Behavioral , Specification Inheritance, and Modular Reasoning Gary T. Leavens and David A. Naumann

TR #06-20b July 21, 2006, revised Aug 4, Sept. 3 2006

Keywords: Behavioral subtyping, supertype abstraction, specification inheritance, modularity, specification, verification, state transformer, dynamic dispatch, invariants, Eiffel language, JML language. 2006 CR Categories: .2.2 [Software Engineering] Design Tools and Techniques — Object-oriented design methods; D.2.3 [Software Engineering] Coding Tools and Techniques — Object-oriented programming; D.2.4 [Software Engineering] Software/Program Verification — Class invariants, correctness proofs, formal methods, programming by contract, reliability, tools, Eiffel, JML; D.2.7 [Software Engineering] Distribution, Maintenance, and Enhancement — Documentation; D.3.1 [Programming Languages] Formal Definitions and Theory — Semantics; D.3.2 [Programming Languages] Language Classifications — Object-oriented languages; D.3.3 [Programming Languages] Language Constructs and Features — classes and objects, inheritance; F.3.1 [Logics and Meanings of Programs] Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs — Assertions, invariants, logics of programs, pre- and post-conditions, specification techniques;

Copyright 2006 by Gary T. Leavens and David A. Naumann. Submitted for publication

Department of 226 Atanasoff Hall Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011-1041, USA Behavioral Subtyping, Specification Inheritance, and Modular Reasoning

Gary T. Leavens ∗ David A. Naumann † Iowa State University Stevens Institute of Technology Ames, IA 50011 USA Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract understanding is embodied languages and tools such as Eiffel [30], JML Behavioral subtyping is an established idea that enables modular reason- [20], ESC/Java [16], and Spec# [8, 7]. But these have unsoundnesses and ing about behavioral properties of object-oriented programs. It requires incompletenesses, some by engineering design and some for lack of ad- that syntactic subtypes are behavioral refinements. It validates reason- equate theory and methodology. A key source of unsoundness is naive ing about a dynamically-dispatched method call, say E.m(), using the treatment of object invariants, because many important design patterns specification associated with the static type of the receiver expression E. invalidate the simple hierarchical notion of encapsulation on which the For languages with references and mutable objects the idea of behavioral standard treatment [17] is based. subtyping has not been rigorously formalized as such, the standard infor- On one hand, behavioral subtyping has been rigorously studied in re- mal notion has inadequacies, and exact definitions are not obvious. This strictive programming models (e.g., [19, 47]). On the other hand, various paper formalizes behavioral subtyping and supertype abstraction for a embodiments have been implemented in static and runtime verification Java-like sequential language with classes, interfaces, exceptions, muta- tools and logics that apply to rich specification and programming lan- ble heap objects, references, and recursive types. Behavioral subtyping guages such as Java and JML [20] and Eiffel [30]. Our goal is to close is proved sound and semantically complete for reasoning with supertype the gap by providing a rigorous analysis on which can be based more abstraction. Specification inheritance, as used in the specification lan- specialized assessments and justifications of specific tools and logics. guage JML, is formalized and proved to entail behavioral subtyping. (With the ultimate aim of high assurance for verification tools, we have undertaken to machine-check our results.) We believe the gap has remained because it was far from clear how 1. Introduction to formalize a general theory that pertains directly to reasoning about In object-oriented (OO) programming, subtyping and dynamic dispatch code in languages of practical interest. The semantic intricacies of the are both useful and problematic. They are useful because supertypes can languages —and of current methodologies for sound reasoning about abstract away details in the specifications of their subtypes, thus allow- invariants, heap encapsulation and locality of effects, etc.— are daunt- ing variations in data structures and algorithms to be handled uniformly. ing. The details of the OO language are important, because some lan- They are problematic for modular reasoning because a dynamically- guage features, such as reflection, allow programs to make observations dispatched method call such as E.m() seems to require a case analysis that can distinguish between supertype and subtype objects. The achieve- to deal with all possible dynamic types of E’s value. The idea of ments closest to our aim are soundness and completeness proofs for log- modular reasoning, which we call supertype abstraction [22], is clear. It ics of Java fragments that embody supertype abstraction in some form is a generalization of typechecking: reasoning about an invocation, say (e.g.,[43]). But these assess the reasoning power of a proof system, rather E.m(), is based on the specification associated with the static type of than assessing and explicating the connection between behavioral sub- E, and constraints are imposed on implementations of m at all subtypes. typing and supertype abstraction; and they are somewhat removed from While modular conditions for dynamically-dispatched meth- the axiomatic semantics of some widely used verifiers (which simply ods are well-known [12], a straightforward translation into conditions on postulate soundness of behavioral subtyping in some form). overriding method specifications, while sound, is more restrictive than The key insight that led to our results is a purely semantic formula- necessary. The translation also gives no help in reasoning about object tion of supertype abstraction using two denotational semantics: in one, invariants, which need to be strengthened in subtypes. Hence, for modu- method calls are statically dispatched. On this basis we are able to give lar reasoning one needs a behavioral notion of subtyping. a formal treatment in a language with many constructs of sequential OO Remarkably, there is no mathematically rigorous account of behav- languages, including classes, interfaces, mutable heap objects, assign- ioral subtyping and its connection with modular reasoning about speci- ment, exceptions, inheritance, visibility, reference equality, type tests, fications and programs in conventional OO programming languages — and recursive types. Even with effective definitions in hand, it was non- although there has been much study [1, 2, 3, 11, 14, 15, 19, 22, 29, 30, 47] trivial to find the right induction hypothesis and technique to prove the (see [21] for a survey). Some of the current understanding of behavioral main lemma. subtyping is embodied in program logics [31, 40, 42, 43, 46] but is diffi- We make no commitment to particular specification notations or rea- cult to disentangle from various other complications. Some of the current soning system but rather formulate modular reasoning semantically in a generic way that idealizes what is found in logics and tools. Using an op- ∗ Supported in part by NSF grant CCF-0429567. erationally sound compositional semantics allows us to provide a foun- † Supported in part by NSF grants CCR-0208984 and CCF-0429894. dation that will serve as a point of reference and as a basis for assessment and further development of specification languages and verification tools. This paper makes the following contributions.

• We give a semantic characterization of supertype abstraction, which idealizes what is found in logics and verification tools. In contrast to related work, our definition does not rely on derived notions such as substituting one object for another [19, 27, 29], nor is it tied to a proof [copyright notice will appear here] system [31, 40, 42, 43, 46].

2 2006/9/3 • We formalize behavioral subtyping in terms of refinement of observ- subtype of T .” This is often called the “Liskov Substitutability Principle” able behavior in a realistic programing model. Refinement does not (LSP) and is a strong form of supertype abstraction. The LSP is actually need to hold between all syntactically related types but only when the too strong, because it uses the notion of “unchanged” behavior; the subtype is a (non-abstract) class. point of introducing subtype objects is often to change behavior in a • In contrast to the standard view [29], we define refinement intrinsi- way that is allowed by the supertype’s specification. A more flexible cally, by quantifying over satisfying implementations. Separately, we intuition defines observations that are not allowed by this specification characterize refinement in terms of relations between pre- and post- as “surprising,” and says that behavioral “subtyping prevents surprising conditions. Our characterization adapts previous work [13, 33, 41] behavior” [19, Chapter 1]. that improves on the overly restrictive standard condition of postcon- As a formulation of supertype abstraction, the LSP is not easy to ap- dition implications [2, 3, 15, 29, 30]. (This also isolates the way in ply to imperative OO languages. It is not clear what it means to substitute which characterization of completeness depends on the specification one object for another: imperative programs are not referentially trans- language, see Sect. 7.) An outcome of our focus on reasoning about parent, object identity matters, and the state of “an object” often depends correctness of programs rather than an abstract model is that we find on other objects in the heap. (Object identity is also a problem with the abstraction functions are not an integral part of behavioral subtyping algebraic work on applicative languages from which the LSP is drawn (compare, e.g., [19, 29]). [11, 19].) One of the contributions of our paper is to precisely formal- ize supertype abstraction in a way that captures modular reasoning about • We prove soundness and semantic completeness of behavioral sub- imperative OO programs. typing for supertype abstraction. It was by seeking completeness that Our definition of supertype abstraction says that properties of a com- we were led to the surprising findings noted in the preceding items. mand can be proved by reasoning about its method calls as if they were • We justify the standard condition on invariants [29], by precisely de- statically dispatched to an arbitrary implementation that satisfies the scribing the necessary soundness conditions and how they can be en- specification associated with the static type of the receiver. The defini- forced by recently proposed techniques for sound modular reasoning tion is in terms of a denotational semantics. For a command S, its mean- about invariants [24, 37, 32]. ing, D[[S]], is interpreted in a method environment, µ, that gives a mean- ing to each method at each type. Thus D[[S]]µ is a function from initial • We formalize specification inheritance [50] and show that it ensures states to final states. We are interested in proving that S satisfies some behavioral subtyping. Specification inheritance is part of the semantic pre/post specification, spec. Modular reasoning proves that D[[S]]µ sat- definition of JML and it embodies the proof obligations whereby isfies spec, using only the specifications associated with the static types some logics achieve behavioral subtyping [31, 40, 42, 43, 46]. of receivers of method calls. We call the latter a specification table. To The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section gives avoid formalizing “reasoning” as such, our definition considers seman- a synopsis of the main ideas. We then discuss related work. Following tic consequences that hold for any µ that satisfies the specification table. that are technical details about the language (Sect. 3) and specifications Whereas the actual program semantics, D[[−]], uses dynamic dispatch, (Sect. 4). This is followed by a formalization of supertype abstraction we define a static dispatch semantics, S[[−]], to formalize reasoning in and behavioral subtyping (Sect. 5), with the main theorems connecting terms of static types. Supertype abstraction is formalized roughly as fol- them. We then extend these results to handle invariants (Sect. 6). In lows: if it is true that S[[S]]µ satisfies spec, then the actual semantics Sect. 7 we characterize behavioral subtyping by a checkable condition on D[[S]]µ satisfies spec (provided that µ satisfies the specification table). specifications and prove that specification inheritance ensures behavioral (For details see Def. 11.2) subtyping. Sect. 8 concludes. In a program logic, supertype abstraction is embodied by the proof rule for method invocation, which allows to derive {P} E.m() {Q} T T 2. Synopsis only from a specification (prem , postm ) associated with the static type, T , of E. Similarly, an automated verifier typically uses weakest precon- In an OO language it is not obvious how to do modular reasoning, dition semantics and achieves modularity by replacing a call E.m() by because dynamic dispatch selects different methods depending on the the sequence “assert preT ; assume post T ” (with various optimizations, exact run time type of an object. What specification should one use to m m e.g., [23]). Both techniques aim to produce sound conclusions about reason about a call, such as E.m(), given that the static type of E, say T , the actual semantics. We model both by the static-dispatch semantics is only an upper bound on its dynamic type? While we consider formal S[[E.m()]]µ. What makes both techniques sound is behavioral subtyp- specifications and reasoning in this paper, the problem also applies to ing, imposed by proof obligations on implementations of m in subtypes informal reasoning based on informal specifications. The first expert OO of T (typically via some form of specification inheritance). The proof programmers used T ’s specification of m to reason about such calls. obligations are modeled by our specification table; behavioral subtyping, This of reasoning, supertype abstraction [22], is modular in that i.e., refinement of specifications, is a property of the specification table. it does not depend on E’s dynamic type, and hence does not have to The main result of the paper (Thms. 12, 24) says that supertype be changed when subtypes of T are changed in compatible ways or are abstraction for commands is equivalent to behavioral subtyping. The added to a program [27]. Supertype abstraction supports maintenance proof that behavioral subtyping implies supertype abstraction goes by and evolutionary programming styles. induction over the syntax of the language and is the paper’s hardest However, supertype abstraction is only valid if methods that override technical result (Lemma 16). T ’s method m satisfy T ’s specification for m, since that specification is the one used in reasoning about such calls. Making overrides obey the specification of overridden methods, specification inheritance [14, 50], 2.2 Behavioral subtyping ensures that objects of subtypes of T do not cause surprising behavior Several authors have offered definitions of behavioral subtyping, but when treated as if they are objects of type T ; that is, it ensures behavioral the most influential definition has been Liskov and Wing’s [29]. We subtyping [2, 3]. An alternative is to check the given specifications and paraphrase part of their “constraint rule” (from their Figure 4, page treat violations as a design error [15]. Either way, a characterization is 1823).3 For type T to be a behavioral subtype of U : needed for soundness and to avoid unnecessary restriction. 2.1 Supertype abstraction 2 We resist the temptation to abstract the specification table as a single method An influential discussion of the benefits of these ideas is Liskov’s invited environment that uses nondeterminacy to represent a specification by the “least talk at OOPSLA 1987 [27]. Liskov stated an easily-remembered test for refined implementation”; though elegant and useful (e.g, [39, 43]), this technique 1 behavioral subtyping (p. 25): “If for each object o1 of type S there is an requires justification with respect to the actual program semantics. object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T , 3 Their rule allows for method renamings and an abstraction function, our seman- the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a tics of OO languages does not allow the former and allows us to disregard the latter. We also ignore the part of the rule about history constraints, since we study 1 The quote refers to what we call “behavioral subtyping” simply as “subtyping.” a sequential language.

