Published by


(Corrected Version: March 1990)

Produced by






4.1 General Service Agencies 37

4.2 Basic Education 38 4.2.1 I(indergartens 4.2.2 Primary Schools (Government Listing) 4.2.3 Other Primary Schools 4.2.4 Secondary Schools 4.2.5 Other Educational Programs 4.3 Camping Ministries 43 4.4 Children's Ministries 44 4.5 Development Ministries: Agricultural/Rural 45 4.6 Film Distributors 45 4.7 Literature Ministries 46

4. 7 . 1 8ible Distributors 4.7.2 Bookstores 4.7.3 Christian Magazines produced in Belize 4.7.4 Correspondence Courses (for Evangelism and Christian Growth) 4.8 Lodging 47 4.9 Medica1 Ministries 47 4.10 Radio and Television Ministries 48 4.10.1 Christian Radio Stations 4.10.2 Christian Radio Programs 4.10.3 Christian Television Programs 4. 11 Social Ministries 48 4.12 Theological Education 49 4.12.1 Theological Education by Extension (TEE) 4.12.2 Bible Institutes 4.12.3 Theological Seminaries 4.13 Other Organizations SO l. INTRODUCTION

Since 1977 the Central America Church Growth Study Project (PROCADES), a ministry of the International Institute of In-Depth Evangelization (INDEPTH), has carried out a series of surveys on the Protestant Movement in each country of Central America. The purpose of these studies is to get a clearer picture of the "face" of the Church in each country and region, and to work with Chris­ tian leaders and their congregations in the task of fulfilling the Great Commis­ sion in our generation.

The results of the PROCADES surveys have provided us with valuable and reliable information, which has helped us to evaluate, in a responsible manner, the advance of the Protestant Churches in Central America, a growth pícture that hopefully reflects the true growth of the Body of Christ in this region, although the two are not necessarily synonomous. Our major concern is for the integral growth of the Body of Christ in Central America, and to train Christian leaders for the mobilization of their churches in the hope that the resulting growth will truly be that of the Body of Christ. Our interest is not denominational aggrandizement, but the authentic and integral growth of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ--Kingdom growth and not "church" growth.

One of the results of our studies in Central America has been the produc­ tion of this volume: DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES. ORGANIZATIONS, AND MINISTRIES OF THE PROTESTANT MOVEMENT IN BELIZE. This is volume seven of our directory series; directories for other countries have already been completad in final formo Unfortunantly, three of the directories have not yet been published, but photocopies are available from our office in San José, Costa Rica. In addition to the directories, we are also publíshing a series of research-in-progress reports and a hístoryof the expansion of Christianity in each country. A composite volurne , World Christianity: Central America and the Caribbean (MARC !World Vision, 1982), was pub­ lÍshed earlier this year, edited by Clífton L. Holland, director of PROCADES. Now in preparation is a one-volume study in Sparrísh , Una Historia del Movi­ miento Protestante en Centroamérica (INDEF!PROCADES, scheduled for pub lication in November 1982).

Our research on Protestant Church Growth in Belize began in May 1978 with a visit by Miguel Suazo and Clífton Holland of PROCADES. At that time we became acquainted with Mr. Daniel Ness of the Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, who was director of the Mennonite Centre in . Daniel had already begun a study of Mennonite groups in Belize, and the prospect of helping us do a complete study of the Protestant Movement in Belize was of great interest to him. Consequently, Daniel accepted an invita­ tion to become our official interviewer for Belize. Interviews with denomina­ tional leaders and pastors of independent churches were conducted byDaníel from May to November of 1978, at which time Daniel returned to the United States to assume other responsibilities. Holland returned to Belize in early November to collect the data that Ness had compiled from the íntervíews , and together they determined how many interviews were still pending or incomplete. -4­

In order to terminate the project in Belize, Mr. Otis Brady of the Southern Baptist Mission offered to help through the end of the year. However, it was not until May of 1979 that a11 of the interviews were finalized and we began to compile the present directory for Belize.

Unfortunately, at that time, PROCADES did not have the funds to pubhsh the Belize Directory due to commitments in other countries, mainly in Guatemala, where similar projects were underway. By the end of 1979, most of the ínter­ viewing had been completed in Central America, with the exception of Guate­ mala, but we still did not have enough funds to publish a11 of the Directories. It was not until December 1981 that the Guatemala Directory was published, thus completing the directory projects in every country of Central America.

However, by then the information contained in the directories of El Salva­ dor, Honduras and Belize was out of date and the surveys needed to be re­ peated and the directories updated. We are now in the process of doing just that ,and the Directory of Belize is being made available in its draft form (May 1979) in order to aíd in this process. Xerox copies of the directory are avaü­ able from our offices in San José for US$3.50 (includes postage and handling). We ask for our reader's cooperation in carrying out this task by sending us any additions or corrections to the directory. . By way of sumary, tlús Directory Lncl udes inforrratien en 179 Protes­ tant churches and 96 nassions, or a total of 275 Protestant canqreqations, with a total estinated merrbership of 16,775, which is approximately 13.3\ of the total populatien of Belize as of Hay 1979 (estinated at 126,000). The projected size of the Protestant Caml.lnity (or Protestant population) at that tirre was 49,338 or about 40% of the total populatien. The Direc­ tory lists the names and addresses of 53 Protestant groups (dencminations or independent churches) in Belize, as well as inforrratien en the inter­ national headquarters of each group (if any was reported). In conclusion, 1 would líke to thank the foliowing people for their valuable help in making the publication of this directory possible:

Mr. Daniel Ness, Eastero Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Mr. Otis Brady, Southern Baptist Mission Mr. N. T. Dillinger, Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society Mr. Gordon Lee, Gospel Missionary Union Mr. Onésimo Pot, Church of the Nazarene Mr. John Coliier, Outreach for Belize Limited Mr. Daniel Barrientós, Research Assístant, PROCADES Miss Sandra Gómez, Secretary, PROCADES Mr. Miguel Suazo , President of the PROCADES Committee, Guatemala

Our hope and prayer is that the Lord's work will continue to grow in qualíty and in quantity, in maturity and in number, as the people of God are faithful to the Risen Lord in His command to "Go and make disciples ajnong ali peoples ," Our motivation for this church growth study has been that the Directory, the research-in-progress repor-ta, and the written history of the Protestant Movement in Belize will provide new information for evaluatíon and -5­ planning, in order to motivate church leaders to train and mcbñíze their con­ gregations in faithfulness to the Great Cornmíasíon , for the integral growth of the Body of Christ in this corner of God's world.

Clifton L. Holland Director of PROCADES

NOI'E: This revised and corrected edition was prepar in March 1990 as part of the long-overdue process of updating the D' ectory. Please note that the data included here is fran original edi' -.that was produced in 1982 fran interviews that were cCllPleted in May l,a89 The eurrent re­ visions in the text were made by Clifton L. Hol in order to correct the original draft version that contained several statistical errors; the notes on page 19 have also been rewritten for the sake of clarity.. For further information about this study, please contact the author at the following address:

Clifton L. Holland. Executive Director IDE'A/aroRCH GRGl'l'H S'IUDIES PROGRAM P. O. Box 40217, Pasadena. CA 91114 (818) 398-2385 -6­








AND INDEPENDENT CHURCHES IN BELIZE - '"llZ Z Z s: o s: mlJJ I Z Z '"ll;>JC S:pC S:ZC s: p""'¡ C C l/l C Oms: ~nS: mpS: lJJ '"ll o NAME AND ADDRESS üF NAME AND ADDRESS ;>JOS: l/lOS: _PlJJ lJJ.....¡lJJ S:n lJJ m .....¡.....¡ üF INTERNATlüNAL znm _m lJJ.....¡m eüDE NATlüNAL CHURCH n-"lJJ o-"lJJ .....¡I;>J m<;>J m_;>J ;>J Ñ P I m Z m ;r:¡ l/l mr HEADQUARTERS CHURCH üR MISSlüN m ;>J l/l ;>J l/lzo l/lm ~;;io HEADQUARTERS l/l O :Eo 0-" -" -n '"ll - ADVENTIST CHURCH (Independent) 1 100 1 Benque Viejo

AMISH CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY 2 22 2 Upper Barton Creek ACC Central Farm P.O. Bishop: Albert Stoll

I ex> 1 AMISH CHRISTIAN GROUP 1 6 3 San José, Toledo ACG Box 39, Punta Gorda Pastor: Leonard Kropf

