IOYS TOWN THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY Now you can getthehottestnew releases andthe Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney BROWN Tracy won his second Best Actor Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell best ofthe classics for even less. We've lowered Oscar for his portrayal of Father Reynolds sparkles in this theprice on dozens ofyourfavori tefilms , so we Flanagan and Rooney is superb in exuberant musical comedy about this poignant classic that remains a down-home orphan who marries can offer you even greater savings than ever one of the best-loved movies of well and bursts into stuffy Denver all time. 93 mins. B&W (1938) society. 128 mins. Color ( 1964) before. So whetheryou 're looking/or a timeless MG20385l $19.95 MG600578 $19.95 collectibleoracontemporaryclassic, we'vegot ll'll.ill.11 KAJHli£'i GEENA Hlllr . TL'AA':R . DIVIS Greer Garson, \Valier Pidgeon hundreds ofHollywood's finest fi lms toc hoose The uplifting story of an English THE housewife·s experiences in World from. Andnow 's the pe1fect time to buy those ACCIDENTAL War II, winner of seven Academy TOURIST Awards including Best Picture movies you always wanted to own for a price and Best Actress. 134 mins. B&W (1942) you can't afford to miss.* MG300804 $ 19.95

HBOTI IND COSTELLO IN GAY DIVORCEE HOLLYWOOD Fred Allaire, Ginger Rogers COVER GIRL B11d Abbo11, lo11 Cosrello Sheer poetry in motion--"Night Rira Hayworth, Gene Kelly The hilarity never SIO~ when and Day .. an incomparable dance Lively Kem and Gershwin tunes, these twQ zany bumblers play of seduction, "The Continental" a fabulous dance numbers and Hollywood agent<, that wreak dJeam you wish would never end. costume, to die for highlight this havoc at a film studio. One of Fred and Ginger are at their best j glamorous wartime musical. their bigges1 budget films for in this witty musical comedy NEVER BEFORE AVAILABLE some of their biggest all-time masterpiece. 107 mins. B&W ON VIDEOCASSETI'E. laughs. 76 mins. B&W (1953) (1934) 107 mins. Color (1944) MG500079 $24.95 THE6092 $19.95 - C090413 $19.95 IHE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST DIE HIRD THE BIRTH OF A NATION William H11rt, Karhleen Turner. MOONSTRUCK Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia Ul/ian Gish, Mae Marsh, Oee11aDavis Cher, Nicholas Cage An edge-of-your-scat action llenry Wallace Take a trip to hearrwarming Cher's Best Actress and thriller that rockets -1long like a A collector·s must. a legend in hilarity wi h a travel writer whose Olympia Dukakis· Best runaway r0ller-COOJ\ter about American cinema. D.W. o)rderly hfe disintegrates when Supponing performances terrorists wh() sei,ze n building, Griffith ·s epic tale of two his wife leaves and ditty dog highlight this irresistible Oscar­ with Willi as the only guy who families surviving the Civil War trainer Davis (in a Best winning Screenplay or contem­ can stop them. A hean-stopping remains a milestone in movie Supponing Oscar-winning role) porary romance. Cher's finest must for action fans. 132 mins. history. 185 mins. B&W (1915) waltzes in. 121 mins. Color hour as she's Caged by an ardent Color (I 988) Silent (1988) suitor. l03 mins. Color ( I 987) LETHAL WEAPON 2 TWl666 $19.95 UH9092 $29.95 WA11825 $19.95 MG901135 $19.95 Mel Gibson, Danny Glover Buddy cops Riggs and Munaugh HEDDA HOPPER'S are two drop-dead funny guys, HOLLYWOOD but one of tl)em is lethal in this The glitz and glamour of Tinsel power-packed. thrjll-a-rinute Town in ir's heydey is explored action ~ uel that is pure dyna­ in t\lis fascinating 6-part program mite. 114 mins. Color ( 1989) that takes an inside h;>ok at Holly­ WA 1187f/ $24.95 THE BEST OF GART &lfACALL wood circa 1941 and '42. A #1if Blackh~wk exclusive! THE MANCHURIAN THE IIG SLEEP 10 NAVE AND NAVE NOT RPIO SJ.11"5 $17.11• CANDIDATE With Martha Vickers Wirh Waller Brennan Frank Sinarra, Laurence Harvey. Take Bogie as hard-boiled private Bacall's film debut opposite II Angela l..ansbury eye Philip Marlowe, add new Bogie resulted in sexual tension Clara Bow, Gary Cooper A movie so shcx;ltj ng ft was wife Bacall for sexual chemistry, you could cut with a knife m this Whatever " IT ' was. Bow had pulled frpm d1s1rll)utio11 for 25 blend well with wit. suspense and sizzling WWII classic of French plenty and the audiences couldn't years, and becl1{1le a Clijt hit the murder-and you get one of lhe Resistance and romance scripted get enough of "TT' in this fast second time around. Can a war most brilliant thrillers Hollywood by Faulkner and directed by and funny sjlcn~ classic on how hero be brainwashed into becom­ ever concocted. I \4 mins. B&W Howard Hawks. 101 m,ns. lo hook a man with sex appeal. ing a merciless assassin? ( 1946) B&W ( 1945) Now available on video for the 126 mins. B&W (1962) MG201378 ~ $1 7.88• MG600747 $24.95 fmt time in years! 72 mins. MG801369 ~ $17.11• B&W (1927) Sil.ent BR9404 $24.95 TARZAN THE APE MAN Wi1h Claire Trel'or, Johnny Weism11/ler. /:..dM.·ard G. Rob111son YOUNG Al HEART Ma11ree11 O'Sullivan Gangster Edward G. has the Doris Day, Frank Sina1ra, Tarzan nexes and Jane swoons in guns but Bogie·s got Bacall in BEST OF BOGART & E1hel Barrymore nearly-naked, pre-Hays Office this stunning John llu,ton BACALL COLLECTION "An old-fashioned treat'· is what jungle designer duds in this thnller of a war veteran who (3 Cassette Set) film critic Leslie HaUiwell calls timeless tale or a guy and a girl goes up against mobs1er.; in the Order MG200 this sweet story of a small-town swinging Qff into the sunset. Horida Keys. 101 mins. B&W Also sold separately. music teacher and his four Non-stop action, non-stop enjoy­ (1948) Retail:~ daughters. 117 mins. Color ment! 99 mins. B&W (1932) MG201437 $19.95 YOt t..: l'RI• I : $59.88• ( 1954) MG500043 Retail: ~ RP4706 $19.95 YOUR PRICE: $24.11* CYRANO DE BERGERAC Jo.fe l·errer . i\-lala Powers Ferrer won the Bes\ Aclllr Q...,c:u Boh Hoskins. as a I}"' phi losopher who writes Christopher Lloyd love lcuers for ,1 friend 10 a People and Toons live side by woman he lo,ves himself. A side in this hilarious tale of a ~upcrb, cln!!,) 10 romance. funny bunny. a hot babe and 112 mins. B&W (1 950) a pri vate eye in a triangle of Rros22 ~ $19.aa· trouble. An extraord inary cinematic achievement. THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS 104 mins. Color ( 1988) Mar/011 Brando. Maria Sc/111e1der WD940 $22.'IS This steamy shocker by © The Wall Disney Company Banolucci about a middle-aged man and a French nymphcl in a doomed romance has los1 some of 11s mos1 graphic moments. but none of its impact in Lhis high­ voltage R-ra 1cd ve rsion. 129 mins. Color ( I 972) MC.30 179 1 $24.95 DANGEROUS LIAISONS Glenn Close. John Malkori,·h. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA Michelle Pfeiffer Perer O'Toole. Alec G11i1111es, Brilhant pcrfomrnnccs highlight Winner of seven Q...,car" this contemJX>rary masterpiece of including Best Picture. d1rcc1or lust. 18th cemury style, in which David Lean has restored 35 1nin..... decadence is divine and of previously CUI footage for an sed uction is the bcsr revenge. unforgeuablc ae1ion-advcn1ure of Winner o f 3 Oscars for Be,t W,1/iam //olden. Kim Novak, Rosalind Russell, A rrhur O 'C,mnell even greater majestic propor­ Adap1ed Screenplay. Art AV A ILABLE AT LAST ON VIDEO, a spellbinding classic of tions. 2 16 min,. Color (1962) Direction and Costumes. it is romance and longing in a small 1own one ho! summer night. Holden CO50 136 $29.95 no1hing short of spellbinding! and Novak- ac1ually the whole cast, are mesmerizing. the photogra­ 120 min,. Color ( 1988) phy, the script and the music- pure magic. h 's 1101 as good as you MILDRED PIERCE W/\11 872 $19.95 remember- it's even beuer. 113 mins. Color ( 1956) loon Crm,ford, Bruce Bennett (;0906 13 $19.95 Nominated for six 0.scars THE QUIET MAN including Best Picture, Crawford John lVawtt·. Maun•en O'llara copped Best Actress honors for Director ·John f ord copped 1hc her gripping portrayal of a Oscar for th i~ brawling. SINGIN' IN THE RAIN devoted mother whose sacrifices bo1s1erous co1ncdy cla.ssic abou1 Gene Kellr, Donald O'Co1111nr, lead 10 tragedy in 1his supe,b a retired ho~e( trying,10 tame a Dei>b,e R;_11wlds cla,sic melodra ma. I ) 2 min!-.. headstrong lrish Ja,s. 129 min,. A brilliant comic musical. Dear Custom U&W ( 1945) Color ( I952) considered by many tu be the bc;1 ers: 111 llollywood his1ory. chock-full MG30 11.i2 ~ $24.aa· RPJ36J ~ $17.88• of 1crrific number,, shining Spring fever is . pcrfom1ances and some of the Blackhawk,,.... in the air and Tl , most hilariou~ dialogue e\'cr W ' ...,ala/og 'it ff I i t !)pokcn in a mu~ical. . e ve combed th . a u1s c11 ugh1 it' 102 min,. Color (1952) in Hollywood I be _v aults of ever)' stud.. MG600185 $19.95 o nng · 10 re 1ease s on vidc . you the hottest n . to ocasse11e b e\.v HOW THE WEST WAS WOH make room fio h.. . ut now we h l-l<'llf)' Fonda. Jame.f Steinut. rt em,., a~ Gre,:~ny PecA be tter way t I . vvc can't th ' k . "The hlockbusrcr supreme." is b o c cao out 111 of ·1 how I ·ariery described this O,car­ y slashing price.~ on . i°ur wa rehouse than' wmning Screenplay narrated by Y_our favorite fi lm . a luge se lection of Spencer Tracy abou1 50 years in gives s fo r a clear· . the life of a frontier family. A You the "reacc . . a1K e sa/c that star-packed Americana spci.:t ndc T.' o St sav 111 gs ever ' of epic proponions. 165 min, ,1e Blaclh . 1 Color ( 1962) tha · m ·k Cara/0 , . M(;900356 ~ $24.Sll' tour reputation as "Th !i st11(f k11cnvs Co l/ector · c, . .. · e Video PAL JOEY ti io,ce re ·1 le most comp/ -~ s on nor on/y I> . Hua lhnw1Jrrh. F,unA. Sina/Ht , · etc so . . e1ng Kun No;•oJ.. video but urce for 1/ie h - Immortal Rodger!) and J Ian mng, . . , on our qua/it est on BEAUTY AND THE BEAST BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: ("The Lady Is A Tramp: · ". 1y service. /f we h ' y, value illlc.f Ron Perlman. Linda Hamilton ABOVEt.. BELOW AND Funny Valentine'") highl1£hl thi, Relive 1he captivating blend of BEYONu ri,quc rcndczvou-.; belwccn J fa_vo rite fi lms o/i~~no~adc.Ied one of your action. fantasy and romance thal Ron Perlman. Linda llamifton nigh1club owner and two With ou r Ser . y encounter p bl won the hearts of lhc nation. The fan rasy continues in thc!-.C beauties. -\ sophi,tica tcd mu,u.: al We' . vice, pleased ro ems Includes the pilot and "A Ha ppy 1wo 1imeless tale, of pas,ion, comedy masterpiece. A VAIL­ . re committecJ to . rop us a note. Life." with an autogra phed color which include "To Reign In Hell" ABLE FOR T HE FIRST TIME first and WC'// d . pur1111g ourcu,\ton , photo of Perlman as "Vincen!." and "Orphan,." 95 mms. Color 01' VIDEO. 109 mins. sure . o )vhatever w, Jers 95 mins. Color (1988) ( 1989) ( 1957) you re $,llisfied. e can to make RP0240 $19.95 RP0243 $19.95 CO60798 Sl ':1.95 · BUY NOW! Sale prices good through 9/ 7/ 90 only! LUST FOR LIFE I WANT TO LIVE Kirk Douglas, Anthony Quinn . Luise Ramer Susan Hayward. Simon Oakland Douglas gave one of the best An Oscar-winning Best Pictu re Harrowing true story about the perform:ince.~ of his career in this song-and:-dru1ce c~travaganza execution of a woman who may absorbi,,g, passionate biopic of highlighted b~ Powell' portrayal or may not have been guilty. tortured arti~t Vincent '{an Gogh. of the legendalj'~ n. Hayward's electrifying perform­ but Quinn ~ Gauguin walked 177 mins. B&\.1((1936) ance won her the Oscar for Best away with the Best Supporting MG300538 ~ $27,H• Actress. 120 mins. B&W (1958) Oscar. 122 mins. Color ( I 956) MG600760 $24.95 MG200510 $19.95 THE BLACKBOARD JUNGLE Glenn Ford, Anne Francis, CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS BONNIE SCOTLAND Sidney Poitier, Vic Morrow Spencer Trary. Lionel Barrymore 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL COLLECTORS EDITION lllurel and Hardy Poitier and Morrow made their "One of the best pictures of the THE WIZARD OF OZ This hilarious Holl}'1"ood classic film debullj in tliis ~aring indict­ sea ever made," said Variety of Judy Garland, Frank Morgan. Ray Bolger. Jack 1/aley, Bert Lahr has our two heroes off to ment of Juv'emlc deril!(luency in this moving drama about a simple Celebrate 50 years of enchanunent with this special edition of a the classroom and on teacher fi sherman (Tracy in a Best Actor­ timeless fairy tale, remastered from a 11\le Technicolor print and Scotland to collec a phony inheriwice, theil\.110 the army to who maclc a difrerence. winning performance) who highlighted by rare archival footage including the theatrical preview 101 mins. B&W (1955) teaches a spoiled rich boy how to musical ounakes and much, much more. wreak ha'(OC in India! 80 mins. trailer, never-before-seen B&W (193S) MG200895 $19.95 live. I 18 mins. B&W (1937) The definitive collector's classic! 120 mins. Color (1939) MG300857 ~ MG500058 $24.95 MG600001 $24.95 $22.11• BEAU GESTE Gary Cooper. Ray Milland The Blackhawk Guarantee: Director William Wellman ·s If not completely salisfied thrill-a-minute action adventure wilh a11y ium, return it and DR. ZHIVAGO we will credit the full Omar Sharif. Julie Christie of the most famous brothers ever to join the Foreign Legion. purchase price, replace ii, David Lean's gorgeous, Oscar­ or make a refund. winning (SC(cen~lay, Photo­ 114 min. B&W (1939) graphy, Score) epic romance of MC80547 $29.95 two love caught in the upheaval of the R,\issian GUNGA DIN Revolution. 192 mins. Color Cat}' Gram. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ( 1965) Director George Stevens· rousing MG900003 ~ $27.11• adventure of British Lancers pined against Indian Thuggecs IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT features non-stop action by a Clark Gable. Claudelle Colbert topnotch cast. 117 mins. B& W Frank Capra's classic rom:intic (1939) comedy about a runaway heiress THE2055 $19.95 and a reporter was a runaway hit at Oscar time: Best Picture. Screenplay, Director, Actor and Actress. It couldn't happen to a better picture! 105 mins. B&W (1934) The Godlather Collection C060382 $29.95 "The complete work is an epic vision of the corruption of America." --New Yorker. Now you can own both THE BEST MAN GODFATHER I and II at a new low price or go for the Henry Fonda, Cliff Robertson definitive classic that no serious collection would be A brilliant political drama about without-THE COMPLETE GODFATHER EPIC, two presidential hopefuls crackling with \Yit, e~cellent 1902-1959, the Granddaddy of them al I. performances and a hard-hi tting attention to detail. 104 mins. THE GODFATHER COLLECTION B&W (1964) (The &odfatller; The Godfather Ill MG301775 $29.95 (2 Double Cassette Set) PA200 $54.95 Also sold separately.

Robert Redford, Robert Duvall. THE GODFATHER Marlon Brando. Al Pacino Glenn Close, Kim Basinger AN AMERICAN IN PARIS An outstanding cast highlighis The original that traced the Corlcone family's rise to the top of the this magical tale of baseball Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron criminal world. Academy Awards: Best Picture, Actor (Brando), stardom and the price for Timeless Gershwin tunes, unfor­ Screenplay. 175 mins. Color ( 1972) Double Cassette achievi ng dreams. One of get(able dance numbers, and PA8049 $29.95 Redford's finest performances! direction by Vincente Minnelli garnered this stunning achieve­ 137 mins. Color (I 984) THE GODFATHER II ment 4 Oscars, including Best C060380 $19.95 Al Paci110. Rohen De Niro. Robert Oum/I Picture and Screenplay. 113 min. Two generations of the Corleone family are portrayed in this JUDGMENT AT Color (1951) Oscar-winning sequel. Best Picture, Supporting Actor (De Niro), NUREMBURG MG600006 $19.95 Director. Screenplay. 200 mios. Color (1974) Double Casscne Ronald Colman, Shelley Winten Spencer Tracy. Marlene. Dietrich. PA8459 $29.95 Colman captured the Oscar for Burr lll11caster his portrayal of an ac tol' who Powerful dJ:aina wk,en rom the THE COMPLETE GODFATHER EPIC 1902-1 959 begins to confuse his stag_e roles actual court 'record\ of 'azi war ~ with real life in this supenseful, crime trials. OutSl4Jl!ling cast also A reedited epic masterpiece of both the original GODFATHER films ingenious-tale 9f murder. mad­ includes M~millian Schell, and previou,ly unseen footage into a chronological history of the ness and obsession. 103 mins. Richard Widmark and Montgom­ family. Special 3 casscne set. 387 mins. Color (1981) B&W (1947) ery Clift. 190 mins. B&W (1961 ) PA8480 $179.95 RP1092 ~ $17.IS- MG301536 ~ $27.11• LE CLASS/C_CL..

