k: ■ ■ Ss T H U R SD A Y , N O VE M B ER 8,194 ' ■) . PAlit: FOUBTEEM Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Moath ot October, 1945 Fsreeaet off U. 8. Weathor niroaii A public card party will be held ments. The necessity fo r that Mrs, John M. Connolly and Homemakers and others in this ’stand-by” basis seems now to Otoudy with showers tonight and vicinity are reminded of the lec­ tomorrow evening In the Bucking­ 8,995^ young son, who have been making Blood Donor have definitely dlaappeared, and, aa Saturday; eolder Saturday. About Towii ture-demonstration on Frozen ham church. The service at the Member of the Audit their home with Mrs. Connolly’s church Sunday morning will be a result, the existence o f the Man­ parents Mr. and Mrs. D. I. August Foods and types of Freezing Bureau ot Circulations omitted, and Instead will be held chester Red Cross Blood Donor r r s U P TO u s . to keep It In good arorldng order, f Sgt. t«eon 8. Cl«*«ynaki( of 12 of SOsWllllam street, have moved equipment, "tomorrow afternoon at Service Ends Service has been terminated. The Manchester— A City of Viiiage Charm 1:30 at the Wapplng Community at eigh t, o’clock In the evening, Sclentlfle Servicing does the trick. Call ns; We are ■ WMtfleld atreet, who for the p « t to wyhnefleld, Pennsylvania, resignatlona of the co-chairmen of trained and'eqnlpped to servlee home anlts or larger House. 'The principal speaker will when Chaplain Dudley Burr will : *7 month! hm! served tn the Army where they V lll make their home. speak on hla overseas experiences. the Service, Mrs. Henry Huggins InstallatlonB. (SIXTEEN RAGES) PRICE THREE CENT8 be George Crowther, extension Was One of Most Active (CiBSsUtod AdverUsIhg m Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1945 Chrouad Forces, h «! received his Sgt. Connolly expects a discharge This meeting will be preceded, by and Mrs. Louis Custer, have been SERVICE NOW — SALES SOON! YOL. L X V „ NO. 35 agricultural engineer at the Uni­ Iwaorable discharge at Brooke from the Army soon. a pot luck supper In the social accepted with regret and with versity of Connecticut, who will And Successful Units 9S 7 t rtnerixpex/etregM M M M l lr TVMSti^Mamiunm s e hospital Center, Fort 8am Hous- room at 6:15. ’Die session o f the highest commendation for the out­ show motion pictures in color. W i, Tteas. church school )vill be held Sunday O f Red Cross W ork standing Job done under their lead­ Cpl. Angelo M. Dlmlnico. 368 Other speakers will be Mias ership. To jo Gets Medical Examination Oakland street. Manchester, Is on Marlon Pry, home demonstration at ten, o'clock. W ag^ PoKcy Clan McLean, No. 252, Order of hla way home from Pearl Harbor. During the time that the Red So, while the local chapter oon- agent, and Donald. Gaylord, live­ tinuea Its work, with Increaaing British Leaflets Scottish Oans, will meet tomo^ Dljhinlco la one of more than 1,100 Cross Blood Donor Service operat­ Chinese Communists stock specialist. ’The lecture Is volumn in some departments and a row night at eight o’clock in the hl(^-polnt Army and Navy veter­ given by the County Farm Bureau M ayB e JobV Maaonlo Temple. A fter the meet- Capt. Marshall ed in Manchester, a particularly little less tension & others, one ot ans whom the "Magic Carpet" Is and Is open to all. Wl StRVt HOMES DAIRIES FOOD STORES-TAVERNS-RESTAURilHIS • to g th e members of the Clan will bringing back to the states aboard fine record was made, and prac­ the strictly war activities has re­ ' Join the Daughters of Scotia, who Out of Service ceived Its "honorable dischargs” the U.S.8. Attu. ’The U.S.S. A t­ .Members of the American Le­ tically every visit of the Mobile U ^e Surrender (^iven Lewis win seat their officers. tn— one of more than 200 carriers, and the Red Cross Blood Donor gion auxiliary have been Invited Unit was highly succosaful. The Service is no more . To Oppose Landings escort carriers and attack trans­ to attend a membership supper, volunteers of that committee were Of local interest is the homwable EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S ports In the Navy’s famed "Magic Wednesday evening. November 14 among the most zealous o f the Red discharge from service with the May '/ry to Draft Pro- Carpet” fleet—left Peart Harbor, at 6:30 In G.A.R. ball, Rockville, Cross organization, and their CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE TALL CEDARS U. 8. Arm y Air Corps of Capt. ' Of Indonesians Wednesday, October 31, and Is by Stanley Dobbsz unit. Officers work, coupled with the desire to VEAL