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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 42, No. 27): December 7, 1888

Wing & Wing

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Recommended Citation Wing & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 42, No. 27): December 7, 1888" (1888). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1297.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. WATERVILLE, MAINE, FRIPAY, DECEMBER 7, 1888.

pult and hurling him hack with n resound A SILK DRESS. return of her huslmnd at dinner tiiiu*, Mrs J&octr^ aiiD Komaitct, mg ermsh against the wooden wall of (he Another SIdo of tho Woman’s ag.* ATTORNEY AND COUNSEOR AT LAW. pit till It fairly trembled. Whitman did an untisiial Rinounl of tliiiik- Work Question. iiioro tliim it IH of a man's, or that it in “I must have it, Charles,” said (lu* mg for licr little brain She saw the iiio- FRRDKUICK HI. Tbe rajah frowned, while Mahala’s soft limn* hiHiomblo and digmtb'd than work." Co...... KqiileyniKl Proliit** handsome little wife of Mr. Whitiimn. mrnl he cntrml that tlie morning cloud Let tli(*in learn oin* of the hundn'd real face oorretpondin^y brightened, and the had not {uuuuii from his brow It IS a cheering sign for the groat arm\ CHRISTMAS GOODS! Thera fell A kinfc. Nut kiiw alone in blood. bronse face of Nohna slowly relax^ “So ilon’t put on a solwr fai*e.” tnidcH or ciiiplov mnnta which women can Koliolleil. ______.... “lletc IS the money for that new dress,” of Women who arc obliged to earn (lu ir Nor royal tkrone, by rij^t of whick be into a imils os be drew her slight figure “Did I put on a solier face?” asked llu> livehluNM), that the “woman cnicstion” is l(*ain, let them r(‘(*l that (he Ix'ttor they SV.\TKBV1IJ,K, . . MAINE. reicned, hiisWnd w'lih an attempt to smile that WIU l‘«'«»d, Uking a small ndl of hills from can do tlM*ir w(»rk tim inon* acrount they Hut by the royalty of eonl nmtalned, more reassuringly te hie tide; the entire b'liig Agitated in the light of wtimairs aiiythmg but a success {i'*'* |HM'ket, and handing them to Ada will Ih* III tin* worbl and tin* more rea|i«ct- And oeaK that beat bet for hii peoples good. British conUngent at the same time work. The ipiestion of what she is paid, “Ycs.soIkt as a man on trial for his He did not kiss her, nor bursting into a shout that rung aud re­ of what she ought to In* paid, of what she Ihat tlii*v diiHilil put Uioir whole G. W. HUTCHINS, A warrior, yet beyond the battlefield, life. Why it’s as long as the iimrul law. I br'Kl‘t waj. lint his h(*art*( into their (*mptoyin(>nt and make The larger virturiM of peace be taw: verberated over the shiillor plandita of the iIoti, dear! Tt is kiiitl of \oii to imrting woman, is very little eonsid«‘red Klh(>ranil Ture NItroiii Oxhln Oat n>n> down; “Another thousand oa Kadgkul” cried Whitniaii There was iinothcr effort to This is the question, “How dKCTKIU VlHKATdlt for tifio ili o*lrarl $2 ; or a fine Scotch Cap for 35c. crown, “About forty dollars,” was answered Soiiiething in .Vda’s \ou*(* and iniiimi'r t*q» \ aliio will command value, and a ifilC tooth. Thongh daye in nights, and nighta in days may gers at the potentate la betting book-fash­ I'auHfd Mr Whitiimn t«> lift Iris eyes, with It IS my Iwlief, AlnMigtheiied by ex|H*- ion. “A whole loo of fapoes, if I only with just a little faltering in the lady's lollar’M worth will gcin'rally bring a dol­ oIoM. a look of iiKpiiry, to her face. Hut hIu* rienec and ohservatioii, ns welt ivs hy con­ bod Aeml What sayn your eieellenoy?^’ voice, for she knew the sum would sound versations with those who look at the lar GEO.K. BOUTELLE, 'T^rdof himself,''—thatgreateetoooqaefor,— extravaput. turned aside, so that he eoiild not n*nd its (I miiHt inaki* one paront)iL*Hi*i and one No nobler form in all hui noble boose. Djampudro-HiMsen eomposedly nodded exnri'utiui qiiestuni from a prnetieal and hnsmess “Forty dollars! Why, Ada, do you ct*pti()n licrc, and tkat ih with roguni to A'l'^ro 15 Y Dead, the imperial crown eilll site his brows, his assent, and tbe wag** was recorded. He was graver and iiion* silent Ihati us­ IHiiiit of view rather than from a seiiti------AXI)----- And past the grsve he still is emperor. 'It was Djeridgowttw first miscalotilo- think I am made of money?” Mr Whit­ inentnl one, that «no great drawback to the reHjM'clivo pay of men and wnineii FUR COLLARS AND CUFFS FOR OVERCOATS man's oonntenanco underwent a remarka­ ual, and ate with scarcely an np|H*arHiiee OOCjrVfAISK^OR A*r J^AW. —Ina D. Coolbbith, in Centory for Not. Uon; his impatienoe ha4 oier-reoched it­ woman's sitceesH in the hiisiiieHS world—I teiwli(‘rH 'I' tho discropaiicy in this is ble chanp of expression. of ap|H*ti(e. as groat as it is iiiijiiHt I do not protend to self,” be said stroking ,his beard once “Coi y,‘”rtonr,” said Mrs mean equal siicecM with man - is m her move. “Wateh him aowl He wiU make “I declare, Charles,” taul hit wife, alit- want of ihoroughiiuMA, Imth m proparation dell} ; and tho only reason 1 can givo for Probatt Baslnass a Specialty. tle impatiently, “you look }at me as if 1 wore Whitman, as she walked to the door, with it, aecordmg to my view, is, that there are FOUR-FOOTED CONTEST. np for the faux pas, as tM French would her hiislmiid after dinner. fur her work and in cairymg it out. Wo­ •ay.” , ____ an object of fear mstead of affection. 1 men generally, os a mass, hmk upon self- t(K) many women who wish to ha teaehers. Tlconlo n>'iik llulldlnff, Watorrllla. Buy your Stamped Linen Tray don’t think this Ukiml of you. I’ve only had “An* yon im|Mitient to have me admire It IS the great rofiige for every womeiiwlio “Djeridgowka will kill tbe atolHon at Apparently bat elightly injured by his your new silk dross?” ho roplied, with n siiplMirl and lalnir os a thing to Ih* avunled, repluse, though panting slightly, the tipr throe silk dresses since wc were iiiarnoil, and, only 1(H) often, to l)o iodiamed of It has a fair cdncatioii and wislies to earn her Cloths, Bureau Scarfs, Tidies, (he first R|iring,** aaid tberajah, iti bi. lasv, while Amy Bright has had six or seven faint effort.* had resumed his silent, watchful oircliiig is a melaiieholy uomiiient ii|Mni this asser­ living ill a "genteel” manner The mar­ " SIDNEY MOOR'IeATHT" srrogiiDt, aud hoarilees way. '*'rhere is during the same tieriml, and every one of “Yes; it Will be HOiiietliing splendid,” ket IS glutted with women tencliers.) no tiger uf bill or jungle that can ooiq;* of the arena, seemingly with no more waut she answered. tion t'lat, III the reeent I'ensns in oiiii of IHI Biscuit Covers, Etc., at the of confidence in himself than if (hey bad hcr‘’s cost more tiiantil mine. I know you Ah I h.ive Haul iM'Foro, man has the ad­ imre with iny Ujeridpxwka, (thunder our large cities, the hotiHu-to-house eeiinns think me extravagant, but I wish you had He turned off from her quickly, and vantage of posHCHHion, life IS the survival Attorney at Law, Emporium. I he finest line in tne city at H^ar) for size, ntreiigtb, and ferocity. not been in the least interrnpted. left the lioiisi* V few minutes she stiMHl detdnred that the iiiiiiilHir of woin(‘n who But tbe stallion was now seen to have a wife like some women I could name. I earned their living or wero engaged m f the fittest, and since inan^ia.s the vau- '1 he white steed, were he twenty-fold the rather think you'd find out the differciioo with n thoughtful face, her miud imlrnwii, iMalKl^nl lllook. WATKIIVILLE, MAINE. Lowest Prices. etiMiiie hero you claim for him, sahib oul- changed his tactics so far that while rr- Home daily, wage-earning avocation was tag(* groniid, only (hose women who are liefore long ” ^ and her wtiole manner completely clmiig- armed with tin* same weapons, have tho oiiul, would nut evade his doom. He will Burning his pivotal gyrations bis head, in ed Then slie went to her rot, don’t talk to me af­ haiik* detcrmiiiatmii to succeed and the REUBEN FOSTER, go down like a shot and ^ou will uo loOger ter this fashioiil ril hriiig you the iiioii- inuiiced drossing to go out. of the female empioye«*s in hiniiiii'ss hoiises dispute iny guanlianship over Mahala, ed to the front. and faelories declared. ( an a woman same ntaki* to lose, will gam the same cy at dinner time, that is, if—” 'I’wo hours inter, aud we find )i r iu a f(H)ting I do not mean to aeciiHe iimii of the tlcmure little Nautch girl under your Another breatbiug interval of suspense, jewelry store on llniudwiiy eoinplnin that sue is not eoiiHidercd i>(piiil followed by a fresh hurtling on tbe |>art “No ‘if’s’ or ‘hut’s’ if lou please The with iiinii III tin* wage-earning woilil, if any niure injustice than comes of this Counselor at Law, wing there.” seiitcnec is complete without them. 'I'hunk “Can 1 say r woni to you?” Mie ad­ Fine Silk Plush at 50c per yd. “Hut, voiir excellency,” said the officer of the tipr. hIio herself takes so little interost and slnigglc for life; a. 1 have said, husinesH WATERVILLE, MAINE. you, dear! I’ll go this afUmoon and buy dressed herself to the owner t*f the store, hiismesH No man |»avH for anything aitf addresaed, if tlic alalliun should win the But it was countered even more effectu­ aim knew her lery well pride III her woik that she denies it? The ally than before. Crouching and gliding the silk. So don't fail to bring the mon­ nmro than he is eoinpelli‘d to pav. I-et will go to Bombay witli me, accord­ ey. 1 was ill at Silkskiu’s jestcnlai, ami “(’ertainli,” lien'plied, and tlu>y moied tintli IS, that woman, eu nnisse, has for so t tgomb Remnants of Satin for Fancy Work, and thousands ing to your angina promise?” under Uiq flying black and yellow l>ulk, short a nine lH*en supporting hersidf in our girls iH'come real!} thorough saleswo­ j. D. T , M. saw one of the sweetest patterns lever to the lower <*iid of tlie long showcases men, both wludcsalo and rt>lnil, even if it The dusky potentate waved his arm, much as apzeUe mightcruuohingly evade Mrs Whitman drow from her jHH'ket n any way which takes her out of the seclii- a laniinargoyer’s hurUiiig swoop, out flew laid my eyes on .lust suits tny stile and omes to traveling, let tiicni practically of Big Bargains in Christmas Goods. whose jeweted-stiffened sleeve fairly blaz­ lady's whU'Ii and ehaiii, and laying them Hioii of the hoiiH(‘hoId that she is, eu humic, IMiysiolaii & Surffcoii. the glistening heels aptn at just the right complexion. 1 shall Ih* ineotisolahle if it’s tcarii priiitiiig, engraving, designing, light ed with the movemeiiL gone. Yon won't disaptionit me?” on tin* show qase, said, at tin* Haine lime ashamed of it DIHFAHKH Ol* TIIK “You have my word, sahib” was his instant, this time bringing up with a tre­ Of eoiiriu*, there are many mdile exet'p- •ahmet-work, stenograpbv, iHiok-keeping, And Mrs. Whitiimn laid her soft uhite holding out the hill she had taken froiii watcliiniiking, goldsiiiitliing, dr(>Hsmakiiig Eye and Ear a Specialty. supercilious reply. "The word of Djaro- mendous impetus on the monster’s flank, so the eiiielo|H' addiessed to her hiiHhaiid. tioiiM, tint the exceptions themsi‘lvei« will that when Djeridpwka's revolatioiiH were hand on the arm of her liushiiid, and (at which tin* practical sometimes pitdra llasMaii, llajah of Nogpoor, is bis smiled with sweet iiersnasion iti her face “I eamiot affonl to wear this wateh; m> aeknowlege the truth of the Hnseilioii Ofpm h Front lioonin orcr Wuti>r\l|]u Sa>iiitfi 6 Stores Full to the Ceiling;. bond.” resumed, as they were almost iustaiitly, it liushaiid's cireiimslaiices arc tiKi limileil This In'ing the fact, is it to Ih* supposed iimkeH a fortune)—anv of the liimdrods of — Hink, * was with a sullen, half gasping air, and “Oh, no. You stiall haie the moiie},” things for wliieli their mmliie and d(*licato ^ ItKKnmxcK, Centro .Slrtrt,o|.i.<.!-imlulgeut eptioiiK and faithful pel sev emiice, til them CtininiUntioiiH uveiiingK by Ap|>oli>tinont. lOtf R. W. Dunn. ‘^lut if you are so sure of your tiger win- than a trifling injury to bis hips. liiiHhaiid y ifidcd to the im|Hirtutiities of a iride 111 hi‘r work that a man d(M‘s? Man Another thousand to five hundred on rying from her preseiiee. In his precipi­ and let ihein leaiii it as a linsiness, thor- uiug, excelleucy, I will lay you an addi- tation, ho had forgotten the iiHual parting foolish young wife 1 sny (his to take Iins liuiidr(*(lH of yi-ara the advaniHge of us; tiouul thousand of rupees on Nadgka, the the stallion t” vociferated Poindexter yet hlaiiie from him. Now, sir, iiieel the case ho has the horeditnry lmsin«>HH iiiHtiiiet and onghl}, honorably, with thir d(>UirniiiiAtion kiss. be first class w<»rkwoiiu*ii, and s(h>ii mountain stallion.” apin over the many voiced applause. “Is if you can do so in fairnesH to ymirtclf training, the wholsoiiio pride in hoiiesl it A go, your excellency? id)r, 1 go you “That’s the way itvs always,” saul Mrs. till*} will share the pay as well as the The rajah inclined his head in assent, Whitman, her whole luauucr eliaiigiiig, a.s 'I'ake hut k the wateh, and say how niiieh work whiili (times Iroiii traditioti and eiis- and the anger was duly registeretl by an three to one)” I shall jiay iened into something more than Orien­ The case t«H>k Iniii a little hy niirpiise takes It up as a makeshift till she (‘lui 1m> wifo aud iiiother. if she st'cs lit to marry; t tal gliimness; and his cruel pze roameil to Charles, and at oiiee (hen^ is a cloud in and she will ii(»t hi* dnv(*n into a thonglit- ULSTERS t AND»CAPE ULSTERS, The arena was a decp-wallcd circular Hiip|Hirte() liy some omi (’ls(*, or who has tlie sky.” Ho hLhnI for neatly a miiinte; then taking Icss marriage to seape Urn drudgery of pit, about one hundred feet in diameter, from the tipr to the begum—now radiant the hil] and watch, he saul “Wail a never given any thought to thusutijed, —with a smoldering fierceness of dissatis­ “Forty dollars for a new dress!” men­ eariimg the pitlaiiee whn li will not sup­ and around this the tiers of scats, with a tally ejaunlaU>d the husli settle giHceliii tliJin that I hink of (Iih, yon who humblest, a complete view of the interior, ceipted hill Ills fiu'o wore a phased iiM'ii, there euii Ih* no (|iiestion or Hliadow But aptn and aptii was tlie tipr’s Tliuinpsoii’a eual bill Unlay—thirty-tlm'e iM’iiioan till* (lioiiHands of nnhuppy itinr- and yet grant immunity from the fiercest ••xpreHsiun of a (loiiht Hut IS not this rather Ih*- dollars—but I don’t know where the imm- rtagcH the lr«*(pi(*iu y of divon e. And if she wild beast’s spring. spring repeated, and with no better succesH, “How iiiMcIi shall I piy yon?" asked eanse tlicM* tIumsandH of woim*n only do save that on one accasluii one of his mighty ey is to come from 'l'h<* coal is hiiriit np, IS li'ft, as HO oanv women an* left, with ehil- Kersey and ChinchiUa Overcoats. Ill addition to the throng of jiersonal at­ and more must Ih* ordert'd. Oh, dear! I’m Mis Whitman, draw iiig out her |ki( kel- work which n'lpiires no skill lH*yond that dreii depending on }i(*r for snpiHirt, sin* is forepawsipaws manapd to fetch the brave hiHik |M>ssesHed hy every olln'r woman; wliu h tendants surrunndiMg the rajah in a gor­ stce woman physieian is us w(*ll paid iih o IS Nadgka would be the victor. The English- devuutly-to- Ih* -wished- for eireiiinstinee to this idea, saving tliat if women are seif- Q. think iiufavomhly ol my Inishaiul It's no tin* man I know a woiiinu who ih a deii- -h! O 1 he first one of these to whom the men roared themselves hoarse; even the Debt, debt! How 1 have always shrunk snp{M)itmg they will not earo* to marry .. ^ B nijah hud addressed bimself was Col. from it; but sUadily now, it is elosing its fault of his that the hill has not Ih’cii tiHt who iiiakeM more than most men in biO 'O natives yelled their unrestrained delight, Siirelv, I repiv, if a man de|H‘nds n|Hin Ins E o ]Nlld. (oKhI lllUMIlllg, Hir.” tlui profiisHioii The woman who is an an- OJ CJ Mohun, and at bis side was a singtilarly in spite of their royal master’s frowning Briaennn arms aroniid me, and my iv- money aloin* to altruet and keep, the time C i_ TO t: beautiful yuune Hindoo girl, the Maliala sLricted chest labors m respiration. Oh, Mrs Whitman drew her veil over her tiior, a painter, an ai'treSH, or a singer is as displeasure; while little Mahala fairly well paid RH a man of eipial talent and iqi- has arrived when woiimii should cuiiqiel s ° TO to referred to. Every thing was at stake clapped her hands and hounded in her if I could but disenUiiigle myself now, face and went with light steps and a light him to make himmdf worth} of her lovo -4-* with the poor child in the unique combat while I have the streiigth of early man­ portiinity To go low(‘r in the scale of tal­ 03 seal at the side of her steru-visapd pro­ heart from the store. 'I'he pleasure sin* and her {hisscshiou. o that was about to ensue. Muhim lisd found hood, and the bonds that hold mo are had ex|>criciicml on roceiviiig her watch ent, the dresHniaker, the milliner, tin -C-D O tector. Nkilled feiiinln worker in our fnclones, is '1 hero ate man} bright instaiiccH where 4—' t _o u her with a band of Gbant dancing women Blit Djeridpwka, though plainly dispir­ weak. If Ada could see as I see—if 1 was not to be cumjmrcd with that now women have met uiid nmlersUHHl this coa- CJ ^ or Hindoo sjpsies of the Deccan and se­ could only make her uiidcUtand my |KMi- felt III parting with it. From the jeweler’s pan) on the uvurugn os well as the male S o ited, had as vet suffered no positively dis­ A woman who ia a good weaver is well dition of affairs, and luvvs gone to Work cretly verified a rumor that she was the abling injury, aud it was qiiiokly evident tioii rightly. Alas! that is hopeless I she went to the bool-maker's and uaid the liko mou and imule themsslves valuablo. £ ^ fear.” paid; and while 1 nin open to corrscUoit 10 lost surviving child of Muley Hosoan, that be intended to make one more effort bill of twenty-five dolUrif; from thence to I’hey have something whick tlwyeitA do lialf-bruther of the present rajah of Nog- Mr. Whitiw hurried hb steps, her miUines’s and saUhnl fur ber Inst bon­ on tills point, iv>y uodarstoiidiug b that In 03 to retrievq t^i* ?w — all mill work, whero skill and kt^owledge iMdter than oilier women and on well os a ^ (/i O 2 c 4-.) poor, wbo hod after osorping tbe tbiOBM Witboot the sli^taet warnllj he end’ IbdUah' hb heart beat quick, and hb net. man. And I um glad to say that my ex­ u foully murdered all tbe other rigbtfnl thought was unduly excited. “I know you’re tlying to see my new of tin* hiiiiiiess ii necessary, thewomaii oper­ £ denly changed hu taeries by swerving ative is almost as well paid as the men on perience has been that such women are ^ 8 3 heirs, many of whom he had thrown os from his prowling oirouit, and riiuning Not a long time after Mr. Whitman dress,” said Mrs. Whitman, gaily, as she admired, appreciated, and valued. As one o‘rt prey to his favorite tigers. Tbe rajah left the bouse, the postiuaii delivered a drew her arm willitu that .Minoo the meat of n br c T3 lighting-tiger Djeridgowka agiunst awhile strikiug the opposite wall of the pit, crash! stamp showed It to lie a city letter A “Shall iny Ada Wcoiiie lost to me?” he that if she would be as well naid as her TO stallion likewise noted for bts combative said III his heart—“lost to mu in a world brother she must be willing to give the eliickeii fine, then etiop the wliite parts of 3 (U crash I crash! successive were the sleel- few times, of late, sucli letters had come (■(‘lery, and propare n (iresamg aa followa u disposition, that Mohun had obtained from •bod, terrible heels launched, each time to bis ^dress, and she had noticed that of fully, fashion and exlravaganee?” same lime, atteiitioii, effort, and ciiduavur I-. —s m.wmJI tion of her inhentance. obould -the tiger oess. Synfpattff stole ^be jeweler’s bill. , * paid as her broths who does the Our Kersey and Chinchilla Overcoats are jdressy, durable ^nd Tbe Msjah made tbe aip b; which his things in (he riinie way, anil is so often low |N4h, mmson with salt and iHjpjver anti ifinvdrito wae gobd' hib rrisMiriteU, you see,” Her voice economical, and possess mqre true merit than any other" overcoat retreat; and then witlr a how to iJol htcreme^: “I^L^raid something is going fluttered a little. ' ^ ciKrieiiiptoMly ealleff^ 'bWHni,"effser' .with anotbor rapoMoua kwsBian, whose appalling obar- bun, inrned to go with hia snits. wrong with bin.” “Adal how is this? What doesit mean?” '*'* 'll gui ... . ami bake tlirue-<|uurt4)ra of an hour. acter was sufficient guarantee of tbe ter­ Hu flushed and greW'rager. salesmen are men who, by^ years of stten- I'he oiiioiiM may l>e omitted if the.fiavur made. You will never