TWBOTT-BIGHT MONDAY, JUND 2; 1960 IHanrbPBtrr Ettpntng Ifi^raUi DM IyNtt > R n n The Weather

Thate will be a aanrlce of n , v m ;About Town Holy Oonununlon Wednesday at Public Records low 16 to 66. ’PiiJehttrLm gr M a.m. at it Mary's Bpiscopal Warrantee Deeds 11m LteHas AM sC Mm Isiitk- Church- 15 ,5 9 0 I' 5 Robert E. m M Gfartotol O. Mmnehmster A CUy o f VUlogm Charm 76. - E muMi SioZ The aduK study claae-ot South fto n o tm 'to Pattlctoi MefOtn- f U/Ounm CbBteh wfll mast m y , property wt Brjran D r„ f - ’• Utatted Metbodlat Church win VOL, L X X X V m , No. 207 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (OhMSIfled AdvwtM hig on p | - tteftsMday sk TM p-m. kt ths conveyanoe tax 163.46. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1969 !•) PRICE TEN CENTS I 't -v :-' meet Wednesday at 10 e.m. in NO REASON TO HAVE f ,v ‘ shmeh asssmbty room. Bott- Susannah W aday HaU o< the Nutmeg Homes Inc. to Don- 1 • A * ssM ara MM. Albk) Roth, MIb. church. akl L. and Selmai A. Sothettaad, ; * ^ ' Brastt RttsMUi, and Mrs. WO- property on Montclair Dr., ocn- Boy Scout Troop US wlU veyanoe tax $38.60. Drop Hurt Drink! meet Wedneaday at 6:W p.m. HaroU A. and Jam* M. 'Xnotar Church A dviture,” at Community'Baptist Church. TompMns to Haicke and Uw« Committee Swift LA C noeS B , Win. (A P ) — •a cuplontioii o( Oonfrecatlon- POOR HSUUTMM Rnnunelt, propaity a t 6-7 North- H m start of Natkmal Dairy al hcrtlacc, wlU b«tto Amday Airman I.C. Stephen C. Huot, field S t, oonveyanoe tax $87.40. Month was msrind Monday Destroyer Cut in Two, at T:4B *.m. whan a ehaitarad ■on o f Mr. and Mke. Andrew by fhs dweartng In of two hoi w(U laara tha church park- Albert R. Maitia to Herttert In Bficking Burger r . HUot o f 66 Pioneer d r d e . A. and Una D. Thibodeau, prop­ INADEQUATE dosen mHk marehalls. toe lot for a tour €( Plfanoth ie aerving as «n aircraft equip­ naatattoa and Maytlaarar n tn erty at. 20 Oooper S t, oonvey- Th^ tm to Issue mock ment repairman with the Paci­ en ce tax $24.20. WASHINGTON (AP)— He also promised to drop out­ summonese to anyone caufltt PtynwiBi, lUaa Dr. Robert fic Air Fbreee at Ubon Royal side acUvlUea “ not pertaining to Bemard J. and Mary B. Shar- INSULATION The Senate Judiciary (}om- drinking any beverage other Barttatt, author and lecturer, Thai ABB, Thailand. A 1067 judicial admlnlstrattcn" if his win conduct a brief wcrahlp idan to RuaasS O. PMlbrick Sr. mittoe unanimously awrov- than milk during the month graduate of Manchester Ifigh nomination Is oanOiined. and Roberta M. Phllbrtck, prop­ ed today Preeident Nixon’s dedioatad to the dairy Indus­ aerrfce at the P>ort Meetine School, Airman Huot waa sta­ He tentlflert be would approve Oeean Searehed for 73 try. BcNiae. Reurratlona may be erty at 370-872 Main St oenrey- MAKES YOUR HOME nominatioa of Warren E. of the flUng of complete finan­ tioned at MadHU AFB, Fla., Tha flrat person arretted made at Center Church ofBoe Rotary Speaker anoe tax $46.20. M iS im Burger to become chief jus­ cial statesnents by federal before being aadgned too Thal- PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (AP)—Navy diipa crlos- by Ttmraday. ParUciiiaata may L A M Hotnm Ine. to Jolla N. tice o f Uie United States. was Mayor Whrren toveland laid . Joel B. Alvord, vice president judges and ba also Bated aU tiie — caught while drinking fats brh« a piente lunch or buy and Bomie M. Undland, prop­ H O T and Ehrtft apptxyval onme after a oiganlaatlona to wfatoh he be­ croi^sed the South China Sea off the coaat of Vietnam enackB there. of the Hartford National Bank erty on Ralph Rd., conveyance morning coffee. Manchester Chapter of and Trust Co., will be guest one hour end 48 minute commit­ longs. today but failed to Hnd more of 78 men rnhwiinff after tax $81.M. SPEBSQSA, will rehearse to- speaker tomorrow at a meet­ tee hearing devoted In a large 6en- Joseph D. Tydlnga, D- an Australian carrier cut a U.S. destroyer in two. Join leather Chapter, Order L A M Homea Ine. to W. Ar­ mmmxn to nenatortal praine of Md., raiaed_the dtsetoeure taeue, of DcHblay. win bold a apa- nlghb at 8 at Bunoe Center, 206 ing of the Miancheder Rotary k lm K T UNCOMFORTABLE The bow sectioD of the USS Frank E. Evans sank gwifUy OlGOtt St. The event to open to Club at 6:30 p.m. at the Man­ thur E vsns and J. Stepfawde the man Nixon ehone to succeed an aftermath of the controversy ghettl a»toP«r tonight at 6:10. Af- Evans, property on Galaxy Rd. the retiring Blarl W aiten. wfetcb led to the reslgnaifon of after it was rammed by the Mdboume during maneuven bnr the aupper ton chapter win all nwn Inte reded In ainglng chester Country Club. Kansas City conveyance tax $83.66. 1(1 f t t s u M s f Once that eeetton wen over It Abe Fhrtas from the high court. about 240 miles southeast o f Saigon just befoiie dawn contMT the necoad degree t o t four-pett haiherehop atyla Alford will speak about the i r Antalia A. Oworek to J the mUes away. AottoB. a kitchen social for membera Soutb'OUm Sea empbaslaee the Tlie Melbourne, Involved In a with and friends. Refreehmenta wUl ance tax $48.96. # DONT DELAY—CHECK YOURS TODAY! # / arson squad said they found no Slain Coeds Found evidence Invmediately that the danger Involved In the asstgn- simiWr disaster on Feb, 10, f s T o w y GOLD CREST CHEMICALS be served. Oonservator*a Deed m ent 1964, headed for Bingaponi. Rai- Hartford National Bank and blase had been set. WP H A SM A C Y ^ Fhght of the fire vlctinw were Auttzallan Navy Mliteter dlo Australia said tbs ship was Five Point dub of Temple Truat Co., conservator of the d iv e KeUy told newamen In expettsd to arrive Thundoy. 4Si HartiNd Bd. 1W. 0U-6M0 Chapter, OBIS, will meet estate of Herida C. Gustafson, (diiMren. Buried Near Highway Adelaide that the Evuie was Desttnatkm of the Kaaraarge Wednesday at the home of Mrs. to Alexander Olrelll, property ■’Ihe 'blase was dkpcovered in serving ee plane guard to the was not Immediately Imoim. James Nichols, RoMwood Lane, at Norman St,, conveyance 80MER8 POINT, N.J. (AP) Shore Mkmorlal Hospital k) So­ the three-story, L-ttisped brick 61 Mjelbourne at the ttme of the But the Navy eald one man In Bolton. M rs. Leigh HQl, Mrs. tax $17.06. —An autopky report today dls- mers Point. structure shortly after 2 o'clock and burned out of oontrot to r ooUtsion. critical oondltlan was flown to a John VonDeck and Mrs. Murray Marriage licensee chxMd that two pretty coeds The boedi, both 19yeara-old, about two houna The hasard in plane guarding ^ g Cam Raid) Bay, Johnston are in charge of re­ David Joseph Ryan, Monroe, wboee hodlea were found near had ^een vacationing in Ocean WE NMNTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES Among ithe dead was flve- stems from: the speed involved go„u, vietnamaee coast freshments. and Joan Evelyn Kellerstrass, the Garden State Shuttway were Ctty. 'Mtei Perry was the daugh­ mnnthe-old Harry Smith. Hie and the proximity in wtalcb (be nortbssst of flalgon. Norwalk, June 21, St. Bridget vSethnn o f murder and died o f ter of Ray Perry, a bag compa­ father, Lawrence SmlttK 80, is two tti^s must o p ^ . ___ ^ tadlostloii cn Members of the Eighth Dis- Church. etab wounds. ny exseuttve from Excelttor. in serious condition at General ' Day InDay Out.i. taict Fire Department wlU meet Dr. Bklwk) Albono, Naw* Jer­ Mini Daivts was the daughter of ^ iww many of the dettwysr’s Angelo Anthony Trapuszano, Hospital from injuries suffered, cue the pilot if a plane goes Into hiteend tonight at 7:30 at the fire- sey’s chief medical examiner, soft drink bottler Weeley fl. 430 Vernon St., and Kathleen polloe eald, when he jumped the sea elUver tn taking off from g parties later boarded Hoimer Flineral Home, 400 sidd boihi g l ^ daughters o f Daivia o f dam p HU. Ann Darling, Vernon, Juno 14, from the third floor with the (took or while Main St., to pay reepects to the St. Bartholomew”s Church. Peiawylvania buttneaemen, T o 'Start ProJie u cationing, for Miss Davis’ Pemk- and teUlhg everyone to cioan 40 warships o f six SEATO na> u enstomera! neck . Regina D'ltaUa Society will aylvanla home. their windows and shut tha WASHINOTON (AP) the taking part ki the mantti- Susan Davis, of Camp HU, At the same time, there la never any meet tonight at 7:80 at the IbEd- LIDQEn DRUQ A state trooper found their doors. The fire wasn’t that bad Pentagon said today a Navy vers, osUed “Soa i^ L " Thsy, Pa., died of a wound In the neck oompromlse in aervloe or quality! lan-American dub. Refresh- car abandoned by the parkway then. investigative board ia being ^vere. canotted after the coUi- PARKIAOR that cut her larynx. Mlsa Davis merits will be served after the about noon Friday. A search of “ But when the people opened formed to find out exactly what aj(^ alsoi had wounds on the left side Y«U GET Om LOWEST meeting. OPEN the area was begun after their the doors Ito escape,’’ Twenter happened to cause the Bacifle The weaiher was clear, tbs of her abdomen and the right PBIOBS EVERT DAY OF THE AM. to 10 9M. parents reported them missing said, “the draft swept up." coUlslon of the U.S. destroyer aess calm and both d)lpa wars We Deliver aide of her neck. YBAB . . . AND YOU SAVE Women’s Home League of the Evans and the Australian car- equipped with radar, >T1)e autopsy waa perform ed at (Bee Page xa ^ ) (See Page Bight) MfHlE THBOUOHOUT THE Everywhere Salvation Arm y wUl moett to­ rier fMelboume. The destroyer, ttssmlng nsar- morrow at 1 p.m. in the Junior h) the meantime it declined to by, had bsen sseortiog ths oar- y e a b . . . o n a i x y o u r Fast Kali of the dtadel. Mrs. Col. POOR BLANKET INSULATION — PUT IN WHEN THE HOUSE WAS BUILT epeoulate on which aMp was at rler as tt tort) on planaa. PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. WUUam Spatlg will demon­ N N fault Then suddenly, in the dark- strate and talk about Precious SWIMMING Defense :qx>keeman Jerry imss of 4:18 a.m., the'TtXteoot TRY US AND SEE Stones.” Hostesses aire Mrs. Friedheim e^d the Pentagtm Melbourne ^owed right through Maj. Kenneth Lance and Mrs. LESSONS General Assembly Actions would not comment ia)Ul it uie port Side of the amallsr, Geneva Lockwood. learns more from the scene s76-toot Evans, slicing It In two. Deghmeis to Sr. life about what happened.. The destroyer’s bow sank in power to finance school con­ first. Rep. Gerard Spiegel, R- Emanuel Lutheran Church SmaU groops or prtvata Dempsey Pleads The Investigative board is minutes, but the oft ssetton Women will elect officers at Its struction was passed by the Trumbull, objected. But Minor­ being appointed by Vice Adm. towed by the Melbourne House early today emd sent to annual meeting tomorrow' at Phone 649-SS2S ity Leader Stewart B. McKlnnay WUUam F. Bringle, commander gc|)t afloat whUe aurvlvon F or Tax Shifts the Senate. 7 :46 p.m . in Luther Hall of —who had strongly oppoeied the of the 7th Fleet. SenU»' member were taken aboard. Thwra was Emanuel Church. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Refniblicana said they did not bill—talked Sptegel into with­ quarrel with the propoaed mys- of the pcuiel wUl be R ear Adm. no fire. Gov. John Dempsey made what drawing his objectiotv. J. H. King Jr., commander of g,, huU was Irahed to he called “a very Strong plea” Koffee Kratters of the YMCA (Bee Page Eighteen) Thus the blU passed 84-78, antisubmarine warfare Group ^ ,g , pnoival ing regulaltone which the CHRO usually follows a major sea ac­ pult was rendered UBelesB. For All MakesI 8H to 6 per cent, waUced into Restaurant, Hartford, for Its MIondBy to a hUf setting a m ax­ had promulgated. cident. FOR SPECIAL VALUES . , . the Senate Democratic caucus Views Differ on Rockefeller Trip The first (xAUskm involving annual banquet. CARTER CHEVROLETl imum speed limit for trucks and But Rep. Otha Brown, D-Nor- Friedheim Indicated the UnU- with what he later said was ^ the carrier bean an eerie ttml* C O ., IN C . buses 6 miles per hour loan than walk, eald the bill elmply wrote leg because lof a crisis over Pe- demcnetrations or It would not *d States and Auttralla might at jarity to the latest-rtieetter. The Golden Age dub wlU “a very strong plea on various into law the substatiM of an 1229 Main St. aspects of the tax program.” that fo r pnaniwg w cam . nivlan expropriation of a U.8.- *>« countries so some ^nt conduct a Joint In- The 36,000-ton Melboune have its annual dinner Thursday __ _ The measure sets a maxi­ executive order by Gov. John He Calls It owned much trouble.” QUlry but apparently this has THIS COUPON WORTH 15C OFF at 1 p.m. at the Senior dtisena Phone 649-5238 A similar meeting later with mum of 06 m.p.'h. for oonuncer- Dempsey aimed at requiring owned ou company. w . - . « _ j , ___ - w . , > ____ ^ n n , (See Page Eight) Center. All members who can­ House Democratic leaders pro­ clal vehicles on limited access firma whlrii do work for the Violence has marred seven of f the REGULAR PRICE of Etate to refrain from racial dle- A Success not attend the event are remind­ duced only reports that House Mgtiwaya said 60 m.p.h. cn ne- the nine etope made thus tor. A o t frlctlw^^^- ed to contact Mrs. Edith DoJder, leaders were not willing to crlnUnatlon in their hiring poli­ NEW YORK (AP) - Gov. ^ ^ ^ “ tween the United 8t a t « and 1 POUND BACON poaidary roads. It wee sent to cies. 16 Eldridge St., no later than change their tax plans. Gov. John Denq>aey tor sign­ Nelson A. Rockefeller says that Latin America “have In- Wednesday morning. Senate Majority Leader Ed­ And Rep. Howard Klebanoff, , ___,, ,, , , a tend beyond the confines of the - When yon buy Liver or Gromid Beet at Read Herald Ads ing. The House alao seant to the despite the anU-U.S. demonttra- u-avllv maided alrnort creased. rat Tnee. and Wed., June 3rd and 41h. ward Marcus said he planned governor ei biU creating a oom - (See Page Eighteen) ' (dons hto Latto-Amerlcan trip _ He said his mission had come Reds Avoid Poher, Oonwm CkMtd thra J n e 4th on the bill coming up for final miaalon to ttudy the traffic in In *tockefeller attributed the ^th a number of “Imagina- action early Wedneaday — the poronography and recoamnend wae a tremendous success In demonttPaUons to die- ideas” for better relations , last day of the session. legislation. term s o t finding out what the stdent students. “We must re- with the Latin American coun­ IT SHOULD LOOK LIIU THIS — 6" OF BLOWN IN FIBERGLAS “Since the budget and tax people are thinking. cognize that student protest is a tries. Pompidou Certain # In o th e r. arotkxv the Ifouae House Defeats Manchester's Oldest' “Despite the problems that pattern at We—woridwide," he i,, addition to BoUvia, the mls- (See Page Eighteen) passed and sent to the Senate PARIS (AP) (Jeorges Pom­ al president for special criti­ FORK TENDER SKINLESS CALVES LIVER Giin Controls developed," the trip brought said. 3,^ visited Colombia, Ecuador with Finest 1 Gentlemen:Gmtlemen! WITHOUT OBLIGATION,OIU.fOATIOV Please O SendahA youYour r i bills that wmild; pidou today appeared certain of cism tor having said during the and the, FIneet Grade o f BEEF LTVIEB' —•allow tenants to be repre­ HARTFORD, Oomm. (fP ) — into “sharp focus the feelings, “There is j^nd Trinidad and Rockefeller election to the FVenoh presiden­ campaign that.West Qertnany Repreaentative for BEOCE Survey. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Lean Ground U. S. C h t^ Chuck sented oa) houakig outhoritiee. hopes and a^idratione” of Latin g^nio evidence that there la said, “I am ready to go back to cy following the Communist should have access to a Euro­ 3 Facilities 700 Sq. F t Of Open CSdliiw A bUl that would have tighten­ Senate Passes —make theft of credit cards Americans, he told newsmen on_gQ„„g popular supfXMrt to these Venezuela anytime.” l>arty’s refusal to back provi­ pean nuclear deterrent. or Chuck P atties...... lb. 9 0 ^ ed state firearms lawn was de­ his arrival Monday night at Fresh Daily . . . Homemade DeUdous ONLY and use of stolen cards serious feated Monday by the House sional President Alain Poher. While many of the 4.8 million 70 Measures crimes and clarify condltlans un­ Kennedy Akport. despite the support of Oonnecti- The New York governor re­ Strong pressure hullt up cm FYenchmen who voted tor Du- POTATO_SALAD, (XM.E SLAW der which pensons can be held HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — cut firearms manufacturers and turned ahead of schedule from Poher, a Centrist, to withdraw clos are not members of the reeponeiUe for misuse of credit gun clubs. More than 70 seomidary bills the second of four planned fact­ Many Question Value from the June 16 runoff which Communist party and may not cards. abide by the call for a boycott, were passed by the Senate in The bill, defeated 103-66 on finding trips for President Nlx- will elect Charles de Gaulle’s separate sessions Monday. —assess the peiwonal preq^terty a roll call vote, was called CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — future relations between the sucicessor. they may throw their votes to of water companies according United States and Latin Ameri­ Poher ran a poor secemd in Pompidou to ensure Pohsr’s de­ THIS COUPON WORTH 15C OFF Two bllla, one that would have “panic legislation" by Rep. Jo­ rla waa ^elrt to forestaU any M««y LaU" Americans and U.S. ^ ♦139 permitted hunting deer on Sun­ seph Pugliese, R-Plainvllle, who ca could be endangered. the first round of voting Sunday, feat. the REGULAR PRICE of ____ 1 further disturbances, (See Page Eighteen) questioning the value of Oov. polling only 28.13 per cent o f the days during early winter with said it was “going to keep guns He reaffirmed Ms determina­ In the countries already visit­ Although the Communists a bow and arrow and another Nelson A. Rockefeller's vio­ vote to Pompidou’s 44.46 per The Regular Prlee Of * out of the hands of everyone tion to continue the presidential ed by the presidential emissary, have never before urged abst«)- lence-plagued tour. cent. It was questionable wheth­ 1-lb. BUHER or 5-lbs. SUGAR concerning an extra Job for except criminals.’’ mission. “I think our tours are many point out that nothing par­ tion from a national election, town clerks, were defeated. The New York govern or is er a Communist endorsement Ttoea. and W ed., June Srd'and 4th CALL NOW - 527-3119 Broad Powers Rep. Robert G. 0*lver, D-New working very ’well,’’ he said. ticularly signlflcaht came of a when they have done so on Uis Among the approved bills waa supposed to be assembling In- would have done him much at Ptoeharst Haven, a member of the sub­ “As for harm, I can’t see any similar although less hurried local level, GauUlsto ofisi/liaTa OPERATORS O DUTY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. one detailing fair employment formation and observations on good since It probably would Oanpon Void A ttw Jnne 4Ui Giveu to CHRO committee that drafted the mea­ area where harm !a trip Dr. Milton Elsenhower profited. practices for all state depait- sure, conceded under quettion- ®*tog which President Nixon can for­ made for another Republican have scared away some of his HARTFORD, Ooaui. (A P) — done.” Poher had rejected Pompi­ menta and agencies. Drafted as ing fipm other repreeentatives mulate a new U.S. policy to­ president in 1668. anU-Communlst support. But The House paseed by one vote '"rh e trip Is a tremendous dou’s earlier suggestion tiiat hs I II...... jji on attempit to eliminate dls- ward Latin America, But the the party’s central committee withdraw to foster national uni­ Dear Mr. Weat: / Monday night a bill giving the (See Page Eighteen) success in my opinion in the Many question the wisdom of crimbiaiUon on alt leveU of state tour of 23 Latin American na- made that academic Monday ty. But Bertrand Motto, vice Oommisslon on Human Rights, sense of finding out what the continuing a trip that so far has Lipton'a Tea B a g s...... lOOs M d / administration, the bill, which Uons “is essentially a good-will night. F president of the Centrist party, and Opportunities (CHRO) President asked us to find lout,” cost the lives of eight persons “Nothing is spaim to carry out every ' now goes to the governor, also mission that is creattog a lot of and injuries to many more with Communist ^leader Jacques said Monday night that olnoe hla Bumble Bee Chunk Tuna, Green Label 3 cans 3 1 .0 0 brood powers to enforce equal Rockefeller said. He defined the 111 will,” one prominent Vene­ THE GLASS WOOL Labor Bills Loae more violence almost certain to Duclos, who ran third Sunday stahdard-bearer’s position was Criap, Freeh C ukee...... each 1 1 ^ (See Page Eighteen) purpoee of the mission os find­ detail in a dignified way.” employment by oontractora. HARTFORD, Ckxui. (AP) — zuelan political leader said. occur when Rockefeller visits *‘ ‘**„^*', ®®**‘’ aimouMed hopeless without Oomraunltt After the roll call U appeared ing out “what the people are buported Lean Boiled Ham The legislature's Labor Oom- The Venezuelan government such countries tui Argentina, the committee’s call for a boy­ support, Poher might try to. the measure had been defeated mlttee lost three times on the CMnkliig.’ ’ told Rockefeller he had better cott of the June 16 vote. He ^ Sliced to o r d e r ...... center shoes 3 1 .4 9 (Excerpts from a latterT RocketeUer . , ______,__ . Brazil, Chile and the Dominican strike a deal with Pompidou and' (■anesUnalb.ULM) wa-w SehoiA Bonding 74-78, but Rep. Peter Ollliee, floor of the House lilonday on originally not come to Caracas because ot D.niiMii- nounced both Pompidou and his QaulUsto. SAFE PARKING ON PREMISES HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — D-MIddletown, asked that his roll can votes. ariieduied to vittt ervery Latin the threat of violence’.The Ven- •xnvsr. Itoher aa “capitalist reactionar­ Pierre Qaret, acting president Anwrican nation except Cuba, ezuelans seemed to make a th. A bill that would allow towns vote be changed from no to yes. On a bill that would allow ies.” But he Implied that Pom­ of the Senate and another of HKULATION CO. INC. and cities to take advantage of This required the unanimous Pen) was token off theVtinerary point of rajdng that the way the ‘“at moat of the pidou was the lesser evil, Pinehurst Grocery, Inc, • ESTABLISHED 1874 • the state’s superior borrowliig consent of the House, and at (See Page Eighteea) before the start of the second Rockefeller mission was going, (See Page Nineteen) by singling out the:; provision­ (See Page Eight) O e m N ^ BIAIN and TURNPIKE SERVING CONNECTICUT SINCE 194S 390 PROSPECT STREET EAST HARTTORD. CONN. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 PAGE ititS i

o w the rtghta of society. R South Windsor oontinuee despite studies ttidt Sheinwold on Bridge Fath er, 2 Sons, MOVIE AUDIENCE News in The Warren Court Served have ibemn Uttla, if any, de­ ...... g u i d e ** ...... Killed in Crash fa m e crease In oanvlctions because o f A SEFtVICC OF FILM-MAKERS — A T W OBLD MBKDB NOW NORTH TV-Radio Tonight HOIMES1400 MAIN SmCT • MANCNUTEI. CONN Miranda, and demIte a national AND T H E A T ^ . n TEST FOB 8INOUETON 4 QJ87 Truck Operations Decried O f P riv a te P la n e I HOWARD H O U ^ S ARTHUR HOIMES NO RM AN HOIMES In the Mass Media Era rate o f a m s t that runa only T h ... r .tin v . apply Ip M m . T h e W o rld By ALFRED SHEINWOU) O Q5 about 22 per cent of the noajar 0 AK94 Ikemin I r a lw w S tM v Nov I. I M By Miller Rd. Residents GREENWICH, Cbtm. (AP)— TMOMU ^ By MA* WIU4AMS ed by an equal concern for the The Court faced more conflict Agairut Big Confab Television mimes committed. What the wortd nasds now B A 852 A New Jentey fattier and tats OFIHt 8 p * * U « • rights of the Individual. Bach as It moved Into the 1900a. THIS SEAL Realdenta of Miner Rd. tart 6:00 Burtafli Lasr 8-19) Truth or Consequ: Miranda is perhaps symbolic *' On Europe*$ Dafenae a simple way to toll whelher WEST EAST on a iiermit without consider­ two sons were killed Monday ) Mika DtugUs gnm Mt. Rushmers, the Waihington Monu- IrN Aaceles IteM was given equal treatment, Ihere waa Hammer V. Dag- In ada IndlcatM (he Him was night spent more than half an 80) News of the type of orltieiani (hat has BRUSSELS, Belgium (A P )- not an opponent ha. a Mngle- 4 62 4 53 ing the imblic interest. night when their engine Perry oowoo 18) R ^ ’a My Line mu "W * muB not foegat tiint whereas before the emphasis enhsrt in 1918 when the court beeelged the court dtning the sulMnitted and approved under Hartand Oevetand, who ta re- r w * hour explaining to the T o w n Msrr OrlRhi JO) Newabeat m«nt, and other such shrines are im­ vaijm <31 J863 <5 K 109 7 2 About 40 interested persons abplane cnabad onto a golf witMToes 7:30 Looser In cw oowlry are evangel- had been on property at the ex- heaxled by Bidward D. White Warren Tears, for Ihe fomen- the Motion Picture Code Council why they are not signing as U.8 . repreientaUve 1 0 1875 0 6 attended the Council meeting. couTM here, state police report- ( Ploturs (Red Bos BisebaU lata and aealota o f m any dW- pense of the individual. decided In a 5-4 deciaion that tern o f dissert over the con- of SeH-RegulcUon. happy with local trucking oper- jMSiy Olsnt Mystenr Theater pressive examples of how Americans on the North AUanUc CouncU, man and teU from the looK « A A 106 A KQJ94 Other Aotton teid. Munetsia Joyce Chen Cooks (ereat poUUeal, econowtlc But theee eiemenU alone child labor taws tfrere the prov- rtitutfonal righto of all men to atlona which make aa many ee Suggesled for GENERAL says 'that if a large-scale confer- his eye. The method suggested SOUTH In other action last night, the Police ktonitified the vlctime F Troop cherish the memories of their dead on and rellgtoua perauaatona could not leave the Warren ince o f the state, not the ted- liberty and freedom have been 77 rune by their houses in the WeaUier eudlencee. ence on European security were in today's band may help when 4 AK1094 council appointed Irene B. was John W. Straiige, 46, of T tuU) or Coneequ«(x»i otavu(od iMua Squad . fanatical conviction Court Imprtnt eo strongly In the eral government, active In politically radical course of an hour. g Suggested for MATURE held now or in the near future, you have no other guide. 9 A 4 O’Neil as the rate maker for Moorestown, N.Y., and hta wxik, F T ro o p 8:00 m ) Brldra wtth■ Je■__ Ooa a national level. On e family laval, la that all thought la divlne- minds and on the tongues of the There was Qitlow V. New causes. Their complaints have The residents were leekfaig n im 8:30 (|) It TiiXiea a Thief ^ It "would be just a big circus.” South dealer. 0 Q 10 3 2 the fiscal year 1966-1970. Daiads the Meosoe people. York in 1938 when the court of been of a tone that suggests audiences (psrsntal dlscrs- the council’! aid In gtting the Jerqy Jolto Strange, 18, and Itadrtrtton funerals serve the same purpose. Thus, otaaaiaed Into tw o kliida "We don't bay that some­ Both sides vulnerable. ♦ 73 The council tabled an Item I Lore Lucy They are impressive, yea; but William Howard Taft ruled that they are tdeeloglcally motlvat- don advised). Plaimliig and Zoning Oommis- J<^ W. Jr., 12. The younger 6:00 S6-10-1240) Newe. Bports, (.94) Cbto^ring Itartnr High —that vrhld) la their own where down the corridors of Opening lead — three of authorizing the town manager wMhout another contributing *■ manifesto published by a ed, and (hat (hey are uaing (he Weft North Eart tmy had lived wtth fata mother, 'eather the funeral director strives to make and that which la falae and [ g RESTRICTED — Pereene time there won't be a European hearts. eion to reconsider the permit (94) M lsterocer’a NelghbOT- Merr Orlfnn factor — the news media — the socialist Was a direct Inclte- Pass 3 4 Pbu to submit a preliminary pro- ktra. John Servlot of Haddon Oourt as a oondtft to carry out under 16 not edwltted. un­ conference," Cleveland said South tried the queen of hood 9:00 4 Chronlcfce Impact of the Warren Ctourt « » * punishable by a prla- A ll Pass Helghte, N.Y., end the older (18) Leave It to Beaver each service one which will do justice — JusUoe Robert H. Jackson their wlderanging attacks on less accompanied by parent Monday in an interview. "In­ heaits at the find trick, but the operation to oontln- Action Program until (SO) HcHale’a Navy would have been dlmlniiSied o" sentence even though Justice free government as proclaimed boy with hia father sand rtep- (in Hlgldights R waa almost as if Mr. Jus- or adult guardian. deed, there wiU be quite a num­ BiMt put up the king and South -li) Doris Day to the human faalings it raprasants. to 19BS, when Warren accept- Oliver WendeU Holmes, in his in the Constitution. ■ the next meeting In order to motheir, poHoe aald. (2U Kaypr Harlanuin Reports 8) News ber of them on one piece of the had to win the trick. Declarer _ The (HBCusBion, which waa led give the council time to study 6:06 (4m 77 Burant Btrlp 8) That’s Life There are two ironies in these (i) Persons under 16 not ad­ Q-J-8-T; Hearts. Q-6 ; Dia­ The viettma Had been heading S;80 *** l^v^e ed the appointment, there w ^ mrtto^nt*to* problem or another. The No. 1 drew two rounds of trumps and by James Davta, 604 MUler Rd., the proposal. . Opens Office (90) Social Becuritv -40) Dick Oavett Show 288 television stAtions and sets en incitement to someone. assaults on the Ctourt end the mitted. This age resirtetion monds, A-K-9-4; Clubs, S-S-S. home from a firtflng trip in (UMMO) Huntley-Biiiydey 4) Bpectnim OoiBt o f the Utolted States when principle la to break it up into gave up a club. Mid Robert, Martin, 617 Miller CJouncll asked the town attor- ^ Favorite Uartlaii -19) (JBS News Hour could be found In 27 million The pendulum had begun to CJonSUtUtion. What do you sayT Dr. Button Meisner has re- Osneda, troopers oald, and had he described the IntenninaMe may be higher In certain manageable chunks." •me defenders cashed their Rd., centered on the health and (8 ) Frank Reynolds B) Ten Thirty Movie SOUTH S(0E swipg to constitutional protec­ One is the obvOous: That they Answer: Pass. The hand la ney to submit for its consldera- jurt taken vSt after refueling. (94) W)>at’s New? (R ) 4) Cttnepoeeum Afnerican oonfUot over ideas. homee. In 1968, when Warren areaa. Check thsalar or Many Eiuopeen leaders have heart trick and then led two safety of residents and the fact (640) 'Walter Cnonkite ENTRANCE tion of the individual in 1941 sneak because o f a Constitution not quite worth an opening bM. tlon a proposal ordimmee t o r *or the ^ .^10-40) News. Sports, submitted his reslgpiation, there advocated'a big security confer­ more rounds of clubs. South 6:45 (90) Neiwa eattier H »e words were written in 1960, when the court headed by Har­ advsrtiaing. Avoid opening a borderUne that attempts have already the removEd of s n o w from f i r e praoUce oc general surgery at registered owner of the alr- 7:00 (90) Huntley Brinkley s before death stations and the De­ that guarantees this right, and 11:16 (90) Tomhetone Territory oidy tour yee PriMBd •• • public MfvicB ence in which both the Soviet ruffed ttie ^ hand when a subetanUal p u t been made to seek assistance (3) Oesar’s WorM 11:96 (8) Ttieiday Starlight lan F. Stone upheld a statute, because o f a Oourt that has hydranta by property owners. 267 B. O o i t e r SL c r a f t . a^aiany Moods of Soan- removed Urn horn the high pertinent of Commerce esti­ by this nBw«Mp«i. ^ Unkm and the United States from the town administration 11:80 (109M960) TontafiT dealing with Interstate com­ defended that aame Constitution The council named several a Harttord naUve, Dr. The crash of (tM Piper Ohero- (19) Late Movie court at a time when a new mated that the sets could be would participate. wondered whether^ to win theZ ' rvin-vriehl «*«**«» *• U M^ wih little satisfaction to th e (10) Alfred Hitchcock merce, that outlawed child ta­ against those who would rip it Copyright lies banks as depositories of town JCeistier attended W eaver High kee occurred after tt left West- (8-40) Joey BMup saga in American judicial his- found in 16 of 17 homee and Cleveland, 61, has served four second diamond with dummy’s rertdento. SEE SATURDAY'S TV WEBB bor and guaranteed a minimum asunder. General Feahnea Ooip. funds tor next year, and au- srtiool. He received hta BA de- chaster CSounty Airport in nearby FOBi COMPLETE USHNOS to iy waa beginning. It waa to that they reached 96 per cent years on the council, the rtand- or with his own queen. According to Martin, his wage of 26 cents an hour. Thus, The other Is found In the Vernon thorixed the town treasurer to gree from Wesleyan UhiveraMy, White Plains, N.Y., police saW. be a tumidtuous period in which of the population. ing political group of the North Either play would be successful group has met with the t o w n after Just 23 years, the court wards of J. Edgar Hoover, Dl- invest idle funds in the General Middletown, and his M.D. de- "It was ndy (ti ihle air a mat- Radio tlM court would rule on a multi­ Beyond that, there was the AtlanUc Treaty Organization. If the five missing diamonds manager and others with th e *h U.8 . V. Daiby the child rector of the Federal Bureau Fimd Surplus Account, School gree from ttie Unlveirtty of ter of mknftes,” according to a (Thta listtng tnclndes tude of ideas and concepts In- Suburban Oub He will become president of the broke 3-2, but If they broke 4-1 oomidalnt that the truck traf­ only Owse newi braadcasla e ( 16 or 16 l^ rea sed radio o w m e r^ in decision an earUer court „ f InvestfgBltlon. Bond issues and Capital Re- Rochester (N.T.) Medical' pbUce spoketanan at Westport, minute length. Some statlaas rarrv other short nowscasts.) voivliig the constitutional rights the car, in portable transistor handed down In Hammer t„ i « 9 __«■. University of Hawaii. South had to guess where to fic volume is too great, that the had handed down in Hammer i„ 1952—14 years before the serve and Non-Recurring Fund School. He took his intern- He staid (he 27-toot-lon« alr- form and in the home. Forty- To Hold Annual win the second diamond. trucking company is starting W B ca -eu t:M Strlrtly Spona and dignity o f man. It was to V. Dagenhart. Miranda Decree—^Hoover laid 6:00 Hartturd HlglrilgM, 6:35 Afternoon Bdttloo eight million homes had radio the *" treasury bills and certificates ship and residency In surgery craft, whose top speed to be­ be a period when the court With° the yeu 1941 came (k>wn his own decree specifying Neu) Strife Reported Two PossIbUMies 7:00 News 7:00 Accent 66 from almost 8,000 stations In Dinner Tonight ing Ume that the truckln* deposit tor the 1969-1970 year, at the Upstate Medical Center, twoen 166 and 174 m.p.h., took B:00 OosUght 7:16 Now would be subjected to more crlt- World War and after that (hat his federal agents do pre- South knew that each defend­ 19:00 Quiet Houn n, In Canton over Mao eratlon has traffic “ Public hearing last Syracuse, N.T. ett tram i«e airport at 10:67 7:M David Brinkley leiam than it had ever known. 