Rollins College Winter Park, Florida The Lucy Cross Center for Women and Their Allies

Contents 2014-2015 Annual Report  Numbers…1

 Programs and Events… 2  Collaborations … 6  Reflections…8

Ashely Williams, Rachel Richardson, Kerrysha Matos-Soto, and Peter Ruiz welcome you to the Lucy Cross Center!

The Lucy Cross Center provides a comfortable, welcoming space for students, staff, and faculty; advocates for women and their allies; and col- laborates with the Rollins community to provide educational events and leadership/mentorship opportunities. PAGE 1 The Lucy Cross Center for Women and Their Allies Lucy Cross Numbers

Activities People

 25+ events were hosted by Lucy  1 director, Dr. Michelle Stecker  700+ people attended events  1 coordinator, Nicole Inclan 3 departments used the space   2 work-study students, Jamaica  5 community organizations partnered with Reddick and Kerrysha Matos- Lucy Soto  20+ Rollins organizations and depart-  4 interns from the Master’s in ments collaborated with Lucy Clinical Mental Health Counsel-  $7,500 annual budget allotted ing Program: Jillian Blueford, 30 books were donated  Rachel Richardson, Stephanie

Rancour & Ashley Williams  You! “The Lucy Cross Center is a place where I can go and find myself again after a long day. I wish I knew about this of- fice sooner because it's a strong group of supporters that are always there with open arms. There have been times when I would go to the office after a long day to be by my- self and gather my thoughts.” - Kerrysha Matos-Soto ’16


Lucy Cross Center Events Fall 2014

Planned Parenthood Open “Bob’s Burgers” and Pizza House July 30 June 30 “Bob’s Burgers” was streamed Planned Parenthood hosted a on the TV in the Chase Hall Lob- timely conversation on the by and pizza was provided. Stu- recently passed buffer bill dents on campus over the sum- concerning clinics offering mer were invited to enjoy a free abortion services and on the lunch and hang out. SCOTUS ruling with Hobby Lob- by that allowed corporations Attendance: 10 not to cover birth control for employees. Facilitators dis- cussed upcoming events, and what they do, and answered questions from attendees.

Co-sponsor: Planned RAINN Day activity white board comparing what women Parenthood of Greater Orlando are told to do to avoid sexual assault and what men do Attendance: 10 to avoid sexual assault.

Open Houses A Conversation with Sallie Latch Rollins Improv Players: Aug. 26 & 28 Sept.3 “Miss” Understood The Lucy Cross Center and Activist and feminist artist Sallie Sept. 10 Center for Inclusion and Cam- Latch came to campus to meet pus Involvement held joint The Lucy Cross Center spon- with classes and talk to students sored and met with improv open house events to welcome about her work and experiences new and returning students to performers to create a show as a vagabond world traveler. based on misconceptions of the fall semester. Cupcakes were provided as students met feminism. The show was Co-sponsors: Department of Art with staff and learned what sold out! and Art History; Sexuality, Wom- each center had planned for en & Gender Studies Program; the semester. and the Department of Philoso- Co-sponsor: Rollins Improv Sponsor: Center for Inclusion phy and Religion Players and Campus Involvement Attendance: 21 Attendance: 70+

Provide Me Sweets Pajama RAINN Day 2014 Party Sept. 25 Sept. 24 A moment of silence for survi- An evening of health presen- vors of sexual assault and a tations, “Sex & Chocolate” conversation with Title IX Q&A, and discussions were Coordinator Diane Willingham hosted at the Lucy Cross were held in honor of RAINN Center. Chocolate and other Day. sweets were provided! Co-sponsors: Voices for Wom- Co-sponsors: Wellness Cen- en; Center for Inclusion and ter, Women’s and Girls’ Can- Campus Involvement; Sexuali- cer Alliance ty, Women’s and Gender Attendance: 25 Studies Program Attendance: 30 Nicole Inclan, Denise Lee, and Kerrysha Matos- Soto tabling for Provide Me Sweets Pajama Party


Lucy Cross Center Events Fall 2014 Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished Visiting Artists

LGBTQI+ Counseling Concerns for Body Image Awareness Workshop Professionals Oct. 2 Oct. 1 Martie van der Voort held a workshop TPJ Distinguished Visiting Artist on the feminist critique of the thin Martie van der Voort held a work- body ideal for LGBTQI+ populations. shop on LGBTQI+ counseling con- cerns for mental health profession- als, addressing how to be aware and Co-sponsors: Thomas P. Johnson sensitive counselors working with Foundation, Spectrum LGBTQI+ populations. Attendance: 20

