Here for Premiere Fits Snugly . Shirley Temple’s “Heidi” In Nice Comedy Role Is for Her Generation “The Perfect Specimen” at the Earle Kiddies Will Like Capital Film. All Tickets Tax Exempt I Is Merry Assemblage of Salici Puppets Return to ONE WEEK ONLY Warner Clown Forces. Top Stage Bill. Beginning Monday, November 1 By HARRY MacARTHUR. Citiaan»’ Committee for the By JAY CARMODY. Emergency Feeding it was the sudden realization that those dimples of Shirley of School Children Off ere BROS, in the role of good fairy (well, pretty good) waved Hungry stalwart Errol Temple’s do not appear to be adornments produced entirely by nature a magic wand the other day and transmuted Flynn unaided, but whatever it was, her new picture, “Heidi,” seemed to into a comedian in "The Perfect Specimen," which opened yes- of the cinema’s the a MAYBEbring little evidence advancing intelligence to WARNERterday at the Earle. And even though he is surrounded by great of same A screen "Heidi” is for the GALA MAGIC gen- SHOW is Capitol yesterday. solely moviegoers many of Hollywood’s most firmly established laugh makers, Flynn always —FEATURING— eration as Miss Temple and for those fans of hers whose spines tingle at at home in that strange, for -him, company of clowns. The picture’s freshness __i.six — the very sight of her vitalizing smile.<- fipimgO illUlC llUlil hiv vmvmj u* ror tnem, tieicu no aouoi nas Also ieaiurea on me uapnors stage THEO. T. GOLDEN being in a comedy more than from a vitality that encourages the belief much to offer, but those who seek more bill is Jane Pickens, one-third of what National of American diverting twists of plot, but as one of she, too, will go on forever. President, Council, Society Magicians than saccharine in the cinema will used to be the Pickens Sisters and a Hollywood’s own Shakespeares has It is careful casting, indeed, through- never be able to find it under the songstress of no mean ability when •aid, can t have everything. out the picture which helps it over HARRY BAKER you corralline blush of sweetness and light alone. For sweet melody she does Out of the assembled multitude of some of the more standardized mo- surrounding Darryl Zanuck’s diminu- "That Old Feeling,” for comedy she President, Wasb. Assembly No. 23, S. A. M. comedians and comediennes, Edward ments in its dizzy course. At the mid- tive Duse. Pictures about little girls, does a take-off of an opera singer and Everett Horton. Hugh Herbert, Allen way point, for instance, when another even little girls named Shirley Temple, for rhythm she does "Cuban Pete,” CHAS. W. TOWNSLEY Jenkins, , May Robson frealc character is needed to whip up who smile prettily and bring love and and she does them all well. and Dennie Moore, there burbles a new froth of who bobs Vice President, Wasb. Assembly No. 23, S. A. M. interest, up tenderness to the hearts of gruff old The rest of the time is devoted to enough of the light and silly to balance but Herbert. He is a kind of Hugh men are not exactly examples of Hol- the Alexander and Santos Revue, a some of the grimmer pieces mildewed who shelter MAIN nicely poet provides lywood at its most discerning. And passably humorous comedy dance CARL FORT Wamer’s have produced of late. for the rich rebel and young (Flynn) the plot movement of "Heidi” is too act, and to the master of ceremonies. And Their Associates of the Society of American Magicians from “The Perfect Specimen” introduces the commander of revolt blond the obvious and too stilted much of the The master of ceremonies Is Harry New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, bring to Washington Flynn as a poor, big rich boy. He (Miss A love Blondell). secondary time for it to merit any great consid- Rose. Boy, oh boy, does he kill him! The is a slave to an old tartar grand- affair