


HOW DO I KNOW ADULT THERAPY WILL WORK? Adult stem cell therapy is supported by hundreds scientific studies. Ask your physician about the effectiveness of adult stem cell therapy for specific conditions, as well as how similar patients have done in the past.

WHAT ARE ADULT STEM CELLS? Adult stem cells from your own body are also known as autologous regenerative cells. Under the right conditions, they are capable of developing into other types of cells. Therefore, they have the potential to regenerate damaged .

WHAT PART OF MY BODY ARE STEM CELLS TAKEN FROM? There are two main areas where your doctor can extract your stem cells. - derived stem cells are asipirated from your iliac crest (top of hip bone). - Adipose stem cells are from the stomach area.

IS ADULT STEM CELL THERAPY SAFE? Decades of clinical studies have been published showing that stem cells are safe and effective. You should not have any adverse effects using your own stem cells.

HOW LONG WILL THE STEM CELLS REMAIN EFFECTIVE? Their efficacy will depend upon your injury, the area that is treated, and your body’s response to the therapy. Ask your doctor if you are a good candidate.

WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE LIKE? It is about 45-minutes or less. Your physician will aspirate from the iliac crest (top of hip bone) and retrieve plasma, blood, and stem cells. After removing these cells, they concentrate the cells which takes about 15 minutes. Afterwards, your physician will inject your concentrated cells into the area of the body that needs to be healed.

WHAT IS THE RECOVERY LIKE AFTER A STEM CELL PROCEDURE? If you’re having a joint injection, you typically will miss a day of work since you will be sedated for the procedure. It is advised to limit load-bearing activities for at least two weeks. If you’re having a disc injection, you should take it easy for a few days. In order to maximize the stem cells therapeutic properties, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) should be withheld for two weeks pre-procedure and two weeks post-procedure.

PanoramaOrtho.com WHAT ARE SOME CONDITIONS BEING TREATED? - arthritis - degenerative disc disease - degenerative spine - partial rotator cuff tears - labral tears - articular cartilage injuries - avascular necrosis - partial meniscus tears - ligament sprain or tear - plantar fasciitis - wound care

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADULT STEM CELL THERAPY AND PLATELET-RICH PLASMA (PRP) THERAPY? In adult stem cell therapy, stem cells are harvested from bone marrow tissue. They have the ability to identify injury sites and differentiate into healthy tissue. The stem cells also communicate with the local cells to reduce inflammation, promote blood vessel growth, reverse cell death, and regulate the immune response.

PRP therapy concentrates blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. Although PRP has no stem cells, it contains and releases several different growth factors and that stimulate healing.

WILL THIS TREATMENT HELP ME AVOID JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY? Adult stem cells have been shown to reduce inflammation, regulate the , encourage blood vessel growth, and in some cases, regenerate cartilage. After a thorough examination of your joint, your doctor will explain why surgery may be necessary; however, many patients have delayed surgery with this type of therapy. You doctor may also suggest that you include stem cell therapy as a part of your surgery to aid in the healing process.

HOW MUCH DOES ADULT STEM CELL THERAPY COST? Panorama strives to offer stem cell therapy at a rate that is equal to or less than our competitors. The cost may vary, however, depending on the type of procedure you may need. Please consult with your physician for details on what the procedure will cost. IS THIS PROCEDURE COVERED BY INSURANCE? Currently, insurance companies do not cover the cost of stem cell procedures.

WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN ADULT STEM CELL THERAPIES? Adult stem cell therapy may be a cost-effective organic solution, and it may postpone or may eliminate the option of a surgical procedure.

HOW LONG HAS ADULT STEM CELL THERAPY BEEN USED CLINICALLY? 1868 Julius Cohnheim, a German pathologist, first hypothesized the presence of adult stem cells in the bone marrow that are

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1974 A.J. Friedenstein first described the isolation of adult stem cells form bone marrow.

1989 Dr. Arnold Caplan illustrates the ability of isolated adult stem cells to grow bone, which immediately generates clinical interest.

1990 Dr. Philippe Hernigou, Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at Henri Mondor Hospital at the University of Paris has treated over 4000 patients with adult stem cell therapy.
