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8/1/2021 Page 1 Powered by Territorial Extension of Municipality Of 9/24/2021 Maps, analysis and statistics about the resident population Demographic balance, population and familiy trends, age classes and average age, civil status and foreigners Skip Navigation Links SVIZZERA / Fribourg / Freiburg / Province of District de la Sarine / Matran Powered by Page 1 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH SVIZZERA Municipalities Powered by Page 2 Arconciel Stroll up beside >> L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Fribourg AdminstatAutigny logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH Gibloux Avry SVIZZERA Givisiez Belfaux Granges-Paccot Chénens Grolley Corminboeuf Hauterive (FR) Corserey La Brillaz Cottens (FR) La Sonnaz Ependes (FR) Le Mouret Ferpicloz Marly Matran Neyruz (FR) Noréaz Pierrafortscha Ponthaux Prez-vers-Noréaz Senèdes Treyvaux Villars-sur-Glâne Villarsel- sur-Marly Provinces BEZIRK SEE / DISTRICT DE LA DISTRICT DU GLÂNE LAC DISTRICT DE LA BEZIRK SENSE GRUYÈRE DISTRICT DE LA DISTRICT DE BROYE LA SARINE DISTRICT DE LA VEVEYSE Regions Powered by Page 3 Aargau Graubünden / L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Grigioni / AdminstatAppenzell logo Grischun DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH Ausserrhoden SVIZZERA Jura Appenzell Innerrhoden Luzern BaselLandschaft Neuchâtel BaselStadt Nidwalden Bern / Berne Obwalden Fribourg / Schaffhausen Freiburg Schwyz Genève Solothurn Glarus St. Gallen Thurgau Ticino Uri Valais / Wallis Vaud Zug Zürich Municipality of Matran Territorial extension of Municipality of MATRAN and related population density, population per gender and number of households, average age and incidence of foreigners TERRITORY DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (YEAR 2018) Fribourg / Region Freiburg Inhabitants (N.) 1,521 District de Province la Sarine Families (N.) 577 District de Males (%) 50.0 Sign Province la Sarine Females (%) 50.0 Hamlet of the 0 Foreigners (%) 19.1 municipality Powered by Page 4 Surface (Km2) 0.00 Average age L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin 40.0 (years) AdminstatPopulation logo density 0.0DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH (Inhabitants/Kmq)SVIZZERA Average annual variation -0.69 (2014/2018) MALES, FEMALES AND DEMOGRAPHIC BALANCE FOREIGNERS INCIDENCE (YEAR 2018) (YEAR 2018) Balance of nature [1], Migrat. balance [2] ^ Balance of nature = Births - Deaths ^ Migration balance = Registered - Deleted Rankings Municipality of matran is on 54° place among 136 municipalities in region by demographic size is on 1118° place among 2234 municipalities in SWITZERLAND by demographic size is on 1810° place among 2234 municipalities in SWITZERLAND per average age Fractions Powered by Page 5 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo Address DEMOGRAPHYContacts ECONOMY RANKINGSSvizzera AdminStat SEARCH SVIZZERA 41124 Via M. Vellani +39 059 8395229 Demography AdminStat is designed by Marchi, 20 Urbistat. Every data are +39 059 8395230 Economy Modena, Italy constatly updated to give P.IVA 03466110362 [email protected] Rankings the best socio-economic information in territory. Copyright © 2021 - UrbiStat S.r.l. Powered by Page 6.
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