1963. B y 1968, there w ere 196 the "Passive Period." clsely what (he High Court er had started with precisely WFOF-UM 7:96 Red Box v a White Sox million radios in (he home and The Suburban Women's C3hib HONO KONO (AP) — New hasards in the area, tlut th e "*8^***’ ^0*“*®*! passed an After a period of practice of P*n- He Maid state polioe got 6:00 Danny (2aytoa 9:40 Ntahtbeat B waa to be defined by friend Then came Earl Warreti and later ruled was a constitutional two spades. If either defender ;00 Dick Heetbertor U:00 News, Weather, Bporta ngore than 6,000 stations. ^ . of Vernon, Ellington and Ttol- factional strife has erupted in realdenta will be exposed to °*^*"“ i®® amending the voting surgery in Lowell, Maas., Dr. ■word of the crash from Orsen- and foe a llv « In three words. wlth him the shades of leader- obligation for boOi federal and land will hold its annual ban- also had five hearts and five S:00 BUI Love 11:80 Other BMe of the Day the south C9ilna city of CaiAon thto hasard tor the two years of ‘**®*’'*®* effective July 1 instead Mrtsner served tor two years wlch police Jurt 12 minutes lat- 1:00 Q ery Oirard Tbe Warren Oourt. Radio and trteivlslon newscasts shlp'Df four presidents, and the state taw enforecement offtoera. clubs he would have a single- SBOOND ANNUAL used their traditional, perhaps quet tonight at the Elmcrest between opponents and support­ i&sumuoRo the permit, that there baa been ^ “ ®rl8rfnally planned, with the Army on the Muglcal «r. WINF—19* The era is in its final days. pressures wrought by the in­ Wn'ting in the Iowa Law Re­ ton diamond to fill out his hand. 6:00 News Ulegftintacy Rate H i ^ overslmplUied, headline form to Country C31ub, East Long- ers of Mao Tse-tung’s new pdi-' ■■ .. N ■# oonsiderable daunage to t h e change is from two dis- atafts o f the 86th and 67th Eva- 7516 oause of the crash was S:U S p ert Dp The Chief Justice for whom it crease In population and the view, Hoover explained: Both defenders were crafty bring news of the court to ears meadow, Maas. cy of rehabilitating purged par­ road that has gone unrepaired districts. cuaUon Hospitals in <2ul Nhon, not immedlateiy Inoiwn. S;00 News C A P E TOWN, South Africa was named, Earl Warren of ease and speed of communica­ "Law enforcement, however. and would do their best to con­ 6:15 Speak ^ B u tto n that couldn't avoid hearing and The meeting will start with ty workers, CTilnese travelers causing dust and dirt end that ' council adopted the town Vietnam, and at Walston Army Th® P^ane, ■which Has six or S:46 LoweU niom ss (AP) —More than one-third of Caitfonila, has resigned, and tion. In defeating the criminal, must fuse the "count," so South GALA minds that may have been un­ a social hour at 6:80 p.m. and reported today. the noise element is a continual ®®^‘ designed by Mrs. Doris Hospital, Ft Dlx, N.J. sevenpltaice seating, oraahed S;66 PhD Rlsiuto all colored—mulatto—children win leave (he bench when the CriUcs of the court generally maintain in-vidate the historic r,__ _ couldn't tell much from the play 7:00 The World Tonlgls prepared to understand. focus their attacks on three uberHes of the individual. To ^ 7.80. D u i^ the eye- Their reports were the latest of the cards up to that point annoyance 7H hours A day. Burgdort, Main St. and present- He is married to the former Into trees stud tele|ibone wlree 7:90 Frank OKford bom In South Africa ore lUegtitl- Oourt adjourn ter the sum­ 7:S0 Speak Up Sport, Newspaper readership grew, major opinions: the banning of turn back the criminal, yet. by checks wUl be presented of an incraaslng number reach- ed Mrs. Burgdorf with a |60 Janet Novtaw ot Rochester, "■KsV K ing Street, the spbkes- mate, said Dr. Sally Woodrow, mer. StlU South eventually came to In addition, Martin claimed 1:10 Speak Up M r u too. Although the number of segregated sdiools, the ellmln- 90 doing, destroy the dignity l. Tn lrs* ^ tn n d l tatrotliw In New York reported SATURDAY, JUNE 7, I M the years- 1963 to 1989 when by courts— but unless the taw aio entitled to the same con- the Warren Court a household He wrote that opinion, but It enforcement profession is Rockville Public Library, and tories, rural oommtmes and in gerted that he did not have a n. Hw. tnu-ldno- ^ 0“"®“ accepted a nOT- ^ OUtUU) ^ ^ Warren presided over a court Mrs. Richard Elchacker of the some governmental aubdlvl- alderatton as tlto tn icl^ c^ - g^^p of land from Kupchu- TlgxsrrifM ^ IC lIlIn c y North FhUadelpMa, Po. word. It allowed many Ameri- should be noted that the other steeped in the democralUc tra- singleton in that suit WALTDiSNErS that made anachronistic "The pany” and that the "operation Bros, in the area of Nevera L F eS C m ie J V liim g BORED WITH YOUR JOB? UMDERPAIDf S t lamw’ SehtsI BnasAi cans to know considerably more two major rulings were written ditlicii, maintains the hlgheet in Girl Scouts. A ll will receive slons. South therefore took the sec­ Passive Period" label applied checks for their organizatlone. Wall posters of the ultralefttat should not be allowed to con- and Sand Hill Rde. which Is a . than they had before, but con­ by Justice Hugo L. Black of ethics, and makes its worit a ond diamond with the queen. to its predecessor court by law­ Other contrlbiitlons will be General Alliance, which opposes ttnue untU igomeane ta Injured portion of land known as Abby “ ASON, Mich. (AP) - A b u s - o j q siderably less than they thought Alabama, on prayer, and career of honor, ctvia liberlties East failed to follow suit, and PARK ST., MANCHESTER yer-scalar John P. Frank. or kUled by a truck." r <}. ponded white pirtloeman ac- Lro 88 ylUt Justice William J. Brennan Jr. will continually—and without made to the Fine Arts Council, the new Maoist policy, reported- South could lecul the next dia­ they knew afterwards. Martin felt that the residents ^ murdering a teen-age IBM KEYPUNCH NARGAIN TAIL! Under the leadership of War­ of Now Jersey, on reapportion- end—be violated The Enrichment Center, Vernon ly denounced the army for reha- mond toward dummy for a fl- i t Out of this was bom the Historical Society, the James» ------bilitating cadres and intellec­ ould be wilUng to compromise, ren, the Oxirt has been any­ ment . protection of civil liberties Is neaSe with the ace-nine. plus "Tbe Fatper lion" Su^rlnton^nt of Schools Negro during Detroit’s l6e7 riot i^^agiie (L s s ^ r tt^ Is an Important, much-in-domand kkill that will start you ★ ’ G A M I S controversy of Earl Warran. It West Fund, the Betsy. Kerensky tuals who were purged during U fen VAIXEY OF DOUil and he ottered several alterna­ thing but passive and docile. The human fig;ure in the de- ah alert, intelligent and hon- Dally Question ChMles L. Waraer onnoi^ed takes the wltnesa stand today to says Red Oroes aM to North on a now caraar in th'a booming data procasiing industry. Was a controversy, that fed on fund and to the Insurance CHy Mao’s cultural revolution. The I f EU PLANET OF APES tives to ceasing the operation ★ RinUSHMlNTS This is not to say that the Jus­ aegregation Issue waa Linda est tew enforcement agency. As dealer, you hold: Spades, of Fran- deocrlbe the klUlng. Vietnam wlH be Increased as a race relations and religion, on Chorus for its favorite charity, Workers Alliance, which sup­ completely. tices were led to their decisions. Carol Brown, 8 years old, of There ca be no alternative. The defendaxit, Ronald Au- result of fata recM*t eight-day the value of a vote, on the rights Institute of Larghopedlcs for ports the new policy, has army The trucking company could, aniMk S tM i 0|rtm A t 11 fi)0 A J L It is only to say that the Chief Topeka, Kan. She lived only a "... Special agents are 8“ "^’ *^> <*axged with first- vtelt to Hanoi, LEARN IN EIGHT W EEKS of an individual accused of com­ Mentally Afflicted Children. support but little public support, said Martin, use alternate B e n e fit the Moneignor John F. ■ Justice, by virtue of his title few blocks from a white school, taught that any suspect or ar- degree murder in the death of A league statement Monday ot mitting a crime. It was a con­ Officers for the coming yecu: the travelers reported. trucking routes, could altemate Board of Education tor the com- a ^ his authority in presiding but was forbidden from attend- rested person, at the outset of l9-yeo)M)Sd Aubrey Poilard, one said Boer brought back a de- Bdnmtloml Fond troversy that led to screaming will also be installed. They are Both accuse each other of oi>- hauling daye, could increoee the ing school year, BNIUHLL NOW FOR SUMMER (XASSBS over the secret decision-making Ing It. Instead, she had to cross an Interview;, must be advised of three young Negroes slain at tailed llrt of the neecta of the criticism, including political Mrs. Peter Davis, president; poelng Mao’s line. magnitude of the operation tor Ooleman Is a graduate of St. conferences and his responsi­ a railroad yard to got a bus to that he is not required to make the Algiers Hrtel on the night of North ^etnamese Red Cross. DAY A EVENINB SESSIONS D eU Feriae ot donated Itenw m ay be made mt S t billboards calling for impeach­ Mrs. William Wigglesworth, ^ ^ w HERUN TURNPIKE a short period of Ume, could Michael’s (College in Vermont bility for assigning the writing take her to schqpl more than a statement and that any state- NE XT U) TWO GUYS nnH (,R ANIM O O R July 28, 1967. James' School from 9:00 ajn. to 12:00 noon on ment of the Chief Justice. vice-president; Mrs. John IMtot a schedule of hauling so majoring In Sociology. He re- Approved by Ststs Board ot EduesUon of m ajority opinions, if he is a 20 blocks away. Her father naent given can be used against Conadc^a N A TO Cutback August admits killing Pollard The criticism went unchal­ Benlncasa, recording secretary, resldente wlH know \riien to ex- ceived his M aster’s Degree in 186 Trumbidl SL, Hartford Sat, May 24, or Sat, May 81. To doante itenM member of the majority, be­ objected, contending that him in court. Moreover, the in- To Be Leaa Severe Academy Award Rodgers-Hammersteln but clai'ms It was self-defense In Over Oonsfitutton Not. Bank lenged by friends of the Court and Mrs. Olaf Waltenius, treas- peet heavy operattens, could social work In Catholic Univei^ via pick-im aovice pkaaa phona 64S-2819 or comes the symbol of the court, separate education based sole- dividual must be informed (hat, Winner Original a struggle over a shotgun. \/|ta II\U II OKI) Man./niDlB. 6-6, F i l 6 4 , in terms cf number or Inten- ure. OTTAWA (AP) — Defense Barbra Stretaond make road repairs to reduce aity In Washington, D.C. ONLY the target of lU foes, the praise- gitv The cairn reasoned volcea 'V ‘J'® otudenta waa if he desires, he may obtain ‘South P aolfto"-t0 olor Prosecution witnesses have ^ n \( ADI Sat. M 649-6114 on any enneaiat. Mlnlser Leo Cadleux says the “Fiumy Girl” — Color dust and could stop loading He has been affiliated w ith ------* ...... ^ ®“ y- The calm, reasoned voices unconaUtuUonal. A lower feder- the services of an attorney of The new executive board will Bossano Brass! ^ ' ..1 l!l SIMSS collector for its friends. simply were no match for the Canadian government’s cutback Reserved Seats Avail­ related that poUce emd National SH0 PPIN8 al court decided the Pleasy V. his own choice.’’ Include: Mrs. Kenneth Gookln, Mltsl Gaynor trucks beyond capacity to avoid mental health EmUvitles c o n- Not :since the 1930-41 tenure high-pitched howls of Court op- of its NATO force In Europe will able. E ve at 8:00 PJM. Guardsmen who raided the mo­ Tel. 5 2 5 -9 1 5 8 Ferguson ruling of 1896 that Whether Hoover will epeek ways and means; Mrs. Charles ^Bargain Hour l:00-8:i splllage. cemed with social work and of Chief Justice Charles Evans ponents as they were passed not be as severe as originally M at. Wed. and Sat. 2 tel in a search tor reported anl- DAYS TO established the separate - but - out anew to help quiet the crit- Regan and Mrs. Warren Ball, Mon. tbni Sot. In addition, said Martin, tbe mentally retarded services. Hughes has an Individual Jurist on rapidly by the media, planned. Sim. 2dW-6:00-8:00 ‘oileii[aiI''h^''m ^‘ ’‘J^mUy forced sesrai^ Negro men equal^ doctrine______still___ was_____ sound._ Ics______and settle ___ the___ cdvll__ turmoil programs;- - AR Seats 78o poMce could inspect the area Ctoleman has most reoe___, ^ , Cadleux told the House of and two white girls to stand aroused so much public discus- 11,9 criticism went umn- The case, together with similar stirred by their words remains Laughlln, social ai^ sunshine ; perlodloally to insure that been coordinator and director white glM Commons Monday that details sion .(^ the Jaw;1,1 and . nw Hughesswered by - the Ojurt Itself be- one* Tnom South Carolina, Vlr- to be seen. That the oourt will Mrs. John Aylward, projects; tnicks Eire not traveling faster of school social work in the ^ "®®* must credit President Franklincause of its tradition m prehl^ times. undergoing some of its greatest Even (Hough the town has tions resulted in 44 per cent spasms. argued that this was ^bllsh- own and that which Is false ‘"E ^® ^ potters kn<^ THE that Onpthe CourtOourt had the nowivrpower to argued argueo . . requiring them to return to the to amthropology who never used spent "In excess of 78 hours" multiple births from Hereford He served under uncommon ment of religion and violated and dangerous." declare an act of congress un­ a wheel in fashioning pots. on ihe hauUng question, Town Teens Consider and Angus cows in a test at WE RENT IT! the separation between church ------dormitory at a set time. conditions: constitutional. In 1819, In Mc­ Manager Terry Sprenkel admit- I_ f YY//'*T’¥T Oklahoma State University —No other Chief Justice ap­ ted that the polioe department D F a n C n O I VV 1 U here. Cows that conceived im­ Culloch V. Maryland, It estab­ Killed in Vietnam M EN’ S SHOP pointed in this century served lished the principle of nation had not used radar to check mediately after treatment pro- With only one Justice, Potter WASHINGTON (AP) — Two under as many presidents. War­ over Individual state by decid­ the epeeds of the trucks. The Three area young people will duced 138 marketable calves “ Your Tap P O P Shopidng FORMAL WEAR FOR Stewart, dissenting, the Court Connecticut men were reported RED SNOW Headqnartore" ren was appointed by President ing that Congress had implied radar unit waa being repaired attend a rally on Friday and per l(X) compeu’ed to the esti­ ruled in' favor of Engel. Saying killed in action in Vietnam Mon- A Gnovy SouDd! Dwight David Elsenhower on powers to act legislation in and would be used when it was Saturday at Camp Bethel, be mated current beef-industry Tbe Marvel ot Main Street that religion is too personal and day, bringing the state’s Viet Sept. 30. 1953, and he remained the Interest of the welfare of returned to the town. tween Middletown and Say- average of 96 per 100 pregnant 661 - 967 M ain Street through the Democratic years too sacred for any government nam death toll to 417 since Jan. Lawyer Suggested brook, to plan an organizaUon cows. Manchester, Oonneoilout ALL OCCASIONS... oil. In 1824, In Gibbons V. Og­ official to approve or disap­ 1, 1961. of John F. Kennedy and Lyn­ den, It interpreted the com­ Sprenkel atoo noted that (he drive for the Youth Temperance don B. Johnson and into the re­ prove. The defense Department noti­ HAPPY HOURS temat'e routes ait toast once a Council, the teen-age branch of merce clause ot the constitu­ fied Mrs. Roberta A. Read of turn to Republicanism of Rich­ Reapportlonment oame In Mon. thru Sat. 4 to 6 P.M. trucking company is using al- the Woman’s ChrlEtian T'emper- tion In a straight line that start­ Hamden, Conn., that her hus­ ard M. Nixon, One of his final- that same year as a result of Manhatltans, Martinis, Scotch, week. that there are no weight ance Union. They are: Miss ed with boats and eventually band, Arm y Pfo. Robert B. 5 9 <^ year acts was to agree to serve the efforts of Charles W. Baker Rye, Whiskey Sours, Bar Blends limits on town roads, that no Roselle Barber and Miss Pa- FROM THE TRADITIONAL led to lunch-counters In Inter­ Read, had been killed, and Mrs. one more session on the high of Memphis, Tenn. The Tennes­ maximum number of trucks are tricia Foster of Wappiing, and state bus terminals. Leda Massey of Bridgeport THE WORLirS BEST court, a request made by Nixon, see Legislature had not been caS^~{or to the hauling agree- Ralph B. Watkins of 234 S. Mato WHITE FORMAL, TO THE A later court that of Chief learned that her husband, Arm y his onetime political foe when reapportioned since 1901,*^ and ~ment, that random weighings of at. Justice Roger B. Taney — de- Baker argued that the law re­ Pvt. Harry Massey, was also prSfest f(ovi‘ 5 /\\/f FREET.V. both were leaders In California STANLEY trucks has occurred and that "niig purpose of the meeting COFFEE AND MUFFINS LATEST, MOST COLORFUL dded In 1857, in Dned Scott V. qulred this every 10 years. The killed. Republican politics—Warren as road repairs are to be done at ijg to organize new temper- Sandford that a Negro was Supreme Court, with only Jus- governor, vice presidential can­ the expense of the truckers, councils tor young people FORMALS... property and had no legal stand- tlce Felix Frankfurter and John didate and potential nominee, although in one case the town <3oimecticut eumI Rhode Ing as a person. That ruling M. Harlan, dissenting, ruled GREEN'S sent a truck to g et m aterial rgtand. BREASTEDS, and Nixon as congressman..sen­ helped pretlpdtate the civil war, that federal law provided tor EXIT n - M m iM ti l ator and vice presidential can­ tor hot4opplng. Loyal lemperanoe Legion, Other courts in other times equal protection of all voters TONITE ^ BROAD STREET MANCHESTER PARKADE Town Engineer Ehnll Lucek didate. tbe grade school branch of the STRIPES, SOLIDS... ignited dispute. and Issued its one-man, one-vote admitted that tbe town has —No other Chief Justice THEATRE EAST WCfTU, w ill meet from 10 E u m . , . .. , Chief Justice Salmon P. decree. 15E\IMIS IF FREE im NNOM aonedone some patching withwi«. »a ^ g ^ Satunlay at Elizabeth served when the population was ^ The Brown (Jase was a defeat raub JORME more expe^ve ^ Htaraelquirt of Evanston, 111., growing at such a rapid rate, wrote in Ex Parte for state-santloeied prejudice; nEuiimm'UioooaRiRo and thus bringing more and ^uro the odllng matej^ ^ neciatary, wUl deroribe IN A RANGE OF SIZES TO Milligan, 1866, that the military the Engel Ctase reaffirmed the the trucking company was sup- more problems to .a legal cli­ FIT EVERYONE , . . did not have the right to arrest, separation of church and state; u lin n in G posed to apply w m not avail- “*® Bununar day camp, max. "The number of Americans try and sentence a civilian when the Baker Case removed the TCCHMCOCOA' /PANA VISION* able. increased by 25 per cent—from civilian courts were functioning. legislatures from the domination >Nmiiui\H«iitta-FO«iiuncTiK ^ Town Attorney Dantol Oav- 160 million In 1953 to 201 mil­ Large Loss It Is this concept. In part, that of a rural minority that had anough advised the Miller Rd. lion in 1969—during the W ar­ helps distinguish the U.S. sys­ functioned to the detriment of residents that the council had DURBAN, South Africa (AP) ALL FORMAL WEAK IN ren years. Other writers have tem of government from the the urban m ajority. . no authority to interfere with ■ Antique snuff boxes worth noted In discussing the career , „ . , right-wing and left-wing dlcta- The Issues appeared on the the operations of the Planning than Rands 40,000-466,- STOCK AT ALL TIMES... of President Nixon that nearly ^ther lands. surface to be almple, but the JWN IQBK and Zoning Oonunlaedion, and OOO—disappeared when a thief 10 million persons came of vot In each of these landmark nation wretched in debate with thail! the MlHer Rd. group should broke Into Mrs. L. Whitman’s Ing'age the year he was elected WK»iE DOUCaJlS opiniara the Oourt offended howls of "States’ RlghU” and get a lawyer so that Qav- suburban Plnetown home. Some vice, president, and suggested PON R TIME IN THE WEST some element of the populace as taking God out of the schools" '‘’m e W A R anaugh could get together with jbg gg snuff boxes In the col- m is te r MISTER DONUT that these people foimied a it attempted to guarantee equal **® ot>P<>®*nS ^rg\x- TK3MC010R* hlm and dtaouse legal quertlons. tjjs „ ggo M6 W ert M iddle Tpke., Mtatachratag, O t whole subculture of American WAHOM* M ON. TUBS. W BD. 'THUBS. F B I. SrtO Building Inspector Donald DovuiJb* justice 'under the Iqw. Always, warron. as Chief Justice. S A TU R D A Y, SU N D AY 2‘JR, 6:36, 8:36 years old. “SPECIALIST IN FORBIAL WEAR RENTALS" Society. There also Is a sub­ there was criticism, for as ■ TECHNICOLOR* PANMflSION* MacLaughUn stated that he has culture whose basic understand­ was the (ooal point for the PBOTBST NOW! SAVE FREE T.V. — Sign PettUon Here! lniq>ected (h e gravrt pit on Bar­ James Madison said, "w h ile we ing of the Supreme Court and detractors despite the fact that ber Hill Rd. and he erttoiates assert for ourselves a freedom the law stems solely from the out of 24 individual Judgments that the first phase of tbe haul­ . . .we cannot deny an equal Warren years. made In the thtee cases, there ing operatton will be complet­ freedom to those whose minds — No other Chief Justice were only three dissents. ed In another week. This being have not yet yielded to the evi­ MICHAMLB OWN W ATCH IS served when the population was Elach year during his tenure, WEDNESDAY tjb« case the trucking com­ dence which convinced us.” Warren wrote shout 10 opinions i What do the b«autiful| pany will have to request an­ creating such a clash and spirit. As the twentieth century I There was a battle (or humah out of approximately 100 decis­ other peimit to go on to phase UNCONDITIONALLY OUARANTMMD neared, the court moved on dignity such as the nation had ions reached by the Court an­ ..»feradiiUst pooplodoaftor (AU. YOU CAN EAT) two of the otieratiens. amid dispute. not known: There always had nually, and two others brought Planning and Zoning Com- The <3ourt been a concern for property of Caiief Justice under sharp attack. mission chairman Joseph Oa- POH 3 W HOLB YBARO Melville W. '*vodono4V€ rights, and now this was Join- Fuller received first was In Reynolds V. Century Fox rlno Staid that erven, tbe (nick­ praise from the South and critl- Sims in 1964 when the Court ex­ HARD UOUI4 RD ing company when it applied If our 3-year Unconditional guarantee gives you ctam from the North when in tended the one-man, one-vots dor the hauling perm it did not confidence In Michaels Own Watch, think of the 1896, In Plessy V. Ferguson, it [PANAvisloTcOLOR principle to both house ot a expect tbe heavy operation confidence we have in it to make such a fabulous flla n rl| T 0 tT r ruled that the segregation law state’s legislature. The second CONTRACT TONUHIT A T wMcfa Is now occurring. offer. For men and women, S39.75 to $1500. ^ of LouisianaLouisiana was was constituti constitutional, was in 1966 when in Miranda V. 9rt6 Working with hindsight, said "THE MARVEL OF MAIN UTREEr' fuUTttttUS that the accommodations of­ Arizona the Oourt decided that JAMES COIUIN SUNDAYS! Carino, the commission might 901 • tor MAIN mUBET, MANCHESTER fered to Negroes on In-s t a t e citizens suspected of having ounson^ not have Issued the permit. A PoUlsbed Dally Except Sunlaya ijgBaitMigr I OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 6:10 TO 6-JO a ^ Holidays at 13 B lsi^ StreM, railroad trips could be separ­ committed an offense must be AIR CONDITIONED renewal of the jiermlt, he felt, THUR8DAT 6 JO TO 6«0 Sanchestar. Cona (06M0) ate if they were equal. advised of their (Jonstltutloaai U L U P A L M E l 649-6220 would not be Issued until after m Teleptiofie 64S-27U SaooDd Cuos Postace Paid at Parts of tlm.-^soqth were to rights before they are interroga­ a i>ubUc hearing at which time cMidMe& Open a Regal Charge Account Today IIUIGESSMEIESITH' Msodbeeter. OnfE**- recoil 60 y e ^ later when the ted. BURNSIDE 394 TOLLAND TPKE the commission could hear the JEWELERS-81LVERSMITH8 SINCE 1900 gOBSCRIPTlON RATEB Warren Oaort, in a decision Wailing over the latter con­ »AT11CEMAGEE| bB‘ p -kf, ;4 A »I i A ' HAkti -pn Payable in Advanoe oomptalnU of the i>ubUc. Connecticut Bank and Hartford National Chargea Alao Aeeaptad written by New Chief Jus- tinues today as some people BTE1LIN6HA1 IRll PACKING 1)78 1 I'i i MANCHESTER, CONN. Carino assured the group that ita MoqUm '...... U.IO tioe, voided\ the Separate-But- contend that the Court was up­ the oommisslon would not act nines Booths ...... 7.90 holding the lights of an accused Om Month ...... 2.60 Equol docl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 FACa VOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 F A ia flVB Tolland tasen sriieduM duilng ibe dsy Vernon ^ c r w o f i at the sohoDl at 10:80 a.m. and AP Photographer Darwin Files Appeal fd 1:80 p.m. for the IdnriNgar- Town Siviinining (passes ten dasneo, first and ascend Slightly Injured Deer at Park Alco Bid for First Option grade papQa. At Clark AFB FOR EXPERT Hm 27-member ftrst end sec­ WfltoBL ALIONBffiNT—WHEEL BALANGBVE To State High Court ond grade diotr 'wlU perform Will Start on June 23 SAN AGUSTIN, PhUlppInea COMPLETE BRAKE SBRVfGB Found Beaten On Park PL Land Rejected rm.- n ____ ... _ sortgi Iron* Broadway musicals. Rogr D«nHii h u aiipMled Ma prived of hla oonstitutlonal The Board of Rocreatian win The Ken’s BoacbaB League "King and I,’.' as weU ag folk (AP) —Aosooioted Freoa photo- RADIATOR RBPABIDf B AND S8RV10B Moond ooBvicUon ia th« IMS lights to counsel.” The Vernon Recreation De­ The Board of Representatives ing of the board and axpuifl again sposiaor the town swim- use of (t o OandaU's Park sosks and trailer Horst Faas was slightly Shna notes that Sweeney tes­ muRler o( Hapt Rothwall. Hla partment la offering a tlOO re­ last night turned down a re­ why there has been delays in rnlng program at Crandall’a ttfeougb Thumday SotoMn wlU be DavM Sdweitr wounded Monday whUs oovar- tified he was hard of hearing oaort-appolntad attorney, John ward for information that will quest of Alco Development completing the area. Park this summer. enresdngs. or, Karen Browne, Jimmy FKs- ing a threo-hour clooh bstwesn and so Ms testimony la not re­ Corpi that It be given first op­ It was noted that the court­ CLARKE MOTOR SALES F. Shea. Jr., filed the neceaaary liable. identify and convict the person tnvlmmlng leaoons tor hnslii Uoenaes genald and Mariene Atwood, Huk rabris and FlUpino army tion to buy the town-owned land house was supposed .to be RT. 6 and 85. BOLTON—648-9521 paper! In the Tolland County The appeal also states that who severely beat a amall deer nets, intermediates, swimmers desk Gloria Meuraat Also participating in the troops, near Clark UA. Air on Pork PI. where the former ready yesterday. DlCam’^ ex­ and Jimtor and — Uteoavtaa **• realdents ttet a» mu»lc-a*f feriiyal’ wlU ba the Superior Court office In Rock­ the testimony of WlMsU was housed at Henry Park. Henry Building stood. plained that under the re­ Force Base. not properly admitted as rebut­ WlU begin June 38. The leoam *** norths of age or older «*««** flutophone band Faos, 86,. suffered minor lac­ ville. TTie two-yesu'-old deer, named Alco is developed of the re­ development plan the denriqp. tal testimony. Shea also goes wUl be divided into three ***• ***• n»on«b or * * o '» MemorUD aohool erations of his left sbouldM’ and The Mancheater attorney had BambI, was found In a yard over newal area in the center of ers have until November to bftck to the bench warrant of weeka eatdi. * pohaky tas wlB ba added to seventh and eighth back from concrete fragments appealed Darwln'a firat convlc- the weekend. Its compound at Rockville. The area Is across complete the court iMMSe. He Dec. 8, 1963.and nalsea the point RegiatraUoo for the owlm- **» oori bf rsglstxatfon. Gills’ Choir ftom the chipped off a church wall by au­ Uon In 1M4 In the alaying: of the park had been broken Into, the street from the Park Pi. said it was expected to be com­ that it was not supported by mlng leaoons wUl be held Satur- regUtiatlosis may he ob- nilddle school, tomatic weapona fire. the IT-year-oId Bolton girl . He and the deer either left the park pleted June 1 but there were oath or affirmation and was is­ site. day from B a.m. im»n g p.m **kied by msU with the dog’s Th« exMWt wUl fsatiue brought the caae all the way to on its own or was removed. many things involved in t h e Filipino troops were lining «q> BITUMINOUS Sam DlCarlo, general man­ In the Town HaU. To be eUglble s«ndlng the registratton <*» P*«« o* art work the' United §t*ttea Supreme sued on the basis of Informa­ delay. behind the wall for an attack tion gained from Illegally ob­ A veterinarian who examined ager for Alco, said It Is his children must have oomiHeted * »1«»er^«tkM of the dog «wch flset and second Court and won'^^a pew trail for the deer said it appeared to have Wolff said he feels any pro­ against guerrillas holed tg> in a tained confession. company’s intention to revive kindergarten and be scheduled atMrenaed stamped grader enrolled at the Meadow- the S2-year-oId defendant on the been beaten. The deer Is now posals for Park PI., should li>. building of Son AgusUn 'village Shea lists an further points commercial activity, whereby to enter first grade tat the faU ******** envetope. Tl|p Hoenses brook School. baaia that the confeaalona which back In Ms compound and is dude the entire area, includ­ when the Huks opened fire. DRIVEWAYS in the appeal; That vacuumings the center of Rockville will be tor beginner classes. ****y o***> obtstnied at the ------had been prime evidence In the expected to recover. .. ing the Henry elte, the former Faas was treated by FUMi>ino PARKING AREAS • 6A8 STATMWII which were admitted as retained and strengthened as The beginner classes will be * o ^ desk’s oiBce in the Town . Mnnehester Evening Herald caae, had not been made volun­ Permission to offer the $100 Wright property and the f i r e- army medics during the fight evidenoe were seised os a re­ the commercial hub of 'the town scheduled In the early sifter- weetodajw Itoid ay thnough Id la n d oorrespondent Bette BASKETBAIL COURTS tarily. reward was given last night by house property, all on Park PI. and did not have to leave the mit of knowledge gained in a of Vernon. noon to permit the water to be- ^ ^ day trom Sa.m. until 4 p.m. Quatrale, teL 870-8845. NOW BOOKINO —; PLACE YOUR OBIMK NOirt . Tba new trial was held this the Board of Representatives. The rest of the property In that scene. prior illegal seorcli and seizure, "A lco’s Interest would natur­ come wsjrmer. Registration feew are $7.70 for An Work Penoaally Soporvlssd. We oa« 1M% lannad paat January before three su­ Anyone with Information may area is privately owned. In the fight six Huk guerrillas that the testa done on the front ally «ind logically extend to any The Board of Recpeatloa has * *#*nale dog and $8.00 for a perior court Judges In R o c k- call the police, the mayor's of­ One of the owners o f t h e were killed and one was ciM>- seat of the oar which Darwin property for sale In the prox­ hired Tolland Hl^ School or spayed femsJe dog. vIBa It iaated ]u ^ da)T8 property Is the People’s Sav­ tured. Two government troops OEMAIO BROTHERS s„n.KM fice or the recreation office. imity of the redevelopment teacher John CampbeU to oerve Brownie Troop Notes ToUand County and resulted in Darwin's con­ used on the night of the murder ings Bank and that group has were wounded. CALL 648-7691 or 647-9796 were done to oonfirm the re­ area,” DlCarlo said. as psu-k director this summer. Brownie Troop 6171 wUl an- viction of second degree mur­ already submitted on informal Faas, a PuUtser Prize winner sults of prior tesUigr done dur­ He further noted that negotia­ Swimming leoaons wlU ooot $4 tertaln their mothers at a Superior Court der and a sentence of life Im- proposal tor the entire area. for his work In the Vietnam Manchetter Area tions with prospective tenants per chUd for the oomso with a Mofiier-Daughter Pot Luck aup- piiaoamenL ing the illegal search and The bocurd gave Mayor Grant war, is on a temporary assign­ The new a{peal to the State seizure and that the search war­ for the area are well under way. permission to proceed with get­ family maximum Umlt of $13. P«r tomorrow night from 6 to 8 mvonnKfi Individual tickets permittiiig hi the United Congregational ment in the Philippines. He was Supreme Court questions the rant of Feb. 20. lOM was U- Couple Charged He felt confident that the board ting Informal proposals for the wounded Dec. 6, 1967, by frag­ seasonal use of the pond win Church Social Rooms. Divorces were granted last court's decision In denying the sued on the basM of Information could understand Alco’s con­ area owned by the town. , ments from a Viet Cong rocket cern over the possibility of be avaUable for $4 or $10 per Brownie Fly-Up Night wUl be week by Superior Court Judge motions to dismiss and supress gained from illegally obtained After Dispute during a battle north of Saigon. M. A. Peterson, Inc. famUy. DaUy admission wUl bo held June 18 at 7 p.m., at which p . . . evidence which were brought confessions €uid was not sup­ these negotiations being stalled A Rockville couple was so CMita per adult and 30 cents time the glrla will be welcomed * “ "■***" **'• prior to the latest trial. ported by sufficient Information. or altered because at the pro­ On Mrs. Nixon’s Staff charged with aggravated as­ per chUd. Into Junior girl scouting. T h e Roger David Wolf trom ly n n Shea also claims that t h e Darwin’s conviction Itself was posed disposition of land adja­ WASHINGTON (AP)—A New sault following a domestic dis­ Slaying Yictim Found "allegedly incriminating etate- questioned when Shea asked cent to the redevelopment area. Canaan woman, who has worked No animala wUl. be allowed Brownlee are oponsored by the T>. Wolf, 'both of ToUond, on ments" made by Darwin both that the higher ooint decide turbance at their home over DlCarlo said Alco had to take for the paat eight years fui a In the pond, and all chUdren United Cmigregatlonal Church, grounds of Intolerable cruelty, STERUNO (AP) — The body to Sheriff Paul B. Sweeney and •^vhether the court erred In the weekend. a position to protect the devel­ broadcaster tor the Voice of five years or under at the pond Tolland Brownies Junior Girl* He was awarded the custody of of James J. Caprlo, 83, of West to Boris WesoaM "were n o t finding tqion all of the evidence Daniel Velazquez, 38, and his opment area and to attempt to Amfoica, was loaned to Mrs. must be acoompanled by a Scouts and Cadets wUl bo Joined one minor cMld. Warwick, R.I., was found In an made voluntarily and were that the defendant was guilty wife, Rita Velazquez, are assure successful negotiations Richard M. Nixon Monday for proper guardian. by the Wlllingtcm Girl Scout Amalia A. Oworok trom Rlcb- abandoned car off Route 14 made while he was being de­ beyiMKl a reasonable doubt." scheduled to appear in Rock­ with all prospective tenants for service on the First Lady’s The season Uckets wUl bo troops in a field day to be held ard J. Gworek, -both of MSn- bore early Monday morning. ville Circuit Court 12, June 17. the area. press staff. available at the Town Hall or Saturday at Crandall’s Park Chester, on grounds of Intoler- Police said death came from Both were released under $600 Atty. Harvey Hoberman, Patricia Lawrence Oates, wife at the pond. from 10 a.m. until 8:80 p.m. able cruelty. a bullet wound in the bMk of bonds. Velazquez was treated counsel for Alco, explained that of an Army brigadier general Softball Fields Law School Oradnste June Heinz of Bolton ftom Escapee Reunited with Mother the head. The car carried Rhode South Korea May Get at Rockville General Hospital all of the legal aspects of the assigned to the Safeguard mis­ Hie Board of Recreation met Louis H. R ousIkmi of Grand- Karl L. Heinz of Hobron on Island reglstratlcm. C t^ilo had for a knife wound in the upper situation had not been Investi­ sile logistics command, will reoentty ■wltti representellves of view Rd. graduated yesterday grounds of Intolerable cruelty. U.S. Army Sgt. Kenneth R. Gregory and his moth­ been a bcutender at a Rhode portion of Ms left leg, police gated. But he said it was under­ work under Mrs. Nixon's press Ihe Ken’s fioftbell League and trom the University of Connec- she was awarded $1 per year er, Mrs. Helen Gregory, embrace following his ar­ Island country club, police said. stood when Alco took over the the Tolland Boys League to do- tlcut School of Law. An autopsy at Day Kimball said. secretary, Gerry Von dee Heu- alimony. rival at Ft. Sill Monday. Gregory escaped from the redevelopment area some two terrolne the best schedidbig of Meadowbrook Musical Patricia Mae Carter of An­ Hospital in Putnam revealed SERVING (X>NN. BINGE 1988 Right To Make M16s Other area poUoe activity: vel. Viet Cong following nine months in captivity last COVENTRY years ago that any land con­ Her husband. Brig, Gon. Mah- existing bait fleKb. A musio and art festival, fea- dover from Joseph Francis Car­ Caprlo was murdered, but po­ Designers A Instailera — Completo Alteratlaa Bocvico WASHINGTON (AP) — The its introduction in Vietnam in tiguous to the redevelqpment 1110 Boys tieagua win hwe luring 'the work of first and sec- ter Jr. of Manchester on Monday. He was rescued from the jungle by a lice refused to comment on James C. Lemle, 18, and lon Oates, 'who is ciurently on TWELVE KITCHBN STYLES ON DISPLAY Pentagion says It is drawing up 1988. Mark H. Field, 16, both of West area to be offered tor sale duty at Huntsville, Ala., is be­ use of tbs La’vttt field on South ond graders at the Meadow- grounds of intolerable cruelty. helicopter last Friday. Gregory, 23, of Altus, Okla., 'Whether the slaying bad gang­ First, U.S. troops In Vietnam Hartford, were charged with should first be offered to Alco. ing transferred to Washington River Rd. aB week and may brook School, will be held June She was awarded custody of two was hospitalized at Reynolds Army Hospital fol­ land ooraiectioiia. Police oald an unpneoedentwl pian to let 607 New Park Ave. West Harilse complained the rifle often failure to wecu* protective iiead- Atty. Hoberman said he did June 20 to be deputy chief of use the Crandall’s Pork field 13 ait 7:30 p jn . In the school's minor children with siqiport lowing the reunion with his mother and grand­ there were no suspects and that 232-44OT South Korea produce the Ameri­ not think it was fair tor the their invesUgatlan would con­ Jammed during battle. After re­ geer and vision protection over research and direotor of the Friday nights and Saturday all purpose room. payments of 810 per week tor mother, Mrs. Nettie Loftie. Open Dally 8 to 0 p.m., Thnra. to 9 p.m., fiat, to 4 p.m. town to compete with the de­ can 1D6 rifle, a weapon with a ceiving heavy criticism, the the weekend. Army Material Command. ■nomings. Addttional performanoes have each child. tinue. Matoiy of controveray. velopers. Board member Peter Pentagon oonvinoed Oongress Raymond Gudedezlous, 25, of the jamming problem was being Humphry said he thought the Defense Department officials Scotland, was charged with fol­ said South Korea asked permis­ eased by improved cleaning developers should be well lowing too closely; JOchaei For­ enough along with tenants so sion to manutacture U16b to procedures in the field and tier, 17. Hickory Dr., Coventry, ALL WAYS b e st / SiSiSiSiSlSiSlSiS through special modlflcatianB of this wouldn’t bother them. spsed modemlaatlan of Its speeding, and John Monast, 33. the filing chamber. Abner Brooks then posed the homeland mUitary forces facing Ripley Hill, Coventry, failure an increasingly hostile North Last year the Pentagon again The Critic Says ^Blah’ question, "Is the developer de­ to obey a state traffic ccmtrol linquent?’ DlCarlo took excep­ Steves, Korea. came under fire from Oongress rtgnal. All are scheduled to ap­ ^ CANDIES for selecting tw o additional M16 Mrs. Susan Kadlecik of Council Bluffs, Iowa, says she can’t seem to avoid tion to this. He said, "W e came The spokesman emphasized pear In MjancheBter Circuit that the Korean production plan producers whose bids lor the hard-hearted critics, even when she’s participating in a sidewalk art show here to ask you In a nice man­ 12 June 16. ner if you think the town has wouM not delay supplies of business were higher than two sponsored by Council Bluffs merchants. The gargoyle adorning the Danish Coventry police also made the the right to do this." He charg­ M16s for the 40,000 U.S. troops other companies in the competi- Hall seems to be expressing an opinion of her latest works. (AP Photofax) following arrests, all charged ed that the board was not work­ In South Korea Still without the ton. with violation of a state traffic ing to help redevelopment and modem weapon. Only 10,000 By July peak M16 production control sign: Rowley W. Red- cited the fact that there was have Ml6s with the remainder Is due with 60,000 rifles a month Sorority Picks ^ ^ e r n o n J dlngton, 25, Storrs; David La- “ an awful lot of discussion outfitted with heavier and older from Odt and 10,000 each by roe, 22, Mansfield Center. around" about the area. kCl4a. New Officers General Motors Oorp., Ypsilan- James pagan, 24, Storrs, and "If you people want specifics. The Defense Department has U, W ch., and Harrington and Gregory Glguere, 22, Toirlng- Town Asks Safety Check I’ll bring you specifics,” he disoiosed that discussions for Richardson of Worcester, Mass. Mrs. John Caparaso of Hart­ ton. All are to appear In Man­ ford recently was elected pres­ said. South Korea's "co-imoductlon" Pentagon sources said the chester Circuit Court 12 June ident of Eta Chapter, Beta Sig­ James Roach said, “ If there of the lightweight, rapid fire precise production arrangement Of Convalescent Home 23. ma Phi sorority. She succeeds was a commitment between the wei^xMi have been under way with South Korea Is yet to be Mrs. John Henry. The Board of Representatives Recommendations of the engi­ town of Vernon and Alco, there rince April. The Idea was ap­ ironed out but will involve es- agreed last night to have the neer are: Improvement of the is no reason for It to be dis­ Other officers elected are proved in principle in May 1968 tabUshment of an M16 produc­ local fire marshal check the sprinkler system water supply cussed by this board. It should u Publ ipeals, Walter present addition runs to the rear planned the wing so It could They cUso include the admin­ NOMsimum BMJUICE 62 Windemere St., June 14. St. Keller for conversion and aidi WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. of the original building and is oariy four more floors In the istrative departments and ot- Bridget Church. tlon of hK home of Rt. 44A, (AP)—Tides will be high along attached to the addition com­ future. -s ficers responsible to the mayor, George Scott Downing, And­ HAVE YOU AN and Theodore Drake for approv­ the OonneetJeut shore today pleted in 1963. Rooms in the old portion of qualified officers outside the Superb over, and Beverly Lorraine EVENT SCHEDULED puorlerly from DAY You DEPOSIT al of an undersized building lot. from 12:30 p.m. at New London The new facility adds 78 beds the hospital which have been classified service and within to 2:30 p.m. at Bridgeport. Burke, 51 Linwood Dr., June were also approved by the ZBA. and brings the hospital's capa­ used for patients are expected the classified service, the Dl-' THAT CALLS FOR Low tide at Old Saybrook to­ 13, Church of the Assumption. a m m o Another applicant, Fped Smith, city to 122. It also includes a to be converted to administra- rector of Administration, Town FOOD? who sought to put a trailer on day Is at 7 :16 a.m. and 7 :30 six-bed Intensive coronary unit tl've offices. Future plans f o r Attorney, Civil Defense Director hie property, did not apjaear, p.m. , which has a capability of simul­ phase two include a n e w and Finance Department. It may be a wedding, a bai Sunset today is at 8:20. Sun­ Borman Sees Possibility and his application will be taneously monitoring heart­ maternity ward, operating room Chapter 11 also contains the quet or Just an Informal get- rise Wednesday is at 5:19. tugetber of a society, lodge or heard next month. Of Political Career beats of patients with an ultra suite and laboratory depart­ police, fire, public works, plan­ Boating weather for Long Is­ some friendly group. The England application drew soplil.^iticated cardiac monitor. ment. Phase three will provide ning, health, 'welfare and rec­ a small crowd of protestors last land Sound: Small craft warn­ PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — No room will contain more 646-1700 more beds to raise the capacity reation departznents to be -dis­ We Are Prepared to night. Just as it had at the ings are In effect for southerly Prank Borman, Apollo 9 astro­ t^ n two beds. Each one will to 250. cussed later. winds at 15 to 25 knots with January hearing of the PZC. naut who Is now a space pro­ have a lavatory, duplex lockers, The members of the Hospital Seymour Laviitt, chairman o f Serve You to Your Ten residents expressed t*'eir higher gusts in showers and gram field director, acknowl­ nurse-call communication from Auxiliary will have charge of the Revision Commission, made Complete Satisfaction avings ank of anchester concern about possible pollution thundershowers through most of edges that he has discussed the both bed and lavatory, curtains S B # M the two-day tour which will be it clear at a previous meeting the morning. W’inds will be for Individual privacy, separate of Olsen’s Brook, which England possibility of running for gover­ conducted both days between 1 that no personalities are to be Our oatering servloe & set up Member F 0 l C plana to pipe through the westerly at 10 to 15 knoU this nor of Arizona or the U.S. Sen­ room control thermostats and p.m. and 0 p.m. Mrs. CJlndy discussed In oonneotion -with the to be flexible enough to ac- Mnunodate any elzo property. afternoon, tonight and Wednes­ ate. But he said Monday he does television. Pearson, president of the aux­ charter. ITie concern is to be gathering, Sx Oouvaatnit Offkofi Qjivtug day. not “ foresee right now’ 'that he wiiy, not call ns and talk orer Other complaints concerned All semi-private rooms have iliary will be in charge. with the '}x>sltion only. the detalMT the aesthetic value of a gas sta­ Visibility one mile or less in tvUl do so. been designed for quick conver­ Children under age 21, not tion in an area which now con­ showers, thundershowers and Borman said he had met with sion into private rooms. Each normally admitted to patient GUNS POSE DANGER MANCHESTER • EAST HARWORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH tains the North Coventry Green, fog, Impro’vlng to about five Rep. Morris K. Udall, D-Ariz., bed has a facility for a tele­ areas, will be allowed during NEW YORK—Of 2,600 acci­ a church, Grange Hall, parson­ miles with slow clearing during to talk about a possible future In phone If wanted. the tour if accompanied' by an dental firearms deaths studied Main OfficB, Parkad* and Bolton Notch Opon Sat, 9 A.M. to Noon age and other colonial struc­ the afternoon. Visibility five politics, but felt that right now The new wing also houses adult. Entrance to the new wing In a recent Ufe-insuraiice sur­ GARDEN GROVE tures. An increased traffic miles or more with lair weath­ he should concentrate on his two day rooms where patients will be through the fnmt door vey, 1,500 (nearly 60 per cent) ______t e l e p h o n e 649-5313—649-5314 hazard at what is already con­ er tonight and Wednesday. new space assignment. may go to relax, talk, play of the original building. occurred in end about the home. looooo ssoossooso ssssssssss smssssassaoassa SDL MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 8. 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 P A C B S I V S N

TMe Stacy o f Army tolemboe of auch INSURANCE SINCE I9 2 3 iiiiijlijijili tfUmrlfPBtpr toes of Hte end Umb (TOin ooe of Bolton Its pteow of squIpmaMt oaBM into the nstei M this aeme Army orm eonOnn- "Before Losses Happen, Insure W ith Lappenl" Ing Che tent that it wee withdrawing Mrs. Carl Leiner Named from Hemhuivar HU orar hi VMiam. BoiMtoel dabata over tfate^aiotion at boms •«.Assistant Town Qerk teBoad tbs g e m e to who wece ooBduot- Mrs. Carl F. Leiner of adoption of the rtate building ing It Into their own detenae of It, Tinker Pond Rd. was appoint- code, Hiring of a paid asaeMor llli Divide and Conquer and their atdw j kept comlrg back to «d aaetetant town cleilr by the and acceptance o f the road in the fact that tMa te war, that URlng aod selectmen at litelr meeting last Herrick Memorial Park Into the How? Witii Itttte ptijnnente made » little getting kHled te an expected p u t of war, night. This to a new position, town road syttem. mwe often. Small paymente let yon alice SSttSr ______that mwn are put Into unitocm to llgfat. requeoted by the town cterk be- Although the selectmen have cause of the Increasing work a few candidates In mind for that inaurance bill into 12 little bills in­ BOBBCaUPTTON H A T » and die. If need be, not to dabate. to AdVMlC* load. Mrs. Leiner wltt start her the posltiofis o t buUdlng Inspec- stead of one biff one. So yomr budffet wins OtOoere who oaa talk thia way, duties at the begiimlng of the tor and assessor (which may be edilch their eoqieclenoe and bmlniag next fiscal year, July 1. combined, but do not have to oat. Aak oa 'aboat oar handy payment trit K m MooUa ...... Om Mantt ...... «•«» have taught them la the beat way ter Mrs. David Gorke, head of (he t>«). Selectman Joseph Ucltra Nan today. KsmKR or an efficient, reUaHe mlMtary machine to town svrimmlng program, ap- reminded them that applicants ii!> TBK ASBOCIATiSD PRB8B be built, want their men to become ae- peered at (he selectmen’s meet- should 'be teeted by the rtate, n n K antau^ely entlUM Ing to ascertain that every- with the names o f those most M Dm OM of ropubUoMloo of. «»l now 4>»- cuatomed to danger, and to teoa It— May We Quote Rates and Assist You A s We Have So Many Others ? iiUrftii erodttod to tt or not otharvlM orodtt- maybe even If It te only equipmwit— thing 1s set ter (he program, qualified sent back to the town •d S ttia papor and oloo tho local aowa jadk- which begins June 24 emd runs for the final choice, rather than ae«k any eaay, ratlaoal fiSta of ropoMloatloB of apodal dla- five 'wieeks. The selectmen spent a oon- lnIrT— OM alao roaorred.______protbotlaa from It Tou don’t make a fflie said (hat Gay City State slderable portion of thalr maeb fighting macMne by maMng Its In­ Park Is ideal for leasons be- tog gotog over specifications tor JOHN H. LAPPEN, Inc. irfS-srsaSnS dividual units safety oonaetous. Tfieir cause of the lerge waterfront, painting the Community Hall, commander aaaumea what reaponatunty which can be roped off while Itog Warden 164 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER^-649-6261 can be asaumed for their aafety; be da- lessons are In progress. Un- Elmer Wilson of South Rd. gafcecrBw to liOa dogolaa nneo-Waalitiw- otdea what rtek they shall take or not fortunately, (he state does not has been appointed town dog allow a float. warden. Hie announcement waa y iiiiiiii •W t^cSSE*^ N. .. iL ^ take. But he tee to have troops who are OMUMara Roproaontattvea — TOo . JuIIm She explained (hat (he em- made this morning by First ItatSava 8pe<^ Afoacr — New Tork. CW- callous to rtek, who do not question phasls win be on water safety Selectman Richard Mona, who, OMO. Patidt and Boaton. ______the reason for a dangerous pieoe of to general, as well as swimming with the othw selectmen end WDfBBR AUDIT BUWEAU o r CTROUUk- equipment or for a dangeroua war, or skills, at all levels of Inaliruc- the selectmen’s clerk, has been now.______ter a dangerous apedfle operatton In tion. handling aU phone calls imtil s Tueaday, June S that war. ■ Mrs. Oorke, who Is begin- new dog warden was found.* Ever Think Niagara Faiis ______a------These same profeaaionBl Army ottloem nlng her fourth year as pro- Wilson, <^rator of the Man- gram head, wlU receive $400 Chester Drive-lh 'Hioetre, will wm argue, peebapa wllfa fomUteible Good Intentions Snubbed this year. Volunteers working be free during the day, but logic, that the best care they can take with her are unsalariied the first Moira said he hopes that towns- 30 •I took OB flita mladnti beoauea I lore of their Unopa, the hete guarantee they year, receive $76 the second people will be considerats and UaUn Amarica." can ptnvlde of their safety. Is to teach year, with raises for subsequent not call the warden for things . T 1M 5 That waa an obvloua truth from Gov- them to live coot with danger, even with yesjps. With a water safety In- they can straighten out them- Ameiican emor Nedaon RoelaeMlar, un- their stages, in their wild be­ is afraid It may. io ^ electric sydems. have had a long, harmonious outrageous). Strong concern was expressed ed to the upper 26 per cent of town office building to consider ment of Lalbor, the Irtond State An economic forecast predicts the greatest speed and willingness for The Commo^ty Credit Oarporation personal relationship that start­ ty, Ky. ginnings and In what usually that the $6,000 Item for a ball the state. two subdivision applications., ^es the higke^ food priceu to tourism will overtake military James Duffy, an aide of Sen. any emergency is sUU the presence of finances price support programs, the ed when Mr. Nixon was first In 1938, the French liner Nor­ becomes their Ignominious J field at the GUead Hill School questioned was the in- The Amston Lake Co. and nation. And just about ev- spending in the next decade to Jeicob Javits of New York, at­ A Thonght for Today Its own Marines. Dxport-Imi»rt Bank of the United States mandy broke speed records in death. But, although one should in the original requested budget f2B0 to $3,600 for Mrs. Carol Laklng are seeking erythli* else. becom e the No. 1 Industry In elected to the Senate and sur­ tended the (May 3 meeting of I aids in financing of exports and imports, its maiden voyage across the know from past experience that Sponsored by the Manchester ; had been dropped from the re- transportation for the physically permission to subdivide proper ^n executive transferred here Hawaii. Like the university trustee who is will­ vived his classic beittlea with the 40 members of the Black Ad­ while the Federal Crop Insurance Cor­ Atlantic. The time: four days, they very seldom do come true, OouncU ot CSiurdies . commended budget. The feeling handicapped Edward Patroskl, ty on Wall St. and Skinner Lane ^ shocked to toara the dingy. And yet some blame tourism ing to make broad-minded concessions Democratic p>arty In the early visory Council, held In a down­ poration insures crops. The Panama 11 hours. the spirit of the occasion re­ was that the town needs home of Education chairman, frontage building lots, rat-trapped home he hod just to- tor spiraling prices In Hawaii, to the spedal needs and spirita of youto, 1960s. town motel here (after Sandoval Canal Company and the Saint Lawrence A foothote: An unpublished In 1937, the Duke of Windsor stores a certain naive inno­ Reflection recreational facilities. * explained that It Is a rtate sta- **'® remainder of the prop- apected would cost $328 a Hraiolulu Mayor ITrank Fasl NEW... SUBURBIA... FIRE-IWG DINNERWARE ao long as nothing really changes, or locked the doors of SBA to the and Wallis Warfield Simpson cence. Before one realizes It, Seaway Development Corporation op­ poll taken by Republicans for One day I looked at myself. A resident said a telephone tute that a town supply trans- ,,, rn, » month. . urged the legislature to enact a f b j b e otfU n like the peace-oriented politician who meeting). Duffy reported back were married in France. one is off one’s duff and chas­ erate waterways. In addition there are the special election in Montana’s to the Republican members of At the self that Christ can see; campaign had urged attendance portation for ita physically han- Also, Mr. and Mrs. Chester „j yyg far It for hotel room tax, hiding to ease Turn In forty (40) of tbeae oolipoas to the dealw wboae name appears on the ooupon thinks steitiment against a particular In 1942, during World War II, ing the latest rumors. and receive free one (1) pteoe setting of Homeetead Dtonerware consisting of: One teveral other government corporations, Second Congressional District on the Senate Small Business Com­ I saw the person I am today. at the meeting of those favor- dlcapped. This year the town P^te- landlady. She the tax burden of local resl- war is a wonderful tiling so long as it Japanese warplanes attacked (1) ciq>, one (1) saucer, one (1) soup/salad bowl, one (1) dinner plsite, or turn ^ 10 mainly In the financial field. So there June 24 shows two-to-one back­ mittee that the council had a These closing hoiua of the And the one I ought to be. Ing restoration of the $6,000. will be Eor.ding one child to ^ shrugged, confident the house dente. doeot't Impair this nation’s capacity is much precedent for a rjew arrange­ ing for the Safeguard plan. Ad­ Dutch Harbor, Alaska. session are, of course, a ses­ I saw how little I really pray. After the meeting, a number of Verr.on, two to a school for the ^ ^ T f booming peas- coupons smd purrtiase tbe some ptoM aetUng for ntoety-ntoe oasate (99o). serious discussion about th e In 1963, Pope Jolm XXUI Into six building lota, plus the ants In Paradise.’ ’ he said. to defend ItEKlf, so Giovemor Rocke­ ment for postal service. ministration aides are using the effect of Sandoval's lack of co­ sion’s moments of truth, in How little I really do; people suggested -that the budget dicaf and two -to Andover, died. remainder of the tract. Umlted houali* and no The recent Rotary Intrtna- feller and President Nixon, out to show President Nixon's recommendaiUons poll as evidence that Senate operation on Mr. Nixon’s pledge which, in the ordinary meaning I saw the Influence of my life. had been turned down mainly also explained that the grew out of the recommendatione of the Majority Leader Mike Mans­ Tea Years Ago of that phrase, it has to come How little of It was true! by people favoring a new ball q, Finance waa recom- •------rent controls, findii^ a place to “ <>"»• convention brought 16,000 Latin America how generous they might to encourage black capitalism. A rocket carrying four mice Prei'd-nt's Commlsisicin on Postal Reor- field’s opposition to Safeguard He described the session as down to face its own inevitabili­ I saw the bundle of faults and *1®^' mending the deletion of one m Y V /* !! T i bve is a new nasident’s biggest Rotarlans to Honolulu, each of like to be, from one level to another, was launched from Vandenberg T'WO W ill T. each headache. spending from $50 to $90 a ganination — appointed by President does not reflect public optnlori calm and businesslike, not bom­ ties. fears Wirth last night eocplained thq j,us for elementary school -PLUS- are likely to feel that their own broad- Air Force Base in California. Johnson —and known popularly as the in his home state of Montana. ^ut they are also moments of I ought to lay on the shelf; $6,000 item was not included be- transportation which would re- Lt. Gov. Thomas P. GUI dls- mlnitoess and liberal virtues are not be­ bastic or emotional. The vehicle failed to go Into A group called the “ Ha'wall Kappel Comniission, named after Fred­ Sandoval, who Is a protege of truth in a lesser, more literal I had given a little bit to God— ceuae the Board of Finance felt jqge the IncreEuie here from At Conservatory r3^ survey ing propeiiy appreciated. They were, orbit as planned. Residents Council’’ moiled mlm- erick R. Kappel, chairman and retired Republican Sen. John Tower of sense. But I hadn’t given myself. that money could not be ep- jig ooo to $13,000. It was felt fbund only seven homies out of Five Years Ago Arnold Landsbeig and Miss 17ooo~ to th^nHonrti^^ like the liberal college admln^trator, Board Chairman of the American Ttele- The failure of Sen. George Texas, shows no sign of panic These are the moments when I came from seeing myself. piwpriaJted for land not avail- that with proper scheduling. 1,000 the liberal politician, ready to do their phOT.e and Telegraph Company. The McGovern to clear meetings of at the rising Republican com­ Martial law was proclaimed the politicians are themselves With my mind made iq> to be able at this time. this one odHiUnViai bus would Barbara Bm'bser, bolh ot Man- housing market are available to spend money commission conclud^ “Our b ^ c find­ in the SouUi Korean capital of caught up In the enmeh syn­ best, and. Instead of gratitude they get his party-reform commission plaints. Moreover, the public The sort of person that Christ Wirth added that there Is $8,- not be necessary- $18,000 C h e s t e r , wUl be InstnK&ie eX b o u s e hunters. "We are losing our shirts emd ing Is that the procedures for admin­ Seoul as s c e n t s rioted. drome and changed from their the insult. But the caiaclysmic possibUl- with Democratic leaders In the demand by the Black Advisory can use, 800 in the reseiVe fund which would Include the kindergarten yje summer session for ohll- ^ ® report; made March 26, souls to the soaring cost of Uv- istering the ordinary executive depart- One Year Ago normal habits of cosy half-se­ With a heart He may always ty is that what used to be the best. In host states has infuriated some Council last Tuesday that he be can be used for any purpose, bus. , £ind one ,j new V. bus. This, they . dren ^______and, adults at the»v.. uort.Hart- 'average price of a ^® excessive greed that mer.ts of the government are Inappro­ A strike wave in Prance wAs crecy to a happily semi-inno­ see. DOUBLE other times, in other situationB, Is no Southern Democrats, particu­ fired has probably had the re­ When lemd Is available and feel, would, be sufficient ^ home to Haweii had jumped brings." the leaflets priate for the post office.” And it esti­ reported to be costing the na­ cent Indulgence in absolute can­ there Is a definite plan to tin- handle the Increased enroll- tord Oonservatory, 834 Asylum about $12,000 since 1960. The av- • longer good enough and that those who larly In Texas and Louisiana. verse effect of that intended. It Submitted by mated that postal costs could be re­ Moreover, apologies by staffers has probably stiffened the White tion $2 billion 'dollars in lost dor. These are the hours in Kenneth L. Gustafson, Pastor prove a bsiH field, then the re- ment. Ave., Hartford. The session will crago price o f a stogte-teniily ■•There to little In HawEtil that used to take It with meek and prayer­ duced 20 per cent if normal investment on the McGovern commission House. production. which they cannot resist admit­ Calvary Church quest CEUi be presented to the Other items questioned EUid include private instruction in all dwelling w ^ $28,477, compared cannot buy for less In your ful gratitude have now grown emart STAMPS EVERY DAY and operating practices used by private have not entirely mollified the Board of Selectmen and a pub- explained were equipment In- Inttruments and voice, Robert to^^naUonal average of $16,940. hometown.’’ enough, or foolish enough, to want the industry were utilized. Southern critics. Uc hearing celled to appropriate creases, site improvement E u id Brawtey, director o f the eon- We can clearly demonstrate real thing, the real peace, the real help, At the core of the Post Office in­ The main victim of the South­ the money. remodeling. It wa« also brought servatopy, announced. ^ the m ^ k e t price o f a sin- aU of It, now. efficiency lie several problems. ern anger, however, is not South A motion was made at (hjs to the attention of those present The tw o local teachers will 8*e-family home in Hawaii is ON FILL-UPS 1. It has not been modernized by the Dakota's McGovern so much as time to adjourn the meeting un- that the IncreEUie of $117,664 conduct two of the six courses tt'orni 80 to 1(X) per cent higher introduction of new machines. Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma, tU this money can be appro- over lEist year’s Bosud of Edu- created especially for the six- than rtmllar housing on the 2. Management *-trainlng has been FischeRi ------chairman of the Democratic prlated. It was Strongly oppos- cation budget was mainly due to week summer program which mainland,” the report conclud­ WE Tipsy Truck And Hamburger Hill neglected, and politics allowed to National Committee who made iC^969 Chicago Diiily News ed. the support of the new school ■will stsut June 28. ■ * ®^^ dictate appointments. "One of the United States Army's McGovern chairman of the re­ Ih e only Item cut last night and Increased pupil enrollment. Laivitebeiw will hold a guitar Pineapple Industry is Ha- 3. Rates have not been set based on ------. .. Danosperg W U l noia a g u iw j ^qnieymakeT, be- moat populcu: vehicles,'’ reported the Aa- form commission. from the general government When the 1968-89 budget was hobby for teenragers and the actual cost of service. Harris has kept a faithful budget was $1,000 for keeping approved, there were approxl- whkdi te deal ed to **** military and tourism, HAVE YOU sodabed Press the other day, “has been While the prospects for Improvement silence, refusing to make any the town dump open an extra mately 660 pupils enrolled. N w the"begtaner rtyiS' and iriinng hundreds of aoidlers and dU- are substantial, overnight miracles CONSIDERED public rebuke of McGovern. But day a week. It ■was f^ t that there are 861 and within a year qjjonte iHed to accompany folk, more obling thousands for nearly a decade. should not bo expected. But it should be privately, Harris strongly agrees the two-and-a-half d a ^ the enrollment Is estimated to be music TECHNICAL AMERICAN “Tlie Army has defended It, done kept in mind that the last four Postmas­ with the basic thrust of the dump is open now te sufficient be^een 700 and 800 pupils. ^ ^ A “ ter Generals. J. Edward Day, Law­ nothing to change It and relied solely on complaints—that before McGo­ for the town even though the Dlx®n P r e s . ^ an b H o f r e d to the evening. EDUCATION rence O'Brien, Marvin Watson, and now a tnainfng program for the youths who vern brings his fact-finding tri­ Board of Education has to pay amendment ^ thatj the Board of ^ ‘he gate of Dole’s Oohu cannery Winton Blount have all recommended Mlaa Bmibserr wlU use (he selling No. 2 cans of sliced BEYOND drive it. bunal into a state, party leaders to have garbage ooUected dally n forming a government corporation. This represented a $12,901 cut to teadidng method of Shtochi Su- pineapple for 39 cents. In Balti- should be fully Informed. from the schools “ It's the M151 quarter-ton truck, popu­ The problem is attackable because ^ ^ o is p o s e a jq $11,217 out rec- zukl. to glye private Instruction nwre. Identical cons of the Dote HIGH SCHOOL? One result ot the failure to of to other town dumps. larly called a ‘Jeep’ although it Is 32 per cent of mail in the country’ moves ommended by the Board of Ft- to the violin to dHldren aged Hawaiian product sold for 87 do just that has caused Mc­ Other Items querttoned were CHAMiiK IT ______produced to Army specifications by Ftord through 74 port offices, and 70 per cent nance. Ihe amendment was vot- 8 to 10. cento. Industry needs Govern to change hte hearing $1,000 appropriated for mowing WE HONOR Motor Company. of ail the mall moves through 300 port ed down 91-80. The summer session wlH alao WMle the rwitenol cost-of-llv- qualified technicians In Texas from Austin to Hous­ and tree removal, -which P. "It tips over at an alarming rate. offioes. New madiinery Is at hand to ton. Scheduled for June 14, the Revenuea Oltod Include modem dance; group tn^ surveys give Honoldlu the AAA John Perham, first selectmcui. Earn a certificate or Tt« CAAO “ In the fiscal year 1967, the Army— speed the mail, but It will require high news of this hearing got to Gov. ex.nlain«d wna not «. n«w recapitulating the entire toatrucUon for children to move- honors, brttoid Hon Francisco, an Associate Degiee in: 1 j Investment. A private corporation, en­ although it proteeaes no concern pub­ Preston Smith via the news­ budget. Wirth explained that the ment, boi^r rhythm, qpeedi. New York and CWcago, they Ig- • ELECTRONICS 999 abled to borrow money, could generate $1,182,987 budget would be off- singing and Instrument play- nore the Neighbor telandrthft ------licly—reported 3,698 accidents Involving papers. Party leaders dM n ot • INSTRUMENTATION the funds nece&aary. ^ weord j,y revenues of $241,110 from big; piano eneemWe and rtgfat comprise the State of Hawaii. tbe M161, In which IM G.I.’a were killed want the hearing In Austin, the • COMPUTERS But it is clear that the newjicorpora- state capital. D i u i ^ gqhool fund, mainly for reading, and sight singing class- AohiaUy, Honolulu te not the and 1,868 Injured.'’ tne increase in the Town School Qrsuits based on • AUTOMATION tion will have tougb sledding in Con- J. Marehall Brown, National A10O, es, notion’s cxxrtltest city. That title In M151 accidents, 96 per cent were Assessar's salary from $2,000 to average dEilly membership and tlon will^'ha've tough sledding In Con- Committeeman In Louisiana, betengs to Wefiiiku, on the Is­ ovedtuma without any oolUteon being in­ g re s . The Influential postal union has $2,600. Wirth explained that the apeclal education. Ih e revenues To enroll in September, was so angry at the McGovern land of Maul, ttie hub of the call, write or visit today: volved. The trouble Is an Independent already com e out against the plan. The aasensor fett a clerk was neces- qf g u 3,g48 from the general gov- Many Species Unique GORMAN BROTHERS commission that he sent a “ per­ state's sugar oene Industry. 1 sary and therefore Ms salary emment fund are reflected rear wheel auspenalan “ long recognized third and fourth class mail lobbyists in sonal and crntfldential’’ letter to Most of the lajge mainland was tocreeised ao he can cover malnlv bv state aid for town -----HONOLULU------— Hsleakala—- Ms^- ______. University of Hartford by automotive experts as dangerous ex- CongresB, who fear the loss of the sub­ Harris telling him to Instruct 770 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER sidy they now enjoy, will be out in additional expenses from this roads and pubUc school build- Uonal Paric, Hawaii, te 2,400 to oepf to skilled drivers of sports and McGovern to stay out of Louisi­ fund. ine grants *»U®« neiuest oonti- P« ^-oMlvIiig salo^to WARD force. On the other hand, no strong pres­ ana (a copy of which Brown oX- THE BRIGHT SPOT ON MAIN STREET racing cans." School <3uU liiylor. moderator tor nental land mass. Thte teotetion sure group will be out to support the ao sent to all party chairmen TECHNICAL Such tbs somewhat shocking facts In reviewing the Board of the evening, celled for a motion has helped preserve one of tbe President’s proposal. In short, unless and National, Committeemen). OtaMboiafl by Mercury Oil Co. about the Army's M161, and abput its Education budget; Wirth ex- that the budget of $1,162,987, moat comiHex syrtema of plante military pe- the people ri^ cuid urge postal reform, But McGovern had already can­ INSTITUTE platoed that the Board »’

