St. Mary on the Hill 6L[WHHQWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH -XO\ ORDAINED MINISTERS PARISH MISSION -8/<+<016 Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor St. Mary on the Hill Parish, a Catholic Entrance Hymn 953 Fr. Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar community, is committed to caring for God’s 2൵HUWRU\+\PQ Fr. Kaanan, Parochial Vicar people through stewardship. We are bound 'LVPLVVDO+\PQ Fr. Arnoldt, retired together by the Eucharist, directed by the CHURCH STAFF Fr. Thomas Healy, retired Gospel teachings and the teachings of the Fr. John Markham, retired Administrative Assistant Church, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and Martha Kearns Deacon Jason Lanham are committed to sharing in the ministry of [email protected] Deacon Ken Maleck Jesus Christ. As stewards, we will proclaim the Organist & Director of Music Deacon Donald McArdle Gospel, promote peace and justice, and use our Andrew Barnick Deacon Al Sullivan time, talents, and treasure [email protected] Deacon Tony Wagner to advance God’s Kingdom. CCD -RDQ3XUXFNHU   MASSES [email protected] Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm & 6:30 pm Mothers’ Day Out & Nursery Sunday 7:45 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, *LQD&UDZ   12:15 pm, & 5:30 pm [email protected] Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 am Senior Center Wednesday Miraculous Medal Novena & 3DWW\/H]RWWH   Evening Mass 5:15 pm [email protected] Saturday Morning Mass 9:15 am Youth Ministry Lammers Sunday 10:30 am Mass will be livestreamed. PODPPHUV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ RECONCILIATION Secretaries Mary Bowles Wednesdays 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm [email protected] Saturdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm Karen Brooks ROSARY [email protected] Monday 5:00 pm and Saturday 4:30 pm Finance Rich Peritore PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR [email protected] Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Facilities SACRED HEART Cris Edge ADORATION CHAPEL [email protected] 1210 Monte Sano Avenue Parish Council Open 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Janine Bangs Chuck Lanier BAPTISMS Stephanie Barnett Catherine McManus Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays and Rick Burnett Jessica Pryor Estelle Duncan Richard Slaby Sundays. Preparation classes are held usually Jamie Kimbrough Chad Sweeney HDFKPRQWK3OHDVHFDOOWKHR൶FHWRUHJLVWHU Mary Kruckow Thomas Wiedmeier $QR൶FLDOELUWKFHUWL¿FDWHLVUHTXLUHG SCHOOLS WEDDINGS PARISH MEMBERSHIP St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School Arrangements should be made at least Welcome new members! four months in advance. 3OHDVHVWRSE\WKHFKXUFKR൶FH Todd Shafer, Principal or call to register.   NURSERY [email protected] Closed until further notice. Active parishioner status is determined by the following: You are registered with the parish; Aquinas High School EMERGENCIES You attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days ZZZDTXLQDVKLJKRUJ &DOOWKH2൶FH   regularly, You use parish envelopes weekly   $IWHU+RXUV   to indicate your mass attendance, You have a Maureen Lewis, Principal 6WHZDUGVKLS&RPPLWPHQW&DUGRQ¿OHHYHU\ POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ year; and You honor your pledges Tim Przybysz, Admissions Director COLUMBARIUM WSU]\E\V]#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ For more information, of time, talent, and treasure. email [email protected] 7RUHFHLYHWKHVWHZDUGVKLSEHQH¿WVRIRXUSDULVK Deadline for bulletin is Monday at noon. Send information by email supported school, a family must be [email protected], active parishioners. fax or phone. 0RQWH6DQR$YHQXH$XJXVWD*$‡(PDLOVPRWK#NQRORJ\QHW‡:HEZZZVWPDU\RQWKHKLOORUJ 3DULVK2൶FH  ‡)D[  ‡6XPPHU2൶FH+RXUV0RQGD\±7KXUVGD\$0±30)ULGD\$0±30 :HHNO\6FKHGXOH -XO\ 6XQGD\-XO\6L[WHHQWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH -HU3V(SK0N DP )U.QLJKW †Audrey Lavin DP )U.DDQDQ DP )U.QLJKW †Tom & jKelly Wiedmeier; †Dorothy Jacobson SP )U.DDQDQ jThomas Tropea; †Eileen Amelio SP )U$UQROGW †Chris Hickman; †Barbara Olin Rev. Inshik Kim & Rev. Xavier Kumbalaparampil / Deacon Steven Mallar, Pastoral Year* Monday, July 19 ([0W 7:00 am †Walter Ingram, III 3DULVK2൶FH2SHQDPSP Bridge 10:00 am SC Aerobics 9:00 am PH Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 9:15 am †John Regan;jMariel Rhodes Senior Center Open 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 5:00 pm SJDC Rev. Sooho Lee & Rev. Patrick O’Brien / Lewis King, Theology II* Tuesday, July 20 Memorial of Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr ([0W 0HPRULDO(]-Q 3DULVK2൶FH2SHQDPSP 7:00 am †Jack Johannsen Senior Center Open 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 9:15 am †Walter Moore Bingo 10:00 am SC Rev. William McIntyre, OFM & Rev. Daniel Melaba / Francisco Gamboa, Theology I* Wednesday, July 21 Memorial of Saint , & ([0W 0HPRULDO&RU0N 7:00 am †Todd Raubolt 3DULVK2൶FH2SHQDPSP Reconciliation 12:00 noon C Aerobics 9:00 am PH Pro-Life Holy Hour 6:00 pm C 5:15 pm jElle Morris Senior Center Open 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Spirit & Truth 7:00 pm FCH Bridge 10:00 am SC Rev. Paulinus Okpala & Rev. Francois Pellissier, GHM / Kevin Braski, Pre-Theology II* Thursday, July 22 Feast of Saint 6JERU&RU-Q 7:00 am †Dr. Norman Pursley 3DULVK2൶FH2SHQDPSP 9:15 am j7HUHVD+H൵HUQDQ Rev. Carlos Eduardo Pinzon & Rev. Jerry Ragan / Michael Downey, Pre-Theology II* Friday, July 23 Memorial of Saint Bridget, Religious ([0W 0HPRULDO*DO-Q 7:00 am †Amy Lovering Roberts 3DULVK2൶FH2SHQDPSP Aerobics 9:00 am PH 9:15 am †Ulysses Ridley Very Rev. J. Gerard Schreck, JCD, JV, VF & Rev. Robert Schlageter, OFM Conv / Ziemowit Janaszek, Pre-Theology II*

