Thursday, November 16, 1978 tt,e ~rd Wee~ly Volume 19, Number 9 WLU Press acquires new equipment• bv Carl Friesen has to date published 41 books Last Thursday, WLU Press all priced at $10.00 or less, as held an open house to demon­ well as 3 journals. According to strate some of its new equip· Harold Remus, Director of WLU ment. This equipment brings the Press, sales are up 75% during Press well up to modern stan· the past year. Some titles are dards in electronic printing now out of print, but all are technology. Now, a computer available on microfiche. console almost anywhere in the As the system works now, the world can be used to programme manuscript is typed on a com· the Press to print a variety of puter console, and the in­ print types and sizes. Much of formation is translated into tape the credit for the private format, which is then fed into the ingenuity and work goes to Dr. type machine. Here, Hart Bezner, director of the com­ length, type size, and print style puter centre, and his staff. in the final copy are selected, and Since. its beginning in 1974, a sheet of print the size of the WLU Press has done its best to final copy is produced. This is print scholarly works in small photographed, and the negative volume at low cost, with no frills. used in the final paste-up, which Because commercial publishers is done by himd. The actual prin­ are only willing to print books ting is done by other presses, and journals with large print generally out of town. runs, many excellent works of According to Remus, the main limited demand would never be significance of the Press is that a zw published if it were not for small University like Laurier has (/) w presses such as the one here at one. It produces a significant ir • IL WLU. To some extent, this number of publications, and has >­ II) operation must be subsidized to a good reputation in scholarly 0 ii: offset costs. Part of this finan· circles. Works are selected for cing comes from the University publication which receive Harold Remus, director of the WLU Press, and Doreen Armbruster, an assistant, stand beside the new favourable recommendations, type machine. The photographic stabilizer/printer is sitting on the table. itself, because of its belief that the publication of scholarly and relate to the University's Board discusses travelling costs works is necessary. The Press areas of teaching and research. by Dave Creek the Board appeared to be badly student meeting in order to help Breithaupt debates on WLU day Sunday night's meeting saw split on the issue. formulate a response to the A confrontation between of politics, is sponsored by the some interesting decisions han· Hadlow presented to the Senate Ad-hoc Committee on James R. Briethaupt, Liberal political science department and ded down by the WLUSU Board Board an OMB order which had Trends and Strategies. MPP for Kitchener, and politics will begin at 1:30 p.m. in room of directors. As part of the given approval to a one hundred The Lounge Policy Chairman, and business students, is one lEI of the arts building. At that president's report, Mike Hadlow and fifty dollar expenditure to John Spadoni, reported that he feature of WLU Day Nov. 16 at time, Mr. Breithaupt will discuss presented to the Board, two send Gerry Huddleston to Van- would like to purchase four Wilfrid Laurier University. why politics and politicians are regulations concerning travel ex- couver as a representative of the pieces of portable stage to About 600 high school studen· "necessary to our society." penses, on WLUSU business. CORD, in order to cover the replace damaged sections ofthe ts are expected for the event. Also planned for the day is a The first presented under the Laurier-UBC game. Hadlow stage in the Turret. It was pain­ They are encouraged to attend 50 minute music concert title BOD 4, dealt with reim- gave the Board the OMB reason ted out that the estimate which as many lectures and events as featuring Hirochika Chimoto on bursement for actual travel. The for sending a CORD repres- Spadoni presented to the Board they can in during the day. cello and Garth Beckett on Board amended the presentation entative and not one from Radio was no longer valid. The Board, Classes are open ·and demon­ piano. The concert is being held so that paid travel was limited to Laurier. Mark Filo asked why therefore, told Spadoni to go strations are set up to help in the theatre auditorium at a 800 km or 500 mile radius of either should have been sent, and ahead with the purchase, and did acquaint students with univer­ noon. WLU. Exceptions could be made questioned the rationale used by not limit him to a cost limit. sity life. WLU student guides Other events include a number to this rule with notice to the the OMB. The expenditure was The Board voted in favour of are on hand to give campus of demonstrations, a contest on OMB. accepted, Mark Filo asking that giving the President and Vice- tours, beginning at 9:15a.m. historical figures, and films, in· The second proposition, BOD it be recorded that he was in op- president of WLUSU executive The confrontation with Mr. eluding the award winning prom· 5, dealt with gas allowance for position. passes for the Turret. The Board Breithaupt, called the business otional film, "I Chose Laurier". the use of private cars, and meal A motion to allocate four hun- granted these passes, but, again allowance while on the road. This dred and twenty five dollars in this case, the vote was in­ item of the agenda consumed from the SUB fund, for the in· dicative of a divided Board. most of the Board's time. stallation of screens on the out­ Health plan dilemma Several Directors, who in the side of south-facing windows on Radio Laurier Station past have used their own cars for the first floor of the SUB was Manager, Larry Greenberg, in by Barry Ries obtain reimbursement from WLUSU business, were ex· presented. It was passed with lit· response to questions asked by The Ontario College of Phar­ Health Services.) tremely upset with the low rate tie or no discussion. the Board, reported that RL can macists is investigating a Every full-time student at of mileage which was proposed. The CUA, Dave Crapper repor· be heard in the dining hall, if the complaint filed by one of its WLU pays $3 (when registering) Even when it was pointed out ted that he has gone ahead with dining hall staff are asked to members about the arrangement towards the Drug Plan, which is that in the past some represen- a proposal for an OFS question· turn up the sound. Greenberg between the WLU Health operated by WLU. This allows tatives of WLUSU had profited aire. He reported that it will con­ also reported that Clara Conrad Services' Student Drug Plan and the student to obtain prescrip­ by up to one hundred dollars un- sist of four half page ads in the A and B wings have RL sound UI}iversity Pharmacy. tions for the token sum of 25 cen· der the old mileage plan, these CORD, and a fifth article on the for the very first time, and that One of the regulations gover· ts, up to a maximum of $100 Directors still opposed the new results of the questionaire to be C wing and Willison should have ning pharmacies states that par­ (retail value) per year. Oral con­ plan. The discussion of this item released in early 1979. The com­ sound within the next two to macists "shan't participate in an traceptives cost the student was extremely controversial, and missioner has also set up an open three weeks. agreement restricting the $1.50 per month through the patient's choice of a pharmacy," Plan, as opposed to about $3 said Mr. Owen, Director of In­ over the counter at a pharmacy. vestigation of the Ontario Colin McKay, Director of Sutherland loses but still happy College of Pharmacists. Owen Student Services, told the Cord Mike Sutherland, the WLU the issues of lower bus fares for campaign, and received explained that the Infringement that the Plan pays for itself. student who ran in Monday's students and the inadequate donations of $50. His money Committee of the OCP would be Should there be difficulties in the election as an aldermanic can· housing available in Waterloo may have been well spent, as he looking into the matter and existing arrangements, WLU didate in Waterloo, would have for university students. Mike informed the Cord that he and reporting its findings later this might have to buy a drug plan been happy to get one thousand estimated that about 85 studen­ two other students will be month. (It is the pharmacy that from an insurance company. The votes. Fifteen hundred was all all ts voted at the WLU polling working on the problem of may be at fault, not WLU.) other alternative, that of he expected at most. He came station and that he got about 76 student housing. The experience As things stand now, a allowing a student to use the ser­ out of the election with 2,168. of their votes. and exposure will be helpful to student requiring a prescription vices of any pharmacy and then Two thousand plus votes is a In talking about the election, him in the future, as he said "I filled takes it to Health Services, being reimbursed by Health Ser­ respectable number, but Mike mentioned that the Kit­ am definitely going to run again, who then fill it at University vices, would mean a substantial Sutherland still only finished chener-Waterloo Record's after I graduate." Pharmacy, which is located on increase in administrative eleventh in a field of twelve. In coverage of the Waterloo elec· King Street, across from the problems for Health Services· Waterloo's election, the eight tion was "very poor. I was the "I'd like to thank all those Athletic Complex. Mrs.· Donna staff, according to McKay. candidates with the most votes only candidate in Waterloo who people who took time out to vote Teigen, a nurse at Health Ser­ Last year, 682 students used win. Figures available Tuesday was written up." Mike also felt for me," he said. vices, told the Cord that it is the Drug Plan. Figures supplied revealed that the most popular that the coverage of all­ their policy to issue prescrip­ by Mrs. Tiegen of Health Ser­ alderman elected was Mary Jane candidates meetings was poor. "It's been a great experience, a tions through only one pharmacy vices revealed that five hundred Mawhinney, with 5,429 votes. He told the Cord that he missed learning experience. I could tell because it cuts down on the and eighty-five of the students Thomas Biggs obtained 3,852 two because he didn't even know last week that I wasn't going to paper work and is much more used it for more than $3 worth of votes for eighth spot. Obviously, they were taking place. win, but I learned a lot. I can go convenient than dealing with prescriptions, and of these, one Mike didn't do too badly. Mike estimates that he spent back to City Hall anytime and many pharmacies. (Students hundred and twenty-three used The third year Honours between one hundred and fifty provide input on students' con­ cannot have a prescription filled the Plan for more than $25 worth History student campaigned on and two hundred dollars on his cerns." at their own pharmacy and then of prescriptions. Pege2 The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 16, 1978

University students have difficulty finding apartments p~

by Charles Sousa behaviour' or having a working that some students ruin it for the w.!l Julie Pellizzari person sign the lease for them. rest. It is just like car insurance A survey conducted in the In the Landlord's Act, students policies on teenage drivers. The Guelph-Kitchener-Waterloo area are not considered under the majority are quite good and showed that landlords were Human Rights Code. In certain responsible yet the focus is on the discriminatory against students. instances rent money was de­ few irresponsible and rowdy The survey consisted of tele­ manded in advance for twelve cases. Students have a difficult phoning approximately thirty months on an eight-month lease. time finding an apartment which apartments which were for rent The Human Rights Commis­ is suitable and many times have ienta and asking the landlords if they sion stated that turning down to settle for one which is far from that accepted students as tenants. students as tenants was legal but the university or in bad condition. what Fifty percent of the apartments discriminatory. Many landlords Students add to the economic opini surveyed did not want to rent to were generalizing and stereo­ development and growth in the students, in particular first-year typing the university student. A flow of income and cash. Guelph students. A small percentage of change is being asked for in this and Kitchener-Waterloo are un­ the landlords who would consider legal policy legislation. iversity cities which depend upon renting to students required When asked for their opinion, their students, yet they discrim­ WELk~.-THE RENT either signing a 'policy of the Better Business Bureau said inate against these people. IS t

Square Claire, her tease her, Claire feels lost and no longer needed. WEDNESDAY and Claire is the first to agree. Alone at home, she's started drinking to ' She's never fancied a career. pass the time, hoping that would somehow Blue Grass Liberation is not her style. solve things. aboard the with OCEAN QUEEN The only fulfillment she ever wanted Of course, it won't. There isn't a beer, woth was to marry the man she loved and raise a wine or a spirit made that can cure ''MADISON ASPEN a happy family. loneliness or, indeed, any unhappy in the AVENUE" · You wouldn't think of Claire as a situation. Qualified professional help is 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Bridgeport Lounge.) candidate for a drinking problem­ what Claire should trust to get out from but you'd be wrong. under her problem. The trouble began with her husband's The wisdom of enjoying a drink r YOUR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT"' success. The more demanding his work sensibly is easy enough to accept when THURS.·FRI.·SAT. became, the less time he had for Claire. things are going well. But it's when the Thurs.-Sat. FRI.-SAT. Now it's the children. Suddenly going gets rough that moderation is even in the Bridgeport in the Ocean Queen they're independent young adults, eager to more vital to remember. Lounge DENNIS McLACHLAN be off on their own. ''DOON SAT. AFTERNOON VILLAGE "JAZZ SESSION" \.. ROAD'' 3-6 P.M. ~ Stagrm • Convenient Parking 574 LANCASTER ST. W., KITCHENER- 7434331 Page4 The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 16,1978 Editor ...... Barry Ries News Editor ...... Karen Kehn THE Sports Editor ...... Gerry Huddleston The Cord Weekly is published by Student Publica· Production Manager...... Deb Slatterie tions of Wilfrid Laurier University. Editorial opin­ Entertainment Editor ...... Kurt Ditner ions are independent of the University, WLUSU CORD Photo Manager...... Roo Simpson and Student Publications. The Cord reserves the Photo Technician ...... Stan Switalski right to edit all articles and letters submitted to it. Ad Manager ...... Bruce Cunningham The Cord is a member of 'the Canadian University WEEKLY Phone...... , ... 884-2990 or 884-2991 Press co-operative.