MANCHESTEK e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 PAOfi NINB nitts m m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 Jail Escapee Reagan Orders Artist Rockwell Vernon Board Discusses Planners Hear New Appeal Linn-Gagnon Obituary Kansas Qty Police Arrest Three Surrenders, Withdrawal of Two Classes, Bu^rflies High-Rise Rules By Yules for Apartments National Guard American Unity DwelKng Fire IO|b*rtae zqMUtment regula­ Farmer Safe STOCKBRIDGE, Maas. (AP) Replacing Books This Week In Break at Station tions were dlacussed by the The Planning and Zoning here tonight to dOmago any­ BB»KELEY, CtaUf. (AP) — ■0OT9 WINDSOR—TbomsM Trucks filled with men and —niustrator Norman Rockwell, I t RmtAoii c t Mata St. died Kills Twelve Planning and Zoning Commis­ Commtoaion laat night heard an one, to get pacBonal, but to ap­ LUHBERTON, N.C. (AP) — Frogs, flowers and butterflies to help her in planning studios^ Manchester police have arreated three youths, two prise this board about the re- equipment rumble out of the who has produced thousands of jwatORlay at si ItaPtford area (CmitlnDed from Page One) today and one c a ^ h t in the act last niflrht, who broke sion last night, during a busi­ application for a special permit An oacoped oonvlot aurrendered city today, heralding the end of are replacing textbooks tor two bi prqparatlati and as a folhnr- eoewteecsBt homa lafionahip of this x>roperty to works In a 68-year career, aays into Cole’s Atlantic Service, at 461 W. Center St. ness meeting that followed a to enent a SO-unlt group dwell­ today aft»r holding a famiar a National Guard callup May 16 clasaea at Ntortheaat School o n e «P eotyerlences. Tin U t. Reardon wsus bom in Itie apartment Is owned by the other surrounding proper- bta greeitest„ ombltiqn la to----- do "a J.. "Outdoor” staff otao rtatta the Mm. Maiy Oohen, 76, who said Last nigM, about 11:80 Patrol------public hearing. ing complex on a parcel of land U m ." hotaaga Oeoughout the night ta by Gov. Rionold Reagan after South Wlodoor and had Uved man Lawrence Smith surprised All three were chatged wKh 'Violence flared over a “people’s pointing that would bring Amer- fey tW* week. They will vlalt school i kisartimi alt Vata onee h m iil oC his life. He was a she bought the building about 12 The members of the commis­ on both sides of Ferguson Rd. Yulea aa4d that the land waa a famnhoQM. A MUow escapee lea bock together again—to the Luts Junior Museum's Na- either before or otter, years ago after it had been the trio as they were dimbing breaking and entering with sion felt that high-rise apart­ park." MUrad iWbanoo grower. out of a broken' window at the criminal intent, and fronting on E. kOddle Tpke'. provided with all the neceeaary gave hlmoelf up boura earilea: to promote understanding." tural Science Center in Ibn- To dote the pcegrom ho# teen Swvlvora tnotude a brother, damaged In a fire. ments did have a place in town, The land is owned by Atty. utlUtlee and mot all the re­ Reagan tesued Monday after­ rear of the service station. Murphy appeared in Bast hundreds o t police who sur­ noon an order for wiUutaa’wol of awe, to pi^ y e^ to participate in the fed- eoctended to soma 40 schools in Jota T. Reardon o( Bristol; She said the building con­ but they did not go along with Herman Yules, and the pro­ quirements of the commission. rounded the house. refloct the country'o mood in I .. .. 10 towns end, occoedlng to Mrs. tained SO apartment units, but As they ran away. Smith fired Haitford Circuit Court session Planning Director J. Eric Pot­ the 2,000 Guardsmen and lifting and two staters, Mrs. Dorothy a warning shot and yelled, today where his case was con- posal met wMh strong oppool- Yules also read from a Ricardo Reecndea, 86, Los An­ my work," oeiys Rockwell, "but program Outdoors. Newten, the ouUoofc fbr a oon- Cmidck of Hartford and Mrs. two were tsTused. ter’s idea that they should be tion from Rockledge residents. volume entitled "The American a state of emergency as of 6 “Stop, or the next one will be tlnued to Thursday Ip Manohes- geles, aoouied o t killing one a.m. today. now queatlona ore so ’bitter and Here the young etudenta, all ttouing program next year ts Martrtatnr Johnson of BtockI James HaUoran, director of built In rural areas where they Dcclsdon will be made at a Law of Zoning" 1969 edition, guard and abducting another hi nothing clear cut." j„fourth graders, will be guided good. through your head." i®t. Unatde to poet a $1,600 could be placed in a perk-Uke He said he acted at the re­ the fire department, said the At that, Timothy Murphy, bond, he was returned to the mission last Nbvembsr to r a which said that the purpose of on eapape Monday, came out of Rockwell said during on inter- by trained personnel to obaerve tlie fUnsral will be held to- blexe started around an aban­ setting. future execiftive meeting. a public hearing Is not to poll quest of the University of Cali­ alias Bruce O. White, 19, of Hartford Correctional Center. the home of Itaey WHoox shortly fornia, vriilch owns the disputed irtow that Ms old type of tUustra- the natural phenomena they m oerow sd 9:80 a.m. from the doned ele'vator shaft at the rear Spruce 9t., dropped to the Rowe and Borgstrom also The comnolaaion felt tllat Yules come before the corn- the neighborhood, but to learn after dawn and was taken to the Uon of American life la no long­ have studied in the classroom. of the building. rural high - rise partments zone change concerning the land, and cUy offlc)alB. Laotians Win Ahem BuiMnJ Hotne, 1406 ground and surrendered. TTie were to be taken to the East facts on which the oommiasian Robeson County Jail where con- r^1tgnn.inndj* er In great demand. The federally-funded program St., Boot Haitford, with Fire Chief James Waas told would not be feasible for a de- property. At that time, he re­ should base Ra decialon. Tlie UC Chancellor Roger Heyns other two kept running, how­ Hartford Court for appearance vlct Jamee Lee already was ^*****^*'"^tMlfi n V U tl told a cheering Academic Sen- "I don’t really mind," said la imdir the direction of Mrs. n Mass cf requieoi at S t FTan- the blaze could be seen from this afternoon. Police expect Lorlng iitioto vetoper to build. Several mem­ quested that the zofw be law book also said that the Confidence Vote ever. held. Mra. Peter Staum of 147 of the action, saying "it is the 76-year-old artist, "beKOuae Norman Newton and her three ota of Aastal Ohurdi at 9. Burial 67th street, a , distance of 27 Today, Just before noon, po- that their cases will also be bers felt Uiat a conunerclal use changed from Residence A to mere number of apeakera op­ red-cheeked little boys and mon­ tor the bottom one or two floors C, and an apartment complex Wilcox, 67, walked out un- Lynesa _ St. last night waa elect- cl®" that the community has staff aaststants. In all, 16 inCENTTANE, Laos (AP) — wU be in Mt S t Benedict blocks and when firemen ar­ lice received a call from Tim continued to Thursday’s Man- Heads lOH posing should not affect a de­ grel dogs no longer typify classea from the Vernon ele­ Osnwtary, BtoonofMd. rived at the scene flames had would be good. Potter was ask­ wars planned then. Last idght, cision. steadily wfth Reaendez ond iwla- ed president of Charalnade Oemonstrated rejection of vl- The Laotian govemmemf won a Moriarty’a Service Stetlon on cheater aesslon. Gary Aronson, son of Atty. on MaJ. Sam OarrisMi, who USd Muaioal Club, at the group’s olent confrontation euid its de­ America. mentary schools and St. . . ntendi nay oaH a t the fu- broken through the r o o t. Hartford Rd. Someone at Mo- Det. Raymond Mazzone, who ed to iMt some more work in he a llie d tor a special permit A real estate appraiser, Rob­ "Today, patnUnga about the Joseph’s Catholic Schota have vote of confidence today when and Mrs. Irving Aronaon of 4 to build apaitmenta in the A gone in to accept Hesendez’s annual banquet at Chestnut 3lre to use regular proceeeee of nwal home tonlgM feom 7 to 0. Police, firemen, the Twenter ricuty’s told police that there took charge of the investigation, on the regulations so they could ert Murdock of Bolton, said he racial quealUon are in demand. taken advantage of the outdoor the Notional Aaoenvbly called on brothers and nearby reeldents Level Bd., recently was elect­ come up for later consideration. zone. felt the best use for about 76 surrender after prolonged tele­ Lodge, Colcherter. She succeeds decision making.” were two boys sleeping in a car said the trio has been in the phone conversatlone from a An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 There are no easy answers to sessions wMch are offered in a continue efforts (or national Mrs. Marie C. Buckley helped evacuate people from the behind the station. area for about two weeks, com- ed president of the Instructors Potter gave the commission As in November, Yules’ plans per cent of the land would be a Mrs. Eldna Johnston. met 'With much opposition. Rep­ tap-ln less than 60 yards from Other officers are Mrs. Ru­ persons marUhed on Memorial these complex quesUona. series of three in order to pro- and a halt to North Iflet ‘ SOUTH WINDSORr-Mra. Ma­ building. When Patrolmen Vito Perrone **’8 Connecticut from Bos- a glimpee of hU future plans commercial use, but he said a "Yeeaw ago, a magazine edi­ rie Ctehy Buddey, 67, of Water- Offlcera said 80 to 100 people of the Handicapped (lOH). for the town last night, when resented by Atty. Jierome I. small apartmraft complex would the house. dolph Gorach, vice president; Day demanding removal of a vide a firsthand look at plant ______and John Hughes arrived, the 'ton- Other oCfloers elected are would like to Walsh, who presenttd a petition, "We saved our lives by doing Mrs. Alice Evans, secretary, fence the undveraity placed tor told me to ne'ver paint a Ne- and animal life during contrast- **”*’■'* aggreoaion. bmy, taster of Alex CIchy of were beUevcd to have been In two were grone, but from de- Mazzone said Rowe has been act as good buffer zone be­ groln any poeltimi except that ing aeasona. The ajsemlUy*a resolution South Windsor, dtod Sunday at Ellen Kravitz, vice president; "ghatter’’ the existing zoning said to contain 110 opposing tween the single-family homes everything he aaked us to do," and Mrs. John Porcheron, treas- around the pork after it had the building when the fire broke scriptlons, they were traced to missing from his Rockville home of a servant. .Times. have The out^ects which ore came after Premier Prince Sou- Watothuiy General Hospital. cut. Many were able to walk un­ Paula Radding, recording sec- regulattorn euid put them back signatures to the commission, and E. Middle Tpke. sald WllcoK, whose ordeal had urer. been planted with grass end McDonald’s on W. Center St. for more than a year — since the residents opposed the apart­ begun about 10 a.m. Monday The newly elected president (lowers by young activists. changed and thta sort of thing is studied, whaitevcr the season, vanna Phouma reported last Survivors otao include a son aided down the main stairway, where they fled from police but May 19, 1968. Borgstrom is reiary; Betsy Hunter, corre- tog^ether again in a more mean- Yules, at the very end of the spondlng secretary; Donald fashion. ment complex mainly on the proceedings, said, ‘Tve yet to when he, hie wife and son be- is a secretary to Mrs. Rupert The People’s Pork Negotiat­ no longer appropriate for Amer- aiw varied, and the teacher Friday o n hte governmentta oc- and tmo sisters. others were carried down lad­ were quickly oaptured. AWOL from the Army, and Mur- Ica.” rtwoses the topic wWoh will be ’Uvtttoa during the lost budget The ' fonenl win be held ders from the second and third GUlette, ixfbllc relations; and jje said vronted to get grouds that it would depreciate see anybodiy, including Dr. came hiostages. Uppllng, director of Manchester ing Committee issued a state­ Arrested today were Joseph phy may be wanted In Boston (he value of their homes. Mrs. Wilcox, 66, son Lynn, 16, public school cafeterias. She ment saying "The only reisolu- Though the demand for ho- the focal point of earti visit, year and after a threw-day ds- num day from 9:16 a.m. at the floors and some escaped down A. Rowe, 16, of 1230 Hertford for Jumping probation, he said. Beau Thurnauer, treasurer. t^e stereotyped, con- Pearison, offer to buy the land. DlUon Flmenal Home, 63 Main Dr. Stanley Pearlson of 22 I’d sell it in a minute Juet to and a daughter, Ruby Neal is a member of South United tlon of this crista will be the mespun Amerksena ant haa do- During the spring the pond bate. Souvaisia challenged the threa of the tour fire escapee in Tpke., Rocl^Ue, and David Mazzone said Rowe and Borg- Aronson has been an instruc- ventional, rectangular lot type cllned, Rockwall is as busy as u the favorite plauie to r con- assembly Monday to caH a vote St, Hartford, with a Mans of the building. The fourth was too tor tor three years with the lOH of zoning. He saM he was look- Mountain Rd. questioned Yules’a get away from It." Brown escaped from the house Methodist Church where she granting of commurity control Borgstrom, 18, of Brooklyn, strom told him that this was contenttm that the land could earlier when the oonvlcte left of the park . . . Berkeley will ever. "I’m booked tor a aolld centratlon as It offers ao many of confidence otter taiorp ques- reqiSem at the Church of near the fine, polkse said, to be N.Y. their first break. program. He is a member of ing tor iimovatlons and new sings in ita (Jhancel Choir. She Oonms Chriotl, Wethersfield, at not be used for slngle-famUy themi alone. M«. Brown had has also served as treasurer of not forget . . . the fence will year ahead," he saW. "I Just forma of life, even to the tiniest tionlng by several paitiamenta- used. the Manchester High School ideas to put into the regula- homes. He said that some of wOrk from exhaustion to ex- of creatures. Microscopes are rtons. 10 The three aterm blaze was Band and Ski Club. He has been tlons. Noted Democrats been held since Monday night the Chamlnade Musical Club. come down.” F>rfendi may caH at the fu­ the lots in the area were fine when she arrived tor a visit. Heyns said the Board of Re­ haustlon." part of the center’s equipment, Tte resolution colled on Stou- fo t^ t by 11 companies of more a member of the high school Potter also expressed hope for wooded lots. Dr. Pearlson also Rockwell' polnled out cne of and when the pond is 'vlalted vaima’s government to coifttoue neral home tortght from 7 to than 60 firemen. At one time 26 swim team and the Ellington gettii^ a C-DAP grant to do a At Installation "I wasn’t hurt and I feet ail gents’ grounds and bulIdingB 9 and tomorrow ITom 2 to 4 Slain Coeds Foiirid raised the problem of drain­ right," WilcDx said. "Both of committee will meet Saturday his latest works, a montage of these are 'brought along lor on- ettlorto to bring Laotians of "all streams of water were thrown Ridge swim beam. He serves on comprehensive land use study age of the land if an apart­ GI Who Escaped faces linked ■with the ApoUo 11 the-spot ■viewing of the micro- waUts" hack to the nai8onal and 7 to 9 p.m. on the fire. the executive board of the Man- for the town at an estimated ment oompleix were put in. The Federation of Democra­ them were real nice to us, e ^ - to .oomslder leasing the land to claUy the one that gave up first. the city. flight to the moon set for late, soopic living oreaturea that go community and demanded that Firemen zald the third floor Chester Teen Center, and la cost of $30,000. Last November, Atty. Yules tic Women of Manchetter 'will From VC Has July. about unseen and unheard. aU concerned countries help in Mn. Odea Broeioi was heavily charred by the Buried Near Highway working on the formation of a Potter said the land use study He kept telling the other one not The California National Guard had told the commission that If have epecial guests at its instal­ to hurt u«.” A tour of hia studio a fonner Other topics that may be teopptag North Vletaamese nOCKVlLLB — Mra. A nn blaze. The first and second Town Youth Oonunission. would be the first step in re- his application for a zo n e change Second Reunion commander, MiaJ. Gen. Gtorm C. Stefanowtoi Brooks of 24H (Continued from Page One) ------lation banquet WednoBday, June Lee, 21, Fayetteville, gaive up Ames, said the call-up of his n carriage bam with a two^atory chosen for study at this time oggreataon, (hat countries which floors suffered mostly smoke lOH completed Its 18th year writing the zoning relatio n e, were denied, he would erect low- rxT^ floor-to-oelllng window, turned of year ore animal homes, nOr signed the 1962 Geneva Accords Ckotan St, wife of Odea Brooks, and water damage. Sunday. A parkway mainte­ rooming house operated by Wal­ last week ^ th an open house. cota, single-family homes on the 11, at 7 p.m. at the Stage Ooach after his brother, Bobby Lee, FT a r ij. okla. (AP) — an estimated MRS. WILLIAM JAMES LINN dtod Friday at RockvUta Oen- ter Syben and hia wife. Restaurant, 'Vernon. up a haJf-comptelsd Boy Scout ture and the arts, edible a n d Loos taudy possible srtutlona James Combs, who Uved in a nance man found the bodies About 400 attended the event to property. Atty. Walsh said last went into the house and pleaded Thera waa another reunion for did not Include calender—Ms 61st nontedlble plants, and birds, to r the Laotian probiem and eral Hooptaal. baisement apartment with his Monday about 160 yards from Syben said they had been see the program in action and First Tenants night that Yules should be held The guetaa will Inctudo MTa with him. _ property damage. Ions of busl- Fmeral sarvioes were held there since last Tuesday and Beatrice H. Rosenthal, national Ih the Wilcox home, police ■^*'"ty Keimeth R. Gregory ness, increased insurance rates Miss Patricia Ann Gagnon of Mrs. Linn wore a pale blue Rockwell seamed some of the Whether the group plans, to no- tbot those countries separate wife and their four small chil­ where the car was parked. for the graduation of the 20 sen­ to his word. Walsh said, "Mr. dress with wMte accessories. S60 covers he iUustrated for the tlce birds in porttculsr or not, Laotian and 'VletoBniaae thta mondng at the Maple Hilla dren, said he "was awakened by Atlantic County Prosecutor were cheerful when they drove JOHANNESBURG, South Af­ Democratic committee woman; found a rifle and two pistole today In Reynolds Army Hoapl- ar.d poHoe overtime, Manchester became the bride of off early Friday to “beat the ior instructors. rica (AP) —Edward Swart, a Yules walked Into this with his The couple will live In Coven- now-defunct Saturday Evening’ there is one spectacular winged problems. Chapefe 882 MSpIe Aye., Hart­ the screams" of residents. He Robert McAllister said there eyes wide open; he knew about Miss Katherine Quinn, irice which they said were used in tal, where he Is undergoing ex------William James Linn of Owentry ford. Burial was in Mt. S t Bene­ holiday traffic.” The organization now involves foreman on the construction site chairman of the State Democra­ try. Post surprise lhat ta sure to claim MUltazy sources reported to- got his family to safety end then were ’’indentations’’ on the sto­ 66 teen-age volunteers serving the property before he bought ^ esca^ from the Robeson omination €uid questioning after Saturday morning at St. James’ Mrs. Linn is a graduate of - i didn’t mourn the ofoUtentlon if it appears. Luckily, fey <*»* government forces cap- dict Ownetery, Bloomfltaid. machs of both girls and the "My wife told those girls, ‘be of the highest building in Afrioai tic Party; Mrs. Elizabeth K. County prison unit. , ^ ^ letumed to help. almost 90 mentally or physically now has two extra charges to it.” Court Upholds Church. Edst Catholic High School, and post," he said. "I stopped the center ta at least near the turod Ftaxixung HIU iwrtb o t the Mrs. B n x ^ was bom in Hazt- "My wife was trying to catch marks might be stab wounds. careful, be careful,’’’ Syben Curtis, state president; Mrs. Prison offtetato sold the two » ^let Cong pris- said. handicapped children. watch over. Keimeth Burkamp, a free­ The bride is a daughter of a t. Francis Hospital School of worldly for them when they nest of a'pUeated vroodpeoker. IPIotoe Dee Jarres Monday. lord and hod Uved in Rotdcvllle the kids dropping from the fire An autopsy was ordered. lance photographer, end a child­ Jaimes MoWaMers, county pres­ surprised guard Ehirl Strick- °*'- Bay State Law to r more than 80 years. He said the girls replied that Swart discovered a pigeon ident; Mrs. John Narden, coun­ land, S3, in a dormitory and that Gregory’s 8-year-oM daugh- Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gagnon of Nursing, Hartford. She Is am- c h a i ^ from a family mags' The apring visit is the third Phouxmg vMas one of two hllta escape," a drop of about 16-feet, The girls had planned to drive nest in the completed 468-foot hood resident of the area, pro­ ployed as a registered nurse at ^ crusader.” tor the cUnsea which have also attaeked toy government froopa taid Combs. , to Camp Hill to Join the Davis if they got tired the ywould pull ty 'Vice president; and Mrs. Rceendez took Strickland’s re- ter, Mldielle, and her mother 198 Parker St. The bridegroom over to the side of the road and central tower of Johannesburg’s duced aeveral photos of auto On Abortions is the son of Mrs. Norma Lanzl S t. Francis Hospital. Mr. Linn, Rockwefl aaid he had no had similar field tripe in the Thuraday, the sources said, hut Heramn A. Bielaaoon Police tentatively. Identified family on a further trip to Dur­ accidents that had occurred in Richard Oulundsen of Hart­ volver end fatally shot Mm. flew into Oklahoma from Oolo- rest. French Reds new ' Standard Bank building, ford. of Chester and Nelson Linn of ® graduate of MMchmtOT pafetlng which he classlfled as winter end flal. there was no report on the bat- Herman A. Mtaanoon, 66, of the six dead in one family as ham, N.C., for the graduation of the area over the years. Ho They carried guard Sgt. Ebert rado late Monday night and BOSTON (AP) — The Massa- High School, aerved two tours his fevorite. Prioor to the (trips the regular Be for the second hlH. Bad Miss Davis’ brother from Duke Miss Perry’s father said he right Inside a slot in which ReservatlonB close Saturday Locktear with them as a host- were taken to Ft. SlU by an chusetts Supreme Court haa up- Mass, 6 Bradtey St, East Hertford, Rex Johnson end his wife, Tina, suspected foul play almost from workmen were about to fit an suggested that the area be made of duty to Vietnam while In the He did say that the "Four claaaroom teacher attends an weather reportedly has ham- died eariy tliiB morning at Man- bofh 40, Rex Jr. age 7, his broth­ University Sniib Poher more safe before more hous­ and may be made by contacting age in Strickland’s car after Army escort. held the validity of the state’s The Rev. Vincent J. Flynn of U.S. Navy. He is employed at the start. 84-ton floor section. He had him­ Mrs. Frank Ruff, 162 Cooper St. Fireedoms," painted during all-day workshop at the center pored the five-day operation. obeater Memorial Hospital. er and two sisters. The girls had been students self lowered to move the nest to ing was put in. taking anoiher pistol and a rifle The first family reunion come abortion law, but a new chal- St. James’ Church performed the Manchester Structural together at Montlcello Junior "The girls simply were not (Continued from Page One) from the prison office. They lat- when Gregory, wearing fatigues lenge of the law has been the double-ring ceremony and World War n end ■widely clrcu- ______' ______Mir. lielancon waa bom AprU Officers said the bodies of another slot further down, only Many other area residents Steel Co. lated by the goveniinenl, re- — 17, 1904 in Quebec, Canada, and most of the victims were beidly College in Godfrey, III. School temperamentally capable of spoke in opposition to the apart­ ec abandoned the car, leaving and pink sunglasses, rushed off launched. was celebrant at the nuptial — ■•EYE-GLASSES by* — driving off some other place Poher’s original backers, also to repeat the tricky rescue oper­ The Mgh court's ceived the moat attention. had Uved in the East Hariford- charred and positive identifica­ officials said Miss Perry had ation as work proceeded from ments. Among them was Mrs. Teeth Cause Deafness Locklear tied Inside, and he a mUitory Jet at Ft. SUl Monday ^ court’s un^m ous Mass. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone completed her freshman year at wltlioiit letting us know,” Perry called tor Poher to back out be­ worked MmseU free. and embraoed his mother, Mrs. decision was issued' ■■ Monday' ' ■■ ■■ in■ was organist and soloist. Bou­ Bald RockweH, "I agree wltb Haiiford area for 80 years. He tion would take some time. the top of the tower downwards. Alfred Kargl, 166 Ferguson Rd'^, RIO DB JANIERO — Dr. Dollarliid0 Wins PloessD when he tella people bis D B lla and R al Opticians vtaa formerly employed as a the two-year ail-girls’ school said before the bodies were dis­ cause "Pompidou’s election, al­ Reaendez, serving a oeiitence Helen Gregory of Altus, and Ws the case of Dr. Benedict Kudish quets of assorted wMte flowers 0 0 0 0 The other victims are listed covered. Finally he made the two baby who told the commission that Olymplo Pinto of the Univeralty ‘next painting will be Ms beat’" shipping clerk el Aetna Life as Miss Joyce Franks, 21; Ed­ and that Miss Davis had grad­ ready highly probable, would • pigeons a home in the tower’s from where she lives she would of from 70 to 120 yeiars for sec- grandmother, Mrs. Nettie Loftle Newton, who challenged the were on the altar. uated. Miss Davis planned to "They called Tuesday night o f Brazil believes bad teeth con Runoff Vot0 in and Casualty Oo., Hartford. He mund Lee Godden Jr., 5, end thus become' brilliant’’ and lead storeroom, where he guards not see the apartments, but she cause deafness. When the upper ond- degree murder, robbery of Duncan. Okla. “ unconsUtutionlaly v a^e. The bride was given In mar­ enter Ithaca (N.Y.) College this and again Wednesday,” Davis and kidnaping agreed to leave ’’This feels great, Just great!" The new challenge of the law riage by her father. She wore a Complete was a oonuiMinicant at St. Scarlet Godden, 3; Mrs. Bab- to a policy of reconciliation. them and feeds them with seed. signed the petition and got 66 and lower Jevn do not meet was a suit filed in Suffolk Supe- Compton, Calif. Cosmonauts Entertain Ctatetopber'a Church, Etast bara Smith, 19. wife of the September. said. “They had gotten a bit too Several of France’s most in­ " I keep 20 pigeons at home and signatimes "of people oibove me, properly, he eay«, the strain on the house only after police ac- the 29-year-bld soldier said, full-length crepe gown, designed Eye Glass The fathers, who came here much sun. They’d been shop­ cepted hta demands and moved His mother, weeping as the lor Court by William R. Baird with cowl neckline, bishop COiMPTON, Calif. (AP) — Haitfoid. yourg father who Jumped from fluential newspapers, including I’ve got what you call a soft all the way back to Porter St.” adjoining tissue Structure —in­ of Hempstead, N.Y., who haa Astronauts and Wives Survivors include 8 s o n s . the third floor, and, an unidenti­ late Monday, identified the girls ping. They said they met a few spot tor them," Swart ex­ Atty. Yules began his presen­ many offloere, newsmen and Jet plane landed, clung to her sleeves, panels of shlffU em­ Thta Los Angeles suburb o t Service boys on the beach but nothing Le Monde and Le Figaro, Joined cluding the hearing organs—can been an active birth control ad­ 78,000 electa a Negro mayor to­ PARIS (AP) — Two Ruataan Jeon MehinoMi of Hazardville, fied girl that police believe is at Shore Memorial Hospital. the call tor Poher’s with^awal. plained. tation by saying, “We’re not be severe. :q>ectatorB book from the mod- aon after their meeting, and she broider^ lace, and chapel- The girls had stayed in a exciting.” ern, red-brick Wilcox home. and Mrs. Lottie boarded the vocate in MaosachUsetts. length train acented with match­ day. cosmonauts gave a 'vodka emd Paul Mslanoop of Providence, the Smith’s daughter Dr. Kudish, whose license to R.L, and Albert Melanoon of Lee, serving la sentence for 13, military simbulanoe .with Mm ing lace. Her elbow-length veil 'hie runoff between biro Negro caviar party for three U.S. as- Contact practice medicine was revoked of silk Illusion was arranged candldatea comes six years aft- tronauta and their wives, and it Keene, N.H.; a d ai^ ter, Mrs. counts of safecracking, larceny for the ride to the hospital, and who was placed on proba­ Lenses Ooneld La'vote of Gales Ferry; and had given up more than The 23-yesir-old GI appeared from a lace headbow, and she er voters elected their first Ne- was such a success it put the Agnews Feted, tion for three years after plead­ gro councilman. That was Uie Americans 90 minutes behind and IS grandchildren. tour ohurs earlier. to -be In good condition. He was ing guilty to an abortion charge, carried a colanial bouquet of Committee Swift MAKE AMERICA A BETTER PLACE. ------a little pale, but the Army said roses, carnations, and stephano- first emergence of black poUti- sriiedule to their program of ap- The funeral wiU be held Wed 40 Years contended the law proMblta cal power In a city where the pearanoes at the 28th biennial Thursday at 9 a.m. from the CX „ , "unlawful” umawiu. auoruoosabortions butuut does Us. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ag- Negro population has since Paris Air Show, Hotanee Fimeral Home, 400 Mbin hanta Barbarans not define wimt is unlawful. Mrs. Charles Shattuck of Blast grown from 40 per cent to 60. First the astronauts, James S t, wltfa a Mass of requiem at new of the Tudor Village Apts., northwert of Saigon last August Chief Justice Raymond S. Wil­ Hartford, sister of the bride, 18 Asylum St. In Backing Burger Ten per cent of the population la a . McDlvltt, David R. Scott and Room 104 St Chrlstoi^er’s Church at M). East Hartford, formerly of 322 jg 9 1* 0 0 C3v01* ^ ^ Viet Oong ambush of Ms kins wrote the high court opin­ was matron of honor. Her full- Mexican-American, 80 per cent Kusaell Schweickart, escorted Burial will be in St Mary's Spring St., were feted Sunday at (OonUnoed from Page One) O supply con'voy. ion saying siny uncertsdnty in length gown of wMte eyelet, lace Tel. 622-0757 white. the coemonauts, tnadlmlr Shak- RuoB DaBells Hartfoed Ekirtoo F. Reele Oemetexy, Bast Hartford. Conference of fire United States ty - d Frankfurt U^versity ex- R08uni0d Drilling A U.S. helicopter lifted Grego­ the law “has been made suffi­ over maize taffeta was trim­ Wlth annual total spendable ^lov and Alexei YeUaeyev, on | Frieods may call at the fu­ brauon at the home of their ^ change program, and the Amer- ry out of the Jungles of Tay ciently definite by decisions of med, ., with , yellow ...... ribbon _ and income of $214 million, Ckimpton lnBpecUaid Mm approved- -by------Secretary------of. the T-In rternity where they are .2 . to . 4 are fundamental to exo­ trimmed with green ribbon, clUea grant. praising Burger, a heavy force His opponent. Dr. Walter at RockvUle woolen mills before frandchtldren. $6,000 to serve as a trustee. terior Walter J. Htckel. It calls and 6:30 t o 8 p.m. neration.’ were styled to match the honor Mr. and Mrs. Agnew are me’m- He named os the others; the of Capitol police stood guard The suit filed by Baird con­ Tucker, a 44-year-old dentist, * 1 6 9 5 he became supervisor of the against the threat of a Mexl- for continued drilling for 10 to 20 attendant’s, and they carried L. W. Packard Woolen Mills in bers of South United Methodist Institute of Criminal Law and yeara to pump out an undersea Admitted Friday: James tends the law is "vague, uncer­ similar bouquets. atreaeea what Compton locka; Church. Mr. Agnew is an assist­ can-American to try to place tain and Indefinite” and the sec­ Brooklyn enough public swimming pools. Ashland. He was a member of Procedure at Georgetown Uni­ him under citizen’s arrest. deposit of oil that haa been seep­ Jackson, . Prospect St., Rock­ Patrick Collins of Fayette Lodge of Ma-sons and ant vdee president of the Con­ versity; a seminar for appeals ing Into the Santa Barbara tion prohibiting anyone from served as best man. Ushers shopping areas, movie theaters, TED TRUDON. Inc. Reies Lopez Tijerina stood ville; Kenneth Herrmann, was a 32nd degree Mason. necticut Bank and Trust Co., court Judges at New York UM- Channel In varying amounts Bloomfield: Melody Ctyr, Rock­ telling women blow to obtain were Michael Mason of Derby a first-rate hospital. VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE Hartford, and is a member of versity; the Federal Bor Foun- outside the hearing room, abortions violates the conrtltu- Twenty-five candidates, moat Survivors, besides his wife. since an offshore well blew out ville; Vivian Mldura, ProspectA ZV/cs^m;;^ v ------. Line, cousin —- of the ------1 bride; Include 2 sons, Richard Guidotti the Rockville Lodge of Elks. dation; a Georgetown Unlvensi- clutdilng a red-bound copy of in January. Elizabeth tlonal guarantee of free speecn. Charles Shattuck of East Hart' of them Negro, sought office In TOLLAND TPKE.