3 2006/9/3 Tracker { is strictly larger than the difference curr − kg, since exc6=null contradicts public model goal, curr: int; exc = null. (The specification variable exc refers to exception results; public invariant 0 self.curr − kg) supertype abstraction (Theorem 12). Our formulation of behavioral sub- ⇒ (exc6=null)); typing (Def 8) is in terms of the intrinsic refinement order on specifi- { if (self.g≤self.c−kg) then self.setCurr(self.c−kg) cations. In Sect. 7 we confirm that (4) characterizes refinement in our else throw new IAE() setting and can thus be used to check behavioral subtyping. Disentan- } gling the two is important since the characterization is sensitive to the meth setCurr(kg: int) form of specifications as discussed in Sect. 7. requires self.goal≤kg; ensures exc = null ∧ self.curr = kg; 2.3 Invariants and behavioral subtyping { self.curr := kg } While Liskov and Wing’s postcondition rule is sound but too restrictive, } their invariant rule is unsound if applied to general OO programs, unless further restrictions on programs are applied. Object invariants are predi- Figure 1. The interface Tracker and the class WeightLoss. cates that can be assumed in method pre-states and must be established in method post-states [17]. Liskov and Wing’s discussion implies that “the invariant” is what the programmer declares and reasons about. This is • The subtype’s invariant must imply the supertype’s. That is, whenever broken in unrestricted OO languages, because of sharing and reentrance T ’s invariant holds for a subtype object4, then U ’s invariant holds: [31, 32, 34, 38]. We illustrate these problems below. We also review re- cent methodologies for sound reasoning about invariants; in brief, the inv T (self) ⇒ inv U (self) for all self : T . (1) methodologies derive from the declared invariants an effective invariant • “Subtype methods preserve the supertype method’s behavior.” That for which Liskov and Wing’s invariant rule does work. is, if T ’s method m overrides U ’s method m, then the usual static To explain the problems, we begin by considering how invariants typing conditions [12] hold, and for all subtype objects self : T , U ’s interact with pre- and postconditions. Invariants could be thought of as precondition for m implies T ’s precondition: conjoined to the pre- and postcondition of each method’s specification, because invariants must hold at the beginning and end of each method’s U T prem (self) ⇒ prem (self) (2) execution; this is the usual proof obligation. This conjunction semantics and T ’s postcondition implies U ’s: would cause a conflict between the invariant rule (1) and the precondition rule (2), as the invariant may be strengthened in a subtype (covariantly), T U postm (self) ⇒ postm (self). (3) which will strengthen a precondition it is conjoined with, which in turn violates the rule that preconditions may only be weakened in a subtype The above definition is intended to be part of a “descriptive and (contravariantly). The standard solution to this problem [17] ensures informal” presentation (p. 1813), which concentrates on ideas and has that the implementation can assume the invariant as a precondition, by only “informal justifications” (p. 1813). However, even at a conceptual restricting the invariant to depend only on part of the state that is within level, it has several problems. an encapsulation boundary, say private to the class, so that it cannot be Liskov and Wing’s postcondition rule (3) is stronger (i.e., less flexi- falsified by clients between calls to methods of the class. For example, ble) than necessary for the soundness of supertype abstraction [14]. To consider the invariant in Fig. 1; if field c in Fig. 1 were public, instead see this, consider Fig. 1. The interface Tracker declares two model fields, of protected, then clients could assign -1 to it, falsifying the invariant. goal and curr that are only used in specifications [25]. They stand for the Indeed, one would like per-instance encapsulation, so that an invariant goal of a diet and the current weight. The values of these model fields for object o can only be invalidated by a method execution whose are given by the represents clauses in class WeightLoss. The clause receiver is o. But privacy in Java-like languages is at the level of classes, “represents goal := self.g” declares part of the object invariant for not instances, and in this example field c is visible in subclasses. The WeightLoss, which says that goal = self.g. This is a predicate on the general rule is that if a mutable field is visible in some context, say a protected field and the inherited public model field. This is typical of client or subclass, then that code must be responsible for maintaining JML and other specification languages, where the connection between a invariants that depend on the field (and therefore such invariants must be data representation and an abstraction are expressed by a hidden invari- visible). ant. Frame axioms (modifies clauses) could be encoded in the postcon- Encapsulation is partly achieved using scope and visibility, but that is dition, but for brevity we ignore them in our examples. not enough, due to the problem of sharing mutable objects. between an The lose method of the class WeightLoss illustrates the problem with object’s representation and client code. This is the problem of represen- the postcondition rule (3). That rule requires that lose’s postcondition tation exposure [28, 32, 38]. To see the problem, imagine that c in Fig. 1, implies the postcondition in Tracker. However, this implication does not instead of containing an integer, referred to a mutable IntCell object: hold for this example, as can be seen by considering the case where goal protected c: IntCell; Imagine the IntCell objects contain a (model) field val that can be 4 Liskov and Wing state the invariant rule for object “values,” not for objects. changed in a program and that the invariant is changed to refer to it:

4 2006/9/3 class WghtDiff extends WeightLoss { 2.4 Enforcing behavioral subtyping by specification inheritance protected d: int; As can be seen from our examples, writing the specifications for a behav- protected invariant 0 self.curr − kg; case, the inherited lose method of WeightLoss is called, which reenters ensures exc6=null; WghtDiff by calling its setCurr method. WghtDiff’s setCurr method As we explain in Sect. 7, the meaning of the above specification under makes a super call up to WeightLoss’s setCurr method, which (in the specification inheritance is essentially the same as the specification given nonexceptional case) sets g and c, potentially breaking WghtDiff’s in- in Fig. 2. That is, the meaning has as its precondition the disjunction of variant in the last conjunct. This violates WghtDiff’s invariant in a visi- the explicit precondition and those inherited (which in this example is ble state, namely the post-state of this super call, as indicated in the code. true), and as its postcondition a conjunction of implications, which says According to the assumption that all invariants must hold in all visible that if a precondition was satisfied, then the corresponding postcondition states, the last assignment in WghtDiff’s setCurr method is not neces- must hold. Theorem 30 says specification inheritance forces behavioral sary, even though operationally it is certainly needed to re-establish the subtyping. A number of tools and logics enforce behavioral subtyping invariant broken by the super call. This illustrates a problem with the through equivalent means, though it is not always explicit. simplest view of invariants. But the most difficult problem to solve is 2.5 Related work reentrant callbacks. The self-call to setCurr in the superclass method is dynamically dispatched to the override in WghtDiff; in this example Liskov and Wing’s paper [29] has already been discussed above. Their nothing goes wrong but in general such a call can find the invariant tem- paper is famous because they clearly present the main ideas and sev- porarily false because there is already a method invocation (here, lose) in eral interesting examples. Liskov and Wing formulate something like progress. supertype abstraction, their “Subtype Requirement” (p. 1812), but it is We expected to need visibility, ownership, etc. to formalize a sound sketched in terms of provability and does not directly address modular notion of invariants —it was a pleasant surprise that in semantic terms reasoning about code and method contracts. They present informal argu- these all amount to ways to ensure that invariants can be assumed as ments why behavioral subtyping ensures their subtype requirement. The preconditions by method implementations, so they do not complicate our reasoning they permit involves only invariants and history constraints, formalization (Def. 20). The effective invariant is governed by (1) and the apparently because the model of computation allows concurrency. By means by which it is made sound to assume invariants as preconditions contrast, we use a sequential language that allows Hoare-style reasoning is independent from the justification of supertype abstraction (Thm. 24). using invariants as well as pre- and postconditions. Two techniques for ensuring that invariants can be assumed as pre- Leavens and Dhara [21] survey a lot of older work on behavioral sub- conditions in OO languages have been investigated recently. The rele- typing, including the pioneering work of America [2, 3] and Meyer [30]. vant invariant semantics is based on an ownership , which Much of it is similar to Liskov and Wing’s and has similar limitations. defines the invariants that are “relevant” to a given method [32]; in this Several logics have been given for sequential fragments of Java which technique a method must establish all relevant invariants that might have incorporate supertype abstraction [31, 42, 43, 46]. These logics mostly been broken before making a method call. The Boogie [7, 24, 37] tech- achieve behavioral subtyping by requiring that each overriding method nique uses a dynamic notion of ownership and strong invariants that hold implementation in a type satisfies the corresponding specification in each in all states. Declared invariants are allowed to be temporarily broken. of its supertypes. This has the same effect as our definition of specifi- To express whether the declared invariant is in effect, Boogie uses a cation inheritance, which explicitly constructs the “effective specifica- specification-only field, invar, that ranges over the object’s supertypes. tions”. Some prove soundness and even completeness of a proof system An object’s invariant takes the form with behavioral subtyping, which justifies supertype abstraction in their setting. Of these, only Muller’s¨ [31] considers interfaces, and even this ∀T · self.invar ≤ T ⇒ inv T (self) (5) misses our insight that interfaces can be exempted from the requirements of behavioral subtyping that must apply to (non-abstract) classes. Muller¨ where inv T is the invariant explicitly declared for type T . During tem- concentrates on a modular treatment of frame axioms (modifies clauses) porary violations of the declared invariant for T , this field is to a and invariants using ownership. supertype of T . Thus the methodology ensures that (5) holds in every Parkinson’s work [42] is based on separation logic [39] and encapsu- reachable state. What matters is that these techniques provide invariants, lates invariants using a nonstandard form of opaque predicate [10] which derived from the declared ones, that can soundly be assumed as a pre- can be seen as higher order quantification [9]. Parkinson says “behav- condition in verifying a method implementation. ioral subtyping” for the standard implications (2) and (3) and “specifi-