regret investing your money in one of our **One moment, exoelleneyl” iihouted Ma­ Placing the ieller on tlie mantle-piecc. IS disagreeable. rible fate in tliat event awaiting her. hala’s protector. “Deign, If ysu plesse to where he could see it when hu came in, “I returned thf watch, and Mr. K----- tiuii to the qualities of giHuls and the de­ Eur Overcoats. The best line in the city. There was a sea-like murmur of antici­ formally announce that the victory !s with Mrs. Whitman entered u|M>n some hoiise- receipted the hill. 1 would have paid fur sires of the market, combined with an I'CMI'KIN MAitMAi.ADV’. Teel aiid stow pation, and all eyes were riveted on one of Nadgks^ and my little friend Iiere is to hold duties; hut a strange impression, as damage, hut he saul Uial it was uninjured amount of tact that would do credit to a pumpkin thin, rub tliroiigli a sieve, add to two strong iron gratings tliat were side by continue under my pardiauship ” of weight, lay n|>oii liur heart—a sense of kiid asked nothing.” diplomat, have made themselves a place the iHiinpkm an t‘(|iiu) i|UHiitity of sour side in the wall of the pit, on a level witn The potentate md so with none of the “Oh, AiU!” which is o|)eii to every woman who will de- apple pulp, 1(11(1 to SIX teus|MH)iifnla of this its sandy floor. impetmiiig evil—a vague, troubled disturb­ best grace, it must be said, and then took ance of her usual inwarti self-satisfactiun. “And this is receiptcil also; and this;” vot4* tbe same number of years of patient en­ mixture add tlirei* teaeupfiitis of sugar and An instant later it shot aside, and there bis departure with as much bute as was If the thought of Mrs. Wliitmaii recurred, handing him the other hrils which she had deavor and ability 'I'here are houiu such wo- three lemons cut very fine; stew until PERHAM S. HEALD. was on involuntary burst of applause os eottsisteut with his augnst digiuity. as was natural, to the elegant silk dress |Miid “And now, dear,” she addiMl (iiiiekl^ iiieii,aiid they are welt paid. Let a wuiiiun rich and thick, stirring constantly, then the noble horse bounded into view. It was uoiie too soon. “how do yon like uiy new dress? Isn’t it devote to this branch 01 busmess the aniuuiit put away m jelly tnmbleni. Bring foKh tbe burw I The horse was brought. of which she was to liecome the owner on The white stallion, which bad until that that day, she did nut feel that proud satis- Waiitiful?” of •ihci,JiufM$e, patience, and taste which (D't* X Ft iiMNd One pint of milk, J. avi5ivtsoisr. In truth he was a noble etoed, moment remained proudly in the centro factiuii )ier vain heart experieiieed a little We leaiethe exphuiatioii nml si'ene that she doubtless |HMsesses to a greliu*r degree one-half pint of iMuliiig water, three table- E. P. HOLMES, D. M. D., A Tartar of the Ukraine bre4^ fulloweil to the reader’s iiuaginatiuii. If lliAii a man, and she will almost always Who looked aa though the apeed of thought of the pit suddenly huiiself high while liefure. Sumething of its lM;uuty N|MMinfuls of coin sturidi, a very littlu sdU, Itogors’ Ituildliig, Waiertlllc. & Were in hie limbs, out he was wild! in the air, with flashing eyesyes and floating hod faded. any fair loily, however, who, like Ada, succeed ciHik until i|uilv( thick, and jit'A iMifure re­ Fresco Decorative Painter. liAM Ihhui drawing too heavily iiimui her 1 have said that tho great Iroiibh* with He was nut large, but perfectly propor­ mane and then fell upon his...... side—dead. “If I only kucw whut that ]ctt<‘r eontain- moving from the fire add tlie iMiateii yolks hiishand’s sh'iider iiicoiiih fur silks and this matter of woman’s lulHir and woman’s Dentistry in all its Branches. Calsomlning, tioned, with A glistening coat os of snowy “Foor Nad^kal” oonimented Major cd,” she said half an hour after it had eotne of thn*e eggs and tin* white of one, flavor Poindexter, laying his baud tsi Moliuu’s in, her miud still feeling tlie pressure which 'ewels. is at a loss to realize the scene, let pay IS that women do not lake np things with lemon, lH.*at the whiU>H of two eggs, onice JIuurs—a a m. tii; 1.30 U> 5.30 p ni. Paper Hanging, and satin, a mane and tail that were of a gol­ ( ler try Ada’s ez|M*nmeiit Our wortl fo^ which are m themselves valiuihle, nor (7o Coiisullalluii—grNtii. den tinge, furnishing a contrast os unmue shoulder, on wUioh the little bugiiiii was had come down upon it so strangely, as it and spread on top after the pudding is Uwiduiion—No. 3, Park (jtreot. it, she will find a uew and ^lotl ex|Hirieuce they give inch effort to make Ihonisutves Hard Wood Finishing. as it was bariiiuniuus aud beautiful, rire now sobbing ss though her lisart would seemeti to her. dished for table; serve with a rich lu|utd was in his eye, the rhythm of spe^ and break. “See, bis entire left ribs were III life. Costly silks and jewels may Ih; thoroughly valjiahlo as ineit do fn re- sauce, Iluvurcd with vanilla IMkv be found at the ulum foniierly occiipiiHl by rihe went to the uiantle-pieee, tiMik np very pleasant things, but they are tini ganl to the first of these nlatein(*iilH, it UtHi. K. Oouglaa. uu Tuiii|iie41tret)t. activity in his flue limbo, and os he curvet­ laid bare by that one stroke of Djendgow- .D.NHir LindCakk. F. A. WALDRON. the letter and examined the sii|HirHcrij>- dearly Imught wheiitliey come at the price may Ihj said that business is husioess Light pprt- One- ed snorting around the arena it was ka’s paw. But never mind; Mahala is tiun. It gave no light. Steadily it kept liulf ciij) of butter, two cups of sugar, three O<>csx^es«»llox* cat > free from tbe rajah's olutobes, aud 1 have of a hushatid's eiuliarrasameut, luuiilai dis­ There can Im no senliiiieiitality in it. rite —ANU-> s noticed tliat his small hoofs were shod growing upon her that its cuiileiits were quietude, or alieiialioii 'Di ufU'U the gay law of supply and dumand is mexumhie If ‘‘“P <>I sweet milk, three M. G. FOSTER & SON, with new and sharp steel shoes, tliat fair­ won a pot of bis muoey.” of a nature to trouble her hiisbaiul. Clips of ll(oir, two t4*uH|MH)urnls of cream Uecal l5«stcato A.u:*»xat. And perbsps they didn't mind, at least yuiitig wife wears them as the sign id there are twenty or fifty women to fill a ihmi- ly fl^ed like a running rivulet in the “He’s been a little inystenuua of late,” these unhappy cunditiuiis 'rranquil tioii who h all) one of them can fil^as of tartar and saved to become a great magUirate's wife very iinideasaiiLly. “He grows more si­ to be burtleiied and clouded by weak vani­ well paid. In re^rd to the second, men iicM and puoiie biilldlngii a aieeclaliy. earth and yet were suggestive of a fierce lent ami reserveif,” site added, os thought, ty aud love of sltow. Keep this in mind, make a study of their busmess, as a thing luotABsea and one U.‘aa|>oonfuI each of Office, Pbonlx Block, Waterillle, Maine. OlHoe at rorldeiice, I'ark Place. wanness and expectancy. in-Bombay, and the mother of aobUd des­ cloves and Liimaiuou; take u little of the lyAH tined to depose the usurping rajah of Nag­ under a kind of feverbh excitement, be­ oh ye fair ones, who have huslmnds in with whuili they wish to supiHtrt them­ H. C. KOSTKIl. lyll . II.U. PUKTBK. IIms rajah stroked his beard once more came active iu a uew direction. “Mure iiimlerate cireumstauces. Do not let your selves and their prtMpeeUve on m'lual fam­ light part and pul with tin* dark, and bake and smil^ again. pur twenty years later, restore the ill one tin. NN lien all are dune, put the M, D. Johnson, Dentist, rightful dynasty, aud a most desisive sin­ indrawn, as it were, aud less interested in pride and pleasure oppress them. Kich ilies—-as a means to wealth. A woiiiaii, “It was nut roeutiuiied in the oompaot what goes on around him. Hb oolduess clothing, costly la<‘es and gt'ins, are pimr umety-mne times out of a hundred, takes dark cake betwe4*u the two white ones, WATEAVXLIE, MAINE. EVANDER RILP/ITRICK, thAt Nadgka should be shod,” said he. gle oombtU bad been nobly oonUeted and muisteniiig wvth cold water or tbe white heroically won. ubilb me at times, and his irritaituii hurts sulsititutes for smiling iieiM e, and hearts Nome busmess which will enable her to Ollliioiu Hirrull Ulook, No.(14 Main SL “Still, 1 waive tbe point; 1 ean well afford me.” overshadowed by care 'I'ake the lesson of HU egg, and put (hem together while to." But then tbe hero was only s white stal­ help herself till she marries. The hun­ warm. OfHtio Huiirs from 8 to 12 & from 1 to G. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, lion—ouly a borse:—Oooe a Week She drew a lung, deep sigh, 'lltoii, and live by it, rather than offer another dredth woman is the well-paid one Here Then he eiroighteued bimself with a with on almost startling viviuuess, came illustrmtiuii, III your own experience, of Cxi VKY Naiad.—Chop fine two or l*Hr€ N^Urous Oxide and Hther constantly has the great trouble. Every woman, ui JOUUINO of all Ibeacrlptiona Noatty and cruelly gloating and exultant look, and before her miud, in contrast, her teuder, the fully we liave Iteeii trying to ezjHHH* nearly every wuiiiau, liHiks upon labor as three bunches of celery, sprinkle on a lit­ •m Aofuf. 31tf promptly execute. r^. JOIVB^S, Shop on Front St., oppoeita City Hall. the vauuted monsruh of tbe juugle, after its associations, whether domei^ or re­ WATERVILLE, MAINE. “Soroethiug bos gone wrong with liiiii,” realization of the fact that there aru not s|>ooiifula salad (Ireaaing Stir all well to- X>exi.t:lsl. springiug tulo the arena with a soarliug ligious, suggesting thoughts of joy. A sbe said aloud, os the feeling grew strung- Of right os well as in fact, each soul luu euuugh lueu to go arouud, and she is getln'r, and when it eouies to a bod put ui sort of a roar, began tnrcling aroaud ana mail dissatufted with bis endeavors Is . “What can it be?” its mvioable secrets, with which no strang­ the celery and cinik it IA imuutes, stirnug WATBRTILLE, MAINE. BtMbK IIINIIKKV to stranded on the ^suure of low-waged hi- around it iu ominous siUuoe, with bis eyes mao tempted to sadness. And in the Tbe letter was In her hand. er, no hiituau beiu^, may iuteriiieddle. compotency. Some then make a uh- eoiistojitly Take it up and garnish with Ui'rit k: ITroiit roomt over Watervllle Savings I'hcentx Ulock* ltd BImIu 8t. PLUG fastened on every movement of Uw stal­ They are matters of ludivioual life They midst of the winter, when hb life runs “Tbb may give me light.” And with slices of furd boiled egg and celery Ups. Uttiik. Itooiu formerly ooeupliHl by J. (J. Byule, I am ble striig^fu aud retrieve their lust ground; lion, who coolly kept revolving in tbe cen­ lowest and be b reminded of the empty careful Augers she oiteued Uie envelope, are thoughts no one thinks aloud, lo Oas and Klhtr. 31tf prtqnuwd to do all klutU of and this is live reason that nearly all the j ii ter, as on a pivot, bead down an^ heels ehaire of hb beloved, it b well he ehould o|h:ii tbe dour and let others in, would be ( UA Hki* \d. —One and a half piuts TOBACCO. not breaking tbe paper, so that she could Wcll'Mid women in our stores are ihone of sour milk, a little salt, two teaspoons of BOOK, MAOAZINE AND invariably to the foe be ooodemued to tbb fashion of tW smil­ seal it s^n if sbe desii^ ^ to do. There HU exposure of tbe citadel, a weakeuiug of who by reason of their years have come to “DMri^wka'a way — Djeridgowka'sidpv ing face. Noble dbappointmeal, nol^ was a bill for sixty dullart, and a cominu- the soul iu the very life^^entre. What siMla dissolved in a little hut water, oue- I. E. GETCHELL. PAMPHLET BINDIN6! lA. iMJlk I— AktIyalrlA,! IKa *—ruboUlg a, realizing sense that probably uu maa half cup of New Orleans molasses, aud as -0X11 £P- pet triekl'^'ehaokled tbe rajob^ rubbing bis •eU-deoial are not to be admii^, not oieation from tbe person sending tbe bill should be unspoken must be left to each At Short Notler. My prlcea are low aud aatk- ^weled hands toptber. “Ss*--*- will ever support them, aud that they much gruham flour os con be stirred iu faction guaranteed. A. M. UBNItA^ 'Sahib oolooel, even to be pardoned, If they bring Utter- He was a jeweler. individual, who will be most surely guided must carry the load themsi Ives. As to Engineer and Land Surveyor, in two minutes Nadgka's^ skin will be nees. It b one thing to enter ^ king, by hil own iiutanct and judgment in the with H spoon; put into u well greased “If tLb b not settled at once,” be wrote that bod and weary army of sewiug wo- us soon u mixed and baku about two^ ovncK MO. M MAix ir., C. A~ HILL, ~ red ribbons.” domof beavea maim; another to maim “I shall put the account iu suit. It bos cose. The few words here odmissiblo A(lcs.lax«»« meu, whose toil aud hard lot brings tears hours. Newest and Best Tbe ti|mr was, for evezy truth, a prodi yourself and rtay witbouL And the king­ been standing for over a year, aud I am must be of a general tenor. Office Pay->Thursday* AT ins to our eyes, it is mostly mode up of those ry even for those days when laiger and dom of beavea b of tbe childlike of those tired of getting excuses instead of mou- '1 here are troubles and sorrows which women who have uever learned any real WaUb Utallatloi. P. O. Addroea —No. Vaasnlboro*. fiercer specimens were made prisouerc wbo are easy to please, wbo love aad wbo may be communiuated, with odvantagu, to ey.” business; who have married, and, left wid­ The Hveruge watch is composed of 175 Livery, Boarding & Sale Stable, than now. He was four feet tall at tbe :lve pleasure. Mighty men of their llie bill was for a lady's waUb, which a kindred aud sympalhislug soul; there EAHX TKMPLK 8T., WATKUVILLE, owed with Utile children to care for, and different pieces, comprisiug upwards of FRANK W. LAPHAM. shoulder, precisely eight feet in length I, tbe smiiers andaadtbe' the buUdere'aad the Mrs. Whitman hod almost ooinpelled ber ore others, often deep and enduring, not the means to embark m that other Keetw Iloraea oixd CairiagM to let for all purpoaee. SAVEHTAGS from Up to Up, correspondingly propor­ jndgee, have lived long and dciue etoml which may be liest borne alone. You can­ 2,4tA> seiwrate and dlitmct uperatiuus lu (lood borMp. a great variety of atylUh earnagea, husband to purobase. wMry business of buardiug-bouse keeping, Its manufacture. 'I'he balauue has 18,UU0 aud reaaouabla vrieea. litf AND GET A HANDSOME PRESENT. tioned with a ferocity that was at that and yet preserved this loveiy'oharoetek^i “Nut paio for i Is it possible 7” ex- not tell them; uo one will comprehend axe obliged to take to that uuc thing Barber and Hair-Dresser Uioc proverbial thrueghout India. you; and besides, tbe telling will opeu the heats or vibratious jier hour, 12,UU0,()80 m ' and among oar carpet inUreete and twt^ elaiined tlie little woiusu, m bUiik astou- which bey os well os thuusauds of other SUCOESSOU I'D L. K. tlHAW, Bound and round prowled the indbsUr penny eouoeras, the shame wese badehhle wound afresh. 'l*hey were not given to be IhvriT days, 157,(MO,000 ia uus ysor; it FOR too POLICE TIN TAGS bbment, while tbe bl^M mounted to her womeu cou do. 'They ore forever haudt (ravels 1 *i;i-l(X) inobes with each vibro-^ Uoraor 9f Main & Temple Sti., Up Stain. with no more sound than would have been If iM sbotild lees iL GentleMes and ehMr- forehead. V tdld but to be endured, 'lliere ore joys, capped New Chinese Linndrj! Yoe will get a Haadaomc Pour-Bladcd focket produced by the footfalls (4 a kitten. fulnpts, these eoine before all motalUy; asjpirntioos, hopes" and purposes, also, tiou, which is equal to U 1-2 uules in ItMora Honed. Hheara and Hdaaors Uround. A loug felt want aunplled. Call and have your Knife. Then she sat down to think. Light be- •Vomen do not usually-~l say it with tweuty-fuur hours, 202 1-2 imles lu thirty ALSO, FOR SALK eWbaa Tauudered aa they idiould be. Suddenly th^re wee aa exulting roar, they are the perfect dirties. And It b tae nn to oome into ber miud. As she wbice remoiu uuuttered; feelings and im­ tronbU with moral mea that thi^ have regret—-put their hearts iuto their worx os days or 3,558 3-4 miles lu one year. PIM Rnsora, Sbavlag and ToUet Soap Beat of Work at <;beap«aC Prteea I FOR 600 POLICE TIN TAGS the largo striped bulk seemed to fly up thus thinking, a second letter esme lu for pulses iu on inchoate oouditiuu; moving lueu do. 'Fhey look upou it os s tempora­ Ooawetlque. Bay Ituui la onv quantity, will get e Itaodaume Pevorated Chine Tea intd the air aa though hurled by spnegs, neither one nor other. It wae the mt^ van, yoqr own soul, though not nuttured for from 8 OM. to oae galloa, Abaolute HathdaaUan Uuaranteed. Come and •et, yi i^cceo. ber husband from tbe penny postman 8he ry affair, sud so—os.i have beeu told by try ua. IM Main Htreet, lu the atore foramrly and be wae seen to Taumdi ont toward m opeu eipressmn; treasures of the inner Itemember the Plaoe, over City Dry Uooda Store, the pharisee, whom Christ uonU not away opened it without hesitation Another Ull both men and women who employ both We Foiut With Pride oeeuided by li J Klelcher. CHIN iJCM. FOR 2500 POLICE TIN TAGS white etallioo as if projeeted out of a eaa- with. If your mocab make you dreary, OM another duuutug letter! temple not to be expoeed to tbe gaze of yM WATBBVILLB. MB. nuu'a mouth. men oiul womeu—they ore not worth us To the “GihaI name at home,” woo by yoo will gel e Haodaome Gold Watdi, BUne depend unoo It they are wrong.—-from “Not paid t Is it possible?” 8be Babylouub inquirers. much os a man, who wonts to stick at the Winder, Ouarmoteed an Rxccileat Tine Keeper. But lightening like as was the attaek, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, lu LowelL Moss, Alonso Davies, BoJIKMT UWIA STKVKJfSOU't “ChiiitBas te laated the eiacuUrtiun- U was a bill work. wiiere it is prepared, there is more of jAmes INfayloxr, KVln eeomng Toga, give Full AddrcM. it was Dounteiea by a movement ae elee- SeroMia,” la the Deoember Seribaer*e. ol wentv-live oollars for gaiters aud slip- $600 Bawx^ 'fhere U but one remedy fur this. As 1 Hood’s Sarsaparilla sold liwu of all other CARRIAGE lAKER, irio and ae effective on tbe pari gf the poin, whbb bad been staudiug fur tiiree have Boul before, let our vouug womeu equine hero. is offered, by tbe niauufocturers u/ Dr. medictues, aud it has given the bast of FRESCO PAINTER, I'aintlug and Itepahiug of every deerrlpHtm LAWRENCE LOHIER, No perfectly aecuralo auip of or four montbs. and girls be taught that it is os uecessary suUsfautiou suite its lutroduetiou tsu dime lu the beat puaalUe mguuar, at aatiafactiwy ^ mot'ask'iogad* Vch* There wae a white, whiriiag eort of a which takes a full aeeouat of the eurva- ^»OeRTI.A.XJr>, {trirra. New ahoiw, with utee-ruaulug macblaery. ' “Tbb will never do,” said the awakening Bage's Catarrh liemedy which they eounot fur them to know how to eoru their liviui years ago. 'Hu* could uot be If the wed- tlaeb, out flew the flieieutuf, steel shod tare of the.eartb b ia exbieaeej but wife; “never —no, never I” And the cure. This remedy cures by its mild, with some true busiueas os it is for thei Orrict 1 ,i.»i N«fl tauk Jluliaiii,, liouu.«. Cor* Gold and lammor we AB0¥e HteSBHTB WILL i£ 6t¥£B heels, striking the tiger ia uCb eheet while louie did uot possess tueriL If you suffer AWAY UHm JULY /, 1889. on eueh a amp has heea begua bp thrust the two letters into ber pocket in a •oothti^, eleansiug, aud healing proper­ bruibers.' from impure uluud, try Hood’s mznaparil- 8II..FI Mu II rrMHIruul. Mew nml ILooad-haad Cot rlagne for gale. yet ia mid-air with the force ol a cata­ United Statec governmeaL way. From that hour until the ties. Only CO oeuts, by druggist Do not bring them up to believe that la and n^iieI Its1 peeuluu curative power. rpiiovntmg the liinldingH by washing and Till': IMim.IO DOMAIN. side thereof, and hctweoii the tracks, if Nothing so truly describes it as the ®hc ^atctviUc ^ail cleansing each riHUii during vaeatioii is not there he more tlinii one, and keep the flgmc nf a I'^w birth, death to the dd iM'ing negteelcd 'I'he henlthfiil condi­ No dcpftilmeiit of jmlibc economy same constantly m repair, Hnsh with the life Rid r•siirreotion to the new life. KSTAUMSIIKI) 1847. tion of rooms occupied Iiy so many per­ Tlluxtrated hy the change from a worm to sons eaiinot la- tmieloselv haiked aflci seems to Ih> so vaguely nppreliondud ns street, and good crossings.” Life Insurance as an Investment. a hiitb‘r(ly. It is also called a new erca- the relation of the {leopic to franchises to I’ndcr this system Ihe city of Philadel­ tinn. rrm isiin» i ^ kia at t'liniiKcs Niul Aside from the eliangi% iinide necessary which the people themselves give value. phia has olttained from a street car com­ Tlie conipletancss uf the work is OMiir- CilSTM-^PEEm IT IS AGREED THAT A GOOD INVESTMENT HAS no MAIN ST., M ATKin MiliK, MK. and possible by the opening of the North \ promincnl writer has lately said: '*What pany (he sum of $1(M),(K)0 towanls build­ cd hy the person and oharncter of its AT fimmmnr .Sclimd hujldmg may lx* men js now needl'd is in every oily a public author, (he^Ifoly Sjiirit. No power hut THESE THREE IMPORTANT ELEMENTS: ing bridges over (he Schuylkill river. In that of Him'who i-r(*atcd tho soul co dd tinned the tr.insfei ring of the Oak street property defem e league to wnteh tho in­ \V INCr c‘t hnildmg, the Philadelphia, also, in 188(1, tho sum of resDiro it to harmony with GodjRiid re­ terest of the piiblie and to hunt down and lievo it of ita fatal bias to evil, ^le work I'lHIoIlK ASt> i'ltill ItllTOUH. house on Oak stieel heing nnllt for nchool ♦70,(KK) was appropriated for improved F. A. LOVEJOY & G0.'S. purposes, while that on v'ollegc street is send to the penitentiary those who forget pavomnnts ou streets occupiml hy passen­ is worthy of Itsdivine Author. It puU a fallen sinner on Ids feet again, imparts a 1st Undoubted Security. new, well appointed and pleasant. that public oflicc is a public trust” ger railways. 