—TALOOTTVILLE "The Law of Arrest,” declaring St., Rockville, and V. . « __In-ar ...... a of RockvlUe and Alfred Guidotti “After what we’ve been Wroblewski, High St., Rock- It also claims the law “ uncon­ ford, brother-in-law of thp the nonpartisan primary. Three of Chelmsford. Mass.; a daugh­ to anyone who would listen that through," said Mayor Gerald S. stitutionally Intrudes upon the bride; and Timothy Collins of Negroes . received majorities Burger has violated the civil vine. and were elected city attorney, ter, Mrs. Eleanor Rogerson of Firestone, “I think the proper Discharged Firiday: Arthur rl8hf of marital privacy.” South Windsor. Junior ushers Hlgganum; 2 brothers, Adolf Destroyer Cut in Two^ -> rights of minorities and the solution would have been to Judge Edward H. Bennett were John Gagnon, brother of councilman suid city clerk. poor. Betterley. ^tochvlUe: Jane Guidotti of Bronx, N.Y., and eliminate drilling altogether.” Verncm; scheduled a hearing on the suit the bride; and Gerard Lupac- Carl Stokes in Cleveland and The room waa crowded with Baker, Patricia Dr., Richard Hatcher In Gory. Ind„ SAVE STAMPS! SAVE MONEY! Armand Guidotti of West War­ Ocean Searched for 73 A citlze|$ said of the plan: Mary Girard, Old Stafford Rd., for Wednesday. chlno, cousin of the bride; both wick, R.I.; and 12 grandchild­ lawyers, police, and Invited “Like that black, gooey stuff on Baird is currently appealing are of Manchester. are other elected Negro mayors (Continued from Page One) guests, and the line of would-be ToUond; Albert Latlcla, East to the U.S. Supreme Court a of large U.S. cities. ren. the beach there—it atlnks.” St., Rockville; George Martell, Mrs. Gagnon wore a pink SIGN UP NOW! Funeral sendees will be held spectators wasn't moving. The aA geology professor at the Rockvile; Josie three-month sentence Imposed dress and coat with bone acces­ knifed through the Australian Plane Guard Judiciary Committee had belat­ on him for violating the state’s Thursday at 1 p.m. at White- destroyer Voyager off the coast University of California In Santa t>i„_Rlveff rh Rd., Rockvile- sories. The bridegroom’s moth­ Glbson Funeral Home. 65 Elm edly switched from a larger Barbara said a false premise «’»v«r Rd„ Rockvile, birth control law. The con'vlc- er wore a blue dress with wMte For Boland Oil St. The Rev. Will.-uxl E. Conk­ of Australia -on another clear hearing room, apparently for was the basis for the recom' Catherine Clifford, u^rreTillted from his'dlitrlbut- accessories. TRANSMISSION WINDOW night five years ago when the Perilous Job the sake of security. mendationa o t the special pcuiel Ave., Rockville, and Sandra ing a^ contraceptive foam to a Company^ lin, pastor of Rockville United Burrows, Onchord La., Bolton. A reception for 160 was held Methodist Church, will officiate. seas were also calm. (Continued from Page One) Sens. James O. Eastland, D- headed by Dr. Lee DuBridge, coed at Boston University- at Garden Grove. For a motor Preaident Nteon’a aclentUlc ad- Admitted Saturday: Joyce trip to upper New York State, SERVICE SHADES ) Burial will be In Grove Hill The Voyager’s bow sank destroyer takes up one of Miss., chairman of the Judi- Montpltt, Davis Ave., RockvlUe, Cemetery. immediately. The rest of the several prescribed positions rel- clary Committee, escorted Bur- vtaer. AUTOMATIC The profeaoor, Dr. Robert and Helen Benoit, West Main SPECIALISTS Friends maj' call at the fun­ ship went down in three hours, atlve to the carrier and oriented 8cr Into the hearing room St., RockvUle. Two Complaints Bring your old rollers In and eral home tomorrow from 7 to The toll: 82 dead, including the to the base course used for through a aide entrance, Curry, oald; auioaiTK—xiaasaao “The panel evidently baaed ita Discharged Saturday: Ford save 860 per abode. DELIVERY 9 p.m. skipper. launching and retrieving planes. As the hearing opened, East- Manor Trailer Hoard by Mayor VISIT OUR SorvktS • SrpakrS • trbulH That incident ,created a furor During flight operations a land asked Burger his view on dectaion on the belief that the Bower, High FATHER'S DAY MANfXtEiWBB petroleum field now leaking ia Park, RockvUle: Vivian Midura, E. A. JOHNSON in Australia, but the Melbourne crew stands by one of the de- the court’s powers, Prospect St., RockvUle; Ken­ Mayor Nathan AgosUnelU, who TBANfOmaiOM ' BET Crowding linhealthful was finally absolved of any stroyer’s motor whajle boats "Do you think the Supreme unique and not connected with was - .the lone director at thta GIFT DEPT. OO. an oil-producing horizon. neth Herrmann, Terry Plains morning’s semi-monthly com­ U Brainord Ptooe PAINT CO. blame, which has been swung out ov'er Court has power to amend the Rd., Bloomfield; Rachel Gen- ARTHUR DRUB .WASHINGTON —Science now “Yea, it la poaalble to dry it ment session of the Board of "I can’t help feeling dismay the water, ready to be lowered Constitution of the United States samer, Vernon Gardens Apt., f FflocUow 723 BIAIN ST. recognizes “proxemlcs," the that it happened again to the immediately in the event of an by judicial interpretation?” he up by heavy pumping but tMs Directors, reported that only NdrtlonwMo Wm TOP VALUE taudy of the effects of living in Melbourne,” Australian Navy emergency. ask^. might Increase poroalty and, RockvUle; Gladys White, Tol­ two persons appeared, each close quarters, as a research when the field rechargea Itaelf, land, and Judith Drury, Kelly registertog a complalift J^alnat STAMPS area. For example, laboratory Minister'Clive Kelly told News- The challenge for the,destroy- ”No, clearly no,” Burger re­ Rd., - Vernon. men in Adelaide, Australia. er’s Officer Of the Deck,. OOD, plied. the leak could flow more freely a neighbor. 1500 rats when overcrowded develop than it now does.” Admitted Sunday: Bonita . . . A WHOLE BOOK FULL personality disorders or go ber­ “A lot of people will look upon is to keep station on the carrier “Does the Supreme Court One complained of after hours it as a Jinx on the vessel. as the larger ship changes have power to legislate?’ When the well In Santa Bar­ Sandstrom, Coventry; Nell Mac­ noises and nuisances on the CONTACT LENSES HEARING AIDS Stamps Issued after payment for first delivery. serk. bara Channel blew out Jan. 28, intosh, Sand Rd., Ellington; ■rae E v ^ was the seventh course and speed. ..No court has that power," parkkig lot of a Center St. DOUBLE STAMPS U.S. warship Involved In a ma- Because of their difference in Burger asld. an______oil allclt blotching _ 8(» aquare John Swain, Mary La., Rock- mllea contaminated commercial vllle; Arlene Vaughn, Eaatbrook doughnut shop. Closed All Day If deUvery is paid for in fuU uithin 10 days for amount I INDIA______NEEDS D4KTORS ^ accident at sea in less than size, the carrier does not ac- Sen. John L. McClellan, D- Hie other, a neighbor of a of blU. NEW DELHI — In 1946 India three years. A total of 313 lives celebrate at the same rate as the Ark., asked Burger to outline 'Mr, and recreational beaches. ot., RockvlUe; Laurence WlUls, pigeon fancier, claimed that the The leak continued from fla- oampbell Ave., Vernon; I ^ n a ^ nuisance REGULAR STAMPS had only 16 mediool colleges, earlier accl- destroyer or turn in the same his philosophy on the rights of owes around the well even Miner, Egypt Rd.. Ellington; n®*sn«»r iia ------and aaked for a legal ruUng on Monday if delivery la paid for by' the 10 th of following moQth. which admitted 1,000 students radius and the destroyer's must criminal suspects—an Issue on though the main seepage waa Bernard Groua, Nye St., Rock­ a year. At present there are 92, use his experience and Judg- which court rulings have stirred the practice. halted after U day*. vine; Robert Mattlce, Ward St., which take in more than 11,000 ment in calculating how rapidly angry Senate controversy. Mc- RockvlUe; Steven Eller, Ward New Low Price annually. But there is still a Bone Artist to change speed and shift rud- Cleilan said as he reads Bur- 24-HOUR St., RockvlUe, and Pamtia Repeat Performance June - July - August great shortage of doctoni. CANON e rry , coio. (a pi — ger's opinions from the bench of Nothing but the Truth Favreau, RockvUle. I Wayne K. Patterson, warden of . A miscalculation may bring - the U.S. Circuit Court - of Ap- . MBABANE, Swaziland (AP) SERVICE the Colorado Penitentiary, uses ships dangerously close to- peals, the chief JusUce-deslg- t«i«. Birth* Sunday! Son born to Of all the ways America can grow, one way is by You could be the outsider who helps bring a By 1980,2(X),0(X) Peace Corps alumni will ^NDON ( make ***■■ ***^ JfeYld Sandstrom, -A prisoner convicted of as- Call Anytime 200 Gala or More acryllc paints to turn bleached destroyer nate favors restraint and a bai- learning from others. Jamaican fishing village to life, for fhe first time be living their lives in every part of America. vtalon oommerclala that make ------aault went heraerk In the Ptgg'a bones of animals into cartoon 8Tossly out of station. Either sit- ance between the rights of the Ooventry. Optiual Styl0 Bar, Inc. Personal Notices There are things you can leai^n the Peace in three hundred years. And you could wonder if There are those who think you can’t change gooda seem better than UMy Sunday: Valerie Pdak NatimMl Court. Ho figures. uatlon is likely to bring a sharp accused and those of society. Corps you can't learn anywhere else. Dtacharged your country has outsiders enough. In Watts. In the world in the Peace Corps. are, have been Teievltacm Samaon. Sunset Ter., Vernon; stabbed a guard over the eye, Card Of Thanks Patterson said he and Ms ■‘^huke from the carrier. Burger replied

\ - \' 4^

nkCB rm MANCHESl^iSK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1989 Section Two f-. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 jRimrliratrr TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 Pages 11 to 20

You Should Know Refuse Land PabUo Wdrka D4- Board To Act n a ta r WnUam D. O ’Nain. ao, WilUam D. O’N m Pension Board Considers m M, "I wmMii’t ha.T« writtm O n Agenda m f Ufs any dUNnoL*’ On I^haller BMMHPt o f lllO Job. MOOlO AanoAg the many ttama of Cost-of‘Livings Increase ndght ttilBk ha would Uko to S / um lA hwitie— to ba oonaldared by Uie An annual automatic cost-of- Resignation sultsnt The waft may fee Mf- towrtto too moat roisMit o iii^ KNOWN FOR VALUES Monoheolar Boanl of Directon llvlng increase in pension pay­ flclent time for the P e a ■ 1 e n tar. Ha rtto to ona o t Mawohaa tonlgtat is one for allocating The Board of Directors to­ ments, based on the Federal Board to chooes its ounailllaat. tar*a hot aoato. Amonv otoor 090,000 toward tha purchase of Patrolinsn Dam sold that oas night will accept the resigna­ Consumers’ Price Index, Is one thtaSB, hia ofBoa la impoBaibla an 11.2S-acre parcri of land for of the chongsa bstaig fey lor tha toam’a notorioua roatto, refuse .disposal puipoaea. tion of William R. SchaUer, after posslbiUty being considered by the PoUce Union, fbr JUly 1, oarartoadad aaoraga ayatam aad FOR THE FAMILY OF 3 The parcel, contiguous to the 2H years on the board, and the Manchester Pension Board 1870 Implsmentatlcai, is e pistt abort wator aitpply. present sanitary landfill area, will appoint Donald D. Wells for amending the town’s penskm for rstiremsnt sftar 90 yaan of atm. ha liiBtoto ha Ukaa tha would be purchased from Kohn ordinance. sorvlce, with no age limit, aad Job a ^ tha taam. Somathtoa to fill the unexpired terra to Bros. The actual purchase, when The board yerierday tabled at benefits equal to 60 per oMt la bator done about an major Novem ber. Both €tre Republi­ made, would be by crdlnanoe, to dUcuaslon and action on a pro­ of a man’s salary, booed on Ida laoWama, and the paopla hara COMPLETE 15-FOOT cans. posal tor a 10 per cent across- last three yean of oervloo. haya ararkod wau with him, ha comply with the town charter. T h e $40,000, added to $16,000 SchaUer, In hia letter of re­ the-board Increase in pension The proposal, Patrofenaa Dssn aald. signation, dated May 20, cites payments to aU pensioners, Tha atocy he would net ra- already in the budg;^ for land- explained, would provide on fiU puipoaee, W ^d be the cash the business demands cn his starting wtth July 1 of this year. addltlanal 2 per cant In pay­ wttto began In Caatso, Mhaa., POOL OUTFIT The proposal had been made whara he waa bom to 1988. Ha porUon of the proposed tnms- time for the action. ments tor each year of service acUcn. "Public Service;” he writes, in April by Horace Murphey, re­ above the 20. grow iq> to toe amaU toum and tired, park superintendent and The transfer would also in­ "has been exciting, demanding. He said that the 90-yaar re­ want OB to toe Unlveralty o( himself a pensioner. wohnaetta. with filter and volve the deeding of a four-acre Infuriating, educational, and, tirem ent plan Is a snbatUMta /--f i;i ■' parcel to Kohn' Bros., In the at the same time, very frustrat­ The board, about to retain a for the 25-year retlm nsnt plan laoahwd hhi B8 to civil consultant to advise it on its from Uliaaa in same area and filled about five ing, but. I would not have mias- proposed by the tmlon sovsral OMtching yean ago, plus granting a right- ed U for anything.’’ funding procedures and on pos­ months ago. 1MB. Ba toan Joined the Army sible changes in the pension of-wa^ for a road from Olcott He congratulates the board on Near the conclusian ot yes­ O offa o f Hngtoeera. plan, decided to wait until St. an "excellent budget" for next terday’ s m eeting, H en ry HUtl- Mtme •etting toe oCOoera’ oi^ whictiever consultant is named aluminuin ladder The proposed $40,000 allocation year, adding, "For the first laidatlfai. ha tranaferrad to toe completes its acturlal studies. ard ot Manchester, reprasMt- time in memory, Manchester’s ing the investment firm ot Tsm- tU L Cbaat and Gaodettc Survey would come from the current Pension Board chairman Fred !>■ . X". . . Capital Improvement Reserve budget is lower than East Hart­ Ideton, Dobbrow and Vanos of oMoa. Tha BtUa known unUotm- . - J ' .W . ford’s.” Geyer explained that an auto­ ad part of toe aarvloe haa only Flund. matic increase in pension pay­ Bbiglewood, N.J., requested that SALE! - He makes one recommenda­ MB otOoara, and moat are en- The board will be asked by ments would go into effect once his company be consldoced for tion for the future, which >v> gteaara. They make nauttoal Town Manager Robert Weiss to a year, based on the Consumers’ ccnsuRlng and Investing ssrvless calls "long overdue." He re­ ohaita ampftaf the ooean Soor. allocate npxt year’s Capital Im­ Price Index ot the previous for the pension plan. Charting the ocean took hiinr provement funds aUo. He is commends that the board ap­ year. By knowing it would be G eyer explained th at th e oon- from the Oidt Obaat to the Alan- $00000 recommending 12 projects, point a charter revision com­ in effect each July 1, the be­ suttlng firm the board retains


Williams Remains Cal Herald Angle Indians End Season with Four Straii I After Chicago Sneak Blitz EARL YOST Two Eighth Itest DtvisloD 8pMta U tte r Palmer Question W. .L Pet. O.B. Chicago 88 16 .678 — BOSTON. (AP) — For. m with both runners cut down on Watt WUlUuns walked on a 3-2 "Rico (Petrocelll) easily Inning Rims fields the ball and throws the FeRowJinio Gets Things Done Pittsburgh 25 23 .521 7% manager who had just double plays, for seven innings. count, filling the bases. New York 28 28 .600 8% Carl Yaslrzemski drove in three Vloente Romo, a right-handed man out, but Romo had to try Fellow who gets things done, and right, is Dick Ting- In Open Qualifying St. Louis 22 26 .468 10% gone through a sneak blitz, runs with his 12th homer and a relief ace with nine “ eaves,” re­ (or the grounder,” WllUama ley, director of athletics at Rockville High, Noted im­ Sink Bristol Phila’phia 18 26 .409 12% Manager double and Rico Petrocelll placed Nagy. Romo threw one said. “It was Just one of those provement this season was the erection of a combina­ By JERRY KAtONA NEW YORK (A P )—Jesse Snead, Ken StiU and Lar­ pttch and Luis Aparlcio ground­ things. You can’t do much about ry Hinson made it. Gardner Dickinson, Jack Fleck, and Montreal 11 88 .280 19% was exceptionally calm, ac­ cracked his 16th homer for a 4-0 tion baseball press box and storage house at the base­ Making it four victories West Division lead. ed a ball back to the mound. the bounce of a ball.” ball field. Also, there’s a large scoreboard in the out- in a row, Manchester ended Doug Sanders didn’t, and Arnold Palmer still was a Atlanta 29 17 .630 — cepting the fickle fate of Elalton Jones had two doubles Romo was unable to handle the 'Ihe Red Sox mads a game, question mark as golfers across the nation ocnnpleted but fu^le, bid to pull out the field, which is an asset to any ball diamond. . . . Rock- the 1969 scholastic base- Los Angelea 28 IS .606 baseball graciously. and a single and Russ Gibson ball, Apaiido got a single and VlUe'a baaeball dlamand, save ------* ______ball season on the right sectional qualifjdng rounds today for the U.S. Open anckinaU 24 20 .646 4 "We gave them our best shot had a pair of hits. The Red Sox RBI a ^ the bases still were game in the ninth. A walk and for a practice soccer wall in Golf Tournament. batters were Ty Cobb, Sam foot as they defeated co- Cbictonati where 43 playets San Fran. 24 23 .611 6 % and have no alibis—give them appeared en route to victory loaded. Dick Schofield’s doubte put run­ rightfleld, haa* to rank with the Snead, Still and Hinson, a rap­ Crawford and Bobby Veaofa. CCIL leading Bristol Cen­ sought Sve iriaosB. Houston 24 27 .471 credit,” Wlllleuns said Monday and m o^ observers were trying Southpaw Sparky Lyle was ners on second and third with best playing fields in the area. idly improving trio on the TOA Ruth struck them out on 10 tral yesterday afternoon at Veteran Dow FlrwtsnraM Ban Diego 22 SO .428 10 night after the CSilcago White to figure who the No. 1 hero summoned from the bullpen to one out. However, LexSngton’s The maintenance crew rates a tour, were among the 29 ptoyers Monday’a Resnlts retired Jones and pitches. . . Ken Harrelson’s bat­ Muzzy Field In Bristol, 8-1. The (toed 71-70—141 at r ... ver wh'toe Sox erupted tor six runs in the would be. face Chicago’s left-handed hit­ salute fo? an excellent job. who qualified tor a otartlng New York 2, Loa Angeles 1, N ting average hag dropped down win brought the Indians’ record eighth inning for a 6-4 victory Things looked even better as ting Carlos May. Lyle fired a Yestrzemskl with knuckle ball • • • berth to the championship Jtaw 22 players shot for three bartfea Atlanta 6, St. Louis 3, N to .160 with Cleveland In case to 7-8 and Central dropped to and Jerry Steelsmlth’s 71-71— before 21,265 fans at Fenway Nagy fanned the first batter in strike. ’Then the White Sox' pitches to end the threat. 12-16 eit the Champions Golf San Diego 6, Phlla’idila 4, N the eighth. He walked the next rookie slugger hoisted a long The Red Sox hope bo rebound Here *n Tliere you Havent heard. To date, the 12-8. 142 tapped the Oeld of 89 at Los Park. trade looks like a good one tor The Lanoers were the first to Club to Houston. San Frandsoo at Montreal, man on a 3-2 pitch, but struck drive into the right field stands txmight, sending Jim Lonboig to “When we were down a - 6 Angela were five {tlaces were Despite Williams sportsman­ Boston, Uumks to the strong appear on the scoreboard. In Dickinson, winner of the Colo­ rain out the third batter In the hr- (or his 11th homer and the flrtA the mouiid. Londboig, who has (in games w and came woih of Vincente Romo as a the bottom of the first frame, nial InvitBiUonal to Texas kust Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, rain ring. grand slam of his major league a 4-0 record while strengthening The oasualties at MIempMs ter one (or the Red Sox., the host back strong,” Pat Mlstretta reliefer. He’s the best fireman Jim.3alesaiu walked Dave Ra- month, was one of 42 disappoint­ Only games scheduled Plnchhitter Gail Hopkins beat caireer. his arm after a should ailment, also included 1969 Mastewi Today’s Games club in the first nationally tele­ noted about his RookvlUe High Boeton has had since the hey- poney and ga've up a <»e bagger ed playiens who tailed to score vised game during prime even­ out a single off Dalton Jones’ Romo, who put the tie-break­ is due to be opposed by south­ champion Art WhU; 1960 PGA Los Angeles (Foster 0-8) at basebcdl team. The Rams just day of Dick Radats.... Foot- to Bud Meltogonls,- placing Ra- 142 or better (or 36 holes over king Jay Hebert, Uonel’s bnlli- ing Ume this season. glove. Still few ;fans worried. ing run on base took the loos, paw Gary Peteiai a dWappoint- New York (Seaver 6-8), N missed by a whisker of maldng boU practice is underway at poney on third. The q>eed de- the par 70 Colonial Country dub er; Doral Opm wkwer Ty>ro Rookie right-hander Mike Then Tom McCtW looped a but ■ was absolved by Williams ment for Chicago with a 4-6 San Francisco (McCormack the Class L tourney, finishing both East CathoUc High and w on Raponey made a success- course, the site of last weMc’e Shaw, and promising youngsteis Nagy allowed only two singles, runHSCoring single to center and on Aparlcio’s Mt. mark. 2-2) at Montreal (Wegener 1-2), with an 11-7 record which in­ RockvlUe High - • • Varsity ten- ful attempt of stealing home, Memphis Open. Marty Fleckman, Grter Jones N cluded nine wins in their last nls coach at RockviUe High this and Bristol rutod a 1-0 lead, Fleck, the unheralded pro who and Steve Retd. San Diego (Kirby 1-6) at Phil­ Nothing Half-Baked About Sweetroll Kid 10 outings.. .Mlstretta created spring was Americo ’’Butch” Manchester ratUed In the to 1966 beat Ben Hogan in a Hineon, 'wtokier of the New Or­ adelphia (Champion 0-0), N a “Orst” this qnrlng when Ms Bucclno of Mandiester, a mem- fourth toning as left fielder Jim playoff and won the Open leans Open last month, quaMOed Cincinnati (Merritt 6-2) at game uniform consisted of 1>6r of the faculty, Jackson reached on an error as OhamplionBhip, failed to qualify at 188; StUl, 'wtoner of the dtru s PltUburgh (Veale 8-6), N ■horte and te » A lr t w h «i the • * • the bell popped to and out of OJt Los Angeles end the sartorial Open to Ortando, Fla., last Houston (Lemaster 8-6) at shortstop Pete Holden’s glove. Sanders lost out with 146 at Dal- March, shot 130, and Soeadi Chicago (Hands 4-6) Could Be Hottest Biseuit % End • ' (3ary Uvengood sacked him to las. newjtoew of Slammln’ Sammy, FLIP FLOP—Lynn Montgomery of Seattle powered his 266-cubic inch hydro Dick Cobb, jayvee baseball Atlanta (Pappas 8-4) at St. CMislst of eouth Wlndeor, Rock- second where he was able to Although Palmer won the had 141. plane into a boat-smashing flip. After flipping the plane sailed into the air, coach at Manchester High, hsus Louis (Carlton 6-4), N , vlUe, Mamtoester, Bast Hart­ score on another Holden error. Open Champdonshlp to 1960, he Texas Open champion Deane then ‘disintegrated. Montgomery went head over heels and spun around from In Baseball’s May Family ford, Windsor and Glastonbury. been named site director for The neoct two innings were rtlll mu^ survive the sectional Beman was one of 48 players side to side. He was lucky in that his worst injury was a broken arm. American League Dropping by Qie wayside were Wednesday’s CIAC Class S quite as Balesano, striking out TONIGHirS GAMES qualifying this year because ho shooUiig tor (slx berths today In East Division “But Carlos has a better tn 86 games with New entries from Stafford and Baseball Tournament g;ame be­ nine, walked two and allowed NEW YORK (AP) — Billiards -vs. Walnut, 7:30 Ne- doea n ot meet the U.S. Golf Aa- Maryland and young Bunky W. L. Pet. O.B. swing. In maybe two years he’ll York. Windsor Locks. First games are tween Bolton High and East four hits, controUed Central erald Photo By Bucehdctus) There’s nothing half-baked bo sociation'a quaUfications lo r 'ex­ Henry, wtoner of the rich Na­ 18 .700 — set for Sunday, .June 33. Buell Granby at Memorial Field. B o lto n ...... High talks Baltimore 36 pass Lee.” The 26-year-old son of Jim He­ with a blazing fastball and a f emption. He was exempt from tional AtoBnoa Open last wlntar Boston 80 17 .688 3% about Chicago’s Sweetroll gan, a former All-Star Sportsman vs. DeCormler, 9 Chapman of RockviUe wlU Each team picked one umpire ____ with three of his standout performers, Wayne Gagnon, Bob Muro and Pete Seattle’s Mike Hegan cracked sweeping curve. local qualifytog, however. to MIemi, waa among tha 48 Detroit 26 20 .666 7% Kid. Before long, he might for Cleveland, also drew a walk Nebo again serve a » district chair­ with Bolton naming Chris Mc- two homers and a single to Thto^ began to bum to the Traygis. Bulldogs meet East Granby High Wednesday at 3:30 in Manchester, Peilmer and 61 o n e r (dayers golfers aeeMng six spote in ^ - Cepeda Came Home Warti’n. 26 27 .491 % be the hottest biscuit in in Seattle’s three-run first In­ Wyman vs. WINF, 6:16 man, a poet he has handled Hale of Manchester. The local 10 move into the No. 6 spot in the seventh frame, as Uvengood, , f n J m shoot for eight places at. the Keeney lanta. Charlie Siffoaxl and Tam­ New York 24 26 .480 11 baseball’s swinging May AL batting derby with a .304 ning flurry and singled In the most capably for a number of man, soon to leave for his first Brian Maher and Dave Ware R e V e n g e I F l M indS Of BulldO gS 1 OUlOrrOW N.E. Fire vs. Herald, 6:16 Youghlogheny Country Club my Bolt ted the field of 94 play­ Cleveland 12 31 .279 19% family. mark as the Pilots slamimed seventh for a perfect night at yeeuv. Zone Eight gamee are job in the pro ranks, will call all got base hilts chasing Bristol ------—------^------—------near Pittsburgh. Robertson ers seeking 19 taerthe at Chica^ West Division Carlos “Sweetroll’’ M)ay, Cleveland 8-2. CalKomla beat the plate. scheduled Sunday afternoon and the balls and strikes. . . . Nice starting pitcher. Bill Boyko to Veteran Uonel Hebert and Minnesota 26 20 .656 — Steve Whitaker drove In two Wednewlay and Friday nights. go- whose older brother, Lee, hits Denny McLain end the Detroit INDEPENDENT SOFTBALL win for Vito AgosttoelU to the the showers. But Ace hurler Bud Bob Duden, an obscure Port­ The field of 88 seeking five ..And Home Again Oakland 24 21 .631 home runs for Cincinnati, poled Tigers 3-1; Mlnneao(ta nipped more Seattle runs with a homer RockviUe, imder (JoEtah Art Governor's Cup Golf Tourna­ Czojkowald came to to put out Jumi>lng off to a 7-0 load af­ land, Ore., pro, each fired 186 spots in Detroit tocluded Mike Seattle 22 24 .478 4 and bunt single. Winning pitcher Callahan and Manager Bob Ber­ Muro Posts .429 Bat Mark, the first grand slam homer of the 3-2 on ter two Innlrags, Lenox Pharma­ ment Championship finals last the fire. Monday to lead die held of 63 Souchak while 1968 Mashza Chicago 20 22 .478 4 Steve Barber and reliever Jim ger, wUl play aU home tuts at NEW YORK (AP)—Or­ included four singles by Sonny a home nm by BUI RusseU in Ws brief major league career Hairmon Klllebrew’s three-run cy held on to drop Center Con­ Sunday against John Peragrallo, The Indians greeted the new players who qucUlfied lout of 266 champion Bob Goalby headed a Kansas City 21 27 .438 5% Monday night, cllm'axlng e six- homer and Washington edged Bouton scattered six hits, in­ Henry Path. Cosdi Porter Agostinelli has come back from piteher with a )>attery of hUs lando (Zepeda came home Jackson, helped u n b e a t e n the eighth and pitched out of go last night at Keeney Field, BUnn's South Windsor nine wUl hopefuls at sU sites. field of 87 players alter ftve California 15 30 .333 10% run eighth inning rally that Kansas City 7-6 in other AL ac­ cluding Ken Harrelson’s fifth a crippling Ulness to play a in the eighth. Manchester scor­ O eoTge Stone record his sixth deep trouUe in the ninth. Wes Monday’s Results 9-6. play at Reo Field while Man­ W ayne Gagnon T ops Hurlers In todtty's qualifytog, 386 places in St. Louis. Ed FlngtS, to St. Louis Monday night thrust 4 the tion. homer. top game of golf, best testimcmy ed their final two tallies on victory. He needed relief help Parker led off with a (kmble and CSilcago 6, Boston 4, N * .* • Dave Slbiinsz, Dave Turklng- chester’s home attractions wlU players shot for 64 places to Ttaug Fbrid lond Toin Ntepocte . . . and came home . . . past Boston 6-4. * * * being his come-from-behtod de­ three stogtee and a double. from Cecil Upshaw, who worked continued to third on a throwing Minnesota 3, New York 2, N ton, Bob Gagnon (and Bill Fortin be at Mt Nebo. By DEAN YOST pitcher is Sam Bastarche who 6-0, by Portland early in the (eight rtates. The 117 survivors were among the field of 97 seek- and came home. The homer, 11th of the season WHITE SOX - BED SOX — ANGELS - TIOERS — cision to the Governor’s Cup Sophomore Dick Marsh, play­ the last three Innings. error. But Koosman retired Seattle 8, Cleveland 2, N each collected two hits for Le­ * • * bed en 0-1 record, hla loiss came season. of the sectional qualifying join tog 12 places at two courses in And when Atlanta’s slugging * « * (or the Chicago rookie, gave May, nicknamed “Cupcake,” The Angels spotted Detroit a finals. . . , Speaking of the ing second base for the Injured Andy Kiosoo and BUI Sudakis on California 3, Detroit 1, N nox while Jim Menditto, Mike Rounding out a very fine at the expense of East Granby, The Bulldogs have registered ^3 exempt players to comprise New York’s W'estdiester Ooun- first baseman was through him 29 RBI in 38 gomes and first inning run, then scored Short Stuff Country Club, Norm Clark re­ Carl Ogren, received a walk. METS -DODGERS — infield pops and Jim Le(febvTe Washington 7, Kan. City 6, N and thlan “ Sweetroll” by White Polio matched this total for scholastic baseball • season, 'Rounding out Bolton are Bri- four shutouts and took both ends starting field of 160 for the ty. touching home plate for the boosted his batting average to three off McLain, 8-5, in the New “ editor” on the local ports the club’s edition of Guys Balesano 'banged a stogie p u l ­ Jerry Kbosman hurled a five- died to deep left. Only games scheduled Sox teammates because o t his Congo. Joe Ruggerio homered Bolton High, co-champs in an Wei's the second baseman of a weekend double header champtanshlp. Roberto DeVlncenzo of Argeo- evening the Braves had ended a .307—fifth best In the American third. Jay Johnstone keyed the scene is Chuck Zanlungo, eon of and Dolls wUl take place Sun­ ing M a r^ to second, but weu9 httter as the Mets tripped the Today’s Games buttcrball physique, smacked 10 in defeat as Congo fell to 2-3. the Charter Oak Confer- and leodoff hitter, Gary Mbr- from Bacon Academy. They Hebert, the 1957 PGA cham- tlna decided It would be move four^ame losing streak by League. burst with a two-run and Spots, whose 360-word story on day. Three male and one fe­ then caught a mile off the bag Dodgers and reached the .500 PADRES - PHILS*— Baltimore (Cuellar 6-4) at homers before celebrating his Lerox stands at 3-2. en ce with Rocky Hill with tonson to centerfield and on the have scored more than 10 runs pton, shot 67-69 at M'emphls and prufttablc to bypeus the open trimming (Jepeda’s once-be­ Brother Lee has Mt 16 homers tallied on Jim Fregosl’s sacri­ trap appears in the current is­ on a good move by the pitcher. mark once ag;aln with their fifth The expansion San Diego Pa­ Oakland (Odom 7-3), N 21st birthday on May 17. He had Lenox 341 001 x—9-12-1 male will make up foursomes right side (of him Is Hattaon and In five outings, the biggest run Dueten fired 68-68 over the par qualifying tn favor of ploying to loved El Birdoe, the Cardinals, fice fly. Tom Murphy and re­ sue of Himt Fish & Trap maga- Jackson doubled scoring Marsh 14-3 records, and ranked consecutive triumph. Jerry dres used Nate Colbert’s two- Detroit (Hiller 1-1) at Califor­ and knocked in 36 runs for the hit just 13 last season at Lynch­ O>ngo 006 000 0 -8 - 9-2 In a Four Ball, Best Ball Tour­ the left side is Steve Roser. Ken production was a 14-8 win over 70 Broadmoor Golf Club in S ^ - the final round of telsvislon’s 6-3. liever Rudy May checked the sine. Zanlungo describes the tor the second Indian run. third in the Class C CIAC Tour­ Grote’s wind-blown pop fly run homer and Tommy Dean’s nia (Messersmlth 0-5), N Reds in four mo(re gomes, but burg, while leading the Class nament with full handicaps. Ba'vier handles the shortstop East Hampton. Bolton also has tie. Wonderful World of Golf today. Oepeda tripled and scored in Tigers on (our hits. DUSTY SOFTBALL sklUs necessary to trap ef­ nament. brought home the first run In two-run double to beat Philadel­ Cleveland Cnant 1-7) at Seat­ his average is 23 points lower. AA with a .330 Play starts at 8 :S0 which means Uvengood reached safely on a duties and Steve Freddo o|per- won its last seven games, three John Schlee posted 68-69—137 The USGA told DeVtocenao his the second inning, cracked his McLain, who won 31 games ficiently and effectively and The BuUdogs 'Will get a the fourth and AI Weis followed phia (or their fourth straight tle (Pattln 6-3), N “Carlos Is going to be an even average. Five In a row for Tedford's some little, or big, housewives fielder’s oltoioe while Jackson ates at first base. by shutouts and has won nine to lead the field of 64 seeking Open qualifying could not be de- 10th home run in the fourth and for Detroit last year, didn’t sus­ Barbers! with results. He wrote and sub­ was thrown out moving to third. chance tomorrow afternoon at with a run-scoring double. win, a team record. A four-run Washington (Hannan 2-3) at bettor hitter than his brother,” The 6 - foot • 205 - pound left- will have to get breiakfast for Bolton, a high-scoring team, of its last 10 starts. nrne berths at Dallas end Dick layed one (day iek> DeVtooenzo walked and scored again in the tain his fifth loss until Aug. 24. Last night the unbeaten Bar­ mitted the story two years ago. their better halfs at an eariy'Btto Kleman continued hda hit- Memorial Field to Ma(ncbester iKooaman, 2-3, wras tagged for ilxth wrapped it up. Kansas City (Bunker 1-2), N says Luis Aparlcio, the White handed swinger had failed to • • * has tallied 120 runs in 18 games, Last year the Bulldogs quali­ Rhyanfs 71-70—141 was best at pulled out. fifth in his first 8t. Louis ap­ Sox ’veteran shortstop. ‘Lee is connect in 14 games prior to bers clipped Army & Navy Club . . Don’t look now but the Los hour. . . . Although no word ting streak, getting a stogie and to demonstrate their wlnntog New York (Peterson 7-6) at TWINS - YANKS — Angeles Dodgers are Just one and has scored better than six fied for post-season play with pearance sinoe he was traded good. I know he hit .290 last sea,- Monday night. But he unloaded at Robertson Park, 11-3, as Jack has been received to date it’s «• RBI as Uvengood scored, abilities. G atno time is 3:80, a Minnesota (Boswell 6-8), N Klllebrew socked his 408th ca­ and one-hEilf games out of first runs per game. They have held a 12-6 record. for Joe Torre during spring Bon with 22 homers and 80 RBI. into the faraway right field Hedlund scattered six hits. Gun- understood that the LltUe Maher singled and Whltoy Jen^ change from the previously — New York’s Sports Hotel — Chicago (Peters 4-5) at Bos­ reer homer in the fifth Inning, place in the Western Division their opponents to 40 runs, and Seniors are Traygis, Muro, training. Torre was hitlees in I looked it up. seats at against ver is now 3-1. League baseball programs an- tons skied to deep left for the scheduled 4 p.m. starting time. Top Two U.S. Tennis Girls ton (Lonborg 4-0), N erasing a 2-1 New York lead of the National League stand­ have been shutout only m ce. Mortensen and Welz. three at-bats, once popping up southpaw Sparky Lyle in the Pacing the 16-hlt Barber at­ nual house to house canvass for final out. The Bulldogs will oppose East built on Bobby Cox’ third Inning ings. The men of Manager Walt with two men on base. Suites Are Well-Suited eighth. tack was Terry SdiilUng 'with funds took place several weeks Central was held scoreless to Granby, the first team homer and taking 13th place on Alston have been quietly gain­ Elsewhere tn the Natianal "Lefties don’t bother him,” four hits. John Pasquarelli add­ (ago. . . . Disappointing was the the eighth and ninth innings, as a blemieh on their record, 11 ^ ^ r Paired in French Open Play the all-time HR list—one ahead ing ground to their bid to over­ w d e “ League, the New York Mets said ACanager Don Gutterldge. ed three and John Kortsel and turnout (or Manchester’s Amer­ Balesano continued his out­ was en opening season 3- Double Wmsmjaycee Irack ^ For Seven-Foot Visitors of Duke Snider. take the Atlanta Braves and ^ J PARIS (AP) — The United nuael El Shafelf c f (he United nipped Los Angeles 2-1 and San “ He’s absolutely fearless. (George McKay each had a pair. standing pitching. The Indians feat. BoUtxi drew a bye Southpaw Jim Kaat went the get back in the N.L. spotUght. ican Legion baseball team last U A r r a e f A - | « o r l V k U glrie, Arab Republic 0-6, 6-l, 12-10, 9-7. Diego shaded Philedelphla 6-4. Pat Wilson homened with two weekend. Cktach CharUe Graff ftotohed the season to fine style first round of (action. NEW YORK — (NBA) — 1967. Moreover, he adds, busi­ ’He's tremendously strong distance for the Twins, yielding u y C tCYCI cII Nancy Richey and Julie Held- Karen Krantacfce and Kerry T h e Scm-Francisco-liIbntreal . . What was Babe Ruth’s great­ ad knocked off three teams Two hundred yards of Eighth ness has improved. and he’s going to get stronger.” six hits and bringing his season mates on base for the Stamp­ reported that only eight young­ Placing .the Bulldogs through­ ^ •' mian, faced each other today to Mehrille of Australia beat Miss and Oindmiatl-Plttsbuigh est thrlU to basebaU? .