5 2006/9/3 cation compatibility” for a proof-theoretic formulation of the intrinsic transformer, with separate variable declarations for the initial and final refinement ordering [42, Def. 3.5.1]. Pierik [43] gives a more conven- state spaces. In the case of a command, the initial and final state space tional proof system, in particular a proof outline logic with a first-order are the same except for the addition of an exception variable (exc) in the assertion language using finite sequences for heap expressions. As we do final state space. In the case of an expression, the initial state space is as in Sect. 7, Pierik explicitly connects specification refinement with adap- expected, but the final state space consists only of two variables, the ex- tation rules. Supertype abstraction and behavioral subtyping are present ception variable and a variable to hold the normal result (res). In the case but intertwined with many other details. Pierik and Parkinson both prove of a method, the initial state consists of parameters and the receiver vari- soundness and Pierik proves completeness. But the relation between a able self; the final state has exception and normal result variables as in logic and its models does not address our objective of explicating the the case of expressions. A state transformer of a given type is a mapping connection between behavioral subtyping and supertype abstraction. from initial states to final states or ⊥, the later modeling divergence. Pierik and de Boer [44] investigate various notions of completeness The third feature is the encoding of exceptions. An expression may of logics in the presence of behavioral subtyping. diverge, yield a normal result, or throw an exception. The semantics uses One reason it is important to have disentangled behavioral subtyping a disjoint sum of just two kinds of outcome: either ⊥ or a state. But that from specification inheritance is that it illuminates an important design state includes a special variable exc, of type Thrwbl, to encode a disjoint decision for specification languages. Many of the above cited works force sum: the value of exc is either null, which signifies normal termination, behavioral subtyping by using specification inheritance. This decision or a reference to the exception object (which may contain references to prevents redundancy in specifications and avoids the need for subtypes other objects in the heap). Variable exc is not allowed to occur in the to see all specifications in supertypes, some of which may be invisible program text but is used in specifications. (such as private invariants). The downside of this decision is that the join Fourth, the syntax is in something like “A-normal form” [49], i.e., used in specification inheritance can lead to unsatisfiable specifications. subexpressions in various constructs are restricted to be variables. To Worse yet it can mask design mistakes. avoid loss of expressiveness, let-expressions are added; desugaring trans- Findler and Felleisen take the opposite decision [15], i.e., checking formations are not difficult to define, e.g., a general equality test E1 = o for behavioral subtyping rather than imposing it by fiat with specifica- E2 can be desugared (− ) by the rule tion inheritance. Their work is a foundational study of runtime asser- o o o tion checking for pre/post specifications without invariants. Their con- (E1 = E2) = let x be E1 in let y be E2 in x = y tract checker can detect violations of behavioral subtyping as embodied in Liskov and Wing’s pre/post rules, (2) and (3). They note that viola- which preserves order of evaluation and propagation of exceptions. tions of the precondition rule (2) do not occur in a specification language that constructs effective preconditions by using disjunction, as in specifi- cation inheritance. So runtime checkers for such languages cannot detect Notation summary. The metatheory is standard set theory and we often violations of the precondition rule. use partial functions (finite maps) treated as sets of pairs. Unqualified, the term function means total function. Much of the formalism is expressed 3. Language in terms of dependently typed functions, the notation for which is de- ferred until later. The technical development uses an idealized object-oriented language Application is written with juxtaposition and associates to the left as that models a large fragment of the class-based languages like Java and in f a b for a curried f . Finite mappings are used for typing contexts C#. It includes interfaces, mutually recursive classes, exceptions as first- and variable stores, e.g., [self : C , x : int] or with brackets omitted. The class objects, type test and casts, inheritance and dynamic binding. It extension of a finite mapping g to map b to z, where b ∈/ dom g, is does not model: concurrency, nested classes, and reflection including written [g, b : z]. To override the mapping for an element c ∈ dom g dynamic class loading, to avoid complications. Constructors are also we write [g | c : z]. To streamline the semantic definitions, our meta- omitted, to keep the language small. For issues like evaluation order language uses ⊥-strict let-expressions: the value of “let x = α in β” and the semantics of null casts, where reasonable languages may differ is ⊥ in case α = ⊥, otherwise it is as usual. A raised dot separates a on semantic details, we follow Java. The semantics is adapted from [6] variable binding from its scope, as in ∀x : int · a[x] > 0. which in turn draws on [18] for formalization of syntax including the class table. Readers familiar with conventional languages should have little dif- Syntax. The grammar is based on some given sets of names, using the ficulty with the language syntax, but some effort is needed to follow the following nomenclature for typical elements: details of the semantic definitions so we begin with design rationale. For reasoning about specifications, a “big step” or state transformer semantics is appropriate, since specifications describe behavior in terms C ∈ ClassName names of declared classes of initial and final states of commands. Although state transformer se- I ∈ InterfaceName names of declared interfaces mantics can be defined from a small-step semantics, it is more conve- x, y, f variable names (for param., fields, and locals) nient to give a direct definition that is compositional, to support proof by m method names induction on the structure of commands. Nonetheless, our model uses a standard concrete model of state and the semantic definitions for expres- There are two distinguished variable names, self for the receiver object sions and commands are operational and unsurprising. (this in Java) and res. The final value of res gives the return value A key aspect of modular reasoning is that reasoning about a command of a method, as if every method body has the form “S; return res;”. is based on the specifications of methods invoked by the command — Using res fits with JML and lets us omit return statements. There is independent from any particular implementations of those methods. To one distinguished interface name, Thrwbl, and three distinguished class model this aspect of modular reasoning without over-specializing our names Object, NullDeref and ClassCast; the latter implement Thrwbl. theory by bringing proof theory into the picture, we use a denotational Class and interface declarations have the following forms: semantics: the meaning of a command or expression is defined with respect to a given method environment which provides the denotations class C extends C implements I { vis f : T mdec } of all methods. interface I extends I { vis f : T msig } Four technical features of the semantics streamline the formal devel- opment but may be unexpected. First, although a distinction is made be- Here and throughout we use over-lines to indicate sequences, possibly tween expressions and commands, both may have effects. Reasoning sys- empty. Instance fields are included in interfaces since they are needed tems often restrict expressions to be pure; but we include exceptions in in specifications. In a specification language they would be designated full generality which entails heap effects in expressions. Second, thread- as “ghost” or “model” fields and our results apply to programs that are ing state through the semantics of expressions adds considerable compli- properly annotated for ghost fields, but the distinction is not needed for cation which is mitigated by the uniform use of a general form of state our results.

6 2006/9/3 The remaining syntactic categories are as follows. (Bold keywords ration m(x : T ): T {S} in CT (C ) is typable in the sense that Γ ` S and marks including “{” and “}” are terminal symbols.) where Γ = [self : C , res : T , x : T ]. Method overrides must not change T ::= C | I | bool | int | unit the signature. Rules that define Γ ` S are in Appendix A. We give here just two. vis ::= private | protected | public visibility modifier msig ::= m(x : T ): T method signature Γ ` E : T [Γ, x : T ] ` E1 : U mdec ::= meth msig { S } method declaration Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U S ::= x := E | x.f := x assign to var., to field | var x : T in S local variable block Γ ` x : TT ∈ RefType | S; S | if E then S else S sequence, conditional mtype(T , m) = z : T →U Γ ` y : V V ≤ T | throw x throw exception Γ ` x.m(y): U | try S catch(x : T ) S try-catch | try S finally S try-finally 3.1 Semantic domains E ::= x | it | null | true | 0 ... variable, constants | x.f | x = x field access, equality test Details of the semantics for expressions and commands are not very | x is T | (T ) x type test, cast important, although they are needed in some proofs. But familiarity | new C () object construction with the semantic domains —especially state transformers and method environments— is essential since specifications are treated semantically. | x.m(x) method call We assume a given set Ref of references —abstract addresses. A ref | let x be E in E sequenced local binding context is a finite partial function ρ that maps references to class names. For brevity the term ref type is used to mean any non-primitive data type, The idea is that if o ∈ dom ρ then o is allocated and moreover o points i.e., a class or interface name, and we define to an object of type ρ o. We define the set RefCtx = Ref *ClassName, where * denotes partial functions. Note that for ρ and ρ0 in RefCtx, we RefType = ClassName ∪ InterfaceName can write ρ ⊆ ρ0 to express that the domain of ρ0 includes at least the A complete program is a collection of class and interface declarations. objects in ρ and for objects allocated in ρ the types are the same in ρ0. Formally, we consider a class table CT which is a mapping sending each Semantic domains are the sets of possible meanings for various kinds class name C to its declaration CT (C ) and each interface name I to its of phrases such as data types, expressions, and method bodies. The declaration CT (I ). We eschew the term “statement” but use identifier S definitions capture important invariants about the semantics, e.g., that for commands since C is mnemonic for class names. the value of a field or variable of a given static type is a value of that The typing rules are syntax directed. The rules for commands and type. Moreover, if T is a ref type then its values include references to expressions use judgments in which the variable context is explicit, objects in subclasses. Finally, there are no dangling references. Most of giving names and types of local variables and parameters that are in the semantic domains are defined in terms of a given ref context. For scope (namely, the method parameters, any locals in scope, and the example, Val(T , ρ) is the set of values of type T in a state where ρ is special variables self, res). The rules also depend on the complete class the ref context. In case T is a primitive type, the definition of Val(T , ρ) table, as is needed to deal with recursive class declarations —this is not is independent from ρ. But if T is a class type, then Val(T , ρ) is some made explicit in the judgments. set containing null and some references —all the allocated objects of Various auxiliary notations are used that depend on the class table, some type U such that U ≤ T . again without explicit indication. Suppose CT (C ) is Here is a guide to the domains. Those marked with ∗ are just special cases of the others as explained below. class C extends D implements I {vis f : T ; mdec}

Then we define super C = D and superinterfaces C = I . Let mdec be domain description metavariables in the list mdec of method declarations, so mdec has the form Val(T , ρ) value of type T o, v

meth m(x : T ): T1 { S } Store(Γ, ρ) stores for Γ r ∗ Obrecord(C , ρ) fields of C -objects We record the type and parameter names by defining mtype(C , m) = Heap(ρ) heaps h x : T →T1. If m is inherited in C from D (i.e., is defined in D but not State(Γ) states for Γ s, t declared in C ) then mtype(C , m) is defined to be mtype(D, m). Thus STrans(Γ1, Γ2) state transformers σ, τ mtype(C , m) is defined iff m is declared or inherited in C . Similarly for ∗ SemExpr(Γ, T ) semantic expression interfaces: if I extends I then superinterfaces I = I and mtype(I , m) is ∗ SemCommand(Γ) semantic command defined the same as for classes. ∗ SemMeth(C , m) semantics of method m in C For declared fields of the class displayed above we define dfields C = MethEnv method environment µ vis f : T and similarly dfields I are the fields declared by interface I . To XMethEnv extended meth. env. (incl. interfaces) µ˙ include inherited fields for such a class C we define For data types T the definition is by cases on T : fields C = fields D ∪ dfields C ∪ (∪I ∈ superinterfaces C · fields I ) Val(bool, ρ) = {true, false} In a well formed class table each of these unions will be disjoint. For in- terfaces define fields I = dfields I ∪ fields(superinterfaces I ). We define Val(int, ρ) = {..., −2, −1, 0, 1, 2,...} Meths T = {m | mtype(T , m) is defined }, noting that mtype(T , m) Val(unit, ρ) = {it} is defined just when T is a ref type and m is declared or inherited in T . Val(C , ρ) = {null} ∪ {o | o ∈ dom ρ ∧ ρ o ≤ C } The subtype relation ≤ is defined inductively by Val(I , ρ) = {o | ∃C · C ≤ I ∧ o ∈ Val(C , ρ)} • C ≤ D if super C = D The next definitions involve dependent function spaces or dependent • T ≤ I if I ∈ superinterfaces T (in which case T is a ref type) pairs, for which we use the following. • I ≤ Object if I ∈ dom(CT ) is an interface Notation for dependent types in metatheory • ≤ is reflexive and transitive