'I'he mayor vetoed the order I'llN’K (J \MN(J DAN'L F ^\ INO .S'ceral of the selmols have had their new life, new cnergy,«iid gives the soul 'I’iii' rights of (ho pulilic are hy no The streot railway franeliiso was granted cfflcieney gieally incieased by lieii.g grad­ nil impuiso in a n0W ifirHetioii. We infer 2d A good rate of Interest. means always malielously and criminally GOLD IVUM* •J 0() |i TM'nr ?1 '.olf jiaIiI utrlrtlylti ed It vyiis lint uncominon to tiiid two on eonditioii “that all railway companies then, from the dignity of the Agent the HlVlirMT SllIKll iNMIlt* schools i)f exactly the same grade in the disiegaided I’lihlie pro|>erty is sipiander- shall lie at the enliro cost and expense of radical nature of Tils work. 3d Length of Time to run. Watches and Jewelry, ( ff" Sit |t i|M nlliK'itiiliiint ■! mil il nil nrrriirnK^f same building, whiih left the matter a ed and possibly revenues are presented to Anothei indieatioii of the nature of tlie itrii |i itii, <•xl>( lit (It lilt' lintioh of the iiiitilli>lH'ri> ipaintaming, paving, repairing and repav­ new creation is found in the element in personal ehoiee which school a )mpi1 private eorporatioiis hy honest oflleials, ing that will he necessary upon any road, whuli the now life is begun and prolonged shonld attend Hy (Ins arrangement tlie and even hy tlii' pc'ople directly, from sitn lam her in 0.11 h s( lioul had tluuhlc the r<>ei- stieet, avenue or alloy occupied hy them.” “ill (/hristWhat then is it to be iA All these are secured as INCIDENTAL BENEFITS In KKIinY, I)K(’ 7, 1K88 pie ignorance of the value of the gift. (Jirist? It is to bo oie of those for whom GOLD latnins necessary, and const ipieiitly only 'Phu mayor maitiUiineil that the eumpaiiies One of the' last acts of the town of Watcr- Ho stands ns Substitute, for whom lie the New 20 payment Life Policy issued by half as miK h time to <|evote to eacli were IkiuiuI to pay the cost of the improved Headed Canes and Umbrellas. A (tl ANCK AT OI It ri III.IC HCIIOOl S. scholar 'I'liest' ilcfects have iMTureiiudi ■(! ville was tlie utterly stupid hlmulei of died Atid rose again. It is to have an pavements instead uf repairing tho old intimacy of fellowship with Him unlike hy juilieious grading, to the great im­ harlcriiig away its privilege of jnirehasing TFHO Altfioii^li tli(‘ |)iii>lii' H( in of tilt' provement of (iK'sehoofs coneci lied. ones. Oiir argument is that a city cannot that wJdch we can have with any other tho plant of Die Water Company. If we {icrs'in It is to bi* affected by his |>er- iiiuhI iinportiiiil ttf our (’imI inKtilutitiiiH, l'onuiiiiiMhl|i, afford to throw away its rights in a prop­ had lake'll the trouble to exiiniiiie the re­ soimlity, tu be Ailed with his Spirit GOLD «'oiii|i«ratiM'h ffw of oui give il erty which eati afford to pay in that way A (hange in the system of teaching Christ is the only one that is able to lead luort* tliiiu II |inKNiiig liioiiglit 'I'Ihi fliii* writing has l>cen made 'I'liis hrnneh is cent expc'iience of the cities uf the coun­ foi its privileges. tiri'ii tirr M'ut to koIiooI, mill llifri' thi* curt' us to do right, as well ns teac'h us what is Spectacles and Eye Glasses, now wholly in the hands of.the regular try with this sort of monopoly, wc should '1 ho seconil method is that adopted by right. To lie iii.Christ is to be < ndowed of Ihi* |>nneen hut n'eent- Don’t wait, but make your selections while ilitTureht giiiiteM anil ilifTerent ihiHaea public as well as we do those of individu­ per eeiit. It has since lieeii reduced to iiino It is interesting to notice how the idea of ly mtrmJnced it is giatifying to note the n new oidcr or things in Christ is made of pupils; mid t he Ih'hI incthiHlH uf teai hing als. \VV have a liusiiiess arrangement to per (*ent. The result has liocn that during We i«y incidtnlal htneJiU, became the gmiul object of Life Instiraiiee ii imineiliate there is a full stock. iniprovt'inent already made as shown }>v prominent in tho New Testament. A new Hoiight out mill applied timk<> presently with the Horse Uailroad security und protection for tho fninily, uiid siifo und easy provinioo for tho coining old the handwriting of tlic pupils at thu mid­ the past ten years, a yearly nvcnigo of commandment is given to men in Christ. 'I'lie scliooU iiIhivc ail other thingR cannot dle and end uf the U'rm jiisl closed. Company. 'I'he company is using the a([o of the nmiired. If wo cnii ndd thnt it in bIbo one of the In'iit iiivc8tn>eiiU. it then mil theiiiaelvoH There iiiii>it In* a recog- 9100,(MX) has aei'rued to the city from this A now name it given to them. Hiey sing highways that belong to th(> people. It is bus n THKKEFOI.D CLAIM TO KAVOH u» see. nired, Htrong, intelligent, thinking head M iinIc.- sourue. A new song which none but the redeemed Here is a young mei hnnic thirty yenrt of nge, with a family. Ho has not yet been Had no other new feature than the ni- making a profit out uf thum 'I'he gentle­ can learn. And He that sitteth upon the F. A. LOVEJOY & GO., of the dejiaitinent One of the iirat and ['Ik* third method is known as the New nhio to make such pruvmiun for their future woll-beiiig as bo desires, and hiu but throne aaith, "Behold, I make all things nioRt iiiipoitaiit (liilieN of the SehiKil Ihmril triHliietion of music nmrkeil tin' sehool men who saw that siieh an investment Orleans system. In 1879, Unit city ad­ little money to inTeit. Now 802.50 will pay liiB preininm for one year on a I’oliov for in the ehoiee of a •SuiM'nntenduiil '1 hin work of the past year the Kchools might he new.” would pay, and who put their capital iiitcx vertised for sealed proposals for tho fran­ ta.OOO nod hii fnmily U nt once scoured in that Kraonnt, while ho Ima niso made a 100 MAIN STREET, - - WATERVILLE. oflicer iiinst not only he mi exeeutivo of said to have eonuncnced a lu'w era It is At the Unitarian church, last Sunday deposit towards tho fund for hiuucif. It now remains for him to lave 81.26 per it, have henefited Watcrvdlc and deserve morning, the pastor, Rev. J. L. Seward, high ability, hut a profieiont in the art of a Mueei'SB alreiuly 'I'lie teachers and chise uf three railway lines, tlio privilege week and apply it faillifnily to pay his preinnims, and the whole matter in aecoiii- preached a ssrtdoii iip oni fotnier exi'ellcnt S» hind have the teachers leeeiveil nistruoliou pavement as the uity should choose. Sev­ tion, instead of bidding the tempter go Ih iiid, whnh did so tiiuch under so nian> directly upon seveiid hriinches of their tcTins? eral othi'r bargains of The same kind have hence, ns our Savior did. 'The three temi>- pany uf New York for a #10,000 Kiittuwiiicilt I'oliey, payable at 60, or at dciith, if tatiuiis uf the chapter .ire peiliaps to (te prior. I'relniniiiB paid iii ten yeara. difliculties, and left as a tilting iiioiiuniciit work, hut hy these frd<|iienteommuiiie:itioiis If a |uivate owiiei lease for a term of been iiukIc in New Orleans. In 1880, regarded as so many possible ways in to coinineinoiaTe their lalHira our niagiiifi- they have been able to seeiiie a uniformity vc'ars a piece of bind for which he has no He paid 10 aiiiiiial preminiiia uf $ti0J each #0 ooo 00 ' ^ progless very desirable in a graded nearly oiio-eighlb uf the total expenditures which our Savior saw the opportunities af- I.niBs Divideiiila ilinwii 260 90 ME EY cent Noitfi (iraiiiinar ."Si hind hnildiiig— R use, and the lesce in some w.iy which tho and Ins lelenlion b> the present able system for the year was met hy such a sale uf fonled to him of doing prccisily that Hoard, islueli has nniforinly eiiioinaged The New Kriiool < iilcniliir. owner had not thought possible, iiiakcB the franchise. which would spoil^the real moral force of 84,609 10 his work among men. 'Fhe only real devil the Superintendent and allowed him full 'I'he old defective system of four terms hind so protUahiu that he could well affonl In New York city a fraiiehisc has boon The policy iiialiired August Sltli, 1888, and tlie Conipniiy paid in Uahy Sets. Celluloid IS that inclination to disobey the voice of scope III tin deielopineni of his plans of per year, of nine weeks eiieh, has been siip- to pay a highc'i rent, iiolaHly would accuse aettleiiieiit 813,670 30 phinted liy the tliree-teim system adopted sold foi forty per cent of gross revenues. conscience which is implanted in human Gi'iit's Seta. I Bruniu (’ases. renuistiueluui and progn'ss — our school the owner of injustice if, at the expiration n the comparatively small city of Hiilfalu, nature. We have tho |>ower to resist this inteiests ha\e been especially fortunate in all modem and pn»giessn<> sehools This Tolicy has fiiriiisheJ iiisuraiice for 2,3 icars and now returns #283 .*>5 tu excess 7..udies’ Seth. Mirror'i. 'I he result of this i hoiee is marked The It is a fact attested hv .ill expeiienecd of till' h'liHi*, he should refuse to renew ex- thirty per cent was uticrcil. Hi lierliii; evil iiicliiiiition. We have the power of of four anil uiio-lmlf pur cent. ctnn/nnmil interfitt. freedom of the will. We could say, like wlode dt'pai tiiienl has Ih'cii rcMlali/ed and (luealois that a school docs not get down [il at a gri'ally advanced rate. 'I'he (leimany, the three methods end several An iiivcstiiiciit that pays over four niui uiie-liatf jicr cent, cuiiipouiul interest, with­ to Its host vvork until the seventh 01 eighth .Icsus, “Get Diee henco,” if wo would; hut out the liiHH of a moiiieiit of time for 23 years, that is exempt from taxes, expeiises nud Iliiir Urushes. S ibizors. sliiiinlated into a heallli^ growth A same pnneiple holds with referenee to the others, with most onerous eoiulitiuns, are laiidalde anihitioii is now'evident through­ week, when, iiiulei the old system the we too Frcipiently will to do the wrong; tu care to Die insured, and that furnishes msuraiice as a gratuity, ought to commend itself nsr uf the public domain. Tho people combined. Besides other leqniremeiits, thu Nail Urushcfl. out the whole corps of instruetorA, show­ HcluMil is nhoiil ready to e]ose, and the disoliey the inward voice of duty. 'This to every reasonable man. Shaving Mugs. wlnile preparation has to he repeated have heavy expenses to cover in some too frequent gratlAcatioii of a low desire ing a /ealoiis detei iiiinatioii to make the cuiiipanies must keep the streets paved TcMitli HrunlioK. Combs* Also the most valu.ihle part of tlie sceonil wav. riiej are tools if they allow any ill preference to olieying tho voice of con- T most that uin be iii.ide of the faiili- from ('iirh to cnrii, and in 1911 their cntiix* term has always been rendered almost Bcieucc is the only devil. ties given them, and to build up the productive portion of tlieir jirojierty to eii- property reverts absolutely to the city. Office with L. T. Boo'thby«5: Son, Rogers* Block schools and make them the greatest pos­ worthless by being broken into bv piepai- 'Flic story of the temptations of Jesus lint HruKhi'K, Puff Bulls. rich individuals or eoiponitioiis, fiirtlier VV’e do not cl. Mil ill a city like \Va- sible beiielit to the eommiinity and a ereiU ations for (’hnstinas and other distiiu ting presents thu three chief ways in which this intliieneeH nieideiit to thu holiday season than would he allowed hy a private owner tervilie, forty or tbiPty, or even nine per devil or desire to do wrong operates. 'The CIotlu'B Hnisliea. M Puffs. it to the teaelieiH ami the city. Hvt'ii at tills wilting nearly all of the teailieis, Hy (he present system (he long sunnnei peifeitly (onversaiil with ins rights. cent of gross rei'eipts could be demanded temptation to satisfy liuiigeris n symbol of Kli'sli UniBlies. vaeatioii is followed hy a lon^ tenii of a \ery cotiugoii futm of teniptaiion, the CO Nall Powders. twentv-three out <»f twenty-eiglit, mu Major Hewitt ot New York, ought to for the privileges granted by the people. WHO Will BET OUR CHRISTMAS HI weeks, cnduig in si'iisoii to give a goo I desire to gratify the npiictites and animal spending their vacation in a visit to tin- have had expel lemo enough with munici­ vaeatioii for thu enjoyment of the hull We think these facts prove a street desires As our Savior had ample mirac­ E •Shaving BruHliPH. A siluHilsof Hoston and vicinity, to study pal airaiis to make his opinion weighty. Toilet Powiiers. _ the im thods of other tuaehers and keep days, then a term of TJ weeks, with a two- radioud fraiiehise is a property too val- ulous gifts for tho gratiAcation of hts a|)- ca pctite, so many, especially those who are CO Plush Hrushes. abreast of the tiiin'S in their jiroiession — week’s vacation in April; then antithei tJ \s an attempt to rescue fiom thu ring iiahle to he tossed into the hiji of the Arst PRESENT OF t'ace Powalers. weeks to tlie end of the sc li'iol year T in favored with fortune or friends, have am­ a piofessioii in which they are taking so iiihheis of Ins city those few lights m eorporatiuu that asks for it. How valit- Whisk Brooms. Pot Pourri. I' gives 117 Weeks, a gain of one week m ple opjiortuiiltles to gratify Ap|>etites. Of n> S mill II pi nie and III wliieli they are doing then own piopcrty which have nut passed ahlu it Iti, ill a given instance, the ciixnim- hii( h a noble woik 'I'lic teat her must be time, mid a gam in actual sc liool course, our Snvior had the wisdom to re­ liejond the people’s coiitiol, he leeuni- frain fniin such a gratiAcation so long as II a (onstanl student, not onl> of IsHiks and work. Another poiiil iii f.ivor of the stances of the eitse innst decide. At all memls tliat eai h poHM'ssor of a franchise ho had a worthy cud to serve. We can be w piiiieiples, but of huiiiaii nature, in order present system is iieaily all tlie text events, the peojile’s lights in the premises #10 lii Oold? H. J3. YUOK;e>R; «Ss CO., true Christians only wIicmi we have sense that she may have mlelhgent means always iHioks are uompited with speeiiil lefiTcncc' of any sort Is* 111 ide to ]>ay the full money miut )>e seenrt'd. enough to govern our baser passions and at hand to apply to all the v,tried lasus uf to- tong terms 111 tlieii eouises of study, an I value of t'ut h iiddilioinil piivitege graiiteil Amolci Block. niiinial appetites and hold them in subjec­ condition and Umpci’ameiiL in her pupils annot he loiivenietilly adapted to shoitei hy the eilv, that fragments of lost reve­ Of the Colhy catalogue just prmU'd at tion, and gratify them only 111 lawful ways ami to oveiiome with iho least fnetioii terms nues limy lie gatheied up and nothing fiir the Maii. job onioe, the l*ortland Advo­ and upon really proper occasions. Glut­ Who will get one of our nice and till' least wear to her own nervous Hilt the ica) inipoitant iiiipioveinents S tony, iiitemperaiice, debauchery, lust, li­ foii'c the many obstacles that are sure to however, tliiit most essentially* atfei t our thei he lost. Thus leeuinmendatioii is just cate has the following notice. We heart­ CD centiousness, and all protitlcss pleasures of mss E. F. LOVERING, arise in luV path .She must he, as every shiMils, the most hojieful signs in out as timely for u I'ltj’ whieJi, like Watef- ily iiiduise the sentiment reganling the the world, which luui'ster only to an lU'ir- perfect teiuhei is, a philosopher, endowed shoid work, aie those which laimot he I'X- W ville, lias failed to gimisl its own interests maiiagcincnl of Fiufcsaor Hall, and wish diiiate selAslmoss, are all rebuked by this MAiuifKrturcr, WholcMie hikI Retail Dealer In with wisdom, with patience, and a spirit pressed 111 tigiiies or he shown in schoid iimterial Tiny are tlie impioveiiieiils throngli lack of huHiuess foresight, as fur to add that m the preparation and ar­ action of our Savior, who bid the toniptcr of sclf-siu-ntiee far above that dcm.inded Pur Caps 03 go hence. ill any other c.iHing 'I'he public gem ral­ due to the renewed eiu'rgy and piitpo^e one like New York, which has been sys- rangement uf copy, and 111 leading proof, The second form of temptation is the ly knows nothing of the apiireeiatioii due on the part of the teiieheis, among whom tciiiaticiilly plundered a nice care and precision are shown with- gratiAcation of vanity; a disposition to the teaelicr in her hitior ami her tjials. there is a heiiUby iivaliy for siilcchs in CO their chosen work wliiili they feel is U'ing In one of Mayor Hewitt's messages of uut win'eh tlio best results are never ac­ make a greiit display; to pass as persons for a Christmas present ? Ladies' Hair Goods, Alremly our city is reajuiig material last year, he aceompaiiies his suggestion complished; hut only those who do sucli of mure consequence than actual facta reward from thu progressire course of wisely and impartially uritieised from .1 Iiioludlns all the lAtest Stylw in Fluffy Bangs for the front liair. Wigs, llalfwigs, WaYea, and warrant; to startle, to dazzle to create a Swltc'bw, allsttea and sliodes. Our 2os. All Ixing Hair Switch for tlJM is n\ery dcsIrHblo bargain its educational woik, aside from the main prufessioiml standpoint by remarks which still more closely apply work are aware uf tho time aud patience CO sensation; to obtain an advantage over Electric Oorlera, and Curling Tongs of all kimts. result ill the iiitelleetual and moral growth The Kveiiliig He luHil. to our situation.* After referring to the which it requires, and the impossibility of CD A Iso a Pine Assortment of the Best Styles in Corsets, IlnsUes, Dress Forms, Btichlni;, neighbors, to take chief seats, to overdress, go Who will get one of our nice of its ehililren It is a iioticeahru fact Tho evomng sehool oiganized last CD Veiling, Uoslerjr, Gloves, liibbona, aud a large variety of new evident desirability, so far as the oumpa- inakiug such work absolutely correct. Co drive the best horse, to display the Auest that H large numl>er of families of the spring ill thu hiiilding on I'Tont street, mes are eoncerneil, of substituting cable Tho catalogue of Colby University for carriage, fo -wage liets on the score of S'ta.mifiecX I^txx&n Ooods, best class are moving to our city, for the with vir M. A 'VhitiH'y and Miss Hiiey CD 1888-89 has just been published. On the ability to perform certain feats; in these Uope Silk, Idnen, Toinbo, etc. for aor&Ing. Indies, we Invite you to on conditions which shall acter and work of Colhy University. The deserved'^epnlntioii. But when the devil during the past tc'im, the majoiity uf 'i'he cart' of the selnad hinldings is no lie fair to both parties 'i'he value of the institution is in every way vvuitliy of then is called in to h‘lp, the whole cose im light duty Although no spieial appro- whom were ovei sixteen yeats of age and euntidenee, and of their enthusiastic siip- changed. Modern liu.iors are too frequent­ eonseijiieiitly lH‘>oiid thu reneli of the fniuehisu will ileiiend, of course, largely iiriatioii was made foi that purpose, the poit. 'i'lii' University'has now, it ap|>eurs, ly obtained through Ins satanio iiiffuenca. CO Silk Umbrellas 03 school law. 