IOYS TOWN THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY Now you can getthehottestnew releases andthe Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney BROWN Tracy won his second Best Actor Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell best ofthe classics for even less. We've lowered Oscar for his portrayal of Father Reynolds sparkles in this theprice on dozens ofyourfavori tefilms , so we Flanagan and Rooney is superb in exuberant musical comedy about this poignant classic that remains a down-home orphan who marries can offer you even greater savings than ever one of the best-loved movies of well and bursts into stuffy Denver all time. 93 mins. B&W (1938) society. 128 mins. Color ( 1964) before. So whetheryou 're looking/or a timeless MG20385l $19.95 MG600578 $19.95 collectibleoracontemporaryclassic, we'vegot ll'll.ill.11 KAJHli£'i GEENA Hlllr . TL'AA':R . DIVIS Greer Garson, \Valier Pidgeon hundreds ofHollywood's finest fi lms toc hoose The uplifting story of an English THE housewife·s experiences in World from. Andnow 's the pe1fect time to buy those ACCIDENTAL War II, winner of seven Academy TOURIST Awards including Best Picture movies you always wanted to own for a price and Best Actress. 134 mins. B&W (1942) you can't afford to miss.* MG300804 $ 19.95 HBOTI IND COSTELLO IN GAY DIVORCEE HOLLYWOOD Fred Allaire, Ginger Rogers COVER GIRL B11d Abbo11, lo11 Cosrello Sheer poetry in motion--"Night Rira Hayworth, Gene Kelly The hilarity never SIO~ when and Day .. an incomparable dance Lively Kem and Gershwin tunes, these twQ zany bumblers play of seduction, "The Continental" a fabulous dance numbers and Hollywood agent<, that wreak dJeam you wish would never end. costume, to die for highlight this havoc at a film studio. One of Fred and Ginger are at their best j glamorous wartime musical. their bigges1 budget films for in this witty musical comedy NEVER BEFORE AVAILABLE some of their biggest all-time masterpiece. 107 mins. B&W ON VIDEOCASSETI'E. laughs. 76 mins. B&W (1953) (1934) 107 mins. Color (1944) MG500079 $24.95 THE6092 $19.95 - C090413 $19.95 IHE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST DIE HIRD THE BIRTH OF A NATION William H11rt, Karhleen Turner. MOONSTRUCK Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia Ul/ian Gish, Mae Marsh, Oee11aDavis Cher, Nicholas Cage An edge-of-your-scat action llenry Wallace Take a trip to hearrwarming Cher's Best Actress and thriller that rockets -1long like a A collector·s must. a legend in hilarity wi h a travel writer whose Olympia Dukakis· Best runaway r0ller-COOJ\ter about American cinema. D.W. o)rderly hfe disintegrates when Supponing performances terrorists wh() sei,ze n building, Griffith ·s epic tale of two his wife leaves and ditty dog highlight this irresistible Oscar­ with Willi as the only guy who families surviving the Civil War trainer Davis (in a Best winning Screenplay or contem­ can stop them. A hean-stopping remains a milestone in movie Supponing Oscar-winning role) porary romance. Cher's finest must for action fans. 132 mins. history. 185 mins. B&W (1915) waltzes in. 121 mins. Color hour as she's Caged by an ardent Color (I 988) Silent (1988) suitor. l03 mins. Color ( I 987) LETHAL WEAPON 2 TWl666 $19.95 UH9092 $29.95 WA11825 $19.95 MG901135 $19.95 Mel Gibson, Danny Glover Buddy cops Riggs and Munaugh HEDDA HOPPER'S are two drop-dead funny guys, HOLLYWOOD but one of tl)em is lethal in this The glitz and glamour of Tinsel power-packed. thrjll-a-rinute Town in ir's heydey is explored action ~ uel that is pure dyna­ in t\lis fascinating 6-part program mite. 114 mins. Color ( 1989) that takes an inside h;>ok at Holly­ WA 1187f/ $24.95 THE BEST OF GART &lfACALL wood circa 1941 and '42. A #1if Blackh~wk exclusive! THE MANCHURIAN THE IIG SLEEP 10 NAVE AND NAVE NOT RPIO SJ.11"5 $17.11• CANDIDATE With Martha Vickers Wirh Waller Brennan Frank Sinarra, Laurence Harvey. Take Bogie as hard-boiled private Bacall's film debut opposite II Angela l..ansbury eye Philip Marlowe, add new Bogie resulted in sexual tension Clara Bow, Gary Cooper A movie so shcx;ltj ng ft was wife Bacall for sexual chemistry, you could cut with a knife m this Whatever " IT ' was. Bow had pulled frpm d1s1rll)utio11 for 25 blend well with wit. suspense and sizzling WWII classic of French plenty and the audiences couldn't years, and becl1{1le a Clijt hit the murder-and you get one of lhe Resistance and romance scripted get enough of "TT' in this fast second time around. Can a war most brilliant thrillers Hollywood by Faulkner and directed by and funny sjlcn~ classic on how hero be brainwashed into becom­ ever concocted. I \4 mins. B&W Howard Hawks. 