lie will no on ington pay taxes intangibles. wh'ih Hod | >111 in tin- c roll ml for us and tsee f Nothing from nothing leaves nothing*, so the if iliov ciiii'i ilrviiif a wa> l<> lax those natural loss to the Commonwealth will he i. .. m i «.« s into use. anil thou |tn> ilcrfiit salarle ' exactly SEEN ON THE t<> I In- liwlii'm',' REDUCING THE COST SIDE " IH'IMOl'lt.VT. OF LIVING--VIII. TIMES at all. . i lot 1KH.1 nothing tcsvillo, V«.. iH'cemlirr -N. UY Taxes will continue to he on Mr. ItoV FHUUIilllC J. HASttiX ,00S- nt 'h' <»HW-e paid IllltpeU. of t i« r'' ». l-'onntlliiu "oil federate Home. ^KuVmVom)liniond, la.. trroiitl-rlnti. niuttrr. an's . ^ H> great estate in Nelson Comity, just as "I'wa.s the lielon> New Year To ih night ¦.alitor of The Times-1 >ispa t oh: WASHINGTON. D. December they have in the past, while under the opera¬ And all thiotmh 111house Sir. Since tlio recent lire sit tIt.> Homo Tor C. 30.. but that style is (In- i'">st expensive ' > r,lr '<« >« S.tqth Truth Is n fiictur in if one I Strict''h,!TV r\ tion of the tax law ami the other Not ti creaturc was stirring Needy i"onfedorato Women, I liave Inul n num¬ Clothing dedicate subject in most clothing. by style Tlmrfc-UlMWUh Puli- segregation ber of calls for so means the fashious tliul coniv :iu«l raplfcWik f« i7 i'h'''il,!hnrl*.. K..ll"' lalitur and Nut oven a mouse. information. I mil nskint; households thiy year, (»n the first of go llasbrook. measures enacted to give it efficiency, the that >oii publish this lottor every month. Ami it Is cer¬ |iv«{Uuif»r ¦Mainiiia in her eontaininc an lie- the month equally State has collected from Mr. Kyan $2I!5.OUU kerchief count of the foiindinc o( I lie lionio: when the hills come In the tain that tin- woman of to-ilav. un¬ Ami I in my cap in the year is'.is. the Ladies' less she 1"- "MMI'Mt ATIONS (<. The Timr*- on omitted returns. So far as we can see. Auxiliary of the of the household in treated with wealthy, lami'il afford to V,< Htul settled ilnrt it Pic\.tl t'usun hud to its oreilit in hank the suin lioth '*Uli. mi.I inn t. inUi% iduulx. i- just of the great respect. I lis buy style and quality. Heme, ffe Virginia jur-t $23f>,000 11» the good. Kor a white's *l.0«'(». amount Itaviuc horn raised to daughters parade she should ask "l»o I long nap. l.iiiM a home lerself, want for needy < "onfrderale women. I their most threadbare costumes before four dresses this scaaoii at 1 I- Triune llrunrli Km-Iii.iiic* ( V\ lion close In my ears. was undo tlio troasiiroi of this the rale ^tm1V'V.'..NIiiik »,u, ,,n fund. The him: his slightest remark is «»f one every three weeks, or do ayinni't According to report. the new quarters ami A I least, so it scomo*I money lav in hunk, ami tlio homo seemed no Kroelud I to want two that will last all winter ami half-dollars are vein attractive coins: Per- I '"'lr 'Mlii'' an «'\plop ion. arer realization than ovor. until Mrs. Alice with Hie most flattering itli|ire<'latioi), I 1 KKrKKSKNTATIVKS: Has- r diiv. .Mrs. |i X ISiirsjess ami all three part of next winter?" VA 'S'r I lllh .\\enuc {VoIiIiiik Sonally. w have never seen .i coin which N<> lunger I dreamed. myself. ami ins wife takes groat iroublcH to i llfini|»», lllr., members of tin* I,»t dies' of liuyiug quality is a more intricate K'N^it- '.lit. st a nil ha r l <. ilea I h Attxlliary Pickett in «¦ failed to answer that i'ami1 carried the motion expluin detail the unjust, but enor- matter as a than . «. i I. general description. tint «letlnite action rule, buying quantilv. t..«% ^inhjiiij:,Ituihii. ( liicftgo. tlu> noise t i-t't f l»> and lit- clatter. towatils founding a homolie forl o|* needyII inous, cost of his two favorite dishes fur there aii- yo inaii.v imitation fahries I threw 111> the window i\MifeiU r.ito w omen Mrs l». N. on the murUet to Oi l it i:: I'niirtri'Ulh Strerl. V .V self Hurc'oss :in«I serveil at tiie iiichI trap the purse of the WASllIM.