Thursday, November 16, 1978 tt,e ~rd Wee~ly Volume 19, Number 9 WLU Press acquires new equipment• bv Carl Friesen has to date published 41 books Last Thursday, WLU Press all priced at $10.00 or less, as held an open house to demon­ well as 3 journals. According to strate some of its new equip· Harold Remus, Director of WLU ment. This equipment brings the Press, sales are up 75% during Press well up to modern stan· the past year. Some titles are dards in electronic printing now out of print, but all are technology. Now, a computer available on microfiche. console almost anywhere in the As the system works now, the world can be used to programme manuscript is typed on a com· the Press to print a variety of puter console, and the in­ print types and sizes. Much of formation is translated into tape the credit for the private format, which is then fed into the ingenuity and work goes to Dr. type machine. Here, the line Hart Bezner, director of the com­ length, type size, and print style puter centre, and his staff. in the final copy are selected, and Since. its beginning in 1974, a sheet of print the size of the WLU Press has done its best to final copy is produced. This is print scholarly works in small photographed, and the negative volume at low cost, with no frills. used in the final paste-up, which Because commercial publishers is done by himd. The actual prin­ are only willing to print books ting is done by other presses, and journals with large print generally out of town. runs, many excellent works of According to Remus, the main limited demand would never be significance of the Press is that a zw published if it were not for small University like Laurier has (/) w presses such as the one here at one. It produces a significant ir • IL WLU. To some extent, this number of publications, and has >­ II) operation must be subsidized to a good reputation in scholarly 0 ii: offset costs. Part of this finan· circles. Works are selected for cing comes from the University publication which receive Harold Remus, director of the WLU Press, and Doreen Armbruster, an assistant, stand beside the new favourable recommendations, type machine. The photographic stabilizer/printer is sitting on the table. itself, because of its belief that the publication of scholarly and relate to the University's Board discusses travelling costs works is necessary. The Press areas of teaching and research. by Dave Creek the Board appeared to be badly student meeting in order to help Breithaupt debates on WLU day Sunday night's meeting saw split on the issue. formulate a response to the A confrontation between of politics, is sponsored by the some interesting decisions han· Hadlow presented to the Senate Ad-hoc Committee on James R. Briethaupt, Liberal political science department and ded down by the WLUSU Board Board an OMB order which had Trends and Strategies. MPP for Kitchener, and politics will begin at 1:30 p.m. in room of directors. As part of the given approval to a one hundred The Lounge Policy Chairman, and business students, is one lEI of the arts building. At that president's report, Mike Hadlow and fifty dollar expenditure to John Spadoni, reported that he feature of WLU Day Nov. 16 at time, Mr. Breithaupt will discuss presented to the Board, two send Gerry Huddleston to Van- would like to purchase four Wilfrid Laurier University. why politics and politicians are regulations concerning travel ex- couver as a representative of the pieces of portable stage to About 600 high school studen· "necessary to our society." penses, on WLUSU business. CORD, in order to cover the replace damaged sections ofthe ts are expected for the event. Also planned for the day is a The first presented under the Laurier-UBC game. Hadlow stage in the Turret. It was pain­ They are encouraged to attend 50 minute music concert title BOD 4, dealt with reim- gave the Board the OMB reason ted out that the estimate which as many lectures and events as featuring Hirochika Chimoto on bursement for actual travel. The for sending a CORD repres- Spadoni presented to the Board they can cram in during the day. cello and Garth Beckett on Board amended the presentation entative and not one from Radio was no longer valid. The Board, Classes are open ·and demon­ piano. The concert is being held so that paid travel was limited to Laurier. Mark Filo asked why therefore, told Spadoni to go strations are set up to help in the theatre auditorium at a 800 km or 500 mile radius of either should have been sent, and ahead with the purchase, and did acquaint students with univer­ noon. WLU. Exceptions could be made questioned the rationale used by not limit him to a cost limit. sity life. WLU student guides Other events include a number to this rule with notice