Note that for primitive types, T ≤ U holds just if T is U . Suppose X is a set and for every x ∈ X a set Zx is given. Then the A class table CT is well formed provided it satisfies standard con- dependent product (y : X ) × Zy is the set of pairs (x, z) such that straints such as acyclicity of ≤. Every type in a field declaration, param- x ∈ X and z ∈ Zx . The dependent function space (y : X ) → Zy eter, etc, is one of the primitives or in RefType. Every method decla- is the set of functions f from X to ∪x∈X Zx such that f x ∈ Zx

7 2006/9/3 for all x ∈ X . Note that y is a bound variable in these notations.5 syntax-directed, e.g., here is the semantics of an assignment: [[Γ ` x := E]]µ(ρ, h, r) = The first use is in the definition let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) in if r1 exc = null then (ρ1, h1, [r | x : r1 res, exc : null]) Store(Γ, ρ) = (x : dom Γ) → Val(Γ x, ρ) else (ρ1, h1, [r, exc : r1 exc]) What this means is that Store(Γ, ρ) is a set of functions; and for any r If E yields ⊥ then so does the assignment. If E throws no exception then in Store(Γ, ρ) (the name r is mnemonic for store), the domain of r is its value is assigned to x and the final state is extended with exc set null. dom Γ and r x is an element of Val(Γ x, ρ) for each x ∈ dom Γ. Otherwise, the final state is extended with exc mapped to the exception. Next we build up to program states. This definition and the ones in the appendix use the notation [[−]] for the semantics function, but this abbreviates two definitions. They are de- Obrecord(C , ρ) = Store(fields C , ρ) fined in the same way, except in the case of method call. The dynamic dis- Heap(ρ) = (o : dom ρ) → Obrecord(ρ o, ρ) patch semantics, for which we decorate the semantics brackets as D[[−]], State(Γ) = (ρ : RefCtx) × Heap(ρ) × Store(Γ, ρ) is the operationally accurate one. It dispatches to a method meaning in Recall that obcontext C is the variable context obtained by removing vis- the method environment based on the dynamic type of the receiver. Let ibility markers from fields C . So a heap h is map sending each allocated T = Γ x and z : T →U = mtype(m, T ) as in the typing rule. Define reference o to a record, h o, of the object’s current field values. D[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = The most important domain is state transformers: if r x = null then except(ρ, h, U , NullDeref) STrans(Γ, Γ0) = (s : State(Γ)) else let r1 = [self : r x, z : r y] in µ(ρ(r x), m)(ρ, h, r1) 0 0 0 0 → {⊥} ∪ {s |s ∈ State(Γ ) ∧ extState(s, s )} Because the dynamic type of the receiver is a class (specifically, ρ (r x)), Relation extState is used to say that one state’s ref context extends the this semantics is based on a normal method environment. The helping other’s:6 extState((ρ, h, r), (ρ0, h0, r 0)) ⇐⇒ ρ ⊆ ρ0. function except builds a state with exc set to a new NullDeref object (see Appendix B). Elements of STrans(Γ1, Γ2) are functions that map a state in State(Γ1) The static dispatch or nominal [22] semantics of method call applies to either ⊥ or a state in State(Γ2). The domain of state transformers subsumes meanings for methods, expressions and commands. a method meaning determined by the static type T of the receiver. Since interfaces are included among the static types, the static dispatch SemExpr(Γ, T ) = STrans(Γ, [res : T , exc : Thrwbl]) semantics is defined in terms of an extended method environment µ˙ . SemCommand(Γ) = STrans(Γ, [Γ, exc : Thrwbl]) S[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]˙µ(ρ, h, r) = SemMeth(T , m) = STrans([self : T , x : T ], if r x = null then except(ρ, h, U , NullDeref) [res : U , exc : Thrwbl]) else let r1 = [self : r x, z : r y] in µ˙ (T , m)(ρ, h, r1) where mtype(m, T ) = x : T →U One of the proofs deals with the case of let-expressions in detail. Here A (normal) method environment is defined to be a table of meanings is the semantics, where [[−]] is either S[[−]] or D[[−]] throughout. for all methods in all classes: [[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = MethEnv = (C : ClassName)×(m : Meths C ) → SemMeth(C , m) let (ρ0, h0, r0) = [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) in if r0 exc 6= null then (ρ0, h0, [res : default U , exc : r0 exc]) The idea is that a method environment µ is defined for pairs (C , m) else let r1 = [r, x : r0 res] in [[Γ ` E1 : U ]]µ(ρ0, h0, r1) where C is a class with method m and moreover µ(C , m) is a state transformer suitable to be the meaning of a method of type mtype(C , m). The semantics is defined with respect to an arbitrary allocator. An In case m is inherited in C from B, µ(C , m) will be the restriction of allocator is just a choice function for unused locations, i.e., a function µ(B, m) to receiver objects of type C . fresh that maps a pair (ρ, h), with h ∈ Heap(ρ), to a location such that 7 The semantics of a command depends on its method environment and fresh(ρ, h) 6∈ dom ρ. a complete program CT denotes a method environment, described later. Semantics of class table. A well formed class table denotes a method In the formulation of modular reasoning based on static types it turns environment, µb, the least upper bound of an ascending chain of method out to be convenient to use an extended kind of method environment environments—the approximation chain—each of which is given using which associates method meanings to interfaces as well as to classes the command semantics for method bodies and the preceding approxi- (even though the receiver of an invocation is always an object of some mation. The ith element in the chain approximates µb in a way such that, class, cf. the definition of Val(I , ρ)). in operational terms, it gives the correct semantics for executions with An extended method environment is defined to be a table that also method call stack bounded in length by i. Details are in Appendix B. includes meanings for methods of interfaces: 4. Specifications and refinement XMethEnv = (T : RefType) × (m : Meths T ) → SemMeth(T , m) This section formalizes method specifications and satisfaction by state The metavariable µ ranges over normal method environments and µ˙ is transformers. On this basis we define specification tables and satisfac- used to range over extended method environments —the dot is intended tion for them as well as the induced refinement relation between specifi- to be mnemonic for the dotted i in interface. cations. Refinement is used in the following section to define behavioral subtyping. 3.2 Semantics of expressions, commands, and class table From now on it is assumed that CT is some well formed class table. The semantic definitions for expressions and commands are straight- Specification languages have long used special syntax in postcondi- forward but mostly relegated to Appendix B. We explain just what tions to refer to initial state, such as “old(x)” in JML, so that postcon- is needed for the proofs. For an expression Γ ` E : T , the seman- ditions are two-state predicates (but see Sect. 7 in regards to auxiliary tics [[Γ ` E : T ]] gets applied to a method environment µ to yield variables). a state transformer [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ that in turn is applied to a state, Specifications for methods and commands are obviously needed, but e.g., [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r). Similarly for commands. The definition is expression specifications are also needed, to prove one of the main results. So it is convenient to use the notation of a state transformer type Γ Γ0 for specifications of state transformers in STrans(Γ, Γ0). 5 More standard notations are Σ y : X .Zy for (y : X ) × Zy and Π y : X .Zy for (y : X ) → Zy . Ours are similar to the PVS prover’s. 7 As a simple example, Ref can be taken to be the naturals and fresh(ρ, h) can 6 Since ρ and ρ0 are partial functions which we treat as sets of pairs, ρ ⊆ ρ0 says be the least n not in dom ρ. A realistic allocator depends on program state which that ρ0 has at least the domain of ρ and they agree on their common domain. is why we include h here.

8 2006/9/3 T Definition 1 (state transformer specification) A specification of type Definition 5 (satisfaction under a type, , ||= ) Let (pre, post) be a 0 0 Γ Γ is a pair (pre, post) such that specification of type Γ Γ and let T ≤ Γ self. Define (pre, post)T to be the specification (pre0, post 0), of type [Γ | self : T ] Γ0, where • pre is a subset of State(Γ) pre0 is defined by (ρ, h, r) ∈ pre0 ⇐⇒ r self ≤ T ∧ (ρ, h, r) ∈ pre • 0 post is a subset of State(Γ) × State(Γ ) and post 0 = old(pre0) ∩ post. 0 For ref type T , a method specification of type (T , m) is a specification An element σ ∈ STrans([Γ | self : T ], Γ ) satisfies (pre, post) T 9 of type [self : T , x : T ] [res : U , exc : Thrwbl] where mtype(m, T ) = under T , written σ ||= (pre, post), iff σ |= (pre, post)T x : T →U .A Γ-specification is one of type Γ [Γ, exc : Thrwbl]. This differs from |= only by strengthening the precondition to restrict to T Specifications are interpreted in the sense of total correctness, which states where the receiver object is in Vals(T , ρ). So ||= is |= in case is expressed very simply since ⊥ is not in State(Γ0). T = Γ self. T Definition 6 (specification refinement, w ) Let spec0 be a specifica- Definition 2 (satisfaction by state transformer) Let (pre, post) be a 0 0 specification of type Γ Γ0 and σ be in STrans(Γ, Γ0). Then σ satisfies tion of type Γ Γ and spec1 be of type [Γ | self : T ] Γ where T ≤ T (pre, post), written σ |= (pre, post), iff Γ self. Then spec1 refines spec0 with respect to T , written spec1 w spec0, iff ∀t t ∈ pre ⇒ (t, σ t) ∈ post · T 0 σ |= spec1 ⇒ σ ||= spec0 for all σ ∈ STrans([Γ | self : T ], Γ ) A specification table provides specifications for all methods (we add an invariant for each class in Sect. 6). It models what might be called Note that σ ranges over the smaller set of transformers and only weakly the “effective specification”, which is typically obtained from declared satisfies spec0. In case T = Γ self, however, σ |= spec0 is the same as T specifications by means of context-dependent interpretation of modifies σ ||= spec0. We may omit the superscript on w just in this case. clauses [26, 31], specification inheritance (see Sect. 7), etc. Roughly Note that w is not antisymmetric: by definition of satisfaction any speaking, a method environment satisfies a specification table if each (pre, old(pre)∩post) satisfies the same specifications as (pre, post).10 method satisfies its specification; formally there are two notions corre- Lemma 7 (weak transitivity) Suppose spec0 is a specification of type sponding to the two kinds of method environment. 0 0 Γ Γ , spec1 is of type [Γ | self : T ] Γ where T ≤ Γ self, and spec2 0 U Definition 3 (specification table) A specification table, ST , contains a is of type [Γ | self : U ] Γ with U ≤ T . If spec2 w spec1 and T U method specification ST (T , m) of type mtype(T , m) for each ref type spec1 w spec0 then spec2 w spec0, provided spec1 is satisfiable. U 0 T and each m ∈ Meths T . Proof To show spec2 w spec0, assume σ ∈ STrans([Γ | self : U ], Γ ) U U T T and σ |= spec2 with the aim to prove σ ||= spec0. From spec2 w For perspicuity we sometimes write (prem , postm ) for ST (T , m). U spec1 we get σ ||= spec1; but this does not yield σ |= spec1 which isn’t 0 Definition 4 (satisfaction by method environment) Let ST be a spec- even defined. Define τ ∈ STrans([Γ | self : T ], Γ ) by ification table. An extended method environment µ˙ satisfies ST , writ- τ(ρ, h, r) = if r self ≤ U then σ(ρ, h, r) else s ten µ˙ |= ST , iff µ˙ (T , m) |= ST (T , m) for all ref types T and m ∈ Meths T . where s is an arbitrarily chosen state that satisfies spec1 for (ρ, h, r). U T A normal method environment µ satisfies ST , written µ |= ST , iff From σ ||= spec1 we get τ |= spec1. Then by spec1 w spec0 we T U T µ(C , m) |= ST (C , m) for all classes C and m ∈ Meths C . get that τ ||= spec0. Now σ ||= spec0 follows from τ ||= spec0 by definition of τ and ||=.  Note this does not require µ(C , m) to satisfy specifications of the interfaces implemented by C , nor of its superclass. The idea is To see that the satisfiability condition is necessary, let spec1 have pre1 = true and let post1 say that self is U . No element of STrans([Γ | that ST (C , m) is the actual behavioral condition specified for C , m. 0 T In Sect. 7 we define specification inheritance as a means to derive self : T ], Γ ) satisfies spec1. Owing to unsatisfiability we have spec1 w spec0 for any spec0. Define spec2 to have pre2 = true = post2. Then ST (C , m) from declared specifications of C ’s interfaces and super- U U because w restricts the initial state we get spec2 w spec1. But it is classes. U easy to choose spec0 so that spec2 6w spec0. Ordering specifications. The behavioral subtyping property is ex- pressed in terms of a refinement ordering on specifications, saying that 5. Supertype abstraction and behavioral subtyping if T is a subtype of U then ST (T , m) is a stronger specification than ST (U , m) in the sense that any method satisfying ST (T , m) also sat- This section states and proves the supertype abstraction theorem. Behav- isfies ST (U , m). This intrinsic ordering on specifications is determined ioral subtyping is defined in terms of the intrinsic refinement order on by the nature of command denotations and the definition of satisfaction. method specifications and then an alternative formulation is given. The Some care needs to be taken with the details, because if T is a class, a rest of the section is devoted to stating and proving the main theorem. method in class T is defined to act on receiver objects of type T whereas The definition of behavioral subtyping is slightly weaker than one a specification of type (U , m) imposes a requirement on state trans- might expect, as needed for an equivalence with supertype abstraction. formers for target type U . Owing to the semantics of dynamic dispatch, Definition 8 (behavioral subtyping) A specification table ST has be- however, it is sound for a method in class T to assume a strengthened havioral subtyping if and only if for all ref types U and classes C with T C precondition saying that the receiver object has type . (This is explicit C ≤ U and all m ∈ Meths U we have ST (C , m) w ST (U , m). in the proof obligation for method bodies in proof systems, e.g. [31, 45].) For a method m of class U with mtype(U , m) = x : T →V , If ≥ is any preorder relation on some set, an instance a ≥ b is the relevant state transformers are in SemMeth(U , m), i.e., of type equivalent to ∀c · b ≥ c ⇒ a ≥ c. Supertype abstraction for methods [self : U , x : T ] [res : V , exc : Thrwbl]. For T , a method meaning will is roughly a restatement of behavioral suptyping in this manner, though have type [self : T , x : T ] [res : V , exc : Thrwbl] —only the type of taking into account the change of type. self varies.8 This leads us to define a nonstandard notion of satisfac- Definition 9 (supertype abstraction for method specifications) tion. To that end it is convenient to define an operation that converts a Specification table ST has supertype abstraction for method specifica- predicate to a two-state predicate. For p a set of states, define old(p) by tions iff the following holds for all ref types T , all m ∈ Meths T , and all (s, t) ∈ old(p) ⇐⇒ s ∈ p 9 The notation ||=T doesn’t fully capture the contextual assumptions but it should 8 It is well known how to vary parameter and result types; our results can be easily suffice to avoid ambiguity in our uses of it. adapted to such variation but we use invariant method overriding as in Java to 10 If desired, antisymmetry can be achieved without loss of generality by normal- avoid unenlightening notational complications. izing specifications.