In case you slept through it (which may be understandable), there was a whole slew of munic1pal elec­ tions on Monday. Municipal elections are not the stuff of high drama and b1g stakes; the public seems to know intuitively that no matter who you elect, the garbage will still be collected, the streets plowed, ~nd the great god "Growth" will continue to be served . Less than 25% of the eligible voters in the Twin Cities bothered to exercise their democratic right. (Federal elections usually draw somewhere 1n the neighbourhood of 70% response.) Even this low figure of less than 25% seems high when one considers that there were no issues and the mayors of both cities were acclaimed for another two year term. One would suspect that with such a low turnout" and no great burning issues,that only the most informed and active citizens took the time to vote. I wonder.- · - • Election results printed in the K-W REcord on Tuesday showed that Ward 4 in Kitchener was the bat­ tleground of three aldermanic hopefuls Ward 4 electors cast a total of 2,125 votes, 391 for a gentleman by the name of Gib Hinsperger In one of their series of election articles the previous week, the Record dealt with the Ward 4 can­ didates. I will quote from their article "H insperger owns industrially-zones land in Ward 4 which would benefit from any road put through by the city to serve existing industry and open up industrial land between Kitchener and Breslau . He sees the road as one of his main election issues and wants it built ot open up developable property and bring in tax money for the city. Hinsperger admits to a potential conflict of interest when he promotes such a road-he wants to build an industrial mall on his land-but believes the conflict would not be serious. ''I'd get all that sorted out, it wouldn't come out in public. These conflicts make for a lot of ifs ands and buts . .. I'm told that as long as you have a meeting behind closed doors or in caucua and the public aren't involved there's no problem. If I was faced with a conflict I'd find some way around it ... I've got a few lousy acres out there and that's not important." Now, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Mr. Hinsperger's saying this: I own some land, I would like it re-zoned so I can build an industrial mall, the value of the land would go up, I might be in­ volved in a conflict of interest, but what the public doesn't know won't hurt me. There are ways around let­ ting the public know what its elected representatives are doing. Of course, Mr. Hinsperger is entitled to lobby for re-zoning But to advocate re-zoning while running for alderman and admit to a newspaper that any conflict of interest would be hushed-up implies, in my mind, that Mr. Hinsperger is at once self-serving and politically naive. What is of more concern, however, is that Mr. Hinsperger actually managed to persuade 18% of those who voted in Ward 4 to support him. Three hundred and ninety-<>ne relatives in one Ward is an awful lot for anybody. One is left to assume that three hundred and ninety-<>ne people thought that Gib Hinsperger would make a good alderman, an alderman who would serve their interests well It really makes you wonder Barry Ries, Editor

support any attempt by any club lost. But just our luck, the phone or organization that tries to was out of order. So naturally we make the music department see asked the nearest cow, the way TA hogs the light and realize that they back to civilization. Eventually On Friday, Nov. lOth, I had cannot in anyway, dictate what we got back to our last pub stop the pleasure of attending the per­ the rest of us will be involved in and explained our plight. Armed formance of Mavor Moore's and where we do it. with a supposedly correct map, "The Store", as put on by the we again charged out of the pub WLU drama club. The per­ Paul Dahmer only to find that the map wasn't formance was excelli;nt and I quite right, yet. This time, with hope the drama club will con­ not even a cow in sight, we were tinue to bring us such events in lost for good. the future. Although the content was Car 39, somewhere near Shake­ good, the setting left a lot to be Got a speare. desired. lE 1 is not my idea of a theatre and it is.even worse when the lighting for the play was sup­ map! ported by pillars that distorted one's view at times. I know this Concerning the Tamiae Car­ is in no way the fault of the Pub rally held last Friday, a few drama club, but the fault of that matters deserve comment. While faculty that thinks it owns the our navigator was in the Theatre Auditorium, the music washroom during one of the faculty. required pub stops, some It is a disgrace to this univer­ irresponsible persons tampered sity, its administration and its with our map. It is unfortunate public image to have a TA sit­ that during this event, all con­ ting on campus, even with a sign testants'-could not behave in a saying "Theatre Auditorium", sportsman-like ~anner. We are and then inviting the public-at­ appalled and disgusted that large to a performance in lEl! If some person or persons would this university is going to let one resort to this unethical tactic. puny faculty run the rest of the Subsequently, we found our­ school's clubs and events, then selves lost on a deserted country what do we need a Senate or road. However, Tamiae, in its in­ WLUSU for? I have nothing finite wisdom, had forseen this against letting the music faculty problem, and had supplied all use the T A to practise in, but cars with "crash packets" for Thanks again some consideration should be this eventuality. We opened the given to the other 3,000 students package to find the message of Thanks to Brenda Armstrong, on campus that do not take . salvation: none other than a Deb Stalker, Carl Friesen, and music, but would like to be telephone number. Luckily for Diane Baltaz for contributing allowed to use the facilities of us, there just happened to be a their superlative typing skills this institution to broaden our phone in the middle of the far­ towards the issuance of this collective education. I strongly mer's field, right where we got week's Cord. November 16,1978 The Cord Weekly PageS

0 WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO 0 ~ ~ .. --~rd ,of Governors talk about ~ . Reggie's Corner ~ e new building and money The Registrar's Office would like to take this opportun­ 0 ity to extend our congratulations to two sectors of the 0 by Karen Kehn The Budget Surplus was ~ university community; one, the Faculty of Music, and ~ balanced budget. The key to all ~ ~ The new professional building decreased from $100,157 to these objectives is that "no ...J two, the university football team. , ...J revisions to the Budget $71,163 due to a $30,724 allocation shall be pegged at a 3: On Wednesday, Oct. 25, the music department hosted a ~ were among the items decrease in the operating results given per cent of the total successful day of music making a workshop for singers, ·llcussed at the Board of of ancillary enterprises. budget." That is, no budgeted 0 instrumentalists in choir, orchestra and instrumental ~ techniques. More than 270 students and teachers were in 0 I a..emors meeting on Tuesday. The Net Budget surplus is now monies will increase automatic­ ~ ~ ...J attendance. ~ Ia a report of the Building $7,563, instead of the previously ally for 1979-80. Each allocation ...J ~ And who can forget the courage and determination of ~ittee, Donald Roberts, the recorded $6,157. This is the will be judged on the needs of the ~ la..irman, said the construction result of a decrease in the university and the ability to fulfill our outstanding football players. Again, the team has Frank C. Peters Profes­ transfers to Reserves from the request. The tentative 1979- forwarded consistent excellence in the field of athletics 0 and sportsmanship. Congratulations! U t'l t t' 0 Building was delayed six to $63,600 to $30,400. 80 budget will be zero-baaed. All ~ n 1 nex 1me, ~ weeks due to labour strikes. Thirty-four thousand nine ~ R . these guidelines were accepted ~ ~~ weather and more men hundred and four dollars is the by the Board. 3 WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO WLURO ~ on the site have helped operating surplus as shown by There have been two appoint­ ~ ~ Ike up lost time. The back the Statement of Income and ments to the Board of Governors. and enclosed tunnel should Expenses for the period May 1, Frank R. Hoddle, the Industrial completed within two weeks. 1978 to September 30, 1978. The Relations Manager at Canadian steel will be delivered net operating surplus is $5,404 General Tower Ltd., is the new Question of the Week erected this month. Provid­ for this period. community-at-large member and there are no delays in The Board of Governors he will serve until April30, 1981. by Carl Friesen the building should be accepted the revisions and Professor Garth Beckett of the in November 1979. information proposed by the Faculty of Music was elected by What do you think of the Cord? Hachborn, chairman of . Finance Committee. the Senate to fill the unexpired fianance Committee, re­ Five guidelines were passed term of Dr. John Weir. changes in the Revised for the preparation of the Dr. Tayler informed the Board '1978-79. The total ordin­ tentative budget 1979-80 and for of Governors about the audited Income has in- salary adjustments. The first enrolment report. It will be used ~ 2,304 from objective is to keep the budget to determine WLU's Government Ron Kroeker llll.lllli.4~ to $17,218,802. This balance and the main priority is of Ontario formula operating 3nd year Biology was the net result of a to maintain the security of all grants for 1977-78. I think that the person who decrease in academic presently filled positions. Tamara The minutes of the Pension md an increase of $39,150. does this column should use Giesbrecht, Vice-President-Con­ Committee were accepted by the more thought-provoking ques­ 'l'lle Total Ordinary Operating troller, said she would like to Board. The WLU Pension fund was increased from tions. Some articles in the avoid lay-offs. Salary adjust­ has moved from $2,550,000 to paper recently, such as Scandal to $17,151,310. This ments will be awarded on an $8,170,000 between December Sheet, are in rather bad taste. a $37,744 decrease in equitable basis for all of the five 1974 and June 1978. This is the expenses and an Although I like the thorough groups of employees. Increases result of contributions, coverage of football games, I of $48,318 in Non-Aca­ will be accomodated if they will $3,848,000; investment income, Expense. only have time to read about not upset the objective of the $1,448,000; and change in captial half the articles. value, $32,400. A committee was struck to ~~LLLIItive passes questioned study "best offer selection" as a by Dave Creek means to deal with deadlock Sunday night's Board "sticks in my craw". Hadlow situations in faculty salary the Board passed claimed that in the past, he had negotiations. granting executive felt a certain amount of embar­ Three members of the Board of passes to the president assment at having to stand in line Governors were elected to sit on Blair Carey V.P. of WLUSU.I agree with for entry into the pub, when the search Committee for Vice- lstyr. Sociology policy and certain members everyone in the line knew that he President-Controlle-r ~ - The Board's representatives are I like it. It's good to be Jut year's Board were also was the president of WLUSU. informed about what's in favour of it. Mike Does Hadlow think that he is W.A. Moeser, Walter Hachborn, and Harold Cumming. happening on Campus and presented two reasons better than you and I? Is he that about current issues. Mostly felt that executive passes special that he shouldn't have to The Hansen Report on the Structure of the Business Office I'm interested in University be issued. Firstly, the stand in line with the people who news. might arise when guests elected him? Hadlow, and V.P. was discussed in camera. could be admitted into Jim Lye both expressed the belief Mark Wilson, student member pub without waiting in line. that this privilege was expected of the Board of Governors, was is a perfectly sound reason by the students. There's only one present at the meeting, and However, it is answer to that brilliant piece of Gerry McLellan, the other reason which logic. Bull! student rep did not attend. ChrisAbma lstyr. Hons. Sociology I wish the Cord had more jokes in it-and that students were U of W and WLU joint council more aware of the Unclassified by Susan Rowe university. The Presidents of co-operation in providing natural section. I generally read the Have you ever thought what both universities appoint the gas for the universities. The Sports section first, and I also .._l'llitv life would be like if U members of the Council, and the educational programs in the two like Movie Showcase. It's a WLU became one Chairmanship revolves between universities are undergoing com­ good size paper-not so big the two Presidents on a yearly parison, possibly leading to that you can't read the whole basis. Dr. Tayler is the Chairman co-operative programs, in order thing. this year. Administration and to do away with overlapping faculty members are on the programs that cause unnecessary Lome Schwartzentruber Council to provide a fair balance competitiveness for jobs. A 2nd year General Arts of both sides ·of the university committee will be initiated to system. The Council meets four study the advantages and disad­ Generally, it's a good or five times a year. vantages of a centralized library newspaper. The news-about the At the November 2 meeting, administration to promote effic­ Senate and Administration three main issues were discus­ iency and closer co-operation affairs I find interesting. If it \ sed. The Council is working on between the universities. At ran articles on events before achieving co-operation in such present, there is joint use of the they happen, such as groups in non-academic servies as food libraries and co-operation in the Turret, it would be better supplies, garbage collection, purchasing for the libraries, than just reviewing them greenhouses, and purchasing. including the U of Guelph library. afterwards, because then Specifically in the purchasing The next meeting of the students would know if area, they are considering Council will be in January. something were worth going to. mmission conducts· surveys will have an oppor- information to confer or deny the The completed surveys can be to voice their opinions on suspicion that student leaders left in the boxes found where Lauri Bellamy Room, the Dining have regarding the attitudes of students can pick up the Cord or 2nd yr. Hon. Geography library, the bookstore the student body toward certain in the WLUSU office. The results I like the paper because of the Student Union in three issues on campus. The survey on will be used to formulate variety of topics covered, such being conducted by the WLUSU will include a section on recommendations which will be as politics, sports, and l)mmi88jon of University Affairs general awareness and what given to concerned individuals entertainment. It informs next three weeks. The students feel about WLUSU and members of the appropriate students about what's going on board of directors has services such as the games room, committees in the Senate and the at Laurier and also gives t360 to pay for the the Turret, the T.V.Lounge,Radio WLUSU board of directors. insight into happenings in the ~ apace uaed in dale Laurier, and the Cord. A couple K-Warea. of lines will be left at the bottom Sturrup, CUA's research of the sheets so that students can Sturrup is hoping for a sincere ~. said that survey~ expand on certain items of response from a good number of beiDa conducted to collect concern. students. ------