handled Dick Baffling Feats, Stage Illusions, is by Foran, who, eration on its own as a motion picture. And the youngsters in to see Shirley mother’s determination that when he it is to a Harvard Breathless and Effects of funny say, plays But "Heidi,” we admit, cannot be Temple don’t need that song about Astounding takes charge of the company's 10,000 man to Beverly Roberts’ fascination considered an ordinary motion picture. Mr. and Mrs. Dionne, either. his individual merit shall employes for Foran’s kind of fellow. Mr. Foran It’s a Shirley Temple .mtertainment, HOUDINI, HERMAN, KELLAR, exceed their collective worth. He has nearly always been a cowboy, a which puts it in a clast apart. The to the of THURSTON and W. W. DURBIN must be able wallop toughest copy or a labor agitator before, and kiddies (who have made the play them in combat, make the Fertonal Superviiion of George Vivian physical it is kind of funny to see him in a “Heidi” a Children’s Theater stand- caliber scientist in the com- highest part with a Harvard engineering de- by) won’t care if mammy and pappy laboratories look like an at pany gree attached to it. know what is going to happen next. Seats Now Selling Box Office It is a 24- apothecary’s apprentice. You can and will do a lot of laugh- They will have great fun watching For Reservations Phone NAtional 0149 for such a LAST TWO TIMES hour-a-day job preparing which over ing at the antics through Shirley win her grandfather and BARGAIN MAT. TODAY and has no time for any place Flyn has put his players they will be right with her when she 50c—*1.00—*1.50 of the fripperies that his $30,000,000 Tickets unit be delivered, desired, to in this tale of war between a grand- is hauied off by an unscrupulous aunt TONIGHT lor night performances if estate would He has no time 50e—*1.00—*i .50—*2.00—*2.50 or residence in the at box Western justify. mother and a blond for dominance to become a companion for an invalid any office city office prices by for them, that is, until Joan Blondell Union extra these deliveries. Phone over the perfect specimen. Naturally girl, as she is almost sold to the gyp- messenger—no charge for comes along and goads him into revolt THE INIMITABLE comedienne now—NATIONAL 0149. the blond wins, as blonds usually do, sies and as she finally is returned to incidentally, leads him into r CHARLOTTE- —and, but not without a tremendous con- the grandpappy and the mountains she It love. of loves. this of sumption energy on every one's Don’t think from sketch The kiddies also will like the slap- Greenwood can see part. IN just where _ THE HILARIOUS STAGE HIT Flynn’s part you * * * * stick comedy sequence involving a it is going to lead. Some of it is too TJLOCK and Sully, Mr. and Mrs. in couple of spectacular falls indulged in LEANING ON LETTY fresh for that. One item of the kind by Arthur Treacher, and any one can and his spite of those names, headline the And Her London Song Hilt Is a prizefight in which Flynn like character- new bill. have ANNA NEAGLE, Jean Hersholt's honest a waltz to music that stage They been doing opponent stage in the will be ization of the in the that to many bills in many places Pictured here royal robes of Queen Victoria, grandfather is one of the more humorous ring WEEK BEG. NEXT MONDAY GAYETY BURLESK case. But a lot of will find for a number still honored at a reception Monday afternoon at the Willard Hotel, people on which the camera has of years, but they sequences more ho-hum than MAT*. WED. * SAT. can lift of and will be on hand to make a personal appearance Tuesday heidi-ho. turned its revealing eye. Another is laughter out material that when her starring film, “Victoria the Great,” has its * * * * that in which Horton lines up the is not the freshest you ever have heard. night GILBERT