9 2006/9/3 method specifications spec of type mtype(T , m): If ST (T , m) w spec It is important that the quantifiers are arranged as they are in Def. 11, then ST (C , m) wC spec for every class C with C ≤ T . so that the induction hypothesis is of the form “for all spec and S, (6) ⇒ (7)”, because for a given S of the third kind we need multiple Lemma 10 A satisfiable specification table ST has behavioral subtyping instantiations of spec and S. iff it has supertype abstraction for method specifications. Putting the Theorem together with lemma 10 we obtain the following. Proof For the implication left to right, suppose ST has behavioral Corollary 13 (semantic soundness and completeness) Suppose ST subtyping. Consider any pair(T , m) and method specification spec has behavioral subtyping. Suppose S[[Γ ` S]]˙µ can be proved to satisfy for (T , m) such that ST (T , m) w spec and any C with C ≤ T . some Γ-specification spec, assuming only that µ˙ satisfies ST . Then the By behavioral subtyping we have ST (C , m) wC ST (T , m). Since actual semantics D[[Γ ` S]]µb satisfies spec, provided that the semantics, ST (T , m) is satisfiable, we can apply weak transitivity (Lemma 7) to µ, of the class table satisfies ST . Moreover, if such reasoning is sound C b get ST (C , m) w spec. then ST has behavioral subtyping. For the implication right to left, suppose ST has supertype abstrac- tion for method specifications. Consider C ≤ U where U is any Proving the Theorem. The most difficult part of the proof is to prove ref type. Instantiate supertype abstraction with T : = U and spec : = (7) by structural induction on S (Lemmas 16 and 17). We need to ST (U , m). Since ST (U , m) wT ST (U , m), supertype abstraction argue in a way that can be illustrated by considering the case that S C is a sequence S ; S . Dropping the semantic brackets etc., the idea is yields ST (C , m) w ST (U , m).  0 1 that to show S0; S1 |= spec we find specifications spec0 and spec1 such that S |= spec , S |= spec . If S ; S |= spec in the static Supertype abstraction for commands. The idea is that a modular rea- 0 0 1 1 0 1 dispatch semantics then owing to our careful choice of spec and spec soning system is a sound means to prove that some command Γ ` S 0 1 we get S |= spec and S |= spec in the static dispatch semantics. satisfies some specification spec. For the proof to be modular means that 0 0 1 1 Now the induction hypothesis can be invoked to yield that these hold reasoning about method calls in S is based only on the specifications of in the dynamic dispatch semantics, whence the semantic equation for those methods. Thus our semantic formulation says that S satisfies spec sequence can be used to get S ; S |= spec. Suitable spec and spec when S is interpreted by the static dispatch semantics. Of course the 0 1 0 1 can be obtained by using the weakest precondition of S with respect static dispatch semantics of a command has many properties that are in- 1 to the given post. So the technical details involve defining the weakest consistent with its standard semantics, so reasoning on the basis of static precondition for a state transformer and proving decomposition results dispatch semantics with a particular method environment would be un- for sequential and conditional composition of state transformers. sound. To capture that reasoning about method calls is based only on The semantics for expressions and commands are based on explicitly their specifications, our formulation quantifies over all environments that defined state transformers (described by the mathematical notations for satisfy ST . Reasoning is expressed in terms of program semantics, so updates, dropping variables, etc.) and those given by the method envi- this is a property of a class table together with a specification table. ronment. These are composed sequentially and conditionally. (The defi- Definition 11 Let ST be a specification table for class table CT . Su- nitions use the ⊥-strict let construct which combines sequence with test- ing for ⊥.) pertype abstraction is valid for ST , CT iff for all Γ ` S and all Γ- 0 specifications spec, (6) implies (7), where Suppose σ is a state transformer of type Γ Γ and post is a subset of State(Γ)×State(Γ0). Define the weakest precondition of σ with respect ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv · µ˙ |= ST ⇒ S[[Γ ` S]]˙µ |= spec (6) to post, written wp σ post, to be a subset of State(Γ) as follows: t ∈ wp σ post ⇐⇒ (t, σ t) ∈ post ∀µ ∈ MethEnv · µ |= ST ⇒ D[[Γ ` S]]µ |= spec (7) Clearly σ |= ((wp σ post), post). Now we can give the decomposition The idea is that modular reasoning establishes (6) but it is then a lemma for sequenced transformers. consequence that S satisfies spec in the sense of the standard semantics, i.e., D[[Γ ` S]]µ |= spec where µ is the semantics of the class table Lemma 14 (sequential decomposition) Suppose σ is a state trans- b b former of type Γ Γ . Suppose moreover that σ = σ ; σ where —provided that µb does satisfy ST (i.e., there is a proof obligation that 0 2 0 1 each method implementation satisfies its specification). In fact, owing each σi has type Γi Γi+1 and semicolon is function composition. to modularity of reasoning about satisfaction as described by (6), the Suppose spec = (pre, post) and define spec0 = (pre, (wp σ1 post)) stronger conclusion (7) can be drawn. and spec1 = ((wp σ1 post), post). Then

In light of Lemma 10, the main result says that behavioral subtyping σ |= spec iff σ0 |= spec0 and σ1 |= spec1 validates such reasoning, and indeed it is necessary. 0 0 0 0 and moreover for any σ0, σ1, if σ0 |= spec0 and σ1 |= spec1 then 0 0 Theorem 12 (supertype abstraction) For any satisfiable ST the fol- σ0; σ1 |= spec. lowing are equivalent. These are well known facts about weakest preconditions; the lemma (a) ST has supertype abstraction for method specifications. merely spells them out in a particular way because their use later is a (b) supertype abstraction is valid for ST , CT . little intricate. Similarly for the following. Lemma 15 (conditional decomposition) Suppose σ is a state trans- We sketch the argument here and return to it after laying some ground- 0 former of type Γ Γ such that for all states s we have work. The idea for (b) ⇒ (a) is to instantiate S with suitable method call and unfold the semantics. The idea for (a) ⇒ (b) is to prove (b) by struc- σ s = (if s ∈ P then σ0 s else σ1 s) tural induction on S assuming that ST has supertype abstraction. A key 0 where P ⊆ State(Γ) and each σi has type Γ Γ . Suppose spec has lemma to prove (b) is an analogous result for expressions, also proved by type Γ Γ0 and let spec = (pre, post) to define spec = (P∩pre, post) induction. In these proofs there are three kinds of cases: 0 and spec1 = (pre − P, post). Then • S is a method call —then the semantics is used to reduce implication σ |= spec iff σ0 |= spec0 and σ1 |= spec1 (6) ⇒ (7) to the implication given by the supertype abstraction 0 0 0 0 property. and moreover (if s ∈ P then σ0 s else σ1 s) |= spec for any σ0, σ1 that satisfy spec0, spec1. • S is some other primitive expression or command —then the seman- tics is used to prove (7) directly from (6). Lemma 16 (supertype abstraction for expressions) Suppose ST has supertype abstraction and is satisfiable. Then for all Γ, E, T , spec such • S is a compound command or expression. In that case we decompose that Γ ` E : T and spec is of type Γ [res : T , exc : Thrwbl] we have it to some state transformers used in its semantic definition and appeal that (8) implies (9) where to the induction hypothesis for these state transformers and certain specifications obtained using weakest preconditions. ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv · µ˙ |= ST ⇒ S[[Γ ` E : T ]]˙µ |= spec (8)