101 m,ns. lo hook a man with sex appeal. ing a merciless assassin? ( 1946) B&W ( 1945) Now available on video for the 126 mins. B&W (1962) MG201378 ~ $1 7.88• MG600747 $24.95 fmt time in years! 72 mins. MG801369 ~ $17.11• B&W (1927) Sil.ent BR9404 $24.95 TARZAN THE APE MAN Wi1h Claire Trel'or, Johnny Weism11/ler. /:..dM.·ard G. Rob111son YOUNG Al HEART Ma11ree11 O'Sullivan Gangster Edward G. has the Doris Day, Frank Sina1ra, Tarzan nexes and Jane swoons in guns but Bogie·s got Bacall in BEST OF BOGART & E1hel Barrymore nearly-naked, pre-Hays Office this stunning John llu,ton BACALL COLLECTION "An old-fashioned treat'· is what jungle designer duds in this thnller of a war veteran who (3 Cassette Set) film critic Leslie HaUiwell calls timeless tale or a guy and a girl goes up against mobs1er.; in the Order MG200 this sweet story of a small-town swinging Qff into the sunset. Horida Keys. 101 mins. B&W Also sold separately. music teacher and his four Non-stop action, non-stop enjoy­ (1948) Retail:~ daughters. 117 mins. Color ment! 99 mins. B&W (1932) MG201437 $19.95 YOt t..: l'RI• I : $59.88• ( 1954) MG500043 Retail: ~ RP4706 $19.95 YOUR PRICE: $24.11* CYRANO DE BERGERAC Jo.fe l·errer . i\-lala Powers Ferrer won the Bes\ Aclllr Q...,c:u Boh Hoskins. as a I}"' phi losopher who writes Christopher Lloyd love lcuers for ,1 friend 10 a People and Toons live side by woman he lo,ves himself. A side in this hilarious tale of a ~upcrb, cln!!,) 10 romance. funny bunny. a hot babe and 112 mins. B&W (1 950) a pri vate eye in a triangle of Rros22 ~ $19.aa· trouble. An extraord inary cinematic achievement. THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS 104 mins. Color ( 1988) Mar/011 Brando. Maria Sc/111e1der WD940 $22.'IS This steamy shocker by © The Wall Disney Company Banolucci about a middle-aged man and a French nymphcl in a doomed romance has los1 some of 11s mos1 graphic moments. but none of its impact in Lhis high­ voltage R-ra 1cd ve rsion. 129 mins. Color ( I 972) MC.30 179 1 $24.95 DANGEROUS LIAISONS Glenn Close. John Malkori,·h. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA Michelle Pfeiffer Perer O'Toole. Alec G11i1111es, Brilhant pcrfomrnnccs highlight Winner of seven Q...,car" this contemJX>rary masterpiece of including Best Picture. d1rcc1or lust. 18th cemury style, in which David Lean has restored 35 1nin..... decadence is divine and of previously CUI footage for an sed uction is the bcsr revenge. unforgeuablc ae1ion-advcn1ure of Winner o f 3 Oscars for Be,t W,1/iam //olden. Kim Novak, Rosalind Russell, A rrhur O 'C,mnell even greater majestic propor­ Adap1ed Screenplay. Art AV A ILABLE AT LAST ON VIDEO, a spellbinding classic of tions. 2 16 min,. Color (1962) Direction and Costumes. it is romance and longing in a small 1own one ho! summer night. Holden CO50 136 $29.95 no1hing short of spellbinding! and Novak- ac1ually the whole cast, are mesmerizing. the photogra­ 120 min,. Color ( 1988) phy, the script and the music- pure magic. h 's 1101 as good as you MILDRED PIERCE W/\11 872 $19.95 remember- it's even beuer. 113 mins. Color ( 1956) loon Crm,ford, Bruce Bennett (;0906 13 $19.95 Nominated for six 0.scars THE QUIET MAN including Best Picture, Crawford John lVawtt·. Maun•en O'llara copped Best Actress honors for Director ·John f ord copped 1hc her gripping portrayal of a Oscar for th i~ brawling. SINGIN' IN THE RAIN devoted mother whose sacrifices bo1s1erous co1ncdy cla.ssic abou1 Gene Kellr, Donald O'Co1111nr, lead 10 tragedy in 1his supe,b a retired ho~e( trying,10 tame a Dei>b,e R;_11wlds cla,sic melodra ma. I ) 2 min!-.. headstrong lrish Ja,s. 129 min,. A brilliant comic musical. Dear Custom U&W ( 1945) Color ( I952) considered by many tu be the bc;1 ers: 111 llollywood his1ory. chock-full MG30 11.i2 ~ $24.aa· RPJ36J ~ $17.88• of 1crrific number,, shining Spring fever is . pcrfom1ances and some of the Blackhawk,,.... in the air and Tl , most hilariou~ dialogue e\'cr W ' ...,ala/og 'it ff I i t !)pokcn in a mu~ical. e ve combed th . a u1s c11 ugh1 it' 102 min,. Color (1952) in Hollywood I be _v aults of ever)' stud.. MG600185 $19.95 o nng · 10 re 1ease s on vidc . you the hottest n . to ocasse11e b e\.v HOW THE WEST WAS WOH make room fio h.. ut now we h l-l<'llf)' Fonda. Jame.f Steinut. rt em,., a~ Gre,:~ny PecA be tter way t I . vvc can't th ' k .
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