MILLER.' at R-K-O Keith's Theater. frntntt secants in the great house, lines them That takes an adroit method, which Is premiere rPHE Capitol's stage bill is headlined what Block and to up like so many troops on review, and Sully always seem by one of the most entertaining have in BIG MID-NIGHT tells them the sad. sad story of the their badinage. divertisements to be found on the Tovarichwith young master’s kidnaping. Horton’s Marjorie Gainsborough, billed as the country’s vaudeville boards, the Salici stylized comedy is not out in a new golden-voiced soprano, is back for a Joe E. Brown ‘Awful Truth’ Puppets. If you've seen them before MARTA ABBA * fall model, but there still is something return engagement at the Earle, and you know you can see them again with captivating about it in a part as well every one seemed glad both to see and just as much relish, and if you haven't RUDOLF FORSTER SHOW TO-NIGHT written as his present one. He is the to hear her. seen them there’s a treat in store for Is Must PRICES: Etc*., S5a ta *2.7*. to the old tartar For and the show Meets Fans’ jittery secretary grace beauty stage you. The favorites of other appear- _Mat.., 85c to *2.20. Incl Tax. in case to offers and grandmother you ought Harris, Ciaire Shannon, ances are bAck again—the chap who —SEATS NOW— CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN know. who prove that one man can dance plays that piano solo, the fellow who It is obvious by this time that May divinely with two women at the same Demands For Fans lights and smokes a cigarette, and We Have Solved the Problem Robson never is going to Jose the qual- time. It really is an effective num- the others—and there’s a newcomer ladies IRUTTTTjni of Where to Go After Twelve ity that keeps her strident old ber, made the more so by the presence (apparently recruited from Panchon from becoming tiresome. As an an- of a couple of vocalists who sing Comedian Funny in Miss Dunne, Grant and Marco ranks) who’s destined to O'Clock Nite for cient stormy petrel whose every word pleasantly between the changes in cos- be a Salici star, a young lady who Saturday holds tume. a walks it FLYNNl" she The four stands is an explosion of wrath, Ortons complete the Slapstick, and So And McCarey atop large ball, joJff^ROL In Wamrr Bpor Comtdy Seekers of Entertainment up her burden of the merriment with bill. across a teeter board. The Salici Is Mouse. Rate “Thanks.” Puppets are a bright moment you ! Tlie Perfect Mickey shouldn’t miss. Specimen j -a Joan Blondeti v PERFORMANCE FOR ADULTS ONLY By ROBERT B. PHILLIPS, Jr. the film prophets for V ‘‘Zenda” Held Where and When IS said that the Joe E. Brown cmce prove to be right, and there fans are never, never disappointed should come now a sudden end TRANS-LUX Ifcb *!*.** in his pictures, no matter how SHOULDto the bombardment of care- All News Reels. CHARLIE Current Theater Attractions McCarthy comedy. ITthey come along, willy nilly. less and deft comedies which opened Sahara, Football, Races, Second W eek and Time of Showing. Always the sight of their idol opening with "It Happened One Night,” let Jp* Cartoon. forth stu- it be said that the final blast is a his mighty mush to let a uitcito SHORT SUBJECTS brilliant a that scatters National—"Leaning on Letty,” Char- pendous yell is sufficient unto the day one, picture like at "The Palace lotte Greenwood delves into the com- for them, and so be it. For the conso- laughs shrapnel bursting At air. That known at "The edy drama: 2:30 and 8:30 pm. lation of persons enjoying that almost picture, NATIONAL SYMPHONY Earle—“The Perfect Specimen,” per- fanatical peace of mind anent Mr. Awful Truth,” is now in its second Classic Melodrama fect specimen meets perfect nuisance: Brown, it is a pleasure to report that week at Warner Bros.’ Metropolitan DR. HANS KINDLER, Conductor I 11 a.m., 1:35, 4:25, 7:10 and 9:55 p.m. in his latest picture called "Fit for a Theater, where long may it wave. OPENING TOMORROW 4 P.M. of Returns Youthful Stage shows: 12:45, 3:35, 6:20 and King.” he performs his customary "The Awful Truth" again brings CONCERT Constitution Hall ACADEMY p*rf&W $hE0.‘0B,,, AMBASSADOR 9:05 one us Irene Dunne as a comedienne, no E. Lawrence Phillips’ Theatre Beautiful Doors Open 1:30—Show 2.00 P.M. p.m. routine, which is perhaps of the * Soloists: Wagnerian Festival Singers Continuous From 1:00 P.M. EDNA MAY OLIVER In “MY DEAR Keith's—“Fit for a King," Joe Brown most vaudeville longer a "discovery” but better than enduring, slapstick Single tests: BOc. 75c. SI. *1.50. *2. Box MISS ALDRICH." March of Time. she was in her first in that “TRAIL Vitality. and a revolution: 11:15 a.m.. 1:05, acts ever known in show business. outing office, main floor. Julius Garflncitel * Co. DUST,” Hallowe'en Costume Contest 2:45 P.M. Hall after With 2:55, 4:45, 6:35, 8:25, 10:15 and 12:05 guise; Cary Grant, still working the •tore. NA. 7310. or Constitution and adventure still The picture which opened at R-K-O 11 AM. tomorrow Ml -'eel. Besson WILLIAM BOYD and JIMMY ELLISON. A DAI If! 024 H St. N.E. suave he used in in locations for both ArULLU Phone Une. 83715 com- p.m. “March of Time”: 12:40, 2:30, Keith’s finds Mr. Brown dis- comedy technique tickets good available are two of the principal yesterday C. “YOU CAN’T BUY LUCK,” Doors Open 12:30—Show J’.OO P.M. 3:20, 6:10, 8, 9:50 and 11:40 "Topper." and (take this dowm in your 8unday and Mid-week Series. C. Cappel. modities of the cinema and p.m. guised as a foreign correspondent, a Manager.__ With ON6LO STEVENS and HELEN MACK. MADELEINE CARROLL. FRANCIS note book) a director named Leo Mc- O. Selznick has Capitol—“Heidi,” Shirley Temple in mantle he wears with due flippancy. LEDERER. in "IT S ALL YOURS Mr. David and JED PROUTY BY- the classic 11 a.m., 1:45, Carey who is going places if he is not Air-Conditlenrri SPRING COMANCEwell them in his new story: 4:30, Unlike most expatriate scribblers, who A Oeoetitatlea Hall. Tata. Eve. •:** CAROLINA INGTON in “HOT WATER" done mighty by "BLAZING SIXES.” and "THE MAN IN 7:15 and 9:55 p.m. Stage shows: bogged down in some such morass as Popeye. film version of "The Prisoner of Zen- go around writing about the mutter- THE 12:45. 6:15 and 9 Prank Capra struck in “Lost Horizon.” MIRROR."_ Hallowe'en Costume Contest 2:30 P M. has 3:30, p.m. of dictators and the beauties of da"—so well the picture stayed ings Home of Mirrophonic Sound Palace—"The Prisoner of Zenda.” McCarey is not exactly a novice. non V 6618 c»nn- week at Loews Palace. the continent. Mr. Brown devotes his LlKvLL Penna. Are. at Slot 8t. AVAlYlN n.w. on for a second RACHMANINOFF o AVALUll Cleveland 2000 of romance He has directed all manner of 1 Toes Thurs,. Sat.. San. the tale and ad- pic- i®>: Pampas Raislsn planist-eosaneaer Matineei of Zenda” in its newest exciting time to some in- Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. "Prisoner highly slap-happy & 65. SI.10. 52.75. OSA JOHNSON. "BORNEO.” FRANK g. venture in a stays tures, two of them good—“Ruggles fa reeital—II BOBBY BREEN in “MAKE A WISH the fire of in its mythical kingdom involving a a BUCK, "JUNGLE MENACE" Chanter =£ guise has still youth trigue. princess, prime -v Hollowg'en Costume Contest PM. a second week: 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15 of Red Gap” and “The Milky Way.” Canatitatlan Hall, lu. Aft., Nov. 1 No. 1. "River Pirates.” comedies. Mat- ;i:(in veins. It is full still of all the trap- minister, a plot, a revolution, and, and 9:35 But he is definitely the sensation of ^ inee only._ the of an p.m. the pings that go into making naturally, correspondent’s daily this AVENUE GRAND &5 If:& Metropolitan—"The Awful Truth.” production. He never loses his 13 I?