DISTANT DRUMS With .Wart Aldon Rc~cuing pri~oncr-., from '" arring \\'ith lse1tc Seli 1:/i:abeth Tuy/or. marsha11 whb staQd~ alone m hi, Order R P1~60 La11rem ,, I lan·c,· struggle 'Jl;'ai11s1 outCw,. Also sold separ:llcl~·. L11 won the O,t.:tr for her por­ 85 mins. B&W ( 1952) IMail: ~ trayal of a sul1ry <1cie1y c:\1,1 girl. RPll!00 SJ.l}:9S' $17.88• YOUR PRICE: $49.88' John 0·1~ar · 110v an\:! 1hi, movie we re :-; ockcrs m their day. I 08 min,. Color ( 1960) THE APARTMENT w;300212 ~ s21.aa· THE BEST OF BETTE DAVIS 1 Jm J.. l.l'mmon. Slurlt•y Mac Lowe. Fr,·d MacMurrar. Rar \\ al.11011 NOW, VOYAGER DANGEROUS Bc,1 l'ic1urc. Sc;ccnpiay and i~ llh Claude Hain.l. Puul lf,,11rchl \Vith 1:rw1c1wt '/'one Director (lx11 h for Billy Wrlderl One of I lo llywood', 1110,1 Bene 1101 orly copped her lir-i Ac~ukmy Award!\ went to 1his 1m.!morablc tral!...:ihl) produced. gorg.cou,ly T HE BEST OF llETn: DA VIS 191h ccmury mores and manner-, the , ix <;:)sca r s •cep by this en­ co:-.111mcd romarH.:c about a vain COLLECTI0:-1 (3 Cassette S el) ,aperhly perfonncd a nd thrall in uc:1ion CRIC1h: I pilled beauty who linds lhc lrlll' Order .\1GP.L>2 ,ump1uously produced- a Be,t Act r 1e, l<>IJ a~ insf 1he me.ming of lo"c. I ::!7 1nin:-.. Also sold separalcl). gcm11 nc clas~ic i11 every rc:-.pcct. Roman EiiiP,i rej2l7 mm,. Color B&W 119~-I) Retail: ~ l :6min,. ll&W ( 19-10 ) ! 1959) '.\1(;1310 $ 19.95 YOUR PRICE: $49.88. '.\1 G5001 I~ $24.95 Mc;90000~ ,$.W:')S' s21.88· ------DOUBLE fEAT URE KNOCKOUT 829.88 T\\O of the be\! hoxing movies ever made. togelhcr in a (inc I\\O 1-ilkr punch. Douhlc-fcatur..: Knocl-ou( (2 Casselle Set) Order RP55 $19.88 Al~o sold sepanitel~'- DECEPTION l\'itl, Clu11de l lavish Civil life cha11gc. " • she-learn, R P06 17 S l'l.95 10 sit a ,pell 112 mins. 13& \V War drama. 10-l mms. B&W she· s dying. 106 min,. Cl& W ( 1941 l ( 1'138) ( 1939 ) '.\1G 1804 $19.95 MG 1313 ~ $17.88• '.\1Gu12 ~JS' s11.88· CLASSIC CAPRA COLLECTION Academy Award winning director Frank Capra's greatest fi lms are now a collector's dream in gor­ geous new packaging with entertaining behind-the­ scenes liner notes. YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU 1,an Arrhur, James stt~arr 1938 Academy A"'-ard Winner: Best Poctuno, Best Dorector Ncvcr bcforcavaolableon video! :27 m 111>. B&W(l938) C090153 $19.95 Ml. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN Gary Coop,r. J,an Arrhur 1936 Academy Award Winner: ~ t Director Never bciorcavailableon vodco! 118 min,. B&W ( 1936) C09014J $19.95 Ml. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON J,an Arrhur.Ja=s Smvart Nominated for 7 Acndemy Awnrd:;, Winner S tOI')' "The grut American picture." -Billboard 130 nuns. B& W ( 1939) C060064 $ 19.95 BUY ALL THREE FOR O'1E LOW PRICE! CLASSIC CAPRA COLLECTION (3 CaMettc Set) O rder COl OO S54.88 Also sold sepa rately,

ANDY HARDY'S PRIVATE SECRETARY Mickey Rooney, Karhryn Grayson Grayson made a mesmerizing screen debutfo a song-tilled LAURR &HARDY COMmY CLASSICS VOL. 1-8 extravaganza that let Rooney strut bis stuff and rocketed her to stardom. IOI mins. B&W BUY ALL NINE AND SAVEi Only 889.99 (194 1) Also sold separately. MG1718 $19.95 VOLUME 1 VOLUME 6 The Music Sox. 'The L1\JC Ghost, The hxer L'ppcrs, Our Wife. 1llem IAIES IN ARIIS County H~p11al. Twice Two. 93 m1ns. Thar liolls. Too for Tat. 90 mins. ANDY HARDY'S DOUILE Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney N04301 ~ $14.88• '10 '306 WM $14.11' LIFE Unforgettable Rodgers and Hart VOLUME 2 VOLUME 7 ANDY HARDY GETS Mickey Rooney, E.srher Williams tunes, choreography by Busby Blotto, Br-J.l\, To'wed in a Hole. Below Zero, Thicker Than Water, SPRING FEVER Williams springboarded to Berkeley and the eniirmous Hog Wold. 90 mon, Momight Patrol. Mc and \iy P>.I. Mickey Roon~y. Kay Van Riper stardom in her film debut as a talents of the young stars N04302 ~ 14.1 80 mm~. Spring is in the air and Andy's lovely mermaid who bas Andy's rocketed this "let's put on a big N04307 ~ $14.aa• VOLUME 3 head is in the clouds--


THE HIE RUTH STORY THE PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS William /Jendi.1. Claire Trevor Dan Dadey, Joanne Dru, Bendix is tremendous in thos Richard 1/ayden, moving story of the rise and Richard Cre,11,a LOVE FINDS ANDY NAIDY ANDY HARDY MEETS With Lana Turner untimely death of all-American This Oscar-nominated ,tory DEIUTANTE Garland's debut as girl-next-door Fresh from Oz, Garland tags baseball hero, Babe Ruth. about the lovable baseball great. Betsy Booth kicked off a match along to . cw York with Andy 107 min,. B&W (1948) Dizzy Dean. is wann. amusing made m heaven for MGM in this where he falls hard for a TW7178 Sl9.95 and a must for every fan of the lively tale full of tunes and socialite and straight onto game. 93 mins. B&W (1952) trouble in 1his irrepressible TW1766 $19.95 double date trout-le for Andy. THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES 90 mins. B&W (1938) romp. 89mons. B&W (1940) Gary Cooper. Teresa Wright, MG17l7 $19.95 Ba/Jc Rwh. Walter Brennan MGl715 S19.95 "A "mplc. tender, meticulous... LIFE IEGINS FOR ANDY saga of American life", ,aid BASEBALL GREATS BEST OF ANDY HARDY The '1/e"· York Times about this COLLECTI01' HARDY Our high-energy hero is back in COLLECTION humorous and heartbreaking tale (3 Casselte Set) the Big Apple kicking up his (3 Cassette Set) of baseball's Lou Gehrig who Order TW300 heels, but the big city ki cks back Order MGAHI died at the height of hi, fame. Also sold separately. ' in thts htlarioes box office Also sold separately. 128 mins. B&W (1942) Retail:~ ,mash. I 00 mins. B& W ( 1941) Retail:~ KV7145 $19.95 YOL it l'kl( I MG1716 $19.95 \Ol R PRI! I.: $54.18• I 11mLAND j BEFoRETIME

1 The Blackhawk Guarantee: A New Adventure If no! comp le1cly sa1is lied ls Born. 1 wi1h any ite m, re1 um ii a nd Color ( 1 we will credil the full pur­ 69 mins. 1988) MC80864 chase price. replace ii, or 1 makt: a refund. ~ - $24.88 1 r!tl:A1I Cl 1988 Umvers.1t c,ry Stud os .lnc And U·Onve A'I Rights Reserved Meet Fievel. In his search to find his family, he discovered America.

,DONBLU TH1,t, SHIRLEY TEMPLE SET NO. 2 A heartwarming HEIDI 88 mins. B& W ( 1937) PYJ066 $19.95 story f ull of humor and adventure for OUR LITTLE GIRL 65 mins. B&W \1935) PYl7 12 Si 9.95 at"•' SUSANNAH OFTHE MOUNTIES 79 mins. B&W ( 1939) PY5249 $ 19.95 the whole family. THE LITTLE COLONEL 80 min, . B& w ( 1935) l'Y5245 $ I 9.95 WILLOW 81 mins. C o lo r ( 1986) STOWAWAY 86 mins. B&W ( 1936) l'Y52411 $19.95 i al K,1mer. Joanne Wlwliev SHIRLEY TEMPLE SET NO. 2 An enchanting ac1i on-adveriture ~~0536 $29.88 O rder P YST2 $89.88 Also sold scparalcly. epic from George Lucas, chockful of heroes. villain\, incredible $AMBUN ·MCA- SHIRLEY TEMPLE SET NO. 3 special effects and wondermenl (1;1( • 1 • 1 ~111,,,. , [HOMevoeo] IRIGHT EYES 90 mms. B&W ( 1934) PYl699 $ 19.95 for the whole family. 130 mins. Cl19S6 Unr,ersal City S1udios.lnc. And U· DrNe Productio,s.lnc All AIQhts Reserved Color ( 1988) THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL 72 nuns. B&W (1935) PYI069 $19.95 CO60936 $ 1'1.95 WEE WILLIE WINKIE 100 mins. B&W (1937) PYI070 $ 19.95 TM & .... JW,.X L l.iC-\SFIU.f LTD (IJ L, REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARll 81 mins. B&W (1938) PYl065 $ 19.95 .i.U Hlr.J/7 ~ RESlH\ ED THE GREATEST STORY DIMPLES 711 mins. B&W (1936) P Y5242 S l 9.95 EVER TOLD Ma, Von Swim,•. Claude J th e spirit." said the New York Africa and the victor)' they later THE LITTLEST REIEL 70 mins. B&W ( 1935) PY5246 $19.95 RP0252 ~ $17.18° Times. A timeless. unforgcnable share. Breathtaking photography' JUST AROUND THE CORNER 70 mins. B&W ( 1938) PYS24J Sl 9.95 Now availat-lc in glorious color! classic! 199 rn ins. Color ( 1965) 117 mins. Color ( 1979) SHI RLEY TE:\1PL£ SET NO. 4 RP0254 $)9M $17.88° MG30 16511 S29.95 MGl604 $ 19.95 O rder PYST4 $89.88 A lso sold sepa rately.

11~wondcrful W<~rld ofth.- fDFotbl?FS Gnrl)TT) THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM TREASURE ISLAND Lmll'ence 1/a,-\le\', Jim Backus, Wal/are Bt•ery, Juckre Cooper. Claire Bloom. Wa/rer Sle:ak Lionel IJa1 rymore A star-packed fantasy about the Entrancing. world-class fairy tale ki ngs, fcaluring re­ adventure of the high seas. enactments of lhrcc of their best featuring excellent perfonnances. stories. Rich, lively and a lavish production and the imaginative. 134 mins. Color directorial gemus of Victor ( 1962) Fleming. 105 mins. B&W Banthi 7'1G20069J $ 19.95 (1934) BAMBI MGSOOOJ2 $ 19.95 One of Wall Disney's most belo ved and brilliant achieve­ Chitty Chitty ments, winne r of the Academy TROUBLE IN THE GLE N Award for Best Song. " Love Is Bang Bang NATIONAL VELVET Marw1re1 Lockwood. A Song;· this beautifully anim­ Eli:abeth Taylor. Mickey Rooney, Orsn11 Ivel/es a ted classic will move you to CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Anne J

THE ROARING TWENTIES Wu/, 1/umplrrey Boga,·1. Pnsnlla lane :-.lon-,mp action, a lavish production, 3fld top-notch performances made rhjs tale of a WWI vet who builds a boot Srick 'em up and nobody move! From the best of legging empire one- of the genre's abM>lute best! Bogie to classic Cagney, we've got the tough guys 106min,. B&W (1939; you love to hatein some ofth e best crime capers ever MG201612 $19.95 EACH DAWN I DIE committed to celluloid. With Georl/e Raft To watch Cagney go from crusading reporter tb h:trdened thug after being framed and sent to the big house, is nothing ,hon BOGART CLASSICS COLLECTION ofme,merizing in oneofthe best perforrnanc of his career. THE ENFORCER THE CAINE MUTINY 84 mms. B& W ( I 939) With 'Zero Mostel With Va11 Jnhnsn11, MG200735 $19.95 A movie to .. make Hitch weep £. G. Marshall KISS TOMORROW with envy," said the Observer. Tense counroom drama about THE UL TI MATE GOODBYE CAGNEY One of the best-ever police a neurotic captain (Bogie in a de­ James Ca~Nev. Ward 8011d (3 Cassette Set) procedurab folio" s a crusading manding role) and his disloyal of­ Two-fisted ,:rime drama with Order MGCAGJ D.A. out to stop a murder-for. ficers. Fine suppon ing cast in­ Cagney a, a vic,ou, prison es­ Also sold separately. hire nng. 87 mins. B&W ( 1950) cludes Jose Ferrer, Fred MacMur­ capee on a rubbery ,pree Retail: S5J}:8S" RPl173 S19.95 ray and Lee Marvin. 125 mins. 102 mins. B&W (1950) HH R PRIC F Color ( 1954) RP220S SJ9.95 $54.H • CO60425 $29.95 CASABLANCA With lnf1rid Bergman, Paul Henreid An immonal classic that rightly deserves its place as one of Hollywood"s most stunning achievements. Oscar winner for Best Picture. Screenplay and Director. 102 mins. B&W (1943) MG201264 $29.95 BOGART CLASSICS (3 Cassette Sel) Order BOGIE6 Also sold separately. Reta il:~ YOt:R PRICE: $74.88 An action-packed collector's set of tough-guy classsics from !he '50s and '60s. THE TREASURE OF THE CRlME STORY LIBRARY (6 Cassette Set) SIERRA MADRE Order RP13 $74.88 Also sold separately. Witlr Walter Huston BOGART'S 'Two Oscars went to John Huston THE CITY THAT NEVER PLUNDER ROAD and one to Walter Huston for this SLEEPS Gene Raymond, Wayne Moms unforgcnable tale of greed in the Gtg Youn11 It's a cross-country game of cat desert. You don't need any stink­ Gnlly realism highlight, this taut and mouse as fi ve hardened ing badges 10 enjoy it ! 126 mins. police procedural about Chicago criminals try to outwit tl1e law B&W (l948) cops living tlirough one tense - and each other-for a $10 MG201 587 $19.95 night. 90 mins. B&W ( 1953) million payoff. 76 mins. B&W RP7124 ~ $17.11' (1958) RP7545 .$l9:9S' $17.88• BEST BUY All THREE & TRY AND GET ME U oyd Bridges CRASHOUT SAVE A BUNDLE! White-knuckle suspense marks William Bendu:, this harrowing tale of a small Artltur Kennedy BOGART'S BEST town driven lo lyoch-mob fury. Blood-and-guts ;iction as ~ix convicts escape from prison . (3 Cassette Set) ..Po ssibly rhe bes! on rhi s sub­ 83 mins. B&W (1955) Order BOGIE7 ject" says critic Leslie Halliwell. RP7127 ~ $17.88' Also sold separately. 92 mins. B&W ( 195 1) THE PETRIFIED FOREST MALTESE FALCON RP4323 ~ $17.88' With Leslie Howard. Belle Davis With Mary Astor, Reta il:~ YOLR PRICE: $49.88• CRY DANGER Stunning ;ierforrnances-Bogan Sidney Greenstreet CRY VENGEANCE Dick Powell, Rhonda Fleming as gangster Duke Mantee (his The uhimate w'io-

PSYCHO MARNIE REAR WINDOW CHARLIE CHA:'11 Anthony Perkins . Janet Leigh Tippi 1-/edren. Sean Conner) James Stewart. Grare Kelly COLLECTION T aking a shower has never Hcdrcn is all fire and ice as the This winy, macabre thriller has been scarier than in 1his all- bride whose past continues 10 housebound voveur Stcwan (7 Cassetlc Sci) 1imc shock champ about haunt her and her rich new wondering if h~ witnes ed a Order KVCHA~ Norman Bales. his mo1el husband. A taut suspense thriller. murder. One of I litchcock's S129.88 a lso w ld and his mommy. 109 mins. among the director's top ten besl. personal favorites. 112 mins. scparalely. B&W (1960) 130mins. Color ( l964) Color( l954) MC55001 $ 19.95 MC80156 $ 19.95 MC80081 $ 19.95 ~

HITC HCOCK T HRILLERS (3 Casseue Set) Order HIT012 $54.118 Also sold separalely. ~


VERTIGO THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY ROPE James Stewart , Kim NrJ\'ak John Forswhe. Edm,md G" enn Jame.< Stewart, Farl,,y Granger Hailed as Hitchcock·s ultimate Everybody thinks they're Film hislorians get so involved masterpiece. lost-love Novak resposible for Harry's death in the "ten-minu1e take" method Tttf Ttt In Mft n la kes heigh1-phobic S1e war1 including Shirley MacLaine in Hitchcock used to film this. they to the edge of obsession her screen debut. A delightful forget 10 mention 1ha1 it's fri ght­ a.,d murder. 128 mins. spoof of the genre. I 00 mies. ening, funny and wonderfully en­ Thin Man Collectors Set 8109.88 Color ( 1958) Color ( 1955) ten aining. 80 min,. Color (1 948) Starring WIiiiam PoweH md MC!S-0082 $19.95 MC80130 $ 19.95 MC80110 $ 19.95 HITC HCOCK FA VORITJ-:S (3 Cassette Set) Order HITCH3 $54.88 Alw sold separately. - THE THIN MAN 93 mins. B&W ( 1934) 97 mins. B&W ( 1941) MG608 Sl9.95 MG%7 $ 19.95 BUY ALL SIX AND SAVE! HOOKED ON HITCHCOCK COMPLETE SET (6 Cassette Set) 113 mins. B&W (1936) 86 mins. B&W (1947) Order HITCH4 $104.88 Also sold separately. MG820 $19.95 MG969 $ 19.95 THE THIN MAN GOES HOME 102 mins. B& W (1939) 100 mins. B&W (1944) REBECCA MG868 $ 19.95 MG970 Sl9.95 Laurence Olfrier. Joan Fontaine Hitchcock·s bri lliant direction led The THIN MAN COLLECTORS SET (6 Cassette Set) this stunning tale of rom;mce. intrigue and suspense 10 a Best Blackhawk Order RP25 $109.88 Also sold separately. Picture Oscar win. 130 m ms. B&W ( 1940) Guarantee KVR0 12 $ 19.95 Ifnm comple1ely .w r.sfied wuh any SPELLBOUND uem. return 1I ond we tt·ill credit tht Ing rid Bergman. Gregory !' eek fu(I ;nm hast pnce . r<'place 11, or This psychologic.i l 1h riller sci in a mak~ a full refund menial institution is yet another marvelous magic 1rick by the master of the macabre. 11 I mins. B&W (1945) KV803S $19.95 STRANGERS ON A TRAIN l •800•826•2295 Farley Gran~er. Ro/J ert Walker An innocent conversation tums into a double-murder plot in one ~ of Hitchcock' s tensest ncrvc-shat­ Cullomer Sen icr (~ / 3) 888-1129 lerers. 101 mins. B&W (195 1) (No Collu1Cufls. pltauJ \\l \ WA 11062 $24.95 ~~ ROYAL WEDDING With Jane Powell, Peter Lawford Stanley Donen directed this lavish production about journal­ ists congregating in London for f Rf Dft STft IRf Elizabeth's royal wedding. Con­ tains the legendary "Dancing On The Ceiling" number. 93 mins. Color (1951) MG600083 $29.95 THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY LET'S DANCE With Ginger Rogers, With Betty H"tron, Roland Young Oscar Levan1 Lively dance numbers and smart The last dance for cinem~ 's tunes highlight this stunner about most popular team after a show biz partners who 1angle I0-ycar separation, this more than they 1ango. 112 mins. sparkling musical is Color ( 1950) BUSBY BERKELEY COLLECTION high-lighted b PA5006 $19.9S As1airc's famous BABES ON BROADWAY FOOTLIGHT PARADE "Shoes With THE STORY OF VERNON & Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney James Cagney, Ruby Keeler, Wings On" IRENE CASnE Sixteen rousing musical Dick Powell routine. I 09 mins. Who else but Fred and Ginger numbers highlight this tale of A rapid fire story with Technicolor could play the true-life bio of the young hopefuls who dream of spectacular musical sequences (1949) world's most influential dance making it to Broadway. 118 including a triple-number finale MG321 team before they came along. mins. B&W (1941) considered to be one of the $29.95 Almost non-stop dancing makes MG1677 $29.95 greatest in screen choreography this a gem. 93 mins. B&W history. 104 mins. B&W (1933) ( 1939) MG 1676 $29.95 THE604S $19.95 Dick Powell, Adolphe Menjou Fast-paced comedy with BUSBY BERKELEY A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS dazzling production numbers, COLLECTION With Joan Fonrame, including the Oscar-winning (3 Cassette Set) George Burns, Gracie Allen song, "Lullaby of Broadway~! Order MGBBl Fred without Ginger, but the style 95 mins. B&W ( 1935) Also sold separately. is the same when an American MG1674 $29.95 Retail: ~ dancing star falls for an aristo-­ YOUR PRICE: $61.H• cratic Englishwoman. IOl mins. B&W (1937) RP7l3S $19.95 42ND STREET Dick P<1well, Ruby Keeler. Ginger Rogers A timeless musical extravagan,...1 about the last great ,how of a SNALL WE DANCE tyrant Broadway director. Regarded by many as the best Glowing Gershwin standards 89 mms. B&W (1933) musical comedy ever made, "'ith including "They Can '1 Take MG1612 ~ $24.88· Berlin show-stopping tunes aJtd That Away From M c'" make ASTAIREand dance numbers to die for. this a musical delight. 08 mins. I GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 100 mins. B&W (1935) B&W (l937) Ruby Keeler. Dick Powell, ](l(,n THE2070 $19.9S RP7730 Blondell, Ginger Rogers $19.9S Innovative camera"'ork anon :\m,,, lu. \l itlt /Jon Aml'ch,·. Carmen Miranda A hi l.1riou~ mu~ic:i l c01ncd :1 A ,outh o f !he border musical abou1 1v.·o gold digging ..,,, 1cr" cxtra"ag:111.1.a " 1th topnotch ~ong look mg for hu ... band .., 92 nuns, and dance- number'.>.. 89 min~. Color { J\,-11 ) Color ( 19411) KV 1725 $19.95 K V 17 t 8 Sl 9.95 PIN·UP GIRL THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE U/lth Martha l4-1 ) K\1 1727 $ 19.95 The rapture m·as 1mforgellab/e, the harmony s11b­ K\1 I 72 1 $ 19.95 1 li111 e whe11 America's f 11vorite "Singing THE BETTY GRA BLE CO LLECTI ON Sm1eethe{lrts," .Ve/son F.rldy anrl .fet111J1elle (4 Cassette Set) 111arD011ald m-storred in these eight 1111/orgt'l­ Order KV1700 $7,t 88 Also sold separately. tab/e 11111siml 111m tet7Jieces.

