COAL GAS ORIGINS AND EXPLORATION STRATEGIES © Andrew R. Scott Altuda Energy Corporation San Antonio, Texas USA
[email protected] A LTUDA Mid-Continent Coalbed Methane Symposium Tulsa, Oklahoma November 7-9, 2004 © 2004 A.R. Scott EARTH AT NIGHT Page1of1 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Year Data from U.S. Bureau of the Census; ftuture growth estimates from U.S. Census Bureau publication NP-T1, February 2000; website World view problems 1. Energy 2. Water 3. Food 4. Environment 5. Poverty 6. Terrorism & War 7. Disease 2. Education 9. Democracy 10. Population Tinker (2004) after Smalley (2003) U.S. ENERGY COMPARISON To Produce 20% of US Energy Demand (20 Quads per year) 1 million kg biomass/km2* 16,000 BTU/kg = .02 Q/4,000km2 after loss 20 ac/turbine 175,000 Kwh/yr/turbine 33 million turbines Solar Wind Biomass According to Pimentel et al. (BioScience Sept. 1994), Tinker RMS AAPG Keynote (2004) A LTUDA NATURAL GAS DEPLETION RATES 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rocky Texas Oklahoma Offshore Lower 48 Mountain GOM Kenderdine (2002) 1990 1999 A LTUDA COALBED METHANE PRODUCTION IN U.S. 2,000 1,800 1614 1600 1,600 1562 1379 1,400 1252 1194 1,200 1090 1003 956 1,000 851 800 752 600 539 400 348 196 200 91 10 17 24 40 0 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 2003 Energy Information Year Administration (1992, 1995,1999, 2002, 2004) A LTUDA COALBED METHANE EXPLORATION MODEL Permeability Gas content Hydrodynamics CoalbedCoalbed MethaneMethane ProducibilityProducibility Coal rank and Depositional gas generation systems and coal distribution Tectonic and structural setting A LTUDA A LTUDA EVALUATION OF GAS CHEMISTRY • Gas chromatographic analyses provides information about gas chemistry; percentages of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, etc.