* and adventurous cinema—a publication. For a while yesterday it Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. exciting moves on DUMBARTON Air-Conditioned’ VAN HEFLIN MARIAN In the gay marital comedy here for grip story, characters, situation, WIILIAM BOYD in "NORTH OF THE RIO 7;- MARSH. weak king, a couple of formidable vil- also involved us, as we came in late °o "SATURDAY’S HEROES." a second week: 11:30 or stops under all of them GRANDE." Chapter No. 3, "Robinson and am., 1:30, 3:30, throwing RICHARD FAY lains, a courageous hero, a beauty for and had quite a time figuring out the Cruso of Clipper Island." Also Comedy. DIX. WRAY. In 5:30, 7:35 and 9:40 p.m. firecrackers of shrewd direction. The “IT HAPPENED IN HOLLYWOOD." to counter-plots, sword but that soon rn la Fall Reeital—61.10, 11.65. K.tO him love, plots, score, problem passed— in which he has (MARTINI ANACOSTIA. D. C. Columbia—“The Bride Wore Red,” only place misjudged U06 G *t. (Droop's) CAIDI AWN aS and all sorts of action. You re- vanished into a cheerful gg& Mrs, Daraev’a, rAIKLATTn Air-Conditioned play about a cabaret who meets preoccupa- his audiences was in some sequences SHIRLEYTEMPLE I CALVERT C evela*nd 234*’*’ the singer up WILL ROGERS In "DAVID HARUM." y of course, the story of tion with Mr. Brown m h*r hit ■ Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. member, with watching trying where he the on so (rininl high society: 11:15 a.m., 1:15, piled laughs I 3337 M St. N.W. BOBBY BREEN In MAKE A WISH who was the double for a king to ride a between the rails of inn chap 3:25, 5:30, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. bicycle thick it is impossible to hear all the UUU Double Feature Hallowe'en Costume Contest 3:00 P.M. his cold bottle too well; who JACK RANDALL In STARS OVER ARI- who liked a railroad track. without the “HEIDI” 1 Trans-Lux—News and shorts. Show dialogue sitting through ZONA." RAMON NAVARRO in “THE Impersonated the king at the corona- Others in the Mack, Am MRRMIT • Mu TMRMII X runs 1 hour and 15 minutes continu- picture—Helen picture at least twice. And that, [GOOD^EATS^STliLr SHEIK 8TEP8 OUT."_ 2 CENTRAL «LrWC-&7;~ tion to save a country; who won the as and Paul who CC Opens 11:00 A.M. from 10 a.m. until -the princess, Kelly, Miss Dunne. Mr. Grant, Mr. Mc- -STACI- lose ously midnight. AVAILABLE I ITTI C 608 nih St. N.W. e.s GUY KIBBEE In "BIG SHOT." and heart of a fair princess only to hasn't been seen around half g LI I 1 LE> Little—“The Wandering Jew,” su- recently Carey, is a pleasure, too, thank you. Far the Waahlnrtee Forum IIJT-tt Air-Conditioned , SONJA HENIE TYRONE POWER. her hand to the real kind and their leetere series at Cansiitatie* Hall. Last Day in THIN ICE." Floyd Gibbons in done of the man who had as much as he deserves. Other include the puppets perbly story high points ap- H. G. Wells’ leetnre m£*SALICI “Attic of Terror." people. Whatever sentiments about Tlekets far CONRAD VEIDT in to wait centuries for Christ to return your pearance of Ralph Bellamy as a good- enlv net an sale nntil Taesday «thf Xt» is there for what is 4933 Everything to him: 11:40 a.m., 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, Col. Brown as a comedian—and the hearted country boy in a tough spot, aierning. “THE WANDERING JEW.” cinemat to < Phono REpablie MU COLONY known as the "escape” whole issue is a one. divided Sunday. “Captain Blood.” Sj Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P M. 