'i'Ins large atteiidaiieeso soon upon t^e volunie uf the business, and Hoard has done all that could ho expected seventy endowed scholnrships. In, addi- Titles are nsHumed unjustly, academie di­ tow,mis putting the hiiildiugs in giKsl re- after the organuatioii uf the school, the therefore the same pereeiitugo of the re­ (iun to this llu* Univeisity lias received plomas are forged; journals are bribed to ^ for a Christmas present ? CO rt'ul dchire for improvement manifestud by ceipts could hardly be exacted in every ' J 4- Wintert paii. .Many of the hmlduigs and appur­ from the estalPof the late (r.irdner Colby publish false praises, unworthy politicians the pupils and their eat nest application to tenances woie run down to a |Kiiut wht'ii case. Hint the eompanius should eompeu- ■829(k)9, the income of which is distri­ nre “written up,” worthless mediuinos arc rep,Ills were ahsolntcly ticcessarv,not onlv study, show the wisdom of ^he midertaking buted by the Facnltv tu such students as advertised ns |K>sitive cures; goods, no and tile gic at good that mast result to Ixilii siitu the jiuhlic for the use of the streets for H rcspictilde appearance and the com require assistance. I'lie libniry now cun- better than Diu-k) tffered for many I ,7ton uf thr-sWIrtHt-fQ^^ actual tthe itiiliv idiials amt the comuu.miy.euimilmiily. nutHut upon an cjintamoeijuitiible basis oruf uivision,division, umiand taiiis 21,7[H volumes and about 10,090 others, are declared to b^ the best iu the Who will get one of our latest brocaded ^,'Under~*t,|^ managemeni of Kiarkot, Ysd thousaifds of other deceits c: velvet, Satin or ___ _ ...-■auuaiii{U.a.kHd.i)uikuiL ii». Aiir labor aud mauy discouraging experiences rights of tho city and flie interests of^tio Bift 'Moompn3itifir'’ni)M- ei^iigs tin thfr wiaDcr-iw and Garments special nttciitioii, the iliMirs, walls. ri»*»T»t)M* de{M^tmeui uf the University publio. Elections nre carried by fraud, ...1 band. 'Foo much credit ciiniiol Im* givo^i tux-payers' in''nny‘^legrHlH{1un dnthorizing ^------..a...... wiKxlwoik and furniture having leceixc th^UHc of cable traction.” has greatly prospered. pdliticlaus are praised or denouiioed with piunt, kalsoimiie or shellac, as the case to (he teac'iiers who have so ('oiintgeoiisly out reason; priiioiptes whieli are logically CO emleavored to pieservu oixler about reijiiiicd. It may be said (o the cn*dit of Wo have in our streets a property which \ man who has practiced medicine fur rung are advocated with warmtli, and all ‘eS . the school from the many annoy aiiees ^SUk-Tlek CO the scholars of this schiMil that they have will increase in Jvahie tu tho Hoine U. R. forty years, ought tu know suit from au­ fur the sake of wealth or |>o8itioii. inuuifesti'd their ap)iri‘emtioii of these Im- emanating from aiiuihv, irix'sponsihle and Too few have the courage uf the Savior, lawless element that fieqncnls tho loi'iili- Cu. us our niimlieiH lucre ise. Without gur; road what he says pioxeiiicnts hy tiying to preseriu in good Tolkiio. 0 , Jan. 19, 1887. to bid the tempter "go hunoe.” His ser­ ca ty. Were the oflieers of the law as vigi­ proportuiiiute additiouii! expense, the reve­ for a Christmas present ? eomlition wlml has been thus iiiudu wuitby V. .1 Cheney & Co,—(icntlemen:—1 vices are too frequently and loo regularly E. L. VEAZIE’S! lant and lietermiiied as the teaeheis aie of tiieir resncLt nues of the company will swell with the have U'ca iu the general piaetiee of ine 'We will give 8190 for any caso of Ca- that all other men are like themselves. It CD of Outside Garments acliool bus doubled siiioe the begiiimug of periuiieed IcHehers and their own efforts, While we groan over the addition uf a tnrili that can not bo cured with Hall’s is hard for sinners to comprehend how a. Whosoever gets have made decided and eiiconraging the schiHil year mill to our tuxes, wo lightly neglect, or CtiDirrli Cure 'Fukeii iiitoriially. others can be good. Hence they take com­ progress, and have demonsiniied iH'yond All the buildings except that on Front tiiin over tiy the protit uf uUiers, sources of K J. CJIKNKY & CO., Tfops., Toledo, O. fort in the reilection that all other persons slrt'et liHxe Iwen put in as giMid condition iirgiiment that the evening school is a 'Sold by druggists, 75c. 29-30. are just as Imd. This is a inoustrous im- to examine our Fin: success. as their original eonstriictiun would j[K*r- revenue whieli would materially diminish triith. There U nobody who is not callable mit. '1 hey ha\e Ir'ch ctm'fully examined our burden uf tuxntion. We propose to CITY of mural improvement; but wicked aud iu every pint, (heir defects and needs The New York Comuieruiiil Bulletin, deceitful meu overestimate the iminbera Christmas Presents 1= present to oiir readers in sueeessive issues noted and neeessury lepairs made I’aiiit- which has bi'en inclined to support the 'File subject of Rev Mr. Mills’discourse who are like themselves. Assortment befor of the Mail a few facts illustrating the iiig has bt'eu dune where reipiired, the Hut our country will never be an ideal Demoiiiitic policy of tariff reform, repre­ productiveness of various iiimiicipul mo- at (ho Methuhisl Church, last Sunday, was of US will get the best goods lieatiiig apparatus overhauled and pul m sents a'dumiiiunt public heiitimeiit when *'Rest”—the rest of Christians, uot only republiqrnor our business men ideal iiier- 03 us giKKi londitiuii U.H |H)H8ible, and the san iiupuhcs. We begin with horse railroad n rest hereafter, through faith, but happi­ ohauts, luoohamcs, artizaiis, and bnsiuess it says as to thu duty of ('uiigress: for the least money. itary Hrmiigi'inetits made lietU'r. privileges, as of moat immediate interest. men, until the methods of dealing with making a selection. ness, rest, jicaco here whtoh wurldiugs each other are based iqioii finer seunmeuts ()ne of the most noticeable defects, in “’Fliere is, as it seems to us, au ensv, In his work on mmiicipnl law (Sec C28), know nothing uf. 'Fhe true Christian even the most recently bmll sehool-huuscb, simple and iiiiobjeetiomible way to settle of human nature that those which I have CO Mr. Dillon says:— passes through the storms and teiiiptations WHS the iiibunieient niimtier of blaeklMiards. the tariff agitation (his Winter, and the of life(his faith taking hold of that within portrayed. The first two forma of tempta- Yours respectfiilly, 'I'iiese have been supplied in every build- basiiiesa iuteresls of the eoiiiitry demand “Thu pro|>erty of a street niilway, lii- the VHil) AS safely as a small vessel whose tiou are had enough, but they hurt the sin­ We have full line lllfr. Its eoasideration Ht't the .S.*iiale pass its elmliiig Its roadbi'd, situated within the aiiolior, being hold fast in the ring of a ner himself more tbau auyoiie else, al­ I’he general school supplies iiieluduig substitute for the Mills Hill, and thus limits of a muiiieipal corporation, U ordi­ larger one at the bottom uf the sea, holds though the examples of such characters are iMMiki, eluirts, etc., Wiis well nigh ex- briug the subject into a eoiiferuiiee Iw- narily Buhjeet iu iU taxing powers, and if while the anchors uf larger ones drag, and bad. Quite often, however, tlieir examples liHiisted alien the jireseut regime was tweeu the two Houses 'Fhe eonferrees no different provision be made, it has been the vessels are wrecked. This faith solves are very disgusting. But the third form CO Dolloil & Dunham, 03 of Jackets, Plushes undertaken, it Imving been wisely coii- will then (lave a simple (ask to perform. held (hat street railways may be taxed us all our riddles—why we are trieii and af- of temptation, that of devil-worship, that c= eluiled to jioslpone renewal uf supplies 'Fhey need only accept the three princi­ real estate. An exclusive mniiioipal grant Hioted. Tho Cliristiaii rests in (iwl, and of fawning upany to i>ay a license tax. Nor does which U really wrong; aud all tuis to te- Also a big driy Him. His suffering and atonement were so inueh as will be necessary to meet the simple propusiliuiiB made by the Ueuubli- the payment of a tax, or license, of a speo- for all. Hy believing, each applies thorn oure a favor or an offiM or a little wealth; ordinary wear and tear. cans to whidi the Deuioemts can maiie no IHed Slim or amount on each car employed to his own case, and enters into His rest, this form of teinptatiou U muet oomiuuu Painless Dentistry. All renairs and improveinenU have logical objeution. Those tlirv'e undisputed hy a street railway company, tu the city, and neither suffering uor death can harm aud alarming. It has been most pernicious lioen made, not with Die view simply uf ymiiiU provide an adequate reduution uf as rutpiired by the contract between the iu politics and is too ootumon in business. in a job lot of Plai or move him. company and the city, in which certain Let every true ChrUtUu uot only labor answering the demands of the immediate the revenue, and solve thu question at At the Cougregatioiial church last Sun­ present, but for the greater tieouumy uf issue. Wliat ubjectiuns can be urged privilems arc seciireti to the city, exun- to keep hiiUMlf uospot^d from the world, Your teeth are in a decayed condition, orato the company from the ]>ayment of an day morning, l^rof. Ropes took his text lierinaneiit good. agaiusta plan so simple and yet so efli- from Matt. vi. 24. ”Ye can not serve God but let bU luoral power be exerted to ele Your teeth are uneven and need regulating. cieut ? If the UeptibUeans wish to do aJ valorem tax 011 its property, horses,' vote aud refine the moral Muselif man Black Newmarket HaulUirj Mtmsures. and Mammon.” He gave a practical dis­ more than this at some future session, stables, and 8ho{>s, which are asseMible for kind; to eradicate the baleful iufiueuoes of You are troubled with facial neuralgia. A system uf veutilaliou has been put course on thu tendency of the times, and when in full control uf the (loverument, miinicqial purposes.” the temptatiuna which we have oousidered, iiitoueailv every building. This is a step mankind iu general, to make the You are In need of artificial teeth, the action now urged will not interfere aud to ineteaoe a aeuse of honor among ill the light diroetiuu. Mayor Foster uf Ou tiie strength of these general prin- aooumnlatiun of wealth and power the IF with more comprehensive revision later on. men. ______that we shall close the liourti of Kdueatiuu has had special eiples, modifled by statutes in oerUin ruling passion uf (he heart. If the DeinocraU would like to do more, elwige of this important iinprovemeut. the^ must rememlwr that their plan of BUtes, street railroads have been iiftuie Baptist church. Prcaohiiig by the pas­ No more saUafautury luvestmeot can be Dr. E. P.'HOLMES, Dentist, . 'Flwrinumeters are being hung iu the action has keen rejected, and that the more or leas remnnerative to different tor nev. Will. H. Spencer. Text, 2 made than the puNhase of a reall) first- centre uf every school room, and here­ class luiuioal instrument. Nothing Itepublicaiis are now entitled to take fhe cities by various plans. 'Three of these Curiulhians 5. 17; "Therefore, if auy man Can treat your case in a thorough and painless out for about hal; after, we undersUnd, tt is l4> be the duty lead. This simple basis of agreement be iu Christ, lie is a new creatuio; old tends to elevaie, purify and euiioble manner. uf each teaeher to have the temperature methods afford ready iiioaus of proving rovidei for a reduction of the revunue things are passed away; behold, all things music, aud no luatruiueiit that can be pur­ of her room recorded upou the black­ their value U) the oltixeus. The Hnit re­ are become new.” chased will do more to bring by and glad< Do uoi have partially Uucay ill teeth extructHl. Kveii if (be crowns Cy 804,000,000, i*oin{mred to >07,000,000 are gone I can supply tho roots with urtiAelul erowns, or bridge woik, H< board uuee an hour and a weekly report reliction coutemphited by the Mills Bill, quires the oumiNiiiies to build brides and We can thiuk uf no greater boon tiian ueu into the home than au £s(rjr Oi^n. price. Remember made of these and other records to the and too,000,000 by the heuato Hill, |iave and repair streets along their routes. this, tu be traiisfurined into a new creat­ Its praUec are tounded wherever the Kng. thereby restoring tlie DicmberB to their foinier usefulness aud beauty. Hupermtendeut. There is a two-fuld ub- according to Treasury cnmpiitatioii. It ure, to be endowed with a new nature, lisb language U spoken, aud oertaiiily fur The methods of treating dillUult cuses, as taught at the Dkntal* y«Hit iu this recjiiiremeut, uut only is tUe Ill Clevuland, for example, the stieet rail really insures as great a reduction of rev­ aud a new dhipositiuii, to enter upon a purity of tone, a* well aa elegauoe of de­ UKftiAUTMKNT OF Harv>iii» PmVKitHiiy, of wliieli I am u graduate, toaober’s titteutiou regularly called to the way compHiiies are required to pave "five sign aud finish R b unrivaled. They enue aa the Mills Hill, and greater than new life. Yet tbis is nut a conceit from aro the result of long and careful study und piiictleal work. thermal oouditioii of the room, but (he come in various ttylea espeelally adapted ihe Senate Hill would providu apart from feet for each trauk aud four feet between; ” s >me fairy la'e, but a simple statement of Call and see what I can do for >uu. ehildreu soou leani to attach au iiupoi*- to the Cuttage, Parlor, Drawing Room, its iucreaset of duty to prohibit iiuporta- iu San Frauoisco, the ouuipanies must what it IS to become a Christian, to be Omoo hours from « A.M. to 12.30 U.M., u„d 1.80 to 5.80 P.M. E. L. VEAZIE, Mi tauoe to the matter uf heat aud veuUla- transformed from a liuiTod, Selfish being Chapel aud Church. A oarefnl readiug tious.” _ plank, pave, or luaoadamise Uie entire 1J« Uim which they will uot lute sight of later into a child of God. of the series of autique advertisements at iu life. length of the street usedjby their track, E. P. HOLMES. D. M. D. Owing to lack of space, the article by Tbiuk Hrat of thu value uf this iraus- will prove a real beuefit as well as a pleas- (ill We are glad iu see that the matter f Alumnus is omitted th^ week. between the rails and for two feet ou each formation. It U radical. iug aiverslou to every one. ROGERS BUILDING, Main St.. Waterville. * IL

h IW.-.

rhe Waterviile Mail.

CORRESPONOFNCE. apples was loaded at Kant I'airtiehl one day this week. Tiiey were larnght at NiH{T!i sn>Nrv. North Fairlleid for tli<‘ Ihiston niarki't. Mr. (’iiiise will IntM revival ■/riie/Silver wedding of .Mr. ami .Mrs. at liis elmreh tlie Oinniuj; week. •los. T. lliehardson of North Fairlhdd was Alllinll hi< foot «|iUU‘ l)iul- duly tihserved at their home M-niday ly one* ilay last week wUil'j in tlio wnoils evening. u'iIIj his uaele. Several RiiteheH iia«l t») il. K. ICllis has heen ehosen to serve on lie taken in tlie woninl. the grand jnrv. The meinhers of llio sliiein^f .si-Juiol is new nii the travers jury from thi.s town^t tli*- Deeom- <;r:iin.n.‘ tor ihs eoiiiin^ winter. her term of eonrt will he John N. I‘'iilier The best bargains in Car­ and (). M(>rryiimii. oAKi..\xn. K. A. Kviiiih and (teo. IC. Wilson are in Mr. y\, .1. Iliulett is Imihlin^j an iee- Ho.ston on business. tio'ise on the hIioi-o of the {nnitl near the K. I’. Totmau and wife went to Skow- pets ever known in eorn fnelory. hegaii Thiirsdiiy where they will spend a Mr. (•'. Miirs«»n, who is traveliiij; for few days with friends. a New York pnhlishiii;^ hoa*e, .spent last It is rumored that W. (!■ Kiee is in litek SahiMlh at hoiia*. having drawn a large sum of money in -i- -T Waterviile! -i -i- Union serviees were hehl at the Metlio- the fyonisiniia lullerv. f petitioning tlie legislatnie We have a heavy atoek of Cai'iK'ts on hand, and t)u> eoidinuisl I'tun of There is rjaitc a revival interest in the thi.s wint‘*r for a village eorponition. the jiast three weeks has greatly iliniinished our sales, in eonse«nn’nei* of •‘U.iilroii-I .\v(*une” neiglih.n liooil. A nntn- Tlie M«*tliodist Sondav School is mak­ her of haek^li^^el8 have heen rerlnimed ing airangements for a Christmas festivnl. whiidi W(‘ Intve eonelnded to make greater indmM'inenls to onr eusloiners and several eonver.sion.s are r« inirh-il 'I'iie lailies of the I'ree-will Baptist so- tlian ever before. For a fi’W weidt^s wo shall ofl’er goods at smdi man known as "Mappy .lolinnv” Ki«ler Ims ei 'tv will give an eiitevtammeiit eonsHt- heen ehielly iii.strumeiilal in the work. ing of readings, tahh-aux. \oeal and iostni- The Uiiiver.salist Fair will he hehl ing a piece of h-ir«l wood, ami in ! as to eoipvinee the piddie that Wi* are in (‘anx's!. Wi have nil Some wav it eanght on tin* saw and was All the .sehools, e-xeept two or liiree in stock on hand, and as the fall tnule bus ivindMul a sid Imrk hy llu* weather the rural dislriet-s, I'ommenetsl on Moii- thrown with force striking him in the eo|ile of Walei N ille tlm ail«l down to .\ngnsta ^Vedlle«dny to talk witli tlie grand jniy. Mr. Frank Blaisdell wont t'> Boston large**! stork in tin* .spring ever kiioun to Im carried in this vicinity, Monday on hnsiness. We liavi* a large lot of ItIVKKSIDF. 'I'Im* hell for tie* new Clinreh arrivml Mr. ^VaUe^ Ayers of .\ngiista pent last Tuesday from B.iltimore .iml his h.n n M-veral days at his myle’s, Mr. A. 1' Kee. put in |ilaei‘. last week. Mr. Alton Bielnird'.oii left town Mo.i- Mr. Frank Staples while ehopping wood d.iy for Boston. Remnants in Tapestries and -Brussels vesterday, eat his fiKit ipiile hauly, and Dr. K H. Brown left Momlay night on was ohiigml to have several stitches taken tlie pidlmaii for Worcester, Mass , where hast week Mr. and Mr.s. (t. L. Kiudall lie has secured a position in u luMjiital. which W(> will sell for less than cost, if any one liasa .sninll loom to <-ov(>r, visited their dangliter, Mrs.tieo. Paine of WINHI.OW. Winslow. say from D) feet sipiare to 12x11. sve will hcll them a Boxlnny 'Paiiestry The ladies of tlin Cong. Clinreh will ■“.Slim” the kimPe-wood man of Water- Cai'iiet for it rlirapPI* than they can hny the liesl K.xtru SnperUne for. give a pleasing eiilortaimuent at Tem|)et'- ville tohl a pitiful story to one of our eiti- auee hall, 'I'uesday evening, Dee, IHth. zens and thurrhy obtained a night’s hslg- .V good lime is promise.1. ing ree ntly. Frank Garlaiul has lately renovated the KAIKFIKt.l) rKSTHK. inside of his house. At tlie regular meeting held Tnesilay Arlhiit (iu|ilil and Frank Smiley are Some of Our Prices : evening, Dee. 4th., the following oflicurs taking a eourse at th.* Connnoj*cial Collcgis of Victor (j range were electml for the at Augnsln. coming year. K-meastor and Drake at*e hnihiing u:i Master, (ioo. T. TiblMjtts; Overseer, A. addition to their mill. Their eireular saw S-Framc Body Brussels, worth $1.10 II. Kllis; lA'ctnror, II. G Kills; Stewanl, is in running order, wliieli will he eonven- Kiigene Cowl; Anst Stewaitl, Js. JC. IIox- lent for the fariuer.s fur eustoin sawing. ie; Cliapliii, iI. P. Ellis; Treasurer, M. F. Roxbury Tapestries, Archer; Secretary, O. A. Bnwinan; (iate Last week closed a very snceessfiil term Keeper; W. lohev'; Cere... Mr., (i. o. I', j "f »i.triet Xe. (! Iftilglil l.y Cora All Wool Carpels, ■ TibWItr; Flora, Mi«i .\u„io O. .lo.Irs; .Vt of the lerm rli- Pomotin, Miss Knhi B. Tihhi'tts; ]..ady otfeiTd two prises the spelling ehwien. .\&st Steward, M'Ss Lizzie B.- Tnylor. Kiitlier Kllis and George Fuller wore the I Mr. Floyd Blackwell wliu has heen at wurk on H farin-ntAVitf

Alton George and Tlieo. Higgins left ag litteuded the (inuid Army meeting Monday for Aiigiihta where they will at­ held heie Wid lostlay evening. tend the Dirigii Bnsiuess College. Several families have moved here with Mrs. Pierce recently returned iioiue the expeetntiun of working in the mill when it startH. Redingtoii & Co., from Aiigustu where she has a class in painting. Frank L. Keed of GetxdielPs Comer has School coiuineneed Monday, after a been very sick, but is improving. JXXali'i. ISt. ■Wtitervllle. short vacatio I, with Miss Vyiu L. Tuzier Uev. Mr. Simooton and Rev. Mr. Prince teacher. will exchange pulpits next Sunday. KAIKFIKLD. Oak Grove Grange P. of H. No. 107, JTiimI below IIoi'm; II. It. IcriiiiiiiiH. Mr. Tlioiims Gifford is very low with held their aimunl meeting and cleetioii of eonsuiiiptioii at Simeon MerrelPs livhere ho ofHeers Friday evening Nov. 30th. The was visitiug his dangliter when he was following persons were elected: taken sick. Kverard LL. Priest, VV. M.; Wm. Stud- There was a good attendanee at the ley, O.; Kate K. Rollins, Sec.; Mrs. (tus- Baptist sociable and supper Thursday tavus Hussey, Chap.; Fred A. Jones, Ste­ ward; C. A. Stilson, Asst. Steward; M. A. evening. FUNERAL FUBNISHlisT Rollins, Treasurer; Harry Coleman, Secy I The Helping Hand society, couueotcd with the Metlu^ist church, served a turkey G. H. McKay, Gate Keeper; Lttxie Cole- man, Pomona; Ida McKa^, ^lora; Mamie supper at C. H. Mayo’s Hiursday evening. Mason, Ceres; Mrs. M. A. Rollins, L. A- BODIES EMBALMED TO BE BENT TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. It IS currently reported that Editor 8.; ^ie M. Gilbert, Orgnuist. The Mayo aspires to M the next postmaster. Grange will hold a Neoktte Sociable Deo. An entire car load of King Tompkins 7th. REDIN6T0N & CO.

