T-Iourglass O 8 at 2154
HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 7-27-69 7-27-69 5 8 at 0330 o £> at 1006 4 5 at 1606 t-IOURGlASS o 8 at 2154 J\.. .. ', I ~~.!,.I;~ ... "':,~ !! KWAJALEIP, ISLAl'JlJS Saturday, July 26, 1969 I, VOL 9, No 8458 L Moon Rocks, Soil Go on Display ost Massachusetts Residents For Select Audience of Scientists Want red to Retain Seat (UPI) -- Most Massachusetts residents SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- Pampered with all the tender care technology can _apparently feel Sen Edward M Kennedy muster, the Moon rocks and s011 Apollo 11 brought home go on d1splay today for "'" ",,~;" should retain his seat in the Senate a select aud1ence of scientists ~ Initial response from other parts of The first v1ewing--through glass portholes in a special vacuum chamber - was ~ the country to his plea for advice ap eagerly awa1ted by SC1ent1sts who were chosen to analyze them to try to deter peared, however, to be more widely di m1ne the or1g1n of the Moon and perhaps the Universe vided "It's very frustratlng," said Jeff Warner, a geologist who works at the Moon Boston's three da1ly newspapers, the Isolatlon BUlldlng at the Space Center Record American, Globe and Feral Tra "The flrst box came at noon yesterday, veler, reported telephone calls "~2_to and we won't get to look at it unt11 10 Administration Talks 1" in favor of Kennedy am tOllorrow (today)" The Spr1ngfield Union reported less 1he long-awal ted Moon samples--t',o Tough to Business than three hours after the Senator's boxes \"1 th more than 50 pounds of Moon nationally televised speech, they had rock and dlrt--arrlved
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