- UNITEU SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION ANGLICAN CHURCH, DIOCESE OF BELIZE 9 17 4,000 4 25 Southern Foreshore OF THE GOSPEL AC Box 535, Belize City 02-3029 London, England , .­ ASSEMBLIES OF GOD ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Division of 6 17 96 5 Box 738, Belize City Foreign Missions AG Edward Fairbanks 1445 Boonville Ave. Springfie Id, MO 65802 USA

- n -oz Z Z ;;: :;: Z ;Oe :;:>e ;;:ze mlll :c z - -o m;;: m m>;;: ;;: >-j NAME AND ADDRESS e e Vl e Q>lll ;;:-jllln;;: III -o o NAME AND ADDRESS o F ;00;;: VlO;;: lll_m ;;:n lll m-j-j OF INTERNATIONAL n"lll -"lll znm lll-jmm_;o CODE NATIONAL CHURCH :c m o m -j:C;o m<;o ;o Ñ> HEADQUARTERS CHURCH OR MISSION ;O Z ;O Vl ~mo Vl mr m Vl Z O ~;;io :!:o HEADQUARTERS Vl ()" " " -o

ASSOcIATION OF EVANGELICAL CHURCHES GOSPEL MISSIONARY UNION 6 7 5 3 326 ~ OF BELIZE Drawer C AECB 38-40 Ambergris Ave. Smithville, Missiouri 64089 Box 70, Belmopán USA Rev. Gordon Lee 08-2239

BAPTIST ASSOCIATION OF BELI ZE CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST HOME 7 6 2 333 31 Gabourel Lane Mission Society BAB Box 131, Belize City P.O. Box 828 Coordinator: N. T. Delliger Wheaton, Illinois 60187 40-47 Home phone USA 30-34 Office phone 1;1 '"1 BARTON CREEK MENNONITE CHUR C H 1 82 8 Lower Barton Creek Colony Box 21, San Ignacio Bishop: Bernhard Wall

BIG FALLS BAPTIST CHURCH 1 21 9 P.O. Box 52, Punta Gorda, To ledo Rev. Mike Willis

, MENNONITE CHURCH, Eastern Mennonite BELIZE EVANGELICAL 11ENNONIl E CHURCH 4 1 2 99 23 122 i 10 Box 30, Orange Walk Board of Missions and Charities BEMC Chairman: Robert H. Garbet Oak Lane and Btandt Blvd. 03-2023 Salunga, PA 17538 USA n "tIZ Z _z s: :I: Z s: Z "tI;oe S:»e s:ze mro - om;¡: ~nS: m»s: :5: » ., e e V' e _»ro ro "ti o NAME AND ADDRESS o F NAME AND ADDRESS ;00 s: V'os: ro" ro S:n ro m.,., OF INTERNATIONAL n-nto --n ro znm _m to.,m CODE NATIONAL CHURCH :I: m O m .,:I:;o m<;o m_;o ;o ;:::;» HEADQUARTERS CHURCH OR MISSION m ;o Z ;o V'zo V'm;O ~;;:¡o V' mr HEADQUARTERS V' V' O ::0 O-n -n -n "ti

BELIZE MISSION OF SEVENTH-D A y GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY 11 21 18 3,897 ADVENTlSTS ADVENTlSTS ~ BMSDA ~26, corner Regent and King Sts. 6840 Eastern Ave., N. W. P.O. Box 90, Belize City Tokoma Park, Washington, D.C. 20012 Mr. Gary Gregory 02-2115 or 2657

, , BELIZE UNITED ASSEMBLY 12 1 Note Penn Road Belize City 11 Rev. Ralph Clark

I or' I BETHEL ASSEMBLY (NATIONAL eO UNCIL) 1 Note 13 Freetown Road Belize City ;H Rev. Lloyd Wright

BLUE CREEK EVANGELICAL MENN ONITE 14 2 80 CHURCH BCEMC Blue Creek Colony Box 14, Orange Walk Bishop: Jacob D. Dyck ,

CARIBBEAN LIGHT AND TRUTH M1 SSION 15 1 4 2 40 (J1ENNON!TE) CLTM Blue Creek, Toledo Box 35, Punta Gorda Pastor: Daniel Stutzman n "OZ Z Z ~ ~ ;Oc mOl I Z z :;:»c :;:zc ~»-1 c c Ul- c "O m:;: ~n~ m»:;: NAME AND ADDRESS UlO~ Q»Ol :;:n Ol"OO NAME AND ADDRESS o F ;OO~ Ol-;Ol Ol m -1-1 OF INTERNATIONAL n-ntD --ntD znm _m tD-1 m CODE NATIONAL CHURCH m O m -1 I;o m<;o m_;o ;O Ñ» CHURCH OR MISSION I Z ;O VI- ;O VI m r HEADQUARTERS m ;O Ul Zo UlmO ~;;io HEADQUARTERS ti> ::0 C"l.." ." .." -o

CHRISTIAN BRETHREN CHURCH CHRISTIAN BRETHREN 5 2 233 16 Amara Avenue, Belize City 25 Truman Avenue CB ' BOK 205, Belize City Kingston ID, Jamaica Howard Barrow, Missionary West Indies Dicky Soutar, Missionary

CHURCH OF CHRIST WOODLAWN CHURCH OF CHRIST 17 1 3 35 156 191 Lot 3240, Magazine Road 5328 First Ave., North Birmingham CC Box 526, Belize City A1abama 35212 Me1vin E. Davis USA 02-3307

I I:.... CHURCH AT (Indep.) SHIELD OF FAITH CHURCH I 18 1 6 65 Sa1wood Rd. BOK 94, Dangriga Bend, Oregon James E. Lucas

CHURCH OY GOD IN CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 5 2 1 540 19 60 Regent Sto West 958 Mason Sto CGC Box 96, Belize City Memphis, Tenn. 38126 Bishop: Ma1chus Bennett Phone: 2482

, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, ME N NONITE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, MENNONITE 20 1 1 11 Buena Vista Street General Mission Board GCM BOK 27, San Ignacio Moundridge, Kansas 67107 Rev. David Smith 09-2124 - s: o "1JZ Z Z mOl I Z s: Z "lJ;>Jc S:;,.C S:zc S:;,.., c c Vl c Oms: mns: m;,. s: NAME AND ADDRESS OF NAME AND ADDRESS ;>JOS: VlOS: ->Ol S:.,0l S:n Ol m .,.,"lJ O OF INTERNATIONAL n"11Ol -"110l znm Ol_m Ol.,m CODE NATIONAL CHURCH :I: m O m .,:I:;o m<;o m_;o ;o Ñ;,. CHURCH OR MI5SION Z ;>J Vl ;o Vl mr HEADQUARTERS m ;>J Vl Z O VlmO ~~O HEADQUARTERS Vl ()"TI !o "TI "TI "1J

CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD (Ind.) 21 1 20 , 27 Nargusta St., Belmopán Rev. Marvin Lyt1e

CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1 Note 22 Barracks Road Belize Cíty 11

I I..... IN I THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST OF 23 1 19 OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH THE APOSTOLIC FAITH /33, corner Vernon Sto and 22 & Banbridge Streets Magaz ine Rd , Phi1ade1phia, PA 19146 Belize City (Bishop Shelton) Mrs. Lena Hyde

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, General CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 15 3 7 600 32 632 24 Roaring Creek Vi11age Board, Dept. of World Missions CN Box 4, Be1mopán 6401 The Paseo Rev. Onésimo Pot Kansas City, 110 64131 08-2291 USA , . . CITY MISSION (INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 1 1 30 20 50 25 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH) 80 Victoria se , Box 490, Belize City Los Angeles, CA Leonora Z. Green 02-4972 - s:: n "Z z Z mOJ :I: Z s: Z ;>;le S:pe S:ze e e Vl e "ms: mns: mpS: s: P--l NAME AND ADDRESS OF NAME AND ADDRESS ;>;lOS: VlOS: ~POJ s: OJ S:n OJ ro "O znm ro:! m m m --1--1 CODE NATIONAL CHURCH OF INTERNATIONAL n-nOJ --nOJ m_;>;lOJ--I :I: m O m --I:I:;o m<;>;l ;>;l NP CHURCH OR MISSION Z ;>;l Vl ;>;l Vl mr HEADQUARTERS m ;>;l Vl Z O VlmO ~;;;O ~O HEADQUARTERS Vl G-n -n -n " ELIM MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION EL1M FELLOWSHIP, INC. 26 Teakettle Camp Lima, New York 14485 3 Note EMA Toledo Oistriet USA ¡!l