Page& The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 18, 1971 tmmmmrti!' Gong Show at the Turret by Paul Vella With only five acts this year, singers, and an unbelievable the annual "Gong Show" pre­ chorus line consisting of various sentation can be said to be a "personalities" of the school. glorified initiation for Professor The winner of first prize was Liaa Mike McMullen. Mike entertain­ Mowbray. The evening was ed the crowd by first appearing in basically a "flop" except for the a Tuxedo (to add a ''Touch of great effort put forth by the Class" to the school event) and newest member of the business then in various outfits in faculty. Throughout the night, imitation of some of the other Mike made remarks concerning faculty members. the poor participation by the The acts included a stringed students and with good reason, duet by McCutcheon and side­ for without his efforts and the kick, a dramatical representation efforts of the organizers there of Frank Zappa's "Don't Eat would have been nothing to Yellow Snow", two good female present. Rockband: Bond at pub by the Entertainer F.I.S.T.: 1 E1 For some fun and drinking Dunn (bass and vocals) had by Sue and Becky common labourer to the presi­ As the movie progressed, a come out to the Turret this already begun his musical Last week on the 7th, the dent of the organization. reversal occured as still seen in Thursday night and see career before him immigrated to Movie of the Week was entitled Throughout this transition, the today' s society. Although unions "Bond". This group was Canada from Liverpool in'67. F. I.S.T. starring Sylvester Stal­ concept of violence was intro­ are somewhat still interested in nominated at the 1976 Juno Their music is loud and hard· lone. It depicted the true human duced into the union with the aid helping employees, their main A wards, as the most promising driving, which should please the involvement of the need for the of the mob, riots, and strike purpose seems to be to gain more new band, but is better known mad person or persons that labour union. Based on fact, the actions. power and authority over busin­ for their biggest hit, "Dancin' inhabit the pub. This group movie revolved around Sylvester In the beginning of the movie, ess, which proved to be quite on a Saturday Night". follows the glowing spirits of Stallone as the head figure of the the union was interested in the relevant by the end of the film. Bond was formed by cousins the mid-60's, that of the early labour union. It showed his benefit of the workers who were . The ending of the movie was Bill Dun and Jeff Hamilton. Hollies and the Bee Gees. development from a concerned being cheated by management. unpredictable in the fact that John Roles, rhythm guitarist If you want a good sound to Stallone died in such an abrupt and Barry Cobus is the group's hear and a cold beer or two, drop manner. The movie was very manager. The keyboard player, up to the pub and take a look for informative and even if not truly Ted Treholm joined the band a your self. It should still be bet­ factual, it did provide insight to little later, followed by lead ter than the expensive high .J. ~i the whole union movement. guitarist Alex MacDougall. Bill class discos. Advance Tickets available in the fi--l - WLUSU office. Radio Laurier Schedule Our very special special of Music" new wave, power pop, our own WLU Music Dept. the week punk, etc. Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. and Monday Nou. 20at6:30 p.m. Thursdays, 8:00 p.m.-10:00 5:00 p.m.: News and sparta, The very controversial music p.m.: The Chinese Students covering the University and the and career of "The Wives" (for­ Association presents Chinese community. Tonight, Thursday, November 16 merly "The Battered Wives") is music with conversation. scrutinized by our new music ex­ Thursdays, 10:00 p.m.-12:00 Radio Laurier-104. 7 FM on tAt pert, Neal Degenerate. Featured p.m.: Ted Judge with electronic GrandRiuer Cable System. are in-depth exclusive Radio and "experimental" music, some Your campus and communit, BOND Laurier interviews with mem­ of it was produced by students of station// bers of the group. Find out what goes on inside the head of a IADMISSION I "Battered Wife" on Monday, glasses. Nov. 20at6:30p.m. Pub Spirituality Cont'd. from page 7 The clock struck midnigb&, Sunday evenings: classical and thereby ending the servicel. jazz are featured on Sundays (Which was good, as my prancer from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. midnight Alleluia! It's true that prayers and I made a pair worse tba get answered/ for just before Adam and Eve.) Nevertheleea,l Friday- Saturday Mondays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.: midnight, I had my Beatific gained insight into an 8llciem Laurier Christian Fellowship Vision. He drank ten beers spiritual truth-that the way to Radio Laurier presents "The Good News before coming to get me, and, Salvation is hard and cold Hour" (Don't let the name fool Coming Soon realizing my spiritual status, he because its success lies in the a you-it's mostly music-with a kept bowing to me as we cubes. Therefore, I made em Rose message!) pranced. I wished that he'd stop lent progress as a catecheUDIID, Mondays 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: this disobeyment of the First thus understanding why of all &be Neal Degenerate brings you up Commandment, for every time spots on campus, the Turret liel to date with the latest in "New he bowed, he banged against my closet to Heaven.


Mont."Ste. Anne from $99 Sugarbush from $135• Eastern Twsps from $119 Smuggler's Notch from$118 .. Killington (Vermont) from $1 09 us Stowe from $13511