Saturday, July 24 Memorial of Saint Sharbel Makhluf; Memorial of the Blessed Mary ([0W 0HPRULDO6LU0W 9:15 am †Bertha Battey Toole Reconciliation 3:45 -4:45 pm C SP )U5RVV †Fr. David Drain; †Abbot Patrick Sheldon Rev. Vernon Knight & Rev. Vicente Terrazas / Pace, College IV*

Sunday, July 25 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 DP )U.DDQDQ †Emilia Schmitt DP )U.QLJKW DP )U5RVV jAnne & Luke Heusel SP )U.QLJKW †Dr. Paul McDonough; j%RE7XUE\¿OO SP )U.DDQDQ †Dr. Walter Moore Rev. Jean-Luc Zadroga, OSB & Rev. Frank Ziemkiewicz, OSB / Jared Miller, College III*

A = SJC Atrium CL= SMCS Computer Lab NX= Narthex SC= Senior Center *= Please pray daily for our AC= Adoration Chapel FCH = Fr. Charlie’s House 2 2൶FH SH = Scout Hut & Seminarians. BR= Bride Room G = School Gym PH= Parish Hall SJDC = St. Day Chapel †=Deceased C = Church MC = SMCS Media Center R = Rectory SMCS = St. Marys Catholic School j Living CAF=SMCS Cafeteria N = Nursery SA = St. Anne’s Hall St. Mary on the Hill     -XO\

Today’s readings remind us of how our God is compassionate and passionately loves us.

“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the Lord.” Our First Reading from the prophet addresses false prophets who had misled God’s people away from the Lord. Jeremiah was outraged and fought against these prophets. The Lord declares that He will restore His people by bringing back those who have gone astray and providing for them new shepherds so that they will “no longer fear and tremble.”

This reading portrays God’s infinite care and concern for our lives. We can see that God is the one who loved us first. He pursues us constantly. Oftentimes, we are like the people who are blind to His goodness and enticed by sin — something we think will make us happy but does not. God is the one who constantly pursues us and gives us opportunities to say “yes” to Him. He wants to win us back, and ultimately, He will make us happy.

So now we must ask ourselves, who or what is blinding us or leading us away from our ultimate happiness? Stop for a moment and name that thing — money, status, a person, career, laziness, addiction, self-image, health, etc. — that could be leading you away from a more full and happy relationship with God.

