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July 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967

7-28-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 28, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff

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DETROIT (AP) - Soldiers Romney asked President gained ncarly complete con­ Johnson to declare Detroit a trol of riot - [Of 0 Detroit disaster area, a request he Thursday, after a $500 - mil­ conceded was unprecedented lion racial uprising that in the case of a man-made claimed 36 lives during four holocaust. days of lerror in the streets. Isolated snipers, whites in­ In Washington, the House cluded, still held out in a few Committee on Un-American building5. Activities worked on plans For the first, the military for public hearings into riot­ commander in the city. Lt. ing in Newark and DetrOit, Gen. John Throck.monon, or­ With an e ye toward the pos­ dered his 10,000 troops to sibility of subversion. "sheathe your bayonets:' But he conti nued foot pa­ Romney declared: " There trol s in many sections of this have been cenain indications ravaged city of 1.7 million, in Detroit of outside agitators, pockmarked by destruction and certainly the tinder was and reeking with the acrid prepared for conflagration by L St ench of buildi ngs put to the outside influences. • • • This was not a racial confronta­ ARRESTED ON FEDERAL WARRANT-H. Rap unlawful f1i to a void prosecution_ His initial torch by the hundreds, Brown , head of the Student Nonviolent Coordin­ Republican Gov. George tion. This was started by a warrcnt charged him with incitin lZ, the riot in minority element in a Negro atinf!, Committee, is led into a cell block after Cambrid~e , Md _ Romney foresaw the re­ (AP Photo) building of hearts and minds, neighborhood." beinr. arrested by the FBI He is charged with the restoration of amity. as a task mor e monumental even than the rebuilding of the na­ Rap Brown Blames Johnson tion's fifth largest city. De­ trOit's population is 30 per l>..i4 ce nt Negro • For Riot-Causing Conditions •• As far as I can determine," Romney told a news confer­ WASHINGTON AP Rap at news conference in SNCC e nce, •. r ebuilding this city Brown, the militant Negro headquarters here. physically is going to be a leader, s aid Thursday the His news conference was lot easier." rioting in the nation's cities is held several hours after he caused by conditions for which was rele ased on $10,000 ball Attempting to console the President Johnson can be held in nearby Alexandria, Va., wife of a wounded police of­ responsible. accused under Virginia law of ficer, Romney told her during EGYPTIAN Brown, director of the being a fugitive from a Mary­ a visit to a hospital to hold Student Nonviolent Coor­ land warrant charging him S~~'IUI IJttUtM4 1t..,~ to her courage, to look. to the dinating Comminee, said with inciting a riot Monday C.rhond.I., lIIin.i. furure . HLyndon Baines Johnsonstart­ night in Cambridge, Md. Friday, July 28, 1967 The woman, Mrs. Roger ed the rebellion because he The crowd cheered the W. Poikey, replied biuerly: doesn't address himself to 23-ye ar-old Brown when he Volu .... " Numb.r 188 ··Governor, there's going to the conditions that cause said "there is a conspiracy tQ be no future for my family them." the black people out of in Detroit:' Brown made his comments America but we'll burn it down before we leave." Daley Ready to Aim PUDetuate Lull "The white people are the violent people," he said. "Black people don't know Commltn;"t Gunners nothing about being violent. Cartridges at Rioters W