to the the OMB. The expenditure was The Board voted in favour of are on hand to give campus of demonstrations, a contest on OMB. accepted, Mark Filo asking that giving the President and Vice- tours, beginning at 9:15a.m. historical figures, and films, in· The second proposition, BOD it be recorded that he was in op- president of WLUSU executive The confrontation with Mr. eluding the award winning prom· 5, dealt with gas allowance for position. passes for the Turret. The Board Breithaupt, called the business otional film, "I Chose Laurier". the use of private cars, and meal A motion to allocate four hun- granted these passes, but, again allowance while on the road. This dred and twenty five dollars in this case, the vote was in­ item of the agenda consumed from the SUB fund, for the in· dicative of a divided Board. most of the Board's time. stallation of screens on the out­ Health plan dilemma Several Directors, who in the side of south-facing windows on Radio Laurier Station past have used their own cars for the first floor of the SUB was Manager, Larry Greenberg, in by Barry Ries obtain reimbursement from WLUSU business, were ex· presented. It was passed with lit· response to questions asked by The Ontario College of Phar­ Health Services.) tremely upset with the low rate tie or no discussion. the Board, reported that RL can macists is investigating a Every full-time student at of mileage which was proposed. The CUA, Dave Crapper repor· be heard in the dining hall, if the complaint filed by one of its WLU pays $3 (when registering) Even when it was pointed out ted that he has gone ahead with dining hall staff are asked to members about the arrangement towards the Drug Plan, which is that in the past some represen- a proposal for an OFS question· turn up the sound. Greenberg between the WLU Health operated by WLU. This allows tatives of WLUSU had profited aire. He reported that it will con­ also reported that Clara Conrad Services' Student Drug Plan and the student to obtain prescrip­ by up to one hundred dollars un- sist of four half page ads in the A and B wings have RL sound UI}iversity Pharmacy. tions for the token sum of 25 cen· der the old mileage plan, these CORD, and a fifth article on the for the very first time, and that One of the regulations gover· ts, up to a maximum of $100 Directors still opposed the new results of the questionaire to be C wing and Willison should have ning pharmacies states that par­ (retail value) per year. Oral con­ plan. The discussion of this item released in early 1979. The com­ sound within the next two to macists "shan't participate in an traceptives cost the student was extremely controversial, and missioner has also set up an open three weeks. agreement restricting the $1.50 per month through the patient's choice of a pharmacy," Plan, as opposed to about $3 said Mr. Owen, Director of In­ over the counter at a pharmacy. vestigation of the Ontario Colin McKay, Director of Sutherland loses but still happy College of Pharmacists. Owen Student Services, told the Cord Mike Sutherland, the WLU the issues of lower bus fares for campaign, and received explained that the Infringement that the Plan pays for itself. student who ran in Monday's students and the inadequate donations of $50. His money Committee of the OCP would be Should there be difficulties in the election as an aldermanic can· housing available in Waterloo may have been well spent, as he looking into the matter and existing arrangements, WLU didate in Waterloo, would have for university students. Mike informed the Cord that he and reporting its findings later this might have to buy a drug plan been happy to get one thousand estimated that about 85 studen­ two other students will be month. (It is the pharmacy that from an insurance company. The votes. Fifteen hundred was all all ts voted at the WLU polling working on the problem of may be at fault, not WLU.) other alternative, that of he expected at most. He came station and that he got about 76 student housing. The experience As things stand now, a allowing a student to use the ser­ out of the election with 2,168. of their votes. and exposure will be helpful to student requiring a prescription vices of any pharmacy and then Two thousand plus votes is a In talking about the election, him in the future, as he said "I filled takes it to Health Services, being reimbursed by Health Ser­ respectable number, but Mike mentioned that the Kit­ am definitely going to run again, who then fill it at University vices, would mean a substantial Sutherland still only finished chener-Waterloo Record's after I graduate." Pharmacy, which is located on increase in administrative eleventh in a field of twelve.
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