4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 6 3 6 3 6 6 5. Quarter Fold (French Fold) 3 5.. Quarrtterr Folld ((Frrench Folld)) -- Sheett off paperr iis f-o Sldedhee tve orf tpapeical, trhen is 2 7 ffollded verrttiical,l, tthen 2 7 ffollded agaiin 1 8 5..hof oQldedruaizonrr ttagaetarr llFoyin. l ld ((Frrench Folld)) 1 8 5.ho Qrriuaizonrtettarll llFoy.. ld (French Fold) -- S-- heeUsestt o:: fLef papetttterrsrr , ,i i sG rreetiting carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres f-o S-l dedheeUses tve o: rfLe tpapeicattel,r strhen ,i sG r eeting cards, Flyers/Brochures 5. Qffuao--ll ded r2t e ffor lveFoldsrrl,,tdt iittca ha(Fl,l,trt enctcthenrreah t teFo 1l d tto) 8 arreas fforr prriintt.. 5.. Quafo-l dedrr2tte frro Folagavedslrl,dt it nca ha((F l,rrtenc tchenreah tFoe 1lld t))o 8 areas for print. 5. Qff oualldedrte raga Foiilnd (French Fold) -- 5S..hee Qhof ouatltded r oirzonrftft e pape rraga tFoallylilrrdn . i i s((F rrench Folld)) - 5S.hee Qho uatrr iiozonrft epapert taFollllylrd.. i s(F rench Fold) fo-l dedShee-ho U versestizon ortfi ca:pape tLeal,ll yttthen.er riss, Greeting cards, Flyers/Brochures ffo--l l dedShee-- U vesestt orrttfifi ca: :pape Lel,l, tttttthenerr r risis,, Grreetiting carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres fofoldedlded- 2U 6aga .sesfve oQldsrinuat:i ca Le, rtthal,tte ert hentrPocke sc,r eaG rteeet Fo1ti ngtold 8ca( Rarordseasll ,Fo F floydre) rpsr/iBntr.o chures ffoffolldedllded-- 2 6 aga ..fvef oQlldsririnuattiica ,, rrttthatl,l,e rtrt hent tPocke crrea ttett Fo1 ttolld 8 (( R aorreasllll Fo ffllodrr)) prriintt.. hoforlidedzon- 2 tfagaaollldsy.i n, that create 1 to 8 areas for print. 3 3 hofforrlili dedzon- t tagaaSllllheey..ii n t of paper with 3 folds 3 - Sheet of paper with 3 folds 3 -ho fUorsesl i dedzon--: tLeSagaallheeytt.ei nrtt s o, ffG papereetirngr w ititcah r3ds ffo, llFdlsy ers/Brochures -- hoUses rriizon-:: LeUttasesttttllllye.r.r :s ,U, Gnfrroeeldtitiingng carrds,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres - hoUses rizon--: LeUtasesttllye.r: :s U, Gnffroeellditiingng cards, Flyers/Brochures -- 2- U ff oseslldsBr:,,ochu Letthatttte rcerrsr,ea ,S Gtteepree 1 by tittong 8 caarreasrds, ffFolrry perrisin/tBt.. rochures - -2 U fosesldsBr:r,ochu Lethattte rrcersr,,ea , S Gtteperee 1 by titong 8 caarreasds, fFolry eprrsin/Bt.r ochures 2 - Uses: Letters, Greeting cards, Flyers/Brochures 2 6.B rQochuuartreer, PockeStep byt Fo ld (Roll Fold) 2 -- 2 f6fo..sl l dstQep,,ua t thainsrrttetttr rrcuc rPockereationstte 1tt, Fotto 8lld a ((rRreasollll Fofforrll d p))r r iintt.. 2 - 2 f6o.sl dsttepQ,ua tiihansrtettrtr rcuc rPockeeattiionste 1,t, Foto 8ld a(rReasoll Foforl dp)r int. - CSaheerdst, of paper with 3 folds -- CSaheerrdstt,, off paperr witith 3 ffollds - ACUdveasesrdsrti:, Usinfgo lding 1 -- AUdvesesrtirti:: Usiinnfgfo lldiing 3 1 6. Quarter Pocket Fold (Roll Fold) 3 1 - AUdvesesrti: Usinfgo lding 3 6. Quarter Pocket Fold (Roll Fold) 1 6.. QBuar-ochu rr3tte fror lPockerdse,, Sthateptt tFo bylld ((Rollll Folld)) 3 6. BQr-r-uaochu 3 r fftoellrrdsr ePocke,,, , S tthattepttt byFo ld (Roll Fold) - 6S.. heeQsBtuar-epochu t3 orr tftifenso paperlrrds trePockeuc,, Strhatti eponswtttit Fohby, 3 lld f o((Rldosl