Pedalpoint Route Two.Pdf

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Pedalpoint Route Two.Pdf ! " # $ % ,ONDON2D 2ABLEY 4HE'REAT.ORTH7AY " (EATH .#.2OUTE "RIDGE 7AY TO3TEVENAGE .ORTH ,ETCHWORTH "ALDOCK 2OAD 'REAT 7OOLMER $ATCHWORTH 4HE 'REEN #ODICOTE (EATH2OAD Linking Hertfordshire towns and countryside,untryside, theheh GreaGreatG eat NorNorth 0OTTERSHEATH Way forms a north south cycle routee througthroughu thethh CtCounty !- -ARDLEY(EATH over 32 miles. Look out for the National Cycleclel NetworkNeNetw ‘12’ #OWARDS,ANE 2ABLEY(EATH2D signss in Welwyn Garden City, Hatfi eld and WelhamWeWelhW m Green. 7ELWYN -ARDLEY(ILL " (EATH Mardley Heath Great North Way #ODICOTE2D " /AKLANDS !YOT3T,AWRENCE &ULLING 3INGLERS $ANESBURY 'REAT.ORTH2D (ARMER'REEN -ARSH 7OOD 3T!LBANS2OAD2IVER-IMRAM 2OAD #ARLETON +IMPTON -ILL 2ISE "URNHAM 3HAWS#ORNER ,ANE 'REEN .ATIONAL4RUST Singlers Marsh ,INK2D /LD7ELWYN ! 2OAD ,ANE ,ONDON 2OMAN #ODICOTE 3CHOOL "ATHS É $IGSWELL FromFrF m WelwynWelwyn GardenGGarde City 2OAD /TTWAY7ALK thehe greenwayg nwwayay providesrovides thetth ! gatewaygat to exploreexploplore theh beautifulbeautifutiful 7ELWYN.ORTH Ayotot countrysidecountryside.cco s Followw !YOT3T0ETER 3TATION theth old rarailwayrai line through 4HE 7HITE(ILL "ESS Sherrardsparkrards WoWoodsWood all the way 'REAT $IGSWELL $IGSWELL ,AKES to Wheathampstead.Wheatham ad.d. The trail is 0ARK EMER Digswell Lakes " openpen to walkerswa anand cyclists. .ORTH 4HE&RYTHE 2OAD 5#4 2IVER-IMRAM 7AY 4EWIN The Ayot Greenway +NIGHTS 6)!$ (ERTFORD2OAD FIELD 4HE!YOT'REEN7AY "ESSEMER TO7HEATHAMPSTEAD 7AY 4HE!YOT !YOT !- (ILL #YCLE 2OUTE 'REEN7AY 'REEN 2OAD 2IVER,EA 7ELWYN $IGSWELL Sherrardspark Woods 'ARDEN#ITY $IGSWELL " 3HERRARDSPARK 3HIRE 7ATEREND,ANE 7OOD 0ARK 3ITEOF3PECIAL3CIENTIFIC)NTEREST 2D (ERNS,ANE /AKLANDS (ERNS " 'REAT.ORTH2D " #OLLEGE -UNDELLS 7AY "ESSEMER 2IVER,EA -ARFORD2D "RIDGE2OAD "LACK&AN2OAD 4EWIN2D "RIDGE -OORS7ALK !- (OWARD 2OAD #ENTRE (ERNS,ANE 2OAD %AST 0ANSHANGER #OLEMAN'REEN,ANE (ANDSIDE 0ARKWAY 2OAD " 6ALLEY 7ELWYN 2IDGEWAY 'ARDEN#ITY Welwyn Garden City Town Trail #OLEMAN 3TATION ,UDWICK7AY 2D " ,ANE Findnd outou about tthehe 'REEN 7AY +NELLA developmentvelo oof our historic y 2OAD Gardenarden City onn thet town ,EMSFORD 3YLVAN "ROADWATER0EARTREE trailail startingsta frrom The ,ONGCROFT,ANE (OLWELL (ANDSIDE 3ALISBURY "USHEY Campus.ampu Contactactct PedalPeda ,EMSFORD 2OAD ,EY "LACK&AN2OAD Point for a leafl eet.t 7OODHALL 2OLLS ! ,EMSFORD #OLGROVE (ALL'ROVE "LACKTHORN 3PRINGS 7OODS ,ANE ,ANE 7AY 7OODHALL #OLE 'REEN ,ANE "ROCKET2D (OLLYBUSH ,ANE (ALL'ROVE " ,ANE #HEQUERS 'OSLING .ORTH #OLE'REEN " 3TADIUM (OMESTEAD 4HE#OLE'REEN7AY ,ANE "EEHIVE 'REAT 4HE 3TANBOROUGH2OAD +ING TO(ERTFORD 7ARE Lemsford Springs 3TANBOROUGH (OWLANDS 'EORGE6 #OLE (OWLANDS 4HE ! 