COLLECTORS SET #1 $77.88 Four unforgettable fi lms from Hollywood"s most romantic couple! J eanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy Collectors Set #1 (4 Cassette Set) Order MGJN I $77.88 (Also sold separately)

BITTER SWfn NfW MOON N oel C oward ,;ongs hig hlig ht thi-. A thn ll mg orcrcna of romance :ind lav1<,h Tcchnil"olor cntcnammcnl Jt.hcn1ure in old Frcm.:h I f)ui<;1.mJ about tum-uf.1hc-ccn1u l')' Vicnnc ~ fc.-11ureo; lh~ :-.ubl11i1L:, of 0 , 1:ar I LOVE LUCY COLLECTO RS SET (-' Cassette Set) newlywed-.. lJ4 mins. ( 19 101 ll ammcrstcin Order T WOlO $59.88 Also sold separa tely. :1-Jl;J0 l-185 $ 19.95 105 min, B& W { 19~01 ,\l(.;JOI J XI $ 19.95 I MARRIED AN ANGIL I LOVE LUCY VOL. I I LOVE LUCY VOL. 2 I LOVE LUCY VOL. 3 W ith £l$?U Wu!, 8 11("1\ f hwn. \\ alter Pidgi'ml BUY A~;~ D SAVE. A ~umptuou:,, T L:chnicolor , pcctJclc of It·, wc...iwnr~I ho! with a t!rc~11 -.11ppon­ song., and rom~mcc hc1wccn a mg. ca, r for our tontbo~ hcrome .mtl the Brood\\- 3)' team who ncv1.:r ~lop dc,perado ~he des[l(:rn te!} IO\C '> THE SEVEN YEAR ITC:H figh1111g. Their rn~t , u,1.;e~~ful film. lnd ~ Mad)Qnalcl ·..; c:oari ng ' "A\'C \\'11!, ., (//11 /:\, ell helped by the 0'-l:aM,1\-tnning M,u ia .·· 121 min..._, B&W ( 19JX1 105 en '"· Color i 1955) T W ! 0-13 photograph} . I 15 min, { 1938) \1(;,\01592 ~ $24.118° M(.; 301-16/1 $29.95 HOW TO MARRY A h11L LI ONAIRE NAUGHTY MARIETTA \\'i1h I a11re11 Barn/I lieu, Cml>lr MAYTIMf H"11h Tran( \lo1t.:at1 96 rn,11,. Color ( 1953) TW l 023 \Virh Juh11 Barrymore [ha Lant hnrer A lush musical romance A d a,sic opcreua about ,t RIVER OF NO RETUJtN about an opera ,; w ho French pri nct:,, " ho ;;oc~ 10 falls for a pcnni lc.°'~ ,;ingl!r. America an TW!OJ l Sl 9.95 it's a legendary hero squared off against a gang of cutthroats, or a battalion engaging the enemy on the deadly fields of war, Hollywood dn·ves the action home with a one-two punch. We've WHERE EAGLES DARE assembled an awesome collection of fistjlying, Richard 811non. Clint Eastwood Seven soldier,; stonn an swashbuckling, vil/ian-foiling action adventures, impresriablc Al p. ~tie for a daredevil rescue attempt in this featuring H ol/ywood's greatest heroes facing their knuckle-biting WW I l adventure. greatest challenges 155 mins, Col0r'l 1969) MG700137 $19.95 THE PRISONER OF ZE NDA THE BRIDGE ON THE Douglas Fairbanks Jr., RIVER KWAI BATMAN AND ROBIN Ronald Colman Alec Guinness. William Holden Robert Lowery, John Duncan For pure entertainment. this Best Picture, Be;r Director HEAVEN'S GATE Holy Bar-mania! 11 · tl)e original exhilarating swashbuckler about (David Lean) and Bes, Aclor Kris Kristofferson, 15 chapter se rial that tarted it all a commoni;_r "(hO 1mpc~na1es a (Guinness) honors went to this Christopher Walken in a twQ-volume. four-h~ur, king is one of Hollywood's stirring tale of grace under Some called i1 a masterpiece. never-before- een 0\1 video Bat­ finest. Botli tarl""are fabulous! pressure in a Japanese POW some called ii a disaster-but extravaga,12.a! Quick.,,Bar-fans! 101 mins. B&W (1937) camp. 161 mins. Color ( 1957) everyone in the BLA<;K HA WK To the Bat-p!iooes-! 8&W MG301644 ~ $24.88• COJ0ll0 $29.95 screening c9mmillce called it a (1948) Nor sold separalely. must-have for every serious film COBAT $29.95 THE GREAT ESCAPE collector. Cut by 70 mins. in the Steve McQuun, James Garner, theatres, director Michael MURDER AT THE Charles Bronson Cimino's on ginal. visually BASKERVILLES John Sturges directed this stunning frontier epic can now be Arrh,ir Wonmer, Ian FleminR fabulous action-filled war flick of seen-and Judged-by yourself. A classic Holmes adventure has Allied prisoners vs. Nazi cap1ors 220 mins. Color ( 1980) Sherlock clearing the name of a in a duel of wits and daring. MG700295 Reta il: ~ racehorse accused of killing its 173 mins. Color (1963) YOUR PRICE: $29.88• master. 70 mins. B& W (1937) MG201257 $29.95 88 836 $19.95 THE GUNS OF NAVARONE Gregory Peck, David Niven. ANTHONY ADVERSE THE ADVENTURES OF Amhony Quinn KING SOLOMON'S MINES Fredric March. ROBIN HOOD Often imitated QU t n er dupli­ Stewart Granger, Del)orah Kerr Olivia de Hovi/land Errol Flynn, Olivia de Hovi/land, cated, this film set lhe smndard A beautifully l,'hoto~ppcd, Epic tale of an ambitious young Basil Rathbone for smAllbut valiant units over­ thrilling ihl veqturc abput man's rise and fall in early 191h The classic version of Robin and coming imJ)Ql,sible odds to explorers sb rot11ng for a famed century America. Gale Sonder­ Maid Marian's exploits in Sher­ sabotage lhc e,ncmY 'i'n his own dian,onil me, l

DR.NO FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE GOLD FINGER Sean Connery. Ursula Andress Sea11 Connery, Robert Shaw Sean Co1111ery, Honor Blackman The first of OOTs unsloppable Bond buffs agree this was the Can Auric Goldfingcr get away series of box-office block­ best of 007's explo1L,, pining wuh robbing Fort Knox and gild­ busters. Com,ery is in fine him against a lethal Russian ing disrre,;ed dam;els? Not with fonn as 1hc suave superspy. agent out for British blood. 007 on the job. A classic Bond with Joseph Wiseman as the Exotic locales, spectacular adventure. 112 mins. Color master criminal he must fo il. stunts. beautiful women ... of (1964) 11 1 mins. Color ( 1962) course! 118 mins. Color (1963) MG201403 $19.95 MG201401 $19.95 MG201402 Sl 9.95 /loris Karloff The third 111 the great horror tri ad 1, considered b) many to he the bc,t. cine111 a1ographically spcak­ mg. Dreamlike horror.., cn~uc ,i.1hcn an Egyptian corpse corm:~ alive aflcr 3.000 years. 72 mins. From thefor rearhes of outer sport lo the lrrrifyi11g B&W (19.12) things 1h111 lurk in tht> shadows, the srree11i11g MCROOJ0 $ 19.95 1·ommit1ee hasfo1111d'lc1hatw1e think are some ofth e NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD best exa111pl11s of Holhm·ood 's vivid i11wgi11a1io11 D rwne Jone.\. Judith O'Dra A~l anyone ""h31 thc...scaric,1 rt! ~:or/.:. Whether you 're rt hardrorf sci-Ji fan or movie of al I I 11 11 is anci_J1i ne out of ICII W\11 na, c this QllC rlassir movie mo11s/en O!r'_l'OJlr thing, you 'II wan/ George Rom~r . h rrqr of watd, nc,h-ca ll n,!l.,; mb1 . A TRULY to these timeless tributes 10 the fantastic icrrifying cuh cL .,so c! '16 mrns. af!,ain a11d agai11-ifyou dare! 13&\V ( 1968) l< P7-1 60 ~ $17.88" TOBOR THE GREAT Charles Dral,· Archetypal '50s sci-fi putlx,iler about an e..:c.:cntnc inventor. his p,ychic grancb on and a tclcpath:c robo1. Noti<.:c any anagram!\ in th e 1,1lc.' 77 mins. B&W (1954) RP4245 $ 19.95 FIEND WITHOUT A FACE Knwstrm Ree,·e.\ . Terry Kilhurn A scicnt1~1 tnc; to matcrialiLc 1hou~hl--and ore at cs n'lon~lers 111e Star 1relt Callectian churned fror1 hi . OWll dark. SJ b­ c.:onsc iOU nlind! 5 'lHn s. B&\\i STAR TREK: THE MOTION STAR TREK IV: THE ( 1957) PICTURE VOYAGE HOME RP7210 ~ $17.88' I 19 mins. Color l 1980) I 19 mins. Color ( 1986) P/\ 1797 ~ $17.88' PAR858 SJ»:% $17.88'

STAR TREK II: THE WRATH T H E STAI< TREK OF KHAN COLLECTIO ' DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE Starring Ricardo Mon1a/ha11 (4 C,issettc Sci) Fredric March. Miriam llo11ki11J 114 mins. Color ( 1982) ln,1das laughed when romantu: Order PAT ltll his in credible pcrfonnancc Retail: ,S.Jl}:1j{f STAR TREK Ill: THE Bcsi YOUR PRl C'E: $64.88" look 1hc /\c1or Oscar in SEARCH FOR SPOCK what c.: nlics cons ider the 1op With Christophe.- Lloyd !>T/\K TREK ' IS,\ R[ GJST!oH W vcr\ion of the famo us horror 105mins. Color ( 1984) TRA DEMt\RK OJ· P,\RA MOL '-IT , tory. Completely restored ,,nh PA1 180 ~ $17.88" PIC1 UR ES CORPORATI O~ 17 mins. o f previously censored fooiage! 98 mins. B&W ( 193 1) M(.;2016-12 $ 19.95

FRANKENSTEIN, The DRACULA WIZARD OF MARS Restored Version Bela L11gos1 Jo/Ill Cllrradi,w . Robert Gelltn 8 11ri.1 Kor/off Mae C/or~ Moody. cxpression1st1c pholo­ Big mistake when four a, tron~iuts This lovingly rc~t url!d present:i­ grnphy and Lugo,i'') haunting crash on Mar., and "'a)' "take me ti on of 1he got hie c reation my1h perfonnance make Dracula the to you r leader"-a sinister n.:vc.ab director Jame, \Vhale, · yardstick by which all vampire W11ar<.I wi th pct monster\ rn a orisinnl vi~ion of a trag ic. sympJ· fil m:,, arc rnt:a,ured. 75 min,. sci-fi clas,ic wilh grea1 cffcc1s. thetic rnons1er. A mu~t-havc B& W (193 1) 8 1 mins. Color (1964) colkc1iblc. 7 1 mins. B& W M C55003 $19.95 Rl'4604 $ 19.95 ( 1931) MC:5500-l $ 19.95 FORBIDDEN PLANET INVASION Of THE BODY L~·,lw Nielsen, Anne Frauds. SNATCHERS Walter P1d~eo11 Kr ,·111 McCarth\'. Dw w \.\- r111rr Sci-fi cull c}-as~1c abbul a rn i,~ion ·n,c fi rst. the best • !he ci1illi ng lo di1ic.ovcr l)r :,. crel of ,\hair s1ory o f 1he po

WAJT ! Now you can obtain 1he original l"IV,\ S IO I\' l •800•826•2295 OF THE BODY SNATCHERS in full color' ~~~ RP2019 .$l-9:9S' $17.88' ~ ' BUY NOW! Sa1e prices good through 9/ 7/ 90 only! WE'RE NO ANGELS THE PINK PANTHER Humphrey Bo!iart. Aldo Ray Peter Sellers. Da,•id Nil'en Bogie as you've never seen him Madcap adventures of the incom­ before in a wonderful, whimsical petant Inspector Clouseau on romp about three escaped cons the trail of a sophisticated jewel who descend on a hapless family thief. 113 mins. Color (1963) BLAZING SADDLES during the holidays. '.\1G203849 $ 19.95 Gene Wilder, Cleamn Lmle. 103 mins. B&W ( 1955) Madeline Kolm PAS414 $19.95 Sidc-splilling spoof of Hollywood westerns; Mel Brooks· funni est film. 93 min;. Color (1974) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Goldie Hawn. Eileen Brennan If you 're in the mood for a good laugh, who WA IOOI $19.95 Both leads were Oscar­ nominated for their roles in 1h1s ya gonna call? Our toll-free number, of course! FATHER OF TIE BRIDE hilarious box office smash about We 've got some ofthe funniest movies ever made Spencer Tracy. £/i:abeth Taylar a pampered middle-class Will dad survi ve his daugh ter's "princess" who enlists in the wedding? Endeanng comedy army. 110 mins. Color ( 1980) and that's no laughing matter! from director Vincente Minnelli. WA11075 $19.95 93 mins. B&W (1950) MG300841 $19.95 BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S THE RUSSIANS ARE CAT BALLOU Audrey Hepburn. COMIN~, THE RUSSIANS Jane Fonda, Lee Marl'in George Peppard ARE C0111ING Marvin won the Best Actor Oscar Hepburn was never lovelier than Carl Reiner. E>·a Mane Sain•. for his hilarious duel role as a as the wacky good-time girl. Alar. Arkin drunken gunslinger hired by Holly Golightly. Oscar honors The misadventures of a Soviet Fonda for protection from a went to the theme song. "Moon submarine crew stranded off New ruthless killer (also Marvin). River." 115 mins. Color (1961) England left audiences rolling in A Western comedy classic! ONE TOUCH OF VENUS PA650S Sl 9.95 Ava Gardner. Robert Walker the aisles. I 26 mins. Color ( 1966) 96 mins. Color ( 1965) A statue of the Goddess of Love MG201490 $ 19.95 C060154 $19.95 IT'S IN TH E BAG comes to lif~ i Ii depanment Jock 8e1111y, Fred Allen. store, using comk confusion William Be11dix among the mere mQnals. Jack Benny· radio nemesis, Fred 82 mins. f3&W ( 1948) Allen, inherit. $12 million ... but RP3060 $D:9S' $17.11* where is ii h/'ddeh? "Rull of fun," SOME LIKE IT HOT said Punc of thls franti chase, PAT AND MIKE Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, which Mel Brooks later turned Spencer Tracy, Katharine Marilyn MonrOI! into The 'rwelve Chairs. 87 mins. Hepburn Director Billy Wilder's madcap B&W (1945) Tracy a~d epo at their scin­ farce, about two unemployed mu­ RP2070 ~ $17.11* tillating besl ~ a ~s promoter sicians running from the Mob and his intimidating charge. disguised as women, is a mile· 95 mins. B&W (1952) BACHELOR MOTHER MG30l269 ~ $27.H• s1one in American comedy. Ginger Rogers. David Nil'en, 122 mins. B&W (1959) Charles Coburn MG203848 $19.95 THE MAKING OF THE Rogers gives one of the best THREE STOOGES comedic performances of her Steve Allen narrates this cele­ MANHATTAN THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES career in tbis charming. blithe Jea11 Arthur. Charles Coburn bratory look into the back-stage With Diane Keaton. Meryl Strtep, comedy about a shop girl who A millionaire pretends 10 be a lives of the Kings of Slapstick. Mariel Hemingway finds an abandoned baby-and Rare footage makes this a Wii/1 Diane Keaton. Fabulous perfonnance1 highlight clerk at his own store in this love. 82 mins. B&W (1939) must-have for Stooge-aholies! Tony Roberts this contemporary B&W comedy charming comedy/romance. 97 Wiflner of Best Picture, THE6056 Sl9.95 45 mins. Color & B&W (1984) classic about a TV comedy writer mins. B&W (194 1) Screenplay, Director and Bell RPl015 $ 19.95 WA063 $ 19.95 Actress, this masterpiece of an:98' YOUR PRICE: $64.H* cassette. B&W RP0325 $14.95 HH R PRlCt: $54.88• *BUY NOW! Sale prices good through 9/7/90 only! -~BUIIMiidiMIM HIOTT & COSTELLO MEET BUCK PRIVATES THE NAUGHTY NINETIES DR. JEKYLL AND Ml. HYDE Abbot1 & Cos1ello's firs1 starring roles The laughs keep flowing oo a WHO DONE IT? Wirh Boris Karloff as dimwits who acc1denrally enl i~ an d Mississ1pp1 showboa1 as our heroes See page 14 for Soda jerks-cum-radio wri1crs Abbon & The Grand Poopah·s of pacing s1 ru1 become heroes during WWH rocketed perfonn their mos1 famous bits. more from Costello find themselves up lo their their stuff as two Lon

