September 14, 2020 Mr. Darrell Jennings Office of Financial Management 300 Insurance Building P.O. Box 43113 Olympia, WA 98504-3113 SUBJECT: UW 2021-2023 Capital Budget Request Submittal Dear Mr. Jennings, The University of Washington is pleased to submit our 2021-2023 Capital Budget Request. Per direction from the Office of Financial Management, we are providing a PDF version of the Request to
[email protected], as well as submitting electronically through the Capital Budgeting System. The UW’s Capital Budget Request is the result of detailed planning efforts carefully integrated with the UW’s key strategies to meet the challenges of the future. The process is mission-driven, requires an objective search for needs that support key strategies, focuses heavily on efficient utilization of existing resources, and proposes accelerated care for those facilities and infrastructures in need of the most attention. The projects identified in our request, and in the 10 Year Capital Plan, are necessary to sustain the mission of the University of Washington on the Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses. I would like to thank you for your support throughout the budget development process. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this submittal, or need any additional information. Respectfully submitted, John R. Wetzel Portfolio Manager Capital Planning & Portfolio Management UW Facilities Cc (via e-mail): Joe Dacca, UW State Relations Jed Bradley, UW Office of Planning & Budgeting Lou Cariello, VP of Facilities Barbara Wingerson, AVP