10 2006/9/3 ∀µ ∈ MethEnv · µ |= ST ⇒ D[[Γ ` E : T ]]µ |= spec (9) µ˙ such that S[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]˙µ |= spec. (Such µ˙ exists owing to Proof By structural induction on E. For the case Γ ` x : T , the result satisfiability of ST and the assumption (10).) By decomposition we 0 0 follows from a much stronger property: obtain spec of type z : T →U such that µ˙ (T , m) |= spec . Moreover, noting that if µ˙ |= ST then so does [µ ˙ | (T , m): σ] for any σ with σ |= S[[Γ ` x : T ]]˙µ = D[[Γ ` x : T ]]µ for all µ and all µ˙ ST (T , m), it follows from assumption (10) that ST (T , m) wT spec0. This holds because the two semantics are identical, there are no sub- Now suppose µ is any normal method environment that satisfies ST expressions, and the semantics is independent of the method environ- and recall the dynamic dispatch semantics which differs in using the ment. The argument is the same for null and other constants, as well as dynamic type ρ(r x) of the receiver, rather than its static type T , to look for x.f , x = y, E is T , (T ) x, and new C (). up the method in the environment. The remaining cases are x.m(x), which involves the method envi- D[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = ronment and supertype abstraction, and let x be E in E1, for which the if r x = null then except(ρ, h, U , NullDeref) induction hypothesis is used. else let r1 = [self : r x, z : r y] in µ(ρ(r x), m)(ρ, h, r1) For case Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U , assume T 0 ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv µ˙ |= ST By supertype abstraction for methods (Def. 9), ST (T , m) w spec · (10) C 0 ⇒ S[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]˙µ |= spec implies that C ≤ T ⇒ ST (C , m) w spec for all C . Since µ |= ST we have for each C ≤ T that µ(C , m) |= ST (C , m) and thus for some spec of type Γ [res : U , exc : Thrwbl]. Let µ be any normal µ(C , m) ||=C spec0. To complete the proof of D[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]µ method environment such that µ |= ST . We must show it is not enough to use decomposition backwards; we also unfold the D[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]µ |= spec definition of |= and since µ(C , m) is used just in case ρ(r x) ≤ C .  The satisfiability hypothesis is necessary. Suppose that ST (C , m) By assumption (10) and satisfiability of ST there is some µ˙ such that is unsatisfiable for some C . Then (8) implies (9) because both have S[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]˙µ |= spec (11) false antecedents. This does not let us drop the satisfiability hypothesis because it can happen that the only unsatisfiable part is some interface Let us write out the definition of S[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]˙µ in a way specification ST (I , m), falsifying the antecedent only of (8). that makes explicit the manipulation of ⊥. (The definitions in Table 3 use The following result amounts to the (a) ⇒ (b) part of Theorem 12. the monadic let to suppress ⊥.) S[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]˙µ(ρ, h, r) = Lemma 17 (supertype abstraction for commands) Suppose ST has let X = S[[Γ ` E : T ]]˙µ(ρ, h, r) in supertype abstraction and is satisfiable. Then for all Γ, S, spec such that if X = ⊥ then ⊥ Γ ` S and spec is of type Γ [Γ, exc : Thrwbl] we have that else let (ρ0, h0, r0) = X in ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv · µ˙ |= ST ⇒ S[[Γ ` S]]˙µ |= spec if r0 exc 6= null then (ρ0, h0, [res : default U , exc : r0 exc]) implies else let r1 = [r, x : r0 res] in S[[Γ ` E1 : U ]]˙µ(ρ0, h0, r1) ∀µ ∈ MethEnv · µ |= ST ⇒ D[[Γ ` S]]µ |= spec The dynamic-dispatch semantics is identical except for replacing the Proof By structural induction on S. three occurrences of S[[−]] with D[[−]] and using a normal method en- In the cases that S is x.f : = y and throw x, the semantics using vironment. S[[−]] and D[[−]] are identical so the proof is immediate. The point of writing out the semantics is to make clear that it is just In the cases of conditional, sequence, try-catch and try-finally, the the alternative/sequential composition of certain state transformers:11 argument is by induction following the pattern for let-expression in the • S[[Γ ` E : T ]]˙µ of type Γ [res : T , exc : Thrwbl] proof of Lemma 16. That is also the pattern for the remaining command form, x : = E, except that instead of the induction hypothesis there is an • S[[[Γ, x : T ] ` E1 : U ]]˙µ [Γ, x : T ] [res : U , exc : Thrwbl] of type appeal to Lemma 16 for E.  • others, such as one we will call f , that sends (ρ0, h0, r0) to It remains to prove the (b) ⇒ (a) part of Theorem 12; for this, (b) can (ρ0, h0, [res : default U , exc : r0 exc : Thrwbl]). be specialized to the case of method calls. For lack of space the proof is in an appendix. By the decomposition lemmas there are specifications specE , specE1, specf , . . . such that (11) holds iff each of the component transformers Lemma 18 If ST is satisfiable then it has supertype abstraction for satisfies its specification. method specifications provided that (12) implies (13) for all T and all Since assumption (10) holds for all µ˙ , it follows that S[[Γ ` E : T ]]˙µ |= m ∈ Meths T with mtype(m, T ) = x : T →U , where specE for all µ˙ and S[[Γ ` E1 : U ]]˙µ |= specE1 for all µ˙ . (Some readers ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv · µ˙ |= ST ⇒ will want to check that the arrangement of quantifiers in the Lemma does (12) justify this step and that plausible simplifications do not work.) As a con- S[[[self : T , y : T , z : U ] ` z : = self.m(y)]]˙µ |= spec sequence, we may appeal to the induction hypothesis for Γ, E, T , specE ∀µ ∈ MethEnv · µ |= ST ⇒ and for [Γ, x : T ], E1, U , specE1. This yields that D[[Γ ` E : T ]]µ |= (13) specE and D[[[Γ, x : T ] ` E1 : U ]]µ |= specE1 for our arbitrarily cho- D[[[self : T , y : T , z : U ] ` z : = self.m(y)]]µ |= spec sen µ. The other component transformers like f are same in both the static and dynamic dispatch semantics. Having established that the com- 6. Object invariants ponent transformers of D[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]µ all satisfy the This section formalizes a semantic account of invariants in which we component specifications, we obtain D[[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]µ |= can express what is achieved by invariant methodologies (Sect. 2.3) and spec which was to be proved. prove soundness of supertype abstraction with invariants. Finally, consider the case of Γ ` x.m(y): U . Recall the static An object invariant is a predicate that holds of a particular object dispatch semantics for methods: together with some others on which it depends. So an invariant suitable S[[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]˙µ(ρ, h, r) = for objects of type T can be taken to be a subset of State([self : T ]). In if r x = null then except(ρ, h, U , NullDeref) this section we extend the notion of specification table as follows. else let r1 = [self : r x, z : r y] in µ˙ (T , m)(ρ, h, r1) Definition 19 A specification table, ST , consists of method specifica- Suppose mtype(m, T ) = z : T →U as in the typing rule for method tions ST (T , m) exactly as in Definition 3, together with a predicate call. Suppose spec has type Γ [res : U , exc : Thrwbl] and choose some ST (T ) ⊆ State([self : T ]), also written inv T , for each ref type T .

11 We refrain from spelling out the details, which are a intricate owing to the Invariants serve as pre- and post-conditions for methods. For a way r is threaded through. method specification of the form ST (T , m) = (preT , post T ) where

11 2006/9/3 mtype(m, T ) = x : T →U , we will be concerned with specifications of Lemma 23 (behavioral subtyping, with invariants) Any satisfiable spec- the form ification table with behavioral subtyping has supertype abstraction for T T T T method specifications. (prem ∩ inv , postm ∩ invm ) (14) Taken literally this is nonsense —the intersections are empty— be- This is an immediate consequence of Lemma 10: the relevant definitions cause inv T is a subset of State([self : T ]) whereas preT is a subset of have not changed except for the added invariant condition in Def. 22. State([self : T , x : T ]) and post T is a subset of State([self : T , x : T ])× Unlike in Lemma 10, the converse does not hold. Supertype abstraction State([res : U , exc : Thrwbl]). But there is a natural way to make sense as we have defined it is only concerned with reasoning about method T calls. Behavioral subtyping also imposes a condition on invariants. It of the intersections. For the precondition, we can define invc ⊆ T T would be straightforward to add “invariant reasoning” to the notion of State([self : T , x : T ]) by (ρ, h, r) ∈ invc iff (ρ, h, r − x) ∈ inv . supertype abstraction and thereby get an equivalence like Lemma 10, but (Here r −x means to remove it from the domain of r.) Now the intersec- it would shed no light. Thus the analog of Corollary 13, which we refrain T T tion of invc with pre makes sense. For the postcondition we interpret from stating, is only an implication. T T post ∩ invf to mean the set of (s, (ρ, h, r)) such that (s, (ρ, h, r)) is Theorem 24 (supertype abstraction with invariants) For any satisfi- in post T and (ρ, h, r − x) is in inv T . able ST the following are equivalent. What is achieved by invariant methodologies is to arrange that in fact inv T holds before any method call, so that the reasoning is sound. In this (a) ST has supertype abstraction for method specifications. section our formalization adapts Def. 4 as follows. (b) Supertype abstraction is valid for ST , CT . Definition 20 (satisfaction by method environment, |=inv ) Let ST be Remarkably, the proof looks just the same as the proof of Theorem 12. a specification table. An extended method environment µ˙ satisfies ST , The reason is that the proof involves conditions dependent on µ |= ST written µ˙ |=inv ST , iff for all ref types T and m ∈ Meths T we have and µ˙ |= ST and various arguments about refinement and specifications. But it does not involve the definition of µ |= ST or µ˙ |= ST per se. The T T T T µ˙ (T , m) |= (pre ∩ invc , post ∩ invf ) argument goes through using |=inv instead of |=. T T T What has changed is the interpretation of the result. Hypothesis (15) where (pre , post ) = ST (T , m) and inv = ST (T ). describes modular reasoning that S satisfies spec under the assumption A normal method environment µ satisfies ST , written µ |=inv ST iff that methods satisfy their specifications, in the revised sense of satis- for all classes C and m ∈ Meths C we have faction that adjoins the invariant. In practice, this means the reasoning C C C C µ(C , m) |= (pre ∩ invc , post ∩ invf ) system has restricted the invariants and restricted S in such a way that an object’s invariant indeed holds as a precondition for every invoca- Our formalization in the preceding section treated a specification tion. The conclusion (16) says that indeed S is correct in the context of ST (T , m) both as the proof obligation for an implementation and as the real program semantics, provided that the implementations do satisfy an assumption to be made for an invocation. Now we are considering the their specifications with invariant adjoined. situation where the proof obligation is (14). Although supertype abstraction is based on |=inv, behavioral subtyping What is achieved by a sound methodology has a simple semantic (Def 22) is still defined using the relation w applied to the pre/post formulation: reasoning about a command S is carried out using the static- specifications in the specification table. dispatch semantics as before but now the proof obligation for method inv implementations is in terms of µ |= ST from Def. 20. That is, we adapt 7. Checking and ensuring behavioral subtyping Def. 11 as follows. In light of the importance of behavioral subtyping, it is obviously useful Definition 21 Let ST be a specification table for class table CT . su- to check whether given specifications satisfy the refinement condition. A pertype abstraction is valid for ST , CT iff for all Γ ` S and all Γ- characterization of w is needed since the definition of quantifies over all specifications spec, (15) implies (16), where state transformers. This is the first topic of this section. The second topic is an alternative to checking: to impose behavioral subtyping by fiat. ∀µ˙ ∈ XMethEnv · µ˙ |=inv ST ⇒ S[[Γ ` S]]˙µ |= spec (15) Characterizing refinement. The most common formulation of behav- ∀µ ∈ MethEnv · µ |=inv ST ⇒ D[[Γ ` S]]µ |= spec (16) ioral subtyping uses the implications (2) and (3) that correspond to the rule of consequence in Hoare logic which derives a weaker specification The point is that (15) will be false unless inv T holds as a precondition of from a stronger one. Even in Hoare logic for simple procedures these are every invocation on an object of dynamic type T . Of course it is not an incomplete. Hoare proposed an “adaptation rule” which is not complete explicit precondition, since inv T is a conjunction of several invariants and some subsequent proposals were found to have subtle unsoundness which may be implicit in the methodology and/or not visible at the call in connection with auxiliary variables in specifications (corrected in [4]). site. The soundness result for a methodology must nonetheless ensure By now, sound and complete rules are known and the connection with that the effective invariant, which we refer to as inv T , does hold before specification refinement has been made clear [13, 33, 41, 43]. every call. To characterize when (pre0, post 0) w (pre, post) holds, it is not The authors were surprised to find how little impact the addition of difficult to show necessity of pre ⊆ pre0; it is the postconditions that are invariants has on the theory of supertype abstraction and behavioral sub- tricky. In our setting, one characterization is old(pre) ∩ post 0 ⊆ post, typing.12 Definition 9 of supertype abstraction does not need to change. cf. (4). There is an equivalent condition [14] that is similar to the join of Recall that ST has supertype abstraction for method specifications just if specifications investigated later. for all ref types T , all m ∈ Meths T , and all method specifications spec pre ⊆ pre0 ∧ (¬old(pre0) ∪ post 0) ⊆ (¬old(pre) ∪ post) of type mtype(T , m): if ST (T , m) wT spec then ST (C , m) wC spec for every class C with C ≤ T . where we write ¬p for the complement of p with respect to the set of all states of its type. Taking the type of self into account we have the Definition 22 (behavioral subtyping, with invariants) A specification following (the proof can be adapted from arguments in [13]). table ST has behavioral subtyping if and only if for all ref types U and classes C with C ≤ U and all m ∈ Meths U we have ST (C , m) wC Lemma 25 (characterization of refinement) Let (pre, post) be a spec- 0 0 0 0 ST (U , m) and moreover ST (C ) ⊆ ST (U ). ification of type Γ Γ and (pre , post ) be of type [Γ | self : T ] Γ where T ≤ Γ self. Then (pre0, post 0) wT (pre, post) if and only if The revised version of Lemma 10 is no longer an equivalence. pre ∩ p ⊆ pre0 ∧ old(pre) ∩ post 0 ⊆ post 12 We suspect that the history constraints may similarly have little impact. where p = State([Γ | self : T ]).