EVANGELICAL MENNONITE MISSION 1 3 3 27 CONFERENCE (USA) 73 EMMC Blue Creek Colony Box 66, Orange Walk Chairman: Jacob Martens 03-2089 .....r w I 28 LA FAMILIA DE DIOS Benque Viejo del Carmen 3 7 zi FO Luis Ortiz

"GROUP OF CHRISTIAN S" (Indep .) 2 29 San Antonio, Toledo 4 Box 36, Punta Gorda Mr. Dewey Atkins

. THE HOLY TEMPLE CHURCH OF TH E LORD THE HOLY TEI~LE CHURCH OF THE LORD 30 1 2 JESUS CHRIST OF THE APOSTOL1 C FAITH JESUS CHRIST OF THE APOSTDLIC FAITl 35 Amara Avenue, Belize City Box 523, Fremont Station Mrs. Maebel Francis Bronx, New York 10457 - "Uz Z s: o Z mOJ I Z s: z "U;oc s:»c S:zC C c U1 c Oms: mOS: m»s: ;;: » -1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF NAME AND ADDRESS -»OJ S:-I OJ S:OOJ OJ "U O ;

HOUSE OF PRAYER HOUSE OF PRAYER 31 6 3 170 85 255 Mt. Hope Village 582 Lee Street ~ HP Box 10, San Ignacio Marion, Ohio Rev. Samuel D. Hooper

IGLESIA DE DIOS/CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH OF GOD, World Missions 32 6 2 1 101 Orange Walk Keith at 25th, N. W. IDEC Rev. Amado García Cleveland, TN 37311 Supervised by: Iglesia de Dios, Distrito Norte Apartado 7 ....I La Ceiba Honduras ~ I IGLESIA EVANGELICA "EL CALVARIO" ASOCIACION DE IGLESIAS EVANGELICAS 33 3 2 50 22 Back Street "EL CALVARIO" lEC San Ignacio Apartado 2 Rev. Abdón Flores Campos Guatemala, Guatemala (Ave. Ferrocarril 2-05, Zona 9)

IGLESIA "PRINCIPE DE PAZ" ASOCIACION EVANGELICA DEL PRINCIPE 34 2 41 Quarry Hill Street DE PAZ IPP San Ignacio Apartado 786 José Chen Guatemala, Guatemala (2a. Ave. 24-01, Zona 1) , _. IGLESIA "REY DE PAZ" 35 1 30 San Antonio, El Cayo Lorenzo Tzlb - s n "tIZ Z _z mOJ I Z s Z "tI;UC s>C szC oms mn~ m>s s > -j C C 1Il e OJ "tl o NAME ANO ADDRESS O F NAME AND ADDRESS ;UOS 1Il0s ->Ol $:-j0l sn OJ m -j-j OF INTERNATIDNAL n-nOJ -"Ol znm OJ_m Ol-jm CODE NATIONAL CHURCH m O m -jI;u m<;u m_;u ;u ;::;> CHURCH DR MISSIDN I Z ;u lIl 1Il m r HEAOQ UART ERS m ;u 1Il Z 0 ~mo ~;;¡O HEAOQUARTERS 1Il :!:o C"l-n -n '11 "ti - THE KEKCHI AND MAYAN CHURCHEES OF 36 13 2 4 746 , BELIZE KMCB Laguna Village Box 55, Punta Gorda, Toledo Pedro Shol

- KLEINEGEMEINDE MENNONITE CH uRCH KLEINEGEMEINDE MENNONITE GROUPS 3 1 455 3 458 37 Spanish Lookout Colony IN CANADA AND MEXICO KMC Box 427, Belize City Bishop: Abe K. Reimer

I t;; THE METHODIST CHURCH OF BELIlZE CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH I 38 22 1,695 88 Regent & Albert Streets IN THE CARIBBEAN AND THE AMERICAS MeB Rev. Cyril Alleyne Box 69. Sto John's -2214 Antigua, West Indies

- METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH 39 3 Note P.O. Box 350 Board of Missions MPC Belize City P.O. Box 1468 ¡il Rev. Everette Jackson, Mississippi 39205

• - OUTREACH FOR BELIZE LIMITED (Free-lance So. Baptist Work) 40 1 5 25 Mile 57, Western Highway OFB Cayo Dístrict Box 19, Belmopán Director: John Collier

- n -oz z _z ;;: ;;: -o;IJC ;;:;¡>C ;;:zC mllJ I Z - Z m m;¡>;;: ;;:;¡>-j C C III C om;;: n;;: m -o O NAME AND ADDRESS OF NAME AND ADDRESS ;IJO;;: lIlO;;: _PIlJ ;;:-j1lJ ;;:n llJ m -j-j n-n1lJ --n1lJ znm llJ_m llJ-jm CODE NATIONAL CHURCH OF INTERNATIONAL O m -jI;IJ m<;IJ m_;IJ ;IJ Ñ P CHURCH OR MISSION I m lIl- ;IJ 1Il rnr: HEADQUARTERS m ;IJ z ;IJ Zo mo ~;;io III III lIl ~o HEADQUARTERS [)-n -n -n -o

PENTECOSTAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMB LY 41 1 30 Roaring Creek Vi11age Rev. Santiago Pa1ayo

PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 42 1 Note San José Palmar ¡l1 Coroza1 District Rev. Julio Go1dámez

.....I PENTECOSTAL CHURCH '"I 43 1 Note Mi1e 58, Western Wy ¡l1 Ontario Village Rev , Milhollan

PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD IGLESIA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL M. l. 44 1 Note (IGLESIA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL ) Apartado 21065 ¡l1 Chan Pine Ridge Río Piedras, Puerto Rico 00928 Orange Wa1k District Va1erio Torres . PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD OF PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD OF 45 2 6 97 NiERICA NiERICA PCGA San Ignacio, El Cayo Wor1d Missions Dept. P.O. Box 816 Joplin, MO 64801 USA s: n -oz z s:_z mm :I: Z s: Z -o;oC S:>-C mZ~ - oms: ~nS: s: >--i NAME AND ADDRESS C C C S:~0l m "1J O NAME AND ADDRESS OF ;00 s: "'Os: ->-Ol 0l-i 0l m -i-i n"TlOl '" zOm _m Ol-i m CODE NATIONAL CHURCH OF INTERNATIONAl O"TlOl -i:I:;o m<;o m_;o ;O ;::; >­ CHURCH OR MISS/ON :I: m Z m tIl- ;O tIl mr HEADQUART ERS m ;O tIl ;O Zo tIlmO c;;;;o ~O HEADQUARTERS tIl ()"Tl "Tl "Tl "1J

"PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP" THE INFINITE WAY CHURCHES OF CHRIST 4 200 46 Ontario Village 7440 Co f f ee St. Cayo Road Houston, TX 77033 Cayo District USA

PENTECOSTAL MISSIONARY BAPTl ST 47 1 85 20 105 CHURCH Cama lote Village Box 58, Belmopán Rev. Matthew S. Robínson , ...,.... AMISH-MENNONITE AID I PILGRIM FELLOWSHIP MISSION (AND 5 2 4 105 48 AMISH-MENNONITE CHURCHES) 9675 lams Road PFM New Hattieville Plain city, Ohío 43064 Box 596, Belíze Cíty USA Pastor: Melvin Click

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SCOTLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BELIZE 1 75 49 27 Southern Foreshore PCB Box 348, Belize City Rev. James R. Wagner 02-3841

IGLESIA PRESBITERIANA NACIONAL DE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MEXIC J 2 2 3 120 50 CRISTO REY 11EXICO PCM Box 119, Corozal Rev. Thomas E. Lacey "1JZ Z _z s:: n s:: mro I Z Z "1J;oc S::»C S::ZC s:: » -j C C III- C a m s:: mns:: m»s:: NAME AND ADDRESS ;oo~ _»ro S::-jro S::n OJ ro "1J a NAME AND ADDRESS OF lilaS:: znm ro_m tlJ-jm m -j-j CODE NATIONAL CHURCH OF INTERNATIONAL n"OJ -"roa m -jI;o m<;o m_;o ;o Ñ» CHURCH üR MISSlüN I m ;om III mr HEADQUARTERS m ;o Z ;o lIl z a ~~a HEADQUARTERS III III III a ~o (")" " " "1J RHINELAND MENNONITE CHURCH RHINELAND MENNONITE CHURCHES 5 900 10 910 51 B1ue Creek & Shipyard Colon .es in Canada, Mexico and Bolivia RMC Box 8, Orange Wa1k Town Bishop: Peter Thiessen