Dec. 27, Feb.11,18, 25, M•.11 • 6 day 5 nights, 5 day lift pass • accomodatlon •charter bus • shuttles to slopes • x-country • meal plan & U-drlve available. Kltchener departure add $5.00 "OPEN NIGHTLV" Feb. 17, 24, M•. 3, 10, 17, 11 from'.l{J's laRl)esC u.oo-JeuelligbCOO syncbR.onizoo c)ance 1=JooR. ASPEN OR Dayfllghtl Yla Unltad Alr11nee • Chateau Chaumont $379 •Tiffany Lamps•11 LOOE"•Lot:s of: Plant:s• SNOWMASS • Cottonwoods •Stonebrldge TBB O.A.~ZrOBH:I.A • Woodbridge • Glory Hole CON FUNDS Quebec Winter Carnival Every Mon4ay aight-"DIIt•tl•tW"- alwa~s a blast Feb. 1 to 4 Of' Feb. I to 11, 1171 • 3 day 2 nights Auberge dea Gouvemeurs (downtown) from$75 Every Tuesday night-118TBJ:P HZG&Tr'- an~ne ean! • charter bus • carnival guide or dr1ve youraelf_.._ .. and its all at "THE GRAND" Hotet·- newl~ renovated TALKIHAV~L&TOURS 1 ·e, Bridge St. West, Kitchener 3701 Chesswood Drive, Downsvlew DOWNSVIEW . - DAILY9-8 SAT9-5 IN TORONTO OUT -OF-TOWN 830-4183 1-800-268-1941 ~ Thu~y,Novernber18,1978 The Cord WMkly Page7 The Wild Geese whores of war by Stephen Whelan mercenar/ ''Colonel'' Faulkner the nice guy out for adventure, as in disgust as the intelligent white reasons behind the Angolan civil The last stand of the whites in to rescue a deposed African long as it isn't what he considers mercenaries hide in ambush to war. Some fought to curb the Africa has brought world atten­ leader from a tightly guarded to be evil adventure. Hardy kill the primitive black African Communist threat of over-run­ tion to the role of the mercenary military prison in an unspecified Kruger, best remembered as the soldiers who invariably disregard ning the world, some fought in that continent's internal African country. The Englishman aircraft builder in The Flight of the basics of military science and because they couldn't get jobs in affairs. The Wild Geese tries to wants to gain control of the the Phoenix, is the South African charge recklessly over open their own countries, the sorriest explain the motives for men country's copper mines and plans who loves his country and is ground to get sliced up by the fought because Callan would kill hiring themselves out for money to do so by reinstating the trying to raise money to buy sure-shot whites? In his eager­ them if they didn't. Four of those and tries vainly to gain the usurped leader. himself a ranch. But only Burton ness to indicate that the black men were executed, the rest audience's admiration and sym­ Richard Burton, as the Colon­ hits the bull' s eye with his man is several levels below the sentenced to prison. pathy for the ill-fated group of el, begins to round up his aged explanation: as long as he's paid white man, director Andrew The mercenary has always hired soldiers. confreres (shades of the Over The enough, he'll fight for anyone for McLaglen unforgiveably dares to been a recipient of mixed feelings The plot of The Wild Geese is a Hill Gang) and this is when the any reason-or for no reason. overlook the well-known fact that of revulsion and of admiration. mixture of Frederick Forsyth's audience is treated to various One hoped that after the dull blacks can dance much better It's difficult to know just what to novel, The Dogs of War, and of motives for hiring oneself out as a period of the recruiting and than whites. Shame, shame. think of them. There's a glossy aelected newspaper clippings mercenary. The field operations training of the mercenaries, the The Angolan mercenary trials magazine put out for would-be dealing with Cubans in Africa planner, Rafer Janders, is a film would become less boring as of 1976 brought out the true facts mercenaries called Soldier of and the exploits of such eminent mercenary because he wants to the locale switched to the field of about mercenary motives and Fortune, which offers articles on African statesmen as Field improve the lot of the oppressed operation in Africa; not so. It intelligence. The trial of the how to take out sentries in Marshall Doctor Idi Amin Dada, black Africans. Janders is played should be quite exciting to watch thirteen mercenaries, including various situations, how to com­ V.C., and Joshua Nkomo. Stew­ by Richard Harris who offers the fifty mercenaries take on an the infamous "Colonel" Callan, bat-modify weapons, and also art Granger is the English best acting in the film. Roger entire country but how can an revealed that those social crip­ carries news reports on various financier who employs the Moore blandly fills the shoes of audience do anything but wince ples had no understanding of the military operations, predomin­ antly in Rhodesia and South Africa. Its classified ads section • gives the best insight into the Spirituality ID the pub mercenary: by D.P. Baltaz that many people were having the others were angelically point, when the gang was back at The only reason why I found communion-sipping their beers whisked off to prance with a guy; the table, I leaned over to three of SOWIER,ADVENTURER, mer· spirituality in the Turret was to have a reunion with their first Cindy, then Jane, Mary them and said, "Hey Jane, Sue cenary, for 20 dollars obtain a because the girls kept trying to uninhibited selves. And in the far Lou and Sue too, until I was left and Mary Lou, don't look now, honorary degree as advisor of drag me up to its Friday Disco left corner I spied a handful of alone. but those guys over there want to military science, in addition you Nights last year. At first I seminarians baptising their term Like St. Francis of Assisi prance with you!" Sure enough, receive an impressive frameable protested, saying that I had to get papers with the holy waters of before me, I learned a religious it came true! diploma, a bibliography of books, up early the next morning to Carlsburg. truth at this point: you can't magazines, job information, teach Saturday school at a local :,,_fft, ~~( ~ flU. Clld.:."T~r.t LOUIS Isn't there a purpose in our achieve the Beatific Vision unless -.: 1V \oiM. 1'Mf: ~IN(; (1F I.U -r~ Sll'll! lfA4oi>S Newark, Ohio, 43066, U.S.A. however, like the time my pupils next to me. Of course, she muscles Hindu style, I med­ ------feared that the confessionals are explained, and pointed at the itated. F ~~ - bugged by the R.C.M.P., I gave . . P _ le dance floor, where I beheld 100 Indeed, I did lots of medita­ 1 WANTED-EMPLOYMENT. in to my friends, deciding that souls pulsating to the beat of the tion; for each time one of the girls I .~ .:. ~?o Two years infantry, armor the Turret might be a good hymns in a style reminiscent of returned, another guy would l __ _ - .. (Canada). Weapons specialist- sprucer-upper after all. the early prophetic frenzies of the come along to carry her off again. 9mm to 106mm, Ferret to I'm not jesting-the Turret is Old Testament. At first I felt as self-conscious as Seven times I prophesied and Centurian. Parachutist, marks­ inundated with religious prac­ Why do they look so happy?, I Cain without Able, but then I seven times more I found man, climber. Bodyguard, eold­ tices of the ethereal; any asked my instructors. It was didn't mind because I discovered solitude. Like Jeremiah, I began ier, advisor, anything that offen church-goer should feel at home Cindy who explained. Apparently that I bore a God-given gift­ to hate my gift but could not stop. adventure, money, travel. D.B., up there. that's the sole goal for going to prophecy! I even began to pray for a St. 1731 Longueuil, St. Bruno, Que., Still, I was unaccustomed with the Turret in the first place. This H~w this gift fell upon me I Michael to whisk me off to Canada J3V 4E9. its rituals, so the gang had to liberates one from the ordinary don't know-it might even have prance-dom, as I couldn't bear The real-life mercenary and catechize me. I realized that the realm of the Turret tables, and been my stomach churning from my secular state any longer. the producers of The Wild Geese, air was permeated by hymns unites you with the Supreme too much holy water-but at one Cont 'd. on page 6 are truly the whores of war. such as Abba's "Oh Daddy" and Being-ie., a guy who can do the 's "Grow Some Funk hustle. Known as Salvation or of Your Own". The music Achieving the Beatific Vision; elevated my innermost soul, just local jargon calls it prancing with like the Oxford Dictionary says a guy. spiritual things should do. Filled with awe at this Following the others through revelation, I wondered out loud lights that were more velvety about how one can achieve this than the ones seen at e!P"ly a.m. salvation. My friends explained masses, I passed several smiling that it's done through performing ushers. Obviously dedicated to sacramentals and they showed their calling, they were busy me how. taking their " holy orders" from First, all four of them ordered the customers. Then my friends ginger ales and drank them. found a pew right up front so that When they were finished, the we could view the main events gang swished the remaining ice better. How thoughtful it was of cubes within their yellow wax my friends to put me up where cups. Last, but not least, the girls the action is! began to make eyes at guys. Looking around, I began to feel Believing this to be the way, I funny. Normally at servies we'll followed suit. do something, but we just sat Sure enough, this proved to be there. Throughout the pub, I saw the right path, for one at a tinie,



Scandal Sheet By under the Table Well, I'm back. Did ya miss me insult a codfish by wrapping him strait-jacket (done up, please), a Now, who lost? Anyone who They left me punching my radio last week? Naw, probably not. in it), the school itself, or the Napolean hat, and a pair of swim showed up to watch it did. It at 2:30 in the morning. My article got as far as the world in general. fins. I'll be the guy with the stunk! Pathetically few acts and a Last week I read an article cutting room floor in the Cord Now, let me see, what's left. arrow thru my head, the party sound system one step better concerning the dangers of using office. There it was, two hours of Oh hell, I'.ve got lots to work nose and glasses on, the cookie than a transistor radio. Had it not the library. How true, how true. my time bleeding and in ribbons with. bag around my neck, and been for the MC, the show would I'm taking note, and ~taying out on the floor. It was a terrible carrying the large butterfly net. have been lynched 15 minutes of there. Yes, look out for the sight. It seems someone in there To the girl who wrote to me In case you still don't recognize after it started. third floor, and the poetry took offense to 90% of what I through the classifieds: I must me, I'll be wearing a red Did you listen to the Hawks section, not to mention the said. So, I promise not to cut up know more. Perhaps we could carnation on my right lapel. We'll game on Friday nite? I did. Pretty elevator w:th no place to go but Westen students, music stu­ meet at some intimate, quiet blend right in with the U of W disappointing. Really kicks the down, or the check-outs where dents, people who go to spot, say the Campus Centre at U crowd and discuss the meaning of poop out of your plans for this you run the risk of being caught drive-ins, the Cord Editor, the of W on Wednesday at high life. weekend, eh? Well, you can't win in illegal possession of an Sports Editor, the paper in noon. Just so we recognize each Hey, who won ? em all. Now, what really unregistered book. Then again, I general (although I still wouldn't other, why don't you wear a Lisa Mowbray did-she's good. bothered me was the pair doing might get run over by a truck the announcing. It's not hard to tomorrow, and it all won't tell they don't do too many matter. Anyway, enough of this football games. How disgusting. crap. It's been a slice. CUT'NPLACE (WATERLOO) 380 King St. N., Waterloo

Come in and take advantage of our Special Offer* Upcoming Concerts *Present thi.'l coupoo for Special Offer can Good for month of November. Toronto even Nouember16 beef McDONALD'S COUPONS Bruce Springsteen at Maple Leaf Gardens meal Nouember20 Guys cut - $1.00 worth of coupons Good Brothers, Massey Hall, 8:30p.m. Tickets $7.50 and Girls cut - $2.00 worth of coupons $6.00 at all Bass Outlets (923·3080) November 21, 22 $5.00 worth of coupons for perms Rory Gallagher, El Mocambo, Spadina and College

Nouember30 Now We CanDoltAllFor You Too! Moody Blues at Maple Leaf Gardens, Tickets with Bus Not only can you have super hair, you can also have lunch on us. Trip available at Sam the Record Man, Kitchener. Kitchener-Waterloo Phone 885-5020 December20 WE CARE ABOUT YOUR HAIR. Rush at the Kitchener Auditorium. ------STUDENT SURVEY l The Commission of University Affairs is responses to the Student Union office or deposit I sponsoring a survey in an attempt to find out more them in one of the boxes that can be found at each I about student's attitudes and opinions toward some location where the Cord is dropped off. The final of the services currently offered by the University results will be published and copies will be and the Student Union. Please take a few minutes forwarded to members of the committees who may I to answer the following questions and bring your be able to recommend changes based on your I response. Dining Hall I 1. Are the hours of operation 0 too short 0 too long 0 about right? I 2. Is the variety of meals offered 0 too restricted 0 too broad 0 about right? 3. Is the price of a meal card 0 too high 0 too low 0 about right? 4. Would you like to see a change in the meal plan 0 yes 0 no? I If yes, would you like to see: 0 7 day meal plan I 0 2 meals per day 0 optional meal card I 0 other (please explain) I I 5. Do you enjoy the music from Radio Laurier in the Dining Hall? 0 yes 0 no? I Comments: Torque Room I 1. Should the Torque Room be open later at night (after classes) D yes O no? I On Saturday 0 yes 0 no? NEXT WEEK: 2. Is the variety of meals offered satisfactory 0 yes 0 no? I 3. Are the prices 0 too high 0 too low 0 about right? LIBRARY, I 4. Should smoking be allowed in the Torque Room 0 yes 0 no? BOOKSTORE Thank you for your interest I Comments: I_ ------The Cord Weekly

Billboard top LP's & 45's Billboard Top LP's Billboard Top 45 's I. Soundtrack -Grea se I . Hot Child in the City - !'lick Gilder 2. - Who are You 2. You Needed ~ e - Anne Murray 3. Linda Ronstadt - Living in t he USA 3. Reminiscing- Little River Band 4. Boston - Don't Look Back 4. ~acA rt h u r Park - Donna Summer i. Donna Summer - Live and More 5. Whenever I Call You ' Friend' ._ Foreigner - Double Vision - Kenny Loggins 7. Kenny Loggins - Night Watch 6. Kiss You AllOver - Exile I. Styx - Pieces of Eight 7. Double Vision - Foreigner lO. Rolling Stones - Some Girls 8. Love Is In The Air - J ohn Paul Young 9. How Much I Feel - Ambrosia 10. Boogie Oogie Oogil' - A Taste of Honey

