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72 AGENDA ITEM Na -&....- NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: Education Committee Subject: Home to School Transport Additional Contracts From: Director of Education MWLA I Ref I Summary: This report details additional contracts for home to school transport approved by the convener of the education committee at a special meeting attended by the administration department and education department. The education committee is asked to homologate the decision. Recommendations: The education committee is asked to: (a) homologate the decision to allocate the transport contracts as recommended in appendices 1 and 2. (b) refer ths report to the finance committee and request consideration be given to a contingency allocation to meet the budget shortfall detailed in paragraph 4.2. Members wishg further information about this paper should contact: Michael O’Neill, Director of Education, on 01236 441478, or Murdo Maciver, Head of Service, on 01236 441372 mm805 73 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL : EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Home to School TransDort : Additional Contracts Report by the Director 1 Backwound: 1.1 At the meeting on 30 May 1996 the education resources sub-committee approved the allocation of home to school transport contracts, both for mainstream pupils arranged by SPT and for special educational needs pupils arranged within the education department. 1.2 Subsequent to that meeting it has been necessary to invite tenders for adhtional contracts. These include contracts readvertised for financial reasons and arrangements for pre-5 and older special needs pupils identified or requested since the sub-committee meeting. 1.3 To ensure that transport arrangements were completed for the beginning of the school session the convener of the education committee and the chief executive arranged for the approval of the proposed allocation of these contracts. This paper informs the education committee about the arrangements and asks for homologation of the decisions. 2 Contracts arranped bv SPT for mainstream ouoils: 2.1 12 SPT arranged contracts required approval, including both readvertised contracts and late needs identified for the first time. The tenders received and the recommendations made by SPT are listed in appendix 1. 3 Contracts arranped for sDecial educational needs puoils: 3.1 92 contracts required approval, mainly for individual pupils travelling to pre-5, primary, secondary and special schools. These took account of pre-5 places allocated in June, adltional transport needs identified by head teachers and hrther analysis of Strathclyde arranged contracts due for renewal in August 1996. 3.2 The tenders received and the recommendations made are detailed in appendix 2. It is worth noting that these include 8 contracts not awarded to the lowest tender all because of inadequate or inappropriate vehicles. mm805 2 74 4 Home to school transoort budpet: 4.1 The total cost for all transport costs in 1996-97 together with the budget allocation is detailed below. ~ SPT Contracts SEN Contracts Cost of all transport contracts &2,039,000 S1,051,900 Budget allocation &2,010,840 &1:004,520 Budget shortfall 2 28,160 2 47,380 4.2 The table indicates a 575,540 shortfall in the budget allocation to the department to meet the statutory and policy requirements. It is recommended that ths should be brought to the attention of the finance committee so that consideration can be given to a contingency allocation to meet the shortfall. 5 Recommendations: 5.1 The education committee is asked to: (a) homologate the decision to allocate the transport contracts as recommended in appendices 1 and 2 (b) refer this report to the finance committee and request consideration be given to a contingency allocation to meet the budget shortfall detailed in paragraph 4.2. Murdo Maciver Education Department 5 August 1996 mm805 3 75 APPENDIX 1 Contracts arranged- bv SPT for mainstream pupils CONTENTS 1. Contracts Not Awarded to Lowest Tenderer 2. List of Recommended Awards 3. Comparison of Tenders Received 76 CONTRACTS NOT AWARDED TO LOWEST TENDERER * CONTRACT NO. 4276A ST MARYS PSlCLELAND PS - HARESHAW TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 13 OPERATOR COST FOR 12 MONTH PREV 12 COST PER CONTRACT EQNVCOST MONTH PUPILPER PERIOD EQNVCOST WEEK GOLDEN EAGLE COACHES 17100.00 5700.00 5171.88 11.54 2ND LOWEST TENDERER LOWEST TENDERER INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES A L: -3- 77 LIST OF RECOMMENDED AWARDS -4- 78PERATOR COST FOR 12 MONTH PREV. 12 COST COMMENTS CONTRACT EQUIV COST MONTH PER PERIOD EQUW PUPIL COST PER WEEK CONTRACT NO. 2177D BALLMOLLOCH PS - LAlRDSHlLL ESTATE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 HUGH HARHINS 9000.00 3000.00 5988.84 9.87 CONTRACT NO. 2415D CHRYSTON PSICHRYSTON HS - LECHETHILL FARM TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 