|ON Talk That l>riau> \o Peace To see what was tin- lit;, obtained from the Legislature i lie sum evening Kven so, In matter. of si. ami it is Inexperlelired. order to get the Mown there in the with this lone $1.""" Mrs. I'.tir- often difllcult to conciliate the best value tor her tin- ,OS ,{ X 1 F> ,N M'\ \\t r. »,x mail: View of the allie ibug expected refusal street «ess. Airs. Uodtly and myself arranged with the money, huyer . I a < head of Hie household when he must know the standard »'iLN " "TOO: <; month* s:t.5U; INto accede to <>f a Was i'I'owiI of bail lioys, \ .1 'how11 i 111; .'.». fot the purchase of Iho begins fabric- on the r." * ^n«.. i ""V:l;1>'''1 ' our (ioruiany' proposal peace market and he in W- ,;,, """X11- «rnl». lhu\\ ulli.\. A ml tiic.v hail been making Snyder proper! y, Jill t <5 rove Avenue. Mrs. to open the hills. The American man aide distinguish be¬ Vcu l >:.:><.. :t nuMiiiis, si :;.; conference, the London Spectator's forecast withdrew tween the real and tin . Snyder from the thing imitation * uiuni't.. I», * Mix...... rar. s .. .Ml; That horrible noise. contract, and Mr. is noted all over the world as the B > of the peace term:, nv iikel* to outline Any hook on will ffluSJ iimi.ih*. ruts; l month. tlicy ".lot invaj from my liousc." I'liewninc then purchased the house In2i? tlloV* most lenient and Indulgent of fathers dressmaking aupplv p" {»,. _s*» ill their to \ venue, and at this on this in for ma t Ion. sl.KVit II: Unlit with response President Wilson's note I shrieked in mad rage: I number, October I.*>. and husbands, but there are times, ' " ¦' "" "ait*^l» .» it litxit It. tfilt* a 'oin. the Home for Needy t "on to i' -x-ffU Mii.tlaj, becomes It the . fedora Women such as this year, when he Nmrltlp* Often 4. 11 Out. v *cck. ..iim).|t .,1,1, ., doubly Interesting. Spectator Jet away from tny hoiiF", opened allows _¦ by ijovcnior Hon,- Tyler. There himself to iiecoinc- is right, the war has just begun. < 'r a copper i ll page." wore nine inmates. \ little later. Mm. irritated .it the in¬ Kver> > on i. a iiumliei of novelty creasing cost of feminine frocks faliries i ".'<. faxnr it* with ntaiiii«< riplo anil with status ante "«iet back in your ho)o. llcddy. Mrs Purges:- and myself ohtainod from and appear on the di ss-yuods ,il" arli- Starting tile quo helium, j i ho shoe?. Minn * P" I >111 a 11 i»n » i»li to |.a»r l.ofislaturi the sum of market. times coming in and » Von 1 $."i.immi There were going Hr» 5~7. ,akr* th" central are t<> old os:;i|." said tlu-y. s * ",,,M wn«l stump* for powers be required further *vii other suhsta'atial Why silk dresser that used to cost V-*> out witlllli a of IhHt imV.!"''- And »fasi' ii% donations from Mr. I couple weeks. 'Hid un¬ to surrender AIsace-Lorraine to , l-'lauler. of Kioridsi. and others before are novC $3S»..*»0. or way shoes that for- less the;, prove to he rcallv . pari That we tin New Thus. good. the f:."1. of Sehleswig riolstein to Denmark and l'osi.i meet New Vear's l».iv- Vear of I'.Mil, the homo was not only mirly could be bought iii any st->ro quality-buyer slecis cleat of them. i'1 1. > 11; ." K So I crept back to bed. in assured fact, hut almost for. for $5 should now be V10 Last au>: Calicia to the Poland which is to VI i entirely paid and ?1-. in year, for example, a new fahrie spring With envy urcei, papers porta in tic to the foundation of the beyond his Vet there ns quite ie are ni a comprehension. appeared an imitation of crepe de into being after tin war. The South \us- I look-box in the bank However, is a:< much reason had not reiiiemlii>red t it0\ ean be Juki behind the ad¬ chine. At the beginning . . I the W'iih tri.ti seen by appointment at my home, vance of season Slav? are - in "I'm l"|i or slim t"p" to achieve national identity, N ii e t een So ven t een. 1 _V I'loyd Avenue. i if tin- prices wearing apparel It enjoyed great at three founders of as there is in popularity, selling tfolicmia i- to become ! I .. home. Mrs is the higher cost of foods. rents a hv the KM A.V HI'jNIO , of the House Utiles independent. Rou- IJeddy dead Mrs. Powell yard: end of the livs ai She'-.- are high. because hides gfc .