
4 5

4 5 4 5

4 5

3 6

3 6 3 6

6 5. Quarter Fold (French Fold) 3 5.. Quarrtterr Folld ((Frrench Folld)) -- Sheett off paperr iis f-o Sldedhee tve orf tpapeical, trhen is 2 7 ffollded verrttiical,l, tthen 2 7 ffollded agaiin 1 8 5.f oQldeduar tagaer Foin ld (French Fold) 1 8 5..ho Qrruaiizonrrttettarr ll llFoy.. lld ((Frrench Folld)) - S-ho heeUrsesizont o: tfLea papellytt.e rsr ,i sG reeting cards, Flyers/Brochures -- S-- heeUsestt o:: fLef papetttterrsrr , ,i i sG rreetiting carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres fo-l ded2 fo lvedsr,t itcahal,t tchenrea te 1 to 8 areas for print. 5.. Qfuafo--ll ded rr2tte ffror Folveldsrlrl,,dtt iittca ha((Fl,l,rtrt enc tcthenrreah t tFoe 1lld tt)o) 8 arreas fforr prriintt.. 5. Qffua olldedrter agaFoldiin ( French Fold) - 5S.. hee Qf oualtded orrtfte pape rraga Folilrdn i s((F rrench Folld)) -- 5S.hee Qho uattr r ioizonrfft epapert taFollllylrrd. . i i s( F rench Fold) fo-l dedShee-ho U versestizon ortfi ca:pape tLeal,ll yttthen.er riss, Greeting cards, Flyers/Brochures ffo--l l dedShee-- U vesestt orrttfifi ca: :pape Lel,l, tttttthenerr r risis,, Grreetiting carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres fofoldedlded- 2U 6aga .sesfve oQldsrinuat:i ca Le, rtthal,tte ert hentrPocke sc,r eaG rteeet Fo1ti ngtold 8ca( Rarordseasll ,Fo F floydre) rpsr/iBntr.o chures ffoffolldedllded-- 2 6 aga ..fvef oQlldsririnuattiica ,, rrttthatl,l,e rtrt hent tPocke crrea ttett Fo1 ttolld 8 (( R aorreasllll Fo ffllodrr)) prriintt.. hoforlidedzon- 2 tfagaaollldsy.i n, that create 1 to 8 areas for print. 3 3 hofforrlili dedzon- t tagaaSllllheey..ii n t of with 3 folds 3

- Sheet of paper with 3 folds 3 -ho fUorsesl i dedzon--: tLeSagaallheeytt.ei nrtt s o, ffG papereetirngr w ititcah r3ds ffo, llFdlsy ers/Brochures -- hoUses rriizon-:: LeUttasesttttllllye.r.r :s ,U, Gnfrroeeldtitiingng carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres - hoUses rizon--: LeUtasesttllye.r: :s U, Gnffroeellditiingng cards, Flyers/Brochures -- 2- U ff oseslldsBr:,,ochu Letthatttte rcerrsr,ea ,S Gtteepree 1 by tittong 8 caarreasrds, ffFolrry perrisin/tBt.. rochures - -2 U fosesldsBr:r,ochu Lethattte rrcersr,,ea , S Gtteperee 1 by titong 8 caarreasds, fFolry eprrsin/Bt.r ochures 2 - Uses: Letters, Greeting cards, Flyers/Brochures 2 6.B rQochuuartreer, PockeStep byt Fo ld (Roll Fold) 2 - 2 6fo..s l dstQep,ua tihansrrttettr rrcuc Pockereationste 1tt, Foto l8ld a((Rreasollll Foforlld p)) r int. 2 -- 2 ff6o.sll dsttepQ,,ua t tihainsrtetttrtr rcuc rrPockeeattiionstte 1,t, tFoto 8ld a (rrReasoll Fofforrl dp)rr iintt.. - CsStaepheerds inst, otrf ucpapetionsr w, ith 3 folds -- CSaheerrdstt,, off paperr witith 3 ffollds - ACUdveasesrdsrti:, Usinfgo lding 1 -- AUdvesesrtirti:: Usiinnfgfo lldiing 3 1 6. Quarter Pocket Fold (Roll Fold) 3 1 - AUdvesesrti: Usinfgo lding 3

6. Quarter Pocket Fold (Roll Fold) 1 6.. QBuar-ochu rr3tte fror lPockerdse,, Sthateptt tFo bylld ((Rollll Folld)) 3 6. BQr-r-uaochu 3 r fftoellrrdsr ePocke,,, , S tthattepttt byFo ld (Roll Fold) - 6S.. heeQsBtuar-epochu t3 orr tftifenso paperlrrds trePockeuc,, Strhatti eponswtttit Fohby, 3 lld f o((Rldosl lll Folld)) -- 6S. heesQttcepuatrtr ea o r itiffnse t tpapeer tr tr Pockefrfrucomrtrti i onsw 1ittit thtFoo,, 3 8l d ffo (llRdso ll Fold)

- - USsessheetcep:r eaUt ionsntfef opapetr frlducoingmtionsr 1w tito,h 8 3 folds 2 2 -- -- U SsesheeCa::r easUdstt on,ff f o papefloldrii ngprri nwtit.it h 3 ffollds 2

- - USsesCheeaa:rr easdsUt on,,f f opapeffoldrr i ngprrrii nwtt..it h 3 folds 2 B-r ochuUACsesdvearreeasds: ,Urti S,n s tfepionrlgd byp ingri n t. B--r ochuUAses dvere:: , U rtiSnstfepfionllgd by iing 1 BrochuAdvere,rti Ssteping by 1 - UA ses dve: Urtinsfionlgd ing 1 stBeprochu i nstrreuc, tSionstep ,by 1 stBteprrochu --ii ns 3 trftrfroreucllds,, tStiions,,t t epttha , ,by t t CsBatrrepochuds- 3,ins frotreldsuc, S,tt ieponstha byt, Csattreprdsc rr,i,ieans trttrteuc frfrtotiionsm 1,, tto 8 ACsdvetaeprc ds rti rieanss, intrteguc frtoionsm 1, to 8 ACdvearradsrti rtirreass,, iing ff orr prriintt.. - AC3 dveaforadsldsr7rtieas,.. , s Htinha afgolflf tr --p Trirnrii t f.fo lld -- A3 dve ff olldsrti7rti.,,s titHinhaga lft t - Tri fold crA-ea 3dve tfeo- rtildsfr Sso,imheen tgha 1 ttt o f8 pape r folded in half, then Tri folded. cr-r-ea 3 tftfeo- -l ldsfr fr So,,mhee ttha 1 t tt t oo f f8 pape rr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. acr-ea eas3 tfeo - fldsfr orUo ,mpses trha i1n t:tt. o B r8ochu res, , Charts, Large diagrams acrreasrrea t t -ef-f o frrUfrr opsesmrriin 1t:t:. . B ttorrochu 8 rres,, Maps,, Charrtts,, Larrge diiagrrams acreasrea t -ef o 3frrU fopsesomrlidsn 1t:. , B ttoharochu 8t creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 C toha 12rts a, rLaeasrg efo dr ipagrinrat.m s 1 arreas -- f3fo rfrfo plldsrriin,,tt ..tt hatt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 1 areas7 .- f3Ho rafo lfpl dsr-i nT,t .rt iha fotl dc reate from 1 to 12 areas for print. 7 .. Halflf -- Trrii ffolld - Sheet of paper folded in half, then Tri folded. -- Sheett off paperr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. 2 2 3 -- Uses:: Brrochurres,, Maps,, Charrtts,, Larrge diiagrrams 2 2 2 2 3 3 7 . H- a lfU -ses Tri: fBolrdochu res, Maps, Charts, Large diagrams 2 2 3 7 .. H--a 3lflf -f-fo Tlldsrrii f,f,o ttlhald tt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. - 7S. heeH- 3a tlff o-lf ds Tpaperi, ftohalrd t f oclrdedeate i nfr ohamlf, 1 t hento 12 T rair easfolded for. print. 3 -- 7S.. hee Hatlftlf o --f f T paperrii ffollrdr f follded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. 3 - - US seshee : Bt orochuf paperesr f,o Mldedaps i,n C hahalf,rt sthen, La rTgrei fdoiagldedra.m s -- -- U S seshee :: Btt orrochuff paperresrr f,f,o Mlldedaps i,i,n C hahalf,lf,rrtt stthen,, La r rTgrerii fdfoiiaglldedrra.m. s - -3 Uf oseslds8. ,: HtBhaarochulft c- rZea rfesoteld, f Mroapsm 1, tCo ha12r tasr, easLar gfoer dpiagrinrt.a ms -- -3- Uff osesllds8.. , ,:: HttBhaarrochulflftt c-- r rZea r rffesottelld, , f f Mrroapsm 1,, ttCo ha 12rr ttasr,r, eas Larr gffoerr dpiiagrriinrtrt.a. ms - 3U fseso-l dsS: ,heeB tharochutt ocfr earpapeeste, Mfrr apsofomlded ,1 C to hain 12 rhats a,lf, rLaeas thenrg efo Zdr i pagforilnrdedat.m s. 1 -- 3 ffo--ll dsS,hee, tthattt t o cffrr eapapette frfrrr offomllded 1 tto iin 12 ha alf,lf,rreas tthen ffo Zrr pfforriillndedtt.. .. 1 - 3 fo-l dsUS,heeses tha:tt Bocfrr ochueapapete rfresr ofom,l dedM 1aps to in 12, haN ealf,wreas ltehentt efor sZr. pforilndedt. . -- Uses:: Brrochurres,, Maps,, Newlletttterrs.. - 3U fsesolds: ,B tharochut creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 N toe w12le ttaereasrs. for print. -- 3 ffollds,, tthatt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 8.. Halflf -- Z ffolld 8. Half - Z fold -- Sheett off paperr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Z ffollded.. - Sheet of paper folded in half, then Z folded. -- Uses:: Brrochurres,, Maps,, Newlletttterrs.. 1 8 .. H-a lflfU --ses Z ff:o Blldr ochures, Maps, Newletters. 1 8. H--a 3lf ff-o Zllds fo,, ltdtha tt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 1 - 8S. heeH- 3a tlff o -lf ds Zpape f,o tlhadr tf oclrdedeate i nfr ohamlf, 1 t hento 12 Z a froeaslded fo. r print. -- 8S.. heeHattlflf o --ff Zpape ffolldrr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Z ffollded.. - - USseshee: Bt orochuf paperesr f,o Mldedaps i,n N haewlf,le tttheners .Z folded. -- -- U Sseshee:: Btt orrochuff paperresrr f,f,o Mlldedaps i,i,n N haewlf,lf,lle tttttthenerrs ..Z ffollded.. - -3 USfoheeseslds,:t tBohafr ochupapet crearres tfeo, l fdedMroapsm i1n, thaNo e12lf,w l teahenttreaser sZ. ffoorl dedprin. t. 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- -3- Uffosesllds,,:: ttBharrochutt crrearrestte, , f fMrroapsm 1,, ttNo e12wl l eattttrreaserrs.. fforr prriintt.. 2 2 - 3U fsesolds: ,B tharochut creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 N toe w12le ttaereasrs. for print. 3 3 -- 3 ffollds,, tthatt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 3 3