Co-sponsors: Thomas P. Johnson Foundation, Rollins College Depart- ment of Graduate Studies in Coun- seling Attendance: 50+

TransFormations Oct. 2 Martie van der Voort performed an interactive full length theatrical production depicting the stories and lives of transgender characters. Based on inter- views, writings, and personal relationships, the show invites the audience to walk a mile in the charac- ters’ shoes. The Boob Tube: How to be

a Woman Writer for Co-sponsors: Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished Television Without Really Visiting Scholar & Artist Foundation; Sexuality, Wom- Trying en’s, and Gender Studies Program; PRISM; Rollins Nov. 6 College Master’s in Mental Health Counseling Pro- Janis Hirsch ‘72, Rollins gram; Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement; alumna, producer and writ- Spectrum; Equality Florida; The Center; Zebra Coali- er known for Will & Grace, tion 8 Simple Rules, , and The Attendance: 25 Nanny, and contributor to Just Desserts with Janis the National Lampoon Mag- Hirsch azine and the New York Nov. 6 Times, discussed her ca- reer and life experiences. Students involved in femi- nism and social justice, and Open to the community. the departments of Theater, English and Writing were Co-sponsors: Sexuality, personally invited to join TPJ Women’s, and Gender artist Janis Hirsch in a private Studies Program; Alumni dessert luncheon to ask Relations, Theater and questions about the writing Dance Department; Center profession, television indus- for Inclusion and Campus try, gender, and other topics. Involvement; Voices for Women Attendance: 100+ Attendance: 25 Kerrysha Matos-Soto, Martie van der Voort, Jamaica Reddick, Nicole Inclan, and Dr. Jill Jones after the TransFormations performance ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 4

Fall 2014

IDeclare: Confessions of Candace Gingrich: “The Hidden Identities Accidental Activist” Oct. 10 Oct. 16 The Lucy Cross Center Activist Candace Gingrich sponsored the launch of a discussed how she became a new performance series in nationally renowned activist Orlando run by two Rollins for gay rights. College alums. Orlando

community members were invited to share hidden Co-sponsors: The Center for identities, or parts of Inclusion and Campus In- themselves they feel they volvement, Diversity Advisory need to keep secret or Council that others would not Attendance: 30 expect of them.

Co-sponsors: IDeclare Attendance: 20

Anti-Catcalling Poster-Making Lucy Cross Center Birthday Party Session Nov. 19 Nov. 12 The Lucy Cross Center celebrated its The kick-off event for the Anti- 4th birthday at Rollins with mini cup- Catcalling Campaign created by the cakes, cookies, and a Rollins Improv Lucy Cross Center coordinator con- Players Workshop! Led by Lucy Cross sisted of students, faculty, and staff work-study student Jamaica Reddick. making anti-street harassment post- ers using construction paper, maga- Co-sponsors: Sociology Department, zines, markers, glitter, and creativity! Rollins Improv Players Attendance: 20 Attendance: 30+ ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 5 Fall 2014 Anti-Catcalling and Street Harassment Campaign The Lucy Cross Center Coordinator Nicole Inclan was inspired to take action by results of the Spring 2014 Campus Climate Survey that revealed women on campus are experiencing frequent street harassment. She started a campaign to counter catcalls and har- assment. Rollins College students created posters that were dis- tributed on campus and on Park Avenue, the Orlando Sentinel filmed an interview with Nicole and wrote an article on the issue of catcalling, and student Public Service Announcements against street harassment were recorded and shared on student affairs social media. Olin Library also used some of the students’ posters as their computer screensavers for several weeks and dis- played some of the digitalized posters on their patio television. Thanks to this collabo- ration, over 8,000 people were reached through Olin Library alone! Images of the post- ers and related catcalling events were shared on social media such as Instagram, Fa- cebook, and Tumblr throughout the year. ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 4

Spring 2015 “Machinal” Advertisement February

The Lucy Cross Center placed an ad promoting the center in the playbook for the Annie Russell Theater’s performance of Machinal, a fictionalized play based on the first women to be executed in the United States.