TORONTO SERVICE ~ ~~ ~ iZ'at&ut Express via Hwy. 401 - Leave University Mon. to Fri. 3.15 p.m. & 5.00 p.m. With prices rising the way they sides, adding 1 more tablespoon today, the powers that be fat if needed. Fridays- 12.35 p.m. & 3.45 p.m. Ult have given little thought to 3. Add tomato juice, garlic endless taste for steak. Sure powder, worchestershire and would all like it fried or reserved vegetables to the pan. RETURN BUSES FROM TORONTO TO CAMPUS B-Q' d but only the best steak Cover; simmer 1 hour, or until EARLY MORNING SERVICE tender and juicy done this meat is fork-tender. Se.rve sauce 6.45 am - Mon to Fn - vta Guelph . Let us consider ''Swiss with mashed potatoes. 6 :45 a.m .- Monday NON-STOP EXPRESS lieU". You can use the Sundays or Monday Holiday ~nsive cuts of beef to make • • • • • 7.30 p.m.: 8.30 p.m . & ··10 40 p.m. 11i1 dish and when its done, it Squash is cheap now and there ·VIA ISLINGTON SUBWAY STATION Clll be cut with a fork. You can are so many kinds to enjoy. There - .,.. buy an inexpensive roast of are various methods of cooking ....f and slab cut it to make this squash. My favourite is to Try it, you'll like it. quarter or half and take out the NEW LATE EVENING TRIP FROM TORONTO seeds. Then salt and pepper to STEAK (makes 4 serv- taste and put a dab of butter in TO KITCHENER BUS TERMINAL the hollowed out part. Set and 10:40 P.M.- EVERYDAY mewum-s1ze onion, chopped preheat the oven at 350 degrees F cup) and bake on a cookie sheet until a cup chopped celery fork can be inserted easily. This ------41 tbsps bacon drippings or can be hollowed out of the shell WOODSTOCK- SERVICE ...-.ble oil or marg. onto the plate or eat it straight &wo-lb. piece of beef from the shell. To make the Express via Hwy 401 tblsps flour pieces sit flat, slice a little off the tip salt bottom of each piece so they sit Read Down Read up (pinch or to taste) pepper still while cooking. Fridays Sundays ps tomato juice (or V-8) quarter tsp garlic powder AS A MATTER OF INTEREST ... 6.15 p.m. Lv. University Ar. 6.40 p.m. ~ablsp Worcestershire sauce. I just read an article about the 6.35 p.m. Lv. Kitchener Terminal Ar. 7.10 p.m. BI'HOD: attributes of garlic. It seems that ', Saute onion and celery in if you rub a cut piece of garlic 7.25 p.m. Ar. Woodstock - . Lv. 5.55 p.m. drippings or whatever until onto a receeding hair-line or a in a large skillet or Dutch bald spot three times a day for 8.05 p.m. Ar. London Lv. 5.15 p.m. Remove to a small bowl several weeks, the most amazing Individual Tickets Available from Driver done. thing happens. You grow hair! ~Trim meat; (if you want to) cut Isn't nature wonderful . .. you Toronto and London Buses loop via University, Westmount, Col· 4 pieces. Combine flour, salt finally get to fill in the bald spot umbia and Phillip, serving designated stops. Buses will stop on pepper, pound into meat on but no-one can get close enough Esides. Brown meat on all to see the stuff. signal at intermediate points en·route and along University Ave.


Last Shot BUY " 10- TRIP TICKETS" AND SAVE MONEY! r1 .10 RIDES hL WATERLOO· TORONTO ...... - . . -... . . -.. $42.10

~ I Tickets have no expiry date; they do not have to be used by t, \I \ \ : 1IV1/ purchaser~ they may be used from Kitchener Terminal or from I ~ , I, '. ~ i '" ' \\ •/• ,!\ Waterloo

Tickets and Information for thi~ University Service ·..-= (~\~~ .. tI/ll'.;/' ==---- . - --. Available at the Games Room, S.U.B . ,~~.. -==- - ~ ~ 0 0~ t.)

FOR COMPLETE When you're drinking INFORMATION tequila, Sauza's the shot that counts. That's why more arid TELEPHONE 742-4469 more people are asking for KITCHENER TERMINAL GrayCDach GAUKEL & JOSEPH STS . ;;~iLA SAUZA ~...-~. Number one in Mexico. Number one in Canada. Thursday, November 16,1978 The Cord Weekly "~ A ,.iatt10 ... to be ... to be ••• to be Thursday, November 16 guitarist Ray Sealey. Home Game. Monday, November 20 Home game. • There will be a Laurier • Jr. A Rangers vs Niagara Falls • Kitchener Public Library: • Jr. B. Rangers vs New Christian Fellowship meeting in Friday, November 17 at the Kitchener Auditorium at " Women in History" continues Hamburg in hockey action at the the Staff Lounge. Supper at 4:45, • "Boogie Bowl" Pre-College 8:00p.m. today at 12 noon. Professor K. Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. meeting at 5:45 p.m. This week Bowl Dance, St. Lawrence Davis of the University of • WLU Movie of the Week is Reg Broughten speaks on "Bus­ Centre, Toronto. $3.50 advance, Saturday, November 18 Waterloo will lecture on the "Network" . Location: lEl. iness". $4.00 at the door. Includes draw • Varsity Wrestling: at Waterloo topic, " From Renaissance to time: 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Price • The Turret will be entertaining for trip to Cuba for two. Tickets at • Varsity Hockey: Brock vs Reformation''. Luncheon is av­ 2.00. the group "Bond", starting at WLUSU Office. Wilfrid Laurier. Home Game. ailable by calling 743-0271 in 8:00 p.m. Tickets on sale at the • Out-of-Body Experiences, • Varsity Women's Volleyball­ advance of lecture. Wednesday, November 22 What Do They Mean? Film and Tier II Tournament, Trent. WLUSU office. • The Cambridge Concert Band • University of Waterloo, Theatre • Conestoga College is holding a talk sponsored by Eckankar, in presents a free public concert at Sunday, November 19 of the Arts, Anton Kuerti playa T-shirt Pub at their regular Campus Centre, University of the Preston Legion, Cambridge. Beethoven Sonatas No. 3, 8 weekly pub. Rocky Howell Band Waterloo, at 7:00 - 8:30. • Kitchener Public Library: The (Pathetique), 25 and 30, sponsor· provides the music. With a DSA • KW Art Gallery: Art classes Ontario Registered Music Teach­ Tuesday, November 21 ed by the KW Chamber Music T-shirt, you get in free. Without, begin-Call 745-6671 for details. ers Association student recitals • University of Waterloo, Hu­ Society. Tickets: $6.00 centre and tickets $2.00. • Varsity Women's Volleyball, will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 manities Theatre, Canada's Roy­ $4.00 at side. Tier II Tournament, Trent. p.m. • University of Guelph: Free al Winnipeg Ballet. Part of the • Kitchener Public Library, The concerts every Thursday noon • Varsity Men's Volleyball, • University of Waterloo, CC UW Arts Centre professional Ontario Ministry of Industry and hour in Music Room 107, College Home Game. Coffee House-The CC Pub Area series. Tourism and the PLL present 1 of Arts. From 12:20 to 12:45 p.m. • Varsity Women's Basketball, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets $1.50 and • WLU: Varisty Women's Vol­ Patents Licensing Seminar start­ and from 1:10 to 1:45 p.m.; Carleton vs Wilfrid Laurier, $1.00. leyball: Laurier vs Toronto, ing at 6:15p.m. There is a $3.00 charge per person and registra­ tion is necessary. Call 743-0271. redouble by Jeff Blakey Another Ace-asking bid is Some players bid Blackwood at Six Diamonds and there is no 2NT p 3H p Thurday, November 23 Blackwood. Here Four No when they have a void. What way that you can get to your Six 3H p 4H p • Kitchener Public Library, Trump asks partner to bid the good does this do? So what if you Club contract. 4NT p 5D Dbl Philosophy of Life, presented by number of aces that he or she has find out that your team has three 6S p p p the University of Waterloo, in his or her hand. Five Clubs aces and a void. Is the void in a North(D) South continues this evening at 7:00 says zero aces, Five Diamonds suit where partner has the ace or SA 9 3 S K Q 10 7 52 p.m. Tonight Professor Homes says one ace, Five Hearts says not? If this is the case then one H K J 8 H A 10 9 4 2 Continuing last week's hand, will discuss the topic, ''Science two aces, and Five Spades says suit may not be stopped. D A K 10 3 D6 after the Five Diamond response and Extrasensory Perception". three aces. If the responder to Another caution, if you bid Five CKQ7 C5 North knows that they have one • WLU, there will be a sale of Blackwood respo!l

At Audio Design, what we have done is; considered all the para­ Counselling meters involved in designing audio equipment, eliminated the ones which do nothing but cost you and money, and concentrated our efforts on the features and relevant PA100 Power Amp specifications which lead to sonic 100 Watts rms per channel into 8 ohms excellence. 350 watts rms in mono Career less than o.05% thd.

AUDITION THEM SOON AT: Services CC AUDIO, SUITE 305 232 KING ST. N. WATERLOO now open 885·4270 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10:00 AM TO 7:00PM Tuesday and Wednesday evenings CCRUDIO 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ThurMity, November 18,1978 The Cord Weekly Page 11 Funn A disappointment Horrorscoop