y>}.^ ilon. AV. T. 11:ainrs is organizing a com- " '"'■(P' '»"■« in conMcctiiiii willi hin COLBY NOTES. I Dr. DU1J.*S teHlttates iVtAfag and Innlilinpi nil the Fairflohl Celiler mad, paiiy to mil a stcamlKMt up the Konnel>ec mDr.BUUL'af EVERYBODY to Watervillf. 'Pbe people are wiling and ------|■««nlataatbeBoweIs. At CHARLES G. WING, Editor. Kniir ear hmda of . altle and aij „f alieep The AViiiter term opened yoeterday mer sirup:kUdmCElst s. Prloe ?S cts. Will want to keep nn Intelligent watrh this frntii New lirnnawick jiaaaed through anxious to push tbe enterprise and ho is morning. The stiNlente who are not to winter nf the pr«»eee«tlngs nf the meeting with fUttering encoiimgcment. engage in tearbiag have nearly all iw- FlUDAV, DEC. 7, 1888. thia city laat .Salimlny, “ Tha Cradc at I),.ll„(r Jt Diniliam’a, nut- (iiriiM, having en^yed a very pleasant I he Maine Central ar<» erecting'long vacation, awl so refreshed for another In order In do this all shnnid enltM-rllie fbr imes of fliiuw fence along the river. witlistamijng had travelling, proves that the ntltrlal Elate I’aper- The DKC KNnKH CAI.KNIlAlt. this wide-awake firm not only know how term's work. The hide walkn mi ...... Wmi. t Tiicn. I Wed. | Tlmr. I aide wnlka ...... c„i|,, lUKl to pro< iiie customers, but how to bold them Another yonng lady, a graduate of Mam BtrecU Imvo Imcn gmilrd midTgrav- when oiioe obtained. Nichul’s IjRtin Sidiool of Roston, baa en­ 2 .7 4 8 cled. tered the Kreahman class. « 10 II 12 13 W Mr. C. II. Nelson riqHirts the sale of a Id 17 IH to 20 . parsons who has In'en dantrer- Gilmore *1M) and Tigne m spent the ■Si 24 ■JA ai 27 ouHly sick Ht hisJioine in VaHsallmn) with four montlis old colt for 8000. vacation in B<»ston and vicinity. .10 31 I'lildlshed at the Hlate ('apital, and ntnlaln- ...... ropni lnd BB ...... la ttor \Ae arc iiifitrincd by Comrade J. U. Pol­ Burleigh *Hft, accompanied by his sii- Ing the only and out of danger. IA)CA1. WKATIIEn KKI^OKT. lard who is one of the inuniimcnt coiniiNt- ter,- went...... to BrooklymN. Y. oKi.-'ioi.viv Ill Ihn abBoiiro of City htamhal liniikcr, teo that Col. I. S. Hangs has the contract THN? ~ WINuT' Fariiimm and Burliank will have the Mtenngraphlt- EepnrI of I.egislatlie l*r<»- iT. « ‘‘f "I'"" te build the .SoldWf’s Monument in Win­ arc of the gyimiasiiim this winter. reedings iHdIi In the Henale and linnse nf .‘U Iihr>re. W. Deputy Marshal Sturtevant. slow. Keprex-nlatives. The WKFKI.Y .lOI IlNAI 24 •• C^uito a good number of the rooms have will ewnlain ail the ilally re|Htrts In a mn cowb Cure. Coughs, Colds, W. Monilnitlirlfilit. elomly I> l.ihhy Bhinped n car load of and The anmial meeting of the Y. M, C. A. l)een recently |Miin cd. dense«l fonii. calvcB to ItoBlon'Itr ■ ■■Monday. ■ ______Houieness, Asthma, TiK-s. .'W n.Kw a;;;;!' will In; held at the r elected and Bronchitis AAI ||t|J Croup,Inci­ Xlium. W . 1-2 III, Hiiov lipfDru «ii*y, part of the fall tenn has resumed work pient Con-||mj|||1tutnption, Datly for the Nesslnn, • cloinly, H “om™,*.’’'',".”'."."‘■"‘J’lign. other Unsiness of importance transacted. with his class. Weekly for the Hessinn. ..’tA. Ki'ioiiited One thousand gallons of water arc used Wkat la better than i scriptions to date rnmi the TIMK WIIKN tjrowu persuu. Aud right here let us say that i^oods purchased of us Twro rnnitwrayB MotnUy fopenoim very Miiptist parBoiiage on Wedneadny evening at the “hricks” daily. XIVIAgI t TIIKY AKK ilM'KIVFD. thns gliing the a member of tlio iioani of Health, S. S. M or AO Ims of Journal a nuiiilK>ruf weeks FKKKto those iidle (Ininnge. Iheir new Sliperintciidcnt, Mr Drake '90 has compleied his labors Clark H. Caswell. Brown retiring by oxpimtioirof tenn. 'i‘he SLEKPE^'S who come early. that are not entirely satistactory, if returued within a week in tjood (lose time fop pnrtidges commenced board now stands as teacher at , Me. and returned Wehave already recelveil inure than six We arc plcaaed to learn that Mrs. Ceo : Al. H. Holmes, Pres.; hundred new snhscrlliers to the Legislative in-it Sntnrdny. tl. II. Plaistcd; H. 1). Hates, Sec. Dr. F. to college. . ewell was WncHud by her trip west and N. & S. CIBARS. Journal, and they have only liegun to come condition, money will he refunded. 'I'liis holds o gntlons of C. 1 haver still eontiniies health officer. Cook '87 has finished his lalmn as prin­ ptki In. ii>(‘ cpcatn daily. that1- her. health. ... is ""I'l'nvingiinprovinir in Hietlie mild cipal of the High School in Whileneld, aboveHilse4l fancy boxea our eliinatc nf Cahfuriiia. fvhc in now at Sae. \ ery interesting programmes are being cigars for holiday trade. II. I. Libby roocived n carload of onions and will teach this winter in Friendship. DOn MISS THIS OFFER! article in our stock and re([uircs no special contract with salestnan. roinento, hut will stieiid the arranged for the Unitarian Fair entertain­ They eau be bad of all: The DAILY JOURNAL U the largest tills week to sell in this market. winter with Dr. Pcp{>er preached at the Baptist dealers In Hne elgars. ^ her daughter MrsI. (Jownn who is at Los ments. Those who have hentti the re- church in Augusta Sunday. box.ia.SO. M hot, $4.00. We offer, in connection with our retjnlar lines of Ait electric light has Imicii placed Angeles. heaittals of the drama, '^Married Life,” New Kngland. front of the rink on Union street. The annual meeting of the Maine Ped- pronoimce it highly entertaining, also the Donovan '92 U canvassing in the A doer was found caught on a picket Bgogical Society will W held at Anhtirn, tnnsical entertainmoiit. An unusually fine city. I 2 Pages and 84Columns. display of fancy articles is being prepared. ft-iico in Hangar ono morning last week Dee. 27-lift, liOdieswhn...... propose propose to attcml Owen '89 has gone to teach a term of The DAILY JOCKNAL mav l>e found on Phero is to be a lunch counter where sup­ sale after the arrUal of the morning trains Harry 'I'rne, formerly with K, A. ing, Ironi places east of the Androscoggin may sehool at Harrington. per can lie obtained; also Ice cream, cake, Trsde Mark UegUterod Dec. m, KUi7. at the slon-s of W. D. N|‘AI'LD1 Nil and 4'. left here for Montana Territory on Mon­ obtain free entertainment by applying l>e- Eighteen of the Freshman class are II. IIAYRH. coffee, etc., will be served. 8. 8. SLEEPER A CO.. FRctorv, Itoston. day last. fore Dec. lit, to Siipt. A. M. Edwartls, teaching. J.«wt8ton. A fox was started on Sand Hill last Prof. Ropes will occupy the Congrega* . Russell '92 is to teach in Oakland this willi The Young Ladies Society of the Cong. week, the hound taking the track near will aiinvxcil, on tbr cnlale lional pulpit again next Sunday morning winter. CITY HALL. WATERVILLE, Church will hold a Christinas sale and en- the end of Ticonio Bridge. He was run It has been suggestetl to the Facnlty HAMl’KL Fl’LLKH .isinpf Watcrvellr, hats and evening. ; and FURNISHINGS, t(3rtainment at the, vQstry next Tuetulay for three hours, coming down to the river ONE NIOHT ONLY I 111 Ibu cnuiity of KetuicU-o, diH-oiuied, testate, that a lecture take the place of the usual and has undertaken Uiat trust by ah lug bund Hatter is retailing at thirty cents afternoon and evening. Fancy articles, several times and around the brick yarersons, therefore, having |)i>inid and thirty-two and thirty-five is Howers and refrcshinonte will be on sale. and finally holed within half a mile of the Tuesday, Deo. 11th. deinknils against the i-stale of said deiH>as«'i| are s.sked■ ’ for choiue’ ’ lotlots. Lntertainment will bo given in tbe cven- starting point, and at no time more than a desireil to exldl'it tbesainofor seltleinent; and The following letter from the noted hn- all indebUHl to said estate are re(|uesl4tl to iiiakn mile from the bridge. Rev. Mr. Aldrich of Fairfield will nig entitled **8liakes|>eare m Miniature." morists, Bill Nye, refers to the Boeton lininviliate paviiient to Admission in evening'ten cents. MAUTIIA 11. Fl LLF.It. preach at the Univcrsalist church next Bishop of New York, horse dealer, was Stars, a company which is , to give a con­ Nov. 12, now. 3t2a Sunday afternoon. Rev. C. V. Hanson, of Skowbcgaii, at the KImwoo^g?inent8 for that evening nor allow FKRI) K. WKIUIIT. Manager. Mr. U. to do so. —Sentinel I'rof. Rogers of Colby has prc|mrcd for CHIPS agian and they are on 'Praiti men on the Somerset railroad say “There is a tide In the affairs of men, Presenting a prograninir of new and and Vests, Heavy Warm Ulsters, Men’s a mountaiH observatory i» Peru, which is (liree deet have been seen 8ev<'ml times ^ yU Mr. Hanson did not preach at the which, taken at the flood, leads on to for­ novel features, ootrlvallng all other Min* sale at the Old Reliable Cor­ Kpiscopal church at all, and as it is con­ under the management of the Harvard atrel Companies. lately between Oakland and Nurridge- tune,” and there is a tide in the affairs of Hoek. trary to the custom of tliat church to have Olwcrvntery, seven ilefnietioii plates, two ner Market. ^ shows which is ditto, and leads to a happy Hale uf Mats aA H. 11. Tucker a Co’s drug Btort\ 'Pile fn)g pond on Silver street illumin- its pulpit supplied by the clergy of other of the plates containing 10,000^ squares Itina 't^l... .will .M...... 1... _. and Boys’ Reefers. each, the sipiarcs being uiio twenty-fifth of time. The Stars will give yon joy at Ati'd by ciiinpaign torches and covered by duiiominations, the SentineVn persislouco time and suniethiug to remeber with pleas­ Price., 3.1, .IO, 7S Cent.. Always on Time. in Us error is ridiculous. an inch. n happy throng of skaters presents an in­ ure afterward. Yours truly, teresting speetacip. We learn from the Hot Springs (Ark.) AVork on the sewer has l>ccn suspended Bill Nvk. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. NEW YORK A NEW ENQIAND. .1. H. IjeClairc, French missionary from Daily Sentinel that Rev. G. A. Crawford for the season. 'Tlie mild weather of the Holyoke, Mass., is in this city to preach is jireachiiig in that ulaco morning and last week and the ahsenee of snow have TrniiiM lor Vrw Vork. to the French ptmple, and all are cor­ evening, and was to deliver an address be­ Imjcii favorable for operations. The main Merchants National llank of WstervlUe, Me., for pi|>e lias been laid up Main street, and the clwtinii of Directors niul for the transaelion I..•ave WidervHle, via. Miillie (Vnlrnl at dially invited to attend the services. fore the Woiniiti*8 Missionary' society in of any other bnsiiie—iltHt niny legally oinie Im*- r)..*s> A.U., 2.:H) I'.M. AralM- at llonlMii, Ll.\ ainl the iirteriiooii. We wish that this nnioimt connected with the Pi|>er sewer opposite fure ihein, will be held ai their Hanking Itooiiis, ».:vi l-.M. 'Phe boy who dmm ns he is told and the Flood, formerly known as the M^arsteii on Tuesday, the Kth day of January. 1889, lA>u\e li'iS'hiN. tt'j ||•H>n. )*;<.(io I'.M., II r.u. keeps away from the river or tlio danger- of work iudieuted |M!rfeet health on the at 10 o'clock A.M. Ar. NKW V(d(K. i-.u., •'.(.(ni i-. m.. a.m. Id part of Mr. Crawford, but as be did extra block. 'Pbe sewer committee has been Parlor and Hli'eiilng i 'ars tlinuigli wltiiout elmiige. Lowest Prices Maine I (iiis places on the pond will not be the one 11. I). liATh», Cashier. work here while suffering, he may hv: do­ extremely fortunate in liaviiig for siijier- Waterville, Dec. 7. IKW. U ^Dining Car lH-twi-cn ilostini and >lartl<>i-ox on the Morse and town to .Hceiirc his services for the comple­ “Yob,” lie returned; “hut that is the Caiinou store was examined Tiie.sday ami be nou-partisau! No matter what color Western Ticket Office. tion of the work, which no otliei man can rate for men, you know.” fuiind to have been burned out probably the wagon is painted provided it is red!— do so well or so cheaply. Portland Express. liv the electric light coining in contact OurOandidate For ProBident with the wire from the fixture to the en- Think of an affair like that spoken of Calling at the Dunn Block Fmporiiim Tickets via all routes to all the other day, a Mail rcjtorter found both He will Ih) nominated hy the convention (!'>'«• above taking the placp pf the Grand Army! proprietors, a.sslsted Uv a clerk, haril at and will be elected by the {leople, bet‘au.eeii given the Inglu'st plaeo, Ix*- evening. A most enjoyable evening is the 'Phe following officers were elected: K. The reimrter:|>orter expressed surprisesu on learn- caiise no other medicine hn.H so well filled Averfcet tonic and alterative. time to l>uy your tickets. in the true sense of the term. _ that a lot of goods had just been con­ liieiit.; .lames Coombs, ‘2nd Lieut ; Pi. signed to a customer iu Florida, “AN'by,” 'The people have indorsed Eleetrie Bitters Agent for iKiiiular exciin'Ioiis to CHlIforniH and Mr. Samuel 1'. Kimball of this city has H. Dunbar, L. C. Pollard and E. Gilnat- and rely upon this grunt remedy in all NortliwuHlerii Points. was the reply, “last week we sent a lot to Itagguge eherketl dirm-l («» |M>liit of «li-stl- received news of the death of his hnither, liek, Camp Council; Pv. H' Dimbar, Afriiui—nut an iiuusual thing.” troiihIcB of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Abner F. Kimball, whicli occurred at tbe Delegate to the P^neaiupiuetit at Bangor For all Malarial i’^vers aud diseases iiatlnn. Ilerths In Pnlliiian mrs eiigiiged The ONLY ONE PRICE Clothiers in uld Kimball liumestead at Wells, Me., last the {Hh of May with 11. W. Pollard, Al­ On the assembling of Congress last caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bit­ for iiasseiigrrs. Monday, President Cleveland’s last annu­ Iiiformallon, n)H|w aiiil tinio tnldes eheerfiilly Monday evening, after a brief illness of ternate. POWDER ters cannot be too highly reeuiumcnded. furnished u|M>ii niiplieatlon. Othee open during al message was transmitted and read by twenty-four hours.* Mr. Kimhill was One of the most attractive of the many Absolutely Pure. Also cures Heaiiaohe and Conali)>ation. htisiness lionrs. this part of the State. about 75 years of age. the clerk. It is a long document, and in Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund­ beautiful stores iu Waterville is that of P\ regard to its merit there is great diversity Ixivejoy & Co., with its large and varied Tbis uowdor never vanes. A marvel o( purity, ed. Price 20 o. and 91 atJ. F. MoMan- Fred Philbrook, having completed- bis of opinion. The President, as was expect­ strength ami wliulesoiiieueM. More eootKHiiloa! W. A. R. BOOTHBY, liiilding jobs in tins vicinity is now build­ assortment of gold and silver Watebes, than tbe onliiiary kimls, ami e.uiiiot be sold In uiiB Drug Store. 4 ed holds his formerly expressed ideas on CITY TICKKT AdKNT, k h jewelry, canes, etc. Call in and see them competiiton with the inaltltude of low test, short ing a bouse fur himself at Lisbon F II . the tariff. Ho commends the course of weight alum or phosphate powdiru. ^td oSa/w in Ml*. Borolneky—“Ah, congratulate me Mr. Fliilbrook has been engaged several before selecting your Christmas presents. enn$. KovAL Uakino Powoek Oo., KM Wall WATKKVILLK, MK. his cabinet generally. Most of tbe recom­ at..N.V, Googlee, 1 have won apprize in the lot­ Office over Kogers’ Btere, years iu Waterville and has made many The rope to the flre-al|irm attachment mendations to Congress are. good. The tery. Googles—“Old man yoiL.dou’t say friends who would be pleased to have him of the Unitarian boll has been arranged distinctive portion of tbe me'ssage is the ■«! how much?'* “Twenty dollars.” GRAND Charity is not an action: it is Ufq.—Lob- J, r. KliOENT Sk <04, make his home iu this city. so H.S to be used from the outside of the prelude, which is pervaded by au under­ “How much did it cost you?” “Thirty You I J. U. Gilpatrick, brother of E. Gil- church |>assing through on the right side stein* dollan.” UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL tone uf complaint, giving the impression DIRECTORS. patrick, returned last week from Cali- of the door and cuclosed in a box. that the pro.-ident is criticising the admin­ rriO TUB DKAF.—A person cured of Deafoeas Bedacing the Sarplus. furiiia with his daughter, and last evening AVednesday Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell istration of an opponent insteml of review­ i. and noises In tbe bead of 23 years’ staiidliig nine members of the family from Damnr- and her son John left for New York to ing his own. When compared with the by a simple remedy, will send a desciiiitiou of It The disposition of tbe Surplus in the U. NEW HEARSE. CLOSING GOT iKcutta, llallowell and Havorill, Mass., took KKKK t4> any pertmn who applies to NIuuoLSca. Yo«-» t»«ecl V18S leiOHT care for her sun James who was reported Thanksgiving procInmatioii,one is reminded 177 UuclKiugail Street, Kew York. S. Treasury engages the atteiilion uf oiir Rupper at Kvnnder’s mo/ry tabic, and very sick. Word has since been received of the difference between a penurious man's Statesmen, hut a more vital (piustiou has spent tbe evening with the family. that ho is out of danger. value of property which he wishes to sell, our attention, and that is the reduction uf and his (fescriptiunlescriptiun of the same property METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, the Surplus Consumptives. Since the AklACl YYA? Cllcl tlliA^ 'Riere is to be an entertainment and At the monthly meeting of the Watcr- SALE! sociable at the Women's Reading Room ville Women’s Association Wednesday to tbe assessors. Waterville, Pleaaaat St., near Centre. discovery and introduction of Dr. King’s to-morrow evening, and all interested are Mrs. P). 1). Hates was chosen let vice Hev. C. 1. UlIU, paetor; residence 20 Centre 8t. New Discovery ior Coasnniplioii, there I'reAcliliig Sunday, 10.30; 8unday Sohool, lias been a marked deoreose in tbe mortab OK TIIK KNTIUK invited to be present and to give tliis good 'esident; Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Sophia The attempt of certain Democratic pol­ 12 111.: Young People’s Meeting, 5.40 p.m.; Social "we coAtlcl for YOU ! ubjeot their moral and substantial support. .^(eetliig, Preaching or Concert, T Class ity from this dreaded ^seast', nml it is ------VOVriNH AND C’AHKKT.S.------KaiiHon and Helen Hatu.H, a coiuinilteo to iticians to organize au order hostile to the .Meetings, Tueaday evening; ^yer Aleelliig, All. admission fee of ten cents will be G. A. R. will meet with cold comfort fmm possible to still further reduce the numl>or Funeral Hiippllea of all kinda, select hooks for the library. ThunHluy evening. All welcomk; imaUfree. l.aying-out and Kiitlmltiling a NiHudalty. charged. Ice cream and cake will be old soldiers. The G. A. R. is firmly es­ of Consumptives. How? By keeping Mr. and Mrs. P'. A. Noble invited a few constantly at hand a bottle of Dr. King^ 03 A VT MAIN HTKKKT, WATKltYILLF.. served. If stormy the entertaiiimeiit will tablished upon a non-political, non-secta­ friends to their homo last evening intend­ Itesldenees; •?. F. Khleii, 141 Main Street ; occur Monday evening. rian liosis, or rather it warmly receives old Nuw Discovery and using according to K. D. Nudil 52 PleasHiil Htreet. ing to finally inform them tliat it was the • WATEnvILIaSLODGE, V. AA.M. directions, upon the apwarauce of the Alfred Joues of Fairfield Center shot a soldiers of ev«^ shade of political and filth anniversary of their marriage. Hut va/y 80. first symptoms, such' as a Cough,Coi a Cold, » (leer last Saturday on the Otis bog in the rtdigioiis beliriP, and rigidly excludes any 1130 THK RIXTV FOl'ItTII I.K(iI8LATl’HK some of the uouipany who were present Sore Throat, a Chest,'"* or ...... Side'l'ain. west |)art of Fairfield, five or six miles discussiou of a politiealsi or sectarian na­ ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. TaK- 1 OF THK .STATK OF MAINK, A. D. IHH9. 