lie will no on ington pay taxes intangibles. wh'ih Hod | >111 in tin- c roll ml for us and tsee f Nothing from nothing leaves nothing*, so the if iliov ciiii'i ilrviiif a wa> l<> lax those natural loss to the Commonwealth will he i. .. m i «.« s into use. anil thou |tn> ilcrfiit salarle ' exactly SEEN ON THE t<> I In- liwlii'm',' REDUCING THE COST SIDE " IH'IMOl'lt.VT. OF LIVING--VIII. TIMES at all. i lot 1KH.1 nothing tcsvillo, V«.. iH'cemlirr -N. UY Taxes will continue to he on Mr. ItoV FHUUIilllC J. HASttiX ,00S- nt 'h' <»HW-e paid IllltpeU. of t i« r'' ». l-'onntlliiu "oil federate Home. ^KuVmVom)liniond, la.. trroiitl-rlnti. niuttrr. an's . ^ H> great estate in Nelson Comity, just as "I'wa.s the lielon> New Year To ih night ¦.alitor of The Times-1 >ispa t oh: WASHINGTON. D. December they have in the past, while under the opera¬ And all thiotmh 111house Sir. Since tlio recent lire sit tIt.> Homo Tor C. 30.. but that style is (In- i'">st expensive ' > r,lr '<« >« S.tqth Truth Is n fiictur in if one I Strict''h,!TV r\ tion of the tax law ami the other Not ti creaturc was stirring Needy i"onfedorato Women, I liave Inul n num¬ Clothing dedicate subject in most clothing. by style Tlmrfc-UlMWUh Puli- segregation ber of calls for so means the fashious tliul coniv :iu«l raplfcWik f« i7 i'h'''il,!hnrl*.. K..ll"' lalitur and Nut oven a mouse. information. I mil nskint; households thiy year, (»n the first of go llasbrook. measures enacted to give it efficiency, the that >oii publish this lottor every month. Ami it Is cer¬ |iv«{Uuif»r ¦Mainiiia in her eontaininc an lie- the month equally State has collected from Mr. Kyan $2I!5.OUU kerchief count of the foiindinc o( I lie lionio: when the hills come In the tain that tin- woman of to-ilav. un¬ Ami I in my cap in the year is'.is. the Ladies' less she 1"- "MMI'Mt ATIONS (<. The Timr*- on omitted returns. So far as we can see. Auxiliary of the of the household in treated with wealthy, lami'il afford to V,< Htul settled ilnrt it Pic\.tl t'usun hud to its oreilit in hank the suin lioth '*Uli. mi.I inn t. inUi% iduulx. i- just of the great respect. I lis buy style and quality. Heme, ffe Virginia jur-t $23f>,000 11» the good. Kor a white's *l.0«'(». amount Itaviuc horn raised to daughters parade she should ask "l»o I long nap. l.iiiM a home lerself, want for needy < "onfrderale women. I their most threadbare costumes before four dresses this scaaoii at 1 I- Triune llrunrli Km-Iii.iiic* ( V\ lion close In my ears. was undo tlio troasiiroi of this the rale ^tm1V'V.'..NIiiik »,u, ,,n fund. The him: his slightest remark is «»f one every three weeks, or do ayinni't According to report. the new quarters ami A I least, so it scomo*I money lav in hunk, ami tlio homo seemed no Kroelud I to want two that will last all winter ami half-dollars are vein attractive coins: Per- I '"'lr 'Mlii'' an «'\plop ion. arer realization than ovor. until Mrs. Alice with Hie most flattering itli|ire<'latioi), I 1 KKrKKSKNTATIVKS: Has- r diiv. .Mrs. |i X ISiirsjess ami all three part of next winter?" VA 'S'r I lllh .\\enuc {VoIiIiiik Sonally. w have never seen .i coin which N<> lunger I dreamed. myself. ami ins wife takes groat iroublcH to i llfini|»», lllr., members of tin* I,»t dies' of liuyiug quality is a more intricate K'N^it- '.lit. st a nil ha r l <. ilea I h Attxlliary Pickett in «¦ failed to answer that i'ami1 carried the motion expluin detail the unjust, but enor- matter as a than . «. i I. general description. tint «letlnite action rule, buying quantilv. t..«% ^inhjiiij:,Ituihii. ( liicftgo. tlu> noise t i-t't f l»> and lit- clatter. towatils founding a homolie forl o|* needyII inous, cost of his two favorite dishes fur there aii- yo inaii.v imitation fahries I threw 111> the window i\MifeiU r.ito w omen Mrs l». N. on the murUet to Oi l it i:: I'niirtri'Ulh Strerl. V .V self Hurc'oss :in«I serveil at tiie iiichI trap the purse of the WASllIM.