The Ukrainian Weekly 1995

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1995 INSIDE: • The Chechen crisis and security ramifications for Ukraine — page 2. • Economics Minister Shpek announces U.S. credit for Ukraine — page 3. • Ukraine at the United Nations World Summit for Social Development — page 9. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIII No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1995 75 cents Ukraine solidifies diplomatic ties Ukraine restrains restive Crimea by Marta Kolomayets the republic could be aggravated." Clinton to visit Ukraine in May, Kyyiv Press Bureau Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, underscoring the significance of the issue at KYYIV — Ukraine's own tempest in a hand, attended the plenary session of Kuchma opens Embassy in Japan teapot, the restive Crimea, boiled over again Parliament on March 17, giving his full last week after the Ukrainian Parliament by Marta Kolomayets March 22, where he attended opening support to the annulment of the Crimean voted on Friday, March 17, to limit sover­ Kyyiv Press Bureau ceremonies for the Ukrainian Embassy Constitution and the abolition of the office eignty on the peninsula, sharply curbing the and was scheduled to meet with govern­ of Crimean president. autonomous republic's legislative and exec­ KYYIV — U.S. President Bill Clinton ment officials. His itinerary also included "If the Crimean organs of authority utive powers and abolishing the post of will visit Ukraine this spring, an official of a visit to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, had worked within the legal framework president. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced breakfast with Emperor Akihito, as well of Ukraine, this session would not have on Tuesday, March 21. as a meeting with Prime Minister Toichi By a vote of 246-55, the Ukrainian leg­ had to take place," he said. In a "warm letter to President Leonid Maruyama. islature also annulled the Crimean "But separatism seems to be the priority Kuchma," President Clinton said he has He was scheduled to sign a declaration Constitution, adopted on March 6, 1992, as in your actions," he told the Crimean accepted an invitation to visit Kyyiv on of cooperation with the Japanese prime well as a number of Crimean laws that do Parliament's chairman, who listened atten­ May 10, said Yuriy Sergeyev, informa­ minister, and told reporters on the eve of not correspond to Ukrainian laws. The tively to the day's proceedings. And, given tion chief at the Foreign Ministry, during his visit that on this first trip to Japan he Supreme Council of Ukraine has instructed the events that have already occurred on the a weekly press briefing. was interested in providing as much the Crimean Parliament to set forth a new territory of the former Soviet Union, Mr. In his letter, the American president information as possible about Ukraine, Constitution, which it will then review to Kuchma added, "we cannot continue to underscored that the United States will which was viewed through the prism of ensure that it does not contradict the exist­ drag out this issue." However, President support reforms in Ukraine. Moscow in the past. ing Ukrainian Constitution. Until a new Kuchma emphasized that "no one is going Although his schedule is not yet con­ He said he was interested in inviting Crimean Constitution is adopted, Ukrainian to cancel Crimean autonomy." firmed, President Clinton will arrive in law alone is in effect in the republic. the Japanese to enter the Ukrainian mar­ Reviewing a packet of documents that Ukraine on May 10, after attending cere­ ket and would ask the Japanese for politi­ Parliament Chairman Sergei Tsekov, had been discussed in committees, the law­ monies marking the 50th anniversary of cal support. He said he wanted them to called up from the Crimea to appear before makers also instructed Ukraine's procura­ Victory in Europe Day in Moscow on May understand that Ukraine has no alterna­ a session of the Ukrainian Parliament, told tor general to bring criminal proceedings 9, according to a release issued at a White tive to market reforms. Ukrainian lawmakers that if they abolished House briefing on Monday, March 20. President Kuchma also stressed that the Crimean Constitution "the situation in (Continued on page 8) [As The Weeky was going to press, it the Japanese could provide understand­ was announced in Washington by the ing and aid, particularly in dealing with Embassy of Ukraine that President the consequences of Chornobyl, in view Clinton's visit to Kyyiv had been resched­ of the fact that they had experienced a Rabbi David Lincoln receives uled for May ll.] similar tragedy. "The president will fly to Moscow Joining President Kuchma in Japan are UAJC Human Relations Award May 9 to join other world leaders com­ his wife Liudmyla, Foreign Minister memorating the great contribution made Gennadiy Udovenko, Presidential Chief of CHICAGO — Some 200 Chicago- Michael Wiwchar, UCCA Vice- by the Russian people in the defeat of Staff Dmytro Tabachnyk, Deputy Prime area Ukrainians attended the