Cover Picture SNOWY EGRET Balvicar, Sei1 Island, Argyll, November 2001 (seepp 28 and 109-114) Photograph kindly provided by Bill Jackson \ The Eighteenth ARGYLL BIRD REPORT ~. With Systematic List for the year 2001 Edited by J.C.A. Craik Assisted by Paul Daw Systematic List by Paul Daw Published by the Argyll Bird Club (Scottish Charity Number SCO 008782) 0 Argyll Bird Club I Argyll Bird Club W Qurity Numbn SCO 005782 Founded in 1985, the Argyll Bird Club aims to promote interest in and conservation of Argyll's wild birds and their natural environment. The rich diversity of habitats in the county Supports an exceptional variety of bird life. Many sites id&gyll are of international importance. The Club brings together people with varied experience, from complete beginners to experts, and from all walks of life. New members $rcparticularly welcome. Activities Every spring and autumn there is a one-day meeting with illustrated !alks and other features. These meetings are held in conveniently central locations on the'mdjnland. Throughout the year there are field trips to I@ and more &stant.$ites of interest. d. , i -- Publications The annual journal of &e Club is the A?& Bid ripdon containing Shesystematic List of all species recorded in the 'county duhg the previous year, toge+er with other reports and articles,The less formal quarterly newsletter, TheEider, gives details of forthcoming events and activities, reports of recent meetings and field trips, and articles and shorter items by' members and others. Webile llonorary Secretary John Anderson, AdBeag, Connd, Oban, Argyll PA37 1FT Tcl:01631710630 To apply fop rncmbership, plearc (photooqpy and) complcrc the fam below and send to out hlcmbership sarer;uy: Bill Slaley, 16 Glengilp, Ardrishaig, Argyll PA30 811T Tcl: 01546606601 Email:
[email protected] Wewish to apply for membership of the Argyll Bird Club.