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. partisan and the antics of a dog that is at For Reservation, _Starting Mr. Selznick 1119 st. MADELEINE CARROLL FRANCIS appear at its best. And into three the the cons Season PDiMrrcc b n.e. Ambassador—“My Dear Miss Al- camps, pro6, least smart enough to write pieces for The drat event of the Forum rlUlHpljaJd Double Feature. LEDERER. In IT’S ALL YOURS has provided a handsome mounting drich,” how to land a bachelor in 10 and the semi-pros—the auxilliary at the national magazines. The plot, NOV. 3—H. G. WELLS VICTOR MOORE in “MEET THE MISSUS.” {/■J Hallowe’en Costume Con teat 3:16 P.M. which assures that it will appear at its Eminent Novel jet-FhllOiOpher BOYD 1n TRAIL DUST easy lessons: 1:45, 4:35, 6:35, 8:15 Keith’s thW week cries out for at- our ancient friend, is something de- British _WILLIAM Nov. IS, Dale Carnegie best. The screen play is a lively one, MaMU «• ■ Crrfi 8244 Georgia Are. home and 10:05 p.m. tention. signed to keep people's minds off Jan. Ceant da Sales I IcmM m, JLlU Silver Snrlnr. Md. 2 the brisk sort that 15, OC Doors Open 12:30—Shew PtOO P.M. the direction is there is a March and a Feb. *4. Sinclair Lewis CARROLL Matinee 1:00 P.M. Penn—“Wild and Woolly,” Jane First, of Time, plots, tender service to humanity. I COLMAN 1 OQ CHESTER MORRIS In "FLIGHT makes the seem not so long Mar. 10. Thomas Mann picture Withers on a ranch: 1:25, 4:20, 6:10, second, a Walt Disney color cartoon. Put this item on your “must” list. 1 “Mr. Dodd Takes the Air.” FROM GLORY and PETER LORRE "The PRISONER of ZEMD1" in "THINK FAST MR. MOTOW." as it is and the cast has heen chosen $4.40 Serlen Tlekets $4.40 I KENNY BAKER JANE WITHERS 8 and 9:55 p.m. This again gets Into the realm of de- And don’t dash out before seeing the Also Cartoon. with intelligence that is akin to in- A limited namher—66.50 fl MART UTM • MW HWIW, Also Dear Miss Aldrich”: bate, for there are those who contend original technique used in the “Looney on at Hallowe'en Costume Contest 3:00 P M. Sheridan—“My Season Tickets Sale “TWO-GUN “J spiration. 1:35, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. that one should never say “and second” Tunes” cartoon. Not a gag of vintage LAW,” Ronald Colman the dual lead- BrintaRO’s, 1322 F St. N.W. CHARLE8 8TARRETT prMW 000 Penn. Ayenne I E plays Tivoli—“Wild and a Oh have it this 1937, but well handled here. rtllll l.fneoln 2179 Woolly”: 1, 3:55, Disney piece. well, Willard—Washington—Mayflower S5n Final Chapter, "Jungle Jim.” role so contrast- Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. ing expertly, neatly 8:05 and 9:55 or the March of Time reel Hotel Theatre Ticket Agencies 6, p.m. way that, 6th and C Sts. N.E. WITHERS in 'WILD AND ing the weak king with the strong JtJUl CTANTAN JANE Uptown—"Wild -and Woolly”: 2, is an especially clever one, and the Twizzler lUWFIII^wwl jlAHlUri Finest Sound Eouipment WOOLY.” Also Cartoon. man who into his shoes and ' Answer. 0275. timWt Tift- MM. TMW WOltC Continuous From 1:00 P.M 2:30 P M. stepped 4:10, 6:15, 8:05 and 9:55 p.m. cartoon has in its cast of characters Phone Brentanos. Republic PEPj| Hallowe'en Costume Contest that can Tickets will be delivered promptly under his crown, you hardly Duck and the There were only three in the party. “THE GREAT HOSPITAL Mickey Mouse, Donald by a Western Unton messenger. ciVrtV 8030 14th **• N.W. conceive of one else attempting The was any other immortal stars who think so lawyer’s daughter the doc- MYSTERY” § aAVUI Phene Col. 4008 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. the part. Doug Fairbanks, jr.. proves tor’s wife. ffe==yfff^p«T^^Pf^yf==^ With JAMES DARWELL 2-: Doors Open McCarthy Bit Tops much of their art they wouldn’t take g ALICE FAYE. DON AMECHE In there is true thespic blood in the Fair- I . $5,000 a week at any price. (This, “Hopalong Cassidy Returns,” £ YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING." banks line, plays Rupert of Hentzau oft Also Trans-Lux Bill. incidentally, may have some