^HA) inaUa is to acquire part of and Jl'i'7 Kloytl Avenue, and Mrs !. X ltur- anil .season It was found on alt (lie bargain Committee voices iho demand 01 the; Transylvania, 'I'lie ^VxNimjst sni.i: lives on -;kins are one t'» the tremendous Seeond Avenue. Highland I'ark. scarco, and remnant coutiteis .it etnin a w lit'ii 011 the Austrian plus Trieste and lstria. ' .1 .; .. ^ ¦.Mirse I. i'h ri-l la n demand of the armies lie falls the blatant Thomas 1 Tyrol, '"'"''"'akor does uot the worst drew the ohartoi for Kuropcan for yard. Women who make th-dr own >s h.' to .:... home. M Its NIC I.St wat shoes. So far as silk is con¬ I'Rw&oii, in torccful it' inelegant language, ijo added . Russia is to acquire he will have plenty of precedents to >X POWKLL. clothes should not wai:tr their time sup Kiehtiioml. | loeimher "!. cerned. the war has also a *0 or shut Dawson has oiistantinople. anl tl:e Armenians are to be »' i him put crim'i sewing on poor materia Iv. ' >n the ft "P»< »P up." spread in that industry. The silk worms are pkned under Russian aii.lance Arabia is to other hand, in ready-made clothing, .broadcast stories of a '"leak" in the govern- still doing their duly nobly in supply- it'iod material is I he ti>ki ti from raw ixtremoh expensive, service, and has had Turkey. IntjRht l»y ini; tin- silk, but the men who for- e y .mcnfs diplomatic the i:&|H*rlcii«*c. an I sim ii is n I>. . 111; 1 . i Its In a iit; :: to nn'i'ly gathered the now Mitilly for to other leaks. 1; there thes" changes, the German 'A re you product cut and \ the effrontery predict making any resolutions for the Now in the trenches or it! the anyway, matter of is truth in his colonies are to remain in the hands of the War'. inquired the const iI hospitals. is not y is required to pay a great in- r,..U"°" highly resolving; not to tell anv- pnrpnao of niinTTrrlnji qiirrlen «n any whh'h formerly supplied us with tlax style bj .-renting tip !r own The German n:tv\ ... district that I know how to lubjret from ltd rrudrrn. for olivine* rea¬ i<> make our linen, have in some in¬ particular fashions at-d sticking to is 110 truth in them, Dawson should lie 'ieninity. and mercantile reduce son* the>..«!>,Inch of living." rrnuont* for opinion* or ndvler on lrnnl in Helgium.been com¬ them This i- known as ma rim arc to he distributed among the allies. or Individuality branded Further, if hawM.n declines Hep. mnlleal *ubJoot* ivlll not bp nn*wrrril. The pletely wiped- out. and in others are in dies.*. and is the most uiuhitioui j Hie Kiel to resent^tive Henry's invitation 1 «. appear, Canal, is be internationalized. tiitpnrnllelpd resource* of the vartoa« Kfilrral not being worked to like ichlevciiient vet utnlert.ikeii hv women, lie-I Vo There. tiovrrnmen t anything should lii^ sutuiiioiied to appear and made to Th« German government will be required to Senrell.v ilrpnrt mrnln ntid the urent l.lbrnry their former capacity. Hence, linen is for if not pi liter I.v done, it only ap¬ of Concrra* fnrnlnli nn . "democratize itself, which means, "llaf this paper famine hit vmi." Inrihnii.itiblr nnpplr of tenr'-e. aiirl we pay nearly thioe times pear;- 11 *i|:l I. the stiuly give his evideu. e. or admit he has none. seeming¬ Inforin.itlon of prloelr** lo as of of I think not." declared Broker Kiter. "In fact value *hf pnkllr. niueh for it. So far. co'too Is no', lni'-tt. color ai d the 11ijst*11-> of no.4- ly. the dost ruction Prussian and Molien- There l« no vlinrnr for thl* nervier, « is ^ T $ mo e*cept i- ..xnensivc. but even it has 'idtlcd a turning it apt to he sut ce-;sfuJ Ac- zollern over when my hank . railed this morning it ¦ Tnl Tinmp for return hegemony tin; German states |invlncr. ey cents 10 it.. cost. v. bib- .. cording to Laura I l he hrotlit rlioods are likelv to find that was 8nv that my stock of Oo n«tl the t>rii Italdt, of the We need not waste in itch time in was assum¬ Kend letter* to It loll m on d. Adri'fM of wool shows e\er> indication <>f teacher.