1 A Guide to the 8 Most Popular Folds 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 (Bi-fold or Single fold) 1. Half Fold (Bi-f1.old oHalfr Single fFoldold) 1.. Halflf Folld ((Bii--ffolld orr Siinglle ffolld)) - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. -- Sheett off paperr witit•h Sheet a siinglle ffofolld ,,paper botth off equa withll si izea ..single fold, both of equal size. -- Uses:: Grreetiting carrds,, Announcementts,, IInvititatitions,, Prriice lilistts,, -M Uenusses:, GPrreeogtirangm sca, •Br dsookUses:, Announcelets, Bgreetingullemtinsen, tsF,l yI nvecards,rsit/aBtironsochu ,announcements, Prerisce. lists, invitations, Menus,, Prrogrrams,, Booklletts,, Bulllletitins,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres.. -- 1 ffolld,, tthatt crreattes 1 tto 4 arreas fforr prriintt.. - 1 fold, that creates 1price to 4 ar easlists, for menus,print. programs, booklets, bulletins, flyers/ 1. Half Fold (Bi-fold or Single fold) 1 .. Halflf Folld ((Bii--ffolld orr Siinglle ffolld)) 2 brochures. 1 2 1

- Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 2 1

- Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 2 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 1 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. - - Uses:: Grreetiting carrds,, Announcementts,, IInvititatitions,, Prriice lilistts,, -2 U.. sesTriri : Fo Grlldee ((Letingtttt ecarr ffr•ods lld1,,, AnnounceCfold, Folld) ) that men tcreatess, Invitations 1, toPri ce4 liareassts, for print. M2enus.1 .T riH ,,aFo Plf rrlFodog (lrLerda m(ttBesi,-r, f Bofolookdld o, rClle S ttFosing,, Bldlue) llllfeotitildns) ,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres.. -M- -1 Senus1 f.hee.o lHd,att tlfPlfoha rfFof og papet cllrdra ea (m(Brr st iiwes--,ff itoitB hll1ookd 2 too frfr lo e4Sllt dssaiing,r ,eas,B lwleuit it llf fheofo till3drns ) )secp ,r inFtititl.yons ers /flflBapsroc huffollrdeiinsg. iinwarrd.. -- -1 US - ff oheesesSlldhee,, :t t thaloet ftto tpapete f c rpapersrea, irnvott eswr itw ih1cesit h2tto af , o4 ssl dstaiangrrteas,e lwmeit en f hfofo lt3rdrs ,p,sec borDriinutttithr..ons ab ofl eequa fl paapsml phfsoilzeldeitn.s g, Specinwairadl.s , -- U-- sesShee:: llett ttotteff rpapers,, iinvorr wiicesitith a,, s sttiaingttellme enffolltdts,,,, boDutthrrab offll e equa pamll ph siizellett..s ,, Speciialls,, 1.F lHl--y eUarlfrsess /Fo/B:r:rl o dGc (rhurBeeir-rtietifongsl,d, P caoririr crrSdsei ng lili,, s Announcelt.t.e IfIffo 8ld..5) "" x m 11(Letteren"" tpapets,, IInvrr it itu asfold,titiedons,, tt,he, P C r rpapeiice Fold) lilisrr t tcsan,, 1 .. F Hl-y aeUlflfrsess Fo/B:rll doG c ((rhuBeeii--rftifeongsl2.ld, Pocarirr TricrSdseiing li, sAnnouncellt.e Fold Ifffo 8lld.)5) " x m 11en" tpapes, Invr ituastiedons, t,he P rpapeice lisr tcsan, beM penusllaced,, P iinrr og sttanrramdasr,r,d B #10ook l leotrtrs #,, 9B uenvelllletitinsllope,, F..l l yerrs//Brrochurres.. -- SbeheeM penuslacedtt off ,pape Pinr ogsrrt an rwamititdhas r,ad B s#10ookiingll leeo trffs o#,ll 9dB ,,u enve bolletttihnsl opeof,f equaF.l yerlls s/Biizero..c hures. -2 S-. 2hee--T 1frio f ftloFods olldf,l ,,d pape ttt haha(Lettt cttrc rerwreaearit fhtottees la df r, s o1Cim ng tt oFo 1 l e4 lt dofao) rr 6leasd ,a bor eas ffothrr poforrfi rinequa ptt..r intl. size. --2 U--.. 2ses-T 1ffririo : :fllFo ds oGldr,rl,ld ee, t t hat (ha(tiLetingtt t ctt ttcr r ecarearear frfrttodset•esll d ff,Sheet,r,r, o Announce1Cm t Foo 1 4 ltltd oa)) r 6 ofeas amr rpapereasen fotrts fpf,,o rIIrrinvn pt .itritr withiiantititt..ons , , 2 P rrfolds,iice lilistts,, with 3 sections flaps folding

2. Tri Fold ( fold, C Fold) 4 - Uses: Greeting cards, Announcements, Invitations, Price lists, 3

4 4

3 M - enusShee,t Porfog paperamrs w, itBhook 2 floeltdss, ,B wuitllhe ti3ns sec, Ftilyonsers /flBapsroc hufolrdeins.g inward. 3

4 M- - enusShee,,tt Porfrfog paperramrrs w,, itBithook 2 fflloellttdss,, ,,B wuititllllhe ti ti3ns sec,, Ftitillyonserrs //flflBapsrroc huffollrrdeiins.g. iinwarrd.. 3 M - enusS hee,t Porfog paperamrs w, itBhook 2inward. floeltdss, ,B wuitllhe ti3ns sec, Ftilyonsers /flBapsroc hufolrdeins.g inward. -- - -1 U ffsesolld,,:: ttllhaetttttte crrsrrea,, iinvottes i i1ces tto,, 4s ttaarrtteasemen ffottrrs ,p, Drriinuttrr..ab lle pamphlletts,, Speciialls,,

