A Selected California Bibliogmphy
A SELECTED CALIFORNIA BIBLIOGMPHY :. Exploration and Settlement The Spanish and Mexican Period Robert W. Durrenberger San FernandoValley State College The items in this bibliography have been selected from the abundant literature on Hispanic America to assist those who are interested in the geography of settlement. vVherever possible, the English translations of publications in a foreign language have been cited. In a few cases both the original and the translation are included. The student interested in the Spanish and Mexican period in California should refer to the histories of Bancroft, Caughey and Rolle for additional references. Adamson, Maud, "The Land Grant System of Governor Juan B. Alvarado," unpublished master's thesis in History, UniversiJy of Southern Cali fornia, 1931. · Allen, Alice Mayhew, Early Roads and Trails in California, San Francisco: National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1942. 39 pp. Allen, Rutillus H., "The Spanish Land Grant System as an Influence in the Agricultural Development of California," Agricultural History, Vol. 9 (July, 1935),pp. 127-143. Arrillaga, Basilio Jose, Recopiladon de Leyes, Decretos, Bandos, Regla mentos, Circulares y Providencias de los Supremos Poderes y Otras Autoridacles de la RepublicaMexicana. Formacla de Orclen del Supre mo Gobierno por el Lie. Mexico: J. M. Fernandez de Lara, 1838. 8 Vols. Atherton, Lucien, "The Early History of the San Diego Presidial District, 1542-1782," unpublished master's thesis in History, University of Cal ifornia, Berkeley, 1930. Avilez, Alexander, "Population Increases in Alta California in the Spanish Period, 1769-1821," unpublished master's thesis in History, University of Southern California, 1955. Bandini, Jose, A Description of California in 1828, Berkeley: Friends of the Bancroft Library, 1951.
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