award President Orest Baranyk, UNA Vice- Nazi Germany and its allies during the Minister and Minister of Foreign ceremony paying tribute to Rabbi President and UHDC Chairman Nestor second world war. The president will Economic Relations Serhiy Osyka, David H. Lincoln at Ss. Volodymyr Olesnycky, and UAJC Co-Chairman meet with President jBoris] Yeltsin in National Security Council Chairman and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church Dr. Myron B. Kuropas presented Rabbi Moscow for bilateral discussions on a Volodymyr Horbulin, Environmental on March 12. The event was spon­ range of issues in keeping with the com­ Lincoln with the UAJC Human Rela­ Minister Yuriy Kostenko, Interior Minister sored by the Ukrainian American mitment by both leaders to hold a sum­ tions Award. He was cited "for his Volodymyr Radchenko, Kyyiv Mayor Justice Committee (UAJC) in coopera­ mit meeting in the first half of 1995. courageous defense of the truth; for his Leonid Kosakivsky, Zaporizhzhia Oblast tion with the Ukrainian Congress moral integrity and commitment to his "The president has also accepted an Council Chairman Viacheslav Pokhvalsky Committee of America (UCCA) and faith; his humanitarian efforts on behalf invitation to visit Kyyiv for meetings and Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan the Ukrainian Heritage Defense of the improvement of Ukrainian- with Ukrainian President Kuchma to Mykhailo Dashkevych. build on the agenda defined during Committee (UHDC) of the Ukrainian Jewish relations." President Kuchma's visit to Washington No sign of Yeltsin National Association. Following remarks by Bishop (Continued on page 4) last November," said the release. Although the Ukrainians had prepared President Clinton, who wavered for for the state visit of Russian Federation two months before agreeing to go to President Yeltsin sometime toward the Moscow for the May 9 celebrations, end of March, it became apparent earlier decided to attend the ceremonies after this month that the Russian leader had no President Yeltsin offered to eliminate a intention of visiting Ukraine during this parade of tanks and weapons in Red period, as he had planned a working Square. vacation in Russia. Given the ongoing war in Chechnya During a news conference last week, and Moscow's insistence on completing President Kuchma told reporters that he nuclear reactors for Iran, U.S. adminis­ would no longer ask the Kremlin when the tration officials have said that President Russian leader would come to Ukraine. Clinton's presence in Moscow may send "I did not ask Prime Minister [Viktor] the wrong signal. They originally had Chernomyrdin this question," President advised him to wait until June to go to Kuchma told reporters, referring to Russia, when he would not have to attend President Yeltsin's arrival date in a Red Square parade. Ukraine. Kuchma off to Japan "I have no intention of asking this question ever again. I have been told News of the Clinton travel plans came three times the visit would happen, in just as President Kuchma prepared to October, in December and in January. Rabbi David H. Lincoln (center) receives the UAJC Human Relations depart for an official visit to Japan on There is nothing to stop us from pursuing Award. From left are Bishop Michael Wiwchar, Dr. Myron B. Kuropas and March 21. Nestor Olesnycky. President Kuchma arrived in Japan on (Continued on page 19) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1995 No. 13 ANALYSIS: Chechen crisis poses security ramifications for Ukraine Duma leader skeptical about treaty fly the planes nor to destroy them. They by Taras Kuzio national image but also that within the will be handed over to Russia in May, CIS. "I think the Russians will want to act MOSCOW — A senior member of along with some cruise missiles carried The conflict in Chechnya that began in as if Chechnya isn't happening. Whether Russia's Parliament said on March 20 that aboard the aircraft. (OMRI Daily Digest) the summer of last year as a covert opera­ they can get away with it is another mat­ he doesn't think a frienship treaty with tion and then evolved into an overt military ter," one Western diplomat wondered. Ukraine has a chance of being approved by Cargo jet detained for transporting arms intervention in December has large security Not only Ukraine, but many other CIS the legislative body until the latest crisis in ramifications for Ukraine and the remain­ member-states, will now draw the line at the Crimea is resolved. Konstantin Zatulin, SAO MIGUEL, The Azores — A der of the "near abroad." First, the Chechen only economic integration within the head of the State Duma Committee on Ukrainian cargo jet was detained here on crisis is perceived as part of a trend in CIS. Political and, especially military, Affairs in the Commonwealth of March 23, after authorities discovered a Russian security policy, which is becoming integration with Russia in the CIS now Independent States, told ITAR-TASS, "I shipment of arms aboard rather than the more assertive and nationalistic.
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