Lucy Cross Center Reception The Power of the Collective: Reach: 500+ Jan. 23 Women’s Craft Co-Operatives in India Global Links Scholar Dr. Sharmistha Banerjee attend- Feb. 10 ed a reception/Spring open Professor of Philosophy and house in the Lucy Cross Cen- Religion Dr. Margaret McLaren ter where the Rollins commu- led a discussion about her nity had an opportunity to experiences and research in welcome her. India regarding women’s craft co-operatives. Co-sponsor: Social Entrepre- neurship and Sustainability Co-sponsor: The Center for Initiative (SESi) India & South Asia

Attendance: 10 Attendance: 15

Black Women in America Lucy Cross Drop-In Discussion: Feb. 17 Empower Path A follow-up to last year’s event, the Mar. 16 Lucy Cross Center hosted a discus- Local writer and entrepreneur Eliza- sion on how PWIs (Predominately beth Gifford led an interactive work- White Institutions) can cultivate an shop on finding your power and pas- environment that supports Black sion, and overcoming obstacles. women. Attendance: 12 Co-sponsors: Rollins Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery; Department of English; Department od Sociology; Voices for Women; Black Student Union Attendance: 50+

Dirty Paki Lingerie Mar. 12 The Lucy Cross Center co-sponsored Aizzah Fatima’s performance of a one- woman show where sex, religion, and politics collide as six American- Pakistani Muslim women air their dirty lingerie.

Co-sponsors: Diversity Advisory Coun- cil, Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement Attendance: 20 ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 4

Spring 2015 “Miss Representation” Apr. 16 Social Justice Interns screened the documentary “Miss Representation,” a film about media portrayal of wom- en, followed by a facilitated discussion on reactions to the film. Attendance: 8

Meet Christina Weber Ready to Launch March 31 Apr. 9 At “Fishing with Christina Social Justice Intern Ashley Weber," the speaker dis- Williams created and hosted cussed her trials, tribula- an event for graduating sen- tions, successes and over- iors to watch Ted Talks, enjoy whelming devotion to fishing pizza and discuss thoughts while challenging students to about graduation and post- discover their identity and grad plans. passion, and ways to apply it!

Co-sponsor: The Center for Co-sponsors: Rollins Sports Career & Life Planning Fishing Association Attendance: 7 Attendance: 10

Rollins Rally Against Violence Tabling Apr. 7 Lucy Cross and Center for Inclusion and Campus Involve- ment Graduate Assistants held a table at the Sexual Assault Awareness Month rally where they encouraged participants to make pro-consent flyers and record brief anti-catcalling public service announcements.

Sponsor: Title IX Office Attendance: 100+ ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 5 Spring 2015 Improving the Status of Women Worldwide Over 70 students, faculty, staff, and community attended a forum on the status of women worldwide. Experts immersed in raising awareness of women’s issues dis- cussed the work in their fields. Over dinner, guests selected breakout sessions based on the experts’ topics and brainstormed ways to make change in their own communi- ties.

Distinguished Speakers and Topics  Rep. Patricia Schroeder ‘01H Former Congresswoman: Women in Politics  Judith Kaplan, National Women's History Museum: Women & History  Dr. Sharmistha Banerjee, Global Links Scholar: The Status of Women & Girls in India  Elinor Steele ‘01MBA, Tupperware Brands VP: Entrepreneurship & Women’s Empowerment  Dr. Ruth Edwards, Winter Park Public Library Director of Civic Engagement: Race & Gender  Sandy Saccullo ‘02, OneClique Entrepreneur: Bullying & Violence  Nicole Inclan ‘14, Lucy Cross Center Coordinator: Catcalling & Street Harassment  Barbara Zdravecky, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida CEO: Reproductive Health  Dave O’Connor, UNA-Orlando President: Men Advocating for Women  Dr. Mary Conway Dato-on, SESi Faculty Director: Facilitator  Dr. Michelle Stecker, Lucy Cross Center Director: Emcee

Photo credit: Scott Cook ROLLINS COLLEGE Page 6 Collaborations Rollins College Departments & Organizations  Alumni Relations  Office of International Students & Scholarly  Black Student Union Services  Center for Career & Life Planning  Olin Library  Center for Inclusion and Campus Involve-  Rollins Improv Players ment  Rollins Sport Fishing Association  Center for India & South Asia  Rollins Student Chapter of the Association  Center for Leadership and Community En- for Computing Machinery gagement  Sexuality, Women's, & Gender Studies  Democracy Project  Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability  Department of Art History Initiatives (SESi)  Department of English  Spectrum  Department of Graduate Studies in  Student Leadership Team Counseling  Title IX Office  Department of Philosophy and Religion  Thomas P. Johnson Foundation  Department of Sociology  Voices for Women  Department of Theater and Dance  Wellness Center  Global Links Program  Winter Park Institute