CACCIAIORE gran^ Upon Which La< scheduled to arrive In San Pedro Cfliarles A. Marshall, son of Mr. be "of service that was evidenced of the local unit, have also been and Mrs. Charles F. Marshall of Oil Burners DELICIOUS STEAKS borfs Divided Forces today. Passengers will go directly asked to conduct the initiatory by several hundred Manchester NATTVE BROILER.S « Tried to the Separation Centers nearest East Clinton Road, West Hartford, men and women, resulted In the Move May Signal Gen- S i g H S ceremony for the Rockville unit, formerly of Cambridge street. / - M i Mi|^ht Unite at Parley Bingo their homes to complete the for­ and Mrs. Kathleen .Sweet will be contribution o f several thousand LOADS OF FUN — DINE AND DANCE TONIGHTI Capt. Mkrsball enlisted in the eral Uprising by Well o malities of obtaining their dis­ In charge. Those planning to at-' pints o6 blood for plasma. - Furnaces / chargee before returning to civil­ A ir Corp In Dec. 194i and was With the closing of the Blood Fino Wines, Liquors sBd Beer j - BuUetin! Also Ready to Fight Any I tend are urged to notify the presi­ commissioned 2nd Lt. at Randolph Drilled Jap - Trained Bill to Reduce Orange Hall ian life. Donor Center in Hartford, came A Few stra Available. Washington, Nov. 9—(fl>— Hirohito Still Jap Lawyer dent. Mrs. Dorothy Weden by Field, San Antonio, .Texas, in June A^empt by Chungking] Saturday. , suspension o f the acUvities o f the Nationalists Through- • -i rk a Secretary George W, ’Taylor 1942. He was transferred to West- local Service, awaiting deyelop; RACKLIFFE OIL C a Reymander'ff Restaurant ot the Labor-Management Troops to Enter Any ] over'" Field, Mass., Sept. 1943, R Maple A t m m * -- Hartfoei out EnUre Island of, l a X C S 111 1 9 4 0 Hai^ Devotion Tomorrow Night A daughter, Susan Irene, was 35-37 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 3922 ototorence snld today It Is Views Tojo where he won his promotion to IW. HartTore 1-8181 *’tolr to say that In every com­ Other Liberated AreBil 23 REGULAR GAMES 25e. bom yesterday at the Hartford 1st lieutenemt. He served In the java; Tension High' ' ----- DON .WILLIS hospital to Corporal and Mrs. Vic­ mittee there hns been„ full 7 SPECIAL GAMES Pacific theater of operations from siooeptoBoe o f ooUecttve har- A s C rim in a l \ O f North china? tor Abraltls of 47 Mather street ASHES Afro RUBBISH Givira Individuals and O f Japanese SWEEPSTAKES April 1944 to March 1945, when he By Ralph Morton | kalnlng.” ’The former W ar GARAGE Cpl. Abraltls Is at present in ____ ! jarationaration Comes was returned to Westover Field, REMOVED ALICE tXIFRAN Business Slash o f $5, Labor Board chairman told a WEEKLY PRIZE Japan. ’The baby Is the second Batavia, Nov. 9,—(/P)— j Compicta Ante Serriec became captain and was officer In Also Local Moving and (Known As Qoeea Alice) /news conference that this was Natioationalists Begin, MONTHLY PRIZE granddsughter o f Mr. and Mrs. charge of bomber training group «^Briti8h planes dropped leaf-i 920,000,000; Expect­ Powerful Ferments Uzawa Declines to Par­ 18 Main 8 t TPL 8083 Light Trucking SevenUi Dangbter ota Seventh Son FOR SALE ...MUST BE SOLD ^the issue which broke up a Lhingwangtao Landiu|[ W AR BOND Alex Mlkolowaky. navigation until the time o f hip Bom With n VeO lets on Indonesian forces at slntllar conference after the Working That May TO BE DRAW N OOT. M discharge. PH O NE 8962 ed to Create Jobs ticipate in Defense; Readings Dally, Inciadlnf ammSms, Soerabaja today calling for first World war, called by G A V E L L O & E. SCH ULZ 9 A . M toiP. M.OrBy Appolat- AT ONCE President Wilson In 1919. Change Attitude o f Ma­ Sees *Tojo Personally Chungking, Nov. 9.— I their unconditional surrender Washington, Nov. 9— (S’)— The menL In' the Service o f the Peo­ Chinese Communists will op-1 WASHING MACHINES ple for SO Tears. — a move which may signal a White House today announced that jority in Few Years Responsible for War^ Public Rel^brds general uprising by well Washington, Nov. 9— (JF)—John pose any attempt of Chung-| AND SPUUTDAL MEDIUM 12 Foot McCray Meat Show Case, double plate President Truman had signed the' L. Lewis may try to draft a wage LECLERC 189 Church Street, Hartford, Oeaa. drilled, Japanese-trained na­ (Editor’s Note; Glenn Babb, Tokyo, Nov. 9-^(4')— Fusaaki king troops to land in Maa-f MODERN bill giving individuals and busineM bargaining policy on which labor’s Q t i w PUNERAL BOMB ELECTRIC APPLIANCES W s rru te e Deed PhoM a-SOM glass in good condition.
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