Relax in thehe beautiful surroououndndingsdidingsinng of GadebridgeG Park,Park ’sm’s principalp papark.parrk Piccotts End La. Grove Hill Park Unwind byb the River Gadede orr admireaaddm e the gloriouglorious fl owerow display in theth historic HemelH Old Town is steeped in histhistoryi ory Dee Cycle route to History of the Walleded Garden with viewwws oof Stt Mary’s Church,h, regarded rerega as onene of the most pprovidoviding a glimpse of days goneonen by withh Aycliffe Drive Avenue The Gaddesden Row Grovehill es Cup 1863 Act of Parliament passedpas for to Railwayailwa complete Norman churcrcrcheheses inn .H ActivitiesActiv includingdin bowls and crazazy itss attrattattractivactive Victorian, Georgiann and TudTudoror m id Green Lan Tha Walking & Cycling golf are available duriuririringg thet e susummer, with a plaplay area andd skatete park fofor yoyounung architecturecturcturee hohousing many exceellentlentle ppubs,bs, 1866 Act of Parliamentent passedssed extending line to Midland Railwayy aat HarpendenHarpend The Cavendish School HuntinHu e Lane people, open all yeaeararar. SSeeeee gov foror detailsailsils off specialsp eventsevents.ev s. cafes, bistrosos aandd rerestaurants.nts. YouYou will g Gate ise e R 1877 Line openeded between HemeHemel Hempstead and Gade Valley JMIMI also fi nd a diverserse sselecelectioctionn of specialistsppec ag e End W Wheatfield n a Aycliffe Drive e The Nickey Line Mel rn Gadebridge Park Thr shopsshop including antiqtiquequeques,, ququality giftware,gififtware, v sted er Fletcher Way Primary School e 1888 HarpendenHarpe Junction south curvcurve opened, taking trainsrain to Station s E iftf t n S tsmer Roa d Roa furniturfu ure and bicycles!cles!s!! TheThhe OOldd ToTownn H Highh d d Gadebridge d ield Eastbrook Primary She the green route from ive nley Hol 1905905 New Halts built at , CupCupid Green andd HHeath Park Park Fletcher Way StreetStree iss hhome to the Oldldd ToTownTowwnn HHallll ThTheatreTheatre r School Road Bury Was e High Skateboard e D n Wood d Road withh art, musiusic and theattree producproductionctioctions.s a Wood liff hington 1927192 New Halt built at Roundwood, Harpendenarp n Hemel Hempstead via Redbourn BMX park Townsen s L ell Wharfdale Ayc n eet g Astley Cooper M1 Hemel Old Town A 192992929 Bus service replaced some trains to Harpenden Paston Rd Ave Luton on Buzzar St School Smi le nue Old Town thfield a 1947 Passenger service withdrawn, goods serviceserv continues The North t rd e High Str e Leight e t r Chapel Street t s Locker’s Park St Mary’s S e 1950’s and 60’s Line gradually cut back for New Town constructionnstru

The Nickey Line was a 7mile (12km) branch h W School Church c Randall r Allandale Que u Park Herbert Street h Woodhall 1968 Hemelite Company bought the Line to transportport materials for the manufacture of line that once linked the at ensway C Cambrian Wood S Highfield Way Pennine Way A4147 Holtsmere End Infant building blocks t Ma Allandale Brockswood Primary ry’s Fle & Junior School The Old George StreetRo School Harpenden to Boxmoor, near Hemel Hempstead. ad tch A Bury Road tsdell r 1979 Line closed 6 Town Hall Randalls Cat Mendip W Pen kl d er W ay Playing Fields n Cupid Green d ey Roa Passenger services ended in 1947 but a section Ast West Herts College Gro ine W ley R A414 Dacorum Campus ver Cl. ay ay Adventure Little Revel End 1985 Line opened as a footpath and cycleway, becoming Nationaltiona Cycle Network Routeoute 557 first level access avoiding nley Roa oad Civic Centre steps & barriers Playground Farm of the line carried freight until 1979. Much of the George Street Rid Red She Way Dacorum Borough Christchurch Road site of bourn Gaddesden Primary e Bellgate Primary Road Godwin’s Halt rn Road Council d Cotterel ndale School The Nickey Line track bed still remained intact when it was bought orum B487 Sol bou Dac Alla St Pauls Sat Roa ls Hill Com way urn Red Alexandra Road Church Way Yew Tree by Dacorum and councils in the early Library ne Rd Household Waste be St Thumpers Wood Lane tsdell Recycling Queensw Dio Red The Aubreys Fort es ay 47 Centre b Shenley (earthworks) 1980’s and opened for walking and cycling. Mi Cat tune Drive site of ourn dland Nep e Hemelite Works Road riv Eastman Way Marlow d T a h d Road er Gardens St Paul’s Ro Jupiter Yew Tree Wood Hunt Bohemia r ers Oak The route now forms a pleasant green corridor e Hotel Wat Street Dow Drive e St Mary’s t Road nside oad Jupiter D Yewew Treee WWood hasas theth characteristicsacteristi s ofo ann ancient semi C The Church Woodhall Lane Jupiter Drive h N site of on Buzzar e ickey Line Hem y Beaumont’s Halt el H with a rural aspect along much of its length- JMI School naturalnnaaturral wwoodlandwoodlanand aand is pparticularlyar nonoteworthyorthy for the r empstead Road ght erhouse aay r Hem ey Line y at andra R Crescen el H Lei e site of The Nick groupg oup off yyeweww ttreeeees Taxus baccaaccataa thata give the wood its T empst W r The Nickey Line u n W