'vv'tiw 00013 I on the happy occasion five years ago re­ en thus early a cure is guaranteed. from tliis city. Mr. Jones went out to ture. Its members know far better tlian Monday, Deo. 17, 1888,at7.S0 o'clock. I1iu WATKHt II.I.K ANI> FaIHVO.I.O 1(AIMU>AI> FOUMKKLV OWNKD HY membered the date and brought with Trial bottle freefmtxa. at«■ V J..1 F.It MoMuiiusKIaXI..... Drug CoMl’AKV resiHH-tfully |K>tltlwldHta~H A thiei^forueUiion.'i Attkat: ^pleUiii Webb. AN cdiiesday evening, under the instrnction 'der is more or less hostile to him, and A. P. Emery is shipping large quantities OonBomption Sorely Gored' Waterville, Nov, 27, IKSH. a»'J« On ucuoiiiil of tbe luiuio running out uf Mrs. Dr. Titeonib. with reason. They all feel that he, long nf wool from his shop oil*' Nortn street. To THE Kditoh—Please iMorm yoor read­ ago, declared war nnoii their rights ana Htid lut I wiab to movo tbe wihmIuii building He has now in bis storehouse 50,900 lbs. Not ouly do the gnrand store and im­ ai^arriage^. ers that 1 have a poeitive remedy forthe above JOHN WARE. Claims, insulted auu reviled every old away, and build a briuk block on tlio situ ready for shipment. Mr. Emery is luak mense sUK'k uf gooHsods at J. Peuvy Hi-os. named diseaM.t. By ifits timely■* ’ use tliuusands* of" iJealer In cripple among thuir numbers, and sought bopelees oases have been Mminiieiitly cured. ing a specialty of tanniug |>elta fur the prove an attractiou to customers, but their now uccii|iicd by said storu and outer Into to bring thuir services to the country into niit] Mias NvHie York, both of Hkuwhegui. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of mym rem­ inaiiufoetiiru of fine gloves, and is now plan of having the{Kelliiig price of every hbe INVESTMENT SECURITIES anolhur biiiiiuuAa, 1 bavo imrcliaued tlio disrepute and oontempt. edy F to anv of your readers who have tilling a largo order. He is employing piece plainly marked gives the customer ooiisumptlon,I, if they will tend mcthtiirexptvss It would bo strange, indeed, if any oon- iDeatbai. (lovernmuiil, Btale, City and llallruoil Bondelpro- stock and will cIimu it out at coat. Tliiii n now process iu tamiiiig which gives the satisfaction of knowing that the goods and pest office addreea. Keepeci cured fur iuvesliiient at luweit market prieee. the skin a beautiful finish und leaves it siderable numberr of the old soldiers failed T. aTsLOCUM.II.C., 181 Pearl StVN.Y. AoKNT or TilK ia no liogiis advortieeinont, I incaii biiai- are offered to all on the same terms, uud lu OaklsmJ, Mrs. Emms, wife uf C'IirtIm N. Iy2u. (lurahle, soft and pliable. to recognize in him an enemy and treat (luodwiii, ngtMl 63 years. Lombard Investment Company uesM.. that he will not have to pay an extra price him accunlliigly. Had (len. Harrison Kortiii-r Oodoli iSi (Slifii The Christian Eudeavip* Society has to make the profit on a garment sold under (Capital (uilvpuld, ft AMI,nOO.UO: ItiMu-rve, Hiirplua, Prl.«, tieeii aptly ealled the''I'astors aid society" treated the old soldiers with the euiitempt FOR SALE. and Cndivlded Prudle, |.'MH),(MM>.UI)). price to some one else. IfiHMl’a Kareaimrllla, 78 riB. • 1.00 Slid no one who has been present at any and disregard ttint Cleveland has fur the lOOolioloe House laHs ou Fairfield roml.iivar For the Mile of ibeir 0 |H-r cent (liinrunleiM) of the incctingpi of the one bere would Drs. Thayer and Hill were calligl to |>ast four years, ho would have as few M. U. K. U. 8liO|»s. Terms easy and titlvs iwrfect. I/«aiiB fnini 82ii0 to fS.OiKl on Weetern Karine Hrowii'a “ 78 1.00 Clinton ycHteixlay to attend Mis. 'Phurston, Hood’s 2 Market Oardeii Farms, In witlilii a worth ‘i to S tiniue tlieaiiioniil loain-il. The eeiiil- dispute their right to the title. The pledge friends among tliuir numbers as Cleveland mile from TIeoiile Bridge. I Farm In Fairtiehl at annuul Intereet eouisine iwlu at the CoinpuuY'e Itell’e “ .80 is striut in its requirciiientM, hut the pnunpt* a highly respeeted lady of that jilaec, who now ha.H. a great bargain. 20 City Lute lu dvMirttble local ofUoe ill Itoelon, or if desired, at Uerehante'na­ fCJng’e .80 had iM'en thrown from her carriage and ItliM. L.* O.~ OARVKB,------Oounaellor at Iww. tional Hank, Walervdie. In SOyenre’ eB|terleiiee ness and heartiness with which the mum- Sarsaparilla 4tftf Kloctrir Hlttere, found unconscious by tbe i-(Nulside. It The following obituary is clipped fianu Kpkpiai. PICKPAUATIONH KOK Uun respond in prayer, sung and testi- lar uf invuetere’ iiiuney inihreu loane. Wolte A Itichardauu'e was feared that tbe skull wiui fractured; the Sbelbyville (HI.) Union, and will Im la a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pro. JOJSUl^K muiiy proves euuelnsivoly that it is no iiU' pared by comi>etent pbarmuclsu. Thecoin- fire luMuruMce irritleM in eMf<«f>iKfi«i/ relitihl* llutter Culur, willing service they rouder. Next Sun­ but nil exnininatiuii by the physicians fur- of interest to many readers of the Mail: ------IN- compoHifi at (uir.ifrufee. Died, near 'I'ower Hill, 111., October 2, binaUoD and proportion of fiarsaporma. Dan­ OOloe III Meruhante’ National Hank Hulldlng, Mrs. Wliielow'a Koolliliig day evening they projiuse giving a Hiblu tiM< .icly proved that thia wim not tbe case. delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other Kyrup, ! There was no paralysis, and conHeiousnesa 1888, after n short illness, Etta, daughter WATaaVll.LK HvIMli. reading which no one can affortl to inis.s. remedial agents Is exclusively peculUr to Tin and Iron. liuree Kowd*-r. 18 was returning. It is hu|H.‘d that there was of Will. C. und Nancy P. Bassett. She, (io and take your Hible and help, and see Hood’s SaiBuparilla, giving it strength and 1 have opeiietl a Mbop West Triiipte 8t., Sc. |M-r lb. Gfliru and Muiii 8hu|», if you think any ehureh can afford (o do nothing more serious tliau euaciissiun of was laid Ui rest Thursday, Oct. 5, iu the curative |*owcr BU|>erior to other pre|i:i- where 1 would be pleased to make iontraets (or the brain, and that Mrs. ThuvsUm’s resto- Shelhyville cemetery with her father and ratlons. A trial will convince you of its for &ale, Co Kent, (Etc. without a Siiciety if they desire their (Savage’i Old Stnml.) young people to be working members of latiuu to healtli will lie rapid and complete. younger sister. great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparilla OTHER GOODS IN The deceased leaves an aged mother, rump, Furnace and Mtove Work a Hpecialty. llie churuh. A petition is beiil^ circulated tbroiigh Purifies the Blood Advertlsenienta tinder tide lieH>l. Fifteen cenie three sisters—Mrs. Susan Liiicohi of Nor­ Call aud see my figures before trading else Itlie eouh liieerlloli, eaeli wHIi urdi.r. No charge PROPORTION. Julia Patten, who was detected in rob­ the Slate calling fur a Foresters Coiiveu- ton, Mass.; Mrs. Harriet Wa.Hhbnru of creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates where. Ieee tlian 60 ceuU.] bing a safe in Augusta last week and who tioii to be heldjVi Bangor, Tuesday, Deo. Chicago, HI.; and Mrs. Hannah Cose of the digestion, and gives streugU) to every F. C. AMES. Is thought to -know soiuething about tlie 18.1888.for the pur|>oBe uf disenssing llie Paniaise, N. Y.—uud two brothers, Albert organ of the body. It cures the roost severe To Rent. Hritt mystery has been in Waterville question uf the forests in their relations and Chtiruh BasHctt, Muberly, Mo. eases of Scrofula, Balt Rheum, Bolls, nmpivs, and all other ofleoUons caused hy Impure The lower |tart of Iwlck Imueo on up|Mai‘t of stable. A very vunvehieiil 8uen by F. (i. Hridges ouming from deliiieratiug on and seconding such acts of blood. Dyspepsia,. Biliousness, Headache. tetti-iiieiil with unfailingBprhig water, aleo eleterii Subscribe for-your Hagauines ai Spaulding's! bouse oil College street where she bad told the Legislature as may be deemed neces­ PERSONALS. Kidney and Liver Oomplalnts, Catarrh, luieu- water ill thu huuee, ptnuMwelon given INm*. let. 24tr F.nqulre of A. J. ALDKN. L. J. COTE, matlsw, and that extreme tired feeling. a pitiful tale and had rooeived money and sary to encourage the pUntiug and, pres­ Now U tbe time for tho farmers to ^ ivit>rvi$v- ei»Avi5i>. rioihing. Mr. Hridges recognized her as ervation of timber trees and to lessen the Mrs. Dunham of Suiilh has been “ Hood’s BarssporlUa has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood ib*»> anything bring ill tbeir wool uud gut tbe advance riOU HALM.—iloueu ljute on HouUdle Avenue an old offender, and knowing that she was danger uf their destruction by careless siiendiugtbe week at Mr.H. R. Dunham’t, ' lietweeii the houeee of A. tediny anti W. II tlse lever used.” A. Byraeuse, N. T. I Waterville, - Maine. Just Received, a Lar^e Lino of Diaries and Maine Farmers Alma­ wanted iu Augusta, uotified Sheriff Hill, fires or wanton Iresimss. The uapei* for Elm street. ' " price at tbe OLD WOOL SHOP ON Dow 2 lole, each 6 riHta front oinl H nsU deep. rotlnl, with fruit treue, etc. For iMvestiiieiit or nacs. Buy Early and Cot a Good Assortment. who telegraphed Marshall Morse and then this cause is in the hands uf E. K. Drum­ Miss Lucy Proctor wont to Brookline, Creates an Appetite NOUTH 8TUEKT. tiilldliig piiriMwee theae loU are not exeelled by went ill search of the petnuu who was mond, Esq., and is sigued by our leading Mass., Muiiday. “ I used Hood's Barsspsrilla bi eleaaae my any tu the city. Notice of Foreclosure, citixens. A.. P. 22 Apply toO. K. IKH.LKV. A largo variety of Clieui) ItookH, TixstH HcIh of llookH. KiipycloiMjaiJiB At thought to be iu Massacbiisetts. She was Mr. E. L. Veazio is nibir ig into the blood and tone np my system. It gave me n Wlmrewe Klbrhlg«e Drake, Cboa. M. Drak«, Klla huoii found and held mitil Mr. Morse good appetite sod seemed to build nm over.” F, Droko and iteorgU A. Droku uf fiardliwr, M«., Tbe advance printing of “'I'he Gormans' hoiuie, on Elm street, furiuerty occupied .^OU MALK.-'Hie Waterville Plating Co. Any Hottoiii IViocB. Fniicy NovcItipK, Writing DimkH, KoUok, (told lVii8, came. She denied all knowledge of the B. Ua Hale. Urns, Ohio. Kenneheu Uoontv —lu J'rubate Omit, beU at ta^nwytol In luorigogr Ut «(ue Kpbrlaiu liatuh of Spectacular NTinstrels,'' iu proclaiming by tbe A|j^ld family. Auguau, ou the fourth Mutwlay ol Nov. UBS I' one bsikliig (or « eiiiall estebllehed buelneae, Kanitlfgilale, Mr., by tlMir thaHl datetrator ou the MUte chance. Hatiafaclory reaeoue (or eelllug. 1X77, nvrUIn parcwbi uf rwl iwUte attuaUMt In trial. humor, sod It began to oet unlike anything of said (lardiuer. U> secure (be lawymcul uf liu« (he road, certain!/ did not make any ill town tliii week. else. It cured the humor, and seomed to WIIXIAU IIHOWN, late of Waterville. 22 V k- intU.KV. TleoueoJid D<»nare In (wo yuan and Interest llicre- und Bent Lino of PiVturo Monldingu to Iw found in tho city. At tbe annual meeting of the Baptist stronger olaitn tbau the company positively Id eaid eoautv. deoeaaed. havlug patltluiied far uu aou>»rdlng lu (lui tamer uf aprumlieury note uf The friends, of Mrs. H. G. Mitchell, too# up tbe whole body sod give em new O KKNT.—A t^eiia-iit uf 7 riMime, nice lo­ that date givau by eaid Droko te eald iloteh, sold churuh last Friday evening tlie following deserved. This company is made np eu- life.” J. F. MrxoE, Csmbrldgeport, t Uoeoee to mIi the folluwlog rein uetate of sahl who has been very sick fur several weeks, deceased, fur tbe paymeut of debu, ato., vU: T_ cation near Mkfii...... etrett,. Hood water, bolii real relal« being dwcrlbcil in sold 4««m1 os ful- offioers were uhuseii fur 188U: Staudiiig tirely from the artiste who for years have will be pleased to learn that she is much Bend for book giving ststimonta of cures. Certain loU aud paroeU nf real eetete, situated hard and eoft, to a emaU (oiidiy, imiulre at the uridM Cuiumittee, G. D. H. Pep(>er, J. U. Foster, Mail office. 22t( Ihe bulldluge Ihoruou, eituatod lu eald epe**4eely Klateun], nuw uoeupItMl by John Flideted and iVagtoikloslklikur l-vow I*flooa8« Saturday from a four weeks visit among •'wvM,Iteoember w. MV*.,uexL in the Waterville1*9 psiMj,Mall, ma aewepa-oewepa- I?'or (Bale. M. True; for beuevulent fuuds, E. W. fuily piloted the old Havei;Iy party. Every by 0.1. HOODAOa,Afe. U. Jackson; Supt. of Suu- so weU-kuowii as tbe ouly producers of Uouduotor aud Mrs. Henry Judkius of May n, IIM. Beeterencu te which sold dead Itclng Casweil; Ch luul, the eauM bvlug rarurdad la Book 2M, I'oga Spaulding’s Book Store. (lay School, C. K. Caswell; Clerk uud iniiistrel uuvelUes, may wpll feel proud uf Portland spent the Sabbath with bis Notice of Foreclosure. 167, ami ouuUiulug alght acrea. Abu.ana ulhar 'Treas. of S. S., W. K. Gbadwiuk; Libra­ the programme they have pre^Nired. They mother ou Pleasant street. Wherea* LaFovasI W. Couuor, ihea of Watei - TO LET. lot uf land daaeribad In said luurtgaga, Whkh has ROLFE BOY. , bean rvlaaoad frum th* furea' aud enlaet uf Ihb rian, Frank K. Shaw; SoUuiturs of benev­ have shown rare (act in arranging their vlUe, Maine, but bow reeldeut la Fall Klvev, Mae- An eligible new tenei ieut to let. luurtgaga. And wharaaf eaul lfat4-h ou May f, olent funds, Alioe V. Drummond, Cora U. eutertainmeut, ns it gives loope to every Holfe Boy is a bvfgtiHPddeu bay with blaak •aokuMtte, did on the eixth day of Tteremlm A Card. uliiU. IU Is dvBinm Md, sunds M!•« bends A.D. ItoAeDavey toatela taortfige the follow' I V. ic Mil aw. 1x77, iiMd aud trauefarratleahl uturtgaga,jrtgagi. (ha debt IJuoulu, Celia Hall, Grace Rieker; Direct­ description of iheatnoal talent, and there >lgb aiul wsighs IW poiuids. TbU cult Was u«v«r loadeeeribed real eetete, iltuate lu said Water- %jm1 note tliaraby saeurad aud all hb lutarval ors of the poor funds, Mrs. Hartun, Mrs. is such a variety offered Uiat all tastes ean 1 wish to thauk, through the Mail, my ■peoded,pendsd.but but has a gfset looee opse gall. H__ vine. Malue, aud bouuded as bdkiwe, to wit: Ly. 47tf. bavibgj Bank Building. tharlu teuua Marcia Webb of. Albluii, Ha., aiul many friends for their kiuduess and oon- pnuiouooatl by all“ fudges to he m stylUh nad Iim ea the weei elde of Uia road '-rrMni from wharaaeaahl Marcia Webb un the fith day uf Nieholi, Mia. Drinkwater, Mrs. Sanborn, be suite(i. There is not a hiteh or drag io stro^jr-bullt os Any borM ihm eM be focuMt in Kept. 1188, euld, ouuveyad aud trauefyrred said stderatU)ii in assisting me iu purchasing WTuervlIle to Augusta; hegUmlng at tkewautk- Mrs. Foster. the entire show. Every moment Is util­ .. . Ills ociiimis show that he out seelly east eomer of land behmglng to Chea. Baal# oa Houses to Let. uturtgage, the debt llu-reby eaeared aud eald ized iu making their nudieuces merry. horte to take the jdoue uf one I lost lusid* of 40 without any haMitllng, Bad with b the West elde (rf eald road; tbeaoe WeaL Korth- murtgage. note te the uutbrslgned.uutWrsIgned. Aud wbareae Coal*and*Wood! At the regular meeting of tbe W. S. itU Uaudllug Buuld sbowiauohBtoresMBd. AU Curner Of Rhu and Mill HtreeU. Apply to (he euualliuue uf said murtgoge have been brokaa short time since. F. 11. TuoMAS. weet oa eald Bouth Hue to the lead of Ivegy i... uuw, therefore 1. the tinderelgnad hereby give .^*1^ ri A ir IimIH 'rhiiFiuiiiv Neitlier do they have time to recover ufhlsgotaresbuwiug to b« spudy. Kulf« Bov Bteker; tbeoee Boutherir od eald Hlekeg*e w—« IfiU J. W. FIllLBUH.'K. from oue surprisa before auuUier is eot by ZYouug Holfe LSI 14: be by Tom Holf*. lias to laud of Ueo. A- Wood; Ihaaee Kaet itiHiM that 1 elalui a furaclueurauf eaid luurlgage ig LSaLIL trial iJt', be by Hugh’s Aratu. Rolf* Hoouibaaiit oa said Wood’s Norib Uaa to eahi reaauti uf the breach uf the eundltluua therauf. were elected for the easuiiijisumg .year: Com. before them. There is a sort of kid-glove Kefp tM*/i>(/uiura r^rrciic/ and U map Boy's dnt daw was (ha Uaetdn mar*, so road;d;^ ttMBee MurUteriy. on eald raad_ to____ tlw___ point r>itano Sttf t (IfABlJCB U. WKBB. air iirevailiug in everything preseuted, see paw lift. No person tuff by Klhaa Allea, Ito. 45, reecrd VMI141 la henwaB. aa at, sold priiieee ooaiaintag olaeteim aeree By L. D. Carver, hb atteruey, Xw'Ai OO^W 4& 0]RE>E>IVE>, Geo. A. Wilsou; S. V., Iiiram Brooks; Mse your lift. No person suffering from and LU with running wale: is Band emu. also AlUua, Nuv. 24.18MI. which is a- strong------iadioatioo that the maii- Dyspepsia, or ladigestiou iu any form, tea rude. BM baiag the eame premleev bar- A fimt'Clase eecoud-inutd plain), la perfect order. J, V., W. E. Lewis; Adit. Heurv Johusen; called tbs LIimwIb autre, by dateblsss, a tbor- agalued aad euavered by bm to eald LaForaat W.Has beewuewl hut a little. Will be euld ou eaey (Kuoeauora to l^wraaea & True. Q. M., Timothy Dow; CW., Hiram U'or- agomeut caters to the society olosees. The evet yet, to our kuowledge, failed to i uugbbrsd: thlnl dam by>'^ilabtwj t -wimii Ktiwns;.»mm AUaiiniian Coaaor oa eald SUi day of Nov , IMS: to aaeoru ierute ami at a great bargain if applied fur •oou;i large audience that greet^ “I'he Gor­ oeive wonderful benefit from l.x)rtng's sired Billy Barr, record i 0 34; HoUpur,tJ4: the payoMuit of oertalu aotee avea ay Mid (k«- Fle««e addreoe I*. O. HOX .W, A Cboice Yarietjr of PLAITS FOR 8ALB mell; Suig., Dr. 1). P. btowell; O.^ D., Fucaboatas, I.M Fanay vikui, 2 M M: Fan^ Bor to me lor tbe ourohsee prtee of eald arem* awf Waterville, Me man's” at English's last night is oue more ATegetable Speuifiu. Try but oue boule, uy Lae, Lto 1-4; Warwiek. i.a 1-Z, and Milton AT Brouet; O. G., Chas. Gero. •ieee,-- ..and-- whe« _ .Lr eav... tae _coadltloaa of fsaid l..^, aeortaMe_ WJW' AT MY RBBIOENCB. l>«Jegat«i to (he departiuentEueauipuieui proof .tbst muistrelsy, when preseuted by and send us wLrd if U doioes not help you., Lambert tbe stre uf XT trotters with leeurds ef have beea brokeu) uow, therefore. I herebp OAHDKKH WANTED, euraer uf Kim OFFICE ON MAIN ST.. NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT, a first-class oombinsliuu, is, and always fiTMu aivi-tio lAE JtUiea Alisa was by Var- aaOeetkatlelakaaforwetoeureofeaM ai^ B ‘ behuol Me. 481' Ht Lewiston,—H. S. ‘Blanchard and L. Bold by wholesale' and retail druggists. uioat Black Hawk, aon of Bbcruiaa Murgaa, ofw by raaeoB of the breads uf the eoudliioas Comer af Mine and Mehoul Btewete. Giluatriuk; alternates, John Pollard and will be, a popular amusemeut—Indiauap- II. U. 'ruoker A Co. Luring Pbaruiaeeu- of the bast sons of Jaaila Morgan, founder oi uie JOHN H.Fi - mo LKT.-ltuoiue over Miee 8. L. BlaladelPe Morgun Dr I* Carver, Ua attor^ tinraaali MM. r. W. HABKKLL. "YYatervlll©, JM©, O, P. ^ohardson. oUs Sentinel. tioal Co., Portland, Me. lliw-7tM. IfARBUALL, Waterville, Mo, A Milliner Mture, eepe«lally adapted fur oAaee erised. Ageui fur Barris (Freopuri) Ureealmaaea. IIU Wk H. Uow. 8. A. Guuum