-'' college tiiev are labor's discuss* ing to., largo proportions." I'be Tlinrs-fllapn trh in- '-dumhia I'niversitv. boomerangs. tits, in connection with at this Infnrmntlon Hurenn, Metro- leasing; indefinitely. the ideal height of human form Is / peace time. polltnn Unnk ItulldinK. tVnahlnKton. P. C. ' I1(b I'ndcr these circumstances. the seven iino .i half or eight linos thils ambitious program. Doubtless it is a T"ur naniei Initial* will not nnmicr. tin Hlaekguardiiig the (,'tiaril Ti»-l)|iy'tt Host llniid-rickeil Joke. Ntnerican woman is up against a utift length of the head frirn the crown of perfectly proper One. but i:s acceptance by proposition when die to the hair to the chin. If oil li e ii.wn boaster was in a reminiscent moot! \rttriilliui iiiiiI I olteil '.tatei Trade. attempts > are taller their, efforts to win popular approval for any Germtiti government Is entirely incou- ecr>noini7.e in elothe:; There are sev- than that. you should dress with a ami. for the benollt of the crowd of n = .1 !.; M 1:11 Va. tlio «>f universal service a cvivahle. you htnond. I'll* I ti-partineut of ral wavs of retrenchmont open to view to making oiirsclf ¦% plan military German} will not yield hall what r< i "inntnerei and l.ahor. I >. can j ap|ieai short¬ loaf. uatherrd at the village store, had been W.ishtnctoii. iior. one about on unattractive as the er. and if are plan, by the way. which The Times-Dispatch the Spectator desert as the mini mum of nivo i ii i ..rma t ion about trade with you too short, you should |e.alii- c the stirring times on the tir.-t election Argentina. other, but the most essential require- strive by your dtiss in make yourself apjiroves ;t is to he feared that allied peace terms. the is well- after the war in town ment i« that she more t ItpartMy Spectator day the Southern whore The tie \ give i».i.. and appear taller. This is dom bv lines sbtue odicers of the reKular ar. advised, there is no «*Ji nee of ho had ilium. attention to the of and army going peace save at lived. S II planning her .ornetimes a ib-vet touch of color. ;*¦ I: Stafford. Va. .Sim* ret a tv MoAtloo is lot lie*. A wide little 100 far in their efforts to discredit the can no nil mouth. > -eo, tiiat was a hot tune." he « on- a metnlo of the Kpiseopal t'hureh. Mis hntid anmi d 'In hottoiu of a ¦ 'amll.i I« skirt. for < tfie National fiuarU. Thev invite retaliation Germany arid Austri.i-lftifigary and Turkey clud.-.I I hvy was a lot of shoot in' took place, McAiloo. ke hot father, the President. is a Hndgel \amp|i will immediately and I done of litem he the t'liurch In the appear 'l«>r t. n > pi-von? JUul they art likely to .net it. also will likht on. for' <.. ticesslons such as the m> share it. I tell you. Why. Proshy first place, no s>.vtem of hofse- stature, tellers. I shot and shot until old revolver 71«. I d economy can he very efficient w hile ail iile,' f vvl -«t t11;< \ In done . tny 11 's notorious that not all the .I. lays and Spectator sneaks of mean with c«|iii is political death. just felt hot 10 my hands" lo < lean a IVwIrr I'ol. unless based upon a carefully thought found Whi.-tb r's por¬ blunders t.i tin guard's tnohilization last Itefore sueii peace is forced, millions of i: out is trait 'if the brewer's wife The brew, I amine to another o|ot family budget. It. tin first summer were to its own otiicer.- men with a cloth with a -" principle of thrift as er's wife was short and stout. but imputabb will die. other millions will he crippled from the. sain Southern town, he said, rather dampened pot cent solu¬ taught b> the by atid men. tor the or tion of t y itible of potash. I.eintt careful to wash i«ai:ks. the domestic scienc* and art placing i bit of bright "lor on the regular army ollicers the for life and billions of dollars in treasure will .Ii.,. m.s, ;t. conde.-c-udinply. "Why. you the liaiuis fto1 wai ds. schools and other thrift propagandists, lady's slipper, Whlstlr :: ¦!. her look army nion- than once broke he The - then th.u regular system expended. effort of the President of day. Ilow many times did von .itid it makes the most accurate tal! and graceful As matte- of fact, were HHMlJ diary