e providing attractive countryside or woodland n Hemel Hempstead an W ead R Alex Queensway e

e oad s v Station name.ame TheThe yewyew is Europe’s longest lilivedi m tree with soome oad tmatman W pstead R

L em Hillfield R A B487 Hemel H r Keens Field a M1 B487

e Highfiel individualin vidualalslssse estimatedeseststimatedmated tot be up to 4000400 yyears old. n walks as well as generally traffi c-free access to Eas w Adeyfield e Reservoir Hemel Hempstead o subway fl d Lane General Hospital oad y school and work. Although there are steep lowes a Road M Widmore Wood Mar Lane The Nickey Line embankments or cuttings and several bridges eet Ellingham R ree Swallow y T Hemel Hempstead dale Lane have been removed there is level access for e Wood End Farm oad iv Cherr Wid Dr treet Green King Harry Str more cyclists and wheelchairs along most of the route sey Road Flower’s High S Industrial Estate Wol Hemel Hempstead Farm k Lane Paradise (steps are shown on the map). Par Wildlife along the Line HemelHeH HeHemmpstead’sd’s awardrd winningwinnni townn centrecent boasts a Playing Adeyfield R A4147 Tur tremendreme doous rangee of shopss and serviceservices specifipecifi callycal desigignned Fields The NNickey Line is a ggreen corridordor for wildlife ners H Road The Nickey Line forms part of Route 57 of the Paradise Windmill oad for its mmany visitorss withinwitith a familymily friendlyf dly pedestrianisestrianisedseded linkiingg the woodlanddss and fi eldsds along the track. Wood ill area.ea. SStroSttroll through the town centre or adjacentadjadjaceent Waterer GardenGardensns Foxoxeses are regularly seseeneen and if you are really luckyy National Cycle Network Fields Sustrans National Cycle Network which continues Broadfield Museum The Nickey Line (traffic free) Track Lane Route Number Open Land enue yoyouou may glimpse a baddgeger on its dusk patrol or a andd admireadmmiree the displaypla planting andd wworks off art, a tratradition v sparrowhawk fl yingng aat spespeed.eed In spring the warblersbler through Harpenden to and begunegunn in the eareearlyrlyy ddays of thee NeNNeww Town.T Pub / Restaurant Toilet The Nickey Line (on road) Bridge Parks Broadfield Infant Woodland k Road arrive from theirir wwinter quaq arters and blackcaps,ps, . From Harpenden, Route 6 t Turners Hill & Junior School Maylands n Roa Hobletts Manor Infant Mar chiffchaffs andnd whitethroatw atss can be heardrd singisinging as e d Wood Maylands A Street / Minor Road c St Albans Road Lane & Junior School Supermarket / Shop Football Ground Cycle Routes (signed on quiet road) Residential area s ery Way e they establishblish territories anndd seek mates. goes south to St Albans & Watford, and north to r C Adeyfield R Bri tt Newfield Everest Way Ted d o der R Look outut forfo orange tip anddbd brimstonebrimsmstonne buttbutterfl ies Cycle Shop Leisure Centre Cycle Routes (signed on quiet road) Main Road Commercial area o oad Luton & Milton Keynes. o er Y Saw oad proposed W w yers Way in earlyarly spring.s Peacocks,s, mamarrbled whitewhites, comcommasm Lo Montgomery andnd smallsm tortoiseshellsells areare aalsso fairlyy comcommonmon Tourist Information Children’s Play Area Cycle Routes (traffic free) Motorway ive Windmill R Enjoy the route as a relaxing journey to work or Dr Old Crabtree Lane Adeyfield in thet summer sun.. In thist picctuure leftt, a spspeckspeckled N Avenue Redwood Wood Lane End woodw warmswarm itselflf ono a brambblee bush in the middaymidd Railway Station School / College Steps on route, Railway school away from the road network. Alternatively, oad access steps off route Tudor Primary White sunshinesu e – theytht y needne warm stilll ddays for fl ight and take a leisurely walk or ride looking out for the School as theyt y baskbask theyhey merge well inntoo the dappleded light Bus Station Hospital A&E Footpath River / Lake Hart Drive oad Seaton Road y of acla clearingclea on The Nickey Line. a Pun abundant local wildlife. In addition, a number of an W Tenzing Road Jarm ch B Car Park Bridleway Building Jarman Park Adeyfield owl Dane-End Farm circular paths can be enjoyed incorporating rights School Wood Lane End Lane Key Lon consfield Road Way Dea 1 kilometre of way which cross the Line. glands