12 2006/9/3 Completeness of such a condition depends on the program seman- program satisfying spec also satisfies spec0. For T to be a behavioral T T U U tics, since the definition of w quantifies over all program meanings. subtype of U involves conditions like specm w specm , where specm Moreover the presence of general auxiliary variables scoped over speci- is the specification for method m in class U . We have also formalized fications can require a more complicated condition [33, 41, 43]. For the supertype abstraction: static reasoning about a program fragment using results in this paper, we found that using general auxiliary variables led only specifications of methods it calls. The main result, Corollary 13, to quite complicated semantic definitions so for perspicuity we chose the says that behavioral subtyping not only validates supertype abstraction simpler form of specification with two-state postconditions. By disen- but is equivalent to it, which we view as semantic completeness (see tangling the characterization of refinement from the use of refinement to Thms. 12 and 24). define and reason about behavioral subtyping, we make it straightforward The semantic model has been encoded in the PVS theorem prover to adapt our results to other forms of specification. and type soundness proved, building on previous work [35]. Machine checking of the results of this paper is planned in the near future. Specification inheritance. Specification inheritance was pioneered by It is impractical to check w directly since its definition quantifies over Wills [50, 51] and is found in JML where it is made explicit by the also all implementations. The contravariant/covariant relations (2) and (3) are keyword. It is defined in terms of the join of specifications. Regardless a sound approximation but not complete. A corollary of Lemma 25 is of whether the class table is finite, there are only finitely many U that that behavioral subtyping is equivalent to a simple logical condition re- are supertypes of a given T so binary join suffices. The key property of lating pre- and post-conditions in the relevant specifications. However, specification inheritance is that it forces behavioral subtyping [14], as we to apply the condition to check, say specT w specU , requires reasoning show below. m m about the entire specification whereas in practice the specification should Definition 26 (join of specifications) Let (pre, post) and (pre0, post 0) be defined in terms of state in supertypes that is often not visible in the 0 0 0 be specifications of type Γ Γ . Define (pre, post) t (pre , post ) to subtype, and vice versa. This is especially true for postconditions that be (p, q) of the same type, where express modifies specifications. This is one motivation for constructing the “effective specifications” by specification inheritance from arbitrary p = pre ∪ pre0 0 0 invariants and method specifications explicitly declared by the program- q = (¬old(pre) ∪ post) ∩ (¬old(pre ) ∪ post ) mer. Theorem 30 confirms that the result has behavioral subtyping. Lemma 27 (least upper bound) Consider specifications of some type On the other hand, joining specifications in this way can lead to unim- 0 0 0 Γ Γ . The specification (pre, post) t (pre , post ) is a least upper plementable specifications. It can be argued that, at least in situations bound of (pre, post) and (pre0, post 0) among specifications of type where both super- and sub-type specifications are visible, failure of re- 0 Γ Γ . finement should be detected as a design error [15] rather than masked by specification inheritance. Further investigation would be worthwhile The proof is in Appendix C. to reconcile the issues pertaining to information hiding and reuse with Join only involves specifications at a single type, but for specification the need to detect design flaws, leading to better tools and specification inheritance we need to consider its effect in terms of different types. To notations. that end we need the following result which has a tedious but elementary Another direction for future work is to extend our treatment of be- proof in which the definitions are unfolded all the way to satisfaction. havioral subtyping to other kinds of specifications and programming languages, especially concurrency and temporal logic. Such an exten- Lemma 28 (monotonicity) Suppose spec0 and spec1 are specifications 0 0 0 sion would involve answering questions such as: what is the right notion of some type Γ Γ and suppose T ≤ Γ self. Suppose spec0 and spec1 0 T of specification inheritance for temporal logic? Another direction would are specifications of type [Γ | self : T ] and moreover speci w speci for 0 0 T be to extend our treatment to explicitly deal with frame axioms (modi- i = 0 and i = 1. Then (spec0 t spec1) w (spec0 t spec1). fies) clauses and other features of rich specifications (such as universally Definition 29 (inheriting specifications) Let ST be a specification ta- quantified auxiliaries). An active area of research is to find easily used disciplines for mak- ble as in Def. 19. Define specification table STc as follows. ing local definitions of relevant pieces of specifications —especially For each T let ST (T ) be the intersection of ST (U ) over all U with c invariants— which can given an interpretation that validates modular T ≤ U . reasoning. Our results serve to specify the semantic properties to be For each T and m in Meths T , let STc (T , m) be the join of over all achieved by any sound discipline. Tools may be unsound or incomplete U with T ≤ U of ST (U , m)T . by design. Our results will help ensure that it is not for lack of theory or understanding. Recall from Def. 5 that (pre, post)T denotes the restriction of the specification to states where self is ≤ T .

Theorem 30 If STc is the extension of ST by specification inheritance Acknowledgments then STc has behavioral subtyping. Thanks to Paulo Borba and Augusto Sampaio for hosting us in Recife Proof If T ≤ V then STc (T ) ⊆ STc (V ) because if V ≤ U then during our initial work on this paper and for stimulating discussions. T ≤ U so STc (T ) is an intersection of more sets. Thanks to Shengchao Qin, Joseph Kiniry, Andreas Podelski, and Erik For methods, suppose T ≤ V . Let X be the set of U such that U ≥ Poll for comments on earlier drafts. V and observe that X is a subset, possibly a proper subset, of the set of U with U ≥ T . Now STc (V , m) is the join of all ST (U , m)V with U ∈ X . Let JT be the join of ST (U , m)T with U ∈ X . By the least References upper bound property (Lemma 27), STc (T , m) w JT since STc (T , m) [1] S. Alagic and S. Kouznetsova. Behavioral compatibility of self-typed joins over a set containing X . By definitions we have for every U ≥ V theories. In B. Magnusson, editor, ECOOP 2002 — Object-Oriented T that ST (U , m)T w ST (U , m)V , so by Lemma 28 we have that Programming, 16th European Conference, Maalaga,´ Spain, Proceedings, volume 2374 of LNCS, pages 585–608, Berlin, June 2002. Springer-Verlag. JT wT STc (V , m). Provided that JT is satisfiable, this can be put together with ST (T , m) w JT to get ST (T , m) wT ST (V , m) (by [2] P. America. Inheritance and subtyping in a parallel object-oriented language. c c c In J. Bezivin et al., editors, ECOOP ’87, European Conference on Object- Lemma 7). If JT is unsatisfiable, then since STc (T , m) is unsatisfiable Oriented Programming, Paris, France, pages 234–242, New York, June T T and STc (T , m) w STc (V , m) is immediate by definition of w .  1987. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 276. [3] P. America. Designing an object-oriented with 8. Conclusions behavioural subtyping. In J. W. de Bakker, W. P. de Roever, and G. Rozenberg, editors, Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages, REX We have formalized behavioral subtyping in terms of the intrinsic refine- School/Workshop, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May/June 1990, ment ordering on specifications, where spec w spec0 means that any volume 489 of LNCS, pages 60–90. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.

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1. The subtype ordering ≤ is acyclic and T ≤ Object for all T . Γ ` S1 Γ ` S2 Γ ` x : TT ≤ Thrwbl 2. Any ref type that appears as a field type, superclass, local variable Γ ` S1; S2 Γ ` throw x type, cast etc. is declared in CT . Γ ` S1 [Γ, x : T ] ` S2 T ≤ Thrwbl 3. Field names are not shadowed, that is, if vis f : T is in fields T and Γ ` try S catch(x : T ) S super T = U then f is not in dfields U . (Note that the effect of the 1 2 definition of fields is that fields are inherited.) Γ ` S1 Γ ` S2 4. Method types —including parameter names— are invariant, that Γ ` try S finally S is, if mtype(U , m) is defined and T ≤ U then mtype(T , m) = 1 2 mtype(U , m). 5. For any C , every method declaration m(x : T ): T {S} in CT (C ) is typable in the sense that Γ ` S where Γ = [self : C , res : T , x : T ]. B. Semantics of commands and expressions Rules that define Γ ` S appear just below. The semantics of commands and expressions are defined in figures 3 6. For any C , any I ∈ superinterfaces C , and any method signature and 4. The semantics of expressions is defined by recursion on the struc- m(x : T ): T declared or inherited in I , there is a declared or inher- ture of E. In case E has subexpressions, the definition uses nomenclature ited method in C with the same signature. from the corresponding typing rule. 7. Variable exc does not occur anywhere. (It must be available for use To streamline the semantics of expressions, we define a helping in the semantics, and postconditions can refer to it.) function to create exceptional result states. Given ref context ρ, heap h ∈ Heap(ρ), classname C ≤ Thrwbl, and any type T we define except(ρ, h, T , C ) to be an element of State([res : T , exc : Thrwbl]) as follows. except(ρ, h, T , C ) = let o = fresh(ρ, h) in let ρo = [ρ, o : C ] in Typing rules for expressions let ho = [h, o : defaultObrecord C ] in (ρ0, h0, [res : default T , exc : o]) This is similar to the semantics of new C (), but the new object is assigned to exc rather than to res. Γ ` 0 : int Γ ` x :Γx Γ ` new C () A similar helping function is used in the semantics of commands. Given (ρ, h, r) in State(Γ) and classname C ≤ Thrwbl we define T ∈ RefType Γ ` x : T1 Γ ` y : T2 except(ρ, h, r, C ) to be an element of State([Γ, exc : Thrwbl]) as fol- Γ ` null : T Γ ` x = y : bool lows. except(ρ, h, r, C ) = let o = fresh(ρ, h) in Γ ` x : U (vis f : T ) ∈ dfields V let ρo = [ρ, o : C ] in U ≤ V (vis = private ⇒ Γ self = V ) let ho = [h, o : defaultObrecord C ] in (vis = protected ⇒ Γ self ≤ V ) (ρ0, h0, [r, exc : o]) Γ ` x.f : T For any derivable typing Γ ` E : T , any method environment µ, and any state (ρ, h, r) ∈ State(Γ), the definition of [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) Γ ` x : TU ≤ TT ∈ RefType yields either ⊥ or an element of State([res : T , exc : Thrwbl]). That is, Γ ` (U ) x : U [[Γ ` E : T ]] is an element of SemExpr(Γ, T ). For cast and type test, the typing rule ensures that type T (and hence Γ ` x : TU ≤ TT ∈ RefType type U ) is a class or interface; this justifies application of ρ in the semantics. Γ ` x U : is bool For method call, the receiver object is r x so ρ(r x) is the dynamic type of the object; thus to look up in method environment µ the meaning Γ ` x : TT ∈ RefType of the dynamically dispatched method we write µ(ρ(r x))m. Since the mtype(T , m) = z : T →U Γ ` y : V V ≤ U argument expressions y are variables we can write r y for their values. Γ ` x.m(y): U The semantics of commands is also defined by recursion on struc- ture and using nomenclature from the typing rules. For any deriv- Γ ` E : T [Γ, x : T ] ` E1 : U able typing Γ ` S, the definition of [[Γ ` S]] yields an element of Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U SemCommand(Γ). For semantics of local variables we use another bit of notation: To remove an element from the domain of a function we use the minus sign, e.g., if r is a store then r − exc is the same store but with exc removed from its domain.