SALVATION Affi1Y 52 SALVATION AID1Y OF BELIZE 3 2 75 9 G1ynn Sto P.O. Box 153 SAB Box 64, Belize City Kingston, Jamaica Capto Keith Graham (& London, Eng1and) 02-3365

I 'f SOUTHERN BAPTIST MISS ION FOREIGN MISS ION BOARD 1 40 53 4 Hutson Sto SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION SBM Box 952, Belize City Box 6597 Phone: 2297 Riehmond, Virginia 23230 Rev. Otis Brady

46 SUB'IDl'ALS FOR 46 GROUPS [Groups (denrnrinations or indep. 168 96 churches) that reported membership statistics] 264 64 (Note ¡!3) 16,085 (Note '!2)

7 SUB'IDl'ALS FOR 7 GROUPS [Groups (denaminations or indep. 11 - churches) that DID NOT report membership statistics] 11 1 (Note fA) 670 (Note ¡l1) -,. -¡ ------­ - -. - - '1JZ -­ 5: n z _z mCll :t Z ~ Z -o;oC 5:»C ::ZC ::: »-j C C VI C OITl$: mns: m»:: NAME ANO AOORESS OF NAME ANO AOORESS ;00:: VIO:: _>Cll ::-jCll S:n Cll Cll -o O znm Cll_m Ol-jm m -j-j COOE I NATIONAL CHURCU OF INTERNATIONAL n"Cll O-"Cll m -j:t;o m<;o m_;o ;o Ñ» HEAOQUARTERS CHURCH OR MISSION :t m z ;o ;o VI mr I m ;o VI VlZ O tIlmo ~

53 TOTALS 179 96 z Z Note o o , f1)" f1)" , . I The,sise of the Protestant

lOTES: ted they bid II ehnrehes Ind 00 Ils­ 17 !he 'Iwaber of Beti,e sions. hot theJ did not report thelr Kelbers' IDd 'Iolber of 1Dleti,e Bel­ 11 croops (deooainltlons or lnde­ lelbership stltistles. BJ InltiplJlng bers' lere not totlled beelose tbe pendeot ehorehes) thlt DJD lO! report these 11 ehnrehes tills the I,erlge Iljoritr of tbe groops IIde DO dls­ thelr totll Iflhershlp stltlstles. eongregltionll lile (11 I 60.1 lelbers tlnetloD betleen those tlO eltegorles ,er eODgreg.I, le CiD ellealate thlt ID tkeir offieill stltlstles. , 12 Croops (denollnltlons or lnde­ there lere Iboot 6JO Iddltlonll lel­ pendeot ehorehes) thlt reported their bers Iho lere pre'ioDllr nnre,orted. " !he totll Protestlnt Belbershl, -'l-, totll leahershlp stltlstles. for 8ellle 111 estíllted to be 16.J55 15 !he totll owaber of eODgrlgltioDS IS of Blr 1171. !be síle of the Pro­ 13 !he totll eolblned lelbership of thlt lere re,orted to elist In Belile testlnt COllonltr (or popo1ltíon) liS the (6 grnnps thlt reported lelbershlp is 275 (179 ehDrehes Ind 16 aissionsl. ,rojected to be (1.338 or Iboot (O, stltlstles ls 16.085. Jf le di,lde bDt onlJ 253 eODgregltlons eonld be of tbe totll popnlltlon of Bellle, this nnlber hy the totll nWlber of loelted geogrlphlelllr br Dlltrlets eltíllted It 126,000. !he slle of ehnrehes (168) lod Ilsslons (96) thlt lod Ire Ilsted in Plrt 111, 'Oeogrlph­ the Protestlnt COllno!ty liS e11eo11­ reported Iflhershl, stltistles (or 1 lell Distribntlon of Protestlnt COD­ ted blsed on the foranll: B(Bel­ totll of 26( eOlgregltions). le find gregltlons ID Bellle,' bership) I 3: PC (ProtestlDt COIID­ thlt the I,erlge eongregltloall slle níty). Por ,orposes of PIOCBD!S, tbe liS 60.9 lelbers (or 60.128 before 16 !he flet tblt IIDJ groDps did not teras 'Protestlnt COllnnítJ' Ind ronndlng off) for 11I gronps (or de­ re,ort thelr totll Dnlher of 'preleb­ 'Protestlnt Populltíon' Ire Dsed 100lnltiool) In Belile. ing poiots' lelns thlt the totll lis­ synonraously IDd íDelude 111 tbose ted he re is onlr a ainllOl elleD11­ Iho eonsíder thelSel,es to be 'Pro­ I( B totll of 7 gronps (denolinl­ tlon. testllt.' tions or independent ebnrehes) repor­

PART 111




Corozal Town.. ",o.--_ 1 o/. MEXICO / .....\ COROZAL \ "­ Orange. Walk ...... ':>.... _ r , , -,...-- -­ 0 __0,,

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j TOLEDO ~ u' ~./




Caríbbean Sea



NORTH ...,,;:::----­ -23­


DISTRICT Caribbean Sea

I .; .... """ '""\ -- - "', \ \ PICKSTOCK ' "', ALBERT DISTRICT \ DISTRICT \ / / / / / -, <, '" '\.




The Holy Temple Church of the Grace Bible Chapel (CB/U16) Lord Jesus Christ of the Amara Avenue Apostolic Faith (U30) H. Cain, K. Blades 35 Amara Ave. Maebel Francis

Church of God (IDEC/U32) West Street May E. Dakers

Sto John's Anglican Cathedral First Church of the Nazarene Albert Sto (AC/114) Albert Street (CN/1124) Box 641, Belize City Leslie Joseph

Wesley Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Rouse of Prayer Mission (HP/U31) 88 Albert Sto 24 Ben Bow St. R. Taylor Steve Duncan

Seventh-day Adventist Church Calvary Baptist Church (SBM/U53) Caesar Road (BMSDA/ 1111) 3135 Kraal Rd. P.O. Box 90, Belize City Otis Brady R. Tucker So. Side Assembly of God (AG/U5) Gospel Chapel (AECB/U6) Fairweather Sto Fairweather Street Gary L. Miller Box 76, Belize City lhlliam Fisher Sto Andrew' s Presbyterian Chur ch Market Square (PCB/1149) Belize United Assembly (U12) Box 348, Belize City Penn Road James R. Wagner Ralph Clark

Sto Mary's Anglican Church (AC/U4) Turner's Faith Temple (CGC/U19) Eve Sto 86 N. Front. Sto Alvin Gentles