•HHmt1(1]1m1M11 TNE TIME OF THEIR LIVES ABBOTT, COSTELLO MEH Acclaimed as one of the duo's moSI FRANKENSTEIN With the Andrew Sisters HIT THE ICE imagrnafr,,c movies. this hilarious fan­ A haunted house is a haven of Our boys get mi~ed up with gangsters. Wirh Bela Lugosi. Lon Chaney Jr. tasy-comcd) has Rev olutionary War Two bumbling baggage handler~ hi larity for a rubbed-out gun molls and gumshoes in one of their ghost Costello haunting a counuy man­ mobster and its wad.ed-out zanies! comedies with some of their rccen·c a monstrous crate w ith the s11 I sion and a very nervous Abbott 82 kicking remains of D racula. F'rnnk­ inheritors in this sidcspliuing best burlesque routines. 89 mins. B&W mins. B&W (1946) c lassic comedy. Consickred (1943) en:.tein and their friend Wolf Man in MC80863 $19.95 this superior comedy thriller. 83 mins. one of their absolute best. MC80406 $19.95 B&W ( l948) R6 mins.B&W (194 1) MC55074 $19.95 MC55087 Sl9.95 ABBOTT & COSTELLO FA VO RITES (4 Cassette Set) O rder MC003 Also sold separa tely. Retail: ~ YOUR PRICE: $74.88° ' ., 't / '4 .. ~: ~;' INTRODUCING ___• ,t; .... lkW.C. ~t-: . ,.. ,, FIELDS ->: ..'• • ~''' .. Collectors THE BEST OF THE MARX BROTHERS .....• .• J Set $69.95 COCOANUTS HORSE FEATH ERS A NIGHT AT THE Wirh Critically acclaimed OPERA THREE STOOGES COMEDY CWSICS Ma.r,:aret Dumtml as the creme de la Wirh Moe. Larry. Shemp. Curly THE BANK DICK The zany brothers creme of Marx A1argaret Dumom Five of ' best short films tied together in one hilari­ The irascible W. C. Fields is a are a scream in their Brothers' comedies. The perfect ous reel : HOLLYWOOD ON PARADE, DISORDER IN THE nc 'er-do-well who accid entally fil m debut about a The plot (as if you combination of slap­ COURT. MALICE IN THE PALACE, BRIDELESS GROOM. and slops a bank robbery, is made t~e conniving hotel needed one) follows a stick and music-plus SING A SONG OF SIXPANTS. 79 mins. B&W bank's dcrcctive, and somehow manager trying to corrupt college a sparkling George S RP7835 ~ $17.88° gets involved in a motion picturl! cash in on the pres1den1's machin­ Kaufman script-makc producti on. The perfect Fields Florida land boom. ations to gain a wio this a cla,, ic, ··cork mg THE THREE STOOGES YOl. 20 ve hicle. side-splitting comedy. 96 mins. B&W for hi s football team. comedy !·· aid Vanet/ The ultimale sendup of dictatorships with YOU :--IAZTY SPY! 73 mins. B&W ( 1940) (1929) 69 mins. B&W (1932) 96 min s. B&W (1935) ( )940). J' LL NEVER HEIL AGAI (1941 ) an d THEY STOOGE TO MC800 19 $29.95 MC80378 $19.95 MC80777 Sl9,95 MG500009 Sl9.95 CONGA (1943). 55 mins. B&W CO62017 $14.95 THE BEST OF W.C. FIEL DS BEST OF THE '.\1..-\ RX BROS. (3 Cassette Set) Three early Fields· classics have· O rder RPMX2 Reta il : ~ THE THREE STOOGES VOl. 21 been me1i cu)ously preserved and Also sold separately. YOJ.; R P RI CL: $49.88 These madcap kooks go crazy in COOKOO CAVALIERS ( 1940). presented uncu1 on the finest BOOBY DUPES (1945) and BUSY BUDDIES (1944). s1ock available. A real fi nd. 55 mins. B&W Includes GOLF SPECIALIST. CO62018 Sl4.95 THE DENTIST and THE FATAL GLASS OF BEEi:. THE THREE STOOGES YOl. 22 58 mins. B&W \Virll Maureen o·sullimn These knuckl eheads are wackier than ever in CRASH GOES THE RP7058 $19.'15 Inspi red lunacy from Groucho (as HAS H (1944). FROM KURSE TO WORSE (1940) and G.I. Dr. Hu go A. Hackenbu h). Chico WANNA HOME (1946). 55 mins. B&W INTERNATIONAL HOUSE (selling tutti-fnmi ice cream and CO620I9 $14.95 Wirh George Burn s, Gracie Allen racing ti ps) and Harpo (a jockey-cum­ The ultimate comedy trio hold an imal psychologist.) Sheer delight. THE THREE STOOGES YOl. 23 court in this madcap farce about a 99 mms. B&W (1937) Say goodbye to sanity when you join 1hese three wackos in HALF­ motley crew of 1rave lers quaran MG500064 Sl9.95 WIT'S HOLIDAY (1947), HORSE COLLA RS (1935) and HOW tined in a Shanghai hotel. HIGH IS UP? (1940). 55 MINS. B&W Cameos by Bela Lu gosi, Rudy GO WEST CO62020 S 14. 95 Vallee, Cab CJlloway, Sterling \Virh John Carroll 1 Ho lloway and Baby Rose Marie Groucho. Harpo and THE THREE STOOGES VOL. 24 73 mins. B&W (1933) Chico take a train ... Make way for mayhem as Jhe troublesome trio go nuts in I CAK MC80512 $29,95 and 1he train will never HARDLY WAIT (1943), IDIOTS DELUXE ( 1945) and IDLE be the same. More ROOMERS (1944). 55 mins. B&W sidesplttung comedy C062021 $14.95 W.C Fields from vaudevilles all-time Collectors Set greats. 82 mins. B& W THE THREE STOOGES VOl. 25 (3 Cassette Set) (1940) These maniacal madmen Jake on the world in SITTER DOWNERS MGS00085 $19.95 (1937), NUTTY BUT NICE (1940) and SLIPPERY SILKS ( 1936). Order RPWC1 $69.95 55 MINS. B&W Also sold separately. COPACABANA CO62022 $14.95 With Carmen Mtranda The laughs are non-stop STOOGE C LASSICS COLLECTION (7 Cassette Set) in this hi larious tale of Order C03S3 Also sold separately. an agent with one client and rwo simultaneous Retail: ~ YOUR PRICE: $98.88 bookings. 9 1 min.s. B&W ( 1947) See page 14 for more or your favor ite Stooges. RP0742 $W-9S" $17.88' THE LITTLE RASCALS THE BEST OF THE LITTLE THE LITTLE RASCALS ON COMEDY CWSICS VOL. I RASCALS PARADE h's non-,1op hilari1y when 1he Those mischicvious imps arc all Giggles abound in lhis cra ,y col­ gang gels 1oge1her in RAIL­ here and up 10 lherr bri1ches in lcc1ion of 6 Rascal rims: FREE ROAD! '. A LAD AN"D A hilarious hijinks ,n six crazy epi­ EATS. ARBOR DAY. MALE and LAMP. BEGINI\ER"S LUCK, sodes: DOGS IS DOGS, ANN I­ FEMALE. HOOK and LADDER, BEAR SHOOTERS. FORGOT­ VERSARY TROUBLE. THREE THE LUC KY CORN ER, and TE BABIES, and TEACH­ MEN IN A TUB. HELPI NG FEED ' EM and WEEP. 92 mins. ERS'S BEAU. 112 mins. B&W GRANDMA, LITTLE PAPA and B&W RP7342 $19.95 BEAR FACTS. IO I mins. B&W RP7344 $19.95 RP7054 $19.95 THE LITTLE RASCALS COMEDY CWSICS VOL. II Hal Roach ·s ever-popular band THE Llm.E RASCALS VOL. 1 THE LITRE RASCALS VOL.2 of merrvmakers return in PAY RP7347 $19.95 RP7346 ~ $17.88• Hail, hail, Spanky and AS YOU EXl1':THREE 50 mins. B&W Includes: SU mins. B&W Includes: SMART 80 , OUR GANG the gang's all here I They' re back and ready to roll FOLL!e5:0 J93S, THE_flRST Boxing Glove5 The Fir51 Seven Years in these classic comedies that capture the fun of ROUNQ-L'l>, Sl-lJ, VERJNG Joe and Chubby lake their healed An age-old ralc of 1wo boys. SHAK~6AR.E and FISHY rivalry over flina1ious Jean Dar­ Jackie and Speck, bolh seekmg childhood in all it's revelry. Whether you like your TALES. 90 mins. B&W ling in10 1hc boxing nng with ri­ 1he affcc1ions of one girl. Mary RP7343 SJ.9"5" $17.11• otous resull,. A curious blend of Ann. (19:IO) chuckles in bite-size pieces or in man-size chunks, silent and ralkie. ( 1929) Bored of Education we've got the ENTIRE Rascals menu to choose The Kid From Borneo The Oscar-winmng Bcsl Shon from. This is one delight comedy collector's can't When Spanky·, nc·er-do Suhjccl of I 936 finds Spank) and we ll uncle bring, a , idc,how 10 Alfalfa contriv ing 10 skip school live without! town. 1he Rascal, mi,1ake a wild hy rigging a phony 1001hache man from Borneo for 1he uncle! wi1h a bulging balloon. (I 936) (1933) Rushin' Ballet Roamin' Holiday Spanky and Alfalfa orgJnl/£ lhc 11 ', hoboing al ir"s mo,1 h,lariou, Secrcl Rcvengcrs Club ju,1 m when Spanky and Alfalfa decide 11me 10 don 1heir Sherlock OWN THESE LITTLE RASCALS FAVORITES 10 lake 10 1he ro:.d w11h 1heir Holmes' hars and avenge 1wo knap

look VI: Book XI: look XVI: ilook XIII: Y (lU I 11-.l" Bu,.mc....., RASCALS Fn:c E.ah PJ) .\~ f·.\11 Pt.p, I, Pup, Arbor [h) l hree Snurt BCI),, H1 , ~1ghbor h ,h Hool- ) MJil and FcnlJle Our Gang foll ic, of C.un.: 1h1: Br..t"P The Pinch Singer IJH 5058 1 19~\ 111150589 IIH50720 'GIFT SET 81150574 look VII: look XVII: Book UIII: Hook an.t t _.i,1der look XII: l3u\ing Glo\c, TtJdcr', Pet The Lock.y Comer M o.:m anJ Gr,).i'."I In,.: Tlic: Kid 1-'wm Btlfm:o Only 859.88 Sp.mL~ h:4.•d ·Em .md \\ eq1 l{(i;m1111· linlllLt~ ll111 ~l"\ Dt111h, ll119-1-15 llw P11?,,l.111 IJ.iJnnl. 11119455 11119461 Order RP7341 IJH9450 Book VIII: Book XVIII: look UIV: (6 Cassette Set) Doum:mg 0.1~1c, Book VIII: Satuu.Jav·, L'-.·vi.on l odgc 'lighl Not sold separately. T"ll TO(l Y ltJIJ~ Shi\ l.'1111)! Sh;1l. 'Pl".HI," \\ ~~k Yt" rt-,.., 81,! Bu,im.·,-. lh,: ,\"11il l,,ulh ll,c I- 1,1 J..idd) look XIV: \ fo,h .,n-1 \ 1il~ R 11l!l111g In'" new collection of all-time favorite "Little Rascal" l .111lc- PJp.:1 Spc"1.)Ly llroL} Sm.ii TJll. Our Gan~· h1lhc, of l~.,6 SpooL Spouting Bear I J t.:I \ 11 :de and Shrid. I.11th: Smna llll5068.~ 11119462 episodes. 180 mins. B&W • 1111 505KI JUl50576 look XX: look UVI: 1111 50571 Book X: t..11·: D.1), \ t1001·, Our 0 Lillie Sinner I Two Too YounR The I 1r-.t Seven Year. Book XV: llcdt:mL· \\lime, \11lc h1gh1 @ The Pinch Singer I FraminR Yowh B(,rl·rr,i,""'1'""""1)D""1 .. 8SOlUI) lNOIY lWl!AlO :MQ138 SS3~0(N 11 3WVN

llVO l!O!VH91S W101 1111 llVO NOll'lllk!Xl OST ·saouo41 IOJ ~-8 MOjjV 1111111111111111 XOJ saios %9 ppo ~uo Slllap!S8J '{) '8891-0~006 '() 'aJJat!IWO) ·,aa~s ljdwnu1 6S6S 1iewnH11,no))V '6ojDID) lfMDqlf>D18 aiu OJ puas ·iaqo15UljlOW 5O\0JO) swa11 110 JOJ 1unowo 10101 PIOpuo ssa1ppo 1o1au 'awou JOoAasoi1u3 lSS8JPPV JO a!xJOtjJ qnlJ SJaU!O D