|ON Talk That l>riau> \o Peace To see what was tin- lit;, obtained from the Legislature i lie sum evening Kven so, In matter. of si. ami it is Inexperlelired. order to get the Mown there in the with this lone $1.""" Mrs. I'.tir- often difllcult to conciliate the best value tor her tin- ,OS ,{ X 1 F> ,N M'\ \\t r. »,x mail: View of the allie ibug expected refusal street «ess. Airs. Uodtly and myself arranged with the money, huyer . I a < head of Hie household when he must know the standard »'iLN " "TOO: <; month* s:t.5U; INto accede to <>f a Was i'I'owiI of bail lioys, \ .1 'how11 i 111; .'.». fot the purchase of Iho begins fabric- on the r." * ^n«.. i ""V:l;1>'''1 ' our (ioruiany' proposal peace market and he in W- ,;,, """X11- «rnl». lhu\\ ulli.\. A ml tiic.v hail been making Snyder proper! y, Jill t <5 rove Avenue. Mrs. to open the hills. The American man aide distinguish be¬ Vcu l >:.:><.. :t nuMiiiis, si :;.; ..nr conference, the London Spectator's forecast withdrew tween the real and tin . Snyder from the thing imitation * uiuni't.. I», * Mix. ..... rar. s .. .Ml; That horrible noise. contract, and Mr. is noted all over the world as the B > of the peace term:, nv iikel* to outline Any hook on will ffluSJ iimi.ih*. ruts; l month. tlicy ".lot invaj from my liousc." I'liewninc then purchased the house In2i? tlloV* most lenient and Indulgent of fathers dressmaking aupplv p" {»,. _s* -i:i..la» ill their to \ venue, and at this on this in for ma t Ion. sl.KVit II: Unlit with response President Wilson's note I shrieked in mad rage: I number, October I.*>. and husbands, but there are times, ' " ¦' "" "ait*^l» .» it litxit It. tfilt* a 'oin. the Home for Needy t "on to i' -x-ffU Mii.tlaj, becomes It the . fedora Women such as this year, when he Nmrltlp* Often 4. 11 Out. v *cck. ..iim).|t .,1,1, ., doubly Interesting. Spectator Jet away from tny hoiiF", iv.is opened allows _¦ by ijovcnior Hon,- Tyler. There himself to iiecoinc- is right, the war has just begun. < 'r a copper i ll page." wore nine inmates. \ little later. Mm. irritated .it the in¬ Kver> > on i. a iiumliei of novelty creasing cost of feminine frocks faliries i ".'<. faxnr it* with ntaiiii«< riplo anil with status ante "«iet back in your ho)o. llcddy. Mrs Purges:- and myself ohtainod from and appear on the di ss-yuods ,il" arli- Starting tile quo helium, j i ho shoe?. Minn * P" I >111 a 11 i»n » i»li to |.a»r rrjr.lr.l l.ofislaturi the sum of market. times coming in and » Von 1 $."i.immi There were going Hr» 5~7. ,akr* th" central are t<> old os:;i|." said tlu-y. s * ",,,M wn«l stump* for powers be required further *vii other suhsta'atial Why silk dresser that used to cost V-*> out witlllli a of IhHt imV.!"''- And »fasi' ii% donations from Mr. I couple weeks. 'Hid un¬ to surrender AIsace-Lorraine to France, l-'lauler. of Kioridsi. and others before are novC $3S»..*»0. or way shoes that for- less the;, prove to he rcallv . pari That we tin New Thus. good. the f:."1. of Sehleswig riolstein to Denmark and l'osi.i meet New Vear's l».iv- Vear of I'.Mil, the homo was not only mirly could be bought iii any st->ro quality-buyer slecis cleat of them. i'1 1. > 11; ." K So I crept back to bed. in assured fact, hut almost for. for $5 should now be V10 Last au>: Calicia to the Poland which is to VI i entirely paid and ?1-. in year, for example, a new fahrie spring With envy urcei, papers porta in tic to the foundation of the beyond his Vet there ns quite ie are ni a comprehension. appeared an imitation of crepe de into being after tin war. The South \us- I look-box in the bank However, is a:< much reason had not reiiiemlii>red t it0\ ean be Juki behind the ad¬ chine. At the beginning . I the W'iih tri.ti seen by appointment at my home, vance of season Slav? are - in "I'm l"|i or slim t"p" to achieve national identity, N ii e t een So ven t een. 1 _V I'loyd Avenue. i if tin- prices wearing apparel It enjoyed great at three founders of as there is in popularity, selling tfolicmia i- to become ! I .. home. Mrs is the higher cost of foods. rents a hv the KM A.V HI'jNIO , of the House Utiles independent. Rou- IJeddy dead Mrs. Powell yard: end of the livs ai She'-.- are high. because hides gfc .^HA) inaUa is to acquire part of and Jl'i'7 Kloytl Avenue, and Mrs !. X ltur- anil .season It was found on alt (lie bargain Committee voices iho demand 01 the; Transylvania, 'I'lie ^VxNimjst sni.i: lives on -;kins are one t'» the tremendous Seeond Avenue.
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