As Christian disciples, deep down we really know that our true happiness is God. So, what are we waiting for? Take the leap of faith and allow yourself to radically love God in return.

Our Gospel echoes what our First Reading proclaims as masses of people seek Jesus and the apostles. The apostles were exhausted from all the work they had done in Jesus’ name — “they had no opportunity even to eat.”

Jesus tried to seek solitude for the apostles to recuperate from their work, yet the masses of people kept coming after them. Upon seeing this, it says, “his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like a sheep without a shepherd.”

Wherever we are at this point in our lives — following a false shepherd, like in our First Reading, or aimlessly going through life with no shepherd or direction — Jesus is ready to shepherd us. His compassionate heart is ready to guide us. He has been waiting.

So, let us learn from the masses of people in our Gospel today. If we are having trouble of letting go of that “thing” that we think will make us happy or we aren’t sure where to even start in becoming an intentional of Jesus Christ, VLPSO\VHHN-HVXV6HHN+LPLQGDLO\SUD\HUIUHTXHQWUHFHSWLRQRIWKHVDFUDPHQWVDQGWKURXJKUHDGLQJWKH6FULSWXUHV If we can do that, surely, He will be “moved with pity” for us and teach us many things.

As we begin this new week, let us name the things in our lives that are robbing us of our ultimate happiness, work to let go of them, and let us strive to make Jesus our true shepherd by seeking Him in our daily lives.

— Stewardship Reflections by Catholic Stewardship Consultants

2QWKH:D\+RPH7KHDSRVWOHVKDYHMXVWUHWXUQHGIURPWKHLU¿UVWPLVVLRQDU\MRXUQH\7KH\ZDQWWRWHOO-HVXVDOO DERXWLW+HOHDGVWKHPR൵WRDTXLHWSODFHZKHUHWKH\FDQWHOOWKHLUVWRULHV%XWWKHFURZGVIROORZWKHPEHFDXVHWKH\ are hungry for Jesus’ teaching and his healing touch. Seeing the crowd, Jesus is moved to respond to them. They are like sheep that have been scattered. Out of love, the Good Shepherd calls them together and guides them. The apostles’ adventure stories will have to wait.