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=0 r-i toi ,..,., f § 1:a; i I T H E F A N T A S Y C O N T I N U E S ... ~ I I r I' ~ I B¢auty I ~ I t and~tb~ I I I I B¢ast I This captivating blend of action, I fantasy and romance that won the ~ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: hearts of the nation can now be I The enthralling story that Above, Below and Beyond ------, started it aJI. Includes the pilot The legend lives on in these two yours for all time. I --- 0 ~ -- and "A Happy Life," with an tales of eternal passion. Includes r autographed color photo of "To Reign in Hell" and 1- 3 U1 () s; I Ron Perlman as "Vincent." "Orphans." 95 mins. Color ONLY $19.95 EACH 95 mins. Color ( 1988) (I 989) Turn to page 25 to see the special BEAUTY AND ~ ~ >n I RP0240 $19.95 RP0243 $19.95 T HE BEAST products offered below in color. I ~ ~ ~ ~~ I, )> .g >~~t,1 BEAUTY AND '° :::r t"' BEAUTY I THE BEAST g~ 0 ~ I, RECORD ALBUM ANDTHE ;!\.' (1' C) ~ I AND CASSETTE B~aut~ .- BEAST ~ ,. I - "Songs of Love and Hope" r are heartwanningly and ;' ~ T-SIDRT 00 ~ I combined with poetry readings by Ron Perlman as tbt (Med) #RPT3M, I "Vincent." A must-have for (Lrg) #RPT3L, true fans. (X-L) #RPT3X. I Album #RPLPl Cassette #RPACI Btast I 0 ONLY $14.95 each I ONLY $9.95 each I You get THREE ~ I top-rated videos I' I for one incredibly r low price! Ii The famous Blackhawk Catalog Grab Bag is back! For a limited time only, you can get three high-quality I Beta cassettes for the same price you'd regularly pay for one! There is no better way to save, but supplies ~ are limited-so order today!"' I I U> --0 BETA GRAB BAG SPECIAL Order RPBETA YOUR PRICE: $19.95 m~~ I :Dm -,,~ ()m I I *NOTE: Due to the great value of this offer, no returns are allowable. Offer may be cancelled without prior notice. l GRANT COLLECTOR'S SET NO. 4 IN DISCREET FATHER GOOSE OPERATION PETTICOAT w;11, In g, ul Uergman Wu/r t esfu, Caro" . \\ 111, ·1,my C urtif. l oan O'!Jnen S1anle) Doncn dircr1cd tlfr, ,<.:i n­ rrn or llmlfll'd Blal.e Edward, d irc l:tcd lh" till:Hing comedic drama ahuut a Gran t 1:'\ hilanou!-. a, a hc~tch bum \'-'acky \\ ~1r1Ime t omcdy ,cI married man who romam:c, a who "s lorc c. 116 min,. Color ( 196-1 ) R P3082 SJ-1>:'JS- s11 .as· R Pl967 $ 19.95 RP1285 $ 19.95 Sophi11im1ed, u!:il~V, debo11air-f,11ry Gm111 m•os GIUNT C OLL ECTORS S ET 11-4 (3 Ca~settc Set ) Order RP0S-40 Also , old sep:iratcli . Retail:~ YOLR PRICE: $49.aa· H ol~rm•ood's fm)01-i1e 111a11-abo11t-lO'fC'II, a11rl ours. too. \\'e 'z·e mirled !he v1111/1s ofevery major studio lo gel u:,•hol ~·e feel are !he best films of his ((ll<'et~ TO CATCH A THIEF THAT TOUCH OF MINK MR. BLANDINGS BUILDS cinema dassirs as sp{//Ni11Kand timeless 11s the man II uh (;nu-,, K,,J/_1 ll'ult Dm,s Our HIS DREAM HOUSE Fircv.orl-..'lo ny in th1;;,; g.lamorou~ ,\ wholc,omc young wnnun \\'ult M 1ma Lo.1. Mefrrn Dnug/a , himself. \ \'e hope you 'II agree. romantic lhrillcr of high ~oc 1c1 y ri nds lu:rsclf in a compromI ... ing Sl,ch comcd) wi1h G ra111 1hicvcrv in ',,lonlt Carlo. O ne o f si tu ation with a soplli',t1ca11.:d perfcc1ly c~i-.t a, the , uavc ci:y d ircclo; Alfred lli1chwch ·, bc,1. bu,inc,, t)'l:OOll in 1h1, delightful -,licker who-,e dream, of counIry BRINGING UP BABY 1)7 min,. Colo r ( 1955) romantic corned). 99 min,. Color liv111g yuid..!) d1, 1n h.:gr~tlc. \\. ah Katlwnllr llephurn PA6.l08 $ 19.95 ( 1962) 93 nun,. B& W ( 19-18) A ,.a n~ girl and her pcl lcop:ird RP-411 5 $ 19.95 T H E60-07 $ 19.95 wreak havoc for a zoology T II E BEST OF C ARY (.1 C a ssetle Seti profc -; "or in this clas sic madcap O rder R l'20 Also so ld separate!) . Reta il: S5»:-8S" YOl'R PRICE: $49.aa• farce d irec1cd by lloward Hawh 102 min,. U&W ( 1918) T H E6012 $ 19.95 MR. LUC KY 1HE FILMS OF O\RY GRANf With Ull'UII/I' Dm. Cho,lt·, /Ju,1 J'\obodv look~ more ~11 home in a SUSPICION tu, tha;1 Grant. cspcl:ially when ~Vi tit Joa n Prmta ine hc"s lhc luc ~y owner of a gamb­ I li1chcock dircc1ed Fon1a ,oc 10 a ling ,hip in 1hh ligh1hear1cd \\\\Ill Be I Ac1,e-,s O '-lcar win in th i, d rama. 98 min,. B&W ( 1943) ~tunning )ll~J)Cll\Cr of a bride THE60 1 I $19.95 wht> suspects he r playbo) hu~band i, trying to murder her. PENNY SERENADE 99 m11is. B&W (19-11 ) With /rr,w Dwm,• THE207-4 $ 19.95 Superb drama1ic pe rformance, TH E BACHELOR AND THE highlighr 1his n i1ically-'li.cclaime:'J5 $17.aa• • H uh Kathmuu• lfrphwn. Jamel Steu ,irt MY FAVORITE WIFE One of cinema·-; mo-;t 1rc:1~urt!d U tlli fr('J1t' /)unn,,. Rando/pl, Sc otl dra wmg room comcdie, with It's non!-itOp hilari1y in thi.., ro­ impeccab le performances (in­ mantic :-.t:rcwball comcdv when cluding LksI Actor honor, for tht: wift: prcM1med IO be ·dead. Slewart ). winy rcp:irltc and (Dunne). , hol\S up on Cary', \\ 'uh ... Oawlc~, direction hy George honeymoon with the new J'v1r,. Karlwrfot> I frphurn Cukor. 112 mm,. II& \V ( 1940) SS nun,. H&\\i ( 19-W ) When frcc·s.pin1cd M<;souos9 Sl'>.95 RP?-428 $19.95 Granl meet, high !lOC1c1y ·, / I kpbum. lhc re,uh, arc pure ARS ENIC AND OLD LACE THE GRASS IS GREENER magic in thi, ~opfw,11ca1:-d With loM·pJr,nr /full. Jeat1 Adan \\'it!, /)rhmah Ke, r. romantic <.:Omed) . One of Frank Capra d ircc1ed 1hi, hi la1 - Jran Simmom Rn(1ert Miu·hum d1 rcct m Georgi.:: Cukor' '- 1o w, blat"k cmncdv nhou1 l'>'O The w\'(ldc.95 R l'l 586 S].9M $17.88• EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE • lo, MARRIED IN NAME ONLY .,.__;]~, \Vith Prancltot T"nc, BN.\\' /)rake H 1th Cmoh• LmnlJiml . Kay Fram,, \Vh cn a,;;clcrk Ucciclc, 1 l~a ml· Superb ac11 11g in 1hi ._ poig11an1 .<_:, i, -,omc doctor j-, pcricct mar~i,1gc drama abou1 m,rr,cd man Ill ·-·. - material. hil;mt} en sue~ in lhi!} lo ve with anl;nhe1 wo man bul .'t·.· delicious rom;mtic ..:omcd). unable 1~ ob1ain a divorce. l •800•826•2295 8-4 min, . B&W ( 19-48) '!-I min,. R&W ( 1939) ~~~ R 7 190 Sl9.95 RP727-4 ~ $ I 7.aa· ~ WORDS AND MUSIC Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, MelTorme This musical biography of the great Rodgers :u;id Han includes guest apJ)Cal'ances by Lena Home, Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Jane\ Leign, June Allyson and AM Sothem. 121 mins. Color (1948) MG300861 ~ $24.H• ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Fred Astaire. Lucille Ball, William Powell The grandaddy of musical revues about the big daddy of musical showmen. It's an all-star spec­ tacular with a.II-out production FIDDLER ON THE ROOF CAI.AMITY JANE numbers by Hollywood's Topal. Molly Picon Doris Day, Howard Keel grealest. 110 mins. Color ( 1946) A celebration of a vanished way An excellent score, topped by the MG600173 $19.95 of life: love and laughter in a Oscar-winning "Secret Love," Ukrainian village. Unforgettable and the incredible chemistry of OLIVERI songs include ''If I Were A Rich Day and Keel talces this wesicrn Ron Moody, Oliver Reed Man" and "Sunrise, Sunset." musical to the top. JO I mins. The last of the true musical spec­ 180 mins. Color (1971) Color ( I 953) taculars, OLIVER! combines MG201320 $29.95 WAil209 $24.95 laughter and danger, song and social commentary in its retelling IIZET'S CARMEN FOR ME AND MY GAi. of Dickens' classic fable. Placido Domingo, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly 146 mins. Color (1968) Julia Migenes-Johnson Brilliant Busby Berkeley CO60526 $29.95 Bizet's most famous work is direction and near-perfect brought to life by two of the performances elevated thi, lively CABIN IN THE SKY greatest names in contemporary vaudevillian musical to classic THE BAND WAGON LES GIRLS Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, opera for a stunning musical tour status. 104 mins. B&W Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Gene Kelly, Kay Kendall, Ethel Waters . Lena Horne, de force. 151 mins. Color (1984) (1942) Oscar Levant Mitzi Gaynor Cab Calloway C060487 $29.95 MG201379 $19.95 ·' l ' Terrific Broadway tunes sung by "The best musical of the month, Who can resist a Cole Porter fan­ -~,-~ ... some of the best performers of the year, the decade, or for all I tasy about cat-figl)ting showgirls? ,-,-Ii·. the era highlight this captivating know, of all time," said critic Especially when 't's being musical about the battle for a Archer Winsten of this dirccteil by George Cukor and gambler's soul. 99 mins. B&W 4-~.. -;. hilariously funny, brilliantly photographed by .Robert Surtees . . f,-~ I (1943) staged musical experience. Sheer delight! 114 mins. Color MG300S58 $24.95 'J ' ' 112 mins. Color ( 1953) (1957) _..,,,.' MG700113 $ 19.95 MG300308 $24,81' . t I ~ MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS \ . "-, Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien I _, KISS ME KATE Musical genius Vincente ... Howard Keel. Karlrryn Grayson, THE BENNY GOODMAN Minnelli directed his then-wife .:~_ .. Ann Miller. Bob Fos~ STORY Judy in a tune-filled, affectionate . .. , Cole Porter clas$icS and Hermes Steve Allen, Donna Reed look at a tum of the century I.-) Pan chorcog,;aphy higl)light this It don't mean a thing if it ain't family. 113 mins. Color I • • lively mu~ical about a married got that swing, and it never stops (1944) couple who reenact tl1eir in this be-bopping bio of the .. . -1., MG600005 $19.95 .,,. "Taming of the Shrew" slage clarinet King. This movie is ~t ,,..., roles in real life. 111 mins. jumpin' ! 11 7 mins. Color t ... BROADWAY MELODY Of Color (I 953) ( 1955) 1940 :,J' .. MG300307 $19.95 MC45005 $19.95 Fred Astaire, Elea110r Powell Cole Porter tunes highlight this .1" -=--- .. .. exuberant spectacle of musical ' .,,I {~ magic, including the extraordi­ nary "Begin the Beguine" :-,,. number with Powell and Astaire . • 1 102 mins. B&W (1939) ' MGllll $29.95 IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME Judy Garland. Van Johnson An 18-month old Liza Minnelli NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER PAINT YOUR WAGON makes her screen debut in this Esther Williams, Red Skelron, Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood The golden days of the '30s and '40s swing era are brilliantly charming, turn of the century Ricardo Montalban A musical cult classic. thanks to Loesser's Oscar-winning song the vocal stylings of its two ( recaptured in four eminently collectible, endlessly playable musical. Sprightly score includes .. the title tune and "Wait 'Til tl1e "Baby. It's Cold Outside" is only macho-men stars. Two gold volumes showcasing original performances by the era's greatest Sun Shines, Nellie." I04 mins. one of the many highlights of this prospectors set up housekeeping .~..,, - ~..'. . bands. 50 mins. each B&W Color ( 1949) splendid aquatic musi< Beneke and more. Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, JAILHOUSE ROCK ... MC80666 $24.95 Debbie Reynolds LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME Elvis Presley, '\.,··c-. A brilliant comic musical, Doris Day, James Cagney Mickey Shaughne$$)' ,... }; VOLUME 3 Les Brown, Count Basie and more. considered by many to be the The music and the performances The King was at bis raw, hip­ MC80667 $24.95 best in Hollywood history, are absolutely mesmerizing in this shaking best when he helped .. ' ~ chock-full of terrific numbers, Oscar-winning Story about choreograph the famed title Mills Brothers, Stan Kenton and more. VOLUME 4 shining pe.rformances and some Twenties torch singer Ruth Etling sequence in this higl)-voltage MC80668 S24.95 1t of the most hilarious dialogue aod her doomed cntang!ement vintage rock classic about an ex­ SWINI: TIIE COMPLETES ET (4 Cassette Set) ever spoken in a musical. with a racketeer. 122 mins. con turned pop star. 96 mins. ".1/1-.. Order MC80724 $79.95 ·MCA­ 102 mins. Color ( 1952) Color (I 955) B&W (1957) ; , .. Also sold separately. [ HOME VIOE!inia 0 ' Bri~n tory w11h 1hc-.e rare 19:_10 shorts It's ca,y 10 see why they called fro m lWO immortal pertormcr!'-.! Ball ··Tcchnic IQr To,ss' "- -her J The Dllkc If first screen in:oc dazzling beauty w:b displayed lo appcarai1ce in the c xir ordmary the ful le st. A lavish mu~ical THE GLENN MILLER STORY BLACK 1\ D TA . by Dudley fantasy sci in ~e entecnth-ceniury :0.1urphy. 20 111111, n ST. Fram:c wi t__h a great casI and Co1c Jomes Stewart. lwll' Al/non LOUIS Bl~ S. a smoke -filled Porter hit tune,. IO I min,. An all-star c ast and big band ,pcakeas} " the ,cumg for music cxtraordinaire highlight\ Technicolor ( 1943 ) Bc"ie to sing the blues in her this box office hit bio of the \1G.l0091l3 ~ $24.81• only fi lm. I 6 min,. A M UST­ immo rtal bandleadcr. Ab,olutely IIA VE for musical fans' B&W wonderful! 11 6 rnins. Color GENTLEMEN PREFER SILK STOCKINGS IJH9096 .sl-9:95" $17.88• (1954) BLONDES Pr,·d Astaire. Cw/ Clwnsse ...... Divine dancing.and Cole Porter's ,. M C -15004 $19.95 M urifrn ,\-l onroe. Jam' Russell • J •. \Vhcn a dumb blonde and a -;how· A DATE WITH JUDY effervescent wit make th is mu~i­ . ;>I girl h,1 gay Pare~. all you can say Jan,· l'owdl. E./1:aberh Ta\"lor. cal rc1cllin g of .Ni1101d1J.:a a so· BILLY ROSE'S JUMBO is .. ooh la la!" f.abulou, 1c:1mmg. Wallace Be,,r,• · phislicate·s delight. 116 mir.s. ·.~ Doris Day, Jimmy Du ra/lie sparked hy wiH) repanec and ter­ Cannen Miranda and X avier Color ( I 957) ". ·- Cuga1 ge1 into the act when J re­ ! t: . A Big Top extravaganza chock rific song~ incluJing Marilyn·, ;\1 <.;700051 $29.95 •.:., full o f lively Rodgers and Hart !'-.ultry wir,ion ol "Diamonds Arc !'-.pcctahlc teenager is ,;;uspcc tcd of tunes and all the charm and A G irl", Best Fnend." 9 1 111111-,_ not-so-respcetable doing,. Color­ EASTER PARADE LA TRAVIATA excitement of the real thing. Color ( 1953) ful and amusing entertainment. Fred Astw rr. Jud,· (;arland .,. :~ Placido Domingo. Te,esa Stratas 124 mins. Color ( I 962) TW101 9 $ 19.95 113 mins. Color ( 1948) A delightful musi~al c lassic rich • r•· 1 Director Franco Zeffcrelli"s M(;300796 $19.95 Mf; 20 l -160 $19.95 in unforgcna ble Irving 13crlin ,,:. ~ breathtaking achievement of THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT tune, about a song and dance ··:. ~l Verdi's romantic 1ragedy soars as Fred Astail"e. G,·11e Kelly. STEP LIVELY mar. who trades partners and gets ...... magnificently as the stars· voices. £/i:aheth Tu rim, Jmm•:; Stch·arr Frank Sina/fa, A,lotplw Mt•njnu more than he bargained for. ... An opera lover's dream! 112 A vcntable .:Who's Who" of G l11 1ery. gleaming musical I 09 111 in,. Color ( I 948) .•.,f',.. · 1 mins. Color ( 1982) MGM ,upc"'"" ho,1 highlights remake of 1hc \.1arx 0rothcr, · M<.;600256 $ 19.95 .. M Cll0048 $19.95 from MGM ' s most unforgcn able h1 lanous Room Senice. Fine .~.. mu,kah,. TI1a t s not JUM enler­ !'-.Up1>0rting. ca!'-.I 1m:ludes Gloria lainmcnt- tha t 's sheer de llaven. Anne Jeffrey, and WEST SIDE STORY undiluted joy' 137 rn,n<, Walter Sle,ak. 8X m ins. B&W Natalie Wood. Rii·hard /Jey 111 er Color/B&W 197-1 ) ( 1944) This electrifying, landmark J\1 (;600007 Sl 9.95 T HE2012 $19.95 musical won si x Ac ademy Awards. tpcluding Best Picture, THAT'S ENTE RTAINMENT BELLS ARE RINGING for its po we rful blend of song, PART II Judy 1/o/liday. dance and romance. Blockbus:e r Judy Cw/and. Ann Miller ,md Dl'an Martin entcrtain rnent! 155 mins. Color mmn· more Vincente Miijnelli directed ( 1961 ) Director Gene Ke lly dipped into and Andre ~revm p rovided M G201266 ~ $17.18• MGM ', vauhs for not ju,1 :11orc an Oscar-I)() inati,d score for mu,,cal highlights. but comed ic this , prightl ale 7'/ a tele phone ANCHORS AWEIGH and dramatic mon1cn1~ of movie operator \V comes involved Prank Sinatra. Gene K ellr magic a, well. A perfect sequel! w 1lh her c henlclc. 126 min~. ,. Gene Kelly can dance wiih 133 min,. Color (1976) Color ( 1960) anyone---even n ca rtoon mou:<1t:­ MG700075 $ 19.95 ~1 G700063 ~ $24.88• and make them look good. This prcdeceS!'-.Or 10 "On The To\~n .. HIG H SOCIETY places 1wo sailors on Jcavc 111 Lo!'-. 1/inM Crosby. 0race Kelly. Angeles for a tuneful romp. Frank Sirlatta. Ct'lt!ste Holm 139 mins. Color (1945) Memorable Cole Porter tune, ~1 G300309 $ 19.95 performed by two of Holly­ woocr !'-. lop uooners ,. hi ghlight this hilarious Maurite C hevalier, THE MUSIC MAN musical vcr,ion of Thr 1/ermione G,ngold Nobcrt Preston. Slurley Jon<'.\ Philadelphia Sto,-y. I 07 m in,. TE · 0 ,car,, including Best Pre ston is with oul equal as the Color (1 956) Picture, Director (Vincente loveable con man out to flcccl'. ~1(;600291 $19.95 Minnelli). and Music hy Lerner naive River C11y. One of the bc,t & Loewe went lo this beauti fully 1ran,lations of a hi1 Broadwa, CAMELOT costumed and perfonncd a ll -time musica] to the h1g :<1necn. · Richard llarris. l'ane.u uRedwm·,, charmer about love in Gay Paree. 151 mins. Color (1962) Lcmcr an;'1S" $17.88• M"700040 $ 111.95 World War II Double Feature Theatre

You are there as camera­ men capture history in the making with these 'Victory 5lt Sea original newsreels from WWII. 55 mins. ea. VICTORY AT SEA B&W The history of Allied naval warfare during WWII is chronicled through actual newsreel and government footage in this compelling WWII: THE PACIFIC CELEBRATE MAN ON THE Emmy /\ward-winning six-cassette masterpiece. Underscored by THEATRE Richard Rodgers' sweeping music, the power and scope uf this dra­ Subjects include the bombing of MOON matic achievement makes this a mui.t for WWll history buffs. by Pearl Barbor. Japanese Narrated Walter Cronkite. BA8533 $ 149.95 Not sold separately (6 cassette set) Relive all the awe, the wonder kamikaze raids, the invasion of and the glory of mank(nd's lwo J ima and more! greatest achievef\}ent i,n, this (1941-1945) special progn,m ;,foriglnal news BH0670 $19.95 footage. p[us imerviel"l> with Dan Rather a d th three Apollo XI BETWEEN THE WARS SERIES WWII: THE EUROPEAN astronaut . n /nspiring. timeless THEATRE historical document. 60 mins. BETWEEN THE WARS Six separate subjects including Color ( 1989) Host and narrJtOr Eric Sevareid the Battle of Britain, the TW2JOO $ 19.95 offer<, a masterful perspective liberation of Paris, the fall of on the crucial era between the Hitler's and more! BAER VS. LOUIS/ LOUIS VS. World Wars in this powerful (1941-1945) SCHMELING THE RED BARON blend of migin~l newsreels. BH0669 $ 19.95 A thrilling double-dose of heavy­ This powerful bio of the hated soundtracks ru1d rare archival weight action. Original. uncut and feared German ace Manfred footage. A stunning combina­ WORLD WAR II DOUBLE footage shows the classic 1935 Von Richthofen combines WWI tion of hi tory and entertain­ FEATURE THEATRE bout between Baer and Louis and aerial f001agc with fascinating ment in eight double-episode (2 Cassette Set) the Great International Heavy­ casseues. 60 mins. ea. ( 1987) firsthand accounts of pilots who Or der BHWW2 $29.88 weight match between Louis and new with and agains1 the Allied QRIOO ~ $159.88' Not sold separately (Also sold separately) Schmeling in 1936. nemesis. 60 mins. BH9048 $19.95 TN221S $29.95 LEGENDS OF THE RING TOURING CIVIL WAR Rare archival footage puts you BATTLEFIELDS ringside with the greatest boxers Named the "Best Educational in history past, from Johnson 10 Video of 1987 ," this stirring THE CAPRA DOCUMENTARY COUECilON Marciano in this fast-paced, fasci­ reenactment of the five greatest nating look at over 20 legendary Civil War battles is a must for bouts. 55 mins. B&W (1989) every history buff. 60 mins. When director Frank Capra PRELUDE TO WAR NEGRO SOLDIER SE9018 $29.95 TN2205 $29.95 turned his eye and the Winner of the ;\cademy 1\ ward Enthusiastically received by for BesL Ducurneotary. the whole audiences throughout the nation. camera towards the battle­ 113tion cheered when Capra recut this ground-breaking documen­ field during lYWJI, the cuptui:ed enemy propaganda tary paid eloquent tribute to results were compelling, fi lms and turnc;d them into a American black soldiers in a powerful images that revolu­ bri~liant, mor.ile-boosting tribute stirring, socially-significant to America. 54 miI\s. B&\v masterpiece. 49 mins. B&W tionized tUJcumentary film­ (1942) (1943) making. We are proud to RP702S $19.95 RP7442 $19.95 offer to a new generation this special collection offi lms, as CAPRA DOCUMENTARY COLLECTION thought-provoking today as (2 Cassette Set) Order BH3S Also sold separately. when they were made. Retail: ~ YOCR PRICE: $34.95' AMERICA AT WJ\R 1941·19415 Gin PACK From Time Magazine's classic newsreel anthology, "The March of Time," comes this extraordinary 11 '/2 HOUR set of original documentary footage depicting the U.S. war effon overseas and at home. ON THE HOME FRONT FRIEND AND FOE, Part 2 AMERICAN DEFENSE, Part 1 VIETNAM: THE TEN THOUSAND DAY WAR Civilians Prepare for War, FBI Inside Fa~cist Spaiq, Japanese at Advances in Naval Technology. Fights Sabotage, Feeding the War War, Neutral Sweden, South North African Invasion, What The real story of the longest, most controversial war in Machine. 114 mins. Arl)erican Politics, 87 mins. Makes a Marine. 122 mins. modem history. Narrated by Richard Basehart FRIEND AND FOE, Part 1 FRIEND I ND FOE, Part 3 AMERICAN DEFENSE, Part 2 Wrillen by Pulitzer Prize winner Peter Arnell Pacific Battlefields, Ghandi's Europe·, Underground, Nazi All-out European Invasion, Pearl Rare footage and interviews highlight tlus compelling story of the Vietnam Resistance, French Underground, Destructors, Insiile Chlna. Harbor, Allied Retribution in the War as seen 1hrough the eyes of key policy makers and JOen in combal. A Day in War-tom Russia. 113 min<. Pacific. 126 mins. Considered one of the best war documcntarie~ ever made, this 6-volumc:: 116 mins. collection take; an extraordinary journey through one of America ·s most difficult umes and how it changed us all. 288 mins. Color ( 1980) AMERICA AT WAR GIFT PACK (6 Cassette Set) VIETNAM: THE TE THOUSAND DAY WAR (6 Cassette Set) BA8556 Order BA8548 $149.95 Not sold separately. Not sold separately. $149.88 PHANTOM SHIP lie/a L11~osi A mystical. mesmerizing fihr b;1scd on a true 01ccount of an unsolved m ari1imc mys1cry. con­ sidered one of histc,ry · ~ ,trantt:..,l. b-1 min,. B& W ( 1937) Hl-19553 SI 9.95