6 - -1 U fsesold,: tlhaettte crsrea, invotes i1ces to, 4s taarteasemen fotrs ,p Drinutr.ab le , Specials, 5 6 5 6 F l yers/Brochures, Price list. If 8.5" x 11" paper used, the paper can 5 6 F ll yerrs//Brrochurres,, Pririce lilist.t. IfIf 8..5"" x 11"" paperr used,, tthe paperr can 5 Fly2e.. r sT/Briri rFooclhuld ((rLeestt,tt ePrr•ri ffcoUses:elld li,,s Ct. FoIf 8letters,lld.5))" x 11" pape invoices,r used, the statements, paper can durable pamphlets, be 2 p.l lacedTri Fo iinl d s t(tanLedttaerrd f o#10ld, C o rrFo #9ld enve) llope.. be-- p Slacedheett oinff papestandrra wrditit specials,h#10 2 ff oollrds #,9, w enveitith flyers/brochures, 3l opesec.titi ons flflaps ffolldiing iin pricewarrd.. list. If 8.5" x 11" paper -- 32. - f foSZllheeds Fo,, ltdtha o ft t pape crreatrte w ffitrrohm 2 1fo ttlods 6, awrriteash 3 ffsecorr ptirronsiintt.. flaps folding inward. 2-. 3 2..T-- friUoZ l ses FodsFo,ll dl::dt ha ll (eLettttt ecttrrresea,r, iifnvotoel dfr,iio cesCm Fo ,1, s lttdota) t 6te mareneastts ,,f oDru prrabrinltle. pamphlletts,, Speciialls,, 2 .. - TS- ririheeU Fosestll do: fl(( eLepapettettttresrr, fifwonvoitlldh,, i ces2C f Foo,l dsslldta,)) tweitmhen 3 tsecs, Dtiuonsrab loef paalmmospht leequats, Specl ials, 2.-- STFheerilly eForrstt l /o/dBf f (r rpapeLeochutterr e wfsoitit,,l d hP, used, ri2riCc ff eoFo l llidslisldt.t.,,) w IftheIf it it8h.. 5 3" " paper secx 11titi"ons" pape ocanff rra ullms edosbe,t,t tequat heplaced papell rr c anin standard #10 or #9 - - Ss- heeiSFzeheely.e tt rFostfl f/aps o Bpapef rpapeo cfohurrl d wr ebackititwshit, 2hP rif2fandoc lfledso l lidsf,,so wt.rt, itithwIfh itt 8 o3h. 5 msec3" akesecx titi11ons tia"ons papeZ flfl. aps of ra ufflomslleddosiin,tg tequa he iin wpapeal rrd.. r can 1 - Ssiiheezebe.. pt Floacedllfaps pape fifonrl lds w t backanithd 2a randfdo l#10ds ff,o wrtrtohitr h #tt o93 menvesecaketionsl opea Z fl.. aps folding inward. 2 1 be placed in standard #10 or #9 . 2 1 - Usisesbeze .p : lFlacedelapstters if,no i lnvosdt anbackicesdaenvelope.r ,andd s #10ta tfeo mrtorhen #to9ts menve, Dakeurlab opea leZ. . pa mphlets, Specials, 2 1 - Usesbe p: lacedetters i,n i nvostanicesdar,d s #10tate moren #9ts ,enve Durablopele .pa mphlets, Specials, 2 - - U-- sesU- ses2 ::f oll:e:l dslttltteetttt,r retshar,r,s ii,nvo,t iicnvoreaiicesiiceste, , f sr,,o t tsamtttae 1tmte tmeno en6tts at,t,s rD.eas. uSpecrrab folleriia ppall roinffmffte.ph rrs,l,le Pttsrri,i,ce Spec lilist,t,ii a lls,, Fl-y eU-- r2sess /ffBor:llds olec,tt, tetharset,ts ci,nvo rrPearicittcesee fflirrs,o t.sm tIfa 1 t8e tt.mo5 "en6 x at s11rreas. Spec" pape fforri aprl rruoiinsffttede.. rs, ,t hePri cepape list,r can F llFy ellyrresr/r/sB//rrBorrcohuchurrerrse,,s P.. ririIfIfc 8e.. 5lili"s" t.t.x If11If 8"".. 5pape"" x 11rr u"" spapeed,, ttrher u s papeed,, ttherr c an pape ber r can beF lpyleacedrs/B rionc shutanredsa. rIfd• 8#102.5 "folds, xo r11 #9" papeenve thatrlope us createed. , the pape fromr can 1be to 6 areas for print. be3p. lplacedZllaced Fo liidn ii n s ttsandattandrardrr d #10 #10 o ror #9rr # 9 enve envellopellope.. P.. aperr willill open lleftft tto -3 2p.. lfacedoZl dsFo, l lidtnha st andacreatred f#10rom o1r t#9o 6 enve areaslope fo.r Ppaperint.r will open left to -- 2rri i ghffolltdst so,, t tyouhatt ccanrrea ttseee ffrr o 3m sec 1 tttoiions 6 a rareastt sa mffoerr pttiirmriinett... Easy tto handlle -- -2 rS i ghfheeoltds sott , o tyoufhaf papet ccanrearr w tseeeitit hfr o23m ffseco 1llds ttoi,,ons w6 itita hraeas t3 sa sec mfotierti ons ptirmin e to..f f E aasyllmos tott equahandlll e -hando S heetu ottsf ..pape r with 2 folds, with 3 sections of almost equal shandoii ze .. Flulapsts. ffolld back and ffortrth tto make a Z.. s--i ze 2 f.fo lFldslaps,, ttha fott l cdr reaback3.tte ffandZrrom Fold f1o rtttoh 6to a mrreasake ff oarr Zp.rr iintt.. - -U 2ses folds: le, ttthaerst ,c irnvoeatieces fro, mst a1t etom 6en atrseas. Spec for iparl ionfft.e rs, Price list, - - U3ses. Z:: lFolettttledrr s,, iinvoiices,, sttattementts.. Speciiall offfferrs,, Prriice lilist,t, - U3ses.. Z: Folettllde r s, invoices, statements. Special offers, Price list, Fly3e.r sZ/B Forocldhu res. If 8.5" x 11" paper used, the paper can be F lly-e Srrshee//Brrot cohuf paperres.. rIfIf w •8 it..Sheet5h" " 2 x f 11olds"" pape,of wit hpaperrr 3u sseced,,ti ttons hewith pape of a l2mrr c osfolds,ant equabe l with 3 sections of almost 5 - Sheet of paper with 2 folds, with 3 sections of almost equal 6 - Sheet of paper with 2 folds, with 3 sections of almost equal 5 6 placed in standard #10 or #9 envelope. Paper will open left to 5 - Sheet of paper with 2 folds, with 3 sections of almost equal 6 placed in standard #10 or #9 envelope. Paper will open left to 5 p laced in standard #10 or #9 envelope. Paper will open left to 6 3 p. lacedZsi zeFo. l id nF slapstanda folrdd back#10 o andr #9 f oenverth tloope make. Pape a Zr .w ill open left to 3rr..ii gh Zsit it ze Fo so..l l d youF llaps can ffo lseeld back 3equal sec andttiions ffo rtrt size. ahtt ttsao mm akeFlapse ttiim ae Z.. E.. foldasy tto back handlle and forth to make a Z. 4 3r.i ghZ- t U Fososesl dyou : le ttcaners ,see invo 3i cessec,t isonstate amt ensatms.e Spec time.ia El asyoffe rtso, handPricele li st, 3 4 3 4 - handoS4.hee-- IUnssestui deotsf: :. pape Qlleuatttterrts ew,, r iit invoFoh 2ldii cesf o(Dldsoub,, s, ttwaltetite hmPa 3en rsecattllse..ti lSpec onsFold o,iia fAcco lla olmffffeosrrrdsti,, on equaPr rfiiceoldl li,li sQt,t,ua rter fold) 3 4 hando4..- I InsUsesuiidetts:. . Q leuatterrrttse,rr iFonvolldices ((Doub, stallete Pamenrratllllse.l l SpecFolld,,i aAccol offerrrdsiion, P rffiocelld ,,li Qst,ua rrtterr ffolld)) 3 -- handoS4hee.F Ilnsyettu i rdeostfsf/ B. pape Qrouachurrrt ewrreitit Fosh. 2Ifld ff 8o(.Dll5dsoub" ,x, w 11leitith "Pa pape3 rsecallertiti lu onsFosedld o,, fftAcco heallm papeosrdtti onequar c fanolldl be, Q uarter fold) s--i ze-2 SF f.flohee ly lFledslrrapsst,, / / fBttoha rlrdedfoottc lcdhurr eabackinrre thatse..• flffIf Ifandrr Uses:o &8m ..f5 o f1""ol de xrttto h11d 6letters,t o aga" "a papemrreasakein. rrff oaurr s Zinvoices,ped.rr iin,, tt.he. paperr statements,can be special offers, price s -iize- -2 Sp ..fhee l oaced Fldsllapstt , f f otihan l ldedff ostl ltdcanda r backiiean haterd lflffand r #10o&m ff of f o1olldert rtrt oh#9d 6t t oaga envea mreasakeiin.l.ope f aor .Z pP.. r apeint. r will open left to size- Sp.llhee aced Flapst f oiin ldedf oslttdanda backin harrd lf and #10 & f o f olderrtr #9hd t o agaenve makeinll.ope a ..Z P. aperr willill open lleftft tto - U- sesUplsesaced: l:e Lett ienttr se,tr andaisnvo, Prircesodm #10o, tisonat aotre l#9m leaen envefltes.t sSpecl,ope brochu.i aPl apeorffeserr, swse, illPl fropen-imcea illi eslert,sft , to - - U-- sesUrisesgh:: t l l:e:so Letttte youttrttrse,,r r isinvocan,, Prir icesoseemlist,o,, 3titisona ttsecatt eflyers/brochures.llmt illonseaenflfltt esa.t.t ts Spec ,sa, bmrrochueiia tll i morrffffesee. r,r,E s se,asy, Pllffrr--i imceIftoa handil8.5"liilliesrt,rt,s ,, l e x 11" paper used, the paper Fl-y eUrriirghsess/Btt so:r oLec youhutterre scans, .P If r seeo8m.5o " 3 tix onasec 11"ltt iilpapeonseafl earttt s usa,s bedmrochue, tttheiimr eespape.. ,E seasyrl fc- anmttoa handbeiler s,ll e F llysetrairrghtse//Bmt rrsoenoc thuyous, rrIenv cans.i.t aIfIf t seei8ons..5"" 3 ,x F sec11lye""t r ipapesons/Br ochuarr t u sasedrmes,e, .t t hetNimo erpapem. Eallasyyrr cused anto handbe w ithle Flsytteahandorttse/mBrenouctthus,., IrInvesii.tt aIftt ii8ons.5", , x F 11llye"rr spape//Brrochur usredres,. . t Nheo rrpapemallllyr usedcan be w iitth pl8aced.hando5" x i n14 us"tts andapape.. rrd so #10 youcan or can#9 beenve pu t placedpapelope.r Pinapeto inar #9w standardill o openr #10 l eft to #10 or #9 envelope. Paper will p ll8aced..-5 "2" x f i oi n14l ds s""tt anda ,pape thatr rrrcd rso ea#10 youte ofrr o can #9m 1enve pu tott 6papellope areas..rr Piin apefttor a rrp #9wrinillill to . open rr #10 l l eftft tto 1 righst--andat 2so ffo youlrldsd enve,, cantthatt l seeopecrrea .3 tte sec ffrrotmions 1 tt oa t6 sa armrease t i mffoerr .p Erriiasyntt.. to handle 2 2 1 rrii4ghs. t tandaI-ttns 2so ifde o yourrldsd Q enve, ua cantharte tl lsee operc rFoea . .3 l dt e sec ( fDrooubttmiions 1le t aoPat t 6 sar amllreaseel Fottii mfoledr .,. p EAccoriasynt. r tdtoi on hand foldlle, Quarter fold) 2 1 2 1 r4ighs.. tIIandanst soiide your d Q enveua canrrtte lseeoperr Fo .l3l d open sec((Doubtionslle left aPat sarrall mlletoell Fo timrightllde,,. AccoEasy sorr dto iion youhand ffoll dle,,can Qua rrseetterr ffo lld3 )) sections at same time. hando4-. 2Ins fouideldsts. , Q thauatr tcerrea Foteld f r(oDmoub 1 tleo Pa8 arraeasllel Foforl dp,r iAccont. rdion fold, Quarter fold) hando-- -S 2hee ffoulldstts f..o, , lttdedhatt cinrrea hattelf f&frro fmol de 1 tdto aga 8 arirneas. fforr prriintt.. hando-- -S 2hee foultdst sffo., lldedthat icinr eahatlflfe &fr offomllde 1 dto aga 8 aiirneas.. for print. -- -2 S ffoheelldst,, fttohaldedtt crr eain hatte lfffrr o&Easym fo 1lde ttod 6to aga ar reashandlein. fforr prriin handouts.tt.. - -2 U fsesolds: ,Le thattet rcsr,ea Ptreo mfromtiona 1 tol l ea6 aflreeasts, bforochur prinrtes. , self-mailers, -- U ses:: Letttterrs,, Prromotitionall lleaflfletts,, brrochurres,, sellff--maililerrs,, - Uses: Letters, Promotional leaflets, brochures, self-mailers, statements, Invitations, Flyers/Brochures. Normally used with stta4tte. mInsenidetts, , Q IInvuaiittratettiirons Fo,,l d F l(lyeDoubrrs//Blerrochu Pararresllel.. FoNolrdrm, Accoalllly usedrdion w fioitthld , Quarter fold) sta4t.e. ImInseniidets ,Q Invuairtrattetirrons Fo• 2l,ld F folds, ((lDyeoubrs/Bller ochu thatParrarllllese createll. FoNolldrm,, Accoall yfrom usedrrdiion w f1foit lhldto ,, Q 6ua areasrrtterr ffolld ))for print 8.54". xIns 14ide" pape Quarr tsoer youFold can (Doub putl epape Parar llinetlo Fo a l#9d, Accoor #10rd ion fold, Quarter fold) 8..5-"" S xhee 14""t papefoldedrr so in youhalf can& fo lpudettd pape agairrn i.in tto a #9 orr #10 8st.anda5-- " S xhee 14rd "ttenve fpapefolldedloper soiin. hayoulflf &can ffo lldepudt pape agaiinr ..i n to a #9 or #10 4 sttanda- Sheerrd tenve foldedllope in.. half & folded again. 3 4 3 4 standa- Usesrd :enve Lettelopers, P. romotional leaflets, brochures, self-mailers, 3 4 4-. 2Ins-- fUoidelsesds ,Q ::t hauaLetrtttt tcerrreas Fo,, tPeldrr of r(moDmooubtiti 1ona tleo llPa8 ll eaarrafleasfllleettsl ,Fo,f obrrrl ochudp,r iAccont.rr esr,,d seionllff --fmoladil,il eQrrsua,, rter fold) 3 4--.. 2IIns s- f ftoUaiidelldstsesem ,,Q :tent hauaLettrstrtt ttc,ee rIrrreanv sFo,i tttPealld r tffo i rrons((omDmoubo, ti 1Fona tltleyeo Pa8lr ls eaa/rrBrraeasflrllllochueetlls Fof,fo brrl resl dpochu,,rr . iiAcco nNtt..or esrmrrd,a iseillonyl f used-ffomllda,,il eQwruaisth, rrtterr ffolld)) - Sheesttattte fmolendedtts ,,i nIInv ha4.iittalf tt&ii onsInside fol,,de Fldlye agarrs//Bin rrochu.Quarter rres.. Norrma llllFoldy used w iitth -- Shee8.5"tt fxfo l14lded" pape iin har lflfso & youffollde cand aga puitin pape.. r into a #9 or #10 - Uses8..5"": xLe 14tte"" r papes, Prorr msoo tiyouona canl lea puflett s pape, brochurr iinttores a , #9 se lof-rrm #10aile rs, -- Usesstanda:: Lerttttde renvers,, Prrl(Doubleoopemo.ti tionall llea Parallelflfletts,, brrochu Fold,rres,, se Accordionllff--maililerrs,, fold, Quarter fold) 5 sttandarrd envellope.. 6 5 statements, Invitations, Flyers/Brochures. Normally used with 6 5 statsetmandaentsrd, Ienvenvitatlopeions., Flyers/Brochures. Normally used with 6 5 statements, Invitations, Flyers/Brochures. Normally used with 6 stat--e 2m ffenolldsts,,, Ittnvhaitt actrrieaonstte, Fffrrloyemr s1/ Bttor ochu 8 arreasres. ffNorro prmrriinatllt..y used with 8..5""- x2 14fol""ds pape, tharrt socr ea you•t eSheet canfrom pu 1 ttt opapefolded 8 arrreas iintto f inoar #9 phalfr i onrtr. #10 & folded again. 8 8.5" x 14" paper so you can put paper into a #9 or #10 7 8 7 8 standard envelope. 7 8 sttandarrd envellope.. 7 s- t2anda foldsrd, tenvehat clropeeat.e from 1 to 8 areas for print. -- 2 ffollds,, tthatt crreatte f•frr oUses:m 1 tto 8 letters, arreas fforr p promotionalrriintt.. leaflets, brochures, self- mailers, statements, invitations, flyers/brochures. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Normally used with 8.5" x 14" paper so you can put 2 paper into a #9 or #10 standard envelope. • 2 folds, that create from 1 to 8 areas for print.



