Annex a - Secondary Schools 2016/17 If an Academy)
The school's baseline funding These columns show illustrative NFF funding if In the first year of transition towards the formula, is the total core funding the proposed formula had been implemented in LAs will continue to determine funding locally. received through the schools full and without any transitional protections in 2016- This column illustrates the change in the amount block and MFG in 2016-17 (or 17. We use pupil numbers and characteristics the department would allocate to LAs in respect Annex A - Secondary Schools 2016/17 if an academy). Other from 2016-17 to illustrate the NFF impact, and of each school, taking into account the maximum grants/funding sources are compare to the school's baseline funding, change proposed in NFF year 1 (gains of up to excluded. including MFG. 3% and an MFG of -1.5% per pupil). Illustrative NFF funding if formula implemented Illustrative NFF funding in the first year of Baseline funding in full in 2016-17, without transitional transition protections Has data for this school been excluded, Funding the school received in Illustrative total NFF Percentage change Illustrative NFF year 1 Percentage change LAESTAB URN School Name Phase because it is 2016-17 or 2016/17 funding compared to baseline funding compared to baseline a new school that is still filling up? [a] [b] [c] = [b]/[a] - 1 [d] [e] = [d]/[a] - 1 £328,011,000 £323,834,000 £325,767,000 -£2,244,000 9194000 117499 The Priory School Secondary No £4,506,000 £4,540,000 0.8% £4,540,000 0.8% £34,000 9194001 138747 Hertswood Academy Secondary
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