What can you learn from the example of Jesus in this Gospel passage? How will you try to follow that example in your daily life? 35$<(55(48(676 -XO\ Rest In Peace Please remember in your prayers those who have died recently: Mary Gambill, mother of Mary Henderson, Russ Gambill, Agnes Mirshak, Julie Gambill, Paul Gambill, Joe Gambill, sister of Jack Markwalter & Louise Wright; Marian Scheirer, mother of Robert Scheirer; Charles Siebert; Norman 3XUVOH\IDWKHURI*HRUJH3XUVOH\2XUSUD\HUVDUHZLWKWKHVHIDPLOLHVGXULQJWKLVGL৽FXOWWLPH Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Brooks Armstrong Maeve Goodrum Lisa Kearns Pat Rice Doyle Stigall Michael Armstrong Curtis Grovner Jackie Kennedy Adarius Rich Elbert Surritte Ann Bell Hugh Greene Dolores Kurtz Aileen Robinson Glenn Surritte Barbara Benton Ami Gulliams Matilda Lazio 0DULR5RFDEDGR Gigi Bush Taylor Linda Calautti Henry Hamilton Evelyn Lanham Wanda Roper John Thompson Myra Corcoran Carol Hayes John Luther Jim Routon Oreste Tropea Katherine Colgan Eileen Hendrickson Greg Maes Jennifer Rushing Patricia Tropea Dr. Terry Cook Angela Maietta Heslen 7RQ\0DQLTXLV Bernice Ryan %RE7XUE\¿OO Dave Covert Yvonne Hicks Anne McCormack Julienne Sales Helga Vonada Curtis Cullum Ed Holmes Myrna Montalvo Bob Schenkel George Walker Lois Deuchar John Hoverkamp Kathy Mosner Dan Scherer Vickie Walters Brian Douglas Richard Hroblak Ron Mysona Martha Scott Mary Frances Weber Margaret Douglas Corry Hudson Nancy Nooney MaeAnnie Screven Delores Widdowson Margaret Dunstan Karen Hudson Tom Parks Judy Frances Seniuk Charles Patrick Wier, Jr. Diane Dymeck Fr. Mike Ingram Eleanor Peterson Louise Sheehan Helen Wilhelmi Kinsey Grace Edwards Cambri Jewell Percy Pierce Michael Sheehan Brenda Williams Tony Eubanks Lisa Johnson Bill Polonus Christy Sisk Williams Barbara Frantom Joseph Kaanan Carl Reichel Julia K. Smith Travis Gibson Kevin Kareis Lisa Regan $QQHWWH6WD൵RUG 3OHDVHUHPHPEHUWRFDOOWKHFKXUFKR൶FHLI\RXRUDIDPLO\PHPEHUFDQEHUHPRYHGIURPWKLVSUD\HUOLVWIf you have a loved one in need RISUD\HUVSOHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK2൶FH  1DPHVRIWKHVLFNZLOOEHOLVWHGIRUWZRZHHNVXQOHVVZHDUHLQIRUPHGRWKHUZLVH Pray for the Military CPT Matthew M. Angelo - Turkey LT Kyle A. Iasiello – USS Paul Ignatius CPT Chris Singletary - Italy LCpl Dominic Count CPT Pamela Meyer - South Korea A1C Patrick Tyler Williamson Pray for Expectant Mothers Molly Garren Douglas Cassie Scherer Callie Whyte Lovering Sara Kennedy Velky Please pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Mary’s and expecting a baby, SOHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK2൶FHWRDGG\RXUQDPHWRWKH(OL]DEHWK0LQLVWU\OLVW Intercessory Prayer Team at St. Mary on the Hill is ready and willing to pray for the needs of our fellow parishioners. If \RXRUVRPHRQH\RXORYHKDVDSUD\HUUHTXHVWSOHDVHFDOORUVHQGDQHPDLO7KLVSRZHUIXOWHDPRIPRUHWKDQPHPEHUV can lift you and your needs in prayer. Contact Mary-Garner Merz, e-mail [email protected]. 67(:$5'6+,3 As good stewards, PARISH STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE each of us has a July 4, 2021 July 11, 2021 FY22 Year to Date FY21 responsibility to Year to Date share our great gifts 2൵HUWRU\     that come from God. 2QOLQH*LYLQJ     Please be generous in your sharing. If you are not able to make a Children’s $ 46 $ 17 $ 63 $ 20 6WRFN2WKHU     pledge, please consider a one-time gift. Each one of us is Christ to 7RWDO     DOO ZH PHHW 2XU SDULVK WDUJHW LV  DQG ZH FDQ GR WKLV LI after thoughtful consideration and prayer, everyone participates %XGJHW    DFFRUGLQJWRRXUDELOLW\$VRIRIRXUSDULVKLRQHUV 6XUSOXV 'H¿FLW           IDPLOLHV KDYHPDGHDSOHGJHWRWKH$QQXDO&DWKROLF$SSHDO:H %HTXHVW     KDYHJLYHQZKLFKLVRIRXUWDUJHW Memorials/Donations $ - $ - $ - $ 620 Southern Cross $ - $ - $ - $ 45 Special Collections $ - $ 300 $ 300 $ 175 Church in Africa This week is the Solidarity the capacity of the church  WKUXRQOLQHJLYLQJ RIUHJLVWHUHGIDPLOLHVDQGFKLOGUHQJDYHWKHZHHNHQGRI-XQH  WKUXRQOLQHJLYLQJ RIUHJLVWHUHGIDPLOLHVDQGFKLOGUHQJDYHWKHZHHNHQGRI-XO\ Fund for the Church in and foster lasting peace and Africa. Although the Church reconciliation in a continent in Africa is growing, many often marked by division and St. Mary on the Hill is sustained by the generosity of our still lack access to basic tension. To learn more, visit parishioners through time, talent and treasure. resources and pastoral care. Part The Solidarity Fund supports of our tithe will be for this For all that you do, THANK YOU! pastoral projects to build collection. :256+,3 -XO\

PARISH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR ADORATION CHAPEL Mark your calendars! Parish Choir and Children’s Choir will be

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Anyone 5th grade and up interested in altar serving please come to the training after the 12:15 mass on Sunday, August 1, 2021. Please contact Stephanie Bussey at [email protected] or 706-306-2313 )$,7+)250$7,21