bearing _With WILLIAM BOYD._ Cartoon—Short,_ so skillfully that he almost emulates Wis. Are. Aye. Sheridan on Mr. famous case CTATT DCTUCCn A 6670 £» CUCDin AW Ga. Mi Thurber’s of the A 1 L-DL 1 HEoUA 24 00 Ramon Novarro, the Rupert of the WAS several years ago that the & I HALLOWEEN OI Belhrsda Md. i intKlUAIl Rt. N.W. Kan HALLOWEEN P.M. JT two people who got a. divorce because ao Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 silent version, by stealing the show. PAT O’BRIEN in “SLIM.” in "MY DEAR Messrs. Warner decided to make a they couldn’t decide whether or not I MHMNHT SHOW TOMKHT I» EDNA MAY OLIVER Others about to contribute to the SERIAL, NEWS, £f MISS ALDRICH.” Kennedy Com- few short a Mr. Donald Duck was greater than Garbo.) PARKIHG Cot1»*» pro gum start* 11:30 P. M. worth of “Prisoner of Zenda” are subjects featuring THEATRE jjlf edy. CARTOON and COMEDY. S J Hallowe’en Costume Contest 3:00 P M. Raymond Massey, completely sinister Edgar Bergen and his dummy, JOE E. BROWN T A IT AM A 4*h and Butternut Sts. TlVfll I 14th St. * Park Rd. N.W. as Black Michael; David Niven, C. 1 AfwIVlA No Parking Troubles wa. I1VULI Phone Col. 1800 yclept Charlie McCarthy. Mr. Bergen Ralph Murphy, currently directing 6 P.M. TO | _ Smith and Madeleine Continuous from 1:00 P.M. Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. Aubrey Carroll, Paramount’s “Night Club Scandal,” ■ hi “FIT hr a WHO” ^K and wooden stooge were, at the time, 1 A.M. RICARDO CORTEZ In Harold Bell Wright's JANE WITHERS In "WILD AND whose beauty is warmer than it has sold his first story to a magazine when WOOLY.” Also Popeye Cartoon. in "The MARCH •* TIME" “THE CALIFORNIAN.” 2:45 been before, as Princess Flavia. engaged touring the vaudeville cir- he was 10 old. Hallowe'en Costume Contest P.M. years PAUL KELLY. H. M. JtU cuit. The shorts were peddled with ] >«.». WALT DISNEY “THE FRAME-UP.” UPTOWN Newark *St.' n"w. some success about the country, placed CAPITAL GARAGE I r cartoon “CLOCK CLEANERS" Phone Cleveland 84nO Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. in their a FALLS VA. “Bride Wore Red” tins after while, filed. Since CHURCH, JANE WITHERS In "WILD AND 1320 N. Y. Ave. 9 Starling TUESDAY NIGHT N WOOLY.” Also Popeye Cartoon. Charlie a McCarthy has become top- STATE WORRn??0 LEE Hallowe en Costume Conteat 3:00 P M. GARY COOPER I EDWARD EVERETT Back at the Columbia. radio IttwMn 13 th fir 14th “VICTORIA H» SHEAF and flight personality (credit Rudy | GEORGE RAFT in I HORTON in VA D V Ga. Are. and Qaehee AUBE MEAALE • AWTM WALWOOK "8QPLS AT 8EA.” I "WILD MONEY TUKfc. PI are N.W. Col. 4018 BRIDE WORE RED,” adapted Vallee), however, the Messrs. Warner Doors Open 12:30—Show 1:00 P.M. “'J'HE GEORGE O'BRIEN In “WINDJAM- Molnar have dusted off those tins and sent HIPPODROME MER.'' Jungle Menace. No. 1. from the works of Ferenc Double Feature. out prints to eager exhibitors. All of Hallowe'en Costume Contest 2:80 P.M. for the special talents of Joan Craw- TRACY and RAINER, which is but prelude to the announce- TULU/irini l*in A.iu ford, returned to the Columbia yes- “BIG CITY.” ntflflUn STS. N.E. ment that Mr. Roland Robbins of the Air-Conditioned terday for a week to supplement the Trans-Lux is one of those eager ex- and in Double Feature. Stanwyck Taylor PARTY.” GENE Palace. hibitors and that his current "LIFE OF THE pair it recently played at the program “THIS IS MY AFFAIR.” RAYMOND. JOE PENNER. “ITS In it Miss Crawford plays the part is highlighted by “Double Talk," an Matinee 2:00 P.M.—Cont. to 11 P.M. ALL YOURS." FRANCIS LEDKRER, in MADELEINE CARROLL. of a hard-boiled water front girl entertaining comedy starring Mr. Mc- H oiurn MT. RAINIER. MD. Md. (/]_Matinee at 1:0Q F.M._ whom the mountains (where she is Carthy and boss. Chevy Chase, C/a LAihLU Gr. 2346 Double Feature. Open Every Day Except Monday " taken by an old roue) brings out a Other features are “Crossing the Tom "Deadwood Pass Jane he JESSF. THEATER (Turn right- from Chew Chau Circle Tyler, r.i Carrier Air-Conditioned. 