4 5

4 5


A Guide to the 8 Most Popular Folds 4

3 6 4 5 3 6


55.. QQuauarrtteerr FoFoldld ((FFrrencenchh FoFoldld)) 3 6 5. Quarter Fold (French Fold) 3 - 5.Shee Quartert of paper is Fold (French Fold) - S5.hee Quat orft epaper Forld is ( French Fold) - Sheet of paper is 2 7 ffooldedlded veverrtticaical,l, tthenhen 2 7 f-o •Sl dedheeSheet tve orf tpapeica ofl, t rhenpaper is is folded vertical, then 2 7 ffooldedlded agaagainin 112 887 55.ho. QQfrouaizonualdedrrttetear ragave ll FoyFo.r tlidlncad ((Fl,F rtrenchenench h FoFoldld)) 1 8 ho5. rQizonfoldeduatratellry .Fo l dagain (French horizontally. Fold) - Sheehofoldedrti zonof papeagatallyin.r is 1 8 - -S-5 U.heeU sessesQuat :o: LerfLet epapettrtt eFoerrssr,ld ,i Gs G( rFreeeerenctitingngh caFocarlrdsdds) ,, FFlylyeerrss//BBrroocchuhurreess fol-ded S-ho heeU rvesesizontr to:ica tfLea papelll,ytt t.ehen rsr ,i sG reeting cards, Flyers/Brochures 5. Quafo-- lr 2dedt2e f•rfo o Fol Uses:dslvedsl,rd, t t ithaca(haFrtl,enct cletters,tcrhenreaeah tFo tee 11ld t)too 8greeting8 aarreaseas ffoorr pp rcards,rinintt.. flyers/brochures. 5. Quaf-o rS-tl ededheeUr sesFo tve lo:d rfLe t(papeiFcattrencel,r strhen ,hi sG For eeldti) ng cards, Flyers/Brochures 5. f foQoldedluaded- r2t e agafagaro Foldsininl,d t ha(Frtenc creah tFoe 1ld t)o 8 areas for print. - 5S5.hee. QQ uauatf oo-rlrf tded t2epapee rrf o Fo Folveagadslrdlr d,it si (tnca(Fha F rrl,enctenc tchenreahh Fo tFoe l1dld )t) o 8 areas for print. - S55.hee ho. ho QQrua tri uazoniozon•rft repape2tterta a rFollfolds, llFoyy.rl. d ilsd ( F(Frencr encthathh Fo Fo lcreatedld) ) 1 to 8 areas for print. fo-l -dedS Sheehee vefot ltorded tofi cafpape pape l,aga thenr irni si s fo-l dedS5-.hee UQ ho vesesuat roritzonrf:it ca epapeLerl, tFotta tellhenyrrld s.i s ,( GFrrenceetihng Fo caldr)ds , Flyers/Brochures f-o -Sl dedS-hee heeUses tve to orf: t fpapeiLe capapettl,e trrhen sris ,i sG reeting cards, Flyers/Brochures ffofooldedldedlded- 2 6 aga6-ho aga. fve. Uo QrlQsesidsrizonnuatinuaica , :rt rthal,Letaee llrtr hentytt PockePockec.e rreas , tGett r Fo1eeFo toltidld ng 8 (( RaR caoroeaslllr lds FoFo ,fl odlFdr) l) yp erirnst/.B rochures ffoo-ldedl dedS- hee2 fveveotl dsrorttifcai, ca papethal,l, tthenthen cr rieas te 1 to 8 areas for print. hofofrolifdedzonoldedlded- t agaa2U 6agall .sesfyve o.Qi lndsrinuat: i ca Le, rtthal,tte ert hentrPocke sc,r eaG rteeet Fo1ti ngtold 8ca( Rarordseasll ,Fo F floydre) rpsr/iBntr.o chures 3 hofor li dedzon-- tSagaaSheellheey.i ntt ooff papepaperr wwitithh 33 ffooldldss 3 - hoUhofosesfrolidedrzonlidedzon:- Le2- 6taga a t.fttagavea SlloyellQheeldsy.ri nuats.i nca ,, t Grt thaol,er feert hentpapePocke ctirngea r tca ewt Foit1rdsh t ol3d, 8Ff(o Rlayldoreeasslrls Fo/B frlodor)c phurinret.s 3 - hoU sesrizon -- : ULeUtsesasesttllye.:r :s UU, nGnfforoeeldldingtiingng cards, Flyers/Brochures -ho fU orseslidedzon: tLeagaallytt.ei nr s, Greeting cards, Flyers/Brochures 3 -- - 2 2U fhofosesolds lrBdsizonr:,ochu -, Le tthaSUhatttaheesestellt r cyercsr.,rea :t ,ea S UoGtfnepte repapeeef o 1 1lby dti ttongiong r 8 8 w ca aaitrhreaseasds 3 ,f o fFfololdryr se pp rsrini/nBtt.. r ochures (Roll Fold) -- UUsessesB6.r::ochu LeLe Quarterttttereerrs,s ,,S GGteprreeee bytitingng caca Pocketrrdsds,, FFlylyeerrss//BBr roFoldocchuhurreess 2 - -2 -ho2 f6U of .rsol sesidstzonlQepdsB- ,ua r: ,Utochu ti haLensatrseshatlletytttr rtc.euc r :crPocke ereaUsr,tea ,inonsS tGfetoepe rl1eed t,1 i Fotngby otito ng8l d8 a (caarReasroreasdsll Fo,f ofForl ldryp )epr irnsint/.Bt . rochures 2 - 2 f6o.sl dstQep,ua tihansrtettr rcuc rPockeeationste 1t, Foto 8ld a(rReasoll Foforl dp)r int. 2 - -2 2U f osesf6olds.sBl dstr:Qep,ochu Le,tua ha tihansttrtet retctrer rscuc, ea ,rPockeS eaGttiepeonsrteee 1 by1 tit, ongFot o 8 8 lcada ar(reasrRdseaso,l lf F oFoflory repl drps)irn /iBnt.t r.o chures - CSaheer•ds Sheett, of pape rof wit paperh 3 folds with 3 folds. 2 - 2- Cf6So.aheel dsrQds,ua t,t haorft etpape rc rPockeeart ew 1itt hFot o3 8 ldf o a(ldrReasso ll Foforl dp)r int. - AU-dve sesCsStaepheertir:ds Usinsti,n ofgtrof uclpapeditngions r w, ith 3 folds 1 6 . Qua- AUrtdveseser Pockerti: Usinfgot l dFoingld (Roll Fold) 3 1 6 . QBuarochu- rACtSUe•dveaheeses rr Uses:rPockedserti,:t , S Uostifnep papefgto Fo lunfoldingbydilng dr w( Ritohl l3 Fo folld) s brochure, step-by-step 3 1 6. BQ-r- uaochu 33 frfotoeldslrdse Pocke,,, tSthahateptt t byFo ld (Roll Fold) 3 - 6S . heeQuaB-t rAorUochutfdvee sespaper Pockertir: eUsr,i nSwfgtotitep lhFod i 3ngbyl df o (lRdos ll Fold) 1 - 6S. heesQtcepuartea- o ri3nstfte epapefrtro frPockelucdsomt,ri ons tw1ha titt ohFo,t 83l df o(lRdos ll Fold) 3 -6 6. S.s QheetQcepuaruaea tri tnsorteinstructions,etfer tr papefrrPockeuc oPockemtions r1 w tt otFoit, h Fo8 l3 dl df( oR(lRdoosl lcards, llFo Foldld) ) . - - USsesheesB: tUrtc-ep ochu ro3neaf f fiopapensotleldrdstr eifrnguc,, o rSt mhatwtiepons it1th tby o,3 8 fo lds 2