ST. MARY ON THE HILL CATHOLIC SCHOOL CCD NEWS: 2021-2022 REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2021-2022 REGISTRATION St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School is accepting new RegistUDWLRQLVRQJRLQJIRU&&' UHOLJLRXVHGXFDWLRQIRUFKLOGUHQ student applications for the 2021-2022 school year. DWWHQGLQJQRQ&DWKROLFVFKRROV &&'LVIRUVWXGHQWVHQWHULQJJUDGHV kindergarten through eighth grade in the Fall. Registration fee is $25/ 6SDFHLVOLPLWHG&ODVVHVDUH¿OOHGRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVW student or maximum of $50/family. Registration forms are available served basis according to the registration schedule and RQOLQHDWKWWSZZZVWPDU\RQWKHKLOORUJVPRWKOLQNV&&' pending acceptance. New student applications are completed online 5HJLVWUDWLRQ)RUPSGI5HJLVWUDWLRQVPD\EHEURXJKWRU DWVWPDU\VVDLQWVRUJ3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKHVFKRROR൶FHDW PDLOHGWRWKH&KXUFK2൶FH3OHDVHEULQJDFRS\RI\RXUFKLOG UHQ ¶V RUFKULVWLQHVZHHQH\#VPFVDXJRUJLI\RXKDYHTXHVWLRQVRUZRXOG EDSWLVPDOFHUWL¿FDWHLIQRWRQ¿OHLQWKH&&'2൶FH)RUDGGLWLRQDO like to schedule a tour. LQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOOWKH&&'2൶FHDW is a revolutionary online platform featuring some of the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies This could be a life changing resource for personal Faith )RUPDWLRQDQGLWLVDWWKH¿QJHUWLSVRI every parishioner who has a computer or smart phone. The parish has partnered with Augustine Institute to R൵HULWWR\RX7RVLJQXSIRU)5(( go to; Select our parish - St Mary on the Hill Church; Register with your name and email address; Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED. &20081,7< -XO\ Bishop Parkes issued a pastoral EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY letter on Pentecost Custodial Position -- St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church Sunday introducing has a part time custodial opening on Sundays. Duties the planning would include but not limited to: keeping the church process designed facilities clean and attractive, inside and out, assisting to help the Diocese ZLWKVHFXULW\PRYLQJIXUQLWXUHHTXLSPHQWDQGVXSSOLHV Reflect, Renew and XSWROEV ,ILQWHUHVWHGSOHDVHFRQWDFW0DUWKD.HDUQV Rejoice. Please at 706-733-6627 or [email protected]. read his complete letter at: https:// renew-rejoice SENIOR CENTER $අඅආൾආൻൾඋඌඈൿ6ඍ0ൺඋඒඈඇඍඁൾ+ංඅඅൺඋൾඐൾඅർඈආൾ ,I\RX¶GOLNHWRNQRZPRUHDERXWRXUDFWLYLWLHV ST. MARY ON THE HILL CATHOLIC SOHDVHFDOOPH3DWW\/H=RWWH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY SMCS is looking for an assistant in the After-School AREROBICS Care Program. This position reports to the after-school 0RQGD\V:HGQHVGD\V )ULGD\VDP3DULVK+DOO care supervisor. Responsibilities include checking in/checking SENIOR MASS & LUNCHEON out students, assisting with homework, serving snacks and MARK YOUR CALENDARS drinks, and supervising children for safety at all times in a caring :H¶OOVWDUWEDFN7XHVGD\6HSWHPEHU environment. Hours are Monday-Friday from 2:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please send resume to [email protected] or contact BRIDGE &KULVW\+XOODIWHUVFKRROFDUHVXSHUYLVRUDW 0RQGD\V :HGQHVGD\VDP Please call if you would like to sub. ST. MARY SCHOOL SUMMER HOURS 7KH6XPPHU2৽FHKRXUVIRUWKHVFKRRODUH BINGO 7XHVGD\V:HGQHVGD\VDQG7KXUVGD\V 7XHVGD\VDP DPQRRQRUE\DSSRLQWPHQW 7ZHQW\¿YHFHQWVSHUJDPHDQG\RXSOD\WZRFDUGVDWRQFH :HORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJ\RXEDFNDWVFKRROIRU2SHQ+RXVH Senior Center Calendar for July 'URSLQHYHQW RQ)ULGD\$XJXVW is available in the Narthex. DPSP 7KH¿UVWGD\RIVFKRROLV RQ0RQGD\$XJXVWDP- 3:00 pm. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY St. Mary on the Hill Mother’s Day Out is looking for teachers for the 2021 - 2022 school year. Please send resume to [email protected].