gathering of "talent" in the Thursday, November 16, 1978 ice before going out. Don't lend, Turret in a long time. (including borrow or spend money. Praise the "Gong Show" the previous YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY: the DON, you may get last year's night) The performance by the You should look forward to a mid-term. band, entitled "Funn", was stimulating year in residence. equivalent to that of a teenage Drinking will occupy most of your Libra Sept 23-0ct. 22 band performing at a high school free time. This could harm your Bills upset domestic life. Find an dance. (Even their name has a sex relations, but if you go to the OSAP application form. certain elementary tone to it.) pub tonight, result could be Except for the loyal few people obtaining both an outrageous Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 that were determined to enjoy blonde and a better dancing Be alert, check you University themselves, the dance floor was style. The stock market could Calendar and find out where the mostly empty, and some people lead to good fortune. Get the best jocks are gathering. Where there has mentioned that maybe the advice from a Bus III student. is smoke, there is usually drink night could be more exciting if Health could pose a problem, near-by. someone were to start a game of consume more coffee and less ''caps'' in the middle of the floor. dining room food. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 "Funn" was not appealing to Nothing you do will help. listen to, nor were they appealing Aries March 21-April 19 Consult roommate before inviting Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 to look at, and almost all of the Ditto. music they played was popular an important friend into your room. Avoid sex. Remain inde­ ten years ago. This band must Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 completely overhaul their act if pendent, tell your present love about your person-mate at home. Stick to projects. Stay away or by Paul M. Vella Thursday's pub were subjected they are to survive on the local avoid the good lookers in the The people that attended last to what was definitely the poorest scene. Don't lock the door, except in cases of emergency. Torque Room. Work behind the scenes, find what •wing she is living on or in. If it is D3 East, Taurus April 20-May 20 watch-out! Novo Mort: An ultimate low Go slow. Avoid giving in too by Rob Simpson comparison. For Novo-Mort, it down and out porno-queens has quickly. Don't sell your body Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 A few select people from was no show, it was for real. such carnage been reeked on today, what will you sell Odds are on your side, look for Toronto witnessed the first in the The band opened up with a stage. If Nietzsche were alive tomorrow? Get advice before the Cord, you just might find it, if today, Novo-Mort would defin­ newest of the new wave, nihlist number called ''Disembowelling going for a cruise down King St. it is not at the bottom of the bird rock, with the devastating per­ Boogie", a powerful tune in itely make him redefine his Insist on driving. cage. Avoid driving to school, formance of Novo-Mort in the which the hard-driving bass thoughts on nihlism. you may get towed away, The final act knocked the Gemini May 21-June 20 basement of Wojo's Open Kitch­ player, Mongo Carnage, did so to especially if you are a Prof. en last Friday. the expendable rhythmn guitar audience back in their seats as Low-key approach will work "We are self-destruction in its player, Anger Ratts. But Ratts' Homo whipped out a gun, shot good. Don't go out. Burn your purist form'' screamed Novo­ usefulness didn't end here, and Wojo, then pulled out a knife, slit room-mate's latest term-paper. Mort lead vocalist, Jocko Homo. was featured in the following his own throat and bled to death Nothing else could describe number "Eat your Heart Out". on stage. Cancer June 21-July 22 what happened on stage for the Whips, skewers and chain Stick to the regulations in following 90 minutes better than saws were also part of Novo­ The question among the critics residence, don't get caught. Be Homo's statement. It was sheer Mort's unusually original stage after such a once-in-a-life-time immature, go to the ~- wanton obliteration. The earlier act. Not since the showing of act is, "An exceptional perfor­ stage antics by Nazi Dog of the Warhol's "Frankenstein" and mance, but what can he do for an Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Viletones was G-rated flugg in the one-way ticket to Brazil for encore???'' Commitments, papers come due. Balance is important now. Be reasonable, one bed per student. Be alert to change, drop that year A Wedding A Juicy Event course. by Susan Thomson loves to try large productions, but tell you what happens rather than Robert Altman has produced unfortunately, he hasn't realized wasting your time and money to Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 another fiasco. "A Wedding" is yet that he can't do it. He can sit through it. Work independently, eat lots of a slightly funny movie about­ work with a lot of people, but he guess what! So many things go doesn't seem to be able to find an wrong at this wedding that it is interesting or even viable script. enough to turn even Zsa Zsa The only real attraction that Gabor off marriage. this movie has to offer is its Desi Arnaz Jr. plays the star-studded cast which includes: groom, Dino Corelli, and Amy Carol Burnett, mother of the Strycker is his wife-still in bride; Geraldine Chaplin, wed­ braces. The two families contain ding co-ordinator; Mia Farrow, various characters from a love­ sister of the bride; Lauren stricken uncle to a junkie mother. Hutton, wedding photographer; Few good performances were and many, many more. given, but in a movie like this, it But you know, even if the is extremely difficult to achieve movie was bad, it would have even mediocrity. Lillian Gish was been worse if-the groom hadn't delightful as the groom's grand­ impregnated the bride's sis­ mother-even though she is dead ter;-the groom's uncle hadn't for 31• of the movie. Pat fallen in love with the bride's McCormick is great as the doctor mother;-a tornado hadn't blown as he drinks and pats breasts up in the middle of the reception. throughout the various crises in Etc. Etc. the movie. I think that you'll enjoy this Robert Altman, as producer, movie more if you get someone to ... to end all I weddings! ~~------~ _(;JlAI'YJ'V'lD ~W. TM 475 King North, Waterloo C/ r~V~ V~'-=>.1.1'!\... Phone884-0220 luncheon 11:30 to 2 p.m. Licensed under L.L.B.O. You must be 18 or over to enter the Pickle Cellar Entrance on north side of building

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Page 12 The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 16,1978

UBC ANTICLIMATIC AFTER WESTERN by Gerry Huddleston Colwell run, Laurier is forced to 18 before Brent Scott knocks thinking differentlv. The third with each team intercepting on!.' Well, here we are, it's Friday, try a field goal. The attempt is down a Dan Smith pass. On quarter u as the oniy part of the pass each. Besides being stopped November 10, and there are only wide, but Jim Reid puts a comes Metz to kick an 18 yarder. trip the Hawks u·ould like to by B.C.'s defence, the Hawks two steps left before we are the devastating hit on DB Al Chor­ The score- B.C. 10, Hawks 7. forget. In this quarter, BC also hurt themselves with stupid champions. It's a cool night in ney, who fumbles, and Bernie From our own 35, Reid appears scored sixteen points to burv penalties. Mental errors were Vancouver, with the tem­ Pickett jumps on the ball in the to have a hole, but it is shut very Laurier six feet under.) - common and the Hawks just perature hovering around the 4 end zone after many other quickly. The Hawks are stopped Disaster strikes very quickly. weren't playing the football they degree mark. We enter the Hawks had missed. after they reach B.C.'s 43, but After Laurier's defence stopped were capable of. The teams ex· stadium around six and total Gulyes' kickoff is taken to the Gulyes gets a good punt off and the Birds' offence, a third down changed single points and the darkness covers us. No longer 45 and very easily could have gets a single point out of it. B.C. punt is mishandled by Dan Kir­ score ended 26-15 as everyone can anyone see the mountains in been taken all the way. A good is then stopped after 3 plays and by. Six plays later, Gordon Penn now knows. the background of Empire defensive play by Conrad De Kirby puts Laurier in good hits a hole big enough for a Although nothing much hap· Stadium. There is a feeling of an­ Barros forces B.C. to punt. Chor­ position at the 50. Colwell gets a steamship to go through and fin­ pened in our favour, there were ticipation in the air. Some ney, still hurt from Reid's hit, good run but a clipp!ng penalty ds the end zone from the ten some-- players who enjoyed players wander aimlessly in the allows Gary Metz to punt the brings it back. A long run by without being touched. The a good game. Phil Colwell rushed night, while others sit silently in for 165 yards in an incredible the B.C. Lion changeroom. On display of open-field running. the stalls are such names as Phil caught the eyes and at· Tagge, Young, Wilson, and Brit­ tention of many scouts that were ts. These guys are pros, and we there. My prediction that Phil are sitting in the same spots should enjoy a good game on the where they sit every game for astro turf was proved correct. the Lions. Scott Leeming ran the running In reality, it is just another part of the wishbone like a game, with the winner getting a seasoned veteran, but his College Bowl berth. But you just inability to hit secondary can't dismiss the outside distrac­ receivers really hurt our chances. tions that the Hawks are under­ Jim Reid only managed to get 45 going. Hopefully, at 8:00 the yards but all those were tough concentration will be only on ones. Jim is still the best player football. The hometown crowd in Canadian college history, as starts to trickle into the far as I'm concerned. stadium, but a big crowd is not On the other hand, the defence expected. B.C. has been getting did not play all that badly. Larry crowds of around 600-800 all Rygus, Terry Martyniuk, and year long. This is really hard to Conrad De Barros all had ex· understand, because UBC has an cellent games. The Thunderbirds enrolment of 30,000 kids. could not get any yards around Game time is near, so off I go the ends but ran with ease to the confines of a warm press through the middle. This really box. Most Vancouver puzzles me, as our defensive mid· newspapers are on strike but the dle has been a strong point all media is well represented. Scouts year. the running backs were from numerous professional breaking tackles like they were teams are in attendance, not there. Never have I seen the checking out the Canadian Hawks miss more tackles. talent. By game time, the crowd However, this game is now in is, well, let's say 'respectable'. the past and we are regrouping Also in attendance are many for­ for next season. It's too bad we mer Laurier students who were got so close and came up empty, very supportive of our cause. because I know darn well we The tension is mounting and were the better team. We the Hawks appear to be ready. physically hurt them. We had a Laurier elects to receive and the bigger team and definitely more battle is on. The kickoff bounces talent. With all these things in over Gieruszak's head and he our favour, why didn't we win, gets back to the nine yard line. y'ou ask? Well, I would have to In two carries, Colwell is to the say that after the game at 22 and Phil is hitting the outside Western, this game was an· with great speed. Reid gets 1, ticlimactic. The team just wasn't then Leeming is, stopped at the mentally prepared and the 30 and in comes Gulyes to punt. mistakes proved it. Jerry does not get off a good punt and B.C. takes over on the In the quiet, tearful dressing 54. (Talking to Jerry about his room after the game, Coach kicking after the game, he said Knight summed it up when he "I did not have a good game with said, "I'm not so sure that we the punting and kicking. The dif­ got beaten by the other guys so ference in the shoes and turf much as we beat ourselves ... definitely made a difference, but This is so true, as the Hawks I'm not trying to make excuses. would all tell you. I don't think Once a kicker gets used to the anyone who is associated with turf, it could only help him.") the Hawks and know what they UBC's offence doesn't manage can do would say B.C. is the bet· ter team. to get a first down and are forced PIC RY I.A:\IGA:-.- to punt. Barry Quarrel! receives the punt and is stopped right in After reaching an emotional high against Western it could not be Now the season is over fix his tracks on the 11. Colwell gets achieved again in B.C. Here a dejected Jim Reid sits contemplating another year and the Hawks to the 25 and then to the 29. Reid defeat. Hold your heads high Hawks it was a great season! were semifinalists in the nation. gets to the 34 and Jerry Gulyes Things were accomplished this gets the call again. A good punt year that many thought would and a good runback gives UBC rest of the game. Kirby knocks Dan Gieruszak puts the Hawks crowd comes alive and the B.C. never be achieved. One of these the ball on their own 50. The the ball down and almost loses it. on the 31 yard line. The next play bench is elated. Laurier received of course, is the defeat of the Thunderbirds march promptly Ater 6 running plays, Laurier sees Leeming throw deep into the kickoff and on the second Western Mustangs. Many downfield and QB Dan Smith fin­ stalls and Gulyes punts. The the end zone to Vetro who is play from scrimmage, a Leeming players will depart the Golden ds Penn in the end zone for a Hawks get a break when Jerry is being interfered with. After a pitchout can't be handled and Hawk scene, but we will have a T.D. pass. This takes nine plays hit by a defender. The result: 1st lengthy lapse in time, the official B.C. takes over. Although there solid nucleus for next year. In (3 passinC5 rushing, and a pass down on the 49. Colwell burns up throws a flag and Laurier is 1st is still lots of time left, these two conclusion, I just would like to interference call) to set up the the turf to get to the 33. Then, and goal at the one. Reid takes fumbles take the starch out of say that even though the Hawks major. The B.C. offence is with the momentum in our the ball and barges into the end our offensive attack. The 30 yard didn't win the coveted College blowing the centre of our defen­ favour, Scott Leeming (who had zone. The score-Hawks 15, B.C. march after the fumble ends in a Bowl, they can look back over sive line right out of the play. played very well up to this point) 10 to end the half. Dave Negrin T.D. and a 25-15 the season, hold their heads • Another kickoff by B.C. gets a pitches the ball too high and Dan lead for B.C. high, and say 'WE ARE WIN· good bounce to allow the defen­ Gieruszak can't hold on. (At this time, I really felt u·e The rest is just too depressing ~ERS FROM A SCHOOt ders to get downfield. After an B.C. takes over on their own 34 had the upper hand and u•ould to put on paper. It became a WITH A WI~NING exchange of punts and a long and marches down to the Hawks' emerge victorious, but B.C. was defensive battle right to the end TRADITION!!!" (Jiursaay, November 16, 1978 The Cord Weekly Page 13 GOLDEN WORDS JOCK SHORTS