2 wide. Withers, "Angel’s Holiday.” wistful streak at least yards Sahara," a travelogue dealing with on Western Avt Left at first turn 22 Double Feature. Matinee 1:00 P.M.—Cont. to 11 P.M. JOHNNY Pk>r all the Crawfordlike sound of the the and “Woodland into BrookvUlt Hoad, 1 milt.) S "BLONDE TROUBLE." crossing Sahara, r* inni r>r MD.. ELEANORE WHITNEY. of it hyattsville. X DOWNS. character, her portrayal hardly Cafe,” a color cartoon presenting the CjJ AKLAUfc Hyatts. 285 r.i "BLACK ACES," BUCK JONES. is reminiscent of some of her more folk Double Feature. X KAY LINAKER. of the forest as they step out LET US CLEAN YOUR Z "Trouble in Texas.” Eric in the Tex Ritter. X Matinee at 1:00 F.M._ substantial accomplishments for an fun. music Linden. "Sweethearts of the Navy.” evening’s Swing Q 2 CVIIfAM lat'and'rR. L Are. N.W. she seems mm Matinee 1:00 P.M.—Cont. to past. There are times when as it be is to be heard llJP.M. MLV Afl Carrier Air-Conditioned should swung S**• just to be moping through it, only % va Double Feature. in sumptuous measure during this one. RICHMOND a“xAS??2A« tu "HELL DIVERS." CLARK GABLE. a brace here and there when £ to take That periodic feature of the newsreels UPHOLSTEREDFURNITURE CQ WALLACE BEERY. "HOLLY- the dialogue becomes bitter. It is an WILL ROGERS in WOOD COWBOY.” GEORGE is back this week—the sweepstakes Roast Right in Your Homo O'BRIEN CECILIA PARKER. uneven in an uneven bit Turkey performance / Matinee at 1:00 winners, telling how they feel or what No dirt or odor. Use “HANDY ANDY.” F.M.__ of playwriting. From the Now Crop 1 they are going to do with the wealth. Of Gobblers same day *•5 ncrn ALEXANDRIA. VA.. THEATER M-G-M, as befits its attitude to- Young Alex. 3445 PALM D,LvJf.AT Other shots picture the latest crea- work is done. g KbtU ward one of its more glamorous stars, Mrs. K's DANCING. R) Today. “THIN ICE,” tions in the world of motor cars on Call PO. TYRONE POWER. has "The Bride Wore Red” in a few private b BAXTER and SONJA HENIE. dressed up Cranberry Sauce—Pumpkin Pie Learn to dance~~smartly WARNER at 1:0« F.M. display in New York G-men 3234 for es- ene ef Washlnston's foremost a that makes it scenic worth City, Hot Bread and Bcllcbec lessens kr _Matinee in fashion rate. 3-9. Cath- O JOAN BENNETT in down the elixer that caused Other Annetisins Dinner*: Steak*. timates. teachers. Special Hrs.. for its other weaknesses. tracking 1341 Conn. are. North 7913. almost atone Che**. Chicken. Snlthfleid Ham. erine Bal’le, VA. death where it was to “VOGUES OF 1938.” ARLINGTON, Whatever its are made they supposed cure, “Foreisn Wine*” 1720 Wilton Bird. Alps of, Tho Original Free Parking Space—800 Cars. U7I1 CAM and nice latest views of the business in the Phone WluDUlt Odd. Colonial Villate are mighty fine looking Alps Snndoy Upholstery MIi rT ROCKVILLE. MD.. and mind Orient, Lew Lehr describing the Win- M1LU Rockville 191 DEANNA DURBIN and LEOPOLD ETO- for studying if, when, your Breakfast SHepherd B500 In ‘TOO MEN AND A GIRL.” chester the Cleaners_ Double Feature. KOWSKI wanders from the Apple Festival, inaugura- Seven Oaks and Four Corner Busses MARTINI "One Man Justice.” story. DON Starrett, Chas. our door There are some above-average short tion of the national unemployment pass "Diitinctive Dance Instruction Tony Martin. "Sing and Be Happy.” Clartndea. Fa. Matinee 2:00 P.M—Cont. to 11 P.M. ASHTON- to assist Miss Crawford and census. Football and the races receive 8 HERORS" subjects 1011 HST. N.W. tt SS Free Parking. A AN HEFLIN In "SATURDAY the Alps. J. C. generous well.—C. A. M 1 A treatment,^ 4' h A