Over the last year, many parish ministries were “inactive” due to SPRITUAL DIRECTION the pandemic. If you are now returning to volunteer in a ministry If you are interested in spiritual direction by trained lay you must ensure you are up-to-date on your Safe Environment directors from Alleluia School of Spiritual Direction, &RPSOLDQFH3OHDVHFDOOWKH&KXUFK2൶FHWRHQVXUH\RXUVWDWXV please call the Church Office for further information. 3URWHFWLQJ2XU

The Tabernacle lockbox is located near the wall thermostat: Enter code, PRESS down on center silver button while pulling toward you. Cover is not attached to box and will fall easily into your hand. Use the key to lock/unlock Tabernacle. Immediately return key, and lock the box by entering code, pressing down and holding silver button and pushing into place. If you goof, press “reset” button. Never leave the key anywhere but in the Closed lockbox when not in use. St. Mary on the Hill July 11, 2021

AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL IS HIRING YOUTH EVENTS We are currently accepting applications for part-time Love God, Love People SRVLWLRQ &RPSXWHU6FLHQFH  for the ‘21-’22 school year. If Need more info on youth activities, LQWHUHVWHGDQGTXDOL¿HGSOHDVH contact Michael Lammers send a letter of interest and at [email protected] resume to Principal Maureen Lewis at or 706.394.6447 POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ

American Heritage Girls Are you looking for a Catholic Troop GA1917 is thriving Home School Group where at St. Teresa’s! As we look your children can deepen their understanding of our Catholic forward to registration for faith, attend Mass and Benediction our 2021-2022 year, we have together, and fellowship with spots to add girls at every other Catholic Families through field trips, park days, level of our very active troop! The mission statement of AHG and First Friday classes? Then, the Totus Tuus Catholic is “Building Women of Integrity through service to God, Homeschool Group is for you! Regular meetings take place at St. Teresa of Avila’s Parish Life Center on the family, community and country.” If your daughter, in grades First Friday of every month from September through May. K – 12, is interested in seeing what we are all about, please go The Totus Tuus Catholic Home School Group is for all to and choose St. Teresa of Avila, Troop GA1917 Catholic families in the CSRA who educate their children from the dropdown menu, and our registrar will contact you DWKRPH .LQGHUJDUWHQWKURXJKKLJKVFKRRODQGWRGGOHUV DQGDQVZHUDQ\TXHVWLRQV\RXPD\KDYH:H¶GORYHWRKDYH LIWKH\KDYHDQROGHUVLEOLQJZKRDWWHQGV 3OHDVHFRQWDFW our registrar at [email protected] her join us for Faith, Service and Fun! for more information. St. Mary on the Hill    -XO\ $5281'7+('($1(5<',2&(6( 7+($5($ Catholic Young Professionals Catholic Young Professionals of Augusta meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month for prayer, food, and fellowship. Our purpose to help young professionals in the Augusta deanery ages 21-35 grow in Catholic community. This is obtained through regular meetings of prayer and recreation. This is to enable young professionals to bring Christ and the Gospel into their workplace and extended communities. For more information, please email CYPAugusta@ gmail.FRPRU¿QGXVRQ)DFHERRN&DWKROLF

Looking for a Unique Volunteer Opportunity? /RRNLQJIRUDXQLTXHYROXQWHHURSSRUWXQLW\"7KH/\GLD3URMHFWLVVHHNLQJ9ROXQWHHUVWRKHOSLQ 13TH ANNUAL SOUTHERN EVENING the lodging center with cancer fighters and in the office. To get started, visit TheLydiaProject. FOR LIFE PRO-LIFE BANQUET org to print, complete, and send in the Volunteer Application; or call 706.736.5467 with 6DWXUGD\$XJXVWSP LQTXLULHV7KH/\GLD3URMHFWSURYLGHVPHQZRPHQDQGFKLOGUHQILJKWLQJFDQFHUZLWKIUHH Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Dining Hall lodging, transportation to cancer care, utilities, prescriptions, medical supplies, encouragement, Guest Speaker: Rebekah Hagan, prayer...and more. The agency remained open every day during the pandemic. Come join this Sacramento, California incredible and much needed outreach. Rebekah will share her powerful story of Teen Pregnancy, and Abortion Pill Reversal HELP 6RXWKHUQ6W\OH'LQQHUZLWKDOOWKH¿[LQ¶V Southern Music SPREAD Tickets are $50 each, Table reservations for eight are $400, Sponsorship Tables are $500 THE Please contact George Vozniak at 706-726-1269, [email protected], Tom Harrington, 706-993- WORD WRPKDUULQJWRQ#NRIFRUJRU0DXUD-DEDOH\ Saint Paul Catholic Radio at 706-564-1743, [email protected] WKER 91.1 FM Broadcasting Christ’s Message 6SRQVRUHGE\7KH*UHDWHU$XJXVWD&KDSWHURI to the Augusta and McCormick *HRUJLD5LJKWWR/LIH Communities Proceeds will be used to support Pro-life activities in the CSRA

