The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials
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Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 12-7-1888 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 42, No. 27): December 7, 1888 Wing & Wing Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Wing & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 42, No. 27): December 7, 1888" (1888). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1297. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. WATERVILLE, MAINE, FRIPAY, DECEMBER 7, 1888. pult and hurling him hack with n resound A SILK DRESS. return of her huslmnd at dinner tiiiu*, Mrs J&octr^ aiiD Komaitct, mg ermsh against the wooden wall of (he Another SIdo of tho Woman’s ag.* ATTORNEY AND COUNSEOR AT LAW. pit till It fairly trembled. Whitman did an untisiial Rinounl of tliiiik- Work Question. iiioro tliim it IH of a man's, or that it in “I must have it, Charles,” said (lu* mg for licr little brain She saw the iiio- FRRDKUICK HI. Tbe rajah frowned, while Mahala’s soft limn* hiHiomblo and digmtb'd than work." Co....... KqiileyniKl Proliit** handsome little wife of Mr. Whitiimn. mrnl he cntrml that tlie morning cloud Let tli(*in learn oin* of the hundn'd real face oorretpondin^y brightened, and the had not {uuuuii from his brow It IS a cheering sign for the groat arm\ CHRISTMAS GOODS! Thera fell A kinfc. Nut kiiw alone in blood. bronse face of Nohna slowly relax^ “So ilon’t put on a solwr fai*e.” tnidcH or ciiiplov mnnta which women can who arc obliged to earn (lu ir Koliolleil. ____ _____ .... “lletc IS the money for that new dress,” of Women Nor royal tkrone, by rij^t of whick be into a imils os be drew her slight figure “Did I put on a solier face?” asked llu> livehluNM), that the “woman cnicstion” is l(*ain, let them r(‘(*l that (he Ix'ttor they SV.\TKBV1IJ,K, . MAINE. reicned, hiisWnd w'lih an attempt to smile that WIU l‘«'«»d, Uking a small ndl of hills from can do tlM*ir w(»rk tim inon* acrount they Hut by the royalty of eonl nmtalned, more reassuringly te hie tide; the entire b'liig Agitated in the light of wtimairs aiiythmg but a success {i'*'* |HM'ket, and handing them to Ada will Ih* III tin* worbl and tin* more rea|i«ct- And oeaK that beat bet for hii peoples good. British conUngent at the same time work. The ipiestion of what she is paid, “Ycs.soIkt as a man on trial for his He did not kiss her, nor bursting into a shout that rung aud re of what she ought to In* paid, of what she Ihat tlii*v diiHilil put Uioir whole G. W. HUTCHINS, A warrior, yet beyond the battlefield, life. Why it’s as long as the iimrul law. I br'Kl‘t waj. lint his h(*art*( into their (*mptoyin(>nt and make The larger virturiM of peace be taw: verberated over the shiillor plandita of the iI<h*h; anil, abo^eali, “What shall she do?” native onlookers mnoh like tbe hoarse There, d»‘ar, clear it up, and Imik as if you I cheerful A kiss IS filling oiir pn|M‘rs and our councils. (licm<iel\eH valti.ilih* as working fiu'toni, SURGEON : DENTIST. Go to Dunn Block iIU life a pledge to freedom, progreea, law, had at least one friend in (ho world What j *''“* *' *»|ile would have lH*cn more i»ro- Moat patient auffering divinely eealed. braying of a battle bora over the sqiieak- Hut there is a side which, it seems to b’avmg marnagi* to come or not aa they Succrstor to (1. S. rAUMEH, moncy-lovors you men an*!” cions to the UHiiig wife tlinii a hiiiidiir»*il and fate will, and th(‘ii, and not till then, There fell a king. Ni^. there a king aroee. inp and oUmorinp of the Afes and ket silk ilrcMos. She tookJhn inoni*}. Haling: me, as a practical working and self-snp- OKElCh:—on Main Htrm. tle drums. “How much will it cost?” enquired Mi they will iM'coinn as valuable working If you want a nice Fur Cap for $1,$1.50, or otara do not Mt in night, though night goee “'Ilinnk >oti, dear! Tt is kiiitl of \oii to imrting woman, is very little eonsid«‘red Klh(>ranil Ture NItroiii Oxhln Oat n>n> down; “Another thousand oa Kadgkul” cried Whitniaii There was iinothcr effort to This is the question, “How d<M*H she do it, fiK'tors UH umu, wl\(j already do all thva regard niy uihIics” Hinnily on hand; b1*o a now, uatont Steadfast they