Subject Index
MNL36-EB/Jan. 2007 Subject Index A safety inspection, 99 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), 81 Abrasive blast cleaning, 79 transportation, 99–100 Cleaning, 76–86 Access control, 89 weld testing, 114 methods and aids, 77–81 Acid cleaning, 80 Autogenous ignition (autoignition) procedures, 81–84 Aluminum and aluminum alloys, 48 temperature of nonmetals safety, 77 American National Standards Institute data, 28–36t, 37 specific materials, 84 (ANSI), 117 test method, 28, 37, 38f Cleanliness American Petroleum Institute (API), 117 design for, 60–61, 60f B American Society for Testing and Materials inspection and verification, 82–84 Barricades, oxygen propellant test areas, (ASTM), 117 levels, 76, 77–78t 98–99 American Society of Mechanical Engineers maintaining in oxygen systems, 86 Blasts, 122–123 (ASME), 117 maintaining through assembly, 85–87 Breathing applications, 4 Ancillary equipment, in oxygen-enriched Clothing, in oxygen-enriched environment, 5 Building explosions, 121 environment, 5 Codes, regulations, and guidelines, 116–120 Bulk GOX and LOX storage Aqueous and semiaqueous cleaning, Cold flow, seals, 59 nonpropellant use, 90, 91t 80 Combustion tests, 16–46 propellant use, 90–91 ASME B31.3, 66–67, 70, 108, 110, 115 Compatibility assessment, 132 Burrs, 85 ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, 95, 97, Component reassembly and functional 114 C testing, 84 Assembly, clean, 84–86 Cadmium, 48 Composites, 49–50 Association of American Railroads (AAR), Caustic cleaning, 80 Compressed Gas Association (CGA), emergency procedures, 7 Central nervous system
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