{Accord­ that had beofen them, Wethers­ Avenue sidewalk separate the The White Sox’ Stunning ers and Bill Wilson had three sters reported, seven from out the season was the flaltoy Six youngsters scored double dash —Scott Giarman; numtag the quarter-finals of the FYench Heldman and Peaches Barkoiw- games were washfed out while “It’s a stamp of approval mark to 5-3. ing to Mrs. Ruth It was the day rotund Madison Square Garden com cb a ok -^ ter they’d been * * * hits. Manchester and one from Cov­ field, Conard and Bristol. little third baseman Bob Muro. the Chicago Cubs and Houston from the area a team comes the Babe had a one-run lead Blanchestor (8> ■wtos to the recent Manchester 1®** jump — William Wilson. Open champlionehips—and it Itz of Hhmtnunck, M idi., in (be Center from a 40-story sky­ from,” he said. “And seeing seventh by rookie Mike Nagy— SENATORS-ROYALS — Fhiday night a makeup game entry. Jim Tymon, co-captain He led the team in stolen bases were not scheduled. against the Detroit ’Tigers and ab 0 rbi Jaycee Track and Field Day at SoftbaJa throw —William WU- was a vital ma/bch for both. women’s, doubles 6-2, 1-6, 6-8. scraper called the New Yorker big-name athletes in the lobby eclipsed Rico Petrocelll’s 16th Bemle Allen’s bases-loaded lists Tire, Herald and Gunver at the bases were loaded to the of Rham High this spring, was M&y, 3b, 0 0 'With 17, for his New York home. the Greater Hartford Open Six runs In their first at bats night’s tryout and algi^. other fellows trying to get the will put away his “ Henry ball today. He has won two First dea/dlock of the season Eight Prince players aU hit able for weekday svanb^. Sometimes, due to snow, mem­ Eigaln this year. “ I wouldn’t were enough (or Green Manor Tryouts for the remainder of TEL, 6 4 3 - 2 4 6 7 athletes’ business.” Attired in a blue “ television Aaron” autograi^-model Louis­ batting champlonelilps and four was the result last night as Man- safely exnept for the pitcher CaU 649-8812 bers of the Rangers hockey to denioralize the Wlalnut Bar­ IS2 One of Sussklnd’s early con­ outfit,” Ford was the principal miss that one. It’s close to ville Slugger and do something home run and RBI titles. Three this week 'will be held at Me­ Manehester, Varmm To%m U m ^ team must be lodged in a hotel bers last right at Mt. Nebo land Auto Parts and Nasslff Bouchard who wont 0-8. Fsxgrsve Ommiter tacts in sports was his father, in a Canada Dry Sports Forum home,” the veteran pro said as else. There are men in base­ times he has received Ute Gold morial Field starting at 6 near the Garden. Sometimes, the result was an easy 11-1 suc­ Anna battled to a 7-7 Ue at Cbenoy wUl host a sports ban- Keeney 8t. •S, TALCOTTVIULE.CT a lightweight boxer. “ My dad movie, a 30-minute film, made he discussed new clubs with Al ball who say he will become Glove aAVard as the leagtM's Buckley Field. The game wiU be quet foe all Beaver afhtetee o’dDck. if the squad’s opponent also is at Golf Land. Gayson, pro at Golf Land. cess as FYank Lateano spun a was a great fighter,” says the the first Negro manager In the outstanding right fielder. continued at a later date. Thursday evening at the school. staying at the New Yorker, the Due to heavy rains in New In addition to being with nifty-four hitter. He imlased a son. "Called himself Young Ot­ major leagues. A quiet man who makes his The alow-starting Arms scored Letters, awards and trophies Rangers are refused accommo­ York, Ford was an hour late Canada Dry, along with Cazzle noise with the lash of a bat, shutout in the last Innii^. to. He had 46 first-round knock­ dations. ’ ’Henry has an attitude and five runs to the last two innings will be given out. outs.” in arriving. Russell, Jerry Koosman, Nan­ Aeiron has said he doesn’t con­ Ten men batted In the first “ Hockey is a very competitive the maturity that would make to come from a 7-2 deficit be­ Now, says Sussklnd, the New “I (lew in from Memphis cy Richey and Tucker Fred- sider himself the Braves’ field frame, s(x scoring for Manor, PtiBIM Teeh ( 8) sport.’’ Sussklnd explained tact­ him a natural manager,' ’ fore darkness sef in. ab r b Yorker has acommodated be­ (where he finished far down the eiickson. Ford is also a member leader now. He (taps Ms ba t "I now 7-2. The Bafbers arre 2-6. fully. “ There could be argu­ veteran National League coach Nosolff’s, wtoners of six - e tween three and (our thousand list with a four-round score of of Sears advisory staff. know what I’'ve got to do to It was Joe Twaronlto’s homer Santuo, U. a 0 ments on the elevator or some­ said recently. “And it certain­ straight without defeat, appear­ Amadayo, 2b, 3 1 athletes since he took over in 285 and won but $240) this morn­ Carl Lundqulst, long-time help this d u b,” he says. ‘T m In the seventh which account­ thing, you know, and we want ly doesn’t look like any other Ifichaud, lb, 3 1 ing and I’ve never seen it rain sportswriter based in New York, not supposed -to be a Punch ed tor the lone Barber tally. ed well on their way to No. 7 BUote. o T a 0 9 Races Mon.ThrH'!fri. to avoid that sort of thing. blacks are going to be hired.” when the Arms exploded. Zanlwliidi, ta 3 1 so hard. The water in West­ and now beating the drums for and Judy hitter.” Don Gllha, Jim Breen, Marsh That’s also why officials don't Two years ago when Bill It was Kurt Oarteen’a homer Borslo,

rfSAOft SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERAIJ), MANCmSTIER. OONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 PAGE SEVBMTBBR TiEcin--Troctow 5 Pointing Poparing 21 H u lp Hdp W onfod— HousohoM SorvicM HMp W anfd Mate 36 H>lp WonPRd— Mala 36 Dogo Iltdo PaH 41 3 5 3 5 3 5 A pailinRmo riati BoshiMS Proporty 7 1 l#ee DODGE \ ton pick-up OffMod 13-A B. H. MAGOWAN JR. A Sons, 6 3 CLASSIFIED tru ck, $1,046. A lao 1964 F ord interior and exterior painting, a c c o u n t s reochtetto cl«rt — 'teilte^drtw'A^ WD^W cleaners - exper- SIAMESE Uttens, Seal Point, 8 For Sol* 70 OOTTAOQ NT. -T w o Aamfly. p4ck-up, excellent condition. LET ME help clean around LA D IE S fo r light cleaning Girl to work In aooounbi rfr- paper hanging. Thirty yean MANCHESTER — Prime Broad Tbia offering has tremeidooi 643-9763. your home or lot. I have chain COMPTOMETER duties from 8 a .m . to 1 p.m . celvabte departnMnt of local ship aired. Ofell 648-0229 after 6 experience, four generations. iiara ManchMter. BEOlirS WORLD MANCHBSTEH Park Chestnut St. locatkm, 4,(XX> square foet, investmerrt potaoUaL Backs saw, pick-up truck and can manufacturing company. Ligtat p.m . Free estimates, fully insured. C all 646-4220. Garden ApartmaXa< available masooary building, 120 x 860’ up to the Town Munleipla Park­ do manx repair jobs you Just OPERATOR ADVERTISING 643-7861, 164 Oak Street. booldceeptDg and aoma typing J u ly 1 , 4H room apartment at lot. For sale or lease. Warren ing lot. Don’t watt. $28,000. Auto A ce— sorius can’t seem to get done. Call required. Apply Iona ICfg. Oo., $180, 8H room t^)artmfo)t at Phllbrlek Agency, fUalton, PAINTINO —• Interior and ex­ E. Howland, Realtor, 648-U06. CLASSDTED ADVERTISING D E l^. HOURS V m T i r o s 6 64S-7996, anytim e. CLERK-TYPIST Regent St, Manohaatar. $186, beat, hot water, o v e n - ______646-4200. terior, very reasonable, tree O penings tor experi­ anytim e, 648-7064. Plumbing A Heating, Ihc. East Hartford. ’ range, refrigerator, parking MI CENTER Street, an eight #AJLto4:80PJI. estimates. Call Richard enced comptometer <^>era- Ihtereeiting poslUoa in DENTAL aasiatant, exparlancad storage, ho pels. Tele- room home with 2-car gaiagt TWO-FAMILY flats — I an d ■ HURST — 4-apeed with reverse B u ild in g M artin, 649-9286,, 649-4411. tors.< M ust be skilled In all small department for quali­ preferred but will train. Typ­ plus four finished rootmi phases of comptometer FREm: Mttena, housebroken, phone 627-9288 betw een 9 6 pan. located in business H sons. 0(H*Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. lo ck out $68. C a ll 649-0668. Contracting 14 fied typist. Must be high ing and office {xocedura nec­ third floor, two-ear Oarags, NICK TSAPATSARIS Painting work. Five-day week, Mon­ oail anytime, 647-1124. after* 6 p.m. 647-1871. Dwelling could be easUy con­ school graduate fuid have essary. Write Box "AA", Man­ verted for professional or com­ large tree rttadsd lot. Bxesl- 4tM P.M. DAT BETORE PDBUOATION DORMERS, garages, porches, (Joniractor — Ebcterlor and In­ day through Friday, excel­ good figure aptitude. Good chester Herald. ' POODLES — Black mtolature, DUPLEX — 4Mi rooms, m mercial occupancy. Robert J. lent location. $84,800. PhUliilek D m ABm fw Saturday aad Moaday la «:t 0 F r ld ^ T r o i l u r w * rec rooms, room additions, terior. Reasonable rates. Free lent benefits, free parking, COLONIAL BOARD CO. 2 fomatea, cos male, AKO baths, GE colored applianoes, Sm ith, In c., 968 M ain Street, Agency, Realtora, 846-4200. kitchens, add-a-Ievels, roofing, estim ates. C all 643-1731. subsidized cafeteria, con­ wages, pleasant working HAIRDRESSER — To sell and M obih HomM 6 -A registered, shots, wedn old. dlspcoal, veiretian Minds, car­ 649-6241. genial co-workers and ex­ condlUons, excellent com­ SklUed and unaklUed. Excellent wages. Full-time 8 davs 8 NEW LtSTHf O — Vacant rnON8, remodeling, ga­ satisfaction guaranteed. 647- person, weekends only. Must LADIEIS for light delivery, m int Bona R estaurant, 894 ToUand and lea se requ ired . 649-0188, RAISED RANCH — Modem Experienced warehouse fore­ 649-8779. zone n. Heavy traffic count TraiblE RMchiis Our Advertiser? rage, rec rooms, bathrooms 9664. be personable and poised. Call WOMAN wsuited for baking sev­ have oar end familiar with T pke., MatM^hester. FOUR racket mag wheels, like kitchen with buUt-ln range, I r Garage— Service— eral mornings a week. Apply Hartford and vicinity. Phone man agricultural supply area. PhUlirick Agency, Real­ tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ 643-1416, Steve O avagnaro Jr. new . C all B ob 649-2961. LET us handle all your rental shaped Uving and dlniag Cavey’s Restaurant, 46 East M r. B row n, 628-4478. house, charge of idiipplng tors, 646-1200. S t o r a g e 1 0 ment work, cellar floors, pa- for appointment. , MACHINISTS problems! Over 100 screened rooms, three bedrooms, large M-Honr Answering Senriee PAINTING — Interior, exterior. Center S t„ 643-1416. and receiving. Must have DARK RICH stone free loam, tlos, roofing. Call Leon dles- F ree estim ates. C all 64S-7876. clients available. CaU today for ""MANCHESTER ^ family room with buUt-ln bar, LATHE & BRIDGEPORT ability to direct warehouse five yards, $16. Sand, gravel, synsM , BuUder. 840-4291. our personaU^ service, Wy- CHOICE INVESTMENT!! 2-car garage. Lot 100x200’ . Free to Heraid Readers OARAGE fo r stora ge. C all 649- RN O R LPN , tw o days, J1 p .m . OPERATORS crew. Excellent salary and stone, fill, manure, pool aad INSIDEl—outside painting. Spe- SECRETARY WANTED to 7 a.m., part-time or full­ Help W an»ed>-M ale 36 fringe benefits. Bast Hart­ m an & L ord R ea ltors, 646-8786. Property in desiraMe, cen­ $29,800. Phllbrlek Agency, 1872. WES ROBBINS Oarpentry re­ dal rates for people over 65. p a tio sand. C all 648-9604. Want Information on one of our claasUled advertlsementsT tim e. 649-4510. Aircraft quality, experi­ ford location. Applicant (0 IN* by NIA, Ik . tral spot, ideal for profes- Realtors, 646-4200. modeling q>eclalist. Additions, Call my competitors, then cal) MANCHESTER MEMORIAL mental background requir­ FIVE ROOM, first floor, near Ho answer at the telephone HstedT SImidy caO the MAN FOR tire eervlce, good must be bondabte. For In­ ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used slcnal men. Must be seen!! MANCHESTER — Cape, ftfll reo rooms, dormers, porches, m e. E stim ates given. 649-7868 HOSPITAL HAS A CHAL­ NURSES Aide — 11 p.m. to 7 ed, capable of own set-up "W ell, one thing's for sure— you're no Pierre Trudeau!'' Main St., middle age cotq>le. M otorcycle*— pay, 46-66 hours per week, all terview ca ll 289-9666, M r. aa printing plates, .009 thick, Could be 3 offices with shed dormer, 4-bedrooma, Uv­ cabinets, formica, built - Ins, LENGING POSITION OPEN a.m., part-time or full-time. and mliiimum gupervialon, Heat, garage and stove, no FOR A VERY CAPABLE benefits. Must be steady worit- Hill or Mr. Gordon. 28x88’’, 26 cents each or 6 fo r good rental return on in­ lng, dining, family, IH baths. EDWARDS Bicycles 11 bathroom s, kitchens. 649-3446. 649-4610. full benefits. Apply pets. Write Box "W’’, Man­ L & M PAINT contractors. Free SECRETARY. STENOGRAPH­ er. Experience helpful. Ap|)ly $1. CaU 84S-2TU vestment). Presently used Upper 20’s, 646-1494. ROLO MACHINE CO., Inc. chester Herald. doctor-owner!! Asking ANSWCRimi SERVICE BICYCIjES—new and used. Re­ CARPENTRY — concrete steps, estim ates, phone 649-7149. IC SKILLS ARB REIQUIRED. CLERK — Accounting office, Nichols Manchester Tire, Inc., EXCELLENT SALARY AND PART-TIME servina nt- Aluminum oomblnatlon $86,900 and anxious! Coll J. pairs on all makes. Open dally floors, hatchways, remodeling, 5 hours dsUIy, fringe benefits, 296 B road St., M ancheeter. 66 Elm St.—Manchester Housohoid G oods 51 Rooms W ithout Board 59 porches, garages, closets, ceil­ FRINGE BlBlNEFTTS. FOR windows for sale. Various ------^------n ew Sledesky, 649-6806. 9-6:80. Mandiester Cycle Shop, ca ll M r. B om bardier, 649-5361. tendant, 8at*jrday end Sunday. ings, eittlcs finished, rec Floor Rnishing 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMA- THREE custodlaiu — starting DUE to expeneion we have an sizes. CaU after 6 p.m., 640- SEWING MACHINES — singer ROOM for rent, gentleman only. F n r n ls fw d MISS 6«M»00 875-2519 182 W est M iddle T pke., TTON, CONTACT THE PER­ Apply Dick’s Shell Station, 663 rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ date Ju ly 7, 1969. B olton P ub­ opening in the Hartford area 3878. automatic zig-zag, excellent central location, references re­ and leave your message. Toa*n bear from onr advertiser In 649-2098. FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh SONNEL DlBJPARTMENT, PART-TIME bookkeeper, hours Center St., Manchester. Aportmanh 63-A B (Sl W er related work. No Job too lic Schools. Contact Mr. James tor a man to be trained in sales ______condition. Makes buttonholes, quired. 649-8160, 043-2693. SPLIT LEVEL f g Ume wUhoat spending all evening at the telephone. ing (specializing in older MANCHESTER MEMORIAL flexible. Call Mr. Thomas Col- 14’ BOAT and traU er, 25 h.p. 1966 HONDA Super H awk, blue, small. Dan Moran, Builder. ' Veltch, Superintendent of and certain phases of manage- ELBXTTRKJIAN — FuU-time, hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ ONE BEDROOM deluxe nicely BARROWS and WALLACE Co, floors). Inside painting. Paper HOSPITAL, 643-1141, EXT. 243. la, 643-9666. • motor, gaa tank, $300. Chest Manchester Parkade OF excellent condition. Custom E venings 649-8880. Buildings end Grounds, call ment. ExceUent opportunity steEuiy em ploym ent, Insurance inally over $800., 0 monthly 238 (CHARTER OAK ST. —room furnished apartment$176. CaU hanging. No job too small. type freezer, $100. 1968 C adil­ M anchester 640-6306 Autom obilut For Solo 4 pipes and bars. Call after 6, COSMETICIAN — For laiclals, 643-1669. for advancement tor the right benefits, paid holldaya and payments of $8.60 each or pay- with private entnuice, suftable J .D . R ea l E sta te, 648-8779. HALLMARK BuUding Com- John V erfaille, 649-6760. la c, $50. Three sled s, $6. C&ll $81 cash. 622-0931 dealer. fo r w ork in g gentlem an. $16. 1969 643-0374. waxing and makeup. Apply man. Good starting salary and vacation. Call between 8 a.m . 80’ BY 300’ piece of level land pany—for home improvement, a fte r 6:30 p .m ., 648-6624. ------w eek ly. 649-1746. 2H ROOMS and bathroom, cen­ Carriage House Salon, 18 Oak oommission. Company vehicle and 6 p .m . 644-2421. on Wert Middle Turnpike, near HERALD 1968 460 OC’s, HONDA Soram - additions, rec rooms, garages, TRAIN MOVING out of State: SeUlng ______trally located, reasonable. Be­ T A K E OVER Bonds— Stocks— St., Manchester. CONSTRUCTION provided. Many employe Main. Ideal for profesrttmkl of­ She won this ooveted award bler, low miteage, like new. roofing, gutters. Free esti­ typewriters , electric, new, furniture, electrical ap- YOUNG laily looking for a tw een 4-6 p .m ., 649-8404. benefits. Apply: Singer Com­ fice and or apartments. Ebdst- because of her grace and C all 649-2189. mates, all work guaranteed. Mortgages 27 B’OR TH E CO-ORDINATOR Olivetti Underwood Model no. pUances, garden, mechanical room a te to share three- BOX LETTERS PAYM ENTS AVON pany, 866 Main St., Manchee­ Salesmen W anted 36-A ATTRACjTTVB 8 room furnish­ ing two-famUy and two-car ga­ beauty. Her seven rocma C all 646-2527. 700, list $426 —S ale $260. CaU tools. winter coats, etc. 649- room furnished apartment. SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- ter, Mr. Moore. 622-6167. 0066. ClaU 649-0640. ed, heated, apartment. Large rage. More land available. are complemented by bew F or T our SOME BAN K HONDA 8-60, 1966. G ood condl- ATTENTION Person Ito assist construc­ ESTABLISHED realtor and tkxi, rear nubby tire. Asking DORMEIRS, add a level, room llmlted funds available for sec­ “HNAST” HOMEMAKERS closets. Private entrances. $83,600. Jacqueline • Roberta, tlful waU to waU carpeting Infomtation tion supervisor of large JANITORS — Part-time, eve­ Multiple listing member office WESTINGHOUSE alr-oondltlon- LARGE ABSTRACT sculpture, ROOM for gentleman, quiet. Parking. Adults. No pets 648- Agracy, 646-8889. and custom drapes. She REPOSSESSIONS $160. 646-2766. addittons, garages, roofing, ond mortgages, payments to openings for fuU and part- Would you like to earn $3 per company. Must have exper­ nings. CaU 648-4468, 8 to 6 p.m . nas openings for full and part- er,.casement typeL ftnnntvrrT66,000 BTU , best hB«t nffAroffer. VnnthYouth K bed,ah $10.eclallze in oU perience not necessary. Apply FIVE—room suite of front M t^ SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 2H til- OLCOTT Drive Area — Seven- NO JOBS too large or too fixtures, etc. Excellent oppor­ LEARN A VALUABLE SKILL 1141, E xt. 243. shampoper $1. The Sherwin- DIVAN, rose color with new Apartwiants Hots—- Is one you’ve mentioned. estim ates. Insured. 289-8720. hardening. Apply in person, in person only. Howard John- ed baths, large family room, room Dutch Colonial. Two-oar 21' Cabin Cruiser small, any size paving prob­ tunity for right person. Phil- CLEANING woman wanted, one WilUams Oo. nylon sU poover, $40. B a rrel Tenmiwnts 63 St. o fficM , 100 percen t lo ca ­ If not it will be handled And when you successfully MAN—full-time as plumbing K lock Com pany, 138 Tolland son’ e Restaurant, 394 ToUand 2 fireplaces, plastered walls, giarage, IH baths, treed lot, In the luual manner. YOU ARE A-1, truck Is A-1 lem we are equipped to b rick A g e n cy ,' R ea ltors, 648- day a w eek. Call 643-7748 a fter chair, wine color, $86. Settee, tion near hanks, alivcandition- complete the course and hardware clerk. Apply in Tpke., Manchester. Tpke., Manchester. PILE IS soft and lofty. . .odors full Insulation, porch, city uUl- $30,000. Paaek Renton, MLB, Call Mr. Grippo or Mr. Bake Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ handle. 646-3194. H arvey B ros. 4200. 5 p.m . 2-seater, green plastic covered, ATTRACTIVE three - room ed, automatic fire sprinkler. penson. Bairett Pltunblng Sup­ retain brlUianoe in carpets apartment, first floor, heat, fties, buUt-ins, extra large 2- 289-7475, 742-8248. ways sealed sind small truck­ Paving. A PERMANENT FULL-TIME fo r p orch , $20. AU in g ood con ­ A pply M arlow ’s , 867 M ain St WOMAN wanted — Part-time p ly , 331 B road St., M anchee­ CLERKS wanted to work part- cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent car garage, near school, treed ____ ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- dition. CaU 648-6664. hot water, electricity. $120. — Flve-roatn 233-8715 POSITION or full-time, no experience ter. DEAN MACHINE tlnve in local dairy store. Must electric shampooer $1. Paul’s 218 HARTFORD RD., first floor lot, excellent location. Charles MANCHESTER Lost and Foand 1 mano Trucking Service toll- Private Instructions 32 Adults, references. 649-6824. near parkaile, necessary Excellent salary be over 21. Openings available Paint & Wallpaper Supply. Model Home Furniture office and large storage room. Lesperance, 649-7620, 649-6108. home located free, 742-9487. IH baths, garage, treed lot, Rooftng— Siding 16 STENOGRAPHY—Typing. All A pp ly and fringe benefits. For addi­ HEAT Treating —Opportunities PRODUCTS evenings and weekends. Call M ODERN 8-room apartment, F rech ette R ea lty , 647-9093. LOST — SILVER Gray Toy 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL MANCHESTER , — ROOMY waU to waU carpeting. Dfilflorr [J TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — levels, beginning, Intermedi­ tional information contact the here now on/third shift for store manager before 3 p.m., CARPEJTS a fright? Make ithem conveniently located, fumiahed Poodle, answers to Bijou BIDWELL Home Improvement 102 COLONIAL RD. 19 PIECES Ranch. Well designed three- Agency, 647-1413. U mate, child’s pet. Generous re- «wxl condition. $650. Call 649- Trees cut, building lots clear­ ate, advanced. Mary Jayne FIRST NATIONAL Personnel Department, Man­ learning specialized heat treat­ 649-8017. A fter 6 coil 643-9707. beautiful sight With Blue or unfurnished. After 3:30 p.m., Co. Expert installation of r • /tttnrcent Main Krtalv* StreetQfvAaaS location. Ap­ Aw. bedroom Ranch features large ______!______0668. M itchell, 643-8296. ing for the aero space in­ ------Lustre. Rent rtectrlc shampoo- $297 caU 049-4426. w ard. 643-9190. ed, trees topped. Got a tree aluminum siding, gutters and STORES, Inc. chester Memorial Hospital, fireplaced Uvlng room. FuUy CAPE — Large living roDin dustries. If you are looking for Haa Immediate openings. er $1. Olcott Variety Store. p ly M arlow ’ s, 867 M ain Street. VOLKSWAGEN-1966, fine con- problem? Well worth phone trim. Roofing installation and 643-1141, ext. 243. Interior Designer wants reUable t ______equli^>ed kitchen, 1 % baths, with fireplace, master bed­ LOUT—PaasboDk No. SWS 760 ca ll, 742-8252. Park and Oakland Avea, long term security and have TAILORS & famUy or newlyweds to accept „ PRIME office for lease. Excep- diUon, w hite, $895. C all 649- repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. Help W anted— East Hartford, (Jonn. TURRBST LiATHB OPERATORS SCREENBjD loam, processed Finished game room and room, Mhdten, dining room, First Federal Savings^ So. GENERAL office work, good ability and desire to move deUvery of complete Modd Dls- ™ve many to choose f r o m. tional location. Medical oh.JTPhar­ 4349. HARDINOE (JHUC3KERS OP- Q P A X / f Q T 'R T? QQTh Q gfravel, gravel, sand, stone, “euvery ot compiw Mooei $148. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ private enclosed yard. Well downstairs. Three • bedrooms WliKkmr B ranch. 644-0674. BRICK, block and stone work. F e m a le 3 5 typing, five-day week, perma­ ahead, stop in for personal in­ macy Bldg., H a^es and Main ROOFING and Roof Repair. BURTON’S needs full-time of­ iCRATnRfl :5liAJVlO 1 KCO O EO tiu. G eoile H. Griffing Inc. tor, 640-4686. located and only $24,900. Jac- up. Located on pleosoirtly 1968 VOLKSW AGEN, equipped Brick walls, patios, outdoor-in­ Couglin Roofing Co.. Inc., 643- fice worker. No typing re­ nent. Manchester Pipe and terview at The K lock C o., 1866 ERATORS removed to warehouses for Pub- St. PaneM, air-conditioned. LOST—^Bnown and black Oollie- door fireplaces, sidewalks, OFFICE position open, Coven­ Pull or Part-time. Many em- A ndover 742-7886. qu ellne-R oberts A gen cy, 646- shaded lot in Rolling Park with all extras, $1,650. Call 7707. quired. Apply Burton’s Inc., Supply, 649-4663. Tolland Tpke., Manchester. PRODUCTION MILLERS, SET­ Uc Sale. Modem 8 com plete WE HAVE customers waiting C a ll evenings, 649-6820, 643- Shepherd pup, mate, with red chimneys. Free estimates. try, clerical, typdng, sortie 3889. area. Near srtiool, bus line, 649-9139. 841 Main St., Manchester, Mrs. UP AND OPERATE. S o T ^ ^ 0 ™ SNOWPLOWBR, 18’’ Briggs A rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 for the rental of your apart­ 6614, 248-1028. public swimming pool. Owner, colter, caU 649-9877. Domenlc Morrone, 649-1604. ROOFING, aluminum aiding, ibookkeeping. P lea se ctdl 742- SON. 9.30-9.30 Stratton engine, good condi- pc. Convertible living Room, H arris. mSPBCTORS, EXPERIENCED ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ 049-3043, prln ciplea on ly. N 1963 CO RVETTE Coupe, auto­ gutters, carpenter work, 30 6641 betw een 7-9 p .m . 460 MAIN ST. — Store or office, TRY THIS FOR SIZE ATTICS and cellars cleaned, ROBERT HALL tion, $36. 643-6664. 6 p c. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette. tate A ssocia tes, In c., 648-6129. m a tic, 327, 4-barrel, pow er years’ experience. Connecticut WITH AIRCRAFT T Y P E $10 down, you may purchase $180, Includes heat, 646-2426, LOST—Bunch of keys on ring odd jobs, light trucking, PART-TIME or full-time gen>- CLOTHES ------Roomy yet compact, 6- PARKER ST. opposite Jensen steering, power brakes, pow­ V alley C onstruction C o., 643- PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE PARTS. 69 Route 6 South Windsor CUBE freezer, Frigidalra; any Individually. Im­ LOOKINO for anything to, real 0-6. with d a in . C all 643-5661. trees removed and lots clear­ eral atOce work, some typing, WIG STYLIST WANTED room room Ranch, plenty of St., single famUy, three-bed­ er windows, needs minor work. 7180. F ree estim ate. An equal opportunity employer maple meat cheeping block, 24 mediate deUvery or free ed. CaU^649-1794. flexible hours, (jail Vlata Mfg. closets, easy to keep up! rooms on second floor, fire­ Take o v e r paym ents. 646-0231. And We Need YOU! x24; mqat table, 30x60; donut Storage. place, basement garage. Treed NOTICE ds heretiy given that LET US do your aluminum sid­ O o., 649-7306. Experience Necessary AU B enefits. * o I manufacturing or warehouse, One acre lot, attached ga­ O ptional Share B ook No. 10792 R. F. CONSTRUCTION — Ex­ maker,* Elxcellent condition. CAP Sc CXDP Charge Plans fees. CaU J. D. Real Estate lot. All utilities available. With­ ing. Complete coverage. Also The Manchester Homemak­ EXCELLENT SALARY and COMMISSION One half cost price. Evenings eai^ access. Kage Company, rage, Uvlng room 14x21, issued by the kfonchester Sav­ cavating, landscaping and pav­ (30UNTBR GIRLS, summer re­ An Equal Opportunity Employer Also, our own Instant Credit A ssociates, In c., 848-6129. in walking distance to a ll 1965 TH U N D ERBIRD, all pow ­ one and two-door garages built. er Service Inc., Is seeking SituaHons W anlod— 876-9329. •• P in e S treet M anchester, 648- fuU basement One year ings end Loan Association, ing, contracting. Gravel, fill placements for evening shift, * G A IL Plan grades in pubUc schools. Abut­ er, very clean, $1,760. 649-8619. Free estimates. 647-1315 or mature women with skills F m o l a 3 8 ATTRACDTTVB four-room apart- 8228, old. Aluminum etorms and Inc., has been lost and appli­ and loam. Septic tank repairs. 7 p.m. to midnight. Please ap­ screens. BiUlt by Shannon. ting adduioi^ building lot of 649-7029. in home mcinagement, care BURNER service man or com­ STBREO SB!T in cabinet, Scott DISCOUNT FURNITURE R eferen ces, $136 m onth cation has been made to said 1964 THUNDERBIRD, Landau C all 875-7216 evenings, 872-6072 ply Mr. Elonut, 265 West Middle MEDICAL secretary available ampUfier, Girard tmntable, 2- ly . 649-6324. MAIN ST., comer office, 8 Price $29,900. record. Presient mortgages not of children, the elderly and pany to do independent odl WAREHOUSE Association for payment of the model, excellent condition. days. ROOFING, Siding, Aluminum Tj^e., Manjchester. the sick. Part-time work at - WIG TOWN for summer sulMtItuting in speakers, $800. Originlal coat rooms and lavatory. House & assumable. Asking mid 20’s. ROUTE SO, VERNON TELEPHONE 878-6616 burner service. Write to Box NOW 2 BIG LOCA’nONS Seen by appointm ent on ly . 648- amount of deposit. O riginal ow ner, 643-6335. glitters. Csirpentry, additions, a good hourly rate plus d octor’s o ffic e . (Dali a fter 6 $600. 648-2620. SMALL quiet buildings, nice H ale B ldg. CaU 643-4846 a fte r LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also PA R T-TIM E waiUiress, pleasant ’’E!B’’, Manchester Herald. 3680 M ain St. H artford KEITH REAL ESTATE 6021. remodeling and rec rooms. the satisfaction of com­ OONNEOnCUT UOENSB NOT REQUIRED p.m. or anytime Wednesday, area, one-bedroom apartment. 6 p .m . — 1968 OLDSMOBILE, 442, good moving large appliances. Burn­ F ree estim ates. R . D ion, 643- surroundings, good working W ELD E R, MUler, 180 am p. AC, 622-7249 , AppUanoes, heat Included. $146 m unity serv loe. Phone 643- OIL BURNER service me­ 649-7026. 649-1922 646-4126 Announcem ents 2 condition, 4-speed, new tires, ing barrels delivered. $4. 844- 4352. condition s. 647-1691. exceUent condition, $76. Firm. (former PuUer Brush bldg.) per month. CaU Paul W. m ust sell. Call 643-9147 after 1775. 9511 between 9 a.m. and 4 chanic. Must have license. Con­ 176 Pine St Manchester p.m . WOMAN wants work for one 648-6664. D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4636. NEED A band? For weddings, 6 p.m . CXDSMETICIAN — experienced, tact M r. G ibbs, 876-6248. 646-2882 Housos For Ront 65 SHARPENING Service — Saws, day a week, light cleaning. CaU banquets, or parties. Call 6 4 9 ------. Roofing and excellent working conditions, PICNIC tables, all sizes and (former Norman’s Fmm, MANCHESTER — Big 2-famlly knives, aces, shears, skates, LATHE operator, jig bore 643-6824. ' VERNON - Tunnel RdT a rea, 1 T E R E M ) 3826 o r 649-6749. V ery reason- ______„ full-time, days. Apply in per­ WANTED part or full-time ex­ styles. $26 and up delivered. W. W arehouse your apartment of house. CaU R anch, 8 plu s 8 bedrooms, fire­ rotary blades. Quick service. C h im n e y s 1 6 - A operators, second shift, ex- room Ranch, stove, refrig- able rates. OLDSM OBILE, $350. Call son only. Westown Pharmacy, perienced waitresses, good Ups, MALE PRODUCTION WORKERS Zinker, WlndsorvtUe Rd., El­ at comer of Pine A Forest St.s) P au l W . D ougan R ea ltor, 649- places, aU brick construction. Capitol Equipment Co., 38 p^enced men only. LeMi eretor, garage, no children, ( APARTMENTS \ 643-1916. ROOFING — Specializing re­ 466 H artford R d ., M anchedber. good hours. Must be over 21. lington, 876-0397. Mon.-Frl. 9-9. Sat. 9-6 4686. /-Must be seen. CaU Paul W. C orp., 1 kfitcheU D r., 643-2362. Situations W antod— $210. monthly. Norman. Ho- Main St., Manchester. Hours pairing roofs of all kinds, new (Jail fo r appointm ent 649-6544. SM itins a NEW 2nd ShOt Opnrarian D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4686. ^ Ona Main Struut ^ 1963 PONTIAC C onvertible. M a­ dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9. EXECUTIVE Secretary—Excit­ SEVEN SETS of window sash, SMALL crib and mattreas, $8. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de- henthal, 646-1166. P e r s o n a l s roon with white top, large en­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys RATES: $8*71 Per Hour and op PRODUCTION lathe hands, full ______M a l e 3 9 Saturday 7 :30-4. 643-7968. ing opportunity for high call- 2V4’ w ide, 6’ long, two light. Tables and lamps, vacuum luxe garden type apartments irAMCHEST^R — — V NOW RENTING j) gine, standard shift, tachome­ cleaned and repaired. 80 years’ Six room RIDE WANTED to CBT, Consti­ l>er gal with excellent short­ ExoeUent Fringe Beneflla OT part-tinie. Apply to person, y a r d WORK wanted. Satisfac- Very reasonable, 649-6747. cleaner, other miscellaneous, available now. CaU Paul bedrooms, large PRIVACY Raised Ranch, ter, bucket seats, radio, heater, STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, experience. IS’ree estimates. Metronics Inc., 640 Hilliard St. 1 and 2'bedroom dduxe^ tution pfaza from Bolton St., hand and typing skills. Must tion guaranteed. David Ed­ 643-7791. W. Dougan, Realtor, ®w-U®6. .