49 CFR Ch. X (10–1–10 Edition) § 1245.5
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:56 Nov 10,2010 Jkt220220 PO00000 Frm00204 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\220220.XXX 220220 § 1245.5 § 1245.5 Classification of job titles. Number Classification Description Typical titles Relation to present classification 100 EXECUTIVES, OFFICIALS, AND STAFF ASSISTANTS 101 Executives and General Officers Chief executives, corporate de- President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Controller, More precisely defined than present partment heads and major Treasurer, Director (head of subdepartment), General Super- No. 1, limited to executive manage- subdepartment heads. intendent (subdepartment head), Chief Engineer, General Man- ment positions; adds new titles. ager (department or subdepartment head). 102 Corporate Staff Managers .......... Corporate executives and man- Director (other than subdepartment head), Assistant Director, As- New classification, providng a specific agers assisting department sistant General Manager (not regional), Manager, Assistant assignment for staff managers; adds and subdepartment heads. Manager, Assistant Chief Engineer, Purchasing Agent, Super- new title. intendent (not division), Assistant to (corporate executive or general officer), Executive Assistant (to corporate executive) Budget Officer. 103 Regional and Division Officers, Regional managers and assist- Assistant General Manager, Assistant Regional Manager, Gen- Similar to present No. 2 but limited to Assistants and Staff Assist- ants below the executive man- eral Superintendent, Assistant to General Manager, Division regional and divisional management; ants. agement level, and chief divi- Superintendent, Master Mechanic, Division Sales Manager, adds new title. sion officers. District Sales Manager, Assistant Master Mechanic, District En- gineer, Assistant Superintendent, Captain of Police, Division Engineer, Manager of Materials, Safety Inspector, Real Estate 194 Agent, Real Estate Supervisor, Tax Agent, Buyer, Assistant Buyer, Sales Agent, Assistant Sales Agent.
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