Free Pregnancy Care Services PRO-LIFE 3UROLIH 3UD\HU *DWKHULQJV DOO DUH LQ IURQW RI $ERUWLRQ$OWHUQDWLYHV 3UHIHUUHG:RPDQ¶V+HDOWKDERUWLRQPLOO  Pregnant Choices, Evans, GA: 3URIHVVLRQDO3DUNZD\$XJXVWD  706-305-9042 Every WednesdaySUD\HUVWRDP %LUWKULJKW1DWLRQDO *DU\*DUQHU&URVVZDONPXOWL Augusta Care Pregnancy Center: GHQRPLQDWLRQDO 706-724-3733 First and Third Friday of Every Month, 5:00 to 6 Care Net/Heartbeat Hotline: SP *DU\*DUQHU&URVVZDONPXOWL +(/3 GHQRPLQDWLRQDO 3RVW$ERUWLRQ+HDOLQJ First Tuesday of Every Month,  DP %LOO Rachel’s Vineyard: -DFNVRQ5RVDU\ +23(0(

MOVIE RATINGS The following movies have been evaluated by the Catholic News Service according to artistic merit and moral suitability. The reviews LQFOXGHWKH&16UDWLQJDQGWKH0RWLRQ3LFWXUH$VVRFLDWLRQRI$PHULFDUDWLQJ VHHZHEVLWHZZZFDWKROLFQHZVFRPPRYLHVKWP  %ODFN:LGRZ²$,,, 3* The Forever Purge ²2 5 3UR¿OH²$,,, 5 7KH%RVV%DE\)DPLO\%XVLQHVV²$,, 3* Francesco ²$,, 15 A Quiet Place Part II ²$,,, 3* Cruella ²$,,, 3* Here Today ²$,,, 3* Roe v. Wade ²$,,, 3* 7KH&RQMXULQJ7KH'HYLO0DGH0H'R,W— In the Heights ²$,,, 3* 6HSDUDWLRQ²/ 5 $,,, 5 The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard ²2 5 6SLUDO)URPWKH%RRNRI6DZ²2 5 'HPRQ6OD\HUWKH0RYLH0XJHQ7UDLQ— Luca ²$, 3* 6SLULW8QWDPHG²$, 3* $,,, 5 The Mitchells vs. the Machines ²$,, 3* Those Who Wish Me Dead ²$,,, 5 A Father’s Legacy ²$,,, 15 Monster ²$,,, 5 Voyagers ²$,,, 3* )7KH)DVW6DJD²$,,, 3* 0RUWDO.RPEDW²2 5 Wrath of Man ²2 5 Finding You ²$,,, 3* 3HWHU5DEELW7KH5XQDZD\²$,, 3* =ROD²2 5 A-I— General Patronage /²/LPLWHGDGXOWDXGLHQFH¿OPVZKRVH NR - Not Rated A-II — adults and adolescents problematic content many adults would 2±0RUDOO\R൵HQVLYH 5 A-III — adults. ¿QGWURXEOLQJ George B. Hall, DMD, FABP, FABOI Elliott Sons Funeral Homes Observing Catholic Funeral Rituals and Implants/Implant Restoration Traditions for Over One Hundred Years Dentures/Partials Crowns • Fillings Se Habla Español 2524 Lumpkin Rd. Extractions • Root Canals S. Herbert Elliott, Jr. Augusta, GA 30906 3rd Generation 793-0123 706.738.0775 4255 Columbia Rd. Martinez, GA 30907 868-9637 Ready-made Everlasting Granite & Marble Frozen Sales Office & Showroom Meals 602 Monte Sano Ave., Augusta, GA 30904 Office: 706-733-6140 Markers • Monuments • Mausoleums • Statuary Norman Aldredge Death Dates • Cleaning • Coping • Crosses 706-816-1304 Owned & Operated by Gregg Craft: [email protected] 706-627-5518

THE FOOT and ANKLE Kent Kronowski DPM GROUP, P.C. THIS SPACE IS QC Nail Spa in Augusta Mall Meeting All Your Podiatric Needs Upscale Nail Salon 1519 Laney Walker Blvd. • Augusta 3450 Wrightsboro Rd Suite B-230 Augusta, GA 30909 4434 Columbia Rd, Ste. 106 • Martinez (706) 993-9401 706-724-7000


Certified Public Accountants, P.C.