______... s, 2 flrenlacee.flreplacee, 1 IH% Inbaths tape player. Excellent condi­ fireplaces, flagstone terraces. Call H ow ley 643-6361. 644- A P P L Y TO Uvlng room with vmll to wall hours 8:30-4:30. C all 043-8006. LEGAL w ards, 318 W est M iddle Tpke., 36’’ ELEXDTRIC stove, $30. Toro apartments frtxn |165 psr if 8333. have mature personality and M EAT Cutters — A verage $184 carpeting, fireplace, good sized recreation -room, garage, alu­ tion. $596. C all 643-2672. All concrete repairs, both In­ 643-6161. power driven reel mower, ex­ GLASS t(q> walnut coffee table, NEW 2-bedroom duplex, half of (month. Featuring all Uw-^ be able to ex:ercise good judg­ for 40-hour week in wages and minum aiding, acre, view, $27,- side and outside railings. Land­ cellent condition, $86. 1968 ca r oak ship’s wheel mirror, oc­ two-family. Available soon. kitchen and dining room, at RIDE WANTED from Center 1964 CHEVROLET wagon, white ment tar dynamic executive ROGERS CORPORATION profit sharing. Paid holidays, 900, H utchins, A g en cy , 649-0324S4 U modern oonventenoes. J St. to Pratt Whitney, first diift, scaping. Reasonably priced. SECRETARY air-oonditioner, $100. Antique casional chair needs sUp cover, Wall to carpets, 1 ^ baths, tached garage. Nice yard, g o o d ______with red interior. Good condi­ M illi n e r y , developing new ideas. Lots of Mm and Oakland Sts.— Manoheater, Oodneottont paid vacations, medical In­ 7 a-m . - 3:30 p.m . 649-1188. Call 643-0851. desk, $25. Electric guitar with girl’s 26’’ bike. CaU after 6 appliances, nice area. CaU loca tion . $276 M onthly. N o M ANCHESTER — RAISED Dressmaking 19 challenge and potenlUal. Salary or Td. M arge Hompson— 643-5163 surance. See Al. LaJole at Top Raymond F. and v tion. C all 644-2174. ______ampUfier,Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 $46. 643-4447. p.m . 649-8761. P au l W. D ougan, R ea ltor, 649- pets. Lease required with Ranch—Four bedrooms, kitch­ EXPERT Sharpening Services: to $120. P e e ^ d . R ita (3irl, Centrally located law of­ N otch F oods, 801 S ilver Lane, GIRL WANTED to diaxe driv­ 4636. security payment. CaU Mr. en with buUt-ins, beautlfol LouisLoi^ C.C. Damato Damato J) 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville, Saws, knives, scissors, garden DRESSMAKING and altera­ 800 Silver Lane, E ast H art­ fice desires capable secre- East Hartford. GROOMING aU breeds. Her * ( EIXTRA nice 3-plece sectional ing and parking expenses, And- tions, zippers replaced etc. M urdock 643-2692, 643-6472. cabinets, famUy room, fire-. ^ Developers and Ownen many extras. Factory air, low tools, power mowers, hand ford , 528-9416. tairy. Legal experience pre­ mony HOI. H.C. Chase. Hebroa ppy sink, $80. CaU 649- Uving txxnn set, colonial pat­ FOUR-room apartment, first over-CanBtituUon Plaza, hours place, garage. Large attractivee (( Model Open DaUy, 1-5 \ m ileage. 644-2174. m ow ers, sharpeneej^^ and re­ Cal) 649-4311. ferred. Attractive salary, ^PLUMBING and heating ap- R d., B olton. 648-0427. tern, used v ery Uttle, $160. floor. In new house, stove 'and RENT a 7-room house, $276 per 9-5. Call 742-9443. yard. H. M. Frechette,I p.m. Or By Appointment ^ paired. Pick-up service. TELEPHONE solicitors for insurance benefits, 6-day pirentice with a minimum of firm. Can week days until 2 refrigerator included, enclos­ month, accountable upon op­ 1962 FORD w agon, body "d am ­ DACHSHUNDS, Chihuahuas, R ea ltors, 647-8389. R en ta ls B y "S h a rp a ll’ ’ , 585 Adam s St., civic project. Phone Mr. Jack- week, paid vacations. Call two-years experience. Also ex­ and a fter 9 p .m ., 742-7176. ed private back yard. AvaU­ tion to buy. For information age, good m otor. $60. C all 643- M oving— ^Trucking— son, 528-4478.' 649-2865 tor interview . perienced construction work­ Welmaroners, AKC registered Autom obiles For Sale 4 643-5305. Boors and Accossorios 46 abie June 1st. Strant St. 649- c a ll 649-4342, brok er. LARGE L Ranch. Seven rooms, 0888. S t o r a g e 2 0 SERVICE WRITER ers. Call H. G. Schulze, Inc., Utters. Sale subject to vets (..PAUL W. DOUGAN okay. Some ready to go. 1- 9258. fireplace, buUt-lns, IH baths, NEED CAR? Credit very bad? BUSINESS cards $6. per thou­ COUNTER GIRL, evenings, 6 876-9707. WANTED — Used boat trailer, Wontod—To Buy 58 1965 BUICK LeSabre, 4-door MANCHESTER DeUvery-lig^t 6-Day week, paid vacatiwis and hoUdays, paid slok time. huge recreation room, garage,’ ^ 649*4535 anythna Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ sand. S & R Sales C o., ca ll 247- p .m .. 1 a .m ., part-tim e. 649- CLERK-TYPIST—Ideal spot for 628-6673. for 14’ boat, in good condition. NEW plush one and -bedroom hardtop. Power steering, pow­ Many fringe benefits .including Ue ina., aeddant, a u ifo r 2 trees. $27,900. HutChlns Agen' 3 est -Douglas accepts lowest 6670. trucking and package delivery. '‘ VUO. a beginner or someone return­ »medical and hospitalization. reasonably priced. CaU 649-6447 WANTED — Antique furniture Rusort Proparty MINIATURE Poodles w eeks apartments, waU to wall car­ 3 er brakes, radio, heater, tint­ 6 down, smallest payments, any­ Refrigerators, washers and STEADY part-time work, 6 p.m . a fte r 6 p.m . glass, pewter, oil paintings or cy, Realtors, 049-5824. ed windshield, speed control ing to the business world. Mod­ CALL IN PERSON — ftHUB BIARL LEWIE old, brown, black, males. AKC ______pets, dishwasher, appUances, For Rant 67 where. Not sm ^ loan finance, stove moving, specialty. Fold­ PART-TIME evenings, clerk to 10 p .m ., caU 649-6334. other antique items. Any buzzer. One owner. Call after typist, diversified work, Rens­ erate typing, pleasant person­ registered, shots, pedigree jg. BOAT, 40 h.p. motor electric air-oondltlonlng. Starting at company plan. DoUglas Mo­ LAWNS mowed on a contract ing ’ch a irs fo r rent. 649-0762. quantity. The Harrison’s, 648- mjg monOi. CaU Paid W TIRED OF beach traffic? Try 6 p .m ., 649-0124. basis. Call D ave 64.9-2961. selaer Polytechnic iMst. Call ality tar phone and public con­ PAUL DOOGE PONTIAC, INGL papers, c{)amplon bloodline, tors, 348 Main. start, remote control and 8709, 166 Oakland Street. D ougan R ea ltor, 649-4686. L ak e P ocotopa ug. C ottage ren­ M rs. Wedr, 289-4323. 9-6. tact. Convenient location, 378 M AIN ST., M ANCHESTER 64641 CONSTRUCTION 742-7690. 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, 9- traU er. R ea dy fo r w ater. $876. tals, indoor fireplaces, boating. SOUTHRIDGE PARK 1964 MG W HITE, purchased Painting— Papering 21 friendly co-wortaeira. Salary to 742-8142. passenger wagon. Original LABORER FREE — Mix)ed shepherd HWSEHOLD lota •— Antiques, THREE rooms and tUe bath, swimming, fishing. Sleep 6-6 A pril 15, 1969. Owner tran sfer­ GARDEN S POto-tUled with NURSES—RN’s and LPN’s in $90. N o fee. R ita Girt, 800 bric-a-brac, docks, frames, owner, price negx>tlabte for L. PELLETIER PAINTINO — puppy, six months old, loves ‘ -- water, stove, refriger- persons. CaU 644-2616. SOUTH ROAD, BOLTON red to G erm any. Call. 649-7979. sm all tractor. Call 649-7184. East Hartford, 11-7 shift. Full klver Lane, East Hartford, Full - time, year ’round glassware. We buy estates. VU- quick aale. Call 649-3475. Interior and exterior painting. or part-time, good rate and 528-9416. children. Needs lots of land. Horists—Nonarios 49 ator included. ICddle-age ------b u l l d o z e r —backhoe work, Papering and paper removal. work. CaU 872-8189. lage P eddler, A u ction eer, 420 adults. Security deposit. No CHANT’S NECK Heights Edge- Included are shades, traverse rods, soimdprotrfing, aU-elec- 1967 PLYMOUTH wagon, 9-pas- benefits, on bus line. Bumeide wood Rd. 4 room cottage, 2 1967 BUKTK Wildcat convert­ land clearing, septic tanks In­ WOMEfP to collect and pack SPREADING Yews, 0 years old, Lake St., Bdton. 640-8247. pets. Parking. Newly renovat­ tric heat, wall-to-wall carpeting, G-E refrigerator, dish­ senger, V-8, automatic, radio, Free estimates. Workmanship C onvalescent Itom e, 870 B um - 875-1103 washer, air conchUonlng, Ranch style buildings with separ­ ible, full power,, excellent con­ stalled, drainage fields. Paul $2.80 each . 649-9378, otter • ed. $126. 16% B. School Street, baths, large sundeck, modem power steering, ,air-condltlon- guaranteed. F u lly insured. 643- side Ave., East Hartford. eggs. Miller Forma, (Coventry, 6 WANTED — ANTIQUES, used ated basements, master TV antenna, weU-Ughted free Schendel, 649-0465. MALTESE—angora. 6 w eek old p.m., all day Saturday and across from East Side Rec. an d clean. Sleeps 7, $100 w eek­ Ing, tra ile r hitch, 643-2880. dition. C all 649-8537. 9043, 649-6326. Phone M r. AQaa, 289-9671. 643-8021. furniture, partial or complete ______parking. No chUdren, no pets, 1-year lease, from $140^ per DISHWASHERS — Days or kittens. H ousebroken. 646-8166. Sunday. ly . M rs. C arter, 742-8142. estates. CaU 646-0004 after tenement, stove. m onth. 1966 ^PLYMOUTH F ury n , 4- 1963 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door CLEANING woman, reUahle, nights, full or part-time. Ap­ 7 poUR-ROOM GOOD MECHANICS p.m . with gas heater, third floor. CXJLUIfflIA 1^® Sm all door sedan, V-8, radio, power hardtop, standard. Very clean Household Services WILL paint houses, very rea- T P a oJ Arlo half-days weekly, re f­ ply in person. Howard J o h n- DIRECTIONS: From Manchester, Rt. 6 and 44A to Bolton, son R estaurant, 894 ToUand STANDARD poodle puppies, waterfront cottages, some time steering, automatic, extra and excellent condition. 649- Offered 13-A sonable..•miwhle riBlIC all 649-1142. A 1.C C 1U A A C L /k .U S «retK!meren ces. . 647-9804 o r 640649-6009. Gar«lan— Fonn ■ Near bus line, $78. Two adults, * ’ * take left on 44A at Bolton Notch, turn right Tpke., Manchester. AKC regfstored , ca ll 628-1644. no p ets, 86 Woodbridge St. stUl available during June, wheete, 643-2880. 0297. Dairy Products 50 onto second street on right (South Rd.) to REWEAVING of buma, moth- JOSEPH P. LEWIS Custom WANTED Rooms W ithout Board 59 J u ly , August. 646-0498, 048- MOVING West—Must Sell—1963 1963 FALCON, automatic, 2- holes, zippers repaired. Win- Painting. Interior and ex­ ASPARAGUS and rhubarb for FOUR ROOMS, enclosed porch, 2603. apartments. Chevrotet Bel Air station wag- door, seat belts, radio, price dew shades made to measure, terior. Raper hanging. Wall­ Body Shop PorMnon, Body Shop RapahmaR, freezing, also tomato and pep­ ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen modem kitchen and bath, cen­ NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY privllegM, laundry taciUUes, on. R adio, heater, pow er steer- reduced. 643-6263. all size Venetian blinds. Keys paper books on request. Fully p e r plants. C all 628-2618. tral location, garage, storage, lady on ly. A fter 4:80, caU 649- middle aged couple preferred, "OPEN HOUSE*' made while you wait. Tape re­ insured. Free ebtlmates. Call Sorvlca W rifor Wemtod To Rout 68 AUffnN-HEALY-Sprite, 1964. WE WILL TRAIN YOU 6129. no children. 649-7128. corders for rent. Marlow’s. 867 649-9658, If no answ er, 643-6362. New top, good edition. Ask- HousohoM Goods 51 RESPONSIBLE culult couple EVERY SUNDAY 2 :00 to 5 :00 PJML One owner. One dented fender, trsn r^ii ^aqa nft^r 6 M ain St. 649-6221. Opening for MEN and WOMEN on our 2nd and M any oftractiva frtng* boiiMH* LARGE furnlahed room for SDC-room dtqilex, central loca- ALL INTERIOR decorating, with no children or pets seeks $646. CbU 649-9198 after 4:30 * 3nl shift. Many frinofe benefits including profit WESTINGHOUSE refrigera­ rent, parking, m ole on ly. $16 tion, av a ila b le Ju ly 16, $100. P"‘- TWO HANDYMEN want a painting and paper banging. reasonable three-five room p .m . ______sharin^r. Apply (n Ponon tor, exceUent ocndlUon, lovely weekly. OaU SM-0128 after 6 m onthly. S ecu rity d eposit. 648- - Lefumg Agient — variety of jobs by day or hour. Excellent referetMes and rea­ Bdectlon o(,giri’s dresses, size p.m . 2861. apartment with refrigerator a n t i q u e Oar—1929 Chevredet, sonable. C all 289-7314 a fte r 0 R eason able. C all 643-6306, 648- APPLY IN PERSON AT 10, zwing-zet, good oonditlon. ------and stove in quiet neigh­ J. D. Realty Go. Trucks— ^Tractors 5 p.m. for a free estimate, i'*' ex cellen t liody, )>est o ffe r. C all 8292. Radio - phonograph. (DaU 649- THOMPSON Houm — Oot- 636 C E N T E R S t , new *4% du- borhood. CaU 649-2082 o r 742- 1-684-4624. C&SFORD taga St. centrally located, large p lex , 1 % baths, aU appliances, 9301. 643-5129 1956 BUICK pick -u p truck LIGHT TRUCKINO, bulk dellv- CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ 0918. THE ALDON SPINNING MILLS OCfRP. pleazaatly furnldMd roomz, fuUy carpeted, two ahsocndl- excellent condition, good for all ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ terior painting, paper tmnglng. R O U T E 6 WILUMANTIC. CONH. TALGOTTVULE, OQNNBOTICUT ZENITH 21" Maple oonsole ck- pariUng. CaU 649-2868 fo r ov er­ tioners, heat, hot water. (Jack Conkm) 1968 CH E VRO LET Im pala con - kinds o f job s. 647-1691. A fter ed and removed. Also odd jobs, Discount on wallpaper. ceUent condition. $76. CaU (M9- night and permanent guest storage and parking. $190 vartibte, $660. 649-7206. 5:30 289-8372. 644-8962. 646-3048, O scar H ebert. Alla 2618. rates. monthly. On bus Une. 849-9044. SACiW l n C F telA l rS.UO»

- V .f'

PAOB EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1969 PAGE NIMBTEBN IHERE 1U6HTA BE A LAW ______ET aaoinW N omi WHIPPLE Mansfield Asks Moratorium Queen Reigns Current ^InstanP Milk E veRV HME the old -WPEWRntR A S o THE BOSS SPRUNGTOR A NON,EXPENSIVE General Assembly Actions CLASSIFIED FIX, THE CEPAIR MAH SAID - In Senate on Viet Criticism MOPEL- NO¥/WHAn%mEMANGOnDSAT ? Over O utfit ‘Undesirable’ WABESNCrrOM (A P ) — Sen. Quotes Dempsey Pleads Ucenslng psyehotogists and the Broad Powers military tactics used in Viet­ NO WOMOER ^ R E HAVIN' -IR0U9LE ON 1ME BUNK AGAIN ? VAAH.' THESE practice of psychology. ate Dsmocratlo Leader Mike nam. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS —Bbctent to parking areas of In P a cific Doctor Says ADVERTISING THIS WRECR 19 30 TEARS OLD.' WHEN new j o b s ARE NOTHIN' BUT A M R ! For Tax Shifts Given to CHRO ManXleld, vdio only Monday Kennedy, widely regarded u “ I’m not mentaUy iU, air, but VOU GONNA 3REAR DOWN ANO GET A 10 cars or more laws agalnat a potential opponent of Nixon in I’m not pefoect ettber.”-—Sirixn JiJSnWHOOlMTOGETHER' TMEV ®0»rr (Oaottanied from F ags One) threw some pundies at Nixon JBy OHABLE8 HUXINOEB OmOAOD (AP) — A 6oHton’ OJISSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS NEM machine? then TOUR VORRIES BUILD 'EM UREIHEV USED TO. (ConttmlM from Page One) racing, evading responsiblUty BiirtMuna SMmi. asMunin of Rob* D • Hartford, s«dd It was administration war poUcy, now ^ The Lea Angelea Times 8 AJL to 4:30 PJM. MULL 6E OVER' measures have already received with a motor vehicle and drunk­ ooUege commencement art F. Kennedy, ta a Jail tator- full endorsement of the Senato en driving. subslanUally the suns as a ■uggeets a moratorium on such speeches booked tor this week- PALAU, riawnHiie lalaads — view. um of taiUatlon mflk In tbs Slata Democrats,” said Marcus, *T —Perm it a m unicipality to seU prasidenUal aooscutive order an criticism until after the Preei- end. But he feels he has nuid. RoyEtity may be oift o f style to ”I never smoked or (htuik or at tafonte "te gcnanOly unde- COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. or convey air rig^its over a assume it will pass." order whldi he had wofked to dent’e Sunday meetiiM with ^ contending tiuit the the United States, but it flour- chewed, a^ I watch the wre» XnSd be The fiscal package preseiAed school buUdlng for commarelal 4:M PJM. DAT BEFORE PCBUOATION South Vietnamese chief of Nixon decision to continue mlU- Uhes in this Amartoan ou^xwt Uers- on televtelon beoaiue X dteoouragMl” Tbs oound on to Dempeey last Thursday by or residential use such as is enforce as an attorney with the tory pressure on the enemy is in the far W e^in Pacifle takes my mind off thii«e.”—Ul- foods and nutrition of tbe Amsr- DeMdUae f»r Satardaj and Monday U 4 :M p.m. Friday DemocraUc leglsUUve leaden currently done in the case of U.S. Department of Labor. Nguyen Van Hdeu. *>an>P«rtog progresa in the Parte where a tattooed 96yearK>ld ite Jonten of St. Paul, M h«., on lean M edical Aseodatten called tor a $200 mUllon reduc­ low btiUding in som e dttes. Rep. Bnioe Morris, D-New MEUiaflekl la id in an interview peace negoUatlmis. woman has reigned tor 40 y e a n , her 104th birthday. —Require the prosecutkA to gave the advloe In a report on tion in Dempsey's recommend­ Haven, a Negro, m td some the Senate ought to dUplay as Kennedy olao has lateed an ia- Stittueaque, aUver - haired ’"ntere te a woeful look of ex­ produce oral or written state­ imitation and "filled" milks In DIAL 643-2711 - ed $1.6 billion budget and pro­ people seemed to think the di­ much unity as possifale behind sue which Mansfield eald trou­ Queen Ngerdoko (the ”0” te pert ImUons. This is an indict­ ments of a witness to the de­ the aaeoctetlan’a JoumaL posed increasing both his rec­ rector of the CmO was a Preeident Nlxtm to strengthen bles him—the repeated state­ alone. When she speaks her 11,- ment of the whote pieoent In­ fendant on request. ’ ImtinUon milk te a comMna- ommended corporation and sales ‘tiger” and wouU take every his poslUon in the dlscussiona ments of Ihieu to South Korea Etine. Wlien Xie speaks her 11,- dian school syrtem.”—Sen. Ed- —Set up regulations, adminis­ with Hileu - ballia, eadi Mde, S-car garage. School. Encloeed rear porch, atlons in Spanish as well as Labor Oommittee — but Rep. TVUk to Bcixjols, ahopping and basement garage. Deep lot puted that suspension of the William J. Lyons, R-Norwalk, of it.” tiwar crttlca are giving the tU- bntikma. But nobody eiUa a l l English to iqipUcants tor (feiv- Manafield’B call tor the mora- lies more difficulty than they olmrchaa. BeUione Agency, with vegetable garden. Bel Air Homos For Sirio 72 rules was necessary in order who voted in favor of the bill, foods. WaiSe foods. Tradltton to Tow n Ibe-councO said, "Bnltatton Out of Town Out of Town ers’ licenses os long os the torium CEime Xiortly after he are encountering on the battle *-*-'*^ » jnllks usuatiy provide about file 647-1418. Real Estate, Vicent A. Sogglnl, to reconsider the proposals. said his experience as an em­ foidish." SMALL RANCH — Kitchen, For Solo 75 For Solo 75 Although Dempsey declined to applicant knows EngUrit well himaeM criticised U.S. battle- field. The South Vietnam presl- Bo, Queen Ngerdoko p r o- The Royal Arch Masetfs de- same number of ooksiin m Realtor, 643-9332. enough to understand rood ployer was that racial discrim­ MANCHESTER — Would you living room, three-bedrooms, VERNON - A panoramic view ^ ‘l® had dlsci^ed field tactlos to a Senate ex- dent did not name Kennedy but clEtimed: "PrepEure foods gree will be oonforred when cows’ mlUc with a graotar signs. ination was found more in the change with RepubUcan Leader it was evident he was one of believe $17,000 tor a tour bed­ newly redecorated, city utUl- b o l t o n —Village Green — enhanoee this Spilt and *®'«*®«' supplier of labor—namely, the enough tor your fEunlly tor cere- DeltaOiapter, RAH, meets to- percentage of caloiles dertved Everett M. Dlrksen. monies —no more.” moroow at T:S0 p.m. at the ttom caibohydratcu. Such prod- room Ranch. Walking diatance WHY PAY RENT? ties. Hsindy location. $18,900. Rambling hip roof Ranch, over many famUy conveniences are “f P*'"*™*' «>- labor unions. those Thieu had to mind when Phllbrlck Agency, Rotors, he SEtid that criticisms ot a vo­ Palau te a collection of aoo Masonic Temiple. Grady L. pete may not supply tbe other to achoola and ahopping. For When investing as little as 2,700 square feet of living offered. Loroted in an excel- 1““ ^®^ ® decrea« In the pro- Six Republicans — Including l^ le defending the right ot detaUa call Mitten Realty, 646-4200. posed sales tax to the 6 per Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to cal minority were leveled "not lush tropical South Sea Islands P®«»on, most exalted high nutrtenta for whtab milk te not- $2,000 can purchase a home area. Nine rooms with four lent residential area near House Defeats Brown’s tour fellow Norwalk- criticise Vietauim weu: tEmUcs, at Communist aggressions, but 600 milea eEuit of the Philippines. Prt®**, will preside. Re- of your own. For example, WADDELL SCHOOL — Rsfich, bedrooma, baths, flrepiac- schools, $28,900. Call J. D. Real had recomm end­ ers — Joined with 08 Democrats ed. MEuiafield told the Senate Amer- at the defense of freedom.” It was In the spring of 1944 that b«Bhm«ita wlU bo served af- <>]h| ti«e United Statm, ths u m how about a 7-room Raised modern kitchen, three b e d- ed living room , formal dining Eertatc Associates, 648-8770. ^ —n Gun Controls (counting Gillies) In voting tor $14,9W — Attractive 6 room T ______To make up for the $112 mil- ICEUi Uvea Etfe being sEUtrificed Dlrksen took a somewhat sim­ American Marines and eol- ***■ **** <*®sroe work. of such bevaragiss that ara low home, bedrooms, dining Ranch with paneled fam­ rooms, living room .with din­ (Oontinned from Page One) the bill, while 69 RepubrioanB 888 2 room, kitchen COVENTRY — NINE - room lion difference In revenue. Mar- to the policy of continuing pres­ ilar stont when he told the Sen­ dlezs were kiUed ta fierce fight------to p*vteta, mtaerate, or vtea- room, hot water baseboard ily room, douUe garage, ing area. Built in 1960. $24,900. breakfast room, large heated that criminals would not com­ and 14 Democrats voted against 2^ baths and a big play Split. Four-five bedrooms, cua said Dempsey proposed a ply with Its requirements. sure cm the enemy while the ate that Kennedy’s criticism of tog agEtinst the jEqxneae In the Stoto ClUb o f Manchech mins cmnpiBred to aiHk—In the 3 beat, attached garage, Hutch­ Phllbrlck Agency, Resiltors, enclosed porch with sweeping it. the repeEuted U.S. Euwaults on family room with fireplace, ga- sliding cme-half per cent on real PeuIs negoUatloTis go on. Battle of Bloody Nose Ridge at **»■ wU* officers tor the „f rttildren and tofonta te yard for children. Total 646-4200. views to east, car garage, Many membera said they had ins Agency, Realtors, 649-0834. 6 rage, interior newly redecorat- estate transfers, a tax on unin- PeleUu, one of eight inhabited term at p.iixWeitoetday, gemraSy uodealnatte and price $38,500. Shown by ap­ (electric eye doors), garden received a lot of mall on the liansfield, ta later suggesting Hamburger Hill were "senae- 8 ed. Low price of $19,900. H.M. corporated professlonala and the wEtf poUcy criticism bo withheld *®®* Irresponsible” and re­ Pnimmn Taiands. June 11, at the VFW Home. should be dtecouraged. 88 PEARL BT. — Two-family, pointment only. CAPE — Modem kitchen, liv­ house. Well landi^ped 1% subject of gun controls—moot of Labor Bills Looe 68, 3-car garage, minutes ing room with raised hearth Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. rebonding of programs of the it oppoeed to any legislation at fer the rest of the week, conced- *'®®**d on the Judgment and The (dd ways peralat to this ----- "Imliation milk, which is pro­ acres. For large family living Department of Community Af- (Oontinned from Page One) from Main St dwelling could L. C. GREENOUGH CO. fireplace, formal dining room, all. ed ho has no means of silencing competence of U.S. Weld <»m- day in PEilau. Public ritUEtis last Mias Nancy Solomon, deugto vided and UMd as a substitute or office in the home situation. TOLLAND—A real cream pu«! (airs. supendsory employes of towns coll aMes who feel the mve to Glanders. The RepUDllcan lead* for days. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanol J. mito, sfaoiid lwv» nu- be easily converted to protea- 647-9921 three bedrooms, walk-out base­ Low 40s’. By appointment, Su­ The bill would have required 6 A South Vietnamese Boy at Play ,^1010 Young 6 bedroom Ranch, ap- Dempsey vetoes the fiscal and cities to Join unions, the speak out in the meantime. ®r »ld such statemento coiUd The queen was interviewed Solomon of 19 Robert Rd., was triUcnal value squivatent to or stonal offlces. Property in ex­ ment, breezeway, attached ga­ zanne Shorts, 6463233. J. Wat­ Identification oards. Issued by pllances, big Uving room, 2- measures adopted by the leg- count was 98 to 62. , But ho said he thtoks most °n*y undermine troop confi- A young SoutH Vietnamese boy plays “ ambush” with a toy rifle at Ven Ve in whlla surrounded by more than accepted into Angel Flight, a superior to cows’ mflk.’ ’ cellent condition. Professional­ ASSUMABLE 6\ per cent mort­ rage. Beautifully treed acre son Beach tc Co., Realtors, 278- state polioe, for all owners and ly appraised, priced according­ lot. $26,900. Phllbrlck Agency, car garage, big lot, with stone islature, a q>eclal session would On a bm that would require will restTEtin themEMlves. dence In their commanders. Tay Ninh Province, about 40 miles northwest of Saigon, South Vietnam. 200 women chanting mournfully service oiganlsatioa at the UW- odudcH dtd not gage, 6 rooms, garage, f 1 r e- 6960. walla and wooded. AU for $22,- required to work out a corn- users of rifles and shotguns. firms doing work under contract ly. For appointment call Rus- place. July occupancy. Owner Realtors, 646-4200. Kennedy, the No. 2 Senate « Kennedy was of that opto- in a church. varsity of Connecticut. Nancy either Imitation or filled mtik 600. C.B. Govang Aasoc., 646 promise agreement. Under present law launidgiu per­ with municipalities to pay tiieir seU Real Estate, 6460669. A f­ moving out of state. Bralth- VERNON m it must be obtained from lo­ DemocraUc leader, has been the *cin, Dlrkeen said, the Maasa- An' elderly mEui; had died In will be a Junior next toll. imt eudvteud phystetom to aucer- ROUTE 44-A Buslnesa zoned, 9674, 872-4166. employee at least as much as moat outspoken of Senato war chusetts senator ought to ask Volpe Aide Denies Friction Intern Starts ter 7 p.m . 2369284. walte Agency, 649-4603. 7 ROOM RANCH cal police. Koror, capital o f Palau, and as ^ ------tain the conbenfai o f these nunr large atone apartment, build­ comparable dty employes, the critics ta recent weeks. Nixon to fire the commanders is the custom, ’women relatives ™ e Woman’s Fellowship of substitutes IMtoro roooimnend- 12 minutes from Hartford VERNON —$20,900, five room The idea of identification MANCHESTER Exceptionally ing, three units, plus cottage. vote 'was 99 to 49. Aides sold, however, the Mas- or go hlmeelf to Vietnam to ad- With Manager and friends gathered ta a large Center Congregational Church them to patiente. OXFORD STREET by 1-84. Here Is a custom Ranch. Attached garage, Vi House Approves cards tor owners and users, clean six-room home with as­ Good income, $66,000. P h 11- And on a bill that would re­ sachuaetts Democrat has no vise ithe mdlltary leaders on tac- room where they remained tor will bold a board meeting . Don't wait. H.M. trouble of Einy Cabinet member An attempt to ascertEtin said that Frederick will work > is to be encouragedi” tbe coun­ Only $3,000 down. Bruce Little, —require aU state agencies to to convictod fdons, alcoholics, beaten 7674 on May 22, but died Euid was buried within 24 togton. Congressman ’IhomEis borne, plus rooms. Alu­ Frechette, Realtors, 647-3330. getting programs paat the Cinan- Volpe’s public posltlm on cut- for the town for a six-months cil added. 6 8 lot. Beautiful condition B &. W 644-0122, Pasek Realtors, 239- develop and disclose their pro­ menital patients and narcotiqs the House decided to reconsider Nixon ‘Unable or Unwilling’ hours. MeskiU presented the motion tor minum siding, very good con- period and that he will spend MMheiw in the United States throughout. Excellent financ­ 7476. cedures for dealing with mem­ addicts. its action. dal advisers who gUEud the backs resulted to some confu- . . , , Unlike paat funeral services, Eulmlssion. A fter the sweEurtog diUon. T luee bedrooms in one MANCHESTER —Vacant older BARROWS and WALLACE Co. often buy milk substitutes for Manchester Parkade bers of the public. Minority Leexler Stewart B. gates to the White House. slon. thank, to toe Queen, huge•1 u B to ceremony, Chief Justice EeuI apartment Let the tenant pay ing. available. Sensibly tour-bedroom Colonial, two-oar The man who moved tor re­ To Face ‘Hunger’ — HHH A Volpe Etide, however, denies "Nobody has even ntiEEed the time ta the C-DAP (^ m Manchester 6466306 —eatabllah a $360,000. program McKinney said he would vote consideration, Rep. Darius amounts of food were not spoU- Warren made several laudatory cheanlw ^^nM U rilJrt^V ^ your bias. $27,900. CaU Paul W. priced at $29,600. T. J. g^arage. Interior newly painted. , „ * , ,,,, there te any friction between the question,” said peraonal aide munlty Development Action Only $19,900. —H.M. Frechette, in the Department of Correction for the bill because the fire­ Spain, D-Danbury, said he still tog, were not being wasted. remarks about Connecticut. On Dougan, Realtor, 649-4635. Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. BOLTON — 6H-room Ranch BOLTON ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) For- llveay,,_ . „ depEutment1-...,... and the -i.w groups of — ----- Locke,- who------added thEti-- he------meant P*8n ) study, J . * Queen Ngerdoko and her sub- June 6 Atty. EUid Mrs. Haskell numuonauy ^equate, a J Realtors 647-9093. for treatment ot elcoiiolics and arms manufactimera and gun felt it was a bad bill and uiged J with attached garage, one half mer Vice President Hubert, H. Morehouseor.nfon.noA College. «»nonitots 'pour over every publicly aind privately. *1* Jects have lived under lour flEigs will leave for Geneva where he ^tokesman sold in an fay SEJVEN-ROOM Ranch, carpet­ CAPE — Six rooma, modern dru^ addicts. clubs supported It. But later Its defeat. The House heeded TWO FAMILY, 5 and 6 plus block from boating and swim­ Vacant tour-room Ranch In —require the registration of McKinney withdrew his support him. Humphrey said today the Nixon Humphrey aald Nixon suggested to the Presl- A spokesman tor the Federal to the past century —Spanish, will attend the Intornatlonal ______ed, recreation room, lovely kitchen, formal dining room, ming, wooded lot, $18,900 takes Highways A size all brick Cape Cod. Coun­ Charming Colonial, large ■taking such risks aa Insuring will result In a savings in in­ virtuEilly speELks for toe White a highways 'bEtckground I ’U be BOLTON — $16,900 nicely lo­ gravel. Frontage on three . - nieasure revamping the eqixite In view of this country’s nam war. OXFORD Pa. (AP) — Chief Women own tbe property, of 72 Keeney SL, was otdained g^ es and courses. Senior try size kitchen, garage, patio, foyer, living room, formal 8 Jet aircrajft and nuclear power terest costs to the municipali­ House Euid Eitthough it can be watched very d o se ly .” cated 4% roOm Ranch. Alumi­ roads, some zoned tor bual- coroner system and creating the treihendouB wealth. It is unnec- "I think' President Nixon Justice Earl Warren says he ex- They control the tenUly purse to the order of the tonsure May Bcout Dave Hebert and Louts trees. $25,000. Hutchins Agen­ dining room, country kitch­ stations. ties, AJello explained. overruled it seldom is. ------num combinations, large treed ness. Hurry. Hayes Agency, o* ridef medical examiner essarily timid in view of toe wants peace. I’m going to help Under the trust fond ap- oects a code of ethics tor aU fed- strings. They ane the chantuels 31 at Mbunt St. Mary’s Semin- Hafner were to charge, of food. cy, Realtors, 640-6324. en with dinette area, 3 bed­ g public support tor doing theJh-erident way I oto. *■ Accented A-Line rooms, walk-out cellar, all lot. Tool shed, lake privileges. 646-0131. for the state. strong FirSt Slop: ^ Judges to emerge from a through which oU wealth and ary, BmmJtaburg, Md. This or- Men who stayed vrith^ Bel Air Re^ Estate, Vincent what Is necessary. And It te ta- wort or d^d I ^ e him obll- ^ ^ situated on park-like 80x200’ Coventry Second-Hand Store' one^l^eettag of the Judicial tofluenoe ftaw. der te a step toward becoming wernlght were Roger ^U ® ^. lot. Mid 20’s. Principala A. Bogginl,~ Realtor, 6460332. defenstWe ta view of recent te»- gatlon,” eald Humiphrey. toe nation’s highways, funds are Conference of toe United States As queem, the venerated old a Catholic priest. Wanted— Real Estote.77 ttmony dladoelng findings of the ”I tried to be preeident and Neat Cover-Up only. Owner, 643-1671. BOLTON, 6-room Ranch, 2 Senate Passes committed to advance, bypass- CHICAQO (A P) — Second- next Tueeciay in Washington. womiain oocup4iea a i^wclal seet ----- M«. Lloyd 0^u» Mrs. national nutrition survey." I’m not going to play at it. Play- Iner the lengthy and sometimes hand store shopping for furnd- oovtfemice was called aft- honor wherever rtie goes. Dr. PhlUip Sumner, MAnches- don Atoms, Heri> Hlers aM MANCHESTER — Nine large baths, many extras, quiet loca- SELLJNO YOUR HOME? For Town Meeting Reconvenes Humphrey me4® hds remarks tog at president and being preri- tion. immediate occupancy, prompt courteous service that 70 Measures hazardous annual reviews by ture when decorating a new er the roaignatlon under fire of Women and ‘Children bow to her ter obttietrtqian, will speak Dave Caplw were to cnaige wooded lota. Bush Hill Rd. Now to an address pr^iered tor de- dent is something different.’’ CongreEM. home or redesigning eui old one Justice Abe PortEis foUowtog presence. about hte experiece In Paris oftransportation. building 4-bedroom Colonial, Owner says. Sell! Priced low- results. Call Louis Dimock (Oontinned from Page One) er. Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. Realty, 8469828. Tonight for Budget Vote Some economists oppose the can be fun, says a CEdltornla ta- dtecloaure of hte connection with Queen Ngerdoko spends a with toe Lomase method of Pack 8 $28,400. Raised Ranch, $27,990. provides channels for complaints conoept because they say It Um- terior decorator. a foundation maintained by month each yestt’ on a nearby childbirth, tomorrow night at Mak^ your selection. Ray Hol­ Cub Scouts of the Second Con­ BOLTON — Custom 7-room ALL CASH tor your property discriminatory practices, That New EnglEind tradition, board budget is “of extreme Probers To Hear Talks its presidential flexlbUlty to Carole Ektaen of Fullerton, Louis Wolfaon, convicted viola- wwnEui’s Island, NgemaUa. 8 at the Child and Family Serv- gregational Church met tor a combe, Realtors, 644-1286. Ranch, double garage, 3 fire­ within 24 hours. Avoid red tape. The hunting bill was defeat­ budget matters. 9®^*’’ “’^'vtoed here that it’s a tor of federal securities laws. There, the wom'en of Palau, ices of Connecticut office at ed 266. the town meeting, will convene concern to the Bocud of Educa.