
Low Back Pain and The

Laura Staton, OTR/L, C-IAYT, APD

Yoga A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Pain and Orthopedic Injuries Through Yoga

Yoga Alliance CE Workshop 4/05/21

[email protected] laurastaton.com IG: luluotyoga FB: Lulu OT + Yoga

1 The Iliopsoas muscle is a deep core muscle and considered a muscle of the posterior . It is comprised of the psoas major (and minor) and the iliacus. Together these muscles are the chief flexors of the . They also help to maintain erect posture of the joint.

2 The psoas major is approximately 16” and starts at the base of the ribcage attaching to the five on the transverse process and vertebral bodies. It then travels through the , merges with the iliacus, and attaches to the 3of the inner thigh. The lies in the , attaches to the sides of the and anterior sacroiliac ligaments, and merges with the psoas to attach to the lesser trochanter of the inner thigh.

4 The Psoas Major: With the origin fixed the lower portion flexes the thigh towards the trunk. With the insertion fixed the trunk flexes towards the thigh. The upper portion of the psoas bilaterally extends the spine and unilaterally flexes the trunk. The psoas major acts to extend and laterally flex the lumbar spine.

The Iliacus: mainly flexes the thigh and stabilizes the hip joint. It is active with walking and does not flex or extend the lumbar spine. The iliacus has some involvement in abduction and lateral rotation of the .

Because of the differing origins of each muscle the psoas acts more on the spine and the iliacus acts more on the pelvis.

5 The Connection to Lower Back Pain:

• Bilateral shortness of the iliopsoas muscle increases lumbar .

• Unilateral shortness (i.e scoliosis, leg length discrepancy) can cause rotation and tilting of the pelvis.

• Weakness of the iliopsoas muscle decreases functional movements such as walking, stair climbing, getting out of bed, and getting up from a chair.

• Weakness can also be a factor in a posterior pelvic tilt (i.e wheelchairs)

• Because the psoas lies on the spine, injury to the spine (i.e. herniation) or psoas muscle, can cause a protective reflex spasm of the Iliopsoas.

What repetitive movements cause shortness and weakness? sitting sitting sitting!

6 Poses From Yoga Bones

1a. Supta Tadasana (stretching the psoas) 1b. Find your psoas (feel your psoas) 2. Pavanmuktasana & Supta Padangusthasana (stretch) 3. Lunge with chair bent and straight legs (stretch) 4. Supported Setu-Bandhasana (stretch) 5. Thigh Presses (strengthen) 6. Leg Circles (strengthen 7. Ardha Navasana (strengthen 8. Vrksasana (stretch & strengthen) 9. Standing Marichyasana (stretch & strengthen) 10. Standing Tadasana (stretch & strengthen)