gleam in heaven’a eternal Poindexter, excitedly flnttcring two fin look cheerful and aqiiicsetu. and how should it iMitloiie?” nn*re M alwavs r(Hnn and gtanl pay at tho KI>KCTKIU VlHKATdlt for tifio ili o*lrarl $2 ; or a fine Scotch Cap for 35c. crown, “About forty dollars,” was answered Soiiiething in .Vda’s \ou*(* and iniiimi'r t*q» \ aliio will command value, and a ifilC tooth. Thongh daye in nights, and nighta in days may gers at the potentate la betting book-fash I'auHfd Mr Whitiimn t«> lift Iris eyes, with It IS my Iwlief, AlnMigtheiied by ex|H*- ion. “A whole loo of fapoes, if I only with just a little faltering in the lady's lollar’M worth will gcin'rally bring a dol oIoM. a look of iiKpiiry, to her face. Hut hIu* rienec and ohservatioii, ns welt ivs hy con bod Aeml What sayn your eieellenoy?^’ voice, for she knew the sum would sound versations with those who look at the lar GEO.K. BOUTELLE, 'T^rdof himself,''—thatgreateetoooqaefor,— extravaput. turned aside, so that he eoiild not n*nd its (I miiHt inaki* one paront)iL*Hi*i and one No nobler form in all hui noble boose. Djampudro-HiMsen eomposedly nodded exnri'utiui qiiestuni from a prnetieal and hnsmess “Forty dollars! Why, Ada, do you ct*pti()n licrc, and tkat ih with roguni to A'l'^ro 15 Y Dead, the imperial crown eilll site his brows, his assent, and tbe wag** was recorded. He was graver and iiion* silent Ihati us IHiiiit of view rather than from a seiiti- -----AXI)----- And past the grsve he still is emperor. 'It was Djeridgowttw first miscalotilo- think I am made of money?” Mr Whit inentnl one, that «no great drawback to the reHjM'clivo pay of men and wnineii FUR COLLARS AND CUFFS FOR OVERCOATS man's oonntenanco underwent a remarka ual, and ate with scarcely an np|H*arHiiee OOCjrVfAISK^OR A*r J^AW. —Ina D. Coolbbith, in Centory for Not. Uon; his impatienoe ha4 oier-reoched it woman's sitceesH in the hiisiiieHS world—I teiwli(‘rH 'I' tho discropaiicy in this is ble chanp of expression. of ap|H*ti(e. as groat as it is iiiijiiHt I do not protend to self,” be said stroking ,his beard once “Coi y,‘”rtonr,” said Mrs mean equal siicecM with man - is m her move. “Wateh him aowl He wiU make “I declare, Charles,” taul hit wife, alit- want of ihoroughiiuMA, Imth m proparation dell} ; and tho only reason 1 can givo for Probatt Baslnass a Specialty. tle impatiently, “you look }at me as if 1 wore Whitman, as she walked to the door, with it, aecordmg to my view, is, that there are FOUR-FOOTED CONTEST. np for the faux pas, as tM French would her hiislmiid after dinner. fur her work and in cairymg it out. Wo •ay.” , ____ an object of fear mstead of affection. 1 men generally, os a mass, hmk upon self- t(K) many women who wish to ha teaehers. Tlconlo n>'iik llulldlnff, Watorrllla. Buy your Stamped Linen Tray don’t think this Ukiml of you. I’ve only had “An* yon im|Mitient to have me admire It IS the great rofiige for every womeiiwlio “Djeridgowka will kill tbe atolHon at Apparently bat elightly injured by his your new silk dross?” ho roplied, with n siiplMirl and lalnir os a thing to Ih* avunled, repluse, though panting slightly, the tipr throe silk dresses since wc were iiiarnoil, and, only 1(H) often, to l)o iodiamed of It has a fair cdncatioii and wislies to earn her Cloths, Bureau Scarfs, Tidies, (he first R|iring,** aaid tberajah, iti bi. lasv, while Amy Bright has had six or seven faint effort.* had resumed his silent, watchful oircliiig is a melaiieholy uomiiient ii|Mni this asser living ill a "genteel” manner The mar " SIDNEY MOOR'IeATHT" srrogiiDt, aud hoarilees way. '*'rhere is during the same tieriml, and every one of “Yes; it Will be HOiiietliing splendid,” ket IS glutted with women tencliers.) no tiger uf bill or jungle that can ooiq;* of the arena, seemingly with no more waut she answered. tion t'lat, III the reeent I'ensns in oiiii of IHI Biscuit Covers, Etc., at the of confidence in himself than if (hey bad hcr‘’s cost more tiiantil mine. I know you Ah I h.ive Haul iM'Foro, man has the ad imre with iny Ujeridpxwka, (thunder our large cities, the hotiHu-to-house eeiinns think me extravagant, but I wish you had He turned off from her quickly, and vantage of posHCHHion, life IS the survival Attorney at Law, Emporium.