28001 Hon. Doug Ose Hon. Jeff Miller Hon. Eleanor Holmes
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December 20, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28001 his business was inspiring. His family’s con- HONORING COPELAND AND WI- This year, the Authority completed six years tributions to the religious community in time NONA GRISWOLD ON THEIR 50TH that have brought the District of Columbia out and money are in the record books. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of the worst financial crisis in a century. To Members of the community called on him cope with this crisis, Congress passed the when something was needed for those who HON. JEFF MILLER District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority Act in were less fortunate. He was always there. He OF FLORIDA 1995. The city had followed several others— was generous to a fault and has set a stand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Philadelphia, New York, and Cleveland among ard for all of us to follow. Thursday, December 20, 2001 them—to junk bond status indicating an inabil- In a Yom Kippur Sermon several years ago, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is ity to borrow, or insolvency. As with the cities Rabbi Joseph Weinberg, said: my distinct pleasure to announce to you and that preceded them, the District required a ‘‘Always we are commanded to seize the the other members of this distinguished body, ‘‘control board’’ or Authority in order to con- day, to create a life which will be remembered that on December 21, 2001, my in-laws, tinue to borrow the necessary money to func- as a blessing. Not how long, but how well did Copeland and Winona Griswold of Chumuckla, tion. Unlike other cities, however, the nation’s I live? Not how many honors did I obtain, but Florida, will celebrate their 50th wedding anni- capital reached this point not only because of how honorable was my life. Not how many versary. local mismanagement, but also because it is a things did I acquire, but how much was I able Copeland and Winona were married on De- city without a state and a city that carried the to give.’’ cember 21, 1951. They met in Chumuckla, full complement of state functions and costs. Florida during grade school and later became To the credit of the prior administration of This quote is very fitting for the life of Mitch- high school sweethearts and valedictorians of President Bill Clinton, which designed a pack- ell Robinson. I would like to offer my deepest their senior classes. They have lived in age relieving the city of the most costly state sympathy to the Robinson family. Our Nation Chumuckla these past 50 years, and have functions and of the Congress, which ap- and our community have suffered a great loss. shared their love with their children Marty, proved it, the District has had a remarkable re- Von, Vicki and Paul, and their many grand- covery. f children and great grandchildren. Working countless hours with the Mayor and The Griswolds were agricultural pioneers in the City Council, the Authority helped the Dis- HONORING DAVID SAYLES the State of Florida. They were named the trict achieve investment grade bond status by ENGLISH Farm Family of the Year for Santa Rosa the third year of the control period, rather than County in 1985, and Copeland was inducted in four years; create a budget reserve of $150 into the Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame in million and left the city well on its way to cre- HON. DOUG OSE February of this year. ating a 7-percent cash reserve three years OF CALIFORNIA Their love story is one that is still in ahead of schedule; repay all borrowings from progress. I can tell you firsthand their love for the U.S. Treasury; eliminate the accumulated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES each other has grown even stronger through deficit; and post four years of balanced budg- Thursday, December 20, 2001 the years and serves as an inspiration to us ets with surpluses, two years ahead of the all. congressional mandate to do so. Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Love has flourished between these two Elected officials, who continued to run the David Sayles English of Arlington, Virginia, as hearts, and I wish them continued happiness city throughout, deserve credit for this im- he joins the Arlington County Police Depart- and love for years to come. provement. However, they would doubtlessly ment. On behalf of the United States Congress agree that more than any single group or indi- and the people of Northwest Florida, I extend Throughout most of his adult life, David viduals, the Financial Authority deserves the our sincere congratulations to Copeland and English has devoted himself to the safety and credit for the four-year rapid recovery of the Winona Griswold, whose love stands as a protection of others. A 1989 graduate of York- District. It was the credibility of the individuals shining example to an entire community. on the Authority and the extraordinary job they town High School in Arlington, Virginia, Mr. f English attended Western Maryland College did that enabled the District to borrow in its prior to serving in the United States Army. His IN HONOR OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS own name. The city never had to have the Au- service in the military, most notably at Fort OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA thority borrow for the District. It was the Au- Greely, Alaska and Fort Detrick, Maryland, FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND thority that worked hand in glove with D.C. gave him a unique insight into helping his fel- MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE AU- elected officials to assure that the finances low man. THORITY MEMBERS and the management of the D.C. government would proceed apace to improve. And it was Following his honorable discharge from the the Authority that gave Congress the con- military, Mr. English put his medical knowl- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON fidence that the city would be ready for the edge to work as an Emergency Medical Tech- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA sunset of the Authority on September 30, nician (EMT) while earning his paramedic’s li- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2001. cense. Shortly after earning his license, David Thursday, December 20, 2001 It would be difficult to overestimate the im- returned to his hometown to work as a fire- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, as Congress portance of these Washingtonians to the re- fighter at Fire Station #8 in Arlington County, prepares to end this session, unique in our covery of the city or the difficulty of the work Virginia. As it has been his lifelong dream to history, I ask the House to recognize the work they were called upon to do—and did. The work in law enforcement, David joined the Ar- of nine Washingtonians who have just com- District could never have purchased from ex- lington County Police Department earlier this pleted a uniquely important public service for perts of their special competence what each year. our nation’s capital, and therefore for our na- gave to the city as a contribution of unique ex- Tomorrow morning, December 21, 2001, tion. The nine served the District of Columbia pertise, endless hours, extraordinary effort, David Sayles English will graduate from the on the District of Columbia Financial Respon- and plain, priceless wisdom. Arlington County Police Academy, officially be- sibility and Management Assistance Authority. The city the Authority found had been coming a Police Officer in Arlington, Virginia. They are the two chairs, Andrew Brimmer and wracked with many years of overspending and He joins an illustrious group of men and Alice Rivlin, the vice chairs, Stephen Harlan an accumulated deficit as well as a dysfunc- women throughout our nation of whom I am and Constance Berry Newman, and the mem- tional government of city agencies. The city proud. Let me extend my personal thanks to bers, Eugene Kinlow, Darius Mans, Joyce they have left has had four straight years of those who serve in uniform. If the efforts of Ladner, Edward Singletary, and Robert Wat- balanced budgets plus surpluses and a much our civil servants taught us anything on Sep- kins. They are very distinguished Americans improved fully functioning city government. At tember 11, 2001, it is that this badge is a sym- and among the most distinguished and most the end of the last fiscal year, the District had bol of heroism and honor. I know that he will accomplished residents of the District of Co- a larger surplus than Maryland and larger than wear it with pride. lumbia. Virginia, which had no surplus. The bottom VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:57 Jun 14, 2005 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E20DE1.001 E20DE1 28002 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 20, 2001 line that is expected of every jurisdiction of liv- Dr. Ladner successfully concentrated on Mr. Kinlow’s 30 years of community service ing within its budget, credit to assure bor- improving public schools when education in the Anacostia area led to his determined rowing and clean audits has been achieved. was the primary concern of the Authority. work as the Authority’s lead member on re- vising health care for the District. The huge task of restructuring and reforming Constance Berry Newman each city agency is proceeding with many no- Constance Berry Newman, one of the most Darius Mans table improvements. The Authority, working versatile officials in the public life of the Dr. Darius Mans was a manager for com- pensation policy and administration at the with elected officials has improved the most country, served as vice chair during the sec- ond term of the Authority and is the only World Bank.