Cards, 2 - -- U 6SsesS.Chee heeaQar:reas uaeasdsUtt onor,ft ff e fo papefopaperoldr rPocke i pngprrirnir n wtwt.. itt it hhFo 33 l dffo o(ldlRdsos ll Fold) - Uses: Unfolding 2 B-r ochuU- AsesSdveCsheeret:caep ,Urrti reaSeasdst n sitonsfepit,onfe lgpapetr fd froby ucingro m pti ronsr i 1nw tt.ito ,h 8 3 folds B-r ochuU Asesdvere: ,Urti Snstfepionlgd by ing 1 2 - Uses: Unfolding 1 stBepBrochu-r ochuinsSU ACheesestrrdveaeucr•re,easds :t ,tS3Uorti ionsS,tfn ep sfolds, tpapefepion ,rlgby d byp ing rri nw t .itthat h 3 fo lcreateds from 1 to 8 areas for print. stBeprochu- ins3 ftroreuclds, tS,ions ttepha ,tby 1 CasBrt-Bdsrep ochur-U ochu , 3Asesins dvefortrelr:ds euc,Urti ,S, nt Sstitfeponsihatoneplgd tby i ,ngby Cssatteprepdsc r ieans,i-ns 3trttr efuco ucfrldstotionsimons, t1ha, , t ot 8 1 CstBaep rrcochudsr eains, ttrereuc fr, otSimonstep 1 ,tby o 8 ACdveasratdsrtiep reasc-s, ri3ineans gf of trtoeldsucr frp,tor iionstmnhat .1 t, to 8 ACdveCaarradsrtidsreas s,, i ng f or print. - A3A dvefCsdveotlaepds7rtir7cads.rti ,. rsi eanseastHsi,nhaH iangtrtaelfg t uclf f fro -- tro Ti Tonsmprrir i i f1nfo,o t lt.dlo d 8 - A3 dve foldsrti 7,s .ti nhaHg ta lf - Tri fold cr-ea A-3 AC3dve tf edveoaf-o lrdsfr adsrtildsSrortieas,sm,hee ,itsn ha ti1ngha f tg tot o tr f8p pape rint. r folded in half, then Tri folded. cr-ea 3 tfeo - ldsfr 7So.,mhee tHha 1a tttlf o - f8 Tpape ri forld f olded in half, then Tri folded. c- rA-3 ea 3 dvef- otf 7.eoldsU- rtildsfr ses,Sso ,tiHalfmheen hat:gha 1B t ttrt ochuo f8 pape -res Trir, fMolapsded fold, iCn haharlf,ts ,t henLarg Ter id fioagldedram. s aacrreasreaseat e f-fo ofrrrU o ppsesmrrini n1tt.: .t Bor ochu8 res, Maps, Charts, Large diagrams ccr r-eaea 3 ttfeeo - lfrdsfr oUSom,mheeses t ha 11 :ttt o oB 8fr8 ochu pape rres fo,l dedMaps in, haChalf, rtthens, La Trrgie f odldediagr.a ms 1 aareascr easrea -- f 3t o3ef or f fo frrop ldsoplrdsimrni,nt, . t1t tha.ha tott c8cr reaeattee ffrroomm 11 ttoo 1212 aarreaseas ffoorr pprrinintt.. 1 aarreaseas7 . H f-fo oa•3rrUlf pSheetf pseso-rr ilTnidsntrt:.i. , Bf otharlochud oft cr earpapereste, Mfrapsom ,folded1 C toha 12rts a, rLa easinrg ehalf,fo dr ipagrinr athent.m s Tri folded. 1 acr 7eaeas . tHe fafrolfro -mp rT i1nri t t.fo l8d - S7 hee.- 3H afto lfol dsf- papeT, rtiha fortl dfco rleadedte ifnro ham lf,1 theno 12 T arrieas folded for. print. 1 ar -eas Shee •fo Uses:r tp orfin papet. brochures,r folded in half, tmaps,hen Tri fo charts,lded. large diagrams - U-7 .ses SHheea: lfB tr- ochuo Tf rpapei foresldr , fMolapsded, iCn haharlf,ts ,t henLarg Ter id fioagldedram. s 2 2 3 - Uses: Brochures, Maps, Charts, Large diagrams 2 2 3 7 7 .. HH-a a3lflf- -f-o US TlTdsheersesri i f,fo ot:tlha dlBod f rt ochu papecreartrese f of,rl odedMmaps 1 i nt,o haC 12half, ratthenrseas, La T rforgire f opdlrdediiagnt.r .a ms 2 2 3 7 . -H 3a lffo •-l ds T3r, i folds, tfhaoldt crea thatte from create 1 to 12 a rfromeas for 1pr itont. 12 areas for print. 32 2 3 -- 7 7S.S. hee heeHHaa-tlf tlf 3 oU -o -f ff Tseso papeTpaperlrids i f:fo o,Bl rdltrd har fochu fooltdedl dedcreares initne, ha Mhafrapsolf,lf,m t then,1hen C toha T12Trrti si fa,fo orLaleasdedldedrg .ef. o dr ipagrinrat.m s 3 - U-7 7.ses S. HheeH-a: 3alfB tlfr-f ochu o -Tlf ds Trpapeir fi, or ftesolhadlrd , t fM oclrapsdedeat,e iC nfr haohamrlf,t s1 ,t hentLao 12rg Te ra idr easfioagldedr afomr. sp rint. 3 -- - US Ssesheehee : tBt oorfochuf papepaperesrr ffo,o lMdedldedaps ini,n C hahahalf,lf,r t tsthenhen, La TrTgrrei i ffodolidedagldedra.. m s 3 - 3- f-7o US.l Sdsheeses8Hhee . ,a Ht:tlfha B toa- of lfrt Tochu fpapec- rpape riZ eaf ofrlotrdese lr df of f,rol odedMlmdedaps 1 i n ti,on haC 12hahalf, lf, ratt henrsteashen, La T rfTorgire i f opfdolrdediiaglndedt.r .a .m s -- - 3 U Ufosessesl ds8.: ,: BHtBhararochuochulft c- rZear resfesotel,d, Mf Mroapsapsm 1,, CtCoha ha12rrt tsas,r, LaeasLarrg gfeoe r d dpiagiagrinrrta.a mmss - -3 -3 Uf oUSf -sesol dsheeses lSds8,hee:. ,t:Bt ha HtBoharochutafrt ochu olfpapetc fcr- eapape rZeares rtrfeseo tfe, lo frd, Mr l fo fdedMroapsomlapsmded 1 i,1 n t,C o tihaConha 12 ha12half,r t ras lf,ttahen,rs eas r,Lat eashenLa rT grf orge fiZore fdr op fdiopaglrdediilagrndedinrt. .am .m s s 11 - 3 fo -l8. dsS,hee thaHalftt ocfr eapapet e- fr r Zofoml ded fold1 to in 12 ha alf,reas then fo Zr pforilndedt. . 1 - -3 3 Uf ofsesolds-8l ds.S ,: ,HtheeB hataharochulft t tc - o rcZeafr earpapefesoteltde, f Mrfror apsomfom lded1 ,1 tC oto hai12n 12 rha tas ar,lf, easrLaeas thenr gf oefor Zdrp i pagrfiornilnrtded.at .m s. -- UUsesses:: BBrrochuochurreses,, MMapsaps,, NNeewwleletttteerrss.. 1 - 3 fo-l ds•US ,Sheetheeses tha:tt Bocfrr ochueapape ofte r frespaperr ofom,l dedM 1aps to in 12,folded haN ealf,wreas ltehentt ef or insZr. pf orhalf,ilndedt. . then Z folded. -- 33 ffooldslds,, tthahatt ccrreaeattee ffrroomm 11 ttoo 1212 aarreaseas ffoorr pprrinintt.. 8 . H- a3Ulf f seso- lZds :f ,oB tldharochu t creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 N toe w12le ttaereasrs. for print. 8 . Half - Z fold - S8hee.- 3•H ftaUses:o olflds f- pape Z, tfhao lbrochures,rdt fcorleadedte ifnro ham lf,1 t henomaps, 12 Z a rfeasolded newsletters. fo.r print. - 8S.hee Hat lfo -f papeZ foldr folded in half, then Z folded. - U- sesShee: Btr ochuof paperesr, fMolapsded, iNn ehawllf,ett tehenrs. Z folded. 8 . Ha- lfU - sesZ fo: lBd rochures, Maps, Newletters. 1 8 . H- a3lf- f o-US l•Zdsheeses 3f,o tl:tdfolds,ha Bo frt ochu papecrear tresethat f of,rl odedMmaps create1 i nt,o haN 12elf,w altehenr easttfromer sZ f.o fro lpded1ri ntot.. 12 areas for print. 11 - 8S8 . hee. H-H a3-talf folf Uo- f -l sesZdspape Z f o,f :olt dhaBlrd r fochuto cldedrearest ein ,f rhaMomapslf, 1then ,t oN 12e Zw lafeortteasldeders .f. o r print. - 88S.. hee HHa-a tlf3 lfo -f-f o ZpapeZl ds ffoo,l dldtrha fotl dedcrea itne hafrolf,m t1hen to 12Z f oalrdedeas. for print. 1 - U- ses8S. heeH: Batlfr ochuo -f Zpape froesldr , fMolapsded, iNn ehawllf,ett tehenrs. Z folded. -- - USSsesheehee- :3 tBt oforofochuf l papedspape, rthaesrr ffo,to lMcdedldedrapsea t ieni,n Nf harhaoemlf,wlf,l e 1tthentthen teor s 12 Z.Z fafoorleasdedlded .f. o r print. - 3- f-8o US.lS dsheesesHhee,a t:tlfha Bto -ofr t Zochu fpapec paperfeaoldrtr ese rf off,rol odedMlmdedaps 1 i n ti,on haN 12haelf,w lf, alte henrteastthener sZ f.Zo fr o folpdedlrdedint.. . 2 2 -- - 3 U Ufosesseslds:,: BtBharrochuochut crearreseste,, MfMroapsapsm 1,, NtNoe e12wwlel eattttreeaserrss.. for print. 2 2 - -3 U USfsesoheeseslds: ,:Bt tBoharochufr ochupapet crearesrres tfe,o , Ml fdedMrapsoapsm i,1n ,N thaNoe ew12lf,wle l tettahenttereasersr .sZ . ffoorl dedprin. t. 2 2 -- 33 ffooldslds,, tthahatt ccrreaeattee ffrroomm 11 ttoo 1212 aarreaseas ffoorr pprrinintt.. 2 33 2 33 - -3 3 Uf ofsesNeedoldslds,: ,tB hatharochut tc rcea rmoreearestete, f Mrforapsomm 1 ,1 tN ocomplicatedto e12 w12l ea ttareasereasrs. f ofor rp prirnint.t . folds? Put your 3 3 - 3 folds, that create from 1 to 12 areas for print. 3 3 company ahead of the competition with 1 11 a BAUM folder that is capable of many 1 folds beyond the 8 most popular. 4 3 4 3 4 Looking for a solution, recommendation or product 3 4 3 11.. HHaalflf FoFoldld ((BBi-i-ffoolinformation?dld oorr SSinginglele ffooldld)) Contact a Baumfolder bindery & 1. Half Fold (Bi-fold or Single fold) -- SSheeheett ooff papepaperr wwitithh aa ssinginglele ffooldld,, bobotthh ooff equaequal l ssizeize.. 1- .S Hheealft Foof lpaped (Bi-rfinishingf owldith o ar Ssingle f oprocessld,) both of equa expertl size. at 800.543.6107 or -- UUsesses:: GGrreeeetitingng cacarrdsds,, AnnounceAnnouncemmenenttss,, IInvnvititaatitionsons,, PPrriceice lilissttss,, - USseshee:t Gofr eepapetingr wcaitrhds a, sAnnounceingle fold,m boenthts o, fI nvequaitatilons size, .P rice lists, MMenusenus,, PPrrogogrraammss,, BBookooklelettss,, BBuulllleetitinsns,, FFlylyeerrss//BBrroocchuhurreess.. -M Uenusses:, GPrreeogtirangmvisit sca, Brdsook, usAnnouncelets ,online Bullemtinsen, ts Fat,l yInve rsbaumfolder.com.it/aBtironsochu, Prerisce. lists, -- 11 ffooldld,, tthahatt ccrreaeatteses 11 ttoo 44 aarreaseas ffoorr pprrinintt.. -M 1enus fold, tPharogt crraeamstes, B 1ook to le4t sa,r easBull efotirns p,r inFtl.y ers/Brochures. 1 1.. HHaalflf FoFoldld ((BBi-i-ffooldld oorr SSinginglele ffooldld)) 1-. 1H faolfld Fo, thald t( Bcriea-fotlesd o 1r Stoing 4 laer easfold )f or print. 2 1

- Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 2 - S 1.hee Hat lfo fFo papeld (Br iw-foithld ao rs iSnginglel efo fldo,ld bo) th of equal size. 1 2 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 1 -- UU sesses:: GGrreeeetitingng cacarrdsds,, AnnounceAnnouncemmenenttss,, IInvnvititaatitionsons,, PPrriceice lilissttss,, 2 1 22.-. USTTrisesheeri FoFo:t lGdold fr (ee(papeLeLetittttngeerr w fcafooitldrlhdds, , a CC, s Announce FoiFongldlde)) f old,m boenthts o, fI nvequaitatilons size, .P rice lists, MMenus 1enus2. . HT,a, ri PlfP ForForogogldlrdra a (m(LemBsistt-,f, eo BBrlookd ookf ooldrl el,Se tCtsisng, , Fo BBleuul lldflleo)e tiltidnsns) ,, FFlylyeerrss//BBrroocchuhurreess.. SOLUTIONS - -1- S-M S1 fheeUo.heeenus lsesdH,t at oha:lf,o f GPf Fo papetpaper rceeoglrdea tir(arngBrt mes wiw- sitfcaito ,h1 hlB dr 2tds2 oook o f for,4o lSAnnounce dslladseirngteas,s, w,lw eBitit hufho ll 3rle3d mpti sec)sec nsrenin,tit tti.onss Fons,l yInve flrflsapsitaps/aBtirons o ffocolhudl,d inPirnegrgis ce i.ni nw wliasatrsrdd,. . -- 1U-2- sesf S.oS1 heel.heeTd :,riH lt ethaaFot tt olfoef tlf Fo dr papecpapes r(,ealLe dinvo (tttresBr e wiwi-r cesf it1itofho hltd lo da,2 o, s4 sfrtC ioa angS ltrdsFoeieasnglme,l denlfweo )f itlotdfhsor, , l p3dboDr )seci unthrtab. otifonsl eequa pa flmapsl phsi zelfeotl.sd ,i nSpecg inwiaalsrd, . - -MU -1 enussesS1 f.heeo lH:d l,ae tt Plftthao refFoog rtpapes clr,d raiea nvom(Brst iesw-,if cesoBit hl1ookd a,to srs lt e4iaSngt tsaieng,rl measeBl eneufo ll fletfdosoti,l,d rns bo D)p u,rt ihrnFab tlo.y fle eequar spa/Bmrlo phcshuizelert.se ,s Spec. ials, Fl--y - 1eU US- rsesf sheesesoS/lBheed:r, :to G tlochaetrhu ftteeo papetef r crtipapeesrngsea, ,i rnvo Pt caeswrri itwcr idsh1ceseit h2tli,o sAnnounceaf, t.o 4 s sl dstIfaiang r8teas,e .lw5me"it en f hxofo mlt113drs en,,psec "boDr itpapensuttit,hr. onsab I nvofrl e itequa ufl apasapstiedonsml, phfsto,hei lzePlde ritpapen.isce g, Spec ilinsrw tcsaan,ir adl .s , 11.. F HHl-ya aeUlflfrses s FoFo/Bl:rdl odG c ((BrhuBeei-i-frtifoeonglsdld, oPcaorrir ScrSdseinging li, slAnnounceelt.e fIffoo l8dld.)5) " x m11en" tpapes, Invr ituastiedons, t,he P rpapeice lisr tcsan, beMF- plUenus-yl acedesesUSrseshees/,:B Pli:retn o rGtto ogcsefrhut eeranpapersar,mti edingnvosas,r, d PwBca irices#10ookitcrhdse a, l lieo, s strAnnouncetst.i ang#, t If9eBl me8uenve .llenf5oe"lti tdxsnsl,ope ,m 11 boD,en uF"t. hrl tpapeyabs eo, rflI senvequa/ rBpa ituraosmticedlons phhus,ize lrtee,he t.sPs ., r papeiSpecce lisri tacslan,s , - S be1hee. M Hpenusltaaced olff Fopape, Plidnr og(srBt anwria-fitmodhlasd ar, d o Bs r#10iook ngSingle leo lftreos # l,df 9oB, ludenveboll) ethti nsloopef, equaF.l yelr ss/iBzero. chures. - SheebeFl-yM eUptenus rlosesacedsf/ Bpape:r, o G Pcinrhuree ogrs wrttianeritangshm,d aPsca r,risd Bcri ngdse#10ook lil,e sAnnounce lt.efoo trIfsl d# ,8 ,9B .bo 5uenve"ll txeh mti 11onslenfope "equa, tpapesF.,l yInvel rss itiuze/aBstiedr.onso c, hut,he Pre rpapeisce. lisr tcsan, 2-. 1 - 2 -.ST- 1friH1heeo flaFofodsolfldlt d, lFo,d o, t thaftha( lhapapeLedt t (t cttB crcereair-eareaf owftoteldtesitles dh for, o 1arC1 m S tstoFo io1ng 4 4lt dol aea) r 6reasfeaso aldreas ,) f foboorr t pfhpor rioni npft t.requa. i nt. l size. -- 2 UU-. ses 2sesbeT f-riMo :1p :lFoenus Gds lGacedfror,eelld eedt ha,(ti tiLe tPngihangtn rctt og str cae caeatcanr rafreadstomdsedl dast,f,es r,, Announce od AnnounceCBm #101ook Fo 1to lt ldoe4) tr 6sa #, rm a9easmBr eneasuenveenll teftsosti ,fr, nsol IopeInvprnv ,rp iitnFitra.ital n.yti titeons.ons rs/,B, PrPorricceicehu lirliesststs.s, ,

4 -2 S-. 2heeT frio tlFods of,l d papet ha(Let cttr rewearit fhtoe la df r,s oCimng Fo 1le lt dofo) 6ld ,a boreasth ofof requa printl. size. 3

- Uses: Greeting cards, Announcements, Invitations, Price lists, 4 M- enusShee- ,1t P oforfog lpaped,r athamrs tw ,c itBreahook 2tes floe lt1dss ,t o,B w4uit llaher tieas3ns sec, fFotilryons perisn /fltB.aps roc hufolrdeins.g inward. 3

M- enusShee ,t Porfog paperamrs w, itBhook 2 floeltdss, ,B wuitllhe ti3ns sec, Ftilyonsers /flBapsroc hufolrdeins.g inward. 4 2-. 2T frio lFods,ld t ha(Let cttreear ftoel dfr, oCm Fo 1 ltdo) 6 areas for print. 3 - - 1 U-M -fUses oenusSlsesdhee,: tlha:e, t Gtt Poter rfceerog papesrea,ti riangnvotmesr s caw i,1ces itBr tdshoook , 2 ,4s Announce ftlaoaerlttdseasesm, ,B enw ufoitlltrhes m, pti 3nsDren isecnu,tr t.abs Fti,l yonsIlenv rpasit /flaBmapstironsophc hulfeo, tlPrsde,ri nisSpecce.g ilinswitasal,sr d, .

4 - -1 U fsesold,: tlhaettte crsrea, invotes i1ces to, 4s taarteasemen fotrs ,p Drinutr.ab le pamphlets, Specials, 3 6 5

