Consultation Document on Education Consultation Document for Sustainable Development - A Strategy for Wales Date of Issue: 19 September 2005 Sustainable Action Required: Responses by 1 December 2005 Development and Global Citizenship Adran Hyfforddiant ac Addysg Department for Training and Education Title of Document: Consultation Document on Education for Sustainable Development - A Strategy for Wales Audience: All bodies concerned with education and training in Wales, including 10% of schools, employer organisations and forums, Trades Unions and voluntary organisations. Overview: The review of the Welsh Assembly Government’s sustainable development scheme in 2003 resulted in a new Sustainable Development (SD) Scheme - “Starting to Live Differently” being adopted in March 2003. The action plan linked to this Scheme came into force in October 2004. This carried a stronger message of commitment, clearer outcomes, and a specific section relating to education. Amongst the top ten commitments outlined within the Action Plan was a commitment to produce a Wales-wide strategy for education for sustainable development and global citizenship. This Consultation Document will produce that Strategy. Action Required: Responses to this draft consultation should be sent by 1 December 2005 to James Evans at the address given below or e-mailed electronically to
[email protected] Mr James Evans Pupils Support Division 3 3rd Floor Welsh Assembly Government Cathays Park CARDIFF CF10 3NQ Tel: 029 2082 6074 Further Information: Enquiries about this consultation document should be directed to: Mr James Evans Additional Copies: Can be obtained from: Mr James Evans Related Documents: Wales: A Better Country The Learning Country Sustainable Development Action Plan G/230/05-06 September Typeset in 12pt ISBN 0 7504 3906 8 CMK-22-07-063 © Crown copyright 2005 FOREWORD Sustainable Development is at the heart of the Welsh Assembly Government’s work.