lll Folld)) -- 6S. heesQttcepuatrtr ea o r itiffnse t tpapeer tr tr Pockefrfrucomrtrti i onsw 1ittit thtFoo,, 3 8l d ffo (llRdso ll Fold) - - USsessheetcep:r eaUt ionsntfef opapetr frlducoingmtionsr 1w tito,h 8 3 folds 2 2 -- -- U SsesheeCa::r easUdstt on,ff f o papefloldrii ngprri nwtit.it h 3 ffollds 2 - - USsesCheeaa:rr easdsUt on,,f f opapeffoldrr i ngprrrii nwtt..it h 3 folds 2 B-r ochuUACsesdvearreeasds: ,Urti S,n s tfepionrlgd byp ingri n t. B--r ochuUAses dvere:: , U rtiSnstfepfionllgd by iing 1 BrochuAdvere,rti Ssteping by 1 - UA ses dve: Urtinsfionlgd ing 1 sttBeprochu -ii ns 3 trtrfroucelds, ttSiions,t eptha, , by t 1 sBteprrochu -- i ns3 ftrfroreucllds,, Sti,ons,t t epttha ,byt t Csatrepds- 3,ins fotrldsuc,t ionsthat, Csattreprdsc rr,i,ieans trttrteuc frfrtotiionsm 1,, tto 8 ACdvearc ds rtireas, integ from 1 to 8 ACdvearradsrti rtirreass,, iing ff orr prriintt.. - AC3 dveaforadsldsr7rtieas,.. , s Htinha afgolflf tr --p Trirnrii t f.fo lld -- A3 dve ff olldsrti7rti.,,s titHinhaga lft t - Tri fold cr-Aea 3dve tfeo- rtildsfr Sso,imheen tgha 1 ttt o f8 pape r folded in half, then Tri folded. cr-r-ea 3 tftfeo- -l ldsfr fr So,,mhee ttha 1 t tt t oo f f8 pape rr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. acr-ea eas3 tfeo - fldsfr orUo ,mpses trha i1n t:tt. o B r8ochu res, Maps, Charts, Large diagrams acrreasrrea t t -ef-f o frrUfrr opsesmrriin 1t:t:. B ttorrochu 8 rres,, Maps,, Charrtts,, Larrge diiagrrams acreasrea t -ef o 3frrU fopsesomrlidsn 1t:. , B ttoharochu 8t creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 C toha 12rts a, rLaeasrg efo dr ipagrinrat.m s 1 arreas -- f3fo rfrfo plldsrriin,,tt ..tt hatt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 1 areas7 .- f3Ho rafo lfpl dsr-i nT,t .rt iha fotl dc reate from 1 to 12 areas for print. 7 .. Halflf -- Trrii ffolld - Sheet of paper folded in half, then Tri folded. -- Sheett off paperr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. - USheeses:t Bofr ochupaperres fo,l dedMaps in, haChalf, rtthens, La Trrgie f odldediagr.a ms 2 2 3 -- Uses:: Brrochurres,, Maps,, Charrtts,, Larrge diiagrrams 2 2 2 2 3 3 7 . H-a lfU -ses Tri: fBolrdochu res, Maps, Charts, Large diagrams 2 2 3 7 .. H--a 3lflf -f-fo Tlldsrrii f,f,o ttlhald tt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. - 7S. heeH- 3a tlff o-lf ds Tpaperi, ftohalrd t f oclrdedeate i nfr haomlf, 1 t hento 12 T rair easfolded for. print. 3 -- 7S.. hee Hatlftlf o --f f T paperrii ffollrdr f follded iin half,lf, tthen Trrii ffollded.. 3 - - US seshee : Bt orochuf paperesr f,o Mldedaps i,n C hahalf,rt sthen, La rTgrei fdoiagldedra.m s -- -- U S seshee :: Btt orrochuff paperresrr f,f,o Mlldedaps i,i,n C hahalf,lf,rrtt stthen,, La r rTgrerii fdfoiiaglldedrra.m. s - -3 Uf oseslds8.. ,: HtBhaarochulflft c-- rZea rffesotelld, f Mroapsm 1, tCo ha12r tasr, easLar gfoer dpiagrinrt.a ms -- -3- Uf f osesllds8., ,:: tHtBhaarrochulftt c-r rZear rfestoteld, , f f Mrroapsm 1,, ttCo ha 12rr ttasr,r, eas Larr gffoerr dpiiagrriinrtrt.a. ms 1 - 3 fo-l dsS,hee thatt ocfr eapapete frr ofomlded 1 to in 12 ha alf,reas then fo Zr pforilndedt. 1 -- 3 ffo--ll dsS,hee, tthattt t o cffrr eapapette frfrrr offomllded 1 tto iin 12 ha alf,lf,rreas tthen ffo Zrr pfforriillndedtt.. .. 