ME CARS 3852.00 1284.00 1588.08 16.89 CONTRACT NO. 2550A LANGLANDS PS - CRAIGMARLOCH TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 1 KWiKKARS 3040.00 1520.00 2508.00 40.00 SOLETENDER CONTRACT NO. 2569 FOR CHRYSTON HS - JOHNSTONE LODGE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 MB CARS 2448.00 816.000 21.47 SOLE TENDER CONTRACT NO. 2571 CHRYSTON PS - IRA VILLAS TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 MB CARS 3134.00 1044.67 13.75 CONTRACT NO. 2572A CHRYSTON PS - CLEDDANS, GREENLEA COTTAGE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 3 1. MB CARS 3134.00 1044.67 9.16 SOLE TENDER CONTRACT NO. 2583A ST PATRICKS PS - CHRYSTON PS - CLEDDANS, GREENLEA COTTAGE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 29 MCGHEE COACHES 45000.00 15000.00 13.61 CONTRACT NO. 4032C CATHEDRAL PS - GREENACRESIKNOWETOPINORTH LODGE AREAS TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 84 STUARTS COACHES 26600.00 13300.00 8333.33 4.17 -5- 79 OPE~TOR COST FOR 12 MONTH PREV. 12 COST COMMENTS CONTRACT EQUIV COST MONTH PER PERIOD EQUIV PUPIL COST PER WEEK CONTRACT r 0. 411 2C OUR LAD' S HS - FORGEWOOD TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 80 GRANGEBURN COACHES 26600.00 13300.00 10833.33 4.38 Revised price CONTRACT NO. 4276A ST MARYS PSICLELAND PS - HARESHAW TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 13 GOLDEN EAGLE COACHES 17100.00 5700.00 5171.88 11.54 2ND LOWESTTENDER LOWEST TENDERER INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES -6- 8oOP&RATOR COST FOR 12 MONM PREV. 12 COST COMMENT5 CONTRACT EQUIVALENT MOKTH PER PERIOD COST EQl!!VCOST PUPU, Pm WEEK * CONTRACT NO. 2591 KILSYTH ACAD - STIRLING ROAD (BANTON LOCH HOUSE) TYPE S MONTHS 12 PUPILS 1 ANNEXTE JOHEiSTON 720.00 720.00 18.95 * CONTRACT NO. 2592 BANTON PS - TOMFYNE FARM TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 1 JASASTAXlS 5000.00 1680.00 44.21 SOLE TENDER 81 COMPARISON OF TENDERS RECEIVED' -7- 82 OPERA COST FOR 12 MONTH PREV. 12 MONTH COST PER PUPIL COST PER MILE COMMENTS ’ TOR CONTRACT EQUIVALENT EQUIV COST PER WEEK PERIOD COST CONTRACT NO. 2177D BALMALLOCH PS - LAlRDSHlLL ESTATE- TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 8 HLJGH HARKINS 9oO0.00 3000.00 5988.84 9.87 TRAVEL MAC 14250.00 4750.00 5988.84 15.63 ESSBEE MINIBUS HIRE 19950.00 6650.00 5988.84 21.88 MCGHEE COACHES 30000.00 1oooO.00 5988.84 32.89 CONTRACT NO. 2415D CHRYSTON PS/CHRYSTON HS - LECHETHILL FARM TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 MB CARS 3852.00 1284.00 1588.08 16.89 STEPPS RADIO CARS 5600.00 1866.67 1588.08 24.56 CONTRACT NO. 2550A LANGLANDS PS - CRAIGMARLOCH TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 1 KWIKKARS 3040.00 1520.00 2508.00 40.00 SOLE TENDER CONTRACT NO. 2569 FOR CHRYSTON HS - JOHNSTONE LODGE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 MB CARS 2448.00 816.000 21.47 SOLE TENDER CONTRACT NO. 2571 CHRYSTON PS - IRA VILLAS TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 2 MB CARS 3134.00 1044.67 13.75 STEPPS RADIO CARS 4200.00 1400.00 18.42 CONTRACT NO. 2572A CHRYSTON PS - CLEDDANS, GREENLEA COTTAGE TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 3 ME CARS 3134.00 1044.67 9.16 SOLE TENDER CONTRACT NO. 2583A ST PATRICKS PS - CHRYSTON PS - CLEDDANS, GREENLEA COTTAGE A. TYPE S MONTHS 36 PUPILS 29 MCGHEE COACHES 45000.00 15000.00 13.61 KELVIN CENTRAL BUSES LTD 48706.00 16235.00 14.73 / CONTRACT NO. 4032C CATHEDRAL PS - GREENACRES/KNOWETOP/NORTH LODGE AREAS TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 84 GEM COACHES (RONALD BOND) 38500.00 19250.00 8333.33 6.03 0.00 MCKINDLESS EXPRESS 37580.00 18790.00 8333.33 5.89 0.00 STUARTS COACHES 26600.00 13300.00 8333.33 4.17 0.00 ANDY MCDADE 32000.00 16o00.00 8333.33 5.01 0.00 GRANGEBURN COACHES 37240.00 18620.00 8333.33 5.83 0.00 KELVIN CENTRAL BUSES LTD 60459.00 30229.50 8333.33 9.47 0.00 KELVIN CENTRAL BUSES LTD 54059.00 27029.50 8333.33 8.47 0.00 -8- OPELU COST FOR 12 MONTH PREV. 12 MONTH COST PER PUPIL COST PER MILE COMMENTS 83 TOR CONTRACT EQUIVALENT EQUIV COST PER WEEK PERIOD COST CONTRACT NO. 4068F ST. MATTHEW'S PS - CRAIGNEUK BUS STOPS TYPE S MONTHS 12 PUPILS 8 MR BRIAN JOHNSTON T/A SLO 5460.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PACKAGE10218 MR BRIAN JOHNSTON T/A SLO 6500.00 6500.00 21.38 0.00 NO AWARD BUS PASSES TO BE PROVIDED STUARTS COACHES 7600.00 7600.00 25.00 0.00 CONTRACT NO. 4142C OUR LADYS HS - FORGEWOOD TYPE S MONTHS 24 PUPILS 80 STUARTS COACHES 28700.00 14350.00 10833.33 4.72 0.00 RevisedPrice GRANGEBURN COACHES 26600.00 13300.00 10833.33 4.38 0.00 RevisedPrice GEM COACHES (RONALD BOND) 38200.00 19100.00 10833.33 6.28 0.00 MCKINDLESS EXPRESS 37600.00 18800.00 10833.33 6.18 0.00 STUARTS COACHES 30400.00 15200.00 10833.33 5.00 0.00 GRANGEBURN COACHES 30400.00 15200.00 10833.33 5.00 0.00 KELVIN CENTRAL BUSES LTD 59864.00 29932.00 10833.33 9.85 0.00 KELVIN CENTUL BUSES LTD 53499.00 26749.50 10833.33 8.80 0.00 CONTRACT NO.