end of the nated investigation by the discipline’s several period of extensive Eastern Polynesia voyag- subfields. A century later, methodological ad- ing, but certainly predates Spanish occupation vancements in archaeology, historical linguis- (Pizarro reached Peru in 1532). This claim has tics, and bioanthropology have made that vision provoked strong debate (Gongora et al. 2008, a reality. The enduring problem of the peo- Storey et al. 2008), and more evidence from El pling of the Pacific demonstrates the strength Arenal or other sites will be required before a of building and testing models based on mul- pre-Columbian transfer of chickens from Poly- tiple lines of independent evidence. Moreover, nesia to South America can be firmly accepted. claims that the genetic, linguistic, and cultural A second case for Polynesian cultural in- complexity of Oceania is so great (a “tangled fluence in the New World has been made by bank”) that no signals of homologous history Jones & Klar (2005), who argue that the sewn may be detected has been shown to be false. plank canoes of the Channel Islands region of While cultural contact, borrowings, and gene California resulted from Polynesian contacts. flow are indeed important parts of the history They adduce both archaeological and linguis- of Oceanic peoples, phylogenetic relationships tic evidence in support of their argument, which can nonetheless be determined. In many ways, has again resulted in vigorous debate (Anderson the Pacific serves as a model region for historical 2006, Arnold 2007). anthropology. Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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Annual Review of Anthropology Contents Volume 39, 2010

Prefatory Chapter A Life of Research in Biological Anthropology Geoffrey A. Harrison ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1

Archaeology Preindustrial Markets and Marketing: Archaeological Perspectives Gary M. Feinman and Christopher P. Garraty ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp167 Exhibiting Archaeology: Archaeology and Museums Alex W. Barker pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp293 Defining Behavioral Modernity in the Context of Neandertal and Anatomically Modern Human Populations April Nowell ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp437 The Southwest School of Landscape Archaeology Severin Fowles ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp453 Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes and Mongolia Bryan Hanks ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp469

Biological Anthropology

Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Miocene Hominids and the Origins of the African Apes and Humans ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from David R. Begun 67 Consanguineous Marriage and Human Evolution A.H. Bittles and M.L. Black pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp193 Cooperative Breeding and its Significance to the Demographic Success of Humans Karen L. Kramer pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp417

Linguistics and Communicative Practices Enactments of Expertise E. Summerson Carr ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp17

vii AR424-FM ARI 12 August 2010 19:29

The Semiotics of Brand Paul Manning ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp33 The Commodification of Language Monica Heller pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp101 Sensory Impairment Elizabeth Keating and R. Neill Hadder pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp115 The Audacity of Affect: Gender, Race, and History in Linguistic Accounts of Legitimacy and Belonging Bonnie McElhinny ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp309 Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology David W. Samuels, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa, and Thomas Porcello pppppppppp329 Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media E. Gabriella Coleman ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp487

International Anthropology and Regional Studies Peopling of the Pacific: A Holistic Anthropological Perspective Patrick V. Kirch pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp131 Anthropologies of the United States Jessica R. Cattelino pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp275

Sociocultural Anthropology The Reorganization of the Sensory World Thomas Porcello, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa, and David W. Samuels pppppppppppp51 The Anthropology of Secularism Fenella Cannell pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp85 Anthropological Perspectives on Structural Adjustment and Public

Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Health James Pfeiffer and Rachel Chapman ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp149 Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from Food and the Senses David E. Sutton ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp209 The Anthropology of Credit and Debt Gustav Peebles ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp225 Sense and the Senses: Anthropology and the Study of Autism Olga Solomon pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp241 Gender, Militarism, and Peace-Building: Projects of the Postconflict Moment Mary H. Moran ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp261

viii Contents AR424-FM ARI 12 August 2010 19:29

Property and Persons: New Forms and Contests in the Era of Neoliberalism Eric Hirsch ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp347 Education, Religion, and Anthropology in Africa Amy Stambach ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp361 The Anthropology of Genetically Modified Crops Glenn Davis Stone ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp381 Water Sustainability: Anthropological Approaches and Prospects Ben Orlove and Steven C. Caton ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp401

Theme I: Modalities of Capitalism The Semiotics of Brand Paul Manning ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp33 The Commodification of Language Monica Heller pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp101 Anthropological Perspectives on Structural Adjustment and Public Health James Pfeiffer and Rachel Chapman ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp149 Preindustrial Markets and Marketing: Archaeological Perspectives Gary M. Feinman and Christopher P. Garraty ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp167 The Anthropology of Credit and Debt Gustav Peebles ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp225 Property and Persons: New Forms and Contests in the Era of Neoliberalism Eric Hirsch ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp347 The Anthropology of Genetically Modified Crops Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Glenn Davis Stone ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp381 Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from Theme II: The Anthropology of the Senses The Reorganization of the Sensory World Thomas Porcello, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa and David W. Samuels pppppppppppp51 Sensory Impairment Elizabeth Keating and R. Neill Hadder pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp115 Food and the Senses David E. Sutton ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp209 Sense and the Senses: Anthropology and the Study of Autism Olga Solomon pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp241

Contents ix AR424-FM ARI 12 August 2010 19:29

Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology David W. Samuels, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa, and Thomas Porcello pppppppppp329


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 30–39 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp507 Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volume 30–39 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp510


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Anthropology articles may be found at Access provided by Brown University on 01/31/16. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2010.39:131-148. Downloaded from

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