1 - Uses: Brochures, Maps, Newletters. -- Uses:: Brrochurres,, Maps,, Newlletttterrs.. - 3 folds, that create from 1 to 12 areas for print. 8-.- 3H ffaolfllds - Z,, t thafoldtt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 8.. Halflf -- Z ffolld - Sheet of paper folded in half, then Z folded. -- Sheett off paperr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Z ffollded.. - USheeses:t Bofr ochupaperres fo,l dedMaps in, haNelf,w ltehentter sZ. folded. 8. H--a lfU -ses Z f::o Bldrr ochurres,, Maps,, Newlletttterrs.. 1 8 .. H-a lflfU --ses Z ff:o Blldr ochures, Maps, Newletters. 1 8. H--a 3lf ff-o Zllds fo,, ltdtha tt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 1 - 8S. heeH- 3a tlff o -lf ds Zpape f,o tlhadr tf oclrdedeate i nfr ohamlf, 1 t hento 12 Z a froeaslded fo. r print. -- 8S.. heeHattlflf o --ff Zpape ffolldrr ffollded iin half,lf, tthen Z ffollded.. - - USseshee: Bt orochuf paperesr f,o Mldedaps i,n N haewlf,le tttheners .Z folded. -- -- U Sseshee:: Btt orrochuff paperresrr f,f,o Mlldedaps i,i,n N haewlf,lf,lle tttttthenerrs ..Z ffollded.. - -3 USfoheeseslds,:t tBohafr ochupapet crearres tfeo, l fdedMroapsm i1n, thaNo e12lf,w l teahenttreaser sZ. ffoorl dedprin. t. 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- -3- Uffosesllds,,:: ttBharrochutt crrearrestte, , f fMrroapsm 1,, ttNo e12wl l eattttrreaserrs.. fforr prriintt.. 2 2 - 3U fsesolds: ,B tharochut creareste, Mfrapsom ,1 N toe w12le ttaereasrs. for print. 3 3 -- 3 ffollds,, tthatt crreatte ffrrom 1 tto 12 arreas fforr prriintt.. 3 3 1 A Guide to the 8 Most Popular Folds 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 (Bi-fold or Single fold) 1. Half Fold (Bi-f1.old oHalfr Single fFoldold) 1.. Halflf Folld ((Bii--ffolld orr Siinglle ffolld)) -- Sheett off paperr witit•h Sheet a siinglle ffofolld ,,paper botth off equa withll si izea ..single fold, both of equal size. - USseshee:t Gofr eepapetingr wcaitrhds a, sAnnounceingle fold,m boenthts o, fI nvequaitatilons size, .P rice lists, -- Uses:: Grreetiting carrds,, Announcementts,, IInvititatitions,, Prriice lilistts,, Menus,, Prrogrrams,, •B ookUses:lletts,, Bgreetingulllletitins,, Flly ecards,rrs//Brrochu announcements,rres.. invitations, -M 1enus fold, tPharogt crraeamstes, B 1ook to le4t sa,r easBull efotirns p,r inFtl.y ers/Brochures. -- 1 ffolld,, tthatt crreattes 1price tto 4 arr easlists, fforr pmenus,rriintt.. programs, booklets, bulletins, flyers/ 1. Half Fold (Bi-fold or Single fold) 1 .. Halflf Folld ((Bii--ffolld orr Siinglle ffolld)) 2 brochures. 1 2 1 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 2 1 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 2 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. 1 - Sheet of paper with a single fold, both of equal size. - - Uses:: Grreetiting carrds,, Announcementts,, IInvititatitions,, Prriice lilistts,, -2 U.. sesTriri : Fo Grlldee ((Letingtttt ecarr ffr•ods lld1,,, AnnounceCfold, Folld) ) that men tcreatess, Invitations 1, toPri ce4 liareassts, for print. M2enus.1 .T riH ,,aFo Plf rrlFodog (lrLerda m(ttBesi,-r, f Bofolookdld o, rClle S ttFosing,, Bldlue) llllfeotitildns) ,, Fllyerrs//Brrochurres.
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