- apaco derby. Trophies tor the places, 2% baths, full baae- Instant sendee. Hayes Agency, Treasury officieds also report- good idace to look tor old wood- Warren, here to make a com- under the queen’s direction, 1180Albany Ave., West Hart- here tonight at 8 at the high tlon. The administration is pres­ rocket race were awsuded to mertt, 16x34’ pool. Situated on 646-0131. Also granted final approval By Defense Cost Critics edly have stated oppoeltton to ®n loe-boxes, weathered wicker mencement address at Lincoln plant end heirvert coconuts tor ford, was a bill designed to phase ently Involved in hiring of per- four cube. They Included: Ron­ Lots For Sale 73 two high acres just over Man­ school to once EigELln consider the ci|mnt niEua transit propoe- chairs, wind-up victrolas, even Unlverrity, was Eisked how long <*>® !* “ •■ people of P bIeul Worn- - out all camping areas leased Eionnel ito fill those positions WASHINGTON (AP) — Con­ or $4 bllUcta on either ride,” ald MalUet, first itavoe; Paul chester line. CaU Warren E. the budget for fiscal 196670, to­ al, fdthough there werrigome ta- old church pews. it might take to adopt and pub- en **ive oared tor tbe coconut.Edwin M. Edwards of 38 ______MANCHESTER — Choice % from the state that permit use which are known to be vacant Schultze told'a recent oongrea- Messier, Eieoond; Kevin Reilly, Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. night’s session being the re­ gressmen probing toe Impact of dteattons that other^^^ential All can be brought back to life Uah the code of ethics, and re- teland for centurtes. .’Welte St. has been reappointed ^ vtaowt Perry, best acre lot on Lakewood Circle. Hebron for periods of more than three on Sept. 1, 1969. When the sionol conference on the mili- cessed version of lEtst week’s liigh defente spending on Amer- advisers may bo sOTentog ear- with a coat or two of paint or pUed: At other ttoiee the Queen assistant national sergeant-at- rocket. Each boy who All utilities, trees, view of SOUTH WINDSOR — Dutch weeks. Bosud of Education’s budget tary budget. debacle, which ended with very faces a serious cut, aa la pires- lOEUt life called today for testi­ li'er objections. poUsh, she says. Mixed with “Why. at once. I see no rea- parties of Ivomen on week- arms tor the VFW National Con- ^ rocket rsoelved reservoir. Owner, 647-1616. Colonial, modern kitchen with Girl Scouts Set Sen. George Gunther, R-Strat- Galbraith, a professor of eco­ little business covered. emtly proposed, the iuuids ot mony from' two former Demo­ Two other major transporta- modern furniture, such items son wi^ it can't be aocom- eoq»dlUonB Into toe Junglee ventlon In Philadelphia, Po.. to ^ yguow ribbon, bullt-ina, formal dining room, ford, noted that about one-fifth A mill rate o f 69.26 Is the nomics at Harvard, also said BOLTON LAKE — Vernon, the administration ere tiod aa cratic odmintotratlani officials „ ^ deDenBe-eoend-tlon------programEH-on------Edrports and add charm and Interesting ac- pltehed during toe 'day-kmg gather pandanus leaves from Augiut.' Ralph Lewis large^ Uving room with fire­ Court of Houors of the state’s campsites would prospect for next year if the treed lota, 500’ to water, pav­ place, breeze way, 2-car garage, to whait dlretitlon to take. A highly critical of the nation’s ^ ^ ^ construction program cents to a home. conference.” 'which handhegs and baskets are ----- and Frederidc Peck Judged tbe be affected. He supported the proposed budget is adopted, 1^ probl^ la one of regulating Supersonic TVariport woven. l^Ites Linda Amida of 19 ed town accepted road. Priced enclosed patio, large finished The Girl Scout Court of move, saying that campers pay certain amount of stability in military-industrial complex. 16 rockets entezed to tbs race. compered to this year’s 66. Last bureaucratic power. reportedly have been When Queen Ngerdoko was a Meadow Lane has been named to sell. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. family room, $38,500. Phllbrlck Awards will be held this Fri­ an average of $25 a day, but our prafiesslonal Ekaff is a Charles Schultze, Budget Bu­ Den 8 receievd the inspection week’ s meeting Eidjourned in known need and If forced tD reau director under President Galbraith told the March stEilled tor weeks by an Internal young girl ahe ■was tattooed on an toveettgator for the Com- MANCHESTER and vicinity - Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. day evening at 7:30 at the He­ many do not stop in Connecticut confusion, Euid yesterday, the hire only first-year teacheirs, Johnson, and John Kenneth Oal- oonference toe Washington bu- debate over financing and need her arms, legs and other parts muntty S e ^ at America to- John F. Hayes For the best in real estate In bron Elementary School. The becaixe sites are taken up under Board of Education through its Many Question Value COVENTRY — Custom 6-room program wUl Include all Girl the long-term provision. our problems will not be solved, toolto. President John F. Ken­ reaucracy ’‘governs to Its own although a break could be near of her body as was toe custom ternatlo^ M l^ . Sprto^ld, ^ all price ranges call Mitten Ranch, 175’ wooded lot, fire­ chEdrman Ruth Benoit issued a only increased. ' •* Scouts and Brownies who meet The Senate rallied around the nedy’s ambassador to India, interest and to accordance with on toe. l,806mlle-an-hour alrlto- (Contlnned from Page One) of the day. She wore a graeM *» “ Mat with a study Prayer Realty, Realtors, 643-6930. place, immaculate, $17,600. statement thEuiklng "those who “ To attempt to pinpoint the Us own parochtel view of the er. weekly at GUead HUl School as plea of Sen. Blrdsey Palmer, D- wens the scheduled______.opening wlt- skirt and notohv etee until the t**® <»U®8r« “*1 «« role In Meyer Agency, Realtor, 648- appeEU'ed in (the school boEud’s) exact Eunount needed to elU our niewee before the Joint economic world. Although none of yolpe’s pro- tn>uWe on toe tour has been toe economic nationalism ijgos when the Japanese ruled education and the community. Pack 47 WOODED bulldfiig lot. north­ well as those who meet at He­ Lyme, to defeat a bill that would behalf” lost week. The ‘ board 0609. bron Elementary School, tostruoUonal Eiccounts 'to M ardi GubcoimniUee. *'1^ ^ problem of >a vaat grame have been scrapped ao hostile minorities. But aeons’ businessmen who con^ ^ Island group and encourag- * ' ------'------“Ranger Rich end the Great east corner ot Olcott Street have authorized town clerks to EU9ked the “ support of the town and Carol Drive. After 5 p.m. (when the budget pj;e8ented WUllEun Proxmlire, In a bureaucracy going conriderably far, his track record 'wasn’t giv- diese minorities were consld- ^re u®‘U8 squeeze Palauan ‘women to cover , Firvntiati rtnftnn Forest Fire,” a Eiklt, 'was pre^ 3 3 This will be a mother-daugh- issue appointment certificates to Sen. BOLTON —Large Ranch, four meeting tonight in returning the to the Board of Finance) tor ______Egyptian Cotton by Den 2 at a pack meet- 246-4781. ter evening, and because of the Justices of the peace, notaries prepEtred statement laimchtag beyond the Pentagon, embrac- en much of a start by toe Feb. ®*’®‘* dangerous enough to keep ®ut ot the more lucrative invest- their breasts, bedrooms, two full baths, for­ budget recommended by the the succeeding yesir, is not pos- ment areEis by high-powered ^ CAIRO (AP) — In an eDfort to tog at South United Methodist mal dining room, modem kitch­ large number Involved, attend- public and commlsalonera of Ote BoEud of PlnEUice to r turtiier two weeks of hoartaga, said: Ing toe intimately aasociat'ed In'- 17 memo from Paul McCracken, iVenezuela, reduce FARM Drive lOOx2C0’ lot. sibla. We must work with the No .efforts to attain economy ta dustriea where Increasingly the chairman of the Oouncll of E>co- •"■ Bolivian visit to tl^ e hours U.S. consortiums. daughter, Maria Mlereb, wlU boost cotton production, the Church. en with bullt-ins, 2-car ga­ ance murt be limited to mothers Superior Court. Palmer, who consideration of the appropria­ has water and sewer, existing known facts, 'those the conduct of government can line between what te public and nomic Advisers, to toe White move- At toe s^ e- time, govertnenui succeed her. Next to line te a country’s mato source of foreign Cubmastor Pete Gardner pre- rage, large lot, near high or a substitute. Refreishments has been a town clerk, argued tion tor the Board of Educa­ complainbmrkloln thatfViofr eis aa moremnr* rti^vafaprivate ^ w _ ^ ^ $8,500. Call after' 6 p.m., 646 presently on our Ertaff Euid the succeed if w» faU to scrutinize what is private can’t be dtetln- House. menta to Ecuaitor. i„ i-ta, pretty l yeor-old FOIeiueuv the currency, Ejgypt will produce rented a one-year pin to Jeff school. $27,500. Phllbrlck Agen­ will be served after the pro- that many town clerks receive tion.” The Bofud of Education 6 9044. average salary for those poal- military fqiendtag. gutehed,” he said. Wordtog of the memo was A rearon tor this, it Is said, te * g the rate of Queen’s b granddaughter.” —” Gloria three new breeds of cotton. Slaiby. Eric Mitte Euid Dean cy, Realtors, 6464200. gram. only fees for their work and the hEui received considerable sup­ tions we know will be vacEuit.” added Job was unfair. It was “In view of the enormous size “For nearly 20 years wo have lesirned although the council soeW, economic and poUU- remlttaneea’ increaeee ®‘****“ ' Mereto. Cotton------j - vbreeding - — ex;perts de- LeBlanc Joined the nock eub . J V ' \ \ There will be a rehearsal to­ port in Its plea to restore some The statement from Mrs. Be­ O N E S IZ E 1 COVENTRY — 4-room Ranch, of the defeitEie budget and de- allowed this enormous mUltory flatly declined to comment at . ... h/,... S*"®® the end of World War ®»are that experiments on these bobcats and were assigned to Resoit Properly morrow afternoon after school voted down 623. $40,090 In cuts (less than 2 noit continues, “When the Boajd (34-3638) /v * 7 ‘ large living room with stone at the Hebron Elementary Other bills granted final leg- mlllB) made by the Board of tencKi-reteted buite^ any to- budget to pro-empt a large part all. ^ to^ ***® Phtousn Islands have types of cotton show they will Den 1. Michael Sohensie re- For Sole 74 of Finance refers to past prac­ govern- ^ ^ ‘ been ruled by the United States Increase productive quEuitlty, oelved a life solving badge. -J , V ______fireplace. Enclosed porch, ga- schooi^or'^r^ris. Lei^^^^ Ulativeslativ approval would: FlnEUlce. tices of over-budgeting to the qulry Into nationEd priorities of toe public expenditures wHch The memo objected to ending m e n ta ^ ^ ’ r o l^ a. part of ^ U.N. mandate yi®W earlier, and rtittoTllbir Chaperons tor a Mystic Seq- WATERFRONT Irt! Bolton mortgage, ^ - either send home permission —Direct the Department of In Its statement the school teacher-salary account, per­ must eventUEdly confront this maintain this balance (between cutbacks and freezes on high COLOR quesUon: "How'can mlUtary and pr>vato and public spending),” way funds aa an economy tool. ^re^ng criUctem ^ U.S. aid territory of’the Paclflc. wlU be lonyir and stronger. ' pwt trip were Mr. and Mrs. Seaming accents the A- / Lake. This lot is dry and well ^^®® Agency. 646 g,ipg those who need them. Consumer Protection to board says that “the position haps they should recEdl the let­ Line feature of this STAMPONS cleared In good acceptable '______or remind their scouts to bring hospital pharmacies. The bill ro- of the BoEud o f Education has ter sent to the Bocud of Edu­ clvillar. needs be balanced?” Galbraith sold. "We have had The practice was begun ta the iJ e ^ c 3 ^ ^ S c ^ X and Iwe^ento In toe ar;i: Menders wlU decide their The n ^ r of Agricultupe. George Maloride, Mr. and dress that slenderizes - 2 1 9 area. C. J. Morrison Realtor BOLTON —Here is a beauti- home. This re- suited from a dlMgreemeirt be- not chEinged” since last week. cation to November, 1968, to Prooonlre, D-Wte., te chair- expansive private consumption previous administration despite reliitant to atmlv force e x ^ t Critics say these factors and political state within a ^y®lay 11. iMe VtOr and cool ageto mt Town Low* In the 40a Tamamnr and diractww c t 15,590 iianrhvBtpr Suenttt^ l^rdh moatly aunngr and ai UtUa mUd. JOMir Gtab wfn mMt at «r. lOgha in the 70a -^-j^waa. Umiocrow at tha homa of I Mmneheater^- A City of ViUoge Charm m " tm llbara, U SuDMt Dr., VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 208 m Ipjiouiwon. M tiW »Jn. Saturday, Am- Junior High Sdtool i w ^ wffl hold pUmoMot teaUiig and or mar atudenta ‘Until Today’ h> onter in Sopttniter. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — THttaf will and at ap- * Dempsey Promises Several rhesus monkeys es­ im ln iatalj 12KI0 p.m. Prompt- caped from the Gage Park soo by reaching through President Offers Credo their cage and playing with Tlrat Church of Christ, Soian- the lock until the door came tlat will hara tls ragular mld- open. waak testtmciay moating tomor­ That was Sunday. They row at S p.m. at tha ohurdi. Fast Budget Action were still disdainful of man­ Tha a m t is opan to tha public. made lures to get them back Monday, chattering from a For Nation’s Military A midweek Bible study and President If you want a savings plan ~ newamen at hU dbiaiy visit Monday to the Sen- cluster of trees above the prayer service will be held to- . ^ ” **l***>y promloed news conferenca ate Democratic caucus in aearch BOO. mocrcw at 7:80 p.m. at Trinity John P. MioiBhitoe of klO to w prompt action today on Questioned whether he had a of a lower aalee tax. Asked if the fugtUves had COLORADO SPRINGS, CMo., Covenant CJmrrfi. Spruoe S t lent nfgbt was insltali- — ** '*'*^***" rejection prepared for Thie governor's veto would al- names. Gory K. Clarice, the (AP) — President Nixon offered *T®**J* , " passed by the Sen- the tax provisions, the gover- moat certainly require a special zoo director, replied, "they a credo today for America's Girl Scout Troop 643 will meet «d president of St. James Holy ate at midday and on the gover- nor said: "I have no veto ready sessiion of the legislature to x>as8 didn't have—until today." fighting men, capped ^ a heHef Thursday at S;U p.m. at Com­ Name Society, In oeremonleB at **^ " “*** ®fterward. at thie time for any blHs.'' a compromiee tax package. In "creating a Just world onlsr munity Baptist Church. St James' Schocii Hell. He suc­ Thew will ^ no danger of But he did not discount poe- Dempsey said he had not yet that will bring an end to war.” ceeds Raymond DMlaFera. The iito w a lt^ until the Assembly Bible veto action on the legla- been asked to address the Gen- He said: All present and newly elected R t Rev. Msgr. Ekhrord J. Rear­ thaf s guaranteed at 5% for a ^ o u rw b « ^ acting on the lature's tax package, which eral Assembly at Its scheduled I bellevq that we must bal­ ofBcars of the Combined Catho­ don officiated and also spoke to •gicndlng and tax measures, caused him to make an extraor- tHoelng tonight and did not lic Mothers Circles will ^meet Better Guns ance our jneed for survival as a the group. know if he would, as he has nation with our need for survtv- tonight at 8:80 at the home dt Other offtcers tnntaUed are in past seaslans. Mrs. Thomas Deihy, 104 Park sl as a people. Americana, sol­ Oeorge Murray, vice pretolent; Tueday night the House and Planned for diers and clUMans, must rs- St Charles Campfbell, secretary; the Seneite busied themselves member that defense is not an end Paul Motiarty, treasurer. Private School Aid Tha Willing Workcra Circle with Mils remaining on their end in itself—It is a way of bohl- UcBntee has been emptoyed calendars as if there were no Jet Fighters tng fast to the deepest values of South United Methodist as assistant general mer- r Church will have a catered confrontation looming before known to civiUzed man. chandkwi manager at House years...compounded Approved by House them. WASHINGTON (AP) — Fast­ I believe , that our defense es- luncheon tomorrow noon on the er-firing, harder-hitting guns southeast porch of the Susan­ and Hale on Main 6 t since 1863. HARTFORD, Ooim. (AP) — Dempsey, a Roman Oatbollc, Under . the . leadership cf Ifo- tabUstament will remain the He attended Chnmiberlayne Jun­ The House approved overwhel- was expected to sign the meaa- LoaAa- Ekhvard L. Miar- are being planned for U.S. Jet servant of our national poUoy of nah Wesley House. There will fighters because of dramatic be a busineae meeting after ior College^ end the evening di­ mlngly and sent to the gover- ure. Dempeey did not take a decided to bringing about peace in this lunch. vision of Norttaeastem Univer­ nor Tuesday a blU providing stand on thTwH. in line vdto hta on the tax biUs >«ade by North Viet- world, and that those in any sity, botti in Boston, end served state ^ to «iucation in pri- policy of not ix x n ln ^ tC ^ Z I e T ** “ way connected with the military In (he U.S. Marine Corps Re­ nuM scrupulously avoid even Thomas F. Donelly of Dobbs Force work on developing Ferry, N.T., son of Mr. and serve from 1968 to 1961. the appearance of becoming tbs He is married, and he and hto ettorts of Today he would not comment aesaion to ameind «i- ^ ^ In the coming nwister of that policy. Mrs. T.J. Donnelly of 17 Cardan continuously...for a son’s on the blU and hi. aide, said ■ Mlaa Carol Pella, 16, daughter education, a daughter’s and requires state approval of war planes on almost even master of tint poUcy. 12,600 Raised see my church engaged in an Giveaways This photo of the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pella of secular textbooks. unseemly scramble for public terms in the latter stages of the I believe that every men in For St* Jude 370 Bldwell St., was one of 10 The bill was approved after funds.” HARTFORD, C3onn. (AP) _ air war. Sage of rural Niokrara, Neb., who are reported uniform is a citizen first and a girls placed on the Cfourt of a long debate In which 60 mem­ A bill that would abolish ^ve- Saying the measure is uncon- Foster told Congress: lost at sea, was taken in March. From left, Gary, serviceman second, and that we Donatlans of $3600 for St. Honor at the recent 4-H State bers of the House spoke. away games and lotteries In “During air operations over Unruh Says must reslat any attempt to iso­ Jude Research Hospital In Clothing Conference and Fash­ Democratic <3ov. John N. (See Page Eight) Connecticut received final leg­ North Vietnam in 1967 we com­ Gregory/and Kelly. (AP Photofax) late or separate (be defenders Memphis, Teim., have been re­ ion Show at the Hotel America, islative approval in a Senate manded a five-to-one aircraft from the defended. In titis zw- ported from last week's collec­ Hartford. voice-vote early today. kill ratio in air-to-air engage­ Young Feel gard, thoee who agitate for the tion by 800 Manchester teen - One will be selected to repre­ Approval of the measure ments. In fiscal 1968, the North removal of the ROTO from ixA- age volunteer marchers. Re­ sent Connecticut at the National wedding or any other May Ask Wiretap Review came after rejection by a 18-18 Vietnamese cut our advantage One Foresaw Problem lege campusee only contribute sults are Incomplete. Funds will 4-H Fashion Show in November vote margin of an amendment by destroying 6 U.S. aircraft to an unwanted militarism. HARTFORD, Qmn. (AP) — the Senate to vote again on the to the bill to permit games reg­ Deep Despair be used to find cures for leu­ In Chicago, HI. Gov. John Dempsey lilnted to­ bill. Such action could be or­ while losing 31 of their own. I brieve that the basis tor de­ kemia and catastrophic chil­ Mias Peiia is a junior leader ulated by the State Department “Fiscal year 1970 plana In­ day he may ask the Senate to dered by a majority of the Sen­ of Consumer Protection. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) cisions on defense spending dren's diseases. of the Manchester 4-H Bake 'n reconsider the wiretapping bill ate members. clude engineering development Sea Crash Took Lives must be “what do we need tor The march was sponsored by Baste Club, the Manchester 4-H The main objection to such of gun systems optimized for —American young people still that wsui defeated Tuesday night Opposition b> tile i^retap mee promotional bills was that many air-to-air combat and a family euUer a sort of aimless despair our security” and not “what ALSAC (Aiding Leukemia Homemaker Club, and the 4-H by a tie-breaking vote of the sure was led by Sen. Joseph will this mean for business and Stricken Children) which vras Hoe and Halters Club. were “fraudulent and deceitful” of improved 20mm rounds char­ over the death of Robert F. Senate President Lt. Gov. At- Fauliao, D-Hartford, who based and the cost was ultimately paid Of Three Brothers employment.” The Defense De­ founded by Danny Thomas. On May 10, the Bake 'n Baste future need... tlUo Frassinelll. some of his arguments on his acterized by Increased mass, Kennedy one year partment must never be consid- J Teen leaders for the local Club held a mother's Tea at the by the customer, said Sen. Jay size and Impact energy.” “I'm very disappointed by the experience as a lawyer, march are Miss Cheryl Hutt of home of Mrs. Pella. Mrs. George Jackson, co-chairman of the Asked about this, the Air action of the Senate," he told Sen. David M. Barry, D-Man- General Law Committee which Force credited North Viet­ of the California Assembly. Safe worried nhnut with m,. , j better ways for govern- 133 Vernon St. end Mlaa Laura Potterton, a home economics newsmen, after the lawmakers cheater, said, “I think It brings Unruh said in an interview to- hic KrmMw, »h..> a tragedy took the lives of ment to help ensure a ■mitut Wizuler of 6 Constance Dr. Mrs. teacher at lUing Junior High reported favorably on the bill. namese dogfight gains to Im- klUed the bill designed to le- 1984 just a little hit sooner. A day that he feels Kennedy would U M ^ ^ w ^ '!*** ^*“ .‘** prosperity «ni|)loy- Martin Aroian of 126 Conway School, gave an Illustrated talk gallze wiretapping In cases of free state offers what a polica (See Page Eight) (See Page Nineteen) be president now had he lived homes scattered acroea the ment Rd. was director of the March. on “Fabrics and Fa^on." Re­ uc prwiaeni now naa ne Uvea “He aald if nnvthtn^ honrMmfvl a jCT ^ narcotics and gambling viola- state denies — freedom of the and that American youth would the famUy coud^]^^ell S iw *' ^ beUeve that moderation haa She was assisted by Mrs. Fred freshments were brought by all tlons and violent crimes. home.” be less attracted to radical L a s y but her husband was a moriU significance only in Nassiff of S3 Norman St. and the membens. Asked about the lieutenant The immunity bill was passed causes. among the survivors of the pre- those who have another choice, Mrs. Laurence Perry of 233 Club members received governor's role In the bill's de­ on a strongly favorable voice “I think the impacts of that rural Ndobrara, Neb., where she dawn collialon. Ihe weak can only {dead; mag- School St. The Manchester Po­ awards at a recent county dress feat, Dempsey noted that Fras- WEIS a clasEnnate of Gcury’s two 0 vote before the Senate took up assassination are far, far deep- younger brothers. The three Sage brothers lost nanlmlty and restraint gain lice Department is cooperating. review at Continell Hill Hall, slnelll's vote was required only the wlretapph^ bin. er a n d m o r e i n j u r i o u s t h a n Ed in the accident were Gary, 22, moral meaning coming from the Several children held mcmey Hartford. Blue ribbons were Gary’s worst fear became becaiue of the 18-18 tie. “I’m FraaslnelU said later he voted Seizeci Papers Show most Euiyonefuijruiio reEdtees,"rauuHsa, added110060 pTlm riMiiiHr RadaTman 8.C Gregory, 21, and *tr<*ig. raising events for the drive. The awarded to Carol Bensen, <3hrls very disappointed In the whole youngsters in the Hirschfeld and against the biU for “three dis­ Unruh, who was the late sena- ^nteatmPentagon informed Mr. end Seaman Appren. KeUy, 19. The ^ beUeve that defense decl- Bensen, Barbara Bodemann, Senate," he said. tinct reasons” : the possible ex­ tor’s CEdifornia presldentlEd Mra P-rriMf "»«>=Sage’s ■» ourvivu^survlvlrg CIUIOchild ISIs Doug-UOUg- — **on* must be iiiauomade on t uie ^ uaFUhard Kuehl families donated $16.70 Laurie Bourque, Dorothy Brin- The governor called the mea­ tension of the wiretap to SO CEunpaign cludrm an Eind long­ their sons hS ^dl^w ^the ’’’ *** ^ ^ offenalvi capa- they raised at a backyard carni­ damour, Vicky Moran, Carol sure, which lu^ been urged by time adviser. val at 81 Mountain Rd. Karen days; keeping information Cong Admit Reversals AuMralian carrier Melboume blUUes of our adversaries, Eind Pella, and Pat Sullivan. Red his special ooimnittee on crime, gained for 10 years, “even Unruh was stEinding near Ken­ (See Page Seventeen) no* on our fervent hopes about Delaney and Ronelle Lacey of ribbons went to Nancy Bourque “an absolute must in Oonnectl- though they found nothing,” and SAIGON (AP) — Piles of cap- Instructions cEirrled by cour­ nedy, savoring a victory in the their Intentions. With Thomas Bentcm St. delivered the $2.12 and Jean Halloran. ier to mEuiy parts of VletnEun in June 4 CIlEdifornla presidential earned by their talent show. cut’s fight against organized hia ibellef the measure was a tured documents show the Oom- Jefteiaon, we can pm^er “the crime.” “violation of constitutional munlet high command in Viet- the past month make future primary election lEist yeEir, flatteries of hope!“ to the gloom The four daughters of Mr. and when SirhEin Bishsun Slrhan Mrs. A. W. Small of 71 Chestnut Dempsey said he “might" ask rights.’’ nam is acknowledging grave Eitrategy clear: “Destroy the be­ of despedr, but we cannot sur­ POK RENT battlefield reverses, but insist­ lief of the United States in the il­ shot the CEindldate in a crowded Navy Ends Search vive In the retd world U we plan St. made a second tour of hotel kitchen walkway In Los atreets and brought In almost 8 and 16 nun. Movie Pro- ing its forces still occupy “the lusion that the war can be de-A- mericanized successfully, and Angeles. Kennedy fell to .the PEARL HARBOR. Hawaii about 680 miles oiuthwest of T S f e ® $ 100. Jectora—aooid f>r aHmt, aloe Striker Job Funds Beaten advantageous position floor mortally wounded. Death AP)— TOe Navy has caUed off Manila in the Philippines Tues- ^ Collection kits may be 35 mm. slide projeotan. Plans have been drawn for a that they can attain a superior ts B j^ h for 73 seaamen miss- day. The toward section quickly position in peace negotiatiems.’' came 24 hours later. brought to the Nassiff Arms Co. HARTFORD, OoMi. (AP) - of Ocnnectlcut manufactur- summer and fall cam- ing from a U.S. destroyer cut in sank In 6,400 feet of water. tra d c ^ u fL ^ .^ 1 ^ WELDON DRUG CO. To bring tMs about the high “You CEin’t really understEind 991 Main St., during regular 767 Mote St.—Tel. A bill allowing strikers to quail- Ing Arms. In Rhode Island and which the Reds hope will half by an Australian carrier * ocas Seas were caimcalm anaand SKiesskies — .. defenses . for , a disarm- ' store hours. fy for unemployment compensa- New Y o^ whlX^L.^* command evidently has ordered the depth of despair to which during SEATO maneuvers clear at the time of the collision ^ ’® words. We young «o„ a C Z . n ^ n United St^aXeTeaA to the a new summer offensive against the young people sank after We . liave...... absolute confidence and remEdned so during the res­ Saigon Incorporating the “new ithat.” aald Unruh, now 47 smd (See Page Eight) strike was defeated 19-to-lB by per cent from 1960 to 1968, com- "'°*'***- that we have picked up all sur­ cue efforts. tactics” of striking with smsdl, developing a corps of youthful vivors” SEild a Navy spokesmEm Shop Pinehurst Wednesday for this First Prise Frankfurt the Senate etirly today. pared with 17 per cent in Oon- Extensive documentation Indl- secret fotxies in the heart of the backers of his own for a likely Adm. John J. HylEuid, PEUiific The bill had been passed by nectlcut and throughout the i«- the prime fear of Ha- in Eumouncing the end of seEirch Special . . . 8er\'e Franks ^tfa Potato Salad and save on your capital while larger units en- run for governor of California In operations by 10 ships from Fleet commander, ordered a meat bill . . . the House last week by an 82- Hon, he said. nol’s war strategists is that a gage at the outsklrta. 1970. court of Inquiry similar to the strong government may emerge three natlorui. Navy’s probe Into the seizure of 78 vote. „ ^ J , „ Current law permits employes The objective is to collapse or “The young people are still Most of those given up for lost U.S. Charges Dtdly, except Mon., we will have freehly nuide POTATO Seni. '^om as F. Dowd Jr., R- covered by unemployment com- in Saigon behind a shield of discredit the central govern­ the intelligence ship Pueblo. American guns, a shield that sort of poking around In comers —neEirly a third of the destroyer RAxA d and COLE SLAW ready for you . , . P®'“ ®tlon to receive beneflte af- ment “and force the UiXtod looking for things to do—for pro­ Evans’ crew—were presumed The still-floating stem section basis ttat the state should ter four weeks if they quit or stays In. place even though U.S. States to axxiept the inevitable, of the Eveuis weui being towed to C rim e L in k not compel employers to flnan- are fired. public opinion seeks a troop jects—hoping that something sleeping In their bunks In the the Philippines by a fleet tug one way or another, either hon­ will come along that will give forwEird part of the ship when It CO a etrike agEdnst themselves.” pullout. orably or dishonorably," as one late Tues^y when the Pentagon Dowd argued further that the I don t think it s any different Such a troop withdrawal is them hope again.” WEIS hit by the carrier Mel­ began releasing names of the Special Wednesday Only recent document from Uvera- Unruh said one reEison he sup­ bourne, flEigslilp of the Austra- To Policemen legislation would inhibit growth (See Page Eight) seen by the Communist com­ tion Army headquarters put It. ...then our Growth Bond mand as being deliberately ported Kennedy was that “he Usui Navy, In pre-dawn hours (See Page* Seventeen) 1st PRIZE The Communist command reached those groups that were WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed­ slowed, to enalble the South Viet­ sees a pressing urgency for a eral officials have chsirged that SKINLESS FRANKFURTS Lb. namese to better handle their fEist becoming imreEichable by 98c new military offensive for these every other means: the young, gamblers In Columbus,* Ohio, (6-lb. boxes $S.S4) Welfare Budget Curbs military future without Ameri­ have “had almost every mem­ can forces. (See Page Twenty-Two) (See Page Twenty-Two) ber of the city's vice squad In siddltion the bill establish­ pected to be announced at the Midway would have on the overall peace negotia­ tEilking about Columbus. And RepublicEuis voting against it. Island conference Sunday. O R IG I N A L es Ein incentive earnings pro­ tions. Meny authorities are hopeful that the Nashville TennesseEui quot­ SOCIAL Security or i.r .s. ids M A T U R IT Y gram to encourage welfEire re­ Rep. Bruce Morris, D-New Ha­ President Nixon and South Vietnam if the United States would proceed on ed Wilson as identifying the BROIL, ven, said it WEIS hard enough I I DATE ______cipients to get and hold jobs. President Nguyen Van Thleu probably its own to withdraw some troops then nUdwestern city as the Ohio 1. Also under the bill the De­ to get fathers to support their will not give a specific date or a specific the North Vietnamese might follow suit capital. I _L number of troops to be removed. GRILL, FRY! partment of Finance EUid Con- (See Page Eight) and pull some of their forces out of Wilson told the subcommittee, A M O U N T However, when Secretary of State South Vietnam. heEided by Sen. John L. Mc­ D E P O S I T E D S- William P. Rogers conferred with Thieu Clellan, D-Ark., that the Justice ' F a c e A m o u n t Pa y a b l e a t O r ig in a l Ma t u r it y After the recent talks with Rogers In in Saigon recently the latter said that Department had “uncovered ev­ FRESH GROUND IN T E R E S T SEilgon, Thleu said that “slgniflcEint R A T E P ER State Services Extended “autumn” would be an acceptable time units”' — aa many as 60,000 men — of idence that local numbers oper­ ANNUM ______for the Partial unilateral withdrawal as the South Vietnamese Army would be ators had Eilmost every member ICOMPOUNOCD CONTINUOUSLY) HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) .1— —Permit the Department of far as he was concerned. ready by September to begin replacing of the city’s vice squad on their H a r tfo r d N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y it h e ' b a n k - i s i l l State services were extended to Corrections to lend money to And contingency military planning by American troops. payroll.” WILL PAY THE FACE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE ON THE ORIGINAL MA­ more Connecticut residents jail Inmates under the work- American authorities. It was under­ The president will be well-prepared to He also said “the involvement BEEF PAniES TURITY DATE TO THE REGISTERED PAYEE UPON PRESENTATION AND Tuesday under several bills re­ release program to buy work stood, contemplates the withdrawal of of the police went ao far aa to - SURRENDER OF THIS CERTIFICATE. BUT SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS discuss this whole problem at Midway 5 gtiMroos pottits ceiving final a p p ro v E d In the 50,000 to 100,000 on the president's order. include pressure by the chief of Isatt, Tender, AND CONDITIONS APPEARING ON THE REVERSE HEREOF. clothes and tools for their job. Island this weekend. Accompanying him Senate. The beneficiary would have to ( Some officials regard 70,000 as a possi­ will be his highest military advisers in­ the squad put on a dissident Juicy Beef! The welfEua oommissioner pay back the money Eifter he ble figure. cluding Secretary of Defense Melvin gambler to bring him in line was granted authorization to ex­ Is releEued from jail. Probably the forces to be withdrawn Laird, Gen. Earl Wheeler, chEiirraan of with his fellow numbers opera­ NOT NEGOTIABLE tend the food-stamp program SO coNvmimi c AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE —License youth camps would be a combination of combat and the Join* Chiefs of staff and Gen. Creigh­ tors." i szszsal statewide. throughout the state under reg­ noncombat troops, whose departure may ton C. Abrams. U.S. commander in Viet­ Wilson appeared before the lb A atate system of natural begin on a modest scale in September. subcommittee on behalf of Pres­ At our Froth Moot Counter :-:*x*:*:«X' ulations set by the Health De- nam, and Adm. John McCain, command- 89 preserves weis established, to be pEirtment. To what extent the withdrawal of 50,- er-in-chlef of the U.S. forces in the ident Nixon's proposal to make helped by federal funds. —Establish a commission to 000 to 100,0