Committees and Campus Involvement Lucy Cross Center staff served on various committees on campus and supported campus events. Committees and organizations include:

 Campus Climate Survey Committee  Diversity Advisory Council  Orlando Pride 2013  Thomas P. Johnson Scholar and Artist Committee  SESi (Social Entre- preneurship & Sus- tainability Initiative)

Dr. Sharmistha Banerjee, Global Links Scholar, and guest at Lucy Cross


Collaborations Community Organizations and Partnerships

 Planned Parenthood  Come Out with Pride  Women’s and Girls’ Cancer Alliance  Equality Florida  IDeclare  Florida Hospital Innovation Lab  United Nations Association-Orlando  Hope CommUnity Center  Tupperware Brands  Watermark  Beacon Network  Winter Park Public Library  Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida  Zebra Coalition  The Center The Lucy Cross Center for Women and Their Allies PAGE 8 Reflections

It has been my honor and privilege to serve as the found- The Lucy Cross Center has certainly changed ing faculty director of the Lucy Cross Center the last three years. over the past few years! It has been a learning experi- The Center has grown from a cozy room the size of a closet on the ence to see how Lucy’s presence at Rollins has devel- second floor of Chase Hall, to a comfortable space with plenty of oped and adapted to student needs. Student-driven natural light that can hold up to 25 people. Hundreds of people programming, the input of invaluable student employ- have walked through the doors and used the space for student ees, interns, and volunteers, and staff’s open mind and faculty meetings, drop-in sessions, trainings, Fulbright scholar- allows Lucy to grow. Serving students is a rewarding ship interviews, parties, open houses, events, and homework gath- job and has helped shaped my future goals. Finding erings. ways to facilitate healing and advocating alongside Lucy Cross is a strong voice for sexuality, women’s, and people of underrepresented identities are priorities I’ve gender issues on campus and the larger community. We regularly discovered through working at Lucy. Providing students collaborate with a diverse group of organizations to provide cutting with a safe place to process beliefs, values, needs, and -edge programming and training sessions. One of our highlights ideas is a privilege. A peek into the complex worlds of this spring was partnering with the United Nations Association- our talented, caring students is always enriching. The Orlando to present the “Women’s Forum: Improving the Status of symbiotic relationship between the student body at Women Worldwide” featuring Rep. Patricia Schroeder and a slate Rollins and the Lucy Cross Center is fascinating to of distinguished speakers. Two Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished observe. This year has been jam-packed with fun pro- Visiting Artists – Martie van der Voort and Janis Hirsch – provided gramming, meaningful discussions, and new ideas. I high-quality presentations last fall that were well-received. am excited to see how Lucy will continue to grow un- I want to thank Niki Inclan, Lucy Cross Coordinator, our der the compassionate and dedicated care of our new student workers, and social justice interns for all of their efforts director, Dr. Jill Jones, in the fall! this year. I also want to thank the members of the Lucy Cross Advi- sory Council, who advise and support me, and serve as ambassa- dors for Lucy Cross in the community: Kimberly Dennis, Margaret Best, McLaren, Jill Jones, Anna Eskamani, Connie Briscoe, Jackie Brito, Niki Iclan Gregory Cavenaugh, Karen Castor Dentel, Gina Duncan, Karen Hater, Marty Haine, Abby Hollern, Lisa Johnson, Am McLure, Michele Meyer, Scott Rubarth, Maria Ruiz, Samual Sanabria, Jayashree Shivamoggi, Anne Stone, Eren Tatari, Tonia Warnecke, Oriana Jimenez, Mahjabeen Rafiuddin, and Joe Saunders. I wish Dr. Jill Jones, our new Lucy Cross director, the very best and look forward to her leadership at the helm of Lucy Cross in August. It has been a great three years! Working Together, Michelle Stecker

The Lucy Cross Center for Women and Their Allies Rollins College 1000 Holt Ave Chase 101 Box #2790 Winter Park, Fl 32789

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