Leverstock Green R 1 mile M1 Athletics Ground Leisure World Boundary London scale 1:11,500 approx © Crown copyright. All rights reserved 100019606 2006 R o u n Rail to Luton M1 d A5183 w & The Luton Tassell Hall k o walking & cycling The North o A1081 Information When the Nickey Line was built inn the 1871870’s the d L The King’s School a n : Roundwood area was agricultural land,d,, butbu in thehe e

oad r Valley Wal Valley r early 1900’s the fi rst houses were built,lt, and as mmore Redbourn Parish Council:

Ve followed there was an increasing dememandn for a HHalt. The Nickey Line Tassell Hall Harpenden Town Council:

St Luke’s School The Park Rise Roundwoodood Halt was oopened 8 Auugustst 1927.19 TheTh Luton R Road St Albans City & District Council: signalal and platform are two of thethhe best survivsurvivingviv Redbourn village sitsts astrideide WatlingWatltlinng Street,S thehe oldo RomanRomma Scout Spring Westfield remindersrem of the former Line. Wood Countryside Management Service: road to Chester, noww thankfully by-passed.bbyy-p sse Its compactco ct oad Ambrose ise Bloomfield Road Harpenden R Wood H Sustrans: High Street featureses several hostelrieshoshoosttelriess andannd a varietyva of Harpendenbury Roundwood Halt e n ws Golf Course a BUPA Hospital stable R Farm Park M L shops, while its spaciouspaciouspa ious CommoComCommonmmon providesovidvidesides a free cacarr park Roundwood Park e Friends of the Nickey Line: Linden R ount s The Nick first level access o beside the local cricketcrric pitch,, closecl see to thetth villavvillage MuMususeeum. oad Dun & Primary Schools r ey Line avoiding steps Hillside Road b Meado N St Albans Cycle Campaign: Aysgarth R m oad Park Hill A Redbourn Townse ane Highfield Ver Valley Society: tespol n L d Lambourn Gdns Oval Crouch Hall Bet Cla Th Redbournbury Mill: Sna k ygate oreton End Lan e Nick Avenue M e ey L Cav Wal in Highfield The Lea Primary tch Redbourn an Road e Pre-School School up Infant & History Line Jnr School Lane r Valley ey Asquith Ambros Books available on The Nickey Line: Lybury Lane ick Nursery d o N rig e w B ce Roa inal y lin The Ve a track of railwa y Lane The r ren H e d

n Lane s Cla o c tfield Roa The Harpenden to Hemel Hempstead Railway - The Nickey D u Wes en W l e ly t t NCN 6 b i or Douglas R u n s g Line by Sue and Geoff Woodward, 1996, The Oakwood Press oad dsw Cycle route under Tow Bro h nsend Lane adfields La construction to Luton steadbur Byron R Lords Meado oad n orth Road e m Library and Milton Keynes, Branch Line to Hemel Hempstead - The Nickey Line and ultimately to Fla Road ne Harpenden Lane Knott Wood on Road The Lake District by Sue and Geoff Woodward, 2006, Middleton Press Common Redbourn St Hilda’s School d