Menus, Programs, Booklets, Bulletins, Flyers/Brochures. 6 F l-y -1e US rfsheeseso/lBdr,:to tlochaehuftt papete rcresrsea, ,i rnvoPt eswriitc ih1cese 2tlio sf, t.o 4s l dstIfaa r8teas,e .w5m"iten hxfo t113rs ,psec "Dr ipapenutitr.onsab rle ufl pasapsedm, phftohellde itpapensg, Specinrw caaniradl .s , 5 6 Fl 2ye. rTs/riB Forocldhu (rLeestt, ePr rifoceld ,li sCt. FoIf 8ld.5) " x 11" paper used, the paper can 5 be - F- 12 plU y.lfaced esesoTrldsri,/ : BFo t lhairenottl dcste hu tcr(ansrLeear, edittnvosatees,r rdP firi1ces#10oc ldteo,, liC4oss rt at. aFo#r tIfeas9el md8enve).en 5fo" trxs lope ,p11 Drinu".t r .papeab le rpa usmedph, ltehets, papeSpecri aclans, 6 be p 2laced. Tri iFon sldtan (Ledattredr #10fold ,o Cr # Fo9 enveld) lope. 5 beF-- l SyS eheepheerlaceds/Btt oroof f ci papenpapehu srtanersr w,dw Paititrhridh c 2e#102 flifooslds lt.dso rIf, , # w8w9it.it 5henveh" 3x3 sec11seclope"ti tipapeonsons. flrfl apsuapssed ffo,o ldtldheining gpape ininwwara rcrddan.. -- 3 22. ffoZo2-l dsl.FoSds heeT,, ld trithaha Fot tot clfcd rpaperea ea(Letteett r fe frwroro mitfmoh l 1d21 , tftoCo l 6dsFo6 aa,lr dreasweas) ith f3foo rsecr pprrintiinonstt.. flaps folding inward. 2. 3T-be-. - ri2 UUZ psesFof sesolFoacedldsld:l: d l,(el Leettt hattinette rtesr sctr,an, r ifeanvoionvodldtae,ir cesiCdfcesr o#10Fom,, s ls1dt tao )at trote e# m6m9 en aenenvereasttss,, Dl Dopefuourrrab abp. rlielne t pa.pa mmphphlelettss,, SpecSpeciaialsls,, 2-. ST3heeri.- FoUSZthee ses Folodf l(pape:tdLe lo eftt papeerr s wf,oit ilrhnvod w ,2 Cit ifhceso Fo l2ds fl,do ,s )lwdst aitt,he w m3it ensech t3s ti,sec onsDutir onsabof lae lfl mpaapsosmt ph fequaolldeitnsgl, Specinwairadl.s , 2- -F.S F3 2lyheel.T y efrieoZr rls FodsstFo/ /BoB,lfr dl rodtpapeoha c (cLehuhut cttrrre eeawsrs ,itf, to PehPl ridfri2rc,c oefCeom lillidsFo s1st.t. ,lt d oIfwIf) 68it8h. .5a 53"r"eas xsecx 1111 ftio""ons r pape papepr ionfrt r. a uulsmsededos,, t t theequahe papepapel rr ccanan - - SsSiheezehee- SF-. thee lUt yF ooeseslfapsf r papestpape /o:B flf reopapeottrlcrd e whu wrbackitsitrh,h e iwnvo 2s2it , fandhfoPo ilrices2dsldsc ffeo,o, , l w rtlidswssithtitt.ah, h t t woIfe 33 itm m8 sechsec.enake 53" ti tsectixsons ons ,a11 D tiZ u"ons fl. flr papeapsabaps loe f forpaao ludlmdsminiednosphgg ,t i lniteequanhewtwsa, a paperSpecrdld .. ri aclans, 1 2sbei.ze T .pri l acedFFolapsld (i nfLeo sldtttan ebackr dfoalrd dand, #10C Fofo ortlrdh )# t9o envemakelope a Z. . 2 1 - Sbehee placedt of pape in srtan witdha r2d f#10olds ,o wr #ith9 3enve secltiopeons. flaps folding inward. 2 -- UUsessess- iSFze:heel: y l.ele ttrFttstel e/apsorBrsfs r,pape, o i nvoicfnvoohuldir cesi ebackceswsit, ,hP, s sri2tandtac afteotee lm lidsmfsoent.enrt, hwIftts itst8,oh, . D 5Dm3u"u akersecxrabab 11l tielae"ons papapeZpa.m mophfph ra ullelmestedtsoss,, Spec,tSpec tequahe papeiaiall sls,, r can 1 - U- 2sesbe fo :lp dslelacedtt, ethars ,ti nicnvo rseatanitcesed far,ro dsm t#10a 1te tmo o en6r #at9sreas. enveSpec folropei apl roi.nff te. rs, Price list, 2 Fly -e US-sr sihee2sesze/ Bfo.r :tol dsFlocelhufapstt, papeetharres sf,to ,ic rlnvoPd rwea ribackitcihtcesee 2 lif srf,andot.o sm ldstIfa 18tf,eo .tw5mrto"ith en 6hx t oat113s r meas,.sec "DSpec akepapeu tirfonsoab ari ar lpeZ l u rfl o.ipas napsffedte.m r,s phft,ohe Pllder itipapencesg, Specliinsrwt, c aaniradl .s ,

- Uses: letters, invoices, statements. Special offers, Price list, 1 Flyersbe/B prolacedchure isn, sPtanricdea lirsdt. #10 If 8 .o5r" #x9 11 enve" papeloper u. sed, the paper can 2 F -F lylUyeeses-r rs2s/ /B:fB orlreoldsottcchue,hu rtsharr,e eisnvots .c. IfrIfea i 8ces8.t.5e5" ", f xrsx ot 11a11mte" "1 m pape papeteno 6ts rar , uruDeasssuededrab ,f, o tthelrehe ppa paperpapeinmt.ph rr l cecantans, beSpecbe ials, be F plF-yl acedelUyresessr/sB /ir:Bn ol recsotthutcanehursedr,sa ei,rnvos dP. ri#10Ifci ces8e. 5lio"s,r t. sx# t Ifa911 t8eenve".m 5pape"en xlopet s11r. uSpec". s papeed,i atrhel uo sffpapeeders, ,t herP cri ancepape belist,r can be3p.Fp l acedllpZacedy le aced-Fo r2s /lf iBdnoin r lidso snstc tandas,huanda ttanharedtrs rdac,d rrP #10dea#10ri #10cte o oflir rr oso #9#9rt.m # If enve91enve 8 envet.o5 "6l opelxope a lope11reas.. " P P.papeape apefor rrp r w rwuiillnsillt ed. open open, the lel epapeftft ttoo r can - 23 be . f opFZ lllpdsacedy Foleaced,r stldha/ B in rti oncsc rtshuandaeatanrted srfa.rd roIf d#10m 8#10 .15 "ot o rxo 6#9r11 #a 9"renve eas papeenve lfopeorlrope u ps.r ediP.n apet,. ther wpapeill openr can le beft t o - r2ber ighi 3ghfo. ptlt dsZl soacedso Fo, youtyouhald i tn canc cansreatan seetseeed afr 3od3 m sec#10sec 1 tt tioonsions r6 # a 9 ara teasenvet sasam mfoleopeer tptimirm.i neet... EEasyasy ttoo handhandlele -- S-S 2heeprheei ghlfacedolttdst osoof,f papei tnpapeyouha st anda crcanr r weawitit thrseeehd 2 f2#10r fofo3oml dslsec ds o1r, ,t#9 wtowionsit it6 henveh a 3 3ra eas sectsec salope timftioonsonse.r Ppti aperm oionfef t a..ar l Emlwmasyosillos topent equatequao hand lel l ft lteo handohando -3 .S heeZ uFoutts s.lod. f paper with 2 folds, with 3 sections of almost equal s si-zei ze2handori. gh. f o FFltdsl apslsoapsu, tyousha f.fo otldl dccan backrbackea tseee andfandr o3m sec f fo1ort rtthtohions t6too a m mraeasaketake sa mf aoa er Z Z p.t. ir minet.. Easy to handle -- 2s-2 i S ze ffoheeol.dsl ds F,t, laps tothahaf papet t f cocrlreadear backtwteeit fhfrro o2andmm f o 11l dsf totort , 66hw aitatrohreas eas m3 akesec ffoor rti a ponsp rZrini.n t t.o. f almost equal - Uses: letters, invoices, statements. Special offers, Price list, - U3-handoses. 2Z f o:Fo ldseuttltd,se t.rha s, ti nvocreaiceste f,r ostmat e1m toen 6t sa.r easSpec foiar lp orffinet.r s, Price list, -s 3iU ze. sesZ. FFo: lapsleldtt e frosl,d i nvobackices and, s tfaotrtehm teno mtsake. Spec a Zia.l offers, Price list, F ly e- r23s /.fB oZrldso Foc,hu tlhadr ets c. rIfea 8t.e5 "f rxo m11 1" papeto 6 ar rueassed f,o trhe p rpapeint. r can be Fl-y eSrhees/Brto ocfhu paperes.r Ifw 8it.h5 "2 xfo 11lds" ,pape with r3 u secsedti, onsthe opapef almr oscant equa be l 5 p laced F- -lU ySesesheer isn/: B stl retooandattfc epapehursr,r edinvos r#10 .w Ifiti ces8h o. 52r ", #9 f soxt l ads11envete," m wpapeenitlopeht s3r. . sec uSpecPsapeedtions,i art helw ooill ffpapef eopenarlsm, osrP crletiance ftequa tbelios t, l 6 5 3. Z Fold 6 pl aced- S heein standa of paperd #10r wit ohr 2#9 fo envelds, wlopeith 3. Psecapetionsr will o openf alm osleftt equato l 5 3r. i gh pFZsslilt acedzeyi Fozesoe.rl. s d you F/ FBilnapslrapso scancthuanda ffoo rlseedeld sr back.backd If 3#10 8sec . and5and "ot irxons #9 f11foort rt"aenveh hpapet tsatoo mmlmoperakee akeu ts.im ed P aaeape , Z. Z tE.he. asyr wpapeill t oopen handr can lel ebeft t o 6 3 r.i gh Zt - Fo soSlhee dyou t ocanf pape seer 3w itsech 2ti onsfolds a,t wsaithm 3e sectimeti.ons Easy of taolm handost equale l 5 size. Flaps fold back and forth to make a Z. 6 4 3rp-.i ghlUacedZsest Foso :li dnlyoue sttteanda rcans, invo rseed #10ices 3 sec o, rs t#9taionste envem enat tsalopes. mSpece. Ptiapemiael .ro Ewffasyeillr sopen, tPo rhandice le ftli sltet,o 3 4 - handoShando44.hee . - I InsUnsstisesuize deuiodettsfs. . pape:. Q QFleualuaapstterrrtr tesw efr,orit FoilhnvoFod 2lbackdl dif ceso ((DlDdsoub oub,and ,s wtlaelit etf heo PaPa mrt3h enrsecra atllotlles emti.l lons FoSpecakeFoldl do ,a, if Accoa AccoaZl lo.m ffoserrdrdtsi oni,equaon P frfoioceldl d, , li QsQt,uaua rrtteerr ffooldld)) 3 4 - S3rFhee.i ghlyZ-e t Ut For sososes/fBl dpapeyour :o lcehu ttcanre rwresit s,seeh .i nvo If2 8f3o.i 5ceslsecds" x,, t 11wisonstita"h tpapee 3am tsec ensar tmtiusons.se edSpec tim ,o tefhe .iaa El lm papeasyoosffet r trsequao , c handPanri lce bele li st, 3 s-i ze-2- Shando SF4.fhee o.hee ly FldsIenslapsrt,s tu if de/totBhas lfdedf r. opapeo Qt lcdcuahur backieanrr t ehatwesrit . lffFo andhrIf o& 2ml8 d f. fo 5fo(1olD"del rtds txouboh d ,11 6 t woaga la" eitm r papeheasPaake i3n .rsec af rolla eur ti Zlsp onsFoed.r in,ltd .to ,he fAcco a papelmosrdtri on equacan fo lbedl , Quarter fold) 4 - 2 fo- lUdsses, tha: lte cttreearst,e invo fromices 1 ,t os t6a taermeasen tfso.r Specprint.i al offers, Price list, 3 size- handopS4l.acedhee. F IFlnsylapsetui r defistons/ l B. dedfs Qortloandauadc backihurnt eharrred Fos lfand#10. &Ifld f 8 o(fo.Dol5rdert oub"#9 hxd t 11oenvelagae m "Pa papeakeinlrope.a ll aer. l u ZPFos.ape edld,, rtAcco hewill pape openrdionr c lfeanoftld tbe,o Q uarter fold) s- -iS pze-2 lheeSaced .fhee o Fldstl apso t,i fn f topape has ldedftoandat ldcrr backieawnr ithadteh #10 lff2andr o&fom ofl dso fr1ol de#9 rt,t ohwd enve6itt oagah a m3reas akelisecopen. f tioa.ons r P Zpape.r ionftr .a wlmillos opent equa leftl to - U- sesUsesF:l yl:ee Lettrse/ttrBser,r oisnvoc, huPrircesoems.o ,If tis onat8a.t5e"lm lxeaen 11fltes" .tpape sSpec, brochur iuasl edorffes,e tr,he sse, Ppapelfr-imcea rilli escrt,ans , be - U - -rsesU i2ghsesp flot:aced lsods:e Lett ,youe tttrihasne, r stcanis nvotc,anda rPea rseeicesotmerd of, 3r #10tios seconatmat e1otlmi ronstl oea#9en 6fl t aenveesat.tr seassaSpec, bmloper ochufeoi art. ilm p Porreffapeiesn.e tE.r, sasyrse, wPlfillr -tim ceoopen ahand illiesrt, sl e,le ft to Flsy-ste aiUrze-rit sghesesSU/.mBhee ses tFr en:soo lapslc:ett husLettfyouo,e lrIdedttfrnveos escanl,dr i.tis nvoaIfbacki,n t Pi8 seeonsha.ri5ceso" mlfand , 3x&Fo, 11sectil syefona tofa"olr dettrtspapeeions/lhm Bdl eatr enoagaochu raflm tteus ake.satsi nsedSpecr,.esm b ,aer .t ochu heNtZiiamo. l r papeeomr.ffes aEellr,asyy rsse ,cused Pan lftr-oim ce behand aw il liietshrt, sl e, Fl syhandoteartsrpei/ghlmBacedrentuo sotcsthus .i ,nyou rI nvestsanda i.cant aIft i8ons .rsee5d" #10 ,x F3 11l yesec o"r spape #9t/iBonsr enveochur auts saledropeesm, .t e.heN Ptoi apemrpapemea.r ll Ewyrasy illcusedan open t obe whand iltehft lteo F- lUhandos-y tesesUartsesse/:mB lu:reen otLettsce.thu sttr,se r,Ir nveisnvos,i .tP aIfrit cesoi8onsm.5o", ,tisx Fonat a11lyete"lmr lspapeeaen/Bflrtochuesr.t suSpec,s bedrresochu,i .at heNl oor ffesrpapemer,a ssell, yrPl fcusedr-ianmcea beilli eswrt, ist h, p pl8acedl aced.5" handorxi gh i ni14n t s s"sot tandaupapeanda tyous. rrd dcanso #10#10 you see oor r can #93#9 sec enveenveputtions papelopelope a.tr. PsaiPnapeapetmo ear r t#9 wiwmillill eo open.ropen E#10asy lel etftoft thandtoo le 8F-.l 5y2e" frxos l/14dsBr",o papetchahutr cerrs easo. If t youe8 .f5ro "can mx 111 put"o pape t6 pape areasr ur si nedfotor, apthe r#9in tpape .o r #10r c an be righsptandalt-8saced sot.2a5 t"f eo yourxm lddsi n14 enenve ,scan "tt andahaspape, lItseeopenv crrieadt .aso 3 #10tt iesecons you fr ot,ir mons F can#9 lye1 taenve ropust /6saBt arpapemlochuoperease t.irm r Pfesioneapert..o pEN arasyrio n#9wrtm.ill tao oopenllr yhand#10 used l eleft w toit h 2 1 2 1 r4igh. s Itnsandat so-handoi de2 youfr odQl dsuaenveu cant,sr t.ha e lrseeope tFo cr l.ead3 (sectDe oubftrioonsmle 1 Paa tto rsa a6ll mealre easFo timld ef,o .Acco rE pasyrinrtd .t ioon hand foldl,e Q uarter fold) 4rp .i ghlI8sacednst.anda5t i"sode x i nyou14Qr dsua "tenve anda papecanrter lrFoseeoperd so #10ld . 3 you( Dsec ooubr can#9tionsle enve puPa atrt apapesalopelleml Foe.r Pitnilapemdto,e Accoa.r E#9wasyill ro dopenr it ono#10 hand f ol eldft, lteQo ua rter fold) 2 1 handohando-- 242 . ffoI-onsu lu2dsltdsts isfde.o,. , l tdstha haQ,uat t t chacrreateaet rct terFoeea ffrlrodtoem m( fD r 1ooub1 m ttoo 1l 8e8 t aoPaar reas6easr allr ease ffolo rFor pfporlridrnin ,t pt.Acco. r int. rdion fold, Quarter fold)

