Ms Lauren Harris Email:
[email protected] Our ref: 2650765 Date: 2 July 2019 Dear Ms Harris Freedom of Information Act 2000 I can confirm that the information requested is held by Central Bedfordshire Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. Information requested is as set out below. Please note that this information can change; it is provided as is current today, 2nd July 2019. I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act to obtain information regarding School Cluster Groups and/or Federations of schools within the local authority. I would appreciate the following information please: Q1. Names of Cluster Groups and Federations Q2. Which Schools are in each Cluster/Federation Q3. The name of the lead School with in each Cluster or Federation if possible. A1-3. Names of Cluster Groups and Federations Biggleswade cluster – Lead: Cathy Smart Schools in this cluster: Biggleswade Academy, Caldecote CE Academy, Dunton VC Lower, Edward Peake Middle, Lawnside Lower, Northill VA Lower, Potton Lower, Potton Middle, St. Andrew’s Lower (East and West), Stratton Upper, Sutton Lower, Wrestlingworth Lower Biggleswade Academy member of Life Academies Trust Caldecote CE Academy – Diocese of St Albans MAT Dunton VC Lower -Federation of Dunton and Wrestlingworth LS Lawnside Lower - BEST Potton Lower – The Pinnacle Trust, Potton Federation Potton Middle – The Potton Federation Stratton Upper – Stratton Education Trust Wrestlingworth Lower - Federation of Dunton and Wrestlingworth