Queen Sto Baptist Church (BAB/#7) Church of the Living God (1122) Queen & Eve St;, Barracks Road L. Stanford -25­

~~~~~~~~~~~~~------Belize Central Corps (SAB/#52) Bethany Baptist Church (BAB/#7) #6 Cemetery Road Central American & Cemetery Rd. Capto Keith Grahams Lloyd Welch

Calvary Temple (CGC/#19) Church of Christ (CC/#17) 60 Regent Sto West 3240 Magazine Road }Ialchus Bennett Phone: 3307 Melvin Davis Evangelical Mennonite Church Vernon Sto and Mopan Sto (BEMC/#lO) Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of Richard Showalter the Apostolic Faith (#23) 33 Vermont Sto and Magazine Road Erlene Bowens

Bethel Assembly (#13) Central Assembly of God (AG/#5) Freetown Road Freetown Rd, Box 554, Belize City Gary Mi11er Lloyd Wright City Mission of the In ternational All Saint's Anglican Church (AC/#4) Pentecostal Church (1125) Sto Peter' S Sto 80 Victoria se. Lloyd Taylor Box 490, Belize City Phone: 4972 Zion Church of Nazarene (CN/#24) Leonora Green Mapp Sto S. Gi11ett No rth Side Corps (SAB/1152) 25 Castle Sto Berea Bible Chapel (CB/#16) Major Hortence Tennyson Ke11y se, H. Locke, L. Parks Trinity Methodist Church (MCB/#3B) Kings Park Seventh-day Adventist Church Wilson Street (BMSDA/ ¡111) R. Tucker

!~~~~~~~~~~~~~------Ebenezer Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Barracks Road H. Gill - 26 ­

NaI'E: The exact location of these churches by "Areas" of Belize City is unknown (what is their exact street address?)

Familia de Dios (FD/#28) Methodist Protestant Church (MPC/#39) Belize City Box 350, Belize City Bonifacio Chan Rev. Everette

Other Towns

Seventh-day Adventist Mission Baptist Church (BAB/1I7) Biscayne (BMSDA/lIll) Bermudian Landing Village C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City B. Straine R. Tucker Sto Francis' Anglican Mission Methodist Church (MCB/1I38) Burrel Boom (At'/U4) Burrel Boom Lloyd Taylor

Sto George's Anglican Mission Bethany Gospel Chapel (CB/1I16) Craw Rock (AC/U4) Burrel Boom Lloyd Taylor B. Hudson Church of the Nazarene (CN/1I24) Baptist Church (BAB/U7) Crooked Tree Village Crooked Tree Village O. Rhaburn Sto Thomas' Anglican Mission Seventh-day Adventist Mission Double Head Cabbage (AC/114) Crooked Tree Village (BMSDA/IIII) Eric Richards R. Tucker Sto Stephen's Anglican Mission Zion Mennonite Church (PFM/1I48) Flowers Lime Wall (AC/#4) Double Head Cabbage Eric Richards Floyd Stoltzfus Pilgrim Fellowship Mennonite (PFM/#48) Methodist Church (MCB/1I38) Freetown Sibun Freetown Sibun Jonas Graber

Sto Augustine's Anglican Mission Galilee Gospel Chapel (CB/1116) Gales Point (AC/I/4-) Gales Point Eric Richards Mr. Bowen Methodist Church (MCB/U38) Evangelical Mennonite Church Grace Bank Grace Bank (BEMC/IIIO)

Methodist Church (MCB/U38) Church of God in Christ (CGC/UI9) Hattieville Hattieville Elder Ferskin Sto Mark's Anglican Mission (AC/U4) Seventh-day Adventist Church Hattieville Hattieville (BMSDA/IIII) Lloyd Taylor C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City R. Tucker -27­

New Rope Chapel (AECB/116) Pine Ridge Chapel (AECB/#6) 24 1/2 miles, Northern Road Mile 10, Ladyville LadyviUe Alec Lanza Alec Lanza Lake Independence Methodist Church Seventh-day Adventist Mission Lake Independence (MCB/#38) LadyviUe (BMSDA/ IIU) C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City R. Tucker Church of God (IDEC/#32) Maskall Town Rarmony Fellowship Mennonite (PFM/#48) George Hulse Lemonal Road, Isabella Bank Steve Yoder Seventh-day Adventist Church May Pen (BMSDA/II11) Maskall Bible Chapel (AECB/#6) C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City Maska11 Town R. Tucker 38 Miles Northern Rd. Mr. V. Austin Seventh-day Adventist Church Sand Hi11 (BMSDA/IIU) Seventh-day Adventist Mission C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City Rockstone Pond (BMSDA/II11) R. 'Tucker C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City R. Tucker Zion Methodist Mission (MPC/#39) Sand Hi11 Church of God in Christ Mission Pastor Escolastico Sand Hill (CGC/1119) 18 Miles, Northern Righway Seventh-day Adventist Mission Elder Tennyson Santa Ana (BMSDA/II11) C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City Seventh-day Adventist Church R. Tucker Salt Creek (BMSDA/ #11) C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City Seventh-day Adventist Mission R. Tucker Scotland 1/2 Moon (BMSDA/lIll) C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize City Nazarene Mission (CN/#24) R. Tucker Santa Ana C/o P.O. Box 641, Belize City Pilgrim Fellowship Mennonite A. Adolplus St. Paul' s Bank (PFM/1148] Floyd Stoltzfus Seventh-day Adventist Church Sibun (BMSDA/ #11) Sto Philip's Anglican Mission C/o P.O. Box 90, Belize Cíty Willows Bank (AC/#4) R. Tucker

Pilgrim Fellowship Mennonite Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Western Highway (PFM/1I48) Zion Park New Hattievi11e Melvin Glick -28­ COR02AL DISTRICT

Sto Paul's Anglican Church Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Corozal Town (AC/#4) Corozal Town Ronald Attley C. A11eyne

Seventh-day Adventist Church Church of the Nazarene (CN/#24) Corozal Town (BMSDA/#ll) Box 18, Corozal Town P.O. Box 2 R. Wade L. Pottinger

Assembly of God (AG/#5) Corozal Town Ri chard Parada

~~~~~~------Seventh-day Adventist (BMSDA/#ll) Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Calcutta Village Calcutta Village C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town C. A11eyne L. Pottinger Seventh-day Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church (BMSDA/II11) Caledonia (BMSDA/II11) Adventist Vocational College C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town O. Magaña 1. Pottinger Seventh-day Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Mission Chunox (BMSDA/#l1) Concepción (BMSDA/II11) C/o P.O. Box 2, Co rozal Town C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town L. Pottinger O. Magaña Seventh-day Adventist Mission Presbyterian Church (PCM/#SO) Buena Vista (BMSDA/#ll) Cris to Rey C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town T. Lacey O. Magaña

Seventh-day Adventist Church Sto James' Anglican Mission (AC/#4) Libertad (BMSDA/II11) Libertad C/o P.O. Jlox 2, Corozal Town Ronald Ahley O. Magaña Assemblies of God (AG/#S) Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Lucky Strike Libertad Mile 30, No rthero Highway C. Ableyne Mr. Lamb

Seventh-day Adventist Church Presbyterian Church (PCM/USO) Patchakan (BMSDA/ #11) Patchakan C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town Ismael Tun L. Pottinger Misión de la Iglesia de Dios Seventh-day Adventist Church San Narcizo (lDEC/1132) Santa Clara (BMSDA/II11) C/o P.O. Box 2, Corozal Town O. Magaña -29­


Church oí the Nazarene (CN/#24) Pentecostal Church (#42) Sarteneje Village San Jose Palmar John Perez Julio Goldámez


Bible Chapel Church (AECB/#6) Sto Peter's Anglican Church (AC/#4) Orange Walk Town Orange Walk Town Percy Slusher Ronald At tley

Evangelical Mennonite Church (BEMC/#lO) Assemblies oí God (AG/#S) Diamond and Grace oí God Sto Orange Walk Town Orange Walk Town Francisco Gutiérrez Roberto Garber Iglesia de Dios (IDEC/#32) Seventh-day Adventist Church Orange Walk Town C/o P.O. Box 107 (Bl~DA/#ll) Amado García Orange Walk Town A. Jesse

------Rural Area Evangelical Mennonite Church Chao. Pine Ridge Chapel (AECB/1I6) August Pine Ridge (BEMC/#lO) Chan Pine Rídge Jesús Torres Box 21, Orange Walk Town Eugenio Cob Pentecostal Church oí God (#44) Chan Pine Ridge Rhio.eland Mennonite Church (RMC/IISl) Valerio Torres Blumenthal, Village 2, Shipyard Peter Thiessen Seventh-day Adventist Mission Douglas (BMSDA/lIll) Rhineland Mennonite Church (R~C/IISl) A. Jesse Eidenthal, Village 121, Blue Creek Peter Thiessen Rbineland Mennonite Church (RMc/IISl) Gnadenthal, Village 108, Blue Creek BIue Creek Evangelical Mennonite Peter Thiessen Church (BCEM/1I14) Gnadenfeld, Village 109 Seventh-day Adventist Church Blue Creek Colony Guinea Grass (BMSDA/#ll) Jacob D. Dyck A. Jesse Rhineland Mennonite Church (R~C/1I51) Iglesia de Dios (IDEC/1I32) Hochstadt, Village ID, Shipyard Guinea Grass Peter Thiessen Valerio Torres Evangelícal !1ennoníte Church (ENMC/1I27) Sto Luke's Anglican Mission Linda Vista, Blue Creek Colony Lemonal (AC/1I4) Jacob Martens -30­

Blue Creek Evangelical Mennonite Seventh-day Adventist Mission Church (BCEMC/#14) Progreso (BMSDA/II11) Neustart, Village 125, Blue Creek Colony A. J esse Jacob D. Dyck Rhineland Mennonite Church (RMC/#5l) San Antonio Chapel (AECB/#6) Schoenthal, Village 16, Shipyard San Antonio, Río Hondo Peter Thiessen Arturo Reyes Evangelical Mennonite Church (BEMC/#lO) Misión Evangelica Bíblica (AECB/#6) San Felipe San Esteban Teodoro Torres Percy Slusher Presbyterian Mission (PCM/#50) Methodist Protestant Church (MPC/#39) San Jose San Lazaro Guadalupe Teck

