Used by Teachers and Administrators of Indian Students from The
DO CUMF NT R F S OMR ED 024 477 RC 000 288 Basic Goals for Elementary Children: Volume I. Beginners Level and Level One; Volume II, LevelsTwo and Three; Volume III, Levels Four, Five and Six; Volume IV, Levels Seven and Eight. Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Washington, D.C. Pub Date 66 Note-752p. Available from-Publications Service, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas66044(no charge) EDRS Price MF-$3.00HC-$37.40 Descriptors-*Activities, *American Indians, Art Activities, *Curriculum Guides, *Elementary Grades,English (Second Langua9e). Guidance Objectives,Guidelines,HealthActivities, Language Arts,ListeningSkills, Literature, Music Activities, Number Concepts, Physical Activities, Reading, ScienceActivities, c.:ocial Studies, Speaking Activities, g(Teaching Techniques, Writing Skills These curriculum guides were developed by the Bureau of IndianAffairs to be used by teachers and administrators of Indian studentsfrom the beginning level through the eighth. The four volumes lorovide a structuring and selquencingof themes and concepts designed to prepare Indian children to competefavorably with their peers in other school situations.Explanations and activities are provided for each level in the areas of guidance, social studies, music, listening,speaking reading, writing literature, art, health and physical fitness, science, andnumber concepts. For each area at each level an extensive bibliography of relatedmaterials is provided. (DK) C)R -ELQIviNTARYeAsIC COALS C1-11LIN BEGINNINGDEPARTMENTBUREAU LEVEL OF INDIANOF TIiEAND INTERIORAFFAIRS LEVEL ONE DEPARTMENTStewartUNITED L.OF Udall, STATESTHE Secretary INTERIOR RobertBUREAU L. Bennett, OF INDIAN Commissioner AFFAIRS AssistantDIVISIONCarl L. OFCommissionerMarburger EDUCATION PublicationsHaskellLawrence,Order Institute fromKansas Service U.S. DEPARTMENTOFF:CE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION& WELFARE THIS DOCLMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE POSITIONSTATEDPERSON DO OR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY.
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