Iteration of Meromorphic Functions
BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume29, Number2, October1993 ITERATION OF MEROMORPHIC FUNCTIONS WALTER BERGWEILER Contents 1. Introduction 2. Fatou and Julia Sets 2.1. The definition of Fatou and Julia sets 2.2. Elementary properties of Fatou and Julia sets 3. Periodic Points 3.1. Definitions 3.2. Existence of periodic points 3.3. The Julia set is perfect 3.4. Julia's approach 4. The Components of the Fatou set 4.1. The types of domains of normality 4.2. The classification of periodic components 4.3. The role of the singularities of the inverse function 4.4. The connectivity of the components of the Fatou set 4.5. Wandering domains 4.6. Classes of functions without wandering domains 4.7. Baker domains 4.8. Classes of functions without Baker domains 4.9. Completely invariant domains 5. Properties of the Julia Set 5.1. Cantor sets and real Julia sets 5.2. Points that tend to infinity 5.3. Cantor bouquets 6. Newton's Method 6.1. The unrelaxed Newton method 6.2. The relaxed Newton method 7. Miscellaneous topics References Received by the editors February 23, 1993 and, in revised form, May 1, 1993. 1991 MathematicsSubject Classification.Primary 30D05, 58F08; Secondary 30D30, 65H05. Key words and phrases. Iteration, meromorphic function, entire function, set of normality, Fatou set, Julia set, periodic point, wandering domain, Baker domain, Newton's method. ©1993 American Mathematical Society 0273-0979/93 $1.00 + $.25 per page 151 152 WALTER BERGWEILER 1. Introduction Mathematical models for phenomena in the natural sciences often lead to iteration.
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