...5 TT-

A MA.IOKITY OK MNK.. STARTLING STATISTICS. On the trAiii from Kangor to FJIsworlh ®Iic ^tlatcKviUe ^ail tin* day after tho National election, was I SHOE MANUFACTURER Wlmt a lllu*' Oiltimt tics to *,n)r About riding a certain Maine dciimcrat, who had JURES . According to tho latcNt flgiiriigiii ‘8, leaving the rotollllon Ilf ITif IN o|il» - H«»me ATTACKED Deet (k)ugb H jrup. FHIDAY, DKC, 7, 1888. West ^'irglnia out of the oolnmn, (he next sought to drown Jiis SOI rows in tho ImwI. fti I ioitii I nrlii I M.l l-l|{iiren. Ion ihh krtukn from km>rida. llojnu* will he divided as follows' [Iletuhl ] A Portland commcri iai traveler chgaged CONSUMPTION |)eino<‘rats HepiihlieRiis. the sliinnlatcd itolilidan in cotiversatiuii. “ It is womb rfnl whst AN INBIIHOim KDK, Alahama, K flgiirin will show “ Hin )> “How do you fee), cap'll?” ho asked. I believe Piso's Care \ Inflummatory Kheumattsm ami Agricultural Interests. Arkansas, 5 WHft the r« Uisrk of » lunb “Mighty had. That blanked Mills hill for ConBumptlon saved r poverlslio<1 Hlood.*' ('allforma, ottn* hI III tin Klstif He killed Cleveland. It waa a gmal bill, Hhi “ my life.—A. H. Dowrli., pHi Inn lit (oh i< pr< S( iitH Editor Enquirer, Eden- THE GRANGE. THE FARM. THE DAIRY, Colorado, live ol this pupf r How “Why in thunder didn’t Cleveland take IjOUKce*! Vltalir.lng f'ompoun'd <’on- Conncetieul, tnstiy renlly rii h iin n (h tin* Hiirphis and pay tho hill?” asked tho (|uora U...... an U has dip*(Tt.(-mrn:—III Mnrrli iMt, upcni tiiy return TIIF. lillANtlF. Indiana, 10 and nn iiUillv sonnd and C0Ms<*tit of tin* people iN'fore he could do rroiii Klorlils, I was attarki'd by Inflsnnnntory viKorons? S'cw'hini 1 10 it.” U)ieuiiisti*)ii, wlilcli bmlly stfecUH) iny linee* and Iowa, >pln MIS active, resth ss and anihitiouH, and SlIAttRACKSSO^PuSTPAID.^ostpaid ScmiP of ttio griinp's ui llin Stftto lm\o Kansas, 7 ^ "SuAttlkcKsSO" P . f»4‘t. 1 wan contliM-tt to my IhhI for three week*, tin i« fore iiegleel theinsi Ives Not onu nuu nil oxi'cllcnt pinn of Hiilinrnliinf' for one or Kentucky, or woiniin in ten is In pi'rh'ct >n altli “ It Is Not Unlawful. unnlile to iitevc, and to tlin house for ingru than "Oni> ml liKiiif s allow this, do (In v/" Sheridan’s Condition Powder inorp lopicH of NcM'Dil of llir li'iulio^ nf;ri> J.|u>tlte wa* Rotiu, and 1 *uf- i‘iiltiirnl nn(iyiiinp'|in|H‘ni of tlii' <-oiititr>, “I’n I l»i ly 'I In rest (inx to in* a N w I'lnr- Congress has eii leted no law to restrain iiiisllrliw*, to M flvcn In the food, onoe dalljr. In atnoll•mall dow*A.dowsL I’roventi and cum all dlatam of hens. fercHl from a Irenibling RenHStioii In my Htoiiiarli, Tho BEST Cough Medi­ .Maine, - walRlil In (told wh*n hem am m/xilUna, and to keep them be^thy. ‘PBOtlroontali Mnt free Iniol diHi nse l’(o;d( do nol seoin In think I hut a petsoii fiom going alxait m a hidly uon- Worth lU walRht In nid whan hrrai am moulUna, and to ki the reioiU of VK'Hkiiee*, atnuMt constantly. I wan cine ts PiBO’S CUnS FOB nnii Holliiifr llio itntn<‘ n( uu'‘lioii, pnch wcolc. Maryland, In urtui In s, or till d ti < linif Ol Milni'S,’ orlo'ts liy mall. AMt_itnir aruinrliit. aroiier.^noral atom, or feed dealer for It. If you can't get It, mnd at Ntipatcd condition, or with a distiessmg oniw Pi na lue no other kind we will wdo ,Mtp«ld liy mall as follow*: —a n«*w, nn|ane*oiir si(K head head.k he, iiihli of hlood to the < IcKaatly lUoatmtisl oopy of the ‘*yAKMF.IUr I'OULTKY KAiafNd (lUIDR" (prioo 2S oenUt tcllN flow take It without objection. nnd the nj'lit kind of rrudiiig ih scnlUTod Miehigaii, 0 1 ln-h,'tlii (list tlinm tin y know they arc lu ben to make money with a row hen*), and two small packnKc* of I*nwder for SD oenUi or, one mmc 3 I 4 Mr. Wel(*h aavu nn a iMittle of Hr H.W. (.<>UK4*e’* Kinl on (In mil li to ih stii head, hiul taste m the month, hilioiis e«Hp pound can and Oolil<*, $1.30. Sample packatre of Powder,» oenta, nve for $1UL Six lanto can*, exnre** Ry all druggista. 25c. ainoii^ itK iMrinlirrfl Mmnesota, n prepaid, for Bond Marap* or oa*h. 1. B. JOIlKSO.s 4 (X)., 33 Uuatom llonae Stmet, HiMton, xla» rtfiilisiny < nmjHtnud U> try. In less than a week “lio nmiiv die of this disease?” plaint, or any kindi<*d diffienitv, hut (In* ari(*r <*<>innn'uclng t<> take the ('uni|Hnind, thl* un- Mississippi, 7 Col hii};hain, tlio now nmstor of (lio “'] In <11 sal ids Hi iny ilson, Charles Rani- laws of liealth and comfort will sogg(*Kt to |d(‘H*iint Rcnnatlcin at the Htomach hadeiitlrel) MiHHonn, 10 tn r, mb II I'lnllips and (lovonior Hodwi II niitionni ^'ran^o ia doMonliod na a Inf; fid- any oiio so aftlieted, the wisdom ol hasteii- di*u|iiM'an*d. and ha* never returned; m> a)i|x>- Nebraska, aieaiiioim llie nninber. JatinsO liluiin* is hm, 8IX fool and nix inciioa tall, and nlHoit also on tin io(d, and bis tnp abroad is iii tbo ing to the iieari'st druggist foi a 25-ceiit tllln*, uhleh'liHil l>een ver) iHxir, was mxui restored I BettGoogb Syrup. Testes go(Hl. Ose I Nevada, In time. Bold by dnunristo. *>dye of H < o> i IIIIK In nitli ” vial of l)i. Pierce’s Pleasant Knigative II full nn-Ksnre.Hiidby tbe action of theComitoiiiid grtgfcwifargiftgigi in Doltn. < Mint, nnd linn lioen oonnorl4‘rvcrlHhi*(l bhxMl, my rheiimatlHin New .lersey, I “Viiyliltb ^ he only ri Imbbi tindnlneso Mith tho hoard «if ni^iioiiltiiro and oxpori- all disorders of the liver, s((miaeh and There Ih no line of goodH nmnnfftet(ii'eeara niaator of (he Ohio North (’arolina, luK the coniponKioiiorililH iiu du nn , linve bi i li take, and p(*ifeetly haitnless. confiumer known so-littli* legnnling quality. i>in|i(iund niy lni|)rovement III every res^wet wn* State giniigo, aini for four yeara a mom* Ohio, 10 n ( niiinn'inliim >t f'>r sonn( tinn , and Ibe ru- rapid nnd constant and 1 have been for two EUREKA MOWER ! Ikt of tho exeoiitMO ooiiunittee of the lui* Oregon, 1 suits liHVo b(on wondcrrnl I know threo You ask for n pair of fJOOllJKtJllltl'IKM nnd take mnnlliR in ix^rfeot health. I consider It a remark- Indus nnd one K‘''>tl(man (one of tin* 1 itti r a 'Frnth is like a bireli; when shaken it timml gniTigi* iVniisylvama, ui aide iiuhIIcIiu* fur such afTt'ctions and can nmel Hlutc oHn ( r), who have b< < n ciitin Iv ciik d hy shines.—MagiMin wlintever the retailer offerB you. If you will insiHl on hav­ heartily recommend It to all Butferers like myself. r.\er} grunge Hhould eo-oporatein help­ UluKle Island, iiN u8( I w|Hh rN to the Ih'hI peruKlionln ing the 'reiinesee, 7 Sill h fin Is and ncnr(.‘S, and from so hii;)i A Woman’s Ohanns'" Hinbllsh in\ Identity, I would aa) that I havoticeii BROAD CUT, CENTRE DRAFT. nnd inagarines of tho day. 'I'Iiih iniiy In‘ ugaged In shoe manufacturing In this city for 11 a soun*e, should prove invnliuible to thoiiH mds 1 done h> Hiinply forming one or more oliih*<, 'Fexas, whom* siKKSH in lifu would lx iniK h gi< itt< r sfKin leave her, wliu.i she lieeomes a vic­ i(om(( thirty yeans, and that my residence is at ('76 Ghcstnut.St., I.yiiii, Mans. CHAUI.ES B. I.OltD. | SIZES! 6, 6 and 7 FEET. eatdi inoinher of uhioh to siihscrilKi for a Vermont, Win liny physiLully and muUlly sound and tim to any one of the various disoiduis nnd Viigima, vigoiuua |M*efilmr “wenkiieKscs” that are pecnliar to AMERICAN RUBBER COMPANY'S different pnhlication, and exoliange with LOUQEE’8 (he otherti, after rending All will then Wisconsin, the fail sex. 'Fhe eondition of tens of j^oodfl nml be mirc that they bear this Company’s name or trade mark, you Vitalizing Compound have tho nilvantugo of hKikiiig over a va­ ColiH ldeiia. thousand of women to-day is pitiable itTHE Radical Cure BETTER HAY. NO TEDDING, lOI will 1)0 assured of a good article. Tlmy arc made of the (hiCHt Flir<’ riety of the lioht monthly puuheations of 'i’otAl ir>7 Prof. Fhlwanl Payson 'Fhwing, M. D , the extreme; they are weak, hhxNlIcss for Scrofula, Cancer* the day, and reading what ifl of tho most Hi'pro.Heutativo (t«>fT, who IS now in i*h 1), for four years presnh*iit of tim ereatiires, .1 prey to mental anguish and Para Kablicr, ami arc sold by all FirMi C'laMM retailcrH. InsiHL on ous Humors, Dipther three Kepiihli- intoroBt to them in each. '1 ho pnhlien- Washington‘If' tia\s that AeaJemy of Anthropology, New York, re­ pain; m a wuid, “broken-down,” Itloor Mineral Blood ans will1 get eertifleates in West Virginia III any one of luuucroua uauses. To having tliom and take no others. Poisoning) Rheuma­ tnniH conld \h‘ obimnejl through a HiihBorip- ports the four following. “I’he wife of OJtESTY The Eureka tioii ngoney at from Um to twenty poi which will swell the Uejmldiean majoiity Ur W., a physician near K.islon, had a (liis unhapny mnltitiide we strongly urge tism,Dyspepsia,Liver to lime at the oigani/alion. When (he Complaint It Dropsy. rent Iobm (lian the pnhlishers' priocs. dream or vihioii one night, in wliieli she theiisoof |)i Pierce’s Favoiite Preseiip- will save one-lmlf your labor lu the hay llctM. A (’ommittee on Klcelions lake up the (pii's- dislmetly saw her aunt. 'Fins lady resided tioii, an infaliihle, world-famed remedy All Druggists Keep it. '.uilrof ixmltMi will hHinllc tin* larger site. Die SooK'riiot Qenuinefiasa ncrc'osed (lemand for tho F.uroka attests its nn r tioii of eoiitests, says the < orrespomlent of Ht*v(*ral hundred miles away m a distant for all “female” iiregiilanties and “weak­ SoiiiorKot (oiinty I’oniunu grange met it. Kond fur 1H8B Catalogue, Meeiitiun this in, tin* lloHtoii Journal, theiu is very little city. She appeared to he walking in the nesses,” nnd which restored the worst iwr. AddroM, with \'nloi grange nt Faiiileld ('ontio, on eo diniht hut what tinrleen Demoi nits will he sti(*e(, deseeiniing a lull toward a lailway siillerer lu vigoions health, and ri'invests fofi-KgKlTH- K H tin tag on FIX LIQUiDA COMFOUND, 'I’lii'sdax of the jiM’sont week. 'I’hen* are found to Is* illegally theie and the Itepnh- track. 'Fin* dieanier saw tho mov»*nient of lH*r with all the chnims of figure, fa<*e When yoo aro tuHerlng OK now tenaitiM* granges in Somerset oonn every plug. EUREKA MOWER CO., licans given the seats. 'Fhe llonse will ln>r aunt as sin* approached the rads, and and complexion, that rcicive tii'ii willing with Dyipoptla, CtonitipaUoD, Liver Trooble, ty 'Die Pomona holds ten legnhir meet UTICA, NY. then stand Itennhhe.ins, IKO; Demoerils, also that of a piiKSiiig tram, hy which Innnnge from man. or Sick Headache, puri/y your blood by nsiDg the oldest and best Old Honesty is acKnowl- iiigH diiiMig th<‘ year, one with each hiiIkii Packard’s Tar, Blood Root and 1 h’i, leaving a nepnhliean niajonly of J*> she was killed A few days after a letter Blood Poriflor, “L. F." Atwood’s BiUeni. It will make new, rich blood, and odd vigor] dinate grange Notuithstnmling (he largi edged to be tl^e purest 'Ihere are a iiumher of «»tlier eases that icreivi'd winch iiin.iled the d(*atli of ’Fh(*re Is a vast deal of vital air in lov­ amomil of nnfa\ornhle weather during the to tbo entire system. Boy only the “ L. F ’ and niost lasting piece aregcHHl, I nt little or no doiiht exists as t4> till* l.nlv at tin* verv pl.ue .ind nndei tin* ing wolds —Landoi Wild Cherry jiast year, only one ineetmg has Ims'Ii ean- at least thirteen, all of wliuli .uu in the vei> eirenmstanees deseiilx'd. M Cabkxt & Co., Nbwoastlb. write. April 5, 1868: — of Standard Chewing Tobacco eelleii, and that was nnulc up for hy a No Bitten ever gwve as good satisfaction; we have sold them for many yean. Sunthein States. “Fins satin* person, at another time, / Siiflireii fiom a veiy seveie cold in on themarKet. Trying it is HpuLial one. 'I'he meetings have heen un- woke III the motiniig with tho conviction my liead lor months and used (‘vreything usii.illy iiiteiestiiig and eiitlitiNiastic Ow­ a better test than any talK Menial CoiitiiKioa. tliat a eertani n(*iglihoi' was dead, and so ie(ommL*nded, hnt eunlil get no relieF COUGH I CORE. ing to till tra\elliiig, tlie meeting at about it. Give it a fair trial. ((‘marked to hi*r liiish.uni, tin* physician. Was advised fo use Kly’s Cream Kahn I .iiitield was not a large one 'I'liere was, I'^rior, like truth, tloniishi's in ciowds Neither of tliem had any personal ae- It his winked like* magie in its cure. I Your dealer has it. are lliime which ooidahi the drugs inentloiKMl above, )iowe\ei,a good deh‘gati> piogranime aunonneeil home. 'Fhe fiumtieat h ad, the saii(*r fol­ apiN'araiu'o widch the Tar gives to them. Know­ (liessed and looked out of the window, tin* Kalm one week, and I tH*huvc it is the Having tak«*ti the Agency for in oni last week’s issue was duly earned low. \\ hen a person of nervous ti*inp( ra* ing this, we have endeavored to prcsiin'e some- liiHt ohjeel seen a crape on their best r4*medy known. Feeling gniteful thing in tlie form uf a Syrup that should hold in out U( polls fiom all llie snhoidinate meiit, not strongly independent m tlioiighl OOA*rilVC5 Maine Central Railroad. solution the Hvllve ingreilientB of these valuable iieiglihoi’s door 'Fhe l.idy hud just passed for w hat it has done for me I send this v'hen T say Core I do not menu merely to giaiiges in tlie eonnty wete fa\orahle fm and aetioii. enters a spiiilnniiHlie eirele, Time Table. Oot. 22, 1888. ourallves, and at the same time present an attract­ testinnmial—Snmnel J. Harris Whole­ ive apiK.aranee and agn table taste, How iM>rf(M:t- stun tin m fur n limo, and tlion Iihvaj tiicni re­ tlie piosjH'iity ol tin* order 'I’he exeuuti>e wlu'rc ho is eonstantly sni rounded by cun- away 1 li.tx* liiul uuoiy turn iiguln 1 MCaN a UVDICAL CUltL. “Flic night that President Lmcoln was sale (Jroecr, ll'J Front St, Now York. veani l•xlK>ri(*ti(’o hi tlilH kind (if work unit vv HI Kii'iiraiilot) to put iiiiy roof lu h ximmI coudllloii. Tho Passksokk TuAlNsh'Hvo NVutotvillo for Port- ly we nave succeeded, the medieiue itself will at- i have mode the disease ol eommittie was iiislrueted to make ar- tldeiit LH*licvers, all eager to have him laini and Boston, via Atigusla, 5.-t0 a.m.,9,ZA a m., tmit. We defy the etiurts uf every manufacturer murdered a neighbor of iinin*, writes a r.liixtli* ('ontiug is » psiul llint in giving |>erfcct mtliiifHCtioii. U Im < ticsp iiiul (juu'kl) put on. mogemeiits for a two-ihcys’ meeting at share their sacred visions and profound Out of town onlur* Molicitcd. Z.IQ I'.M., 3.JII 1'. M. (expruss), lu US l‘.M , nnd on III the wide world to prisliice rvwults su)M*rlor to physienin, deehiied that tin* President was 'Fo du Ku no more is the truest repent­ Mondays onl) at & TS) v.M. vrhat we show you In this elegant coni)Kmnd of FITS, EPIIJIPSY’ or Skowliegan, eomim neing on the first 'riies- revelations, where the atmosphere is r< - KKFKllKNCK»-<'. K. MA'ITIIK.WS, C. (I CAUl.FrrON, .M. H. IlOfiXKS. killed, and by an assassin It was H<‘V(‘ral ance.—Luther. '1 he .1‘JO i*,vi. KxprcHH train stopsbflta(‘cn Wa- ...... TAB, UlXX)DllOO’r, ...... AND WILLI) GilEKUV, and day m January, the time of holding the plete with miracles and oveiydnur and tcav MU* nnd I'ortlaiid at Angusta, J (allow cl I, (lar- FA1.IJNG SXCKlfPSS, lioiiiK hefoie the in*WA it'.ielied the town (iiiitr, HrunsuUk and \Vrook .11111011011 uni) Alifo-Inng study. I WARRArrr mjrremcds to aniiiiai meeting foi tin* eleetion of uflieerfl table may at any instant hi* triinsfoi ni<*d The iiood old \l(Ii< \ ('onniimp- I'lirthind Hoxton, via In'W iston, U.2A A.M. Cults the worst cases Becuusc oGio.h h.ivo into a proof of the Hiipeiiiatnial, is it For Oakland, s .1.1 v M , U.‘i5 a.m., 4.‘ZS i*.m. made a similar sUileno*nt jnst h(*fore tin* Uon. Ucimlno (utlfllio* a Co , UoMton. INI. I>AI1C\. strange that he kihui iK'oonn's one of lliem? For Bangor, j IJ, i>U) (inixedi, lU.lO A.B., and *'end nt nnre fur a troatioe and a F kbb Born n hestatiiigly at tiist, and perhaps yet le- news aiiived of the niatdcr of Pre-udent ‘JJll* M. Every Cough Cure in the Market of my INVALTJULB UKMEKY Give hxpreas All is not lust when anvthing gue.s euii- For Bangor & FlhCiitaiinU It. It., 3.12 a.m., ainl (tiuli(*ld, and said tint she siiw liim m a TO KFPKCT OUKATKR CUKK8 nnd ru'd OfTine. It Costs you nulhlog lur a How tt» Mnkf i'rize llulter. storable to his former inudes of thought trary tuyuii.—'1 liuinas a Kempis. 10.10 A.M. tiUl, nnd it uill cure you. Address lailway station sniioniided hy ladies and For KHsworth & Bar Harbor, 3 05 A.M., 4.26 THAN TillH HAH DONE, hy the fresh air of another and more stead- LEARNED & BROWN, H. Q. ROOT, M.C., 183 Purl St.. NewYoh '1 he following IS an extraet from Mrs. last mental mtcrconrse.hnt mine and in ne others.”— Journal Ksiieclany in Chronic Bronchitis and Irritated For Aroostk ('uuntyaiid ht. •lobti, 3.06 a.m., Throats, caused by isilsonous secretions from Ca- Kolduns' papei, *‘l low I make prize halter,” ertainiy and ardently eonviiu'<*d the long- Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. 4.JS I’.M., and for .St. Stepitun and Houltoii at lU.IO * Cati liliiK t old." (SuccKssoRS TO McCliuk & LeaKNKI).) *tarrhal ■’ ’ *troubles. “l*s. We realise the fact...... tliat iio one lead at the Hairy Conference at Oakland r he breaths tin* neative atmosphere No A.M. remedv will meet the demands of allcmses. Coughs 'Fhk Kkst SAi.VKiii tho world for Cuts, For Belfast, li (W a.m., and 4.2.6 l*.M. niattei of gtvat importaneu with me form of eontngion is so insiihons in il’j on­ We find in in*ek wraps a eominoii lause KniiHi'N. Sures. Ulcers. Salt Kheum. Fever Fur Dexter, 4 J6 l*.M. arise from many causes, and require a proper IS not allowing milk to stand in the sin- .Sires, Tett(*r. Chapiied IlHiida. Chilbliiiiis, diagnosis and the application of appnipriale rem- W. T. HAlNtS’ set, so diflienlt to i hi*ek in its advance, so lit “colds” It, diirihg Winter, (nie was For .skowhegan, 6 30 v.M , (mixed, except Mou- edics that the beet results may follow treHtnieiit, hie; lift* I hemg nwlked it is hroiight di- 1 ei tain to weai much the same wiap at all ('(IIim. and all Skiii ICriiptiuiiK. and positively iav.) Ill l.l A.M and 4 J5 I* M. but there are very nuuiy (leople who sulferfrom certain to leave genus may at any mo- cures I’ih*8, ur no pay reipiired. It is giiar- I'unman trahiH each way (Mery night, Sundays n*! tly to {till* house and strained, nut any limes wlu'u ui tho open an, theio would Inulnded, but do uot run u> Belfant or Dexter, nor Coughs that are nut to tie mistakeii as to their meul reveal their \w*vmvmws power, as a uiitc(*d to give perfect satisfuetion, or tiiunuy Igin, and may Ik* safely treated by the sufferers hemg aeeepleit sliuws any sediiiiciit on lie less dangei from it. Knt the Lhaiiees beyond Bangor, on .Sunday ni(»rntiigs. Dial contagion— tin* contagion of fear, refunded l*nce 2.T cents per box. For sale pAssi'.Ndi It 'I'itAlHs arc duo fiom INirllaiid and theiiiseives when thev resort only to safe remedies, REAL ESTATE LIST! stiainei I l.iy no nnporliuue on straining the comtHMiltloii uf whieh are kmiw n. and known of panie, of tanatieisin, of l.iwh*sHncHs, id aie, that on some (Mcasioas when it shonld bv J F. .MlMuuuh 1vJ4 Steam and Gas Fitters, iktnton, via .ViigiiHla, 3 01 \ m. plally), 4 20, and milk to lemove impniities In snltry^lays to lie HARMLESS, as weil as porKSr. There is no snperstilioii. Fhe story of the witcheiaft he worn it would be left oil, eilhi*r pnr- on SatnrdavH Old) at S 00 p.m. ■etrel about this remedy, ox< t pt tbe pruotwis uf J eiidi'iivnr ttr free the milk at night finm -\yi) DKAI.KIW IN------From I’ortland vlaAiigiinla, I>.5Sa.m , making. It contains just wlutl we teli you, nnd }»ersee.n. flee as a standing illustiution of the ovei- Plumbing Material, Plain and Galvanized Pipes and Fittings nut giHMl. All Cough hmu'dies eontHining oplHl(.H llents forStlOOper annum. moineiils; soim times aihl cold water to the Kruni \ ancelsiro’. Bangor, and Mwl. 0 IM) a.m., derange. the------stoiiiaiui...... This ------Cough------Syrup.eontaiiis wlielmuig power of psyehie contagion abominations, and (.itise moio soiu throats 11 to \ M , 1. to and 10 13 I’ SI. milk to ledtiee the teinperahiri*, and at all nutlilng but drugs which have a teiidem y to aid PAUL IIOUHK.