4HE 'REEN 3TANBOROUGH 1%)) #OMMONS #HEQUERS 7 Stanborough,ANE Park AY 0ARK (OSPITAL ,ETTY'REEN 'REEN ERS OOP King George V Playing Fields # The Cole Green Way ,ANE 4HE#OMMONS OTS 'IPSY !SC AnA oldd railwayrailwarailwwa line,, canalcananall towpaths,towtot paths | openo spacesacececes and quietet roadsr formfor a ,ANE ! greenee routeroutou for walkerserrs aand cyclistscycliststs betweeneen WelwynWelwWe Gardenn CityC and WareW re 'REEN The Commons 2IVER,EA viav Hertford.ertfordert The Cole GreGreenenn WWaWay runs (ATFIELD ! ! alonggtg theth formerr railwayay lineli betweenbetw 'T.ORTH2D 'ARDEN ,ANES the outskirtsoutsksk s of WelwynW w n andana Hertford.for (A 6ILLAGE !- Y AD TFI ,ONGME ELD 7A -ILL'REEN ! -USEUM VENUE "IRCHWOOD 4HE$ELL OMET # OAD OOD 2 (ATFIELD "IRCHWE Y D " !V A 'R 7 7 ELLF ,A OUND TFOR AN NE ER Y ,EMSFORD IELD ( 7A !LB O 4HE ! 2 OAD D% OSQUIT - LBANS2 2 3T! (ATFIELD3TATION OAD &RENCH %SSENDON Y WA (ORN ,A St Albans Road East Park Providding a green route UEENS 5NIVERSITYOF 1 ORY 4HE T (ATFIELD between Hatfiatfi eld House and AY 7 EC (ERTFORDSHIRE O (OUSE 'ALLERIA "RIARS RIVE 1 SH7 O $ St Albans Abbeybey, this 6 ⁄2 mile LD2 0ARKS 7OODLAND DS!VE /PEN!CCESS,AND #AR0ARK ENDI / trailrail can be used by walkers ! V .ATURE2ESERVE %LLENB #A and cycliststs. The paths makes EST 0LAYING&IELD 0ARK 7HEELCHAIR!CCESS ann idealid dayay trip to St Albansbans (OWE$ELL RO ,ANE (ILLCR %LLENBROOK #HAN beingbe g closecl to the townn centre,c nt OK,A ! " 3TREAM7OODS ,ANETRY ISHOP ,ANE /XLEASE Verulamiumru amiuium Park andnd theth Abbey.Abbbey !- -AJOR4RAILS7ALKING#YCLING &IELD #YCLE0ATHS S 2ISE #OLLEGE VE / AY XLEA 7 DS! $ -USEUM 2ESIDENTIAL#OMMERCIAL 3EATING The Alban Way O 4RA RIV SE AN 5NIVERSITYOF 7O E !LB Ï (ERTFORDSHIRE VELLERS Howe Dell / Stream Woods 4HE 3PORTS,EISURE#ENTRE 2IVER,AKE #HILDRENS0LAY!REA 4HE!LBAN7AY /XLEYS TO3T!LBANS ,ANE 7OOD Centenary Park ! 3OUTH 3WIMMING0OOL #YCLE2OUTESTRAFFICFREE &OOTPATHS (AZEL'ROVE (ATFIELD (AZEL #ENTENARY 0ARK #HILDRENS0LAY!REA #YCLE2OUTEONROAD 7AYMARKED&OOTPATHS "ISHOPS !- ! ' RO Great North Way VE 7ILDHILL 4HE ! 2AIL3TATION "RIDLEPATH .ATURE2ESERVE D 2ISE AY 7 'REAT #AR0ARK &OOTPATH ,EAFLET!VAILABLE (IGH2 3OUTH . OR #OLNEY Ô ! TH #YCLE3HOP 4RACK )NFORMATION0ANEL 7 (EATH A Y -OTORWAY -AIN-INOR2D "RIDLEWAY 2OESTOCK 7ELHAM 7ELHAM'REEN 'REEN 3TATION 2D 2AILWAY 0ICNIC!REA (ILL ONS 4 IX OLLG $ 2AILWAYINTUNNEL 4OILETS 4HE'REAT.ORTH7AY -APCONTINUES ATE !- ONOTHERSIDE .#.2OUTE 2 TO3OUTH-IMMS " #AFE OAD (ADLEY7OOD ,ONDON +EY ! " # $ %.
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