The following is a play-by-play descnption of the beautiful trip to Bntish Columb1a . Due to t1me by Gerry Huddleston 7. Hey, are you getting bored limitations I will put it down in pomt form 1. All those telegrams sent to with school work? Then write an B.C. by fellow students, faculty article for sport's comment. Wednesday, November 8 and friends were really enjoyed Don't bitch about what we -5 p.m after many days of preparation we finally boarded the bus and left for the airport in Toronto by the Hawks. do ... take an hour and try -&:15 after checkmg in at the airport it was t1me to s1t in the bar and contemplate life before take off your luck. -8 00 we board the DC8 at the regular time and JUSt before we leave the ground the Capta1n says " WLU 1f • • • • you're all here we will leave " It's a good thing he said that because Colwell, DeBarros, O'Keefe and Web- • • ster were still in the bar "' 2. Some reasons that I feel we • • -We leave Toronto and meet winds up to 180 miles per hour most of the way out lost are as follows: A. We 8. U.B.C. has had attendance -this being my first flight, I was thinking about leaving my stomach in Sault Ste. Marie but I declined weren't mentally prepared. B. problems at sporting-events for -due to the turbulance it took us f1ve hours to get to BC New turf to the Hawks. C. the past few years and they -for my first flight it was an experience but not an enJoyable one Seeing the sights of Vancouver have a school population of ap­ -we took another bus to the hotel-Century Park Place (classy spot). instead of thinking about the proximately 42,000. The game -my roomy and I decided to take a walk downtown Vancouver. Six guys (not gays) asked lan Troop and game. D. Routine was held at Empire Stadium to myself if we wanted some action to go down s1x blocks and turn right change-Friday at eleven in­ make up a part of the $23,000 -never being one to turn down something that may prove interesting we decided to head down stead of Saturday. E. Finally, deficit that they expected. Why when we got down to the centre of Vancouver, we saw wall to wall hookers the most devastating they took it away from our -I knew Vancouver was known for something. reason-the one that can be division I will never know. -after just a brief (Ha Ha) stay we headed back to the hotel for a good night's sleep supported with the most fac­ ts-we wore the shoes that the • • • • Thursday, November 9 Toronto Argo's loaned to us. 9. Upcoming sporting event: -off we go to Empire Stadium, home of the British Columbia Lions They have been losing in them party at Rick Kalvitis's place. -the practice was with full equipment and I busily snapped picture after picture The stadium is in a for so long, how could anyone Date to be announced. beautiful setting with mountains in the background. win in them? -after the practice it was back to the hotel for the Labatt's press conference (see article on Press Con­ ..... ference) • • • • 10. Did you know that Bobby -at this conference Coach Knight kept the reporters laughmg with his wit 3. Come out and watch the Hull and Bobby Orr retired this -after the press conference it was off to see Vancouver on foot Volleyball tourney Saturday in week? Well, all the best must -after many hours of trudging around Vancouver it was back to the hotel for the night. our gym. take a rest at some time. Fnday, November 10 4. Attention basketball fans. • • • • -the first thing in the morning the Canadian Amateur Football Association put on a breakfast with both Coach Smith needs a manager teams atending 11. Look at my Canadiens fly for the BB team. The pay isn't now!! -the Launer team was very rowdy and the BC team was very quiet and intimidated by our team. A few that great, but it will be a rewar­ words were said by both coaches, Labatts representatives, and Canadian Amateur Football reps. ding experience. -after breakfast it was tour time. Barry Lyons, Donna Tiegen, Mitzi Michaels, Terry and Kay Hayash1da • • • • took the tour of UBC, and what a campllls it is! -we arrived at the campus after getting lost in Vancouver with a lady taxi driver (this confirms my • • • • 12. Guy Lafleur is catching up stereotype about lady dnvers) 5. Pat On The Back Award goes on the pack, heading for another -we had-drinks at the cosy little faculty club and chatted w1th four nice gentlemen about our school and to AI Tripp, Gary Dinkle and scoring championship. theirs Brian Townsend for looking af­ -It is mce to know that their faculty club has a membership exceeding 3,000 (the same as our whole ter the Hawks all year. • • • • school) it has three dining rooms, three bars, rooms for visiting celebrities and recreation rooms. -every building we came out of, you were stanng at the mountains • • • • 13. A concerned sports fan has -facilities are just fantastic on the UBC campus, twelve libraries, 1.8 m1ll1on volumes, three hospitals, just pointed out to me that a 6. The next home hockey game athletic facilities for a king and a total of 385 buildings on campus major reason we lost in Van­ -special thanks goes to Barry Lyons for including me on this great tour for Wayne Gowings's squad is couver was that we didn't get It -1t was back to the hotel for supper and then off to the stadium for the game. November 25th. will be enough points to win. Eminen­ played against Western at2:00. -it was getting chilly as we arrived at the stadium in total darkness tly logical. -I toured through all the facilities that the Lions use, then interviewed Ron Lancaster -I gave the camera to I an Troop to get game shots and went to the press box • • • • -I was honoured to have President Tayler sit beside me and we chatted football throughout the game -following the game I walked with the team to the dressing room and listened to the sound of a sad squad of players Sports Commc11t -Coach Knight said a few words (only a few were needed and he chose them very welf) by John Kastner -there were many tearful goodbyes said as many ~ould never be in this postgame situation again. Last week my editonal was about college fans; their special loyalty -for some it was the end of their football career. For others only the beginning. and so on. This week as a follow-up, I have chosen to write about a -some felt as individuals they had blown our chances. But the Hawks win as a team and lose as a team lower form of fan This fan is the front-runner. Everybody knows -after the game it was another reception put on by Labatts with a fine luncheon served and free booze one-he's the guy that likes the team that finished first last year. He -then back to the room to pack and prepare for the journey on Saturday shows no long-term loyalty-only until they stop winning. The front-runner is the fan who says " I don't care about baseball" Saturday, November 11 but come the last week of September, he starts talking about the -the bus loaded at 12:30 and off to the airport we went Yankees like he was a season ticket holder. He is also the guy who - at 2 p m we left beautiful Vancouver in our 747 and had a pleasant trip home doesn't mention basketball until the middle of April then he becomes a -it only took 3 hours to get to Toronto in a more comfortable plane. Washington Bullet fan. He is the fan that thinks a good football game -we loaded yet another bus and headed to Waterloo. is one whep Dallas wins by forty points- some excitement He is the -we get off the bus in cold and rainy Waterloo and the trip was over guy that h~pes for the Canadiens, but during a Hab losing streak he crawls back into the woodwork. I respect the real Canadien fans, the BOY THIS IS WHAT I CALL ANTI-CLIMACTIC. ones who follow the team day in and day out. It's the fan who has only Gerry Huddleston. an opportunistic interest in the team that makes me vomit. To add even more credence to the argument, he doesn't even stick to teams: he'll jump on the bandwagon for individuals as well. Forget the fact that Reggie jackson did little all year except show disrespect to superiors and peers alike, but come October, it's as if Jackson were the second coming. This is the fan that likes Jack Nicklaus because he's got a 'perfect swing', make no mention of the fact that he is perenially near the top of the money list This type of fan never considers the character or the attitude of his heroes. The only prerequisite IS that his favourite has to finish first Oh, but fear not, you fans of also-rans. You fans that cheer for teams that more often than not finish second-or worse- you too shall have your 1 day and it will mean so much more, having been with your team all along the comeback trail. You fans who sit in the car so you can pick up some distant radio station just to hear the garbled play-by-play of your favourite team. After all, how much satisfaction can there be in seeing the Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup- no one ever doubted they would. But what about the Leaf fan? Everybody said they would never get by the Islanders but they did, or. the Bruin fan, expected to go out in four but they made a series of it. Ah - here IS the real joy of being a fan Accomplishment comes from doing more than the expected The front-runner is merely robbing h1mself. Certainly, he finds some joy 1n seeing the obvious and cheering when his team wins but that is only half of being a fan Part of being a fan is suffering with your team when defeat comes, havmg to reach down and say-'wait til next ,-, yearl' Just like )im McKay says sport is the "thrill of victory" but just as ~ ... •. 0 important, the " agony of defeat!" - 0 It is no sign of character to bet on a team because you think they'll .."" >- win. It is, however, far more admirable when a fan bets on a team u"' because he hopes they'll win. a: So you fans out there who are like myself, frustrated by the fact that your teams always come up just short- fear not- you are the real Phil Colwell burned up the ground gaining 165 yards and Impressing everyone in the stadium with his fans. Hoping for the Celtics, Patriots, Reds, Bruins, Ti-Cats, and Golden's just too bad all his running was drowned by the defeat. The wishbone did work well but Hawks is often cause to hang your head and say 'wait until next year, mistakes proved to be very costly. Another defeat Friday night was that all the cameras seized up In the but having to say that is part of being a real sports fan. cold air. This picture was reproduced from a colour negative {which Is very difficult to do.) Page 14 The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 16,1971 Tufty shines at press conference bv Gerry Huddleston out of here and look for a job. and started by mtroducing .. Haves and Have nots ... He abo Football has come a long way . Laba-tt's of Canada showed After everyone filled their everyonP associated with Laurier told reporters that Laurier was a UBC Coach, Frank Smith (a their appreciation for Canadian bellies full of shrimp and many in the room. The number of feeder system for Western and cool, calm, collected individuall College Football by giving a lun· assorted goodies, the coaches pe0ple from Laurier led to many Toronto. welcomed everyone from WLU cheon followed by a press conf· had a few words to say. Bus snickers from the audience and TuHy made the poi.nt clear and commended the Hawks erence. The luncheon was very Philips, head of athletics at UBC Tuffy replied "When we leave, that he was a man of routine and their season. He introduced his good and the price was right. If introduced Tuffy to the capacity the school closes." Tuffv went on told reporters that the time coaches and captain, Dan Smith. this is what sports writing is all crowd of writers and guests. to explain the system i~ Ontario change concerned him. When Then he praised the about, then I can't wait to get Coach Knight was at his best this year and referred to the asked if he would have rather and told reporters that he pl11yed in Ontario. he said "I seen too much of it (psych job). would have liked to play at Not many questions were fired Light at the end of the tunnel Seagram's because then I would at the conservative coach have had my dad, brother and (probably because they had seen by Mark Wigmore Windsor (the first of the regular tempt to go above their previous uncle to referee". Tuffy said him all year~ so the athletic direc· Those were the words of season) is hoped to be the tur· level as they journey to Peter­ "some schools don't like to win, tor took over again. Women's Volleyball Coach ning of the tides. borough to compete in a league but at our school, we like to The athletic director put in a Cookie Leach upon returning Colin McKay, Director of tournament against Ryerson, wm. Near the end of the push for reporters to advertiS6 from a match in Windsor on the Student Services, presented Ottawa, Carleton, Laurentian questioning, one curious fellow the game because sales were weekend. trophies to the winners and run· and Trent. Coach Leach predicts asked: "What is the main field of slow, and then closed off the con­ The trip to Windsor was by ners-up in the concourse last that if they play as well this study at Laurier," and Tuffy ference. Laurier were one set of standards a loss (we Friday. weekend as they did against replied, "Football." However, he represented at the lost 3 out of 4 games~ but by A very talkative and op· Windsor, the weekend will be a then said, "Wipe that off, some and I'm sure that people another set of standards, a vic· timistic Cookie Leach believes very enjoyable and victorious people back home won't like impressed with our ret1re1sent­ tory. the Windsor game has seen a one. We wish them well. that." To end his part, Tuffy atives. Although the team did lose 3 200% increase in team effort and Coming up this Tuesday in our said, "We are glad to be here games, the victory was in the team play. The play has im· Athletic Complex is the very im· representing Ontario." Tuffy NEXT WEEK caliber of play exhibited by the proved in every way. The play of portant first home game of the also told everyone that since he VERSATIONS WITH team. The scores of the games starters Kathy Royce, Teresa regular season against the started coaching at Laurier 13 LANCASTER, BOB LA were also not indicative of the Fullerton, Lori Sauer, Laurie University of Toronto. The U of years ago, Canadian College AND OTHERS! play as many rallies were both Higgins, Pam Oberle, and rookie T has lost three starters from long and exciting. The match Nancy Saunders, the play of last year's squad, but never· could have gone either way. subs Bonnie Kellet and Penny theless promise good, com­ This is where the real victory Greene, the spirit of the bench, petitive volleyball. It is hoped Women's Bad mint on the weekend was. The and the overall team spirit have that a good crowd "'ill be down by Jane Ellenor exhibition season had been by seen a tremendous improvement. at the game to cheer on the team Here this reporter sits, won­ strength improvement would any standards, a nightmare. It "We have been playing at a as it battles on its home court dering what "nice" things she go amiss in the future, had seen inconsistent play and certain level (un-named and un· Tuesday night. It is surprising can say about the women's var· The team participa inconsistent effort, and had mentionable), I think now we're how much a team's play will im· sity badminton team. I could first tournament at w,,.,r••n" resulted in very consistent losing ready to go above it." prove if there are fans instead of spout superfluous sentiment or Toronto this past scores. However, the match in This weekend the team will at· empty stands cheering them on. perhaps even mumble uncertain playing individuals and (Empty stands don't cheer very ambiguities, but since "The from Waterloo, Ryerson, Unclassified Classified Unclassified loud.) So let's give the team truth conquers all", let the truth to, and Queen's. Fighting some support. Come down be known: the team is not great. st excellent teams (and Thl! ('ord has startl!d a new featurl! for WLU students only. It Tuesday to watch the game. Some people may even wonder if Laurier's reputation), the pl!rmits a student to announcl! chl!aply u-hat thl!y u•ould like Help them to reach the light at the players could be termed did all that anyone could ask of to buy or Sl!ll or trade or borrow or announce. Ratl!s are 5C a the end of the tunnel. "good"; sometimes the girls them: they tried. One could see u•ord u·ith a minimum char/(l! of .SOC. All ads must be themselves wonder the same after their initial stage-fright submitted to Studl!nt Publications on the Fridav before the thing when they are out on the had receded, the marked im­ issue and payment must be madl! thl!n, You are aiso requested JW Tourney courts facing players from those provement in the Hawkettes' to shmc your current Wl,U student card at the time of "larger universities". style of play over the duration placement. Here it is, the third week of But, no worry! Our the tourney itself. They settled HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CRAIG CARSON on your play in the tourney, and there girls-Colleen Fares, Nancy down and began playing NINETEENTH. Don't get too impaired. ·-from St. has been a lot of steady play with Clynick, Susan O'Connor, teams, getting their ~ ·,..-- Catharines. Midland and Sarnia. no real surprises. It looks like the Lorelei Plata, Martha McMillan, across, their shots in, and "'"'"-*·• two men to beat are Paul Willis Anne Le Fresne, and Janet Sow confidence up. Attractive females w11nted to raise spirits of three lonely, and Shawn Koshowski, both un· Lee- are good. They possess What this tournament did overworked 3rd year male business students. Call 886-2538 defeated so far in tournament that famous Laurier drive that the women's badminton anytime. play. refuses to back down when up was to give them experience I hope that all you Johnnie against "better" teams; they competition, exposure to the To M.M.: She who soaks first dries out last. Beware! - Walters fans are watching him possess the die-hard enthusiasm tensity and pressure of ~1.~1.M. every morning right here in to keep going against all the od­ (physical and \\'anted- One Red Fire Extinguisher (dead or alive, ... we'd downtown Kitchener. Maybe ds; most of all, they possess a and importantly, to accept slightly crippled), last seen approximately 2:30 a.m. you'll get a chance to play 'his solid talent in badminton and a serving their opponents Friday ;'l;ovember lOth, former address B 1 Conrad, currently game.' qulified coach who worked them teammates compete. Laurier of no fixed address. No que~tions asked, (as a matter of fact, John Sisson vs. Rob Burns - hard to constantly improve their returned home with a view to we'd really appreciate it), if turned in by ~1onday :'ll"ovember Sisson wins. play. Rick Mader, massage tensified practice and 20th. We're beat for the cash if it doesn't show. Brian Metherall vs. Paul Willis therapist by day and badminton sequently , improvement; coach by night, is a new addition know now what they are TO THE CAPTAIN: You were right. We were fools. - Willis wins. Displaying such a "devil·may-<:are" attitude in the presence Duke Wain vs. Spencer Camp· to Laurier this year (the team against and what they of so many dangerous people can only be described as bell - unplayed has had no real coach in the working for. The team irresponsible. ~1aybe we were drunk. Or maybe fear itself John Feeney vs. Shawn past.~ He is giving structure to going to win many laurels in made us lose our minds! We now realize that we were lucky to Koshowski - Koshowski wins. the girls' playing skills, cen· near future, but thev can escape with our lives. The next time we'll know better, and Kevin Walker vs. Dave Stobbe tering their practices on can't t hey? After all, "that is heed your advice. Wow! Signed: your Crew on Liberty. P.S. - Stobbe wins. strategy, perhaps some work in name of the game! Is it true that a Captain goes down with his ship? Better hang on to those rails. Kurt, you are a poop! I wanted to go to Niagara Falls Monday night even if we don't have a honeymoon - LUV Susy. TO THE GIRL I DEEPLY LOVE. Sorry I haven't '1\.Titten you lately (in c/ o this column) but life is busy. How are your mid-terms and essays going? That's nice. Mine aren't going that well. Life seems to be too busy right now, for anything but school. Who said University life is fun? I can't even get the nerve to ask vou out. -Frustrated and mad-Lonely and Frisky··still3rd year arts. Scott-the next time we go to make a grand entrance to a party, please be sure we have the right balcony, before we start climbing.