15 2006/9/3 Semantics of class table. The semantics of a complete program is a S[[[self : T , y : T , z : U ] ` z : = self.m(y)]]˙µ satisfies spec. So if we in- method environment defined as a limit. The first step is to give a meaning stantiate the antecedent (12) by spec : = ST (T , m) it amounts to ∀σ · for a method declaration mdec of the form meth m(x : T ): T { S } in σ |= ST (T , m) ⇒ σ |= ST (T , m) which is true. Thus we obtain some class C . We define [[mdec]] to be a function in the consequent (13) with spec : = ST (T , m), which boils down, for any C ≤ T , to ∀σ ∈ SemMeth(C , m) σ |= ST (C , m) ⇒ σ ||=C MethEnv → STrans([self : C , x : T ], [res : T , exc : Thrwbl]) · ST (T , m) whence ST (C , m) wC ST (T , m). as follows, using Γ = [self : C , res : T , x : T ] so that Γ ` S (owing to  condition 5 in the definition of well formed class table). For any method Proof of Lemma 27. Proof To show that it is an upper bound, in- environment µ and state (ρ, h, r) in State([self : C , x : T ]), define stantiate Lemma 25 with pre0 : = pre ∪pre0 and post 0 : = (¬old(pre)∪ 0 0 [[mdec]]µ(ρ, h, r) = let r0 = [r, res : default T ] in post)∩(¬old(pre )∪post ). Thus the upper bound property (¬old(pre)∪ 0 0 let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` S]]µ(ρ, h, r0) in post) ∩ (¬old(pre ) ∪ post ) w (pre, post) follows from pre ⊆ 0 (ρ1, h1, r1 − (self, x)) pre ∪ pre —which is immediate— and where default is a fixed default value. The next step is to define an old(pre) ∩ (¬old(pre) ∪ post) ∩ (¬old(pre0) ∪ post 0) ⊆ post ascending chain µ ∈ → MethEnv of method environments as N which also reduces to true. follows. To show that t gives the least upper bound, suppose (pre, post) w µ (C , m) = λs ⊥, m C 0 · for any declared or inherited in . (pre0, post0) and (pre, post) w (pre1, post1). Now (pre, post) w µ (C , m) = [[mdec]]µ , m mdec C j +1 j if is declared as in . (pre0, post0) t (pre1, post1) iff σ |= (pre, post) implies σ |= (pre0 ∪ µ (C , m) = restr((µ (B, m)), C ), m C B j +1 j +1 if inherited in from . post0, ((¬old(pre0) ∪ post0) ∩ (¬old(pre1) ∪ post1)) for all σ. To σ t Here restr restricts the function µj +1(B, m), which is defined on stores prove the consequent for arbitrary , consider any state and suppose with self : B, to stores with self : C . This works because C ≤ B implies t ∈ pre0 ∪ pre1. We must show that (t, σ t) is in (¬old(pre) ∪ post) [[C ]] ⊆ [[B]] which in turn induces an inclusion for stores. (and a symmetric condition). In the case t ∈ pre0 we have (t, σ t) ∈ We take pains to make such conversions explicit throughout the paper. (¬old(pre0)∪post0) immediately. For the case t ∈ pre1, note that from It is necessary for machine-checking the results. More importantly a key (pre, post) w (pre1, post1) we have pre ⊇ pre1. So we can use the aspect of behavioral subtyping is the need for a method declared in some antecedent σ |= (pre, post) to yield (t, σ t) ∈ post, which concludes class C to satisfy a specification in which self has some different type the proof that (t, σ t) is in (¬old(pre) ∪ post).  T ≥ C . Method environments are ordered by µ ≤ µ0 iff µ(C , m) ≤ µ0(C , m) for all C , m. This refers to the usual ordering on state trans- formers: For σ and τ in STrans(Γ, Γ0), define σ ≤ τ iff for all s in State(Γ) we have either σ s = τ s or σ s = ⊥. The everywhere-⊥ function is the least element in the set of state transformers of a given type, and this induces a least method environment. These sets are closed under limits of ascending chains. For lack of space we refrain from prov- ing that for any Γ ` S, the semantics [[Γ ` S]] is a monotonic function from method environments to state transformers. Similarly, the seman- tics of a method declaration is monotonic in the method environment. It follows that i ≤ j ⇒ µi ≤ µj for the approximation chain. The semantics µb is defined to be the least upper bound of the approximation chain.13 Remark on closed world. The semantics is given for a class table which is a closed collection of class declarations. Although it is compositional at the level of commands, the semantics is not compositional at the level of classes: the semantics of a class table is not defined by composing a separate semantics for each class. Such a semantics, for a language with mutually recursive methods and mutually recursive class declarations, would be far more complex [48] and less operationally transparent. But one may wonder whether our semantics is suitable for formulating results concerning modular reasoning. In fact we lose little or nothing, since our results quantify over arbitrary class tables. Indeed, there may be infinitely many classes and infinitely many methods in a class. So in some sense there is a universal class table containing all programs.

C. Additional proofs Proof of Lemma 18. Proof For any T , m and any spec of type mtype(m, T ) we need to show that ST (T , m) wT spec implies ST (C , m) wC spec for all C ≤ T . This follows by weak transitiv- ity from ST (C , m) wC ST (T , m) which we will prove. The command z : = self.m(y) is chosen because we can unfold the semantics of z : = ... as in the proof of Lemma 16, so that this command satisfies spec just if self.m(y) satisfies an associated ex- pression specification of type mtype(m, T ). We refrain from giving the transformation on specifications and simply observe that for any σ that satisfies ST (T , m) there is µ˙ with µ˙ (T , m) = σ and µ˙ |= ST . Moreover it is only µ˙ (T , m) that has any bearing on whether

13 A similar semantics is used in [6]; a characterization of least upper bounds and machine-checked proofs of the monotonicity properties etc. appears in [35].

16 2006/9/3 [[Γ ` x : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = (ρ, h, [res : r x, exc : null] [[Γ ` true : bool]]µ(ρ, h, r) = (ρ, h, [res : true, exc : null]) [[Γ ` 0 : int]]µ(ρ, h, r) = (ρ, h, [res : 0, exc : null]) [[Γ ` null : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = (ρ, h, [res : null, exc : null]) [[Γ ` x = y : bool]]µ(ρ, h, r) = let v = (if (r x = r y) then true else false) in (ρ, h, [res : v, exc : null]) [[Γ ` new C () : C ]]µ(ρ, h, r) =

let o = fresh(ρ, h) in let ρo = [ρ, o : C ] in let ho = [h, o : defaultObrecord C ] in (ρ0, h0, [res : o, exc : null]) [[Γ ` x.f : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x 6= null then (ρ, h, [res : h(r x).f , exc : null]) else except(ρ, h, T , NullDeref) [[Γ ` (U ) x : U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x = null ∨ ρ(r x) ≤ U then (ρ, h, [res : r x, exc : null]) else except(ρ, h, U , ClassCast) [[Γ ` x is U : bool]]µ(ρ, h, r) = let v = if r x 6= null ∧ ρ(r x) ≤ U then true else false in (ρ, h, [res : v, exc : null]) [[Γ ` let x be E in E1 : U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) =

let (ρ0, h0, r0) = [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) in

if r0 exc 6= null then (ρ0, h0, [res : default U , exc : r0 exc])else let r1 = [r, x : r0 res] in [[Γ ` E1 : U ]]µ(ρ0, h0, r1) [[Γ ` x.m(y): U ]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x = null then except(ρ, h, U , NullDeref)

else let z : T →U = mtype(m, T ) in let r1 = [self : r x, z : r y] in µ(ρ(r x))m(ρ, h, r1)

Figure 3. Semantics of expressions.

[[Γ ` x := E]]µ(ρ, h, r) =

let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` E : T ]]µ(ρ, h, r) in if r1 exc = null then (ρ1, h1, [r | x : r1 res, exc : null]) else (ρ1, h1, [r, exc : r1 exc]) [[Γ ` x.f := y]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x 6= null then (ρ, [h | r x.f : r y], r) else except(ρ, h, r, NullDeref)

[[Γ ` if x then S1 else S2]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x = true then [[Γ ` S1]]µ(ρ, h, r) else [[Γ ` S2]]µ(ρ, h, r)

[[Γ ` var x : T in S]] = let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ, x : T ` S]]µ(ρ, h, [r, x : default T ]) in (ρ1, h1, r1 − x)

[[Γ ` S1; S2]]µ(ρ, h, r) = let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` S1]]µ(ρ, h, r) in if r1 exc = null then [[Γ ` S2]]µ(ρ1, h1, r1 − exc) else (ρ1, h1, r1) [[Γ ` throw x]]µ(ρ, h, r) = if r x 6= null then (ρ, h, [r, exc : r x]) else except(ρ, h, r, NullDeref)

[[Γ ` try S1 catch(x : T ) S2]]µ(ρ, h, r) =

let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` S1]]µ(ρ, h, r) in if r1 exc = null ∨ ρ(r1 exc)  T then (ρ1, h1, r1) else let r3 = [r1 | x : r1 res] − exc in

let (ρ2, h2, r2) = [[Γ, x : T ` S2]]µ(ρ1, h1, r3) in (ρ2, h2, r2 − x)

[[Γ ` try S1 finally S2]]µ(ρ, h, r) =

let (ρ1, h1, r1) = [[Γ ` S1]]µ(ρ, h, r) in

let (ρ2, h2, r2) = [[Γ, x : T ` S2]]µ(ρ1, h1, r1 − exc) in

if r2 exc = null then (ρ2, h2, [r2, exc : r1 exc]) else (ρ2, h2, r2)

Figure 4. Semantics of commands.

17 2006/9/3