-Silver Htrrrt. fully illustrate its inipoitance in the any other iiitliu'iice. When once pat FliKloiii I'nvlHs leave fur Portlaiiil, via Au^ iligestiun. ONK NMALL HOUHK—nrar M.C. Iti'iml times exereising a watehfnl cure that no op, the we.iieis aie wedded to them for CUt WlfW of nn honest Sheet Lead and Pipe, Rubber Hose, Etc. gUHta, 6.’’.5and HI 47 a M.— \ la Iniw inton.C 00,11.16 prudiu'tion of dee<ii would teipnru an dollar is as much in the A M , 1 13 I- M and son I*. M —For Skowliegan, TIIK OAULANO HOUKK on Front Nt. kitiheii (slots or vitiated air reauh it Tins essay in itself It enti rs at eveiy stage llie reni.iinder ot tho Winter. 'i'lie .3:10 V M , (MoiiiIhvh ex(*eptc|wr MniiiNt. from the time the milk is dniwii fioni the IS earned uii hy external arr.ingements, hy foidisli to us(* .my other means fur the pur­ Augusta, JOU .lud MX) I* M.—3 ia latwislun, ‘i .16 bo thankful for the IIOUNK LOTH-Dn Hummer Nt. cow’s udder until the hntter reiu lies its pose 'Fo attempt toeiiticise ladies’ ap- thou art more easily caught A M , 10 M) V M . li.-l'j .01(15 JO !• M.—I-Yoiii Skow TWO SMALL FAIlMK-nemr City. skillful counterfeits of h)gu*al inferences; lugiii. 1.42. Old oil MoiidayH only at S 30 A M — Pleasant Results. destination 'Fhe (team for the “fair bnt- its power IS greatest where the snhjeetive p.irei, or at least that putt ot it woin about by /ince than value. Sharpen From B Uigur and \ am eUiro’, 1)50 A.M., 12.16 lOtKAt'KK FAllk ra Fairfield, .argr fer,” m my pia< lice of setting milk m open factor III deception is gieatest, more par­ llie neck, is beyond us, and we will mei-e- I'.M. 6.45.'1.40 I 'I SOLD UY AI.L Dili es of on Alh.iny street, Kostun, which is intend­ ed to fai 'flu piss anything and eveiy thing money in a battle 'gainst thy (,’lmrv’hdis where 1 have lieen shipwrecked longitude than all the rest of the I'nitud EMULSION (An illustration fiom my experieiiee might .States taken together, that it tin* loft­ 111 the lailroipl lino in the IJiiited Mates, if senses. Be thou not in thine DO PAIL TO CALL AT OF PURE COD LIVER OIL heie he (fiven.) 'Fhe second year of the iest iiiountaiii-peuk—Mt. St. I'Jnis—and not m the woild. 'Fins wonderful eiigine GEO. JEWbL, Proprietor. was dchigned by (1 S. Strong, of the own lifetime the executioner Kangor I'uir, iiiy butter was returned with in the Ynkiiii the longest river, tlie Mis HACKS FOH FUNKICVUS, MEDDINUS. ETC House Painters ASS HTPOPHOSPHITES this eiiticisni, (hat it was over-worked It Strong Koeomotive Co, of New York, and of thy estate. sissippi alone excepted, in Noith America; Alau^Uarges fur lairge I'articf. Almost as Palatable as Milk, was over-chnined. whieh, as Mr (tilU'rt. that its coast Ime is more th.ui double IS expected to make the lightning sjieed of P. J. GOODRIDGE’S, eighty miles an hour with ten passenger The rrunrietor's iH*nK>iial atteiitiuii given to 80 tflsgiBlscd that It can be tuken, who was oiH* of the judges at that time, that of our Atlantic and KifeiHe holders; (juttlug and Ituardlng llursv's. v.lTdeTs left at the —AND SKE THE IM1IKN8K STOCK OF— dlge*i*d, Bad oMltnllatid by the muii informed me, means the same 'riieii 1 that Its moimtams alK>iuid with gold and ears, on an ordmaiy road It is the lui^- Stable or lIutulOMce. GQIce ouimeuted hy Tele­ •enslUwe ■tomoch, when the plulu oU had not learned, us siiiee, the impurlanee coal, and its waters Hwarni with lish—nol est passenger engine ever Innlt, and will phone. Xllf caanot be tolerated! and by the roo* of looking at the eondition of the cows, ii run uu the Ntelnson, 'Fopeka, and Santa blnatloB of tbe oil with (he hypo|>hoa merely with those that furnish oil and pblte* I* snacb more eflla-avioa*. August. AftiT l>eiiig ehnrned the hiitlei skins, hut ftxHl ilsh as well; and that iii Fe road, between Chicago and Foil M.ul- EW JOB PRINTING is washed m pure etdd water, then rinsed isun. ''I'he tit'll thing would slriki* WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. Graining, Kalsomining, Pape Icurktble ia.a. ie&h producer* many parts the soil is fertile and the uli- Corn, Flour and Feed! Fersaai gilo rapidly vhlle taLtag it, in water slightly salted, then weighed and inate healthful. 'Fhe piqiiilation is spaise tlie observer is the singnlar jiosilion u( the N am DOW occupying twice the store room as formerly and have much the largest stock of Jewelry salti'd with the Kangor salt. H^twoeii one- engineer’s eah ll is perched on top of and Hllverwaro of' jiny 'ill ...... Waterville,. and■ myprict**...... ■ I will guarantee io inak' ------" Tho uiidcrsIgiiiHl having purclissed the stock Hanging and Ceiling Decori 8(30rrs ^UOLSIOk is soknowledgeab] —Bunietliing under oO, (X). (ireat iilert- DEPARTMENT. Lower than iiiy cmniwtiturB• “ Am giving K/Ef lAL PUICliS on UMUea - ouuues. the l*i»ilt?r iiliont tho eeiit^ and is oecii- ^ and giKMl willMil. Illlu trade, of «TW. . O,B. U,D. IkOiinmUS,UuNNicLS, Wiltwill ,« n • Si FbTsiciauB to be tbe Finest apd Best prepo* kUniugh Deoemhur, and have an eh art)LaMtlar«(taLllna«I.JM>lliI -soiitTttuwiT* ' - Hi*-* ------—• ------_ ------_ . ___ 'i?-bmfF4Nditmf-tfi^-l«HfeFTorlK8'‘ff#fH( m #1 - ____ set^away eau distiiiliaiiee. (ieimany is fm great aMiior-chid the Ue Umberto. Her mentioning this, lieenuNO if there were no peace. 'I'liis was the sole object of her alli­ Shop on West Temple Street, salt III the water the butter would be liable displacement will ho 18,21)8 tons, ur l,8r>H F. ChOOjDRIDaB. ance with and Austria. This is t)ie mute tho 'Fiiiful{pu and the* Nih*, W. M. LINCOLN & CO, to turn white, and if the hntter wen* not prime purpose of the round of visits whieh 130 MAIN STREET. WATKKVII.I.E. f(>rin(*rl] oocuided hy ,Gen. F. Davies, adjoining whioh are our liitgont ships 'Fhe Ko U'm- Frank V Klker’s Machtiiu Bhui>. ‘ly4n covered some of the salt Would In* likely U) the young ruler has been mukmg at friend­ Citf L horto JH loo feet Imig, with 7G feet 1) inches (ome to tin* surface, aiul if nut close cuv- ly courts “ i'u bring without necessity,” he lH*am, uiid she will draw nearly 21) feet of eied there is also danger of the nice nutty nobly said, “the miseries of even a vieto- water. Her harhettes have 11) inelies uf Maraton Block, Main Bt. liavur ^H'itig lost.” nuns war imuii (lermany, would lie meoni- aimor, she has an armored deck of 8 1-1 AYRSHIRE BOLL. patihle with my Christian faith and my TIIK IIUKNK. inches, and her sidcb and bottom havi* 17*1 IX© S^toolc, VVnlprvillr, Jle. duties towards (Jic (lermun jieoplu.” He three steel skins. Her speed is to be 18 fGREAT IPRESENTS4* Champion of Ayr, H.B. No.4276, had no suggestion, Iiowevor, to make ClIppIliK*. knots per houi. Her principal armanii*nt SPECIALTIES I aboiiB disarmament. Kutlicr, In* desired Ootxxt>*^4:©ixt will stand at my barn for the service ('tniieey of lx*xmgioii, Ky., is said will bo four KM-toii gims and twelve 4 1-2 -ATV- that the naval hraneh of the mililaiv ser­ to liave otfered 910,00(1 for llaisy Harts- tuns 'Fwo sister ships to the He Umlx'rto COAL OF ALL SIZES, of a limited number of cows. First-Olaia'Work, vice should he brought up to (he iniHlern home, hv Aberdeen, but W. F Yodd of are hnilding at Spezzia and nt Yeiiicu.— Woi*ltm.©rke Champion Is out uf Crowfoot, H. B.^o.. 051)7 BeoaonaUe Frioea, standard uf enieieney, and the budget, Constantly on«'hand and delivered to any owiiud by Chos. II. Hayes A Hon, Portsmouth, N. St Stephen, N K , h er owner, refused the Kelectie Magazine. ft ------. . _ - ...... w.. Fromptncis therefore, would eontaiii estimates for p.irt of the village in quantities li., who have a record of 0303 lb*, of milk In 2*26 ofTer, us he is said to have dune 91J,H00 CALL AND SKK US. twenty-eight new ships. It is interesting desired. days from her tu 1BB7, when 4 years old, which for the same mate He will breed her to AN KXI’l.ANATlON. goes tu show he ii from good inllKfiig *10011. to learn that the Km|>cror took the initia­ li. C. IlERUIN, - Proprietor. Kell Kuy iiextseHsuii. NVhat is this “nervous trouble” with KLACKSMITH’S COAL, by (hebu.shel tive 111 bringing about tho recent ngr(*u- I laving hitoiy rofuriiished our oillce Send for Tea Club blanks, Full descrip- or car-load. 'X'©>-'m«i SSI Octaili .Ill 'Fhe owner of Ued NN likes has seventeen ment vrit)i Kiigland and other powers foi which HU many now seem to be afilu*U*d? Munibriiio I’nteheii mares whieh ho will the foreihle surpressum of the Fast Afii- If yon will remember a few years ago the tliroughoiit, U is now llio Ik*bI pqiiipiieil DRY. HARD AND SOFT WOOD, At time of service with theprivlliigeof returning, woid Malaria was eumpanttivcly unknown breed to that celebrated sire. can slave-trade. Kossibly one reason why of tiiiy ill this sortioii of tlio State for tions. Mailed free ! prepared for stoves, or four feet long. The Maine trotter, Stargazer, 2.24 1-2, has withdrawn from that agree­ —to-day it in as common us any word in Boston Steameii the Kiiglsh language, yet this word covers Will contract to supply GREEN WOOD Or TlirM DoUars To Warrant. (ame to Manchester lust week, and the ment, IS hecatiso of the piouiineiit part ta­ doing all kind)* of plain or fancy work. FIBST-OLXM STBAJtBB* of tbil only Um incunmg uf another word used by in lots desired, at lowest caHh prices. crookedness of his driver, Kussell, in two ken III tlie iiioveincnt by lier rival. Wo make fine mercantile printing, ru(‘es, cost the latter a Hue of 92A in one unr forefathers in times past. So it is wtth PRESSED HAY & STRAW. HAIR, B. P. TOWIVE, OLD RaiKBLE LINE and expulsion from Natioiial Assueialioii net V oils diseases, as Uiey and Malaria are and fine wedding invitations, aniionnct*- and CALCINED PLASTER. leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, To be lioiiest, lu )h* kind—to a lit­ intended to eovei what our grandfathers Tea, Coffee, Crockery and Spices. P. O. Address, WATKKVIl.lJe. MK. every evening (Sundeye ex(»i>ioi) tracks in tin* other It is |>ossible, how­ Newark. Roman, (St Portland CEMENT, tle and to sjieiid a Utile less, to make npno called Kinionsness, and all are oaiiHcd by lucnlK, [)rograinmeH, and curd work u Winslow, kforeh 90.1B88. etT______arriving. u_ Uoetuu ill ever, that the second imnlshmeiit will not the whole a family happier forhis presence, by the |>oui)d orca.Hk. iMifm ft)r eorlleet trelns for Li»w- be enforced. 'Die ^latlcheHl«r manage­ troubles whieh arise from a diseased oun- ell, bjBB, Waltham, lAwreoee. Provldrnrc, toreiiouneewhen liiat siiall UuiecesMur^niid Hpccialty. WoreeeUr, Poll Hlver, Sprln^eld, New ment extends a cold welcome to jobbery. dition uf the Liver, which in |Mvrformiiig Agent for I^ortland Stone Ware Co.’s to nut be cinbitU'rad, to keep a few ft lends Its riinetions, Kndmg it eaniiot dispose of A wr SOTV’S York, eU. Through Tlokete to Boeiou at If }on want )onr printing done in DRAIN PIPE and FIRE KRICKS; all uol K B. Stations. Conductor Healey of the Maine Central blit these without eapitiilation—above all, the bile thruugli the ordinary ehaniiels, is Great Japan & London Tea Store. ^ J. f, USOOMB. Oen. Agent sizes on hand; also TILE, for Draining has sold his IMot Knox colt to Henry on the auine grim condition, to keep coinpelled tuqinss it off through (he sys­ goinl taste, promptly, and al as low u Head of luiwistun. friends with himself—here is a task for tem, oausiiig iiervuiis troubles, Maluihi. Land. Druakenneae or the Llijuor Habit Po*l' all tliut a iiiHii has of fortitude and deliea- price UK iH consUtenl will) gooer, 4 Billions Fuver, ete. You who are suffering Down town office at Stewart Bros., lively Cured by odininteterlng Dr. years oh), by Diclatur Chief, has been pur­ ey. Ho has an amhitiuns suiil who would ean well appreciate a euro. NVe racom- maiiKliip and good material, cal! at the Centre Market. chased by John Murphy of Fredericton, ask more; he has a hopeful spirit who mend (in'en’s August Flower. Its cures Waterville, - - - Maine. Holnee* Golden Npedfle. NlK., at u round price. should look in such an eiiterprist' to be are marvelous. Ilm85 ■Q. S. FLOOD & 00 , Itoan be given In a oup of coffee or tea with­ Tbu seveii newcomers to the ehariued suoei^ssfiiL 'Fliore is iiidi*ed one element out tbe knowledge of tbe pereon taking It, u in bumaii destiny that not hlindiiess lUelf Hilonce is the wit of fools and one of the WATERVILLE MAINE. aboulutely harmicie aud will effect a perms- ciicle during the week ending Deo. 1, u nest and Bp«*edy cure, whether tbe MtieDt is t brings the list up to 587, am) but 18 more can controvert: whatever else we are in­ kirtues of the wise.—Bunnartl, -MAIL OFFICE,— moderate drinker or an aloobonu wrei** are ix‘<|uiit‘d to reach the (KX> mark fur the tended to do, we are not intended to suu- Thoueauibof drunkard* have been mode tviu ) ear. ceed; failure is the fate allutted. It ii Fact, Fud and Fancy. Bread, Bread, Bread, the Staff of Life! perote men who have taken Ociden Speoitic is so in every art and study; it is so above WATERVILLE SAyiNGS BANK. Uielr___ ooffee “ wi^out their knowledge, and to­ The report from trotting centres U that The fat of tbe land—petroleum. day believe they unit driiikiug of ihelr ows all in tho oonliiieut art of living well. 116 MAIN STREET. { Tburticbb—Ituubeii Poster, 0.0 Oonilsh, Nath'. the gelding 1) K. A. by Ihekering, sold A pretty piuture healthy.lookiiiBr and FIRST GLASS TEAMS frM will. IT NKVKR FAll^. The syeteiu Here is a pleasant tliunght fur the year's I Meador, Goo. W. Ueyiiolds, 0. K. Matliews, H. R. last spring hy (luo. A. Aldeu, Waterville, well eared for baby. Ky the uselufDr.KulFi Tuck. oDoe iiopregoaled with the bMolfic It becwnio end or for the end uf life; Only sdlfde- Jk.t RecBflNoncBksto Rcx^eai*! is out-fiNjtiiig any horse Le meets on the Kaby Syrup. -you can keep KieUie hhealth...... of.. ,your A.. o'irrjBiv on utter ImpoeeiblUy for the fmuor iWPetiti* if exbt. For full paiAoutore, oddreee Q0LL>K> roads about lloston. eeption will be satisfied, and theru need be bab' in apleiidid oouditioo. Price 2A oeuts a iMpoalts of one dollar and upwards, uot exceed­ GIVE ME A CALL. no de8|iair for the desjiairer. bottle CYCLOPAEDIAS. ing two IhuusHitd dollar* lu all, received and put SPECIFIC 00.. 180 Race sL, Cincioiaati. 0 The flml 215 trotter dates back only uu Intereii at theoummeiioeiiieiit of each mouth. . ux, A priuter’s row-aquod-rniigle, “Not equalled by any other." No tax to be itaid uu depuNlU by depoalton. fourteen years, lu 1874 (juldsmith Maid Kv ei y home*, soIkniI and otHoe needs a (’yolo* Gan Dlvldeuds mtule lu May and Nuyemlwr and (f F. M. Hanson. Prop’r. cut her record, which was also the World’s It is probable that nearly all who think The "wuiiuiu's friend” Is wliatljaxodormay iHodia, wlduh should he reliable, fresh as to lii- uot withdrawn are oddtMf to depuelts, ouil lutereet /^reuurd, from 2 IG 1-2 to 2.14 Since that uf conductnduef at all...... think of it too mueli; it well he termed, fur every woman that bos once forinalloii, aud luw lu iirlw. ,)obnsuu's(tSS8) I* thuM oomiMMinded Iwlee a year. is oerlain we all think too tmieli of sin. used it will not be without U. I'rioe uuly 20 is ten years later than either Applutoiis’ or ihu Famish OlttiM In Havings Bank llutldlug; Uouk ops tjmu up to the present twenty iiauies have ueuts. ilrltaitiiicH, U more reliable and aatisfootory, aud The dally fnMii u a. lu. to I2.3A p. lu., aud 2 to 4 p. m. Cat. RHH ELY’S New Harness Shop We are nut damned fur doing wrong, but cvaiU only half aa much. BAKER been added to this list of extreme merit Haturdny Kveidiig*. 4.90 to 6.90. Uaubelurtu exvlamatioii—a loss. A. J. JOMNbON A CO.. Tdinple St., oor. Main. and free-for-all qualities, six baviug en­ for not doing right; Christ would never K. It. UltOMMUND.TrM*. bear of negative morality; Mou siUi/t was Neuralgia, rbeuiiiatum, erysipelas, sore 11 Qreat Jouea Ht., New Y’ork. WatorvUle, Ootoher, IKW. ntf tered It during the last season, all of throat, toothache ami oil other ixvins aud aches W. K. JohuiMin, Oen'l Mouaser. CREAM BALM Ao A.. Ol01CX]VaiOTuiiiug, oarvlsssly CHtuhing oold: erwepi A Steam Engine! IMPLEMENTS, I nfl a m matlon. And evecythlng found lu a flr»t-olaMhante«a el>*>l' lug her brother, au amateur artist, block­ ment of gusto. If a thing is wrong for iiig chills usme; Clara coughed cuutiiiually: With Water* Governor. S 1-9 Uoroa Power I Heals theSoras. Itepolrfiiga epeolalty. oniLall work nonti? ing out a landscaiH) in bis sketoli book. us, we should not dwell upon the thought cruel, cruupy cough, that would have klllea FERTILIZERS, 011(1 promptly done. her, hod ehe uot us(*d Dr. Kull’s Cough Syrup, This uuglue wo* built exprtwsly lor us, aud ho* Wedding Cakes a Specialty, Ir eetores the Suddenly, siie uxeiaimed, “I know, whai of it; or we shall soon dwell upon it writh uuitiiig 80 oeuts. , beeu run uuly two years. HA.'X' M«u and hara.eommouirMM***, wMM..u«Jou* — bull(llngi* •■••*— lues(«'i*----- A merely fallen enemy may rise amiu, eheok. Price of ubeok okUM wuriU uiur* give you agood iieylug idluatluu at A parttel* 1* OFidled_inll Into (moU uustrll and Is lent eoudlilun; for sale fur oasti, at le** thou u<»t our morality be in tbe right, we are erini. “Where’s the beet pUiM to get goodjuiake but tbe reoouoiled one is truly vauquLiiMed. )'ial...... luiwlius aud shonldpi* idaoe our persons Uuui tbe (Halt uf both. A diirusM for terms, ogreeahl*. PrloeMceutsatDruiighiU, hy moll, of hulldlogs, or oue-balf oa»b and good WMurli)' stories?” writes an editor frieiino. NVhere S BOX MS, WatorviUe.Me. BhiJf jtt. UlOHAKOHON A OO.. bterwd.MoeuU.------...Kl.Y Buoxji^aI ^ Warrwi fur babutoe wUbln one year. Owner going w«>*t- -BchUIer. in restraint there atii no enakes^ BAKED BEANS AND BROWN BREAD EVERY SUNDAY MORNINB. NureerjrnseBi Oeoeva, N. V. RrMt, Maw York. «tf 1*. D. OARTl