A New Species of Dendrophryniscus, Jiménez De La Espada, 1871 (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) from the Atlantic Rain Forest of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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A New Species of Dendrophryniscus, Jiménez De La Espada, 1871 (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) from the Atlantic Rain Forest of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil South American Journal of Herpetology, 3(1), 2008, 22-26 © 2008 Brazilian Society of Herpetology A NEW SPECIES OF DENDROPHRYNISCUS, JIMÉNEZ DE LA ESPADA, 1871 (AMPHIBIA, ANURA, BUFONIDAE) FROM THE ATLANTIC RAIN FOREST OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL CARLOS ALBERTO GONÇALVES CRUZ1,2,4 AND LUCIANA ARDENGHI FUSINATTO1,3 1 Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Departamento de Vertebrados, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940‑040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. 2 Fellow of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). 3 Programa de Pós‑graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) do Museu Nacional, UFRJ. E‑mail: [email protected] 4 Corresponding author. E‑mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. A new species of the genus Dendrophryniscus is described from Reserva Biológica da Serra Geral, Municipality of Maquiné, and Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra, Municipality of Cambará do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. is associated to the D. brevipollicatus group and is characterized by its medium size for the genus (snout-vent length 19.2-21.2 mm in males, 20.4-24.0 mm in females); body robust, slightly enlarged posteriorly; finger I short, robust, and in males with moderate nuptial pad of minuscule dark brown horny asperities; presence of few small granules, dispersed on upper eyelid surfaces; and external margin of upper eyelid weakly prominent. KEYWORDS. Anura, Bufonidae, Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov., Atlantic Rain Forest Domain, Rio Grande do Sul. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS The Neotropical genus Dendrophryniscus Jimé- Examined specimens are deposited in Museu Na- nez de la Espada, 1871, currently comprises seven cional, Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Coleção Eugenio recognized species; two species are associated to Izecksohn, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de the Amazon Basin: D. minutus Melin, 1941, distrib- Janeiro (EI), Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de uted in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and São Paulo (MZUSP), Museu de Ciências Naturais, southern Guianas, and D. bokermanni Izecksohn, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul (MCN), 1994 “1993”, from the states of Amazonas and Pará, and Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Uni- Brazil. Five species are associated to the Atlantic Rain versidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (MCP). Forest Domain (sensu Ab’Sáber, 1977) in Southeast- Specimens examined are listed in the Appendix. ern and Southern of Brazil: D. brevipollivatus Jimé- Measurements of the specimens were obtained with nez de la Espada, 1871, D. leucomystax Izecksohn, a dial caliper. Abbreviations of the measurements (in 1968, D. carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1994, D. berthalutzae millimeters) are: SVL (snout-vent length); HL (head Izecksohn, 1994, and D. stawiarskyi Izecksohn, 1994 length); HW (head width); IND (internarial distance); (Frost, 2007). ESD (eye snout distance); END (eye to nostril dis- Izecksohn (1994 “1993”) indicated that it is pos- tance); ED (eye diameter); IOD (interorbital distance); sible to distinguish two groups based on reproductive UEW (upper eyelid width); THL (thigh length); TL behavior: one group breeding and with tadpoles devel- (tibia length); TAL (tarsal length); FL (foot length) oping in ponds, includes D. minutus, D. leucomystax, All measurements, except for FL, follow Duellman and D. bokermanni, and the other group breeding (1970). and with tadpoles developing in bromeliads includes D. brevipollicatus, D. carvalhoi, D. berthalutzae, and D. stawiarskyi. RESULTS Herein, we describe a new species of the genus Dendrophryniscus associated to the D. brevipolli‑ Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. catus group from Reserva Biológica da Serra Geral, (Fig. 1) Municipality of Maquiné, and Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra, Municipality of Cambará do Sul, Dendrophryniscus brevipollicatus (non Jiménez de la State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Espada, 1871) Braun and Braun, 1979, 1980. Cruz, C. A. G. and Fusinatto, L. A. 23 Dendrophryniscus sp. Garcia and Vinciprova, 2003. persed on upper eyelid surfaces; (11) external margin Dendrophryniscus berthalutzae (non Izecksohn, 1994 of upper eyelid weakly prominent; and (12) tarsus “1993”): IUCN et al., 2006 (partim). about 23% of the snout-vent length. Holotype – MCN 13809, adult male, collected at Comparisons with other species – Dendrophryniscus Reserva Biológica da Serra Geral (29°35’S, 50°10’W; krausae sp. nov. is distinguished from D. berthalut‑ 870 m above sea level), Municipality of Maquiné, zae, D. carvalhoi, and D. brevipollicatus by its ro- State of Rio Grande do Sul, by Patrick Colombo, bust and slightly enlarged posterior body, (slender Caroline Zank, Luis Fernando Marin da Fonte, and in D. berthalutzae, D. carvalhoi, and D. brevipolli‑ Luciana Ardenghi Fusinatto, on 07 March 2005. catus). Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. is distin- guished from D. berthalutzae by finger I short and Paratypes – MCN 13808 (female), 13810 (juvenile), robust (finger I longer and slender in D. berthalut‑ and 13812 (juvenile), MNRJ 50290 collected with zae), males forearm robust and with a dark brown the holotype; MCN 11028 and 11029 (females), and nuptial pad on finger I (forearm slender and absence 11030 (juvenile), collected at Itaimbezinho Canyon of nuptial pad in D. berthalutzae), and tarsus ap- (29°12’S, 50°09’W, 800 m above sea level), Parque proximately 23% of the snout vent length (29% in Nacional dos Aparados da Serra, Municipality of D. berthalutzae). Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. Cambará do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, by S. is larger than D. carvalhoi (combined male and fe- Scherer and A. Lise, on 21-22 December 1976. male SVL = 19.2-24.0 mm in D. krausae sp. nov., 14.0-19.0 mm in D. carvalhoi), granular tubercles on Diagnosis – The species is characterized by: (1) size dorsal surfaces less developed (more developed in medium for the genus (SVL 19.2-21.2 mm in males, D. carvalhoi), finger I short and robust (reduced and 20.4-24.0 mm in females); (2) body robust, slightly very robust in D. carvalhoi), and a brown pigmented enlarged posteriorly; (3) dorsal pattern with the fol- nuptial pad over two thirds of dorsal surface of finger I lowing dark brown markings: a transverse interorbit- (unpigmented nuptial pad completely covering finger al bar extending on the upper eyelids, a “X” shaped I in D. carvalhoi). Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. blotch on the scapular region, and two bars inclined is smaller than D. brevipollicatus (combined male and behind “/ \” on the sacral region extending to the in- female snout-vent length 19.2-24.0 mm in D. krausae guinal region; (4) ventral pattern yellow with few dis- sp. nov., 20.0-27.6 mm in D. brevipollicatus), granu- persed dark brown stains, limbs dark brown; (5) dorsal lar tubercles on dorsal surfaces less numerous and and lateral surfaces of the body covered by spinulose less developed (granular tubercles on dorsal surfaces granular tubercles; (6) ventral surface of body cov- numerous and more developed in D. brevipollicatus), ered by shallow granular tubercles, more developed upper eyelid with few small granular tubercles and a on the limbs; (7) finger I short, robust; (8) male with weakly developed external margin (upper eyelid with moderate nuptial pad of minuscule dark brown horny numerous large granular tubercles and external mar- asperities on finger I; (9) forearm robust in males; gin of the upper eyelid prominent in D. brevipollica‑ (10) presence of few small granular tubercles, dis- tus), finger I short (finger I long in D. brevipollicatus), and a dark brown nuptial pad on finger I (absence of nuptial pad in D. brevipollicatus). Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. is distinguished from D. stawiarskyi by the presence of granular tubercles on dorsal sur- faces (almost absent in D. stawiarskyi), upper eyelid with few small granular tubercles (almost smooth in D. stawiarskyi), forearm robust in males (strongly ro- bust in D. stawiarskyi), finger I short and robust (re- duced and very robust in D. stawiarskyi), and a dark brown nuptial pad on finger I (absence of nuptial pad in D. stawiarskyi). Furthermore, Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. is promptly distinguished from the other Atlantic Rain Forest species, D. leucomystax, FIGURE 1. Dendrophryniscus krausae sp. nov. (holotype, MCN by the less numerous and less developed granular 13809, SVL 21.2 mm), dorsal and ventral views. tubercles on its dorsal surfaces (numerous and well 24 A new species of Dendrophryniscus developed in D. leucomystax), by the truncate snout larger than eye diameter and larger than the upper in dorsal view and acute in lateral view (sub-elliptical eyelid width; eye diameter two thirds of interorbital in dorsal view and strongly acute in lateral view in distance; tympanum absent; eyes slightly protuber- D. leucomystax), and lack of a white stripe extending ant, upper eyelid width about 60% of interorbital dis- from the snout to near the insertion of the arm (present tance; canthus rostralis straight; loreal region verti- in D. leucomystax). The new species differs from the cal; choanae small, circular, and very far from one Amazonian species, D. bokermanni and D. minutus, to another; tongue long, narrow, adherent by three by the enlarged distal tip of finger III (not enlarged fourths of the anterior portion. Forearms more robust in D. bokermanni and D. minutus), pale coloration on and longer than arms. Hand (Fig. 2C) with fingers ventral surfaces (bright coloration in D. bokermanni slender, not fringed and only basally webbed, dis- and D. minutus), subarticular tubercles of fingers tal end slightly enlarged; relative lengths of fingers smaller than their distal tips (equal or larger than the I<II<IV<III; subarticular tubercles single, rounded; distal tips in D. bokermanni and D. minutus), and fin- the second subarticular tubercle of finger III of right ger I shorter than finger II (finger I longer than finger hand is bifid; outer metacarpal tubercle large, round- II in D. bokermanni). ed; inner metacarpal tubercle rounded, of the same size of subarticular tubercles; supernumerary tuber- Description of holotype – Body robust, slightly en- cles present, small.
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