Telephone: (706) 724-2063 3638 Walton Way Ext., Ste. 300 Fax: (706) 724-4029 Augusta, GA 30909 E-mail: [email protected]

BRITTINGHAM DENTISTRY, LLC *Parishioner* MEMBERSHIPS Family And Cosmetic Dentistry Kathy M. Brittingham, D.M.D. AVAILABLE Michael A. Brittingham, D.M.D. VFW POST 12190-Evans New Patients Welcome • Emergencies Please call Jim Daskal (706) 860-4190 • 3742 Walton Way Ext. 706-831-7758 Parishioners or 706-364-9604


Augusta’s Oldest Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer

Patrick & Doug Wilson Owners & Parishioners 706-667-0196

For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 16-0066 Free Wrecker • Eye Exams CASELLA Estimates Service EYE • Treatment of Eye Disease CENTER • Spectacles & Contact Lenses DR. THOMAS V. CASELLA THIS SPACE IS DR. BENJAMIN P. CASELLA Rick’s Optometrists Paint & Body Shop Phone: (706)722-0817 • (706)722-2428 Expert Body Work Fax: (706)722-0208 Rusty & Trisha Campbell 767 Broad Street, Augusta, GA 30901 251 Bobby Jones • [email protected] 706-868-9904 Expressway Serving Augusta since 1948 Parishioners 706-868-9224 (24 Hrs.) Martinez, GA 30907

706.868.1200 Todd Torchia - Managing Partner/Parishioner

Frank Gibbs, Jr. STEPHEN H. HAGLER, LLC Parishioner Attorney At Law Jim Hudson Lexus / New & Used Sales 4024 Washington Road 3410 Washington Road Martinez, Georgia 30907 (706) 650-9999 • (706) 830-1101 Cell 860-9060 Parishioner [email protected]

Parishioner (706) 798-0065 (706) 798-6211 3044 Deans Bridge Road 1 Mile North From Exit 5 (BJ Expy)

Contact Scott Messner to place an ad today! [email protected] or (863) 875-1101

Charles “Bit” Brittingham 4th Generation Master Plumber Serving the CSRA Parishioner (706) 736-8752 REMODELING & REPAIRS

Owner David Whyte- Parishioner 706-481-9336 4250 Belair Frontage Road • Augusta, GA 30909 Quality Insurance Restoration FREE 2112 Highland Ave. • Augusta, Georgia 30904 ESTIMATES (706) 738-9446 • Fax (706) 738-3682 Luke Detchemendy Parishioner 800-738-9446 706-910-3696 • Ralph and Joe Bowles, Parishioners For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 16-0066 arian LANDRUMSUPPLY CO. Medical, LLC Kitchen and Bath Showroom Thomas J. Seiter, Jr., M.D. Local Parishioner 1440 Reynolds Street Augusta, GA 30901 Mary Landrum Private exams for VA disability claims Showroom Manager Telephone: (706) 722-2042 Lee J. Andrews II, D.M.D. Nexus letters and DBQs [email protected] Fax: (706) 722-3482 762.994.3529 | [email protected] ~ Parishioner ~

Vice President toast WINE AND BEVERAGE Owner: Abe Newton (Parishioner) 1809 Wylds Road • Augusta, GA 30909 Barrett Family, Parishioners Fury’s Ferry by Publix 706-481-3800 New Location! 706.922.TOAST(8627) 706-737-8374 132 Cooper Dr. (Off Riverwatch Pkwy.) [email protected] Experienced. Knowledgeable. Trustworthy. Agent for Allied Van Lines® Barretts, Parishioners


David Tribby, DVM • Mark Tribby, DVM Larry Babbitt - Parishioners - Lee Babbitt 4120 Wheeler Rd, Augusta Phone 706-733-0417 706-303-4558 Parishioners since 1967!


RICHARDS BODY WORKS, INC. Expert Auto Body Repairing & Painting Phone (706) 724-5341 Pat Richards - Parishioner 1155 Fifth Street, Augusta, GA 30901


3-D-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 16-0066