North Lut Redbourn Lamb La St James R

Common e Townsend on Roa oad u Road oad Ox n nys Lane Walking & Cycling d Rothamsted e Tow

a v Crown Str o Ten R A nsend Ver Experimental Farm nue Hertfordshire County Council: k t Lea f e Road High Street o Lane Maple R r Ave n and click on ‘Enjoying the Countryside’ c a r Valley Wal L Chu Fish Street eet g ry rch The Ve n n End o Hemel Hempstead Road Redbourn Su L Lydekker Further free maps & leafl ets in this series: Village Museum Waterend Lane Park Ox Lane Che Roseber Harpenden The Great North Way, The Ayot , The , Salisbury Avenue quer Lane End River Ver Kirkwick Ave Musicale Brooke The , The Ebury Way, available from Libraries,

take care ue k r The Park Redbourn crossing road ne a caravan site Redbou Sun Lane Tourist Information or Councils listed above. The Nickey P Industrial Estate

B487 e The Jacobean Manor House at Rothamsted was tthe h St Nicholas’

Rothamsted St George’s School y Aven T ey Line our La Line eet home of John Bennet Lawes who began agriculturauralura Church picnic area rn Lane Avenue nce Manland Primary take care site of Redbourn The Nick experiments in 1843, ultimately leading to the Road crossing road railway station A5183 School blind corner lton Sau dharb High Str establishment of Rothamsted Research.The House St Nicholas Car H Col cyclists providesovides student accommodationtio and the Drawing Room Sir John Lawes Primary Harpenden use ramp School t Memorial Hospital to avoid steps isi a popular venue for Public rights of way cross School Manland Way the estate, and a permissiveve path allows a view of the Skateboard Stewart Road Am oad Cro

BMX park e ne 17th Century south facadede of the house. nbury Lane y R

ss High Stree oad Sau Wa ene oft La Harpenden nce Rothamsted y lton R Wav adcr k Vaughan Road ar y A West Way al C A5183 Bre Deacon’s oad Rothamsted v site of W Library Spring Rothamsted Manor Park enue Harpenden House Town Hall East ion R alley Stati on Station Roa railway Road d r V Manland station Stat e Public Avenue Halls ve B652 Redbournbury Mill NCN 57 The V Hertfordshire Rural Transport Arden Gro Cycle route to Rugby Club Leyton Road Harpenden Partnership Powered by the River Ver - and latterly by a Crossley diesel Harpenden Leasey Bridge, Station enginee - the 18th century Mill worked well into the 20th centuryy. TheThT local council purchased the 238232 acrcre Manorial Lying on the ChilternC ter dip sloppe betweenenn thetht valleys of the incomplete to - Roman Road) Wheathampstead Itt wasw restored after a disastrous fi re in 1987 and now produces B487 Common from the Rothamstedstedd EsEstate in 1929, rivers VerVe anda d Lea,a, Harpenddeen was destinedtinned to bbecome a and Welwyn reet Bul l Rd stonegroundon fl our and bread. The Mill is open, with teas served, Golf Course for the benefi t of the townsfolk.sfofol An annnnualnn horse commutercommmu townow wwith the comc ming of thee MMidlandand Main Line in Garden City ad typicallyca on Sunday afternoons and special weekends. g event ceased in 1914,14, andndT The Silver CupC pub o 1868.68. It retainsretainns itss vvillage chac aracterr though,thouggh, thankst to its largege The Ver Valley Walk (Watling St Rothamsted (See backba cover for contact details to check opening times). s past triumphs. Golf, cricket and footballall clubsclublub Research ans R Common,mo itss ttreee lined Higghh Streett aand periodriodod cottages.cotta Road oad The Walk traces the se space for their pursuits, while the publicic hasas t Alb S ton

wn R river from its source mpededm accesss to the whole Common. Ancicient Mil o near Redbourn to its ghtsghtgh also still permitpe traditional showman fairfairs. Redbourn West Common conjunction with the Colne Harpenden The Ordnance Survey mapping data included within this publication is provided by Hertfordshire County Council Albans Road Harpenden Common Common SouthdSt Dominic’s under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfi l its public function to provide information relating to its 7 mile green route between close to Watford. A free St River V A1081 R.C. Primary ee Lane activities, services and plans. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice leafl et is available from er Hammonds End NCN 6 cycle route School Rail to St Albans Crabtree Infants & Crabtr should they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping for their own use. Such mapping is based upon Ordnance Lane London, Brighton Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce © Crown copyright 100019606 2006. Hemel Hempstead, Redbourn local Information Centres. Farm Hatching Green to St Albans, to Harpenden Junior School Footpath to Watford, London Cycles CrabtreeLane Cartography, photography, leafl et design and cycling by Stephen Wragg - Wragg Art House: Redbournbury Mill & Harpenden © WAH 2006 Printed on environmentally friendly paper