- S heet folded in half & folded again. 2 1 - 2- handor S ifghos-hee lt2dsandat fsoo,tu ltfds thaoyousrld.ded, t tenvecha canr eaitn c t lhaerseeopeea flfrot .e&3m ffsec ro1ol mdetot i ons1d6 tagaaor aeas8t i ansar. easfmore p ftroiimnr tep. .r iEntasy. to handle - 2 4- f .oS Ilheensdsi,de t haf oQltded uacrear tientre haFo frolfldm & ( D1fo oubtlode 6dl ea agarPaeasrian llf.o erl Foprinldt,. Accordion fold, Quarter fold) - U ses : Letters, Promotional leaflets, brochures, self-mailers, - -handoU 2-ses 2fo flods:u lLedst,s t.tt,ha etharts c,t rPceareaotmet eofr tiofonarmom 1l 1tloea t o6fl 8ea traseas,r easbr ochufo fro pr rpiesnritn., tse. lf-mailers, - SU heeses:t Lefoldedtters i,n P haromlf &oti fonaoldel dlea agafletins,. brochures, self-mailers, s t-a 2te fmolendst,s t,ha Invt citraeationste f,r oFmlye 1r sto/B 6rochu areasres fo. rN porrimnta. lly used with sta4t. e Imnsenidets Q, Iuanvrittaetri onsFold, F(Dlyeoubrs/lBer ochuParallresel .Fo Noldr,m Accoally usedrdion wfoitldh, Quarter fold) -s4 tUa. tsesIensmi:deen Le tQstt,eua Irnvsr,ti etParr tFooionsmldo, ti (FonaDlyeoublr lseal/eB flParochuetrsa, llberreslochu Fo. Nldor,esr Accom,a sellyrl fdused-imona ilf eowrldisth, Quarter fold) 88..55"" x4x . 14 14Ins"" papeidepape Qruar sosort e youyour Fo cancanld ( D pupuoubtt papepapele Parr irniantlltooe ala Fo #9#9l d oo,r rAcco #10#10 r dion fold, Quarter fold) s- tSatheeement fotslded, Inv iinta hationslf &, fFollyederds /Bagarochuin. res. Normally used with s tanda8-. 5S4"hee. rxIdns 14 enveti def"o papel dedQlopeua rirn .tso ehar youFolf &ld canf o(Dldeoub pud tlaga epape Painr.ar llinetlo Fo a l#9d, Accoor #10rd ion fold, Quarter fold) 4 standa- Srheed envet folldedope .i n half & folded again. 3 4 - Uses: Letters, Promotional leaflets, brochures, self-mailers, 3 4-. 2Ins8s -ft. oanda5Uidel"dsses x ,Q14 rt:dhaua Le "enve trpape tttceerrear Fosloper,t esoPld rf .ro ( oyouDmmoubo ti1canona tleo Pa8pul laeartra easpapefllletl sFof,or bril nrdpochut,ro iAccon at. #9resr do, irseon #10l ff-om lda, ilQeruas, rter fold) 4 4-. 2Ins fo-i delSdshee ,Q thauat ftro tceldedrrea Fot eilnd f rha(oDmlfoub &1 tfleo ldePa8 adrra easagallel Fofino.r l dp,r iAccont. rdion fold, Quarter fold) 3 4s-. tt2Iandaans- t feUoimdelsesdsrend ,Q :ttenve hauasLe, tIrtt nvtcelroperiea tsFoa, ttPi.eonsl dr fo r(moD, mFooubti lye1ona tlreos /lPa8 Bl eaarochurraeasfllleetls rFo,fes obrr.l d ochupN,r ioAcconrtm.r esallr,dy sei onusedlf -fmol daw,ili etQhr uas, rter fold) 4 - Sheestatt efomldedents i,n I nvhailfta &tions folde, Fdlye agars/iBn.r ochures. Normally used with 3 - S4-8hee. 2.I5nss- f"tUo taix delftsesds oe14lm ded,Q ":ent hauaLepape tistrntt t,c e haIrrnvrea s Fosolf,i t tPe&al dyour t foif ronso(moDlmde ooubcan,ti 1dFona ltl agayeeopu lPa8r tls ieaanpape/rBr.a easflrllochueetlsr Fo,fi onbrtreslo dochup ,ar. i Acco nN#9t.or es romr,d a #10seillonyl f used -fmolda,il eQwriuasth, rter fold) - U-ses S8.hee5:" Le xt f14ttoelded"rs pape, P irno rham soolfti you&ona fo llcan delead fl puagaetst ,pape inb.r ochur inrteso a, se#9l fo-mr #10aile rs, - Ussestanda8st.:a5 Let"e rxmdtt 14 eenenvers"t ,spape P, lIropenvomrit .oaso titionaons you,l lFcanealyefl erpusts/Bt, rpapebochurochurr esinrest.o N ,a seo #9rmlf- amollra y#10il useders , with 5 sta-t eSUsmtheesesandaen:tt sLefro,d lIdedtt nvenveerits ai,n tPil onsopeharomlf,. &Fotil yefonaolrdes/l Bdlear agaochufletinsr,.es br. ochuNormresall,y se usedlf-m awiliethr s, 6 5 sta-t e2m8s ft.oenanda5l"ds txs ,,14 rtIdhanv "enve tipape tcarteaionslopert eso, f.Fr oyoulyem r 1scan /tBor ochu8pu atr easpaperes .f oNr rio nprtmroin atll. #9y used or #10 wi th 6 5 s- tU-a 2tsese fmo:len dsLet,s ttt,hae Irnvst ,ic tPareartoionsmteo f,tir oFonamlye 1lr lseat/oB fl8rochue atsreas, brresochu fo. rN porresrimnt,a. sellyl fused- ewristh, 6 88..55"" xxs- 14t142anda "f"o papelpapedsrd, tenverhar sosot c youlyouropeea t can.ecan fr o pupumt t 1 papepape to 8r ra inrineasttoo aa f #9o#9r p oorrir n #10#10t. 5 6 8 8st.a5t"e xm 14en"t spape, Invrit asotions you, Fcanlye rpus/Bt rpapeochurr esint.o N ao #9rm aollr y#10 used with 7 8 ssttandaanda- r2rdd f enveoenvelds, lopetlopehat. . c reate from 1 to 8 areas for print. 7 8 - 28s ft.oanda5l"ds x ,14 rtdha "enve tpape crealopert eso f.r oyoum 1can to 8pu atr easpape for ri nptroin at. #9 or #10 7 8 - 2 folds, that create from 1 to 8 areas for print. 7 s- t2anda foldsrd, tenvehat clropeeat.e from 1 to 8 areas for print. - 2 folds, that create from 1 to 8 areas for print. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2