Iglesia de Dios (IDEC/#32) Misión de la Iglesia de Dios (IDEC/#32) San José Palmar San José Arcinio Salas Vicente Lemos Misión Evangélica Bíblica (AECB/#6) Presbyterian Mission (PCM/#50) Trial Fann San Pablo Box 21, Orange Walk Town Guadalupe Teck Hipólito Cawich

Misión Evangélica Bíblica (AECB/#6) Iglesia de Dios (IDEC/#32) Trinidad Trinidad Transito Pérez Rubén Santos

Yo Creek Bible Chapel (AECB/#6) Yo Creek Rick Sosa


Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Christ the King Anglican Church Dangriga Town Dangriga Town (AC/#4) . R. Boehlke Eric Richards

Church of the Nazarene (CN/#24) Seventh-day Adventist Church Dangriga Town Box 17, Dangriga Town (BMSDA/ 1111) Frank Enricus E. Coe

Assemblies of God (AG/#5) Methodist Church (MCB/#38) Commerce St., Dangriga Town Dangriga Town Gary Mi11er R. Boehlke

Dangriga Baptist Church (BAB/#7) House of Prayer Mission (HP/#3l) 117 Front St. #7 LeIDon St., Dangriga Town Dangriga Town Magnus Cárcamo

Church at Dangriga (#18) 65 Salwood Rd. , Box 94, Dangriga Town James Lucas -31­ ~~~~~~------Light of Valley Baptist Church (BAB/U7) Ghurch of God in Christ Mission 18 1/2 miles, Stann Creek Valley Silk Grass (CGC/1119) Elder G. Meighan

Epiphany Anglican Mission (AC/U4) Methodist Church (MCB/U38) 4 miles. Stann Creek Valley Bo11s Point Erick Richards

Methodist Church (MCB/U38) Bouse of Prayer Mission (BP/U3l) Bope Creek Mango Creek R. Boehlke Allan Rudun

Seventh-day Adventist Mission Sto Michael's Anglican Church Mango Creek (BMSDA/II11) Mango Creek (AC/114) E. Coe Leroy Bowers

Anglican Mission (AC/U4) Seventh-day Adventist Church Hiddlesex Monkey River (BMSDA/Ull) Eric Richards E. Coe

St. Stephen's Anglican Church (AC/U4) Methocl~st_ Church (MCB/1138) Monkey River Mullens River Leroy Flowers

Seventh-day Adventist Mission Sto John's Memorial Anglican l1ission Placencia (BMSDA/II11) Placiners (AC/114) E. Coe Leroy Flowers

Pomona Christian Fellowship (CB/U6) Sto Matthew's Anglican Church (AC/U4) Pomona Pomona D. Jenkins Eric Ri chards

Anglican ~lission (AC/U4) Methodist Church (MCB/1138) Silk Grass Silk Grass Eric Richards R. Boehlke

Bouse of Prayer Mission (BP/U3l) Pentecostal ~lission (CGC/U19) Silk Grass Silk Grass Ezequiel Núñez

Methodist Church (MCB/U38) Bouse of Prayer Mission (BP/U3l) Sittee River Sirtee River Maynus Cárcamo

Seventh-day Adventist Church Sittee River (BMSDA/Ull) E. Coe -32­


Methodist Church (MCB/1I38) Church of the Nazarene (CN/1I24) Punta Gorda Town Box 57, Punta Gorda Town G. Elliot L. Wade

Sto Joseph's Anglican Church Seventh-day Adventist Church Punta Gorda Town (Ac/1I4) Box 34, Punta Gorda Town (BMSDA/llll) Leroy Flowers E. Coe

Kekchi and Maya Mission (KMCB/1I36) Big Falls Baptist Church (119) Aguacate Big Falls P.O. Box 52, Punta Gorda Town Rev. Mike willis Bethel Mennonite Church (CLTM/II15) Blue Creek Nazarene Mission (CN/1I24) Daniel Stutzman Columbia M. Pineda Caribbean Light Mission (CLTM/II15) Crique Jute Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) Crique Sarco Mateo Coc Pilgrim Fellowship Mission (PFM/1I48) Crique Sarco Methodist Church (MCB/1I38) Ervin Yoder Forest Home G. Elliot Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) Hicatee II Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) lndian Creek José Shol Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) Laguna Caribbean Light Mission (CLTM/II15) Pedro Shol 1-!achaca Daniel Stutzman Caribbean Light Mission (CLTM/II15) Mafridi Methodist Church (MCB/1I38) James Byler Mafridi G. Elliot Kekchi and Maya Mission (KMCB/1I36) Missouri Farm Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCa/1I36) Moko River

Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) Otoxha St . Cuthbert' s Anglican Church John Shoc Punta Negra (AC/1I4) Leroy Flowers "Group of Christians" (GC//129) San Antonio Mennonite Mission (CGCM/1I20) Box 36, Punta Gorda Town San Antonio De Wey Atkins

Church of the Nazarene (CN/1I24) Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/1I36) San Antonio San Benito Poite C/o P.O. Box 26, Punta Gorda Town Heraldo Coc -33­


Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) Church of the Nazarene (CN/#24) San Felipe San José Pedro Shol C/o P.O. Box 26, Punta Gorda Town Miguel Cho Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) San José Amish Christian Group (ACG/#3) José Shol San José Leonard Kropf Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) San Miguel Caribbean Light Mission (CLTM/#15) José Shol San Pedro Columbia

Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) San Pedro Columbia Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) José Shol Santa Cruz John Shoc Kekchi and Maya Church (KMCB/#36) Santa Elena Elim Missionary Association John Shoc Tea Kettle Camp (EMA/#26)

CAYO DISc-Tce:R"'I;:::.CT"­ _

Belmopan Anglican Church (AC/#4) Shed Memorial Chapel (AECB/#6) Ecumenical Centre, Belmopan Box 70, Belmopan Rev. Go rdon Lee

Seventh-day Adventist Mission Church of Nazarene (CN/#24) Belmopan (BMSDA/llll) #31-32 Cardinal St., Belmopan G. O. Gregory A. Young

Church of the Good Shepherd (#21) Methodist Church (MCB/#38) 27 Margusta St., Belmopan Ecumenical Centre, Belmopan Marvin Lytle

!~~~~~------Amish Christian Cornmunity (ACC/#2) Amish Christian Community (ACC/#2) Upper Barton Creek (Group #1) Upper Barton Creek (Group #2) Albert Stol1 John Shírk

Iglesia Evangélica "El Calvario" La Familia de Dios (FD/#28) Benque Viejo (IEC/l133) Benque Viejo Salomon Yacob Luis Ortiz

Adventist Church (111) Iglesia "Príncipe de Paz" (IPP /834) Benque Viejo Benque Viejo José Chen -34­

Church of the Nazarene (CN/#24) Seventh-day Adventist Mission Benque Viejo Benque Viejo (BMSDA/#ll) John pérez G. O. Gregory

Seventh-day Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church Hills of Promise (BMSDA/#ll) Bullet Tree (BMSDA/ 1111) Benque Viejo G. O. Gregory G. O. Gregory Iglesia "Príncipe de Paz" (IPP/ 1/34) Pentecostal Missionary Baptist Church Cala Creek Camalote Village (1/47) José Chen Box 58, Belmopan Matthew S. Robinson Church of God in Christ (CGC/#19) Esperanza Sto Barnabas' Anglican Mission Alvin Gentles Carbult Creek (AC/114) Lloyd Henry Anglican Mission (AC/#4) Georgeville La Familia de Dios (FD/I/28) Lloyd Henry Esperanza Roberto Mira Seventh-day Adventist Mission La Loma Luz, Santa Elena (BMSDA/#ll) Salvation Arrny (SAB/#52) G. O. Gregory Georgeville, Central Farm Eustace Conorquite House of Prayer Mission (HP/#3l) Mount Hope Village Bartan Creek Mennonite Church 61 1/2 miles, Western Highway Lower Barton Creek Colony (BCM/#8) Box 10, San Ignacio Box 21, San Ignacio Samuel Hooper Bernhard Wall Pentecostal Fellowship (#46) Nazarene Mission (CN/#24) Ontario Village Mount Hope Cayo Road C/o P.O. Box 4, Belmopan A. Gillett Evangel Temple (CGC(#19) Pentecostal Church (#43) Roaring Creek Village Ontario Village Elder Cherington Mile 58, Western Highway Rev. Milhollan Pentecostal Christian Assembly (#41) Roaring Creek Village Church of the Nazarene (CN/#24) Santiago Palayo Roaring Creek Village C/o P.O. Box 4, Belmopan Iglesia "Príncipe de Paz" (IPp(I/34) A. Gillett Quarry Hi11 Sto San Ignacio Iglesia "Rey de Paz" {IRP/I/35) José Chen San Antonio Lorenzo Tzlb -35­