Lynn & Joan-Tried to call you Saturday and Sunday to tell you what a great party it was Friday night, but couldn't get an answer. How come? Weren't you home? B & S-Double Trouble.

Colleen & Cathy- Kneu• you u·erl! tired Friday ni!(ht so u·e thought u·e'd fix it so you could sleep in Saturday morning, without being distrubed. Surf! hope you were impressed u·ith our ingenuity (cause Ma Bell charges $12.00 for .~omething like that and u·e did it for free). - D . T (see abovl! ad for explarwtion of initials). The offensive line has played well this year and deserves a lot of credit for the yardage the Hawks have The Cord reserves the ri!(ht to refuse any ad (paid for or not). mounted. Even in B.C., the offense rolled up 396 yards In the air and on the ground (most of it on the ground.) Left to right are Jeff Carefoote, Rich Bellamy, Bob Yeomans, Larry hale, Brian Saville, and John Skeach. Unclassified Classified Unclassified Page 1:> The Cord Weekly ------Ping Pong Tournament

Ninety-six contestants partie· ipated in the Chinese Students' Association Ping Pong Tour· nament which was held ::\ ovem· ber 7-9 in the Concourse. This vear saw the addition of a new ~lassification (mixed doubll's I and the introduction of a new trophy for the ;"1.1en's singles champion, donated by Dr. Wang. The new trophy will be placed in II • the games room.

The results of the tournament are as follows: PIC BY VELLA ;"1.1en's Singles: Good job Sammy! What happens now, do you challenge the College Champion - 1\ olan I sacovics Bowl winner? 1st runner up -Raymond Cheung 2nd runner up -Kiran J au hal

tramural Football Finals Men's Doubles: Champions- Kiran Jauhal and Todd Yowman 1st runners up-Edward Wang and Raymond Cheung 2nd runners up-Azim Shamji and John Robinson Jt Women's Singles: Champion-Jennifer Mak 1st runner up-Teresa Chan

Mixed Doubles: Champions-Vincent Chan and J ennifer M ak 1st runners up-Philip Tsui and Teresa Chan

Colin McKay, Director of Student Services, presented t rophies to the winners and runners-up in the concourse last Friday. PIC BY VELLA Better luck next time men. It was a battle to remember for a long time. by Don Harlov North Final ner of the Gold Division and Lit· tie Studz, champions of the Pur· 18 pie Division. Little Studz took 12 an early lead on a touchdown by Jim Harden. Minutes later, Jim Barney scored to increase Little 27 Studz's lead. Barney also con· 6 verted his own touchdown making the score 13·0. Santucci fought back with a touchdown 6 by Bob Boos. The convert was 18 good by Boos, making the score at halftime 13·7 in favour of the Little Studz. Sam Santucci tied the score early in the 2nd half 7 and Santucci went ahead for the 0 first time on a pass to Bob Boos. The touchdown by Boos, his second of the game was con· verted by Pete Bernotas. Both teams traded touchdowns the 34 rest of the game with Bob 12 Howald scoring for the Little Studz and Pat Elder replying for Santucci. The final Score: San· 7 tucci, 26 and Little Studz, 19; 0 thus making Santucci the new champions of Intramural Foot· Final ball at WLU. Members of the winning team 26 are: Sam Santucci, Pete Ber· Santucci notas, Pete Lapp, Bob Boos, Pat Little Studz 19 Elder, ~eil Bailey, Mario Cic· The championship game was carelli, Mark Dobbin, Ken held Wed., November 8. The two Grahame, Bruce Jones. combatants were Santucci, win·

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