Teaching FORGe to Verbalize DBpedia Properties in Spanish Simon Mille Stamatia Dasiopoulou Universitat Pompeu Fabra Independent Researcher Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain
[email protected] [email protected] Beatriz Fisas Leo Wanner Universitat Pompeu Fabra ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract a tremendous amount of structured knowledge Statistical generators increasingly dominate has been made publicly available as language- the research in NLG. However, grammar- independent triples; the Linked Open Data (LOD) based generators that are grounded in a solid cloud currently contains over one thousand inter- linguistic framework remain very competitive, linked datasets (e.g., DBpedia, Wikidata), which especially for generation from deep knowl- cover a large range of domains and amount to edge structures. Furthermore, if built modu- billions of different triples. The verbalization of larly, they can be ported to other genres and LOD triples, i.e., their mapping onto sentences in languages with a limited amount of work, without the need of the annotation of a consid- natural languages, has been attracting a growing erable amount of training data. One of these interest in the past years, as shown by the organi- generators is FORGe, which is based on the zation of dedicated events such as the WebNLG Meaning-Text Model. In the recent WebNLG 2016 workshop (Gardent and Gangemi, 2016) challenge (the first comprehensive task ad- and the 2017 WebNLG challenge (Gardent et al., dressing the mapping of RDF triples to text) 2017b). As a result, a variety of new NLG systems FORGe ranked first with respect to the over- designed specifically for handling structured data all quality in human evaluation.