Sto Andrew' s Anglican Church Iglesia Evangélica "El Calvario" San Ignacio (AC!114 ) 22 Back Sto (IEC!1133) Lloyd Henry San Ignacio Abdon Flores Campos Church of God in Christ (CGC!#19) Box 40, San Ignacio Church of the Nazarene (CN!#24) Alvin Gentle Box 2B, San Ignacio W. John Tzlb Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal de América (PCGA!#45) Iglesia "Príncipe de Paz" (IPP !1134) San Ignacio San José Succotzs Hernan Chacon Iglesia Evangélica fiEl CaLvari o" San José SUCcot2S (IEC1I133) Church of the Nazarene (CN!#24) Francisco Chan San José Succotzs C!o P. O. Box 4, Belmopan Church of the Nazarene (CN!#24) Santa Elena Eliseo Salazar Church of God in Christ Mennonite Spanish Lookou t (CGCM!1120) Seventh-day Adventist Church David Smith Santa Elena (BMSDA!llll) G. o. Gregory Mennonite Church (KMC!1137) Rosehof, Spanish Lookout Mennonite Church (KMC!#37) Jacob K. Barkman Gnadenfeld, Spanish Lookout Outreach Baptist Mission (OFB!#40) Mi1e 57, Western Highway Mennonite Church (KMC!#37) Box 19, Balmopán Schoenthal, Spanish Lookout John Co11ier Abe K. Reimer

Pi1grim Fe110wship Church (PFM!#4B) Western Highway J erry Troyer



-37­ 4.1 General Service Agencies

4.1.1 The Protestant Council




Assembly of God (AG) Baptist Association of Belize (BAB) Gospel Missionary Union (AECB) Methodist Protestant Church (PMC) Church of the Nazarene (CN) The Methodist Church of Belize (MCB) Salvation Arrny (SA)

4.1.2 Christian Social Council 147 Allenby Street Box 508, Belize City Telephone: 2077

Directors: James Jeffries, Sadie Vernon

Purposes: 1. To manifest more fully the uni ty of the Christian Church, 2. To carry on programs for and with the Churches by which the life and mission of the Church may be fulfilled. 3. To study, speak and act on conditions and issues, both nationally and internationally, which involve the structure of society and rights of human beings as children of God. 4. To maintain cooperative relationships with the Caribbean Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches and other bodies as may from time to time be agreed upon: Programs l. Adult Education Programo To provide services for those families that are considered to be disadvantaged economically and educationally and are developmentally handicapped. -38­

2. Belize Contim' ,n School. A special proj ect designed to help: (a) girls who for academic or economic reasons are unable to continue their education beyond Primary School; (b) boys and girls who need additional tutoring to sit for the Primary °chool Leaving Certificate, the High School Entrance EAc . i.n atí.ons an d the Scholarship Examination.

3. Children's Home, Belmopan. To provide ahorne for children in need of care and protection.

4. Mina Grant Day Nursery, address Director:

5. Pine Street Pre-School, Director:

6. Social Welfare. Thousands of people approach the CSC annually for assistance in the form of clothing, footwear, blankets, layettes and emergency aid.

7. Yarborough Pre-School, Fairwesther Sto Director:


Anglican Church (AC) Church of God in Christ (CGC) Church of the Nazarene (CN) Methodist Church of Belize (MCB) Presbyterian Church of Belize (PCB) Reman Catholic Church Salvation Army (SA) Seventh-day Adventist Church (BMSDA)

4.2 Basic Education

4.2.1 Kindergartens

Good Shepherd Kindergarten (BEMC) Vernon Street Box 461, Belize City Director: Georgia Myles -39­

4.2.2 Primary Schools (Goveroment Listing)

There is a dual system of school management in Belize and considerable powers are given by law to Managing Authorities who are representatives of the Churches in Belize. The following listing of School Managers was provided by the Education Office of the Ministry of Education (dated September 15, 1978).

General Managers

Name Address Number of Schools

Bishopthorpe 23 The Anglican Church (AC) 25 Southero Foreshore Box 535, Belize City Te!. 3029

Rev , 11. lIi11 88 Regent Street 23 The Methodist Church (MCB) Box 212, Belize City Te!. 2173

Captain Keith Graham 9 Glynn Street 1 Salvation Arrny (SA) Box 64, Belize City Tel. 3365

Rev. Rudolph Wade 137 Fourth Avenue '3 Churcllof the Nazarene (CN) Box 18, Corozal Town TeL 04-2069

Mr. Denfield Wade Education Off ice 3 Baptist Association (BAB) Box 33, Belize City TeL 3137

Pastor Hugh Blackman 26 Regent and King Streets 7 Seventh-day Adventist Box 90, Belize City (BMSDA) TeL 2115

Pastor H. Borrow 45 Gran Street 1 The Christian Brethren (CB) Box 205, Belize City (Grace Chapel TeL 4585 Primary School)

Bishop Malchus Bennett 34 Veroon Street 1 Church of God in Christ Box 96, Belize City (Calvary Temple (CGC) Te!. 2482 Primary School)

Pastor Lloyd Wright 46 Freetown Road 1 Bethel Assembly Box 554, Belize City (Bethel Assembly Te!. 4631 Primary School)

Rev. Gary l1iller 12 Sto Peter's Street 1 Central Assembly of God (AG) King's Park, Belize City (Central Christian TeL 4909 Day School) -40­

Name Address Number oí Schools

Hiss Helen Kornelsen C/o King's College 3 Gospel Missionary Union Mile 31 1/2, Northern Road (Pine Ridge, New (AECB) Box 290, Belize City Hope & Orange Walk Town)

Rev. T. G. Milhollan Ontario Village 1 Pentecostal Church Ontario P.O. Box (On tario Ch ristian Cayo District Sehool)

Pastor Escolastico Sand Hill 2 Zion Methodist Hission Box 350, Belize City (Sand Hill and (MPC) San Lazaro Sehools)

Mr. Walter Clark 41 Ebony Street 1 Belize United Assembly Belize City (Belize United Te!. 3867 Assembly Sehool)

4.2.3 Other Primary Schools

Number oí Sehools

Amish Christian Community (ACC) 1 Upper Barton Creek, Cayo District Central Farm P.O. Manager:

Amish Christian Group (ACG) 1 San José, Toledo District Box 39, Punta Gorda Town l1anager:

Barton Creek l1ennonite Church 1 Lower Barton Creek Colony, Cayo District Box 21, San Ignacio Manager:

Caribbean Light and Truth Mission (CLTM) 1 Blue Creek, Toledo District Manager: Marietta Beachy

Church oí God in Christ, Mennonite (CGCM) 1 Spanish Lookout Colony Cayo District Manager: -41­

Number of Schools

City Mission (IPC) 1 80 Victoria Street Box 490, Belize City Manager:

Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (EMMC) 2 Pine Ridge, Orange Walk District Manager:

Linda Vista, Blue Creek Colony, Orange Walk District Manager: Bil1 Theissen

K1einegemeinde Mennonite Church (KMC) 8 Spanish Lookout Colony, Cayo District C/o Box 427, Belize City Manager:

Pilgrim Fellowship Mission (PFM) 4 Hattieville, Belize District Mile 15 1/2, Western Highway Hanager: Nancy Goblentz

Isabella Bank, Belize District Ilanager: Bertha Yoder

Spanish Lookout Colony, Cayo District Hanager:

Esperanza Village, Cayo District Manager: Daniel Stoltzfus

Presbyterian Church of Mexico (PCM) 1 Box 119 Corozal Town, Corozal District Manager:

Rhineland Mennonite Church (RMC) 20 Blue Creek &Shipyard Colonies C/o Box 8, Orange Walk Town Total Number of Primary Schools 112 -42­

4.2.4 Secondary Schools

Number of Schools

Belize Mission of Seventh Day Adventist (BMSDA) 1 Calcutta Village, Corozal District 11anager:

Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (EMMC) 1 Linda Vista, Blue Creek Colony, Orange Walk,District Manager: Bill Theissen

King I s College (AECB) 1 Mile 31 1/2, Northern Road, Belize District Box 290, Belize City Hanager:

Nazarene High School (CN) 1 Princess Margaret Drive Belize Ci ty Manager: Mr. Nicholson Phone: 4765

Pilgrim Fellowship Mission (PFM) 1 Esperanza Village, Cayo District Manager: Daniel Stoltzfus

Sto Hilda's College (AC) 1 71 Regent Street Belize Ci ty Manager: Phone: 2098

Sto Michael's College (AC) 1 Amara Avenue Belize Cíty Manager: Phone: 3131

Wesley College (MCB) 1 34 Yarborough Road Belize Ci ty Manager: Phone: 3127 Total Number of Secondary Schools 8 -43­

4.2.5 Other Educational Programs

Christian Social Council Programs 147 Allenby Street Box 508, Belize City Telephone: 2077

l. Belize Continuation School. A special project designed to help: (a) girls who for academic or economic reason are unable to continue their education beyond Primary School; (b) boys and girls who need additional tutoring to sit for the Primary School Leaving Certificate, the High School Entrance Examinations and the SchQlarship Examination. 2. Adult Education Programo To provide services for those families that are considered to be disadvantaged economically and education­ ally and are developmentally handicapped.

Coshen College Extension Program Barracks Road Belize City Director: Donald Clemmens

4.3 Camping Ministries

Assembly of Cod Youth Camps (AG) Box 463, Belize City Director:

Association of Evangelical Ghurches of Belize (AECB)

King t s College Campus Mile 31 1/2, Northern Highway Belize District Box 290, Belize City

Baptist Association of Belize (BAB) Box 131, Belize City Director:

Belize Evangelical Mennonite Ghurch (BEMC) Mt. Pine Ridge C/D Box 30, Orange Walk Director:

The Christian Brethren (CB) Four "F" Bible Camp ("Faith, Fun, Fitness and Fellowship") Mt. Pine Ridge C/D Box 205, Belize City Director: -44­

The Methodist Church oi Belize (MCB) C/o Rev, Cyril Alleyne 88 Regent and Albert Streets Belize City

Nazarene District Campground (CN) Succothz, Cayo District C/o Onesimo Po t Box 4, Be1mopan

Outreach Ranch (OFB) Mile 57, Western Highway, Cayo District C/o John Collier Box 19, Belmopan

4.4 Children's Ministries

Christian Brethren (CB) "Four F Clubs" (Faith, Fun, Fitness and Fellowship) Box 205, Belize City Director: Gloria Edwards (a program for 11-13 years old)

Christian Social Council 147 Allenby Street Box 58, Belize City Telephone: 2077

l. Children's Home Address: Be1mopan, Cayo District Director:

2. Mina Grant Day Nursery Address: Director:

3. Pine Street Pre-School Address: Director:

4. Yarborough Pre-School Address: Director: -45­

4.5 Development Ministries: Agricultural/Rural

Caribbean Light and Truth Mission (CLTM) Blue Creek Village, Toledo District Box 35, Punta Gorda Director: David Stutzman

Kleinegemeinde Mennonite Church (Kl1C) Santa Familia, Belmopan, Cayo District Box 427, Belize City Director: David Stutzman

Joint Mennonite Project (BEllC & KMC) San Felipe, Orange Walk District Box 30, Orange Walk Director: Bill Houser

Outreach Ranch (OFB) Mile 57, Western Highway, Cayo District Box 19, Belmopan Director: John Collier

4.6 Film Distributors

Christian Brethren (CB) C/o Dicky Sauter Box 205, Belize City

King's College (AECB) Mile 31 1/2 Northern Road Box 290. Belize City

Mennonite Center 122 North Front Street Belize City Phone: 4419

Outreach Ranch (OFB) Mile 57, Western Highway Cayo District Box 19. Belmopan Director: John Collier -46­

4.7 Literature Ministries

4.7.1 Bible Distributors

The Bible Society of Belize Box 76, Belize City Representative: William Fisher

The Gedeons Box , Belize Ci ty Representative: Robert Staine

4.7.2 Bookstores

Belize Adventist Book Center (BMSDA) 26 Regent Street, Belize City Telephone: 1657 Manager:

!he Belize Bookshop (AC) 14 Albert Street, Belize City Telephone: 2054 Manager:

Christian Literature Center (AECB) 14 New Road, Belize City Telephone: 2993 Manager:

4.7.3 Christian Magazines produced in Belize (None)

4.7.4 Correspondence Courses (for evangelism and Christian Growth)

Assemblies of God (AG) Box 463, Belize City

Association of Evangelical Churches (AECB) Box 70, Belmopan

Baptist Association of Belize (BAB) Box 131, Belize City

Belize Evangelical Mennonite Church (BEMC) Box 3D, Orange Walk -47­

Church of Christ (CC) Box 526, Belize City

Salvation Arroy, Belize Region (SA) Box 64, Belize City

4.8 Lodging

Mennonite Center (Cooperative Mennonite effort) 122 North Front Street Belize Cíty Telephone: 4419 Director:

4.9 Medical ~ünistries

Amigos Internacionales Ministry of Medical Caravans Director: Larry Smith Punta Gorda, Toledo District

Evangelical Mennonite Clinic (E~1C) Linda Vista, Blue Creek Colony, Orange Walk District Director: Margaret Froese

Kleinegemeinde Mennonite Clinic (KMC) Rosenhof, Spanish Lookout, Cayo District Director:

Hattieville Hospital Hattieville, Belize District Director:

Holland Heroorial Clinic (CN) Benque Viejo del Carmen, Cayo District Director: Connie MacKenzie

Mundall Clinic (BMSDA) Santa Elena, Cayo District Director: -48­

4.10 Radio and Te1evision Ministries

4.10.1 Christian Radio Stations (None)

4.10.2 Christian Radio Programs

Program Station Hour Sponsor

Association of Radio Belize AECB Evange1ica1 Churches of Belize

Church of God in CGC Christ " "

"La Hora Nazarena" " " CN "Luz y Verdad" " " BE!1C "Messages froro the Masterll " " CC Protestant Counci1 Program " " Protestant Coun ci.L "Reviva! Time" " " AG "Showers of Blessing" " " CN

"Vo í ce of Prophecy" " " BMSDA

"1olay t o Life" " " BEMC

4.10;3 Christian Te1evision Programs(None)

4.11 Social Ministries

Ask Program (BMSDA) 26 Regent & King Streets Box 90, Be1iie City Te1ephone: 2115 Director: -49­

Christian Social Council 147 Allenby Street Box 58, Belize City Telephone: 2077

l. Adult Education Program: To provide services for those families that are considered to be disadvantaged economically and education­ ally and developmentally handicapped.

2. Social Welfare Program: Assistance in the form of clothing, footwear, blankets, layettes and emergency aid.

Domestic Arts Programs (PFM) Box 596, Belize City

Salvation Army Ministries (SA) 9 Glynn Street Box 64, Belize City Phone: 3365

1. ParID' s Rouse Address: Director:

2. Grant's Rome for Men Address: Director:

3. Over Sixty Clubs Address: Director:

Self-Relp Program (BAB) Crooked Tree Village Belize District C/o Box 131, Belize City

4.12 Theological Education

4.12.1 Theological Education by Extension (TEE)

Baptist Extension Seminary of Belize (BAB) • Box 131, Belize City Director: N. T. Dellinger -50­

4.12.2 Bible Institutes

Adventist Vocational College (BMSDA) Box 3, Calcutta Village Corozal District Director:

Anchor oí Hope Bible School (PCGC) Box 40, San Ignacio Cayo District Director: Alvin Gentles

Assemblies oí God Bible Institute (AG) Box 463, Belize City Director: Edward Fairbanks

Belize Evangelieal Mennonite Bible Institute (BEHC) Box 30, Orange Walk Town Chairman oí Coordinating Committee: Teodoro Torres

Nazarene Training Center (CN) Mile 16, San Antonio Road Toledo District Director:

4.12.3 Theological Seminaries (None)

4.13 Other Organizations

Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship Bliss Hotel 1 Water Lane, Belize City Telephone: 3310 President/Chairman:

Women's Aglow Fellowship 12 Pri.ncass Margaret Dr. Belize City Telephone: 4135 President: Mrs. J. Fairbanks