RICHARD Ill Uu,rem ·,, 011\·u•r, Ralph Richurdson. Claire m oom Superb pcrfonnances by a Who's Who of British siage grca1s make It's dassic ci11 ema as you like it! Whether you're tlw, the cono,ummalc rendition o f Shakc!>.pearc s historical tour-ac-­ yea ming to see H ollyw:ood's greatest actors brmthe fo,ce. 16 1 mms. Color (1955) lifr into the Bard's im111ortal worh or to i111111erse BA6206 $17.88 yourself in tra11sa:11de111 toles that span the breadth MOULIN ROUGE Jor.e Ferrer. Coleue A1archn,w ofhu ma11 experienre, these inromparahle collectihles John Hu,1011 . 178 mins. Joseph Cotton. Angela La11.rb11 ry Color ( 1956) Ucrgman won the Best Ac1res:-. WAI IJ21 $29.95 Oscar for her stunning ponrayal of a bride driven 10 the brink of insani1y by a husband with ,omclhing 10 hide. Brillian! George Cukor dircc1ion and magnilicanl produc1ion. 114 min,. ll&W , 1944) ~1G-10047J $24.95

THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Corne/ Wilde. Charltnn lle.,1011. IJeu_, /11111011 Romance and conl ict under 1he hig top come to a d ima.x in the famous train-wre<.:k scene. A Bc~t P1c1urc Oscar-winner. 153 m ins. Color ( 1952) SHAKESPEARE DOUBLE PLAY If PA6617 $29.95 BUY BOTH AND SAVE! ~ Shakespeare Double Play (2 Cassette Set) ~ Order RPSH2 $34.88 Also sold separately. JULIUS CAESAR ROMEO AND JULIET l •800•826•2295 John Giel11 11d. Jason Robards. Leonard Whiting, Olivio ll11ssey Char/um lleswn Shakespeare wa, made lrendy in Conspira1ors plo1 1he death o f 1his sexy. gorgeous re1e lling of ~ their emperor in Shakespeare· s 1he 1ragic young lovers· 1ribula­ The Blackhawk Guarantee: grca1 historical drama. Also tions. Oscar.winning cincrn..1to­ If not completely sat isfied appea,i ng: Richard Chambcr­ graphy with brilli:ml direc1ion lnin. Diana Rigg. Chris1o pher by Franco Zdfirclli. with any item. return it Lee. 116 mins. Color ( 1969) 152 mins. Color ( 1968) and we will credit the full RP2139 $19.95 PA6809 $19.95 purchase price, replace it, or make a refund. ~,ENTORY CLEARANCE SALE NOW is Your Best Time for Our Lowest Prices Ever

A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN DESERT VICTORY THE INVISIBLE MAN MR. PEABODY AND THE SUSANNA PASS KING ARTHUR'S COURT 60 mms. B&W ( 19-13) Claude Rains. Gloria Smart MERMAID Rm· Rogers. /)ale Emn.< Bing Crosb,·, Rhonda Fft•ming TN2220 $28.88 71 mins. B&W ( 1933) William Powell. Ann Birth 67.mms. Color (19.19) 106 mm,. COLOR (1948) MC80398 $28.88 89 min,. B&W ( 1948) RP404fl $18.88 M<.:80601 $28.88 THE DESPERATE HOURS RP2820 $18.88 Frednc March. fl,imphre1· Bogart IT HAPPENED AT THE THE TEMPEST A STAR IS BORN 112 min,. B&W (1'!55) WORLD'S FAIR ON THE TOWN John Barrvmore Judi Garland, James \.fason PA5509 $18.88 Efris !'resin, Gan Lock,.-ond Gem· Kdh ftant. Suwrra 102 mm,.· B&W (1927) Silent 181.mms. Color 11954) I 04 min, Color ( 1962) 9X min, Color i 1'!49) 300596 SI 8.88 Wi\ 11 335 $28.88 DESTRY RIDES AGAIN MG600475 $18.88 MG600057 $18.88 Jame.f Sr,•wurr, Marlene D1l'lrid1 THE THIEF OF BAGDAD THE AFFAIRS OF ANNABELLE 94 mm,. B&W (19'9) IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE THE PAWNBROKER /)ougla., FairhanJ.s. l.uulle Ball, Jack Mt:80352 $28.88 Jame., Sre,nirr, Donna Reed Rod Steiger, Geraldme I· u:11erald Anna May l\'ong 69 mins. B&W ( 1934) 129 min,. B&W (1946) 114 min,. B&W I 1965) 143 min,. B&\\ (1924) S1lcn1 T HE2008 $18.88 THE DIRTY DOZEN RP2060 $18.88 RP3162 S18.88 532171 $2..1.88 l.,•t .Man·i11. Ernest Borgmne ALL QU IET ON THE WESTERN 150 mins. Color ( 1967) JEREMIAH JOHNSON THE PRIMROSE PATH THIRTY SECONDS OVER FRONT MG700008 Slll.88 Rohe.-1 Redford. IVi/1 Ceer Gmger Roger,, Joel McCrea TOKYO Lew A\'res. Louis \.\-olheim I 07 min,. Color ( 1972) 92 m111s. B&W ( 1940) Spem·er Tracy, \.'an Johnson 130 mins B&W ( 1930) DOWN DAKOTA WAY WA11061 S23.88 THE6019 $18.88 138 min,. B&W (1944) MC55018 $28.88 R{I\ Roger.,. Dale Ernn., MG60092S $18.88 67 min,. B&W ( 1949) JOHNNY BELI NDA THE PRIVATE LIFE OF AMADEUS Rl'l099 $18.88 Jane \-Vnnan. Lev. A ues HENRY THE VIII THIS IS ELVIS I' MMra\ Abraham.'/ om 1/11/n• 103 m,~,. B&W (1.948) Charles Laughton, /-.Isa I anches1,,r tfris Presle1 160 mms. Color ( 1984) DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS MG600761 $23.88 97 m,ns. B&W ( 19311 I 44 min,. Color ( 1981) TH2997 S23.88 l.ionel Barnmore /Jean Stod,"\t'('/1 BH02060 $18.88 WA11 173 $18.88 120 mins. B&W (1948) KELLY'S HEROES ANGE LS WIT H DIRTY FACES 300567 $18,118 Clim Pa.wwood Tel/\- Sam/as PUBLIC ENEMY THREE FACES WEST .lames Cagm'). Pat O'Bnen. 141 mins. Color ( 1970) James Cagnry. Jean I lar/ov. John \Vavne, Charles Co/,um 1/umphrey Boxwt DR. TE RROR'S HOUSE OF MG700168 $18.88 84 min,. B&W (193 1) 79 min,. B& W ( 1940) 97 mm,. B&W ( 19.18) HORRORS MG20151l6 Sl8.88 RP4189 $16.88 \fG2016l9 $18.88 Peter Cushing. l,'r.wla llmielfa KID GALAHAD '!8 nun,. Color ( 1965) £In< Pre.1/ey. Gig Yo11n11 RED DUST TWEETY AND SYLVESTER AT THE CIRCUS RP 1067 $16.88 96min. Color (1%2) Clark Gable, Jean Har/011 Animated The Marx Brothers MG701055 $18.88 86 mrns. B&W 11932) 60 mins. Color Margan.•t Oumont ELVIS• .•THAT 'S THE WAY IT IS MG300560 S23.88 MG201498 $18.!18 h7 min, . B&W (l9WJ Elli, Presley LOVE HAPPY MG500121 $18.88 97 mm,. Color ( 19701 1'11e Mar., Brothers, THE RETURN OF THE BAD MEN WAR OF THE WILDCATS l\,1(;700373 $18.88 Manly,, .\1oJJrae Randolph Seo//, Robert Ryan John \l'arne, "1urtlta Seo/I THE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN 85 min.,. B&W (1'!49) 90 min,. B&W (1948) c;ahh, flme.1 A. A'1tonm·. Gnp,ory Alrxa11doro,· FIGHTING FATHER DUNNE RP2467 $18.88 THF.2056 $18.88 l02 mi"' B&W ( 19431 75 nuns. ll&W ( 1925) Pa1 O'Brien. Darn-/ H1

Order RPXl $69.88 .. t.~ (Also sold separately) SON OF THE SHEIK PECK'S BAD BOY Rudolph Va/entmo Jackie Caoga11 , Wheller Oakma11 ·-· VOLUME 1 ) .,· Valenlino·s last and best lilm has Coogan won the heans nf The lmmigran1, The Counl, Easy S1rec1 1he screen·s grca1es1 lover millions in lttis charming comedy .. .,, RP71 IR $19.95 playing a romanlic Arabian abou1 a young scamp and his VOLUME 2 prince. avenging l he honor of a adventures at the circus. . ' The Pawnshop. The Adveniurer. One A.M. beautiful dancing girl. 68 mins. Orchestral score. 5 1 mins. ., .,; RP7119 $19.95 B&W (1926) S1 len1 B&W (1921) , ~ VOLUME 3 RH9666 $29.95 BH300960 $ 19.95 r ; ) The Cure. The Floorwalker, The Vagabond 1 •';A RP7120 $19.95 NOSFERATU PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Max Schrend. Lon Chaney, Mary I' ilb111 .- ..) ' VOLUME 4 Greta Schroeder Sec what all the Phantom fu ss is '\ .. : Behind the Screen, The Fireman. The Rink Chilling and a1mo,pheric. the about, as t e grcal Lon Chancy ,. - R P712l $19.95 Gcnmm impressionist vi.sualiza­ ponrays the d isfigured sewer­ lion of the vampire legend is dweller who abductS hi diva. historic for its use of symbolism 94 mi ns. B& W (1925) Silent THE CANNON BALL/ CHAPLIN ;ind its avant garde camera work. 860848 ~ $19.aa· THE EYES HAYE IT ESSANAY BOOK I BATTLE AT 72 mins. B&W (192 1) Silcni Ben Turpin. Chesrer Conklin Char/ii, Chaplin ELDERBUSH GULCH/ 860884 $19.95 Two hilarious comedy shons! lmlispcnsable collec1ion of 1he THE MUSKETEERS "'The Cannonball" is abou1 an beloved Chaplin', comic master­ OF PIG ALLEY explosives expcn whose lesting pieces. THE T RAMP ( 1915) finds Lillian Gish methods defy san ity! In "'The him saving a young girl from Two remarkable D.W. Griffith !Chaplin: The Centennial Collection Eyes Have JI°" a married man is 1hree thieves. T HE Cl IAMPION shorts with his favori te s1ar. In caught in a compromising ( I 9 I 5) features our hapless hero "'Battle Al Eldc rt>ush Gulch'", BUY ALL FOUR AT ONE LOW PRICE! silualion by his molher-in-law. employed a, a spamng panncr! Gish faces danger on the fronlier. Only $74.95 Also s old separately. O rgan score by John Muri. In Organ Score by Robcn Israel. 4 1 51 min,. B&W S1len1 iTHE CIRCUS / A DAY'S PLWURE mins. B&W ( 1915, 1921!) BH9136 $ 19.95 "'The Musketeers... ". Gish plays a With Jackie Coogan. Edllll P11n•iancc young girl pined against BH l0637 $ 19.95 90 mins. B& W ( 1928 / I9 J 9) Silent HIS ROYAL SLYNESS/ gangs1ers. Piano scor~ by Rohen l'Y3005 $19.95 BEN HUR HAUNTED SPOOKS Monscheim. 33 mins. B& W 111E KID / THE IDLE CWS Ramon Nm·arro. llarold Lloyd. Mildn •d Dal'ls ( 1914. 1912) With JackieCoogan, MackSwain Francis X. Bushman Two from 1hc daredevil of physi­ 3006 17 $19.95 F6mins. B&W (!92 l)Silent T.,e grande~I epic of America's cal comedy. In "HIS ROY AL l'Y3002 $19.95 silent film era. Tumulluous sea SL YN ESS'" (30 mins.. 1920). THE GOLD RUSH / PAY DAY ballles and a climactic chario1 Lloyd plays a rambunciious Wiih Georgia Hale.Mack Swain race bring to li(e 1!)is tale of prince who sencls a lookalike 95 mins. B&W (1942/ 1922) Narration & Music Roman ORpression in lhe early home on his stead. ln'"HAUNTED PY3004 $ 19.95 Chris1ian era. 170 mins. 8 & W SPOOKS'" (20 mins. 1920). Lloyd CITY LIGHTS ,_ (1926) Silenl inherits a wife and a house ... and With Virgi11ia Cherri/I MG301474 $~ $24.11• some ghosts. B& W Silent The Liu le Tramp al his mosl eloquent. One of Chaplin's 190620 $19.95 rr.ost acclaimed lilms. 87 mms. B&W ( 1931 ) S1len1 ORPHANS OF THE STORM P Y3006 $19.95 Lillian Gish. Dororhy Gish JUDITH OF BETHULIA C IIA PLI : THE CENTEN fl AL COLLECTION (4 Casse1tc Set) Melodrama on a grand scale as Blanche Swee1. O rder TW3000 $74.95 Also sold separ:llely. two sis1crs arc separated by the Henry 8 . Wa1/iall. Mae Marsh 1um1oil of 1hc French Revoluti on. D.W . Griffi1h' s s1unning biblical THE IRON MASK THE BIG PARADE "There is scarcely a moment Lhal epic about a beautiful young Doux las Fwrlw11ks Jahn Gilbert is not charged with inte nse d ra­ widow who berrays her lover lo ·n,is roll icking talc of danger has The lop-grossing silcnl movie in ma11c power."' said Life save her people. Organ score by Fairbanks and the Three history, directed by King Vidor. magazine. 124 mins. B&W G.tylord Carter. 70 mins. B&W MJskcieers in search of their lrue An anti-war message is gleaned (1921) Silent ( 1913) king. Piano score by William from a young man's experiences 340820 $29.95 BHOl840 $19.95 Perry. I 13 mins. B&W/Color in 19 17. 115 mins. B&W ( 1925) ( 1'>29) Silenl BH9400 $19.95 MG301356 $29.95 DtlN Q, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS /Jm,glas Fairbanks. Mary Astor OLIVER TWIST Theodor,• Roberts. Richard Dix TI1c screen idol was so beloved Ja ckie Coogan. Lo11 Chaney Fritz Lang's two-pan saga rcielling The original de Mille spec1acular, by audiences in the dual role of Both Coogan (in his second the 12th cenlu ry German legend is a mileslonc in 1hc llollywood Zo1To/Don Diego 1hm he reap­ starring role) and lhe impressive now available in one package a: a Hall of Fame. A mus1 for every peared in cos1umc five 1imcs: this Chaney are fabu lous in th is special price. serious collector. 150 mins. is inc pick of 1hc liuer. I I 3 mins. entcnaining film debut of B&W/Color (1923) Silcnl. B& W ( 1925) Silent Dickens' novel. Organ score by THIE NIBELUNGENLIED Pi\2506 $29.95 531995 $ 19.95 John Muri. 77 mins. B& W (2 Cassette Set) ( 1922) Order BH24 $29.88 INl'OLERANCE BH521339 $ 19.95 Lil/',111 Gish.Constance Talmadge Alm sold separately and il1a e Marsh THE MARK OF ZORRO SIEGFRIED "' PccJ1aps the grnalesl movie ever KRIEMHILDE'S REVENGE made ... said th,c New York Tunes Douglas Fairbanks. Paul Ricluer, Margare/a Schoen Paul Richter. Margarl'lll Schoen in I 9RO, and ccn ainly the mos1 Mar1<11erite de la Moue Pan one of a massive 1wo-year film­ The stunning conclu,ion of lhe l •800•826•2295 expensive in its- day. D. W. The original swashbuckler JX>r­ making adventure, Siegfried fol lows Nibelungcn legend avenges the G riffith wove four stories­ trays 1he Mexican Robin Hood our hero .ts he marries Kriemhildc dealh of Siegfried. 95 min,. ~ 7f,}£rdf including lhe Crucifixion and 1he wi th all 1hc style and wit tha1 and t'euds with Brunhilde. I JO mins. B&W (1924) Silen1 ~ Fall of Babylon- in10 one made him a malinee idol. B&W ( 1924) Silen1 8 1-19432 $ 19.95 paraale abou1 love and hale. 115 Musical score by Gaylord Caner. B89694 $ 19.95 Customer s~n·i, r (2/J) S~H-2229 mim. B&W (1915) Silent 91 mins. B&W (1920) Silcnl (No Cnlleu Calls, ple,,~eJ 3019H I ~ $19.81* BH9467 S19.95 ~; *IUJ NOW! Sale prices good through 9/ 7/ 90 onlyl .' BLOWING WILD Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, Anthony Quinn Dark passions ignite as a love tri­ angle turns 10 murder and venge­ ance amid Mexico's oil fields. 88 mins. B&W (1953) ROY ROGERS MATINEE RP0346 $24.95 DOUBLE FEATURE SET Get ready for some hard-riding adventure with the King of the Cowboys and his trusty steed, Trigger. B&W ROY ROGERS DOUBLE FEATURES (4 Cassette Set) Order RP33 $69.95 Also sold separately We've headed 'em up and we're ready to move 'em DOUBU FEATURE NO. 1 DOUBLE FEATURE NO. 3 on out! The We.l't was never wilder than in these The Golden Sialtion. King of the Trail of Robin Hood. Romance Rhonda Fleming. Guy Madison Cowboys on 1hc Range rootin'-tootin' tales ofhighflying adventure with An innocent man can escape RP7703 $19.95 RP7705 $19.95 hanging only by marrying a cinema's greatest cowboys and nastiest outlaws. woman be doesn't love. Frankie DOUBLE FEATURE NO. 2 DOUBLE FEATURE NO. 4 Laine sings the title song. Trigger Jr .. The Far Fronlier Susanna Pass. Sons of the We've lassoed up a passle ofyour favorite frontier 80 mins. Color (1958) RP7704 S19.95 Pioneers films, so settle back in the saddle andget ready for RP0464 $ 19.95 RP7706 $19.95 the ride ofyour life! JOHNNY GUITAR Joan Crawford, Mercedes CIMARRON SHINE Irene Dunne, Richard Di.x McCambridge Alan Ladd, Jack Pa/ance, This sprawling Wes1ern farruly Van Heflin In old Arizona, two suong saga won an Oscar for its grand­ women fight it out over a Hands down. lhe best Western eur and scope-the only Western ever made. Alan Ladd's laconic valuable land claim. 11 0 mins. ever 10 win Best Picture. Color (1953) OUtsider influenced a hundred 130 mins. B&W (1930) other heroes, and Jack Palancc RP2126 S19.95 MG300400 $19.95 has yet to be out-sneered. 118 mins. Color (1953) BELLS OF CORONADO PA6522 $17.95 R"but Mitchum, Tue.w Wrig/u Roy Rogers TEW LADY Revenge is the name of the game The singing cowboy is duded up Claudelle Colbert, when a cowboy brings iragcdy like a city slicker in this story of Barry Sullivan SOUTH OF n . LOUIS upon his adopted family. an insurance agen1 chasing a ura­ Colbert giv 'all 'excellent Joel McCrea, Zachary Seo// Beau1ifully done. 101 mins. ruum-smuggling spy ring. performanl:q as. a cou gous Union outcasts terrorize Southen B&W ( 1947) 67 mins. Color ( 1950) newspa~r-woman who takes a homesteaders in this action­ RP3326 $19.95 RP0250 $19.95 stand ag~t corruption in this packed shoot'em-up. 88 mins. rousing frontier tale. 85 mins. Color (1948) THE RED PONY Color ( 1955) RP3835 $19.95 Roberr M11cl11m1, Myrna Loy NORTH OF THE GREAT RP4082 ~ $17.11* Touching, 1carful John S1einbcck DIVIDE drama aboul love, loyally. and With Penny Edwards, NORTHWEST PASSAGE loss. A piclure for lhe whole fam­ Gordon Jones ONLY TIIE VALIANT Spencer Tracy, Robert Young ily. 88 mm,. Color ( 1949) The [odian 's take lo the warpath Gregory Peck, Ward Bpnd, Tracy heads a stellar upponing RP3406 $ 19.95 when their fi shing grounds are Gig Young cast in direcror King idor's lhreatened by greedy crooks, and A small but )mive band of masterpiece epic oC-Frtnch and it's going to take some hard soldiers rnusi ru Id the fort as Indian War heroics. OIIC< of riding by Roy to stop the im­ Indians ove helm, lhem.,lil this Hollywood\s greatest action­ Robert Mitchum Double Feature (2 Ca-;sette Set) pending bloodshed. 67 mins. legendary11ct100 adventure. adventures. 120m ins. Color Order RP46 $29.8& Also sold separately. B&W (1950) 105 mins. .S&W ( 1950) (1940) RP3035 $19.95 RP3062 ~ $17.11* MG301132 $29.95

NORTHWEST THE BEST OF PASSAGE BONANZA Two classic episodes on each cassette! Best of Bonanza Set (4 Cassette Set) Order RP60 $108.88 Also sold separately

TIE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEn Of BONANU VOL 2 BONANZA VOL 3 BOIWIIA VOL 4 A Rose For Lotta The Dark Gate Hoss and the To Own The World The pilot episode 1hn1 When his best friend Leprechauns Telly Savalas siars as a staned it all has Liule becomes a caule-ruslling Hoss is m for a heap of millionaire who ·s des- Joe being held for ran- killer, Adam could be trouble when he stumbles pcrate to own !he ranch, som by silver barons 1he nexl victim of the across a leprechaun bu,y- even if he has 10 desiroy and the Pondcrosa i, ou1law's insanity. ing his pot of gold on !he the Canwrights 10 do it. 1he price! Ponderosa. The Honor of Cochise The Boss The Underdog An Apache-slaughtering The Truckee Strip When a fronlier rackeleer There's dirty wor1< afoot cavalryman turns to the A scheming silver tycoon puts !he squeeze on 1he when lndian half-breed Canw rights for protec- promotes a land feud be- 1own merchants, Ben Charles Bronson seeks tion from an avenging tween 1he CartwrighLS and jumps in to help and into refuge at !he ranch. Cochise. their neighbors. a heap of trouble. RP7160 $29.95 RP716I $29.95 RP7162 $29.95 RP7163 $29.95 You'll love these dclu,c caps featuring top-quality colorful embroi­ de red insign ias. as durahlt: a, they are attractive. Blad~ only 3!, shown. MEN OF ACTION CLINT EASTWOOD GETS TOUGH


A FISTFUL OF FO R A FEW DOLLARS THE GOODiJ THE BAD DOLLARS MURE AND THE GLY With Inger Stl'\'('m. U'i 1h Gian Mana \ 'o!tmu• Wit It Lee l ·a11 Cf,,,f. ll'itlt El, l\'al!a.-h. Ed Be~le, A tn) ,tcriou" .:vcngcr Klau.\ L,•,• l an Cleef llnll) ,w«'xl linally got clc,m, up a vio.cnt Th, v ·re loud. thcv'rc ·n,c litle ,ay, ii all when into the act for 1hc '.\1c.\.1<.:an border tovvn and mca·u and they're· thtcc men go lnhking fourth insl.illmcnl. METRO-GOLDWYN-MA YER BAT MAN nwkc, cinema 1istory b-a ,1-a-d' And Chn1 " for a h idden pl) t ,1f g11 ld proving 1ha1 the at:1 ion (MGM ) #Rf'CI #Rl'C4 a11J Clinl an in crna1ional the h:.Jddc,1 of 1hcm all durinj,t the C ,vi War d,dn ' t have lo be ,upcr,1ar. ;'ioi 5-y . bra~h. wh1·n bounty hunh.:r~ tc,un and find non-stop dubbed to be raunchy. Fur comfort and style. no thing beat> 1he,e linest qur.lity Beefy T's. non-,tup ;.1ct10r up 111 El Pa:,;o for hard- lrouhle tn~le .id. h lnnd~ :ind big box · 100% cotton and machine wa,habl c. Colors o nl y as shown. (NoS) M . cn1crtainrncnt! 100 mms. hill ng. brutal fun. Stylistic. sensatHlnal. office. 114 min,. • L. X-L only. Color (1964) 1.,0 n11n,. c,,lor ( 1965) 180 111111,. Color ( 1966) Color (1967) -~:.-., Ml,201272 $1-9.95 M(;20IS77 S19.95 MG30l465 ~ .\1(,201399 $ 19.95 j;-,, $14.95 each s21.aa· , .. BUY All FOUR AN D SAVE!

THE CU N.I EASTWOOD COLLECTION (4 Cassette Set) Order MG CE I Also sold separately. Retail: ~ YOllR PRICE:

THE ULTIMATE NEWMAN COLLECTOR'S SET BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID With Robert Redford, Katlu•rinl' Noss The most suc1,,.'c ,...,fu l we:,;lem of all 1ime. winning three Oscars for Best Screenplay. Pho1ography. Song. Pure action. pure cntcrta111 mc111 ! I IO min,. Co lor ( 1969) THE LONG, HOT SUMMER TW I061 $19.95 Wut, Orson Welles This story of seething sexua li1y COOL HAND LUKE .· .. /, .l and Southern bigotry teamed With Georse Kl·1mnly, '!\> A. Joanne Woodward and Paul Jo Van Fleet (Med) #RPT2M. (Lrg) #RPTIL, (X- L) #RPTIX. ·.·.'•, Newman for the first time in a This bri lhant film about the ( ~: ... B. METRO-GOLDWY -MA YER (MGM) liaison that still sizzles. courJ2e of a convict on a chain (Med) #RPT IM. (Lrg) #RPT IL, (X-L) #RPT IX. 118 mins. Color ( 1958) gang ~vas nominated for four C. BATMAN TWI045 $19.9S O,cars, wi1 h George Kennedy (Med/ #RPT5'.v1. (Lrg) #RPTSL, (X-L) #RPT5X. grabbing one for Rest D. BEA TY AND THE BEAST FROM THE TERRACE Supporting Aclor. 126 m in,. (Med) ffRPT3M, (Lrg) #RPT3L, (X-L) #RPT3X. With Joanne Woodward, Color ( 1967) E. STAR TREK: THE FINAL FRONTIER Myrna Loy WAll037 $ 19.95 The steamy. seductive side of life ( :vied, #RPT4M. (Lrg) #RPT4L. (X-L) #RPT4X. among the idle rich, lavishly THE HUSTLER detailed and utterly fascinating. With Jackie Gleason, 144 mins. Color ( 1960) George C. Scou TW1036 $19.95 A Hollywood classic about an ambitious pool shark who get, HOMBRE to 1hc top and fimb succe.,_, Jes, THE LEGEND \Vith Fredrick March, than he imagined. Nominated Martin Balsam for 7 Oscars, with one win for LIVES ON ... Newman shines as a white 11, gritty pho1ography. "Songs of Love and Hope" Apache confronting frontier 135mins. B&W ( 1961 ) a re he an warmingly combined bigotry in lhis suspense-filled TWI006 $19.95 with poetry readings hy Ron weslem directed by Manin Perlman as '·V incent". A must RitL 111 mins. Color for true fans! (1967) A lbum #RPLPI .... TW1012 $19.95 Cus sette #RPACI ' Now only $9.9S each

,_ .;..:·' . ' .i.t·--~ A ... , ..... ,',,.. .,,;., . . ' LOST HORIZON Ronald Colman. Jane Wyau. Thomas Mitchell, Ed..-ard Everett Honon The original. fully restored fantasy adventure from Frank All the world loves a lover--and nowhere is that Capra, highlighted by magnificent performances. sets. idea celebrated more than in these soaring romances music. A timeless classic in every sense of the word! I 30 mins. ofth e Silver Screen. From poignant heartbreak to B&W (1937) love triumphant, you'll find Hollywood's most CO60763 Sl9.95 glon·ous tributes to the timeless pursuit of the LOVE WITH THE PROPER STRANGER LETTER FROM AN greatest human emotion. Steve McQueen, Natalie Wood A MAN AND A WOMAN Bcauciful performances highlight UNKNOWN WOMAN Anouk Aimee. this moving romance about a Joan Fontaine, Louis Jordan Jean-Louis Trintignant "Probably the toniest ' women's footloose musician with no Director Claude Lelouch's lyrical thoughts of matrimony who finds picture' ever made.'' said Pauline affair between a widowed script Kael about this magnificently OUT OF AFRICA SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS himself with a girlfriend in girl and her widower race-car Roben Redford, Meryl Streep Natal,e Wood, Warren Beany acted. lavishly produced tragedy trouble and a classic dilemma. driver. Dubbed. I 02 mins. Color A Be,1 Screenplay Oscar went to of a woman's unrequited love for Seven Oscars including Best P,c­ 100 mins. B&W (1964) (1966) iure. Director and Cinematogra­ directDr Elia Kazan'~ superbly PA6312 $19.95 a rakish pianist in old Vienna. A WA U 655 $24.95 phy. honored this magnificent acted, bittersweet tnle of a stunning, classic tearjerker. epic of love and loss set in the doomeil tc;en romance. 124 mins. THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE 89 mins. B&W ( 1948) A PLACE IN THE SUN Color ( 1961) RP2330 S19.95 splendor of the African plains. Dorothy McGwre. Robert Young Mnnrgome1y Clift, WAlll64 $19.95 161 mins. Color (1985) A beautifully photographed, Elizabeth Taylor MC80350 S29.95 timeless classic about a plain girl POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES The sheer mastery of Oscar­ Belle Da,•is, Glena Ford A GUY NAMED JOE and a disfigured man who find winning director George Stevens· Spmrer Tracy, lune Dunne, Director Frank Capra Jeni his happiness together. 92 mins. handling of a star-scudded cast Ward Bond, Van Johnson superb touch to this hean­ 10 B&W (l945) bestowed cinema immon ality Victor Fleming (Gone With The THE6047 $19.95 warming story about a kindly th is dramatic talc of a young man mRJORI( Wind'I directed this exceptional gangster who helps old apple who gives up money for honor. romantic comedy-drama about a seller Davis convince her 122 mins. B&W (1951) fli er who returns as a ghost to daughter (Arm-Margret in screen PA5815 $19.95 supervise his ex-girl's new debut) she's a lady of means. MORNINGSTAR romance. 120 min. B&W (1944) 136 mins. Color ( I 961) MG301380 $19.95 MG203855 $19.95 Natalie Wood. Gene Kelly WOMAN OF THE YEAR HIGH SCH.OOL An all-star cast )lighlights this Sptn<·er Tracy, CONFIDENTIAL dazzling ro mantic drama about a Katharine Hepburn Russ Tamblyn, Jan Sterling, young girl !),,>hq pi~ or the Th,s first time painng f9r the Mamie Van Doren. stage and a direc or. Wood is stars in a sqphis1ica1ed, Oscar­ Jerry Lee lewis exception"! , the k enplay winning screenplay Qf love A 50's teen classic that'll take you superb. 123 mms. Color ( 1958) between a ~pons writer and a back to the era ofhot rods, RP2682~ $17.aa• politician led 10 an off-screen J.D.'s, buxom bates and rock ·n· romance that lasted a roll! 85 mir.s. B&W (1958) lifetime. I 14 mins. RP1808 $19.95 B&W (1942) MG600093 $19.95 ROMAN HOLIDAY Gre11ory Peck. Audrey Hepb11rn Unforgettable romantic comedy highlighted by Hepburn's Oscar ARCH OF TRIUMPH winning role as an incognito Ingrid Bergman, Char es Boyer princess who falls in love with a Splendid pe,:torrnan highlight reponer while in Rome. 118 this poig,u,1)1 ,vman between a mins., B&W (1953) refugee doctor and a a111iful PA6204 $19.95 woman · ~ s hi I Naz,s are just a goqs away. 120 mins. GIANT B&W ( 194 Rock Hudson. El,wbetlr Taylor, RP0144 ~ $17.H • James Dean, Rod Taylor Director George Stevens won an WATERLOO BRIDGE Oscar for this raunchy, Vivien Leigh. Rober. Thy/or enthralling family saga set on a A three-hankie 13.11cc, with Texas cattle ranch. A precursor to Leigh as-a-pal ma who marries " Dallas" with excellent perform­ her soldier boy nly t sink into ances by an all-scar cast and prostituuqn,"(hen b • · reponed seven Academy nominations. killed. I~ mlns. B& W ( I 940) including Best Picture. 197 mins. MG30049.J ~ $19.aa• Color ( I956) WA114 14 $29.95 THE LOST MOMENT Robert Cummings, REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE Susan f-layward James Dean, Natalie Wood An obsessed publisher goes to Dean was catapulted to stardom Venice to find long lost love as the quintessential fiflies rebel letters and gets a lot more than in this fascinaling drama about what he bargained for in this l •800•826 •2295 misguided youth. 111 mins. intriguing. romantic thriller. 89 ~Oix.iJC.a,d Color (I 955) mins. B&W ( 1947) Ordm WA 1011 $19.95 RP2448 ~19.95 *BUY NOW! Sale prices good through 9/ 7/ 90 only! FROM HERE TO ETERNITY RAGING BULL Burl umcaster. Deborah Kerr. J! O,car­ this sentimental, much-loved winn ing wri1ing and music. 11 2 mms. B&W (1950) it's 1111dt11iobly true that these are some of rhe ,11_;7004g3 $24.95 portrait of a Norwegian­ masterful directi on by Bil ly mos! memorable dramas ever producer/ by American family. 134 nuns. Wilder. and ,ublimc perform­ B& W ( 1948) ances highlight tlm ,1ory of a THE STING I I ollyw1ood. From laughter, lo rears, ro j11bila1io11 RP7270 $19.95 young Hollywood screenwriter Paul Nrwman. Rohen Redfnrd who pu~ues an aging ty r:mnical Bc,t Picture. Screenplay and - w:t'n, pleased ro prese111 this 1111ique rollecrion of ac tre..,s. Oscar-nominated in eight Director Oscar:-. went to th," categoncs. enthrall ing all the way delightful tale of t\\0 rogscs in films whirh explore !he human ro11di1io11 in through to its shatterin g climax. l\vcntic~ Chica~o who :-i trt gc ;m adversiry cmd triumph. 110 mins. B&W ( 1950) elaborate con JOb. Both set> of PA4927 $ 19.95 blue eyes deliver with a wallo p' 129 mi ns. Color ( I 973) MC66009 $ 19.95 THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS Till THE END OF TIME James S1e"·tlfl. J\,furrar /-lmmlt,m THE HIDING PLACE Jul,e 1/urri,. Eileen llcckarl. Doroth\' McGwn•. (inr A1adisrm. Cinema genius l:l1lly Wilder Rohert ..M itrhum · wrote and d1rec1cd th1:-. stimng i\rrlwr o·comw/1 Drag out the hanlie, for thi, drama of Charle, Lindbergh's The compclhng. su, pen,,e-filled moving drama abou1 three GI~ his1oric intercontincn1al flight to drama of real-life heroine Corrie Ten Boom and her courageous returning from WWII who find Paris. I 35 mins. Color ( 1957) wor~ with the undcr- romance and problems in then W A l1048 $ 19.95 WWll 2.rnund to -.ave Jcw1,h Ii vcs. 127 small town. 105 min,. B&W ~1111,. Color ( 1'175) (19-16) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE2060 $ 19.95 IABY JANE? Rl'82.J8 $19.95 12 ANGRY MEN Beu,, Da,•i.<. }nan Cn111fnrd lle11ry Fnnda. Lee J. Cohn, These great ladie, retumed 10 the TH E LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA WHO'S AFRAID OF £. C Marshall, Jack Warden sc reen in one of the 111os1 talked­ /'1111/ M11111, Joseph Sthild,raur. VIRGINIA WOOL F? Brillian! charac1crization~ and about movies of its day. Davis Gale Sonden,:uard Rirhard Burum, Elt=.ohcth Ta\'lor, superlative d1recrion by Sidne~ plays a demented child .star. tor­ A splendid historica l dra m:, Gcor,-;e Sr,r:al. Sandy Denni~ · Lumct highlights this enthralling menting her crippled .m tcr a, the CHINATOWN ""h1ch \\.-On O!-,<,;ar:) for Bc..;t It\ ho,pi1ahty hell for a young drama of a hung jury on a murder hon·or mounb. lad.. Nu-ho/son. r·a\'e Dmurn·ay, Picture and Screenplay. :is well couple who lllU:'11 h...icn to an all· trial. 95 mins. B& W ( I 957) 132 mins. l:l &W ( 1'1621 .lohn 1/u.,wn as Bc,1 Supportmg honor, for night tirade hetwc-cn thei r ho~h m MGJ0 1270 $29.95 WA1 1051 $ 19.95 r-.om111a1ed for seven Oscars, S,hild~raut as an unjustly con­ director 'v1 ikc Nichol, · America n winner for Best Screenplay. th, ~ dcrnn<.;d man whom Mu111 sels ou t ma,terpiccc. Both Taylor as the spellbinding. supannr Parkrr, Patru la Neal. Ruth Romon Tour dl' forc:e pcrf onnances highlight this mo, ing. tem,aon­ til lcd drama of three mu1hcr, "ailing 10 hear who,e child $22.88' ,ur'w i\.;d a fatal plane cra'.,,h, 98 mins. B&W (1949) Rl'-11 95 $ 19.95 SAN FRANCIS CO ClmJ... (;able. Spn1ccr T,ary. THE WORLD OF SUZIE Jeu1w11, MurDonald WONG T hi, all-:-.tar cl3:-.:-.ic .ibout a 1 Barhar)' Coa,t !-.aloon owner and n 11/imn 1-/oldf•n. l\ancy KHarr h" lady lo ve end, w1 1h an all ­ A :,,plcm.h"e. greed and. hands of director Krng Vidor. trumpet player. I 12 min,. B& W revenge .. Soothem style. 11.J min,. B&W ( 19-19) I 1950) 120 mins. olor ( I96 2) M(;J 0 l77.J $29.95 WA ii 179 $ 19.95 MG200793 ~ $1 7.88" JOHN WAYNE: ALL AMERICAN HERO

THE FIGHTING \Vuh Maureen O'Hara KENTUCKIAN Director John Ford copped the Wirh Vera Rallwn, Oscar for this brawling. O/u•er Hardy boisterous comedy classic about A Kentucky rineman falls in a retired boxer trying to tame a love with a French settler and headstrong Irish lass. 129 min. fends off land-grabbers m a Color (I 952) sprawling frontier classic. RP3363 ~ $17.11• lOO mins. B&W ( 1949) RP1306 $19.95 RIO GRANDE Wuh Mauree11 O'Hara John Ford d1rec1cd this rip­ roaring Western about a cavalry officer who puts his hfe on the line riding against Apaches. l05 min,. B&W ([950) RP3457 $ 19.95

JOHN WAY NE: ALL AMERICAN HERO COLLECTION (3 Cassette Set) Also sold separutely. Order RP7304 Retail: ~ YOlR PRICI,.: $49,81•

ALLEGHENY UPRISING Wirl, Claire Trevor With Ona Munson Well, pilgrim ... you know him as the Duke, the George Satuf{rS A crusading lawyer falls fer his greatest hero H o//ywood ever unleashed on the Dazzling horseman., fp and rous­ arch-enemy"s daughter in this ex­ ing action sequences bring to life c11ing action drama set on the Silver Screen. Whether John Wayne was riding tall this story of prc-Te volutionary Mississippi. 84 mins. B&W Amerii;an rebels.. 80 mins. B&W (1941) in thes addle, leading a battalion behinde nemy lines (1939) RP2248 $17.88 or sweeping a pretty filly offh er feet, he stood in a RP7011 ~ $17.18• class by himself. We're proud to offer our customers THE DUKE LIVES ON This affectionate tribute 10 an his a/I-time best,films that made him a legend and Ameri can legend tells his life story through scenes from his an American hero. greatest movies. 48 mins. Color REAP THE WILD WIND T HE6023 $ 19.95 Wit Ir Ray Milland, Pa11/e11e Goddard EL DORADO Salvage engineers fight the un­ This deluxe rnllcctor set includes RX 10 Gloss} Stills from With Robert Mitchum, tamed sea and each other in this each mov!e! JamesCaan WAKE Of THE RED WITCH Cecil B. de Mille epic. " As jam­ A boisterous, star-studded Wirh Gig Yo1111g packed a motion picture as has Howard Hawks tale of a gun­ Fonune seekers figh t it out over ever played two hours upon a fighter and a drunken sheriff East Indian treasure in this seafar­ screen," said the New York opposing a villamous cattle ing yam, enticingly told in nash­ Herald Tri bune. 124 mins. baron. 126 mins. Color (1966) back. 106 mins. B& W ( 1948) Color ( 1942) PA6625 $19.95 RP4429 $19.95 MC80368 $29,95 "HIGH-HAT" WESTEnN COLLECTION Get ready/or some non-stop action when vou round up some of1he Duke's earliest rough-riding frontier ad1·entures in this must-have special collector's set. FLYING LEATHERNECKS \\ uh Robert R_h/11 BLUE STEEL THE DESERT TRAIL THE MAN FROM UTAH DUKE: The perlonnance, are fir,1-ratc Wit/r "Gabbr" Hayes. Wirlr Pa.,/ Fir. Wal)' Kornman With "Gabby" Hayes, in th1, talc of heroic marines Yakima Ca11ut1 A rodeo rider and his sidekick Polly Ann You11g THE FILMS OF fighting 1he JJpancse. and each When outlaws try to run towns­ become fogi11 ves until they can Wayne·, first Job after being 01her. in war•tom Guadalcanal people off their gold-rich land, find the real crooks and clear made deputy sheriff is 10 uncover 102 mm,. Color ( 1951) ii· s Wayne and pals to the rescue. their names. 57 mins. B&W who·s behind a series oi rodoo JOHN WAYNE THE2075 $ 19.95 55 mins. B&W (1934) ( 1935) deaths. 53 mins. B& V. ( 1934) RP0347 ~ $17.81' RP0994 ~ S17.H• RP2595 ~ $17. I' FORT APACHE SHE WORE A YEllOW H'ith Henn F 1 mdu THE DAWN RIDER LUCKYTEUN 'NEATH THE ARIZONA RIBBON Slur/er Temph• With Yakima Ca111111, Witlr "Gabbv'' HQ)es, SKIES \\ irh Joanr.e Dru ,\n absorh111g. beau1ifull) Manon Bums Barbara Sire/don . \Vair "Gabhv" /laves, The c111cmatography ,-..c-n an pho1og1 aphed John Ford epic When a }Olmg cowboy witnesses Things look r,retty bad for Gabby Sheila Terr;; · Oscar for this 11'cly John Ford frontier , aga nhout an arm) his dad's dealh, he's forced 10 after he discovers gold, then is When outlaws kidnap " young \\ 'e~tcm ~,hout a c.ivalry officer man battling both his famil) choose between revenge and a framed for murder' 55 mins. Indian girl due to inherit oil rich who dcailv \'-t· Adventure and roma nc.':c mccL in 'cm-up about a w..indt.:nng cow­ the rugged Ande., when "n eng1· WAYNE AT WAR 849.88 boy and a ti psy sheriff who mu,t nccr falls in lo ve with the bos ·, keep a gang of outlaws from daughter. 129 mins. Color (1947) BUY ALL ff REE ANO SAVEi overrunning 1hc town. Superb RP7877 ,$.W:'15' $17.88" supponing ca,t. 141 mins. Color ( 1959i TALL IN THE SADDLE THE FIGHTING SHBEES WHEEL OF FORTUNE With S1tancc movement 10 Pearl Harbor. IO I mins play by Eugene O'Keil. l\orm· in the PhJlippi1les. 95 mins. B&W B&W(l942) natcd for four Oscars. including ( 1945) RP1345 $19.9S LADY fOR A NIGHT Best Piclurc. 106 m ins. ll& W RP7041 ~ $17.88" (1940) SANDS OF IWO Jllll lADY FOR A NIGHT WA35076 $ 19.95 With John Agar. IV,th Joan 8/011dell Forrest Tuder Comedy cornhrnes w ith murder WINDS OF THE WASTELAND Stunning. memorable war saga a, gambler Wayne and riverboat \Vu!, Yakima Camm of a hardbitten marine sergeant owner Blo ndell team up to set Two Pony Express riders go 11110 who molds raw reeruils mto Memphis society on ils car. the srngccoa<.:h husinc:-. s. and find Wayne At War tough fighting men. A John 88 mins. U& W ( 1942 ) more excitement than they bar· W ayne cla.ssic. 109 mins. RP2233 $ 17.88 gained for. Rare footage o f a (3 Cassette Set) B&W(l949) very young Wayne teamed with Order RP7303 $49.88 RP35S6 $19.95 Hollywood's rirst superstar (Also sold separately) s1unt111an. 54 mins. 13& \V ( 1936) RP4580 $ 19.95

THE WAR WAGON FLAME OF THE BARBARY With Kirk Dm,!ilas. lloword Keel COAST A top-notch c ast spnnklc, acti on With William Frall'le1 and comedy throughout th,s ra,t­ John Wayne plays D;,ke. a cow­ paccd s10ry of two cowboys out boy in Old San Francisco who to amhush a crooked mincr·s falls for a dancehall queen. The spoils. 99 min,. Color ( 1967) city tumbled. but the nickname MC8Ct01 6 $19.95 stuck' 9 1 mins. B&W ( 1945) R Pl325 $ 19.95 THE AlAMO DARK COMMAND Wah Richard Widmar~. Wirh Clai/'l' 'f'rt• ,·or. Roy Ro!!ers Lt111r,•1u-(' Ha, \ "l'\" IN HARMS WAY A <.:o uragcou~ sheriff ,;;tand:-. up Wayne produ~ecl. chrected and Wah Kirk Douglas. Patricia Neal to Q uantrell's Kaiders 111 Civil starred in this majestic epic \Var· lorn Kansas. 95 rnins. Action spectac ular recounting the masterpiece about the ill-fated B&W (1940) days after Pearl Harbor also stars defenders of the Alamo. featun~g K1'0881 $ 19.95 Burgess Mere dith. Stanley Ho l­ some of the best battle sequences loway. Henry Fonda, Dana An­ ever fi lmed. Nomin ated for scv~n drews. Hugh O'Brien. Carroll Oscars includ ing Best Picture. O'Connor. S li m Picken. and legemfary frontier director Johr Ltrry Hagman. 167 mins. B&W Ford called it "the greatest picture ( 1965) l'n:: ever ~een". 173 min~. Cu,or PA6418 $29.95 (1960) :\1G30156 1 $29.'15 THE SEARCHERS With Natalie Wood, TRUE GRIT Jeffrey lltmrer With Kim /)arhy. Glen Campbdl Intense revenge dra,na pi ts a ~llll!\ i:-. the Duke·s Oscar·winning Confederate war hero .:1ga in M 1hc role of a lifetunc: Roos1er band of Indians who murdered Cogbum. the one-eyed, bootc· his brother and kidnapped his swilling. cantankerous ma"hall niece. Sterling John Ford who reluctantly a,d, a sassy girl direction. 119 mins. Color (1956) in avenging her father·s dc.alh. WA l012 $19.95 128 mins. Color ( 1969) PA6833 $ 17.88

THE COWBOYS With Roscoe Lee 1/roll'ne. DONOVAN'S REEF Bruce /)ern With Lee Mornn. Jack Warden Deserted by h is ranch l •800•826·2295 Good-humored roughhousing hands. John Wayne with Wayne'" a WW II vet trying enlists 11 fci , ty young· 10 sculc down on a South Seas is· ster:,, l o dn vc his cattle ~ land. G uided by the sure hand of over a rugged 400 director John Forti. I 08 mins. mile trai I. 128 mins. Customer Sen'icc (2 /3) 888-2229 Color (1963) Color ( 1972) (No Collect Calla. 1ilrase) PA6220 $ 19.'15 WA l l2 13 $19.95 THE PHANTOM EMPIRE Gene Awry The first sci-fi serial of the sound era features th e Singing Cowboy bauling evil robots. mad scientists and unearthly RIDES AGAIN terrors. 250 mins. B&W (1935) Clay1011 Moore, Undo Srirling. RN24ll $29.95 Roy Barcrofr Released 10 commemorate the THE PURPLE MONSTER 100th anniversary of the outlaw's STRIKES birth, this action-pacl;cd serial delivers fronne ailventure so terrific, it inspire"jugate RP5001 $29.95 mankind wil~ ,h i · ,cial MYSTERIOUS DR. SATAN thunderbolt.,,-OOmms. B&W THE CRIM$0N GHOST Edward Cianelli, Robert Wilcox UDAR MENIJROM THE MOON (1939) Charles Quigley. Clayron Moore An evil genius creates a super­ George Wallace. Aline Towne RP1303 ~ $24.H• Mastennind criminologist powered mechanical man: can , "Sky Marshal Duncan Richards goes head 10 The Copperhead stop his of the Universe," pits his KING OF THE ROCKETMEN head against his arch-nemesis, nefarious scheme? 266 mins. strength against an invading Trisrram Coffin, Mae Clarke The Crimson Ghosl. 164 mins. B&W (1940) lunar anny. 167 mins. B&W Diabolical Dr. Vulcan and his B&W(i946) RP2835 $29.95 (1952) cadre of espionage agents arc RP0775 $29.95 RPS043 $29.95 determined 10 take over a vital research facility. Can the DAREDEVILS OF THE RED Rocketmen foil his plans in CIRCLE William Forrest. Tom Sreel time? 176 mins. B&W (1949) Charles Quigley, Herman Brix, The fearless enemy of foreign RP7322 $29.95 Caro/ Landis saboleurs outwits Sakima, the A hardened ex-con has assumed Japanese masterspy. 198 mins. NYOKA AND THE TIGERMEN the identity of h,s millionaire B&W (1943) Kay Aldrige. Clayron Moore kidnap victim. Can three brnve RP5035 $29.95 Adventurous girl explorer young athletes stop his MANHUNT IN THE Nyoka battles an Arabian evildoing? 211 mins. B&W AFRICAN JUNGLE RETURN OF CHANDU princess and her band of (1939) Rod Cameron. Duncan Renaldo Bela Lugosi, Maria A/ha cuuhroats for possession of the RP5009 $29.95 This is where Indiana Jones got Lugosi is perfect as Chandu the fabled Tablets of Hippocrntes. his inspiration: Watch a U.S. Magician. who risks life and 261 mins. B&W ( 1942) SON OF ZORRO G-MEN VS. THE BUCK Secret Service agent on a thri II­ limb 10 save his be,1 friend from RPS037 $29.95 George Turner. Peggy Srewart DUGON packed quest for a sacred anifac1. a supernatural cult. Mastered A returning Civil War hero dons Rod Cameron. Roland Gor, going up against the Nazis in from the original film negative, the costume of his ancestor to Consrance Worth Arab territory. 243 minutes. 12 chapters. 206 mins. B&W banle the outlaws who have A classic, thrill-a-minute serial B&W (1943) ( 1934) overrun his beloved South. that packed a palrioLic punch in RP5033 $29. 95 RN2416 $29.95 181 mins. B&W (1947) wartime, Amtrica. Ba;eii on the RP5046 $29.95 efforts of a n:a\-life Axis spy ring SHADOW OF TIE EAGLE ZOMBIES Of THE intent on cri~pLing the V,S. war John Wayne. Dororhy Gulli>'er STUTOSPHERE effort. the action never stops as Outrageous fun and action as a Judd /Joldren. leonard Nimoy Kane Richmond. Som Flim our rugged hero fights the young Duke baules The Eagle, a The Interplanetary Patrol baules Will our hero un ask 'fhe Mask. diabolical plans of the crafty criminal mastermind who's an anny of supernatural beings or will the Nazis ri1eJi;s 10 his terrorists. 243 mins. B&W ( 1942) kidnapped a scientisl and a top­ for control of planet Earth. hair-raising adventures? RP l455 $29.95 secret weapon. 12 chapters. 167 mins. B&W (1952) 215 min,;. B&W (1942) 226 mins. B&W (1932) RP5052 $29.95 RP7750 ~ $24.H• KING OF THE TEW RANGERS RN2415 $29.95 JUNIOR G-MEN PERILS OF THE DARKEST The Dead End Kids JUNGLE The Little Tough Guys Allan lane, Linda Slirling ;oin forces with the ~ Follow the beautiful jungle Dead End Kids and goddess and her great white the FBI 10 foil hunter as they banle oil profiteers international terrorists to save the peaceful natives. and save the free 196 mins. B&W (1941) world. 250 mins. RP3195 $29.95 B&W (1940) RN24 12 $29.95 DR. STRANGELOVE Pe1,•r St>l/en. Gem gr C Sn,11 l)ircc1or Sianlcy Kubric k·, black comedy cl:1:-.~1c aboul a ,nad l i S gcn~ral who launchc.:.., a nudc:1r atwd. on Ru..,-,ia. 93 min,. B& W ( 1963) CO60172 $19.95

SERGEANT YORK CASABLANCA ( ;ar_, Coop<'r. } 0 1111 Lnlit• J·/umphn•y BoJ,:aJ'I. A Be,1 Actor O:.( ar (oui uf eight ln~rul Bergman nominations) wem lo Cooper for An immorrnl clasl)ic 1hat ngh1ly hi, ,1irring po11r.1yal o f a ,implc deserve, ih place; as. one of GONE WITH THE WIND fanncr who becomes a war hero. Ho ll ywood·~ tnOl)l out~t.anding Clark (;,,hit . \ ·n·,en L<'tl!h . 0/i\ ia d, 1/a\'lllund Le-\·lte 1/owwd An unforgettahh: cinema utas, i1.: CITIZEN KANE achievemc111s. \Vinncr of Besl Pu.:t urc. Screenplay and Director Call 11 :1 wmantu.: drama. a 'J\',--C'-.'.pmg h1•aorn:al cptt. Or' evcrl the I l-l m11is. B&W ( 194 1) Or.1011 \\'('/fc.1 . Jo,ep/J COi/i'ii Academy Awarc..1.., . 102 m ins l·ulmmation of an era. bu1 in I tJ19_ America called it ···n1c Grc,uest MGJ0l758 $2~.95 Con:-.i,trin11) named the tx!~t B&W ( 1943) \101iun P1(.:turc ~-\c1 M,tdl..':· Jnd ~·vcn no\,. fe\, t:ould Mguc with American film of all tune. thb M(;20l26-I $29.95 th.11 \Vinncr of ten J\t;,1rlt:my Aw,m.t, includrnµ 8c1,;t Picture, bold. look at :1 Diic<.:tor. Sncc11pl~,>- .t\ctr\,.." '-'· Jnd Support111g: l\t:ln.·,,. the h(')opla WINGS nrw,papcr magnate i:-. nothmg \ivt·s on\\ ith ;1 ,p,.:ci:1! l.imitccl EU11ion \'ide-o to c-Cl~hrntt GW1W\ ( ·tam flow. Chart, s Buddy :-.hort of bnlhanl a, Welle:-. dirt:ch )0th .inni,cr,an ~1.t,h.·red fr6n1 a ni:w . totall) it..·,torcd print ,vith Rogl'f\, J< idturictu 11>. 8 0,1 Supp<.1ni ng 1melc,~ mov1c ma,acrp1ccc. 99 Aclor S 1~1gcy and Pmticr tear up min, . B&W ( 1939) 1hc screen as a bigo,~d sheriff WAJ5078 S19.95 and a black_ man fo re<:d to work 1og.c1h..:r in a murder ..:a,c. THE MALTESE FALCON TWO WAYS TO ENJOY WAYNE 109 111 ins. Color ( 19671 1/umplrrey /Josurt. M ury As-U>r MG201265 ~ $17.88' The ultimate who-dun-ii and SANDS OF IWO JIMA where-is-it, avap ablc 11\ origmal B&W or ,n fu 1 color! Bogie s John Wa wll'.Forn·st 711c/ TO Kill A MOCKINGBIRD Sam S pade \s brilliant. aided by D..1kc at ii i-.; 1110,1 m;,.u:ho. hul lct ( ;r('~c,rv P('{ J... Brock P,•tt~r., John I lu~u.,11·:, pri~elc,~ )Crecn­ bi tin£ hc.;1 a, a .\.brin e..: ,erg.cant Nonnniltcd for 7 Academv play and flawless direction. molding r~1w rct:rui t:-. into fig.hti11g A"ar£'rI t\rmstro111:. Fa_\ Hruy Laughton's mfmnous Captain and we will credi t the full purchase price. replace it. The t\\O learls s11.zlc 111 hi, \Vtwn 1h1!-- bc.l."lt c:1mc to 1own. Bligh. Franchot Tone as the c l,-.,ic su,pen,o thriller of the whole world up and haples!-1 v1c1im of circum~t;mct!, or make a refund . adultery, murder and h)\ c in the not1<"cd.A mi,ade of iric k and Gable as the fi rst mate who af1cmoo11 . 113 mins . ll&W phowgraphy and .,uspcnsc I I 00 takes command. 135 mins. CunomaSenia (.!/3,XX.'\-12!9 (,\ OC0/lt11Calkplrme1 (194 6) muh B&W (l913) B&W ( 1935) *BUY NOW! Sale prices good through 9/ 7/ 90 only! i\l G.10 1001 $29.

BUSTER KEATON COMEDY CLASSICS BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE COLLEGE STEAMBOAT BILL JR. THE HLLOONATIC/ BMGKlf{\WK PAID BLACKHAWK With Ann Cornwall With Ernest Torrence ONE WEEK Ttt E V I OE O CO L L ECT O R 'S CH O I CE Keaton is hilarious as a Keaton's comic brilliance Buster Keoron FILMS nebbish college kid who shines in his dead-pan por­ Two superb examples of 5959 Triumph Sr:=c Joins the football team and trayal of a steamboat captain. Buster Kea Ions· deadpan Commerce, CA. 90040-1688 miraculously wins the day Concains the (amous "falling comedy on one video­ and the girl. Among his bu~ding fron1• scene, with tape. THE very best films! 60 mins. organ score by Gaylord BALLQONATIC (1923, B&W (1927) Silent <;:nrtef. 71 mins. B&W 28 minS.) is a rare solo 8H9154 $19.95 (I 928) Silent outing for Keaton. while BH80847 $19.95 ONE WEEK (1920. THE GENERAL 20 mins.) co-stars Sybil With Morion Mack. THE BLACKSMITH/COPS Seely as Keaton· s new Frank Barnes Busrer Keaton wife. B&W Silent The lase great feature Another bcllybusting double BH9056 $19.95 comedy before talkies, feat ure wilh the great Buster **************** 5-D\C\l 8{)'\22 Keaton wrote and direct­ Keaton. In THE BLACK­ ed chis side-spliuing Civil SMITH (1922). he mines the TBH7 War spoof. his most fam­ humor from the venerable ous work. Rated among poem about a village smithy. ~AV~AN L. SAPPINCTON the top silent films ever COPS ( 1922) finds Buster OR tURRENl RES\DENl made, with piano score trying uproariously to I by William Perry. impress his fiancee. 4159 E EASlER AUE 76 mins. B&W (1927) 38 mins. B&W Silent BUSTER KEATON Silent 180613 $19.95 COMEDY CLASSICS LITTLETON~ CO 80122 180894 $19.95 